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Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006858


Objective@#To investigate the clinical effects of sinus elevation surgery and implant restorationdue to insufficient bone massafter tooth extraction in patients with odontogenic maxillary sinusitis (OMS) and to provide a reference for use in clinical practice.@*Methods@#This study was reviewed and approved by the Ethics Committee, and informed consent was obtained from the patients. Forty-five teeth were extracted from patients with OMS in the maxillary posterior area (the study group). Sinus elevation and implantation were performed due to insufficient bone height in the implant area 6-8 months after tooth extraction in the study group. Forty-eight teeth were extracted from patients without "OMS" in the maxillary posterior area (the control group), and sinus elevation and implantation were performed due to insufficient bone height in the implant area 6-8 months after tooth extraction inthe control group. In the study group, 13 cases of discontinuous maxillary sinus floor bone and residual alveolar bone height of the maxillary sinus floor less than 4 mm were addressed with lateral wall sinus elevation, and the other 32 cases were addressed with crest-approach sinus elevation. In the control group, 8 cases of residual alveolar bone height less than 4 mm in the maxillary sinus floor were addressed with lateral wall sinus,and the other 40 cases were addressed with crest approach sinus elevation. Restorations were placed 6 to 8 months after surgery. The patients were followed up 21 days, 3 months, and 8 months after implantation and every 6 months after the placement of the restorations. The sinus bone gain (SBG), apical bone height (ABL) and marginal bone loss (MBL) were statistically analyzed 24 months after the restoration.@*Results@#The average preoperative mucosal thickness in the 45 patients in the study group was (1.556 ± 0.693) mm, which was significantly larger than that in the control group (1.229 ± 0.425) mm (P<0.001). There were no perforations in either group. Twenty-four months after restoration, there was no significant difference in the SBG, ABH or MBL between the two groups (P>0.05).@*Conclusion@#After the extraction of teeth from patients with OMS, the inflammation of the maxillary sinus decreased, and the bone height and density in the edentulous area were restored to a certain degree. The effects of sinus floor lifting surgery and implant restoration do not differ between patients with and without OMS.

Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 2(58): 115-134, maio-ago. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1390941


A reabilitação de maxila atrófica se apresenta ainda nos dias de hoje como um desafio anatômico/fisiológico para os profissionais da área odontológica que visam buscar a instalação de implantes para futuras reabilitações protéticas, tendo em vista o grau de dificuldade de reconstituição do rebordo alveolar perdido. Com o intuito de reabilitar essas maxilas frente às adversidades, diferentes técnicas são propostas tais como enxertos ósseos autógenos, homógenos, substitutos ósseos alógenos, xenógenos e aloplásticos e suas respectivas técnicas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi apresentar um relato de caso clínico, no qual duas técnicas de reconstituição de rebordo alveolar de hemi-arco foram realizadas na mesma maxila utilizando biomaterial em bloco, visando comparar os resultados histológicos e clínicos. Após 5 meses da realização da enxertia, foi coletado material dos enxertos alveolares bilateralmente utilizando-se brocas trefinas para estudo histológico. Através da metodologia empregada, pode-se observar maior formação de estrutura óssea no lado em que foi praticada a metodologia transplantes celular odontológico (TCO), que preconiza a associação de sangue medular mandibular ao biomaterial, em relação a técnica contralateral em que utilizou a metodologia convencional, que preconiza a associação ao biomaterial do sangue periférico. Pode-se observar através da metodologia empregada que a utilização de biomateriais potencializados com sangue medular mandibular apresentou maior crescimento de estrutura óssea, incrementando em torno de 35% a mais na neoformaçã osso vital.

The rehabilitation of atrophic maxilla is still presented today as an anatomical/physiological challenge for professionals in the dental field who aim to seek the installation of implants for future prosthetic rehabilitations, in view of the degree of difficulty in reconstituting the lost alveolar ridge. In order to rehabilitate these jaws in the face of adversity, different techniques are proposed such as autogenous, homogenous bone grafts, allogeneic, xenogenous and alloplastic bone substitutes and their respective techniques. The aim of this study was to present a clinical case report, in which two hemi-arch alveolar ridge reconstruction techniques were performed in the same maxilla using biomaterial en bloc, in order to compare the histological and clinical results. After 5 months of grafting, material was collected from the alveolar grafts bilaterally using trephine burs for histological study. Through the used methodology, it was possible to see greater bone formation of structure on the side in which the dental cell transplantation (TCO) methodology was practiced, which advocates the association of mandibular medullary blood to the biomaterial, in relation to the contralateral technique in which the methodology was used conventional method, which advocates the association with peripheral blood biomaterial. It can be observed through the used methodology that the use of biomaterials potentiated with mandibular medullary blood showed greater growth of bone structure, increasing around 35% more in the neoformation of vital bone.

Humanos , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Materiais Biocompatíveis , Regeneração Óssea , Implantes Dentários , Transplante Ósseo , Maxila
Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 17(1): 80-90, ene.-feb. 2018. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-901801


Introducción: Las elevaciones del seno maxilar traen consigo modificaciones anatómicas, que pueden influir en su funcionabilidad. Objetivo: Caracterizar clínica y anatómicamente las elevaciones sinusales realizadas y su repercusión en el éxito de los implantes posicionados. Material y Método: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, prospectivo en 56 pacientes sometidos a elevaciones sinusales en el período comprendido desde enero 2013-enero 2015 con criterios de inclusión debidamente establecidos, en la Facultad de Estomatología Raúl González Sánchez. Cada paciente se sometió a interrogatorio, examen clínico y al análisis ortopantomográfico previo al tratamiento, y a los 6, 12, 18 y 24 meses de la intervención. Se analizaron las variables edad, sexo, distribución topográfica, técnica quirúrgica implementada, material de relleno, altura sinusal, nivel óseo y complicaciones. Resultados: Predominaron pacientes del sexo femenino (60,7 por ciento), con edades comprendidas entre 30-39 años (60,7 por ciento). La tasa total de éxito a 2 años de implantación dental fue 92,1 por ciento. La reducción final en altura sinusal promedio en técnica de ventana lateral fue la mayor (10,1 mm). La mejor relación altura injerto-longitud de implante se obtuvo con beta fosfato tricálcico (1,66). La perforación de membrana menor de 5mm fue la complicación transoperatoria más registrada (28,6 por ciento). Conclusiones: La técnica de ventana lateral exhibe mejores resultados en la reducción de la altura sinusal. El relleno con betafosfato tricálcico muestra mejor relación altura de injerto-longitud del implante. Los resultados de reducción en altura se mantienen estables tras 12 meses y la perforación de membrana sinusal es la complicación más usual(AU)

Introduction: Elevations of the maxillary sinus lead to anatomical modifications, which can influence on its function. Objective: To characterize sinus elevations from the clinical and anatomical point of view, and comment on their impact on the success of positioned implants. Material and Method: A descriptive prospective study was conducted in 56 patients who underwent sinus elevations with very well established inclusion criteria in Raúl González Sánchez Faculty of Odontology from January 2013 to January 2015. Each patient was interviewed, and submitted to a clinical exam. Also, an orthopantomography analysis was made before treatment, and 6, 12, 18, and 24 months after the intervention. Variables such as age, sex, topographic distribution, implemented surgical technique, padding material, sinus height, bone level, and complications were analyzed. Results:Female patients predominated (60,7 percent), aging from 30-39 years (60,7 percent). The overall success rate at 2 years following implantation was 92,1 percent. The final reduction of average sinus height with the lateral window technique was the highest (10,1 mm). The best relationship in terms of height and length of graft was obtained with beta-tricalcium phosphate (1,66). Membrane perforation smaller than 5mm was the most recorded intraoperative complication (28,6 percent). Conclusions: The lateral window technique exhibits better results in the reduction of sinus height. Padding with beta-tricalcium phosphate shows a better relationship in terms of height and length of graft. The results in height reduction are stable after 12 months, and sinus membrane perforation is the most common complication(AU)

Humanos , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Implantação Dentária/métodos , Levantamento do Assoalho do Seio Maxilar/métodos , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Estudos Prospectivos , Estudos Longitudinais
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 10(3): 373-380, dic. 2016. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-840984


La hidroxiapatita (HA) es un componente mineral del hueso. Se ha comercializado la HA sintética o aloplástica en forma porosa o no porosa, densa y reabsorbible o no reabsorbible. Se utiliza como injerto óseo dada sus propiedades osteoconductivas y estimuladoras de proliferación celular generando así condiciones favorables para la regeneración tisular. El objetivo de éste trabajo es evaluar la efectividad del tratamiento con HA en cirugías de implantes dentales e injertos óseos. Se realizó una revisión sistemática. Se revisó ensayos clínicos sobre cicatrización y los injertos de HA sintética en Pubmed, Cochrane Library, Google Académico, Blackwell y Ebsco. Los criterios de selección son pacientes candidatos a tratamientos de defectos periodontales o rehabilitación con implantes dentales, sin alteraciones sistémicas de importancia. La estrategia se resume en los siguientes puntos: Identificación del problema, Identificación de términos de búsqueda, Búsqueda sistemática, Selección de artículos mediante utilización de guías de análisis crítico, Incorporación de la información al REVMAN®, Análisis de sesgos y Meta análisis. Al evaluar el metaanálisis se observa que la HA es efectiva para la cicatrización de injerto óseo. Cuando se omiten los estudios de bajo peso, la medida de resumen se mantiene en la HA. El tratamiento con HA en la cicatrización ósea y de implantes dentales resulta positivo y con una alta tasa de éxito en el largo plazo aunque su rango de efectividad varía con los materiales a los cuales ésta se asocie.

Hydroxyapatite (HA) is a mineral component of bone. Hydroxyapatite has been marketed as synthetic or alloplastic, porous or nonporous, dense and resorbable or non-resorbable form. It is used as bone graft due to its osteoconductive properties and stimulation of cell proliferation, generating favorable conditions for tissue regeneration. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment with HA in dental implant surgeries and bone grafts. We conducted a systematic review. Clinical trials on healing and graft of synthetic hydroxyapatite were reviewed in PubMed, Cochrane Library, Google Scholar, Blackwell and Ebsco. The selection criteria was: patient candidates for treatment of periodontal defects or rehabilitation with dental implants without significant systemic abnormalities. The strategy is summarized in the following: Identification of the problem, identifying search terms, systematic search and selection of articles by using critical analysis guides, Incorporating REVMAN ® information, unbiased analysis, and Meta-analysis. Assessing the meta-analysis shows that the HA is effective for healing bone graft. When omitting low weight studies, the summary measure remains in the HA. Treatment with HA in bone healing and dental implants, is positive with a high rate of success in the long term, although its effective range varies according to the materials to which it is associated.

Humanos , Implantação Dentária/métodos , Durapatita/administração & dosagem , Levantamento do Assoalho do Seio Maxilar/métodos , Cicatrização/efeitos dos fármacos , Transplante Ósseo/métodos
Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 53(4): 245-255, oct.-dic. 2016.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-844838


Introdução: regeneração óssea da região posterior da maxila, é um recurso importante para possibilitar a localização correta dos implantes e assim permitir uma adequada reabilitação protética. Várias técnicas cirúrgicas são relatadas, desde a forma de acesso ao seio, elevação da membrana de Schneider e preenchimento da cavidade. Objetivo: abordar os recursos que vem sendo utilizados na cirurgia de regeneração óssea da região posterior da maxila bem como a efetividade dos métodos aplicados. Métodos: foi realizada uma busca eletrônica da literatura, nas bases de dados LILACS, MEDLINE e BBO de estudos publicados na língua inglesa e portuguesa. Como critérios de inclusão foram considerados artigos entre o ano 2000 e 2014, sendo que as palavras chaves que orientaram a busca foram: maxillary bone regeneration, Schneiderian membrane, maxillary sinus lift. Foram obtidos 1 529 artigos, dos quais selecionados 27 artigos relevantes para o estudo em questão. Como critérios de exclusão foram eliminados artigos no qual se encontravam no ano abaixo de 2008 e que fugiam do assunto em questão. Análises e integração da informação : encontrou-se que a técnica tradicional de acesso ao seio maxilar com uso de brocas, elevação da membrana, por meio de curetas, e a regeneração propriamente dita com enxerto ósseo autógeno e/ou heterógeno continuam como as mais utilizadas, no entanto alternativas menos invasivas como tecnologia ultrassônica para fazer acesso, hidrodissecção para elevar a membrana Schneider e biomateriais para preencher a cavidade surgem como opções viáveis e com resultados favoráveis. Conclusões: existe um direcionamento na busca por métodos e materiais que diminuam a morbidade da técnica tradicional e que ofereçam resultados satisfatórios a curto e a longo prazo. A utilização de técnicas cirúrgicas menos invasivas e uso de biomateriais estão entre os avanços para a regeneração da região posterior da maxila(AU)

Introducción: la regeneración ósea de la región posterior del maxilar es un procedimiento importante que permite la correcta colocación de los implantes dentales y una adecuada rehabilitación protésica. Se describen varias técnicas quirúrgicas que van desde la forma de acceder al seno maxilar, el levantamiento de la membrana de Schneider hasta el relleno de la cavidad. Objetivo: abordar los recursos utilizados en la cirugía de regeneración ósea de la zona posterior del maxilar y la efectividad de los métodos aplicados. Métodos: se realizó una revisión bibliográfica en las bases de datos LILACS, MEDLINE y BBO en busca de estudios publicados en inglés y portugués. El criterio de inclusion abarcó los artículos publicados entre los años 2000 y 2014 y las palabras claves que orientaron la búsqueda fueron: regeneración del hueso maxilar, membrana de Schnneider y elevación del seno maxilar. Se encontraron 1 529 artículos de los cuales se seleccionaron 27 con contenido relevante para el estudio en cuestión. En cuanto a los criterios de exclusion, se eliminaron los artículos publicados antes del 2008 y que no se asociaban mucho con el tema referido. Análisis e integración de la información: se halló que la técnica tradicional de acceso al seno maxilar con el uso de brocas, el levantamaiento de la membrana de Schnneider por medio de curetas y la regeneración como tal mediante injertos óseos autógenos y/o heterógenos siguen siendo los procedimientos más utilizados. Por otra parte, alternativas menos invasivas como la tecnología del ultrasonido para lograr acceso, la hidrodisección para levantar la membrana de Schneider y el empleo de biomaterials para rellenar la cavidad emergen como opciones viables con resultados alentadores. Conclusiones: existe una orientación hacia la búsqueda de métodos y materials que disminuyan la morbilidad de las técnicas tradicionales y ofrezcan resultados satisfactorios a corto y a largo plazos. Las técnicas quirúrgicas menos invasivas y el uso de los biomateriales se encuentran entre los avances de hoy día para la regeneración de la zona posterior del maxilar(AU)

Introduction: bone regeneration of the posterior maxilla is an important feature to enable correct placement of implants and thus allow an adequate prosthetic rehabilitation. Several surgical techniques are reported, since the form of access to the sinus, elevation of Schneider membrane and fill the cavity. Objective: to address the resources used in bone regeneration surgery of the posterior maxilla and the effectiveness of the methods applied. Methods: an electronic search of the literature was performed in the databases LILACS, MEDLINE and BBO studies published in English and Portuguese. The inclusion criteria were considered articles between 2000 and 2014, with the key words that guided the search were: maxillary bone regeneration, Schneiderian membrane, maxillary sinus lift. 1 529 articles were obtained, of which 27 selected articles relevant to the study. Exclusion criteria were eliminated in the articles which were in the year below 2008 and fleeing the matter at hand. Data analysis and integration: it was found that the traditional technique of access to the maxillary sinus with the use of drills, lifting the membrane through curettes, and the regeneration itself with autogenous bone graft and/or heterogeneous continue as the most commonly used, however alternative as less invasive ultrasonic technology to access, hydrodissection to raise the Schneider membrane and biomaterials to fill the cavity emerge as viable, with favorable results options. Conclusions: there is a direction in the search for methods and materials that reduce the morbidity of traditional techniques and which offer satisfactory results in the short and long term. The use of surgical techniques less invasive and use of biomaterials are among the advances for the regeneration of the posterior maxilla(AU)

Humanos , Regeneração Óssea , Bases de Dados Bibliográficas/estatística & dados numéricos , Implantes Dentários/estatística & dados numéricos , Revisão , Levantamento do Assoalho do Seio Maxilar/métodos
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 8(3): 425-432, dic. 2014. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-734722


La hidroxiapatita (HA) es un componente mineral del hueso. Se ha comercializado la HA sintética o aloplástica en forma porosa o no porosa, densa y reabsorbible o no reabsorbible. Se utiliza como injerto óseo dada sus propiedades osteoconductivas y estimuladoras de proliferación celular generando así condiciones favorables para la regeneración tisular. El objetivo fue evaluar la efectividad del tratamiento con HA en cirugías de implantes dentales e injertos óseos. Se realizó una revisión sistemática. Se revisó ensayos clínicos sobre cicatrización y los injertos de HA sintética en Pubmed, Cochrane Library, Google Académico, Blackwell y Ebsco. Los criterios de selección son pacientes candidatos a tratamientos de defectos periodontales o rehabilitación con implantes dentales, sin alteraciones sistémicas de importancia. La estrategia se resume en los siguientes puntos: Identificación del problema, Identificación de términos de búsqueda, Búsqueda sistemática, Selección de artículos mediante utilización de guías de análisis crítico, Incorporación de la información al REVMAN®, Análisis de sesgos y Metaanálisis. Al evaluar el metaanálisis se observa que la HA es efectiva para la cicatrización de injerto óseo. Cuando se omiten los estudios de bajo peso, la medida de resumen se mantiene en la HA. El tratamiento con HA en la cicatrización ósea y de implantes dentales resulta positivo y con una alta tasa de éxito en el largo plazo aunque su rango de efectividad varía con los materiales a los cuales ésta se asocie.

Hydroxyapatite (HA) is a mineral component of bone. The hydroxyapatite has been marketed: synthetic or alloplastic, as porous or nonporous, dense and resorbable or non-resorbable. These are used as bone graft due to their osteoconductive properties and stimulation of cell proliferation that generate favorable conditions for tissue regeneration. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment with HA in dental implant surgeries and bone grafts. We conducted a systematic review and studied clinical trials on healing and graft of synthetic hydroxyapatite in PubMed, Cochrane Library, Google Scholar, Blackwell and Ebsco. Selection criteria were: patient's candidate to treatment of periodontal defects or rehabilitation with dental implants without significant systemic abnormalities. The strategy is summarized in the following: Identification of the problem, identifying search terms, systematic search and selection of articles by using critical analysis guides, incorporating REVMAN® information, unbiased analysis, and Meta-analysis. Our results indicate that assessing the meta-analysis shows that the HA is effective for healing bone graft. When omitting low weight studies, the summary measure remains in the HA. In conclusion, treatment with HA in bone healing and dental implants is positive with a high success rate in the long term, although its effective range varies with the materials to which it is associated.

Dent. press implantol ; 8(1): 60-67, Jan.-Mar.2014. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-742392


Introdução: durante o planejamento cirúrgico da reabilitação protética usando implantes osseointegráveis, é comum nos depararmos com limitações, como com seios maxilares pneumatizados. Nessas ocasiões, podemos lançar mão de procedimentos de regeneração alveolar e enxertia óssea. Métodos: entre as várias técnicas existentes, esse artigo discute e apresenta uma possibilidade de regeneração alveolar, por meio de um relato de caso. Resultados: foi obtido um ganho ósseo considerável, que possibilita a instalação do implante sem mais nenhum procedimento de enxertia. Conclusão: notou-se uma boa previsibilidade com a regeneração óssea guiada e a otimização do tratamento cirúrgico...

Introduction: During the surgical planning for prosthetic rehabilitation performed by means of osseointegrated implants, we often face some limitations such as pneumatized maxillary sinus, in which case we can make use of alveolar regeneration and bone grafting procedures. Objective: This article discusses and reports a case of alveolar regeneration. Results: Treatment resulted in bone gain that allows implant placement without further grafting procedures. Conclusion: Guided bone regeneration (GBR) provided predictability and optimization of surgical treatment...

Humanos , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Regeneração Óssea , Transplante Ósseo , Seio Maxilar/cirurgia , Brasil , Implantação Dentária Endóssea , Reabilitação Bucal , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Pré-Protéticos Bucais , Extração Dentária , Alvéolo Dental
Rev. odontol. mex ; 17(3): 175-180, jul.-sept. 2013. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-714522


La elevación de piso de seno maxilar es un procedimiento quirúrgico predecible que se realiza con la finalidad de aumentar verticalmente la cantidad de hueso en la región posterior del maxilar para poder realizar una rehabilitación protésica implantosoportada. El propósito de este trabajo es describir un caso clínico donde se realizó elevación de piso de seno maxilar utilizando plasma rico en factores de crecimiento, hidroxiapatita absorbible y aloinjerto óseo como materiales de injerto subantral y la colocación simultánea de dos implantes de superficie tratada (Osseotite, 3i) y reportar los resultados clínicos y radiográficos obtenidos siete días, seis meses y siete años después de la cirugía, observando una cicatrización adecuada tanto clínica como radiográficamente. El procedimiento quirúrgico utilizado en este caso clínico resultó una buena opción para poder colocar implantes en áreas maxilares posteriores atróficas.

Maxillary sinus floor elevation is a predictable surgical procedure meant to vertically increase the amount of bone in the posterior region of the upper jaw to enable placement of a prosthetic rehabilitation device supported by implants. The aim of the present article was to describe elevation of the maxillary sinus floor using plasma rich in growth factors, absorbable hydroxyapatite and bone allograft as sub-antral graft materials with simultaneous placement of two surface treated implants (Osseotite, 3i). The present article also reported clinical and radiographic results obtained at seven days, six months and seven years after the surgery. From the clinical and radiographic standpoint suitable healing was observed. The surgical procedure used in the present clinical case was considered a suitable option to place implants in atrophic maxillary areas.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-229232


OBJECTIVES: This study was to evaluate the effect of vertical bone gain and success rate and analyze the failure cases using the hydrodynamic piezoelectric internal sinus elevation (HPISE) technique. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Patients who had been operated in the three centers including Daegu Catholic University Medical Center were selected for this study. The mucoperiosteal flap was elevated, and the sinus floor was then broken by specially designed piezoelectric insert, with hydraulic pressure applied to the sinus membrane for even elevation. Afterward, implants were placed. Panoramic radiogram or computed tomogram was taken before and after surgery and at the second operation and prosthesis placement. Later, changes in vertical height were measured and compared. The survival rate was based on the criteria of Buser et al. and Cochran et al. RESULTS: In this study, 8 implants failed out of a total of 169 implants, resulting a success rate of 95.3%. These failure cases were due to insufficient initial stability or sinus membrane perforation. The mean of radiographic vertical height change at prosthesis placement was 5.7 mm (0.5-10.5 mm). CONCLUSION: In this study, HPISE technique was found to be a predictable treatment for atrophic maxilla and an alternative technique to the lateral approach.

Humanos , Centros Médicos Acadêmicos , Pisos e Cobertura de Pisos , Hidrodinâmica , Maxila , Membranas , Piezocirurgia , Próteses e Implantes , Taxa de Sobrevida
Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-157283


PURPOSE: Osseointegration of implants in patients with pneumatized maxillary sinuses is difficult to achieve due to the deficiency of available bone in the posterior maxilla after loss of teeth. Maxillary sinus elevation is a method to overcome this problem. In this study, we evaluated the implant survival rate and the relationship between implant survival in patients with sinus elevation by the lateral approach. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 48 patients were consecutively treated with sinus elevation by the lateral approach between February 2003 & August 2006 at the dental hospital of Chonbuk National university. A total of 113 implants were placed. The mean healing period was 7.1 months and implants were placed after a mean period of 5.6 months. The mean observation period was 21.8 months. RESULTS: Out of the 113 implants placed, fifteen failed, resulting in a survival rate of 86.7%, 18 cases of sinus membrane perforation were observed out of 65 sinuses treated. 33 implants were placed in a perforated site and 10 failed, representing a 60.7% implant survival. 80 implants were placed in a nonperforated site and 5 failed, representing a 92.6% implant survival. CONCLUSIONS: Implant placement with sinus elevation is an acceptable treatment for short term Results. Sinus membrane perforation and postoperative complications, however, may have an effect on implant failure.

Humanos , Maxila , Seio Maxilar , Membranas , Osseointegração , Complicações Pós-Operatórias , Estudos Retrospectivos , Taxa de Sobrevida , Dente
Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-784789


0.05). 2. The expression of BMP6 increased at postoperative 1 and 3 days in both DBBP group and AGS group. In AGS group, it decreased at postoperative 5 days, increased again at postoperative 7 days, and decreased at postoperative 9 days. In DBBP group, it increased until postoperative 7 days and decreased at postoperative 9 days. Although the expression of BMP6 was higher in AGS group compared with DBBP group, it was not statistically significant (p>0.05). 3. There was no statistically significant difference in BMP expression in both groups during same period of time. It's probably because DBBP and AGS both functioned as a space retainer so that the BMP expression in blood clot seemed to be similar. 4. Thus, DBBP would not offer many benefits for early bone regeneration compared with AGS. The expression of BMP in early bone formation seems to be more influenced by physical carrier rather than the graft type.

Animais , Coelhos , Proteínas Morfogenéticas Ósseas , Regeneração Óssea , Esponja de Gelatina Absorvível , Seio Maxilar , Osseointegração , Osteogênese , RNA , Transplantes
Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-65852


The predictable outcome of implant placement in the atrophic maxilla with sinus floor elevation procedure(osteotome sinus floor elevation technique and window opening technique) is well documented. Aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of Branemark Ti-Unite implant system and ITI SLA implant system placed in the atrophic posterior maxilla with sinus floor elevation procedure. Eighty patients received placement of Branemark Ti-Unite implants(195 implants) in their atrophic posterior Maxilla with sinus floor elevation procedure(153 osteotome sinus floor elevation technique and 42 window opening procedure). Fifty patients received placement of ITI SLA implants(83 implants) in their atrophic posterior Maxilla with sinus floor elevation procedure(77 osteotome sinus floor elevation technique and 6 window opening procedure). Chart review were taken from each patient. The total failed implants were seven and the total implant survival rate was 96.4% in Branemark Ti-Unite system. The total failed implants were one and the total implant survival rate was 98.8% in ITI SLA system. The implant survival rate with osteotome technique was 96% and 97.6% with window opening in Branemark Ti-Unite system. The implant survival rate with osteotome technique was 98.7% and 100% with window opening. The implant survival rate with osteotome technique was 96% and 97.6% with window opening in ITI SLA system. The results of this evaluation show that the placement of Branemark Ti-Unite system as well as ITI SLA system is a reasonable treatment option for patients with the atrophic posterior maxillary area.

Humanos , Implantes Dentários , Maxila , Seio Maxilar , Osseointegração , Taxa de Sobrevida
Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-143793


BACKGROUND: Although dental implantation has become widespread and acceptable treatment for dental prosthodontics, maxillary posterior jaw region is often complicated by the pneumatization of the maxillary sinus and physiological resorption of the alveolar bone. When this occurs, the residual bone between the floor of the sinus and the crestal ridge is inadequate for the placement of implants. The sinus elevation procedure provides a way to increase the amount of available bone and to allow the placement of longer implants. MATERIALS & METHODS: We studied 11 patients requiring the implant placements and the maxillary sinus elevation simultaneously from 1996 to 2003 in our clinic. Nine patients were males and two patients were females, aged from 39 to 72(mean=51.6). Four patients had medical compromised states; angina pectoris, diabetes, hypertension, hepatitis. Patients didn't show any pathologic findings clinically or radiographically. We studied the success and survival rate of implants, factors increasing the osseointegrating capacity of implants. RESULTS: The success rate of osseointegration of implants was 93%. At least 6 months after loading on implants, the survival rate of implants was 78.5%. Autogenous bone graft and adequate residual bone height(>6mm) increased survival rate of implants. CONCLUSION: Successful implant placement with maxillary sinus elevation mainly depends on sufficient residual bone height, healthy maxillary sinus, autogenous bone graft.

Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Angina Pectoris , Implantação Dentária , Implantes Dentários , Hepatite , Hipertensão , Arcada Osseodentária , Seio Maxilar , Osseointegração , Prostodontia , Taxa de Sobrevida , Transplantes
Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-143800


BACKGROUND: Although dental implantation has become widespread and acceptable treatment for dental prosthodontics, maxillary posterior jaw region is often complicated by the pneumatization of the maxillary sinus and physiological resorption of the alveolar bone. When this occurs, the residual bone between the floor of the sinus and the crestal ridge is inadequate for the placement of implants. The sinus elevation procedure provides a way to increase the amount of available bone and to allow the placement of longer implants. MATERIALS & METHODS: We studied 11 patients requiring the implant placements and the maxillary sinus elevation simultaneously from 1996 to 2003 in our clinic. Nine patients were males and two patients were females, aged from 39 to 72(mean=51.6). Four patients had medical compromised states; angina pectoris, diabetes, hypertension, hepatitis. Patients didn't show any pathologic findings clinically or radiographically. We studied the success and survival rate of implants, factors increasing the osseointegrating capacity of implants. RESULTS: The success rate of osseointegration of implants was 93%. At least 6 months after loading on implants, the survival rate of implants was 78.5%. Autogenous bone graft and adequate residual bone height(>6mm) increased survival rate of implants. CONCLUSION: Successful implant placement with maxillary sinus elevation mainly depends on sufficient residual bone height, healthy maxillary sinus, autogenous bone graft.

Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Angina Pectoris , Implantação Dentária , Implantes Dentários , Hepatite , Hipertensão , Arcada Osseodentária , Seio Maxilar , Osseointegração , Prostodontia , Taxa de Sobrevida , Transplantes