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CoDAS ; 36(3): e20230180, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557606


ABSTRACT Purpose To address the paucity and potential of context-based prospective memory (PM) assessment tasks suitable to Indian ethnicity, the study aimed to develop a novel context-based PM task and determine its psychometric properties among neurotypical adults. Methods Rendered images in 2-D were extracted from a 3-D shopping mall, where PM and ongoing tasks were embedded within them to provide participants with a semi-immersive experience. The design and scoring of the novel task were constructed in alignment with the Memory for Intentions Screening Test. Fifty neurotypical adults in and around Mangaluru were recruited. The Memory of Intentions Test (MIST) and novel context-based PM task were administered. Results The validity of the novel task was established with a Content Validity Index of 0.98. The intraclass correlation for the test-retest reliability of the novel context-based PM task was 0.92 (p<0.001) and the inter-rater reliability was 0.98 (p<0.001). The internal consistency of the six subscales was high (Cronbach's α= 0.86), and the Spearman-Brown coefficient indicated a strong split-half reliability of 0.87. Spearman's correlation showed that the trials exhibited strong connections to the dichotomic characteristics of the subscales to which they belonged. Further, McNemar's test suggested similar profiles of the participants for the MIST and novel task. Conclusion The results of the present study suggest that the novel context-based PM task offers good validity and reliability measures, providing valuable insight into the mechanisms of PM, and therefore, could be ideal for inclusion in a battery of cognitive assessments.

Interdisciplinaria ; 40(1): 433-450, abr. 2023. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430609


Resumen Las atribuciones de los niños y las niñas hacia los comportamientos de retraimiento social suelen estar determinadas por el entorno sociocultural particular en el que se desarrollan e influyen en la forma en que reaccionan a las conductas de sus pares durante las interacciones sociales. El objetivo de este trabajo fue comparar dichas atribuciones hacia dos subtipos de retraimiento social (timidez y preferencia por la soledad) referidas por niños y niñas de tres contextos diferentes de Mendoza (Argentina): urbano, urbano-marginado y rural. Se llevó a cabo un estudio con 221 niños y niñas abordando jardines de infantes estatales de cada ámbito (urbano: . = 82, Mmeses= 62.33; urbano-marginado: . = 72, Mmeses= 60.47; rural: . = 67, Mmeses= 63.07). Los escolares fueron entrevistados individualmente con una serie de viñetas gráficas con personajes hipotéticos desplegando conductas sociables, tímidas, solitarias y agresivas frente a las cuales respondieron preguntas sobre sus atribuciones y percepciones en distintos aspectos. Las diferentes pruebas no paramétricas realizadas señalaron que el personaje tímido fue percibido con mayor motivación social y menor intencionalidad en su conducta que el personaje solitario en todos los grupos. No se encontraron diferencias entre los contextos en la atribución de consecuencias sociales negativas para estas conductas, aunque el grupo de escolares rurales reportó mayor preferencia afiliativa y compasión por el personaje tímido en comparación con el grupo urbano. Se discuten estos resultados considerando cómo las expectativas de socialización de cada contexto podrían influir en las percepciones de los escolares hacia el retraimiento social.

Abstract Children's attributions towards withdrawn behaviors are usually determined by the particular social milieu in which they develop and tend to influence their behaviors and reactions. The aim of this work was to compare the attributions towards two subtypes of social withdrawal (shyness and unsociability) referred by children from three different contexts in Mendoza, Argentina: urban, urban-marginalized and rural. Participants were 221 kindergarten children from these contexts (urban: n = 82, Mmonths = 62.33; urban-marginalized: n = 72, Mmonths = 60.47; rural: n = 67, Mmonths = 63.07). Children were individually interviewed with a series of graphic vignettes with hypothetical characters displaying shy and unsociable behaviors, and for comparison purposes were also assessed aggressive and socially competent behaviors. After each vignette, children were asked a series of questions designed to assess their attributions toward each behavior in six dimensions: intentionality, social motivation, affiliative preference, social status, negative impact and sympathy. The results of this study showed that young children in the three contexts were able to distinguish social withdrawal from other types of behaviors (i.e., aggressiveness and sociability). Overall, withdrawn behaviors received more positive attributions (greater affiliative preference, better social position and less negative impact) than aggressive behaviors, although they were also perceived negatively in relation to more socially competent behaviors (the latter were attributed greater affiliative preference and best position within the peer group). Furthermore, it was observed that children from the three contexts made clearly distinctions among the different forms of social withdrawal in terms of intentionality and social motivation. Specifically, they reported that compared with unsociable characters, shy ones are more socially motivated and less intentional in their behavior, evocating greater feelings of compassion. However, some peculiarities can be appreciated in each context. The results indicated that children in the urban group reported greater feelings of sympathy for the shy character in relation to the unsociable, which was not evidenced in the other groups. In addition, children from the rural sample showed a greater preference for interact with the hypothetical shy peer than with the unsociable character and this inclination was also greater when compared with the urban sample. Taken together, these results may suggest that different socialization norms and expectations would evoke different meanings and implications to the socially withdrawn manifestations. It might be possible that in urban contexts children's socialization expectations highlight extraversion and self-affirming behaviors which generate more empathetic reactions in front of passive or fearful manifestations as shyness. On the other hand, rural children may prefer peers who display shy behaviors possibly because it is in line with expectations of social cohesion and modesty that are value in this milieu. Nevertheless, no differences were found between shy and unsociable behaviors in any of the contexts in terms of social position and negative impact that they anticipated for the peer group. These results could provide some support for the idea that social withdrawal tends to be globally perceived as benign at an early age, and especially in the rural context, where it is a frequent and valued behavior. Although it is not possible with the limited variables included in this study to know which are the specific contextual aspects that affect some attributions and through what mechanisms they do so, these findings are an important starting point to continue deepening the socialization processes in urban, urban-marginalized and rural young children. This study is also one of the first to evaluate the knowledge and attributions of Argentinean children from different social context toward social withdrawal and provides new evidence on the differences in the cultural meaning and implications of withdrawn behaviors in early childhood.

Fractal rev. psicol ; 34: e38032, 2022.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1421516


O objetivo deste artigo é analisar o contexto social de jovens do gênero masculino que cumpriram medidas socioeducativas de internação. Para tanto foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa com dez jovens que se encontravam em cumprimento de medidas socioeducativas de internação no estado da Paraíba. Foram utilizadas como técnica de pesquisa entrevistas abertas e individuais, submetidas à Análise Temática de Conteúdo. Os resultados do estudo apontaram que os jovens vivenciaram em suas trajetórias de vida violações de direitos relacionadas ao contexto social, tais como inserção no trabalho infantil, dificuldades socioeconômicas, violência, acesso a drogas e envolvimento com atos infracionais devido à necessidade de acesso a bens de subsistência e consumo. Diante disto, compreende-se que o contexto social dos jovens anterior ao cumprimento de medidas socioeducativas foi perpassado pelas expressões da questão social, advinda do conflito de classe, centrado na exploração do ser humano pelo trabalho em prol do desenvolvimento do capital, e em consequência do modo de produção capitalista, configurando-se como um espaço não garantidor de condições plenas para o desenvolvimento biopsicossocial desses jovens.(AU)

The aim of this article is to analyze the social context of youth who fulfilled socio-educative measures of confinement. Therefore, qualitative research was conducted with ten young people who were in fulfillment with socio-educative measures of confinement in the state of Paraíba. It was used as research technique individual unstructured interviews, which were submitted to the Thematic Content Analysis. The results of the study showed that young people experience violations of rights related to the social context in their life trajectories, such as insertion in child labor, socioeconomic difficulties, violence, access to drugs and involvement with offenses due to the need for access to subsistence and consumption property. Thus, it is understood that the social context of young people before the fulfillment of socio-educative measures was permeated by the expressions of the social issue, arising from class conflict, centered on the exploitation of man by work for the capital development, and as a result of capitalist mode of production, configuring itself as a space that does not guarantee full conditions for the development of these young people.(AU)

El objetivo de este artículo es analizar el contexto social de los jóvenes que han cumplido las medidas socioeducativas de internamiento. Para ello, se realizó una investigación cualitativa con diez jóvenes que han cumplido las medidas socioeducativas de internamiento en el estado de Paraíba. Se utilizaron como técnica de investigación, entrevistas abiertas e individuales, las cuales fueron sometidas a Análisis de Contenido Temático. Los resultados del estudio mostraron que los jóvenes experimentaron violaciones de derechos relacionados con el contexto social en sus trayectorias de vida, como inserción en el trabajo infantil, dificultades socioeconómicas, violencia, acceso a drogas y participación en infracciones por la necesidad de acceso a bienes de subsistencia y consumo. Ante esto, se entiende que el contexto social de los jóvenes previo al cumplimiento de las medidas socioeducativas estuvo permeado por las expresiones de la problemática social, surgida del conflicto de clases, centrado en la explotación humana por el trabajo a favor del desarrollo del capital, y como resultado del modo de producción capitalista, convertirse en un espacio que no garantiza plenas condiciones para el desarrollo de estos jóvenes.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Adolescente , Política Pública , Condições Sociais , Adolescente , Delinquência Juvenil
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1390646


En este estudio se realizó un análisis comparativo, de acuerdo con el estrato socioeconómico, de tres habilidades de cognición social (teoría de la mente, empatía y reconocimiento de emociones) en un grupo de adolescentes de Medellín. Metodología: se realizó una investigación cuantitativa comparativa transversal con una muestra de 130 adolescentes de ambos sexos a quienes se les administraron las pruebas Sistema Internacional de Imágenes Afectivas, el Test de la Mirada y el Índice de Reactividad Inter-personal. Resultados: los resultados de los análisis comprobaron la hipótesis, en algunas de las variables, de que los niveles socioeconómicos más bajos tienen niveles más bajos de habilidades de cognición social, especialmente en la teoría de la mente y la empatía, pero no en la evaluación emocional de las expresiones faciales. Discusión: la adolescencia es un periodo crítico del neurodesarrollo. Neurobiológicamente, duran-te este periodo ocurren cambios significativos en el denominado cerebro social. Conclusión: no todas las habilidades socio-cognitivas tienen la misma sensibilidad a los efectos ambientales durante su desarrollo

In this study a comparative analysis was made according to the socioeconomic stratum of three social cognition skills (theory of mind, empathy and emotion recognition) in a group of adolescents from Medellín. Methodology: a transversal comparative quantitative research was carried out with a sample of 130 adolescents of both sexes to whom the International System of Affective Images, the Gaze Test and the Interpersonal Reactivity Index were administered. Results: The results of the analyses proved the hypothesis, in some of the variables, that the lower socioeconomic levels have lower levels of social cognition skills, especially in the theory of mind and empathy, but not in the emotional evaluation of facial expressions. Discussion: Adolescence is a critical period of neurodevelopment. Neurobiologically, during this period significant changes occur in the so-called social brain. Conclusion: not all socio-cognitive skills have the same sensitivity to environmental effects during their development

Humanos , Adolescente , Cognição Social , Psicologia do Adolescente , Teoria da Mente , Habilidades Sociais
Rev. Ocup. Hum. (En línea) ; 22(Suplemento): 126-135, 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1390922


La Terapia Ocupacional social y política, en Colombia, es una realidad. Trascender el modelo de atención restaurativo, intramural y basado en el hacer individual, para continuar construyendo identidad profesional sobre contextos sociales cambiantes, permite enriquecer el abordaje de la ocupación humana como determinante histórico que puede condicionar la estructura misma de una sociedad. Las ocupaciones cobran relevancia como determinantes sociales, no solo desde el ámbito sanitario sino en su relación con el bienestar, los derechos y el ejercicio de la ciudadanía de las personas; los indicadores de equidad social; el fomento del capital social y del desarrollo humano. El desarrollo histórico de la Terapia Ocupacional brinda herramientas para comprender y ampliar esta perspectiva emergente y ligarla con una nueva visión donde los fenómenos políticos, sociales, económicos y culturales y sus consecuencias son multicausales y se manifiestan de diversas maneras en las personas, los grupos, los contextos y la ocupación.

Social and political Occupational Therapy in Colombia is a reality. Transcending the restorative and intramural model of care based on individual doing builds a professional identity over changing social contexts and allows us to enrich the approach to human occupation as a historical determinant that can condition the structure of a society. Occupations become relevant as social determinants in the health field and their relationship with people's well-being, rights, and exercise of citizenship, as well as social equity indicators, social capital promotion, and human development. The historical development of Occupational Therapy provides tools to understand and expand this emerging perspective. It is also linked to a new vision where political, social, economic, and cultural phenomena and their consequences are multi-causal and manifest in various ways in people, groups, contexts, and the occupation.

A Terapia Ocupacional social e política na Colômbia é uma realidade. Transcender o modelo de cuidado restaurativo, intramuros e baseado no fazer individual, para continuar construindo a identidade profissional em contextos sociais em mudança, permite enriquecer a abordagem da ocupação humana como determinante histórico, que pode condicionar a própria estrutura de uma sociedade. As ocupações tornam-se relevantes como determinantes sociais, não só no campo da saúde, mas também em sua relação com o bem-estar; com os direitos e o exercício da cidadania das pessoas; com os indicadores de equidade social; e com a promoção do capital social e do desenvolvimento humano. Os percursos históricos da Terapia Ocupacional fornecem ferramentas para compreender e expandir essa perspectiva emergente e vinculá-la a uma nova visão em que os fenômenos políticos, sociais, econômicos e culturais, bem como suas consequências, são multicausais e se manifestam de várias maneiras nas pessoas, nos grupos, nos contextos e na ocupação.

Política Pública , Terapia Ocupacional , Direitos Humanos
Suma psicol ; 28(1): 62-70, Jan.-June 2021. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1280696


Resumen Introducción/objetivo. El objetivo de esta investigación es examinar el poder predictivo de la percepción de los estilos interpersonales de entrenadores/as, padres y madres en el compromiso e intención de abandono de adolescentes deportistas argentinos de alto rendimiento, considerando el papel del género en esta relación. Método. Participaron 234 adolescentes de entre 12 y 16 años (M = 14.48, DT = 1.09) seleccionados para los Juegos Olímpicos de la Juventud -Buenos Aires 2018-, quienes cumplimentaron cuestionarios para la evaluación de las variables de interés. Resultados. Los varones perciben mayores niveles de compromiso que las mujeres y estas perciben mayor apoyo a la autonomía de la madre. El apoyo a la autonomía del entrenador tuvo mayor capacidad predictiva en el compromiso de los varones y en la intención de abandono del deporte de las mujeres. En ambos géneros, el efecto del apoyo a la autonomía del entrenador fue mayor que el de los padres. Conclusiones. Estos resultados muestran la importancia de los otros significativos en la participación deportiva y contribuyen al conocimiento de los factores que pueden favorecer el desarrollo positivo en deportistas adolescentes de alto rendimiento.

Abstract Introduction/Objective. This research aims to examine the predictive power of perceived interpersonal styles of coaches, fathers and mothers on engagement and intentions to drop-out of Argentinean high-performance adolescent athletes considering the role of gender in this relationship. Method. A total of 234 adolescents aged 12-16 years (M = 14.48, SD = 1.09) selected for the Youth Olympic Games -Buenos Aires 2018- participated in the study, who answered questionnaires assessing the variables of interest. Results. Males perceived higher levels of engagement than females, and females perceived higher autonomy support from the mother. Coaches' autonomy support had greater predictive power on males' engagement and females' intentions to drop-out sport. In both genders, the effect of coach autonomy support was greater than parents. Conclusions. These results show the importance of significant others in sport participation and contribute to the knowledge of factors that may foster positive development in high-performance adolescence athletes.

Humanos , Adolescente , Esportes , Ensaios de Triagem em Larga Escala , Meio Social , Relações Interpessoais
Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine ; : 67-67, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-880385


BACKGROUND@#Identifying individual and contextual factors that influence adolescent well-being is a research priority. This study aimed to assess the prevalence of symptoms of mental health problems and some related factors in Italian adolescents in 2017-2018.@*METHODS@#The present study was a cross-sectional survey among 3002 students aged 15-16 years who resided in two Italian provinces, in North and South Italy. Symptoms of mental health problems were assessed using the SDQ and CES-DC, and students' risk-taking behaviors and school climate perception were assessed. All information was collected anonymously. Logistic regression models were used to assess the associations of tobacco and alcohol use, screen time, bullying, and school climate with symptoms of mental health problems.@*RESULTS@#One student out of five reported symptoms of mental health problems, with a more than double proportion among girls than boys (28.7% vs 10.4% with depressive symptoms, respectively). Thirty percent and 40% of students smoked tobacco or drank alcoholic beverages at least once in the past month, and more than 40% reported being victims or authors of bullying in the past 6 months. Smoking behavior, alcohol consumption, screen time, bullying, and negative school climate had 1.2- to 3.3-fold increased odds of symptoms of mental health problems without substantial differences between sexes and geographical areas.@*CONCLUSIONS@#Tobacco and alcohol use, screen time, bullying, and school climate were independently associated with symptoms of mental health problems in a large sample of 15-16-year-old Italian adolescents without substantial gender and geographical differences.

Journal of Audiology & Otology ; : 96-104, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-740321


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Societal factors seem to exercise a strong influence on hearing aid uptake, use, and satisfaction. In particular, knowledge, perception, and attitude of people will have bearing towards their and others health behavior and decisions. The current study aimed at understanding the perception of hearing aids by adults belonging to the general population in different countries. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: The study employed a crosssectional design. A sample of 404 adults from India, Iran, Portugal, and the United Kingdom were recruited by relying on a convenience sampling. Previously published data was re-analyzed but it was applied for different approach. Free association task was used to collect the data. They were asked to provide up to five words or phrases that come to mind when thinking about “hearing aids.” The data was initially analyzed based on qualitative content analysis. This was followed by quantitative cluster analysis and chi square analysis. RESULTS: The content analysis suggested 39 main categories of responses related to hearing aids. The cluster analysis resulted in five main clusters, namely: 1) positive attitude, 2) external factors, 3) hearing aid use and satisfaction, 4) etiology, and 5) benefits and limitations of technology. A few demographic factors (i.e., education, occupation type, country) showed association with different clusters, although country of origin seemed to be associated with most clusters. CONCLUSIONS: The study provides us with unique insights into the perception of hearing aids by the general public, and additionally, the way demographic variables may influence these perceptions.

Adulto , Humanos , Demografia , Educação , Associação Livre , Reino Unido , Comportamentos Relacionados com a Saúde , Auxiliares de Audição , Perda Auditiva , Índia , Irã (Geográfico) , Ocupações , Portugal , Pensamento
Rev. latinoam. cienc. soc. niñez juv ; 13(1): 183-194, ene.-jun. 2015. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-747672


En esta investigación estudiamos el papel de la agresión y la empatía como predictores de la tendencia en niños y niñas a jugar videojuegos solos o acompañados. En el estudio utilizamos el enfoque revisado del manejo emocional aplicado al uso de videojuegos (Vorderer, Hartmann & Klimmt, 2006). Realizamos una encuesta con 395 estudiantes costarricenses de escuelas públicas y privadas de San José (M= 10.69 años). Los resultados señalan que los niños y niñas con puntuaciones altas en agresión conductual y empatía emocional tienden a canalizar la agresividad y la empatía en el juego compartido. Los niños y niñas con puntuaciones altas en empatía conductual tienden a jugar solos. Proponemos la discusión sobre estos resultados mediante la teoría del manejo de las emociones.

This study examined the role of aggression and empathy as predictors of the tendency of children to play video games alone or in the company of others. The study used the revised mood management approach applied to video game use (Vorderer, Hartmann, and Klimmt, 2006) with a survey conducted with 395 Costa Rican students from private and public schools in San Jose (M= 10.69 years). The results show that children with high scores in behavioral aggression and emotional empathy tend to channel aggressiveness and empathy in contexts of shared gaming while hildren with high scores in behavioral empathy tend to play by themselves. These results are discussed within the framework mood management theory.

Esta pesquisa estudou o papel de agressão e empatia como indicativos da tendência em crianças para jogar sozinho ou acompanhado. O estudo utilizou o enfoque de gestão emocional aplicada ao uso de videogames (Vorderer, Hartmann e Klimmt, 2006). A pesquisa foi realizada com 395 estudantes de Costa Rica, de escolas públicas e privadas em San Jose (M = 10,69 anos). Os resultados indicam que as crianças com altas pontuações em agressividade comportamental e empatia emocional tendem a canalizar a agressividade e empatia em jogo compartilhado. Crianças com altas pontuações em empatia comportamental tendem a jogar sozinhas. Esses resultados são discutidos com a teoria de gestão de emoção.

Criança , Jogos de Vídeo , Agressão , Emoções , Empatia
Brasília; UnB/ObservaRH/NESP; 2013. 264 p. tab, graf, ilus.
Monografia em Inglês | LILACS, RHS | ID: biblio-878427


The International Observatory of Human Capabilities (OICH) emerged in 2012 as an extension of the activities of the Observatory of Human Resources in Health of the University of Brasilia. Since the observation of human capabilities, as proposed by Amartya Sen's interpretation, involves the monitoring of numerous economic and social variables, it should be clarified how this initiative relates to the purpose and trajectory of an observatory dedicated to the study of human resources in health. The Observatory of Human Resources in Health of the University of Brasília incorporates a Latin American network of research that has been operating uninterruptedly since 1999, through technical cooperation and financial assistance of the Pan American Health Organization and the Brazilian Ministry of Health. Despite the term "human resources" has a managerial connotation, the analytical perspective adopted by the network in Brazil has always remained focused on the broader aspects of the study, i.e., the economical and social aspects of the workforce employed in the health sector In this sense, the study of human resources has been directed to numerous relevant questions that arise from the perspective of human rights and citizenship. Among such issues, the following should be highlighted: • The demographic and regional differences in the distribution of the workforce, including internal migration, seeking to assess the degree of equity of access to health services; • The types of employment status, from a perspective of legality and justice of labor relations in both the private and the public sector in order to identify and characterize precarious working conditions, which take place in the absence of guaranteed labor and social security rights; and 8 • The status and trends in the levels of education of the various categories of health professionals, in order to identify the fulfillment of the expectation of further improvement of the educational qualification of assistants, especially the members of nursing. This line of research highlights not only the economic and social aspects of the health workforce, but also aspects of labor justice. This specific approach stimulated its researchers to critically discuss the various theories and interpretations of the human dimension of development. The first edition of reports of the International Observatory of Human Capabilities, Development and Public Policy (OICH) is largely interested in highlighting trends observable in each thematic area (health, education, labor, social security, etc.) for selected countries. Since this is a first approach to the systematic study of public policies related to the promotion of human capabilities, descriptive orientation was inevitable and even desirable. Only in reports on environment, certain issues could be addressed, especially contentious or controversial, about the negative or harmful effects of development on an international scale. In producing its thematic reports, the observatory had over a dozen external collaborators who acted independently of each other. The series of annual data for each subject, compiled by international organizations, with a focus on the 2000s, served as a suggestive basis for the analysis. Thus, there wasn't a predefinition of issues or trends considered relevant to the analysis. The collaborators felt free to develop their reports based on that data or other they deemed most relevant. This method of working in network of collaborators was very productive and an innovation in relation to the operational scheme of observatories, based on small research teams, and with a more or less permanent status. Thus, in the first round of observation and reports that make up this collection, the method of the network allowed the following areas to be addressed: 1) economic and social context, 2) human development, 3) inequality and poverty; 4) work and welfare; and 5) health, education and environment. Several scholars of the world economy, among them Immanuel Wallerstein, have stated that the crisis that began in 2007 is much more serious and profound than one may think. It is not a mere temporary and cyclical inflection of capitalism, but assumes the character of a fork on a planetary scale, with the potential to cause a world economic order that, for all the people, can be even more cruel or more just than the current, depending on the decisions that, until now, are imponderables. For the entirety of Latin American economies, it is clear now that the process called development remains a very vulnerable and subordinate insertion of Latin American countries into the world economy, based on the export of commodities. But even such alternative of subordinate insertion in relation to the central axis formed by the United States, China and the European Union can no longer work in the favorable forms of the 2000s. What is threatened currently is not GDP growth at high rates, but rather the optimistic outlook of integrated development, economic and social, which encouraged the analysts of this decade and is evident in reports gathered here. In many Latin American countries, despite the more or less marked decrease in the growth rate of the economy, domestic labor market and consumption remains warm and dynamic, and this condition may persist for some time, but not indefinitely, if there is no solution to the impasse of world capitalism. We must, therefore, perform the demand in the short term, a careful evaluation of the consequences of the current crisis on public investment in social policies, especially in health, education, social security and income distribution.

Humanos , Desenvolvimento Humano , Política Pública , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Educação/economia , Meio Ambiente , Saúde , Pobreza , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Previdência Social , Trabalho/economia
Acta odontol. venez ; 47(3): 46-52, sep. 2009. graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-630193


Dado el carácter multifactorial y complejo de la caries dental, resulta poco mas que contradictorio que su estudio y tratamiento estadístico, no haya sido planteado coherentemente con su naturaleza, esto es una patología de origen multifactorial, que se distribuye de manera diferente en los grupos sociales y grupos etarios y que por ende exige la utilización de técnicas estadísticas que reflejen la participación de los diferentes factores o variables (a través de asociaciones o correlaciones) y que se pueda precisar su verdadero aporte o peso en la explicación del problema. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio Exploratorio, realizado a partir de una Muestra probabilística de 1856 escolares donde se aplicó una técnica estadística multivariante: Análisis de Correspondencias Múltiples. Resultados: Existe asociación entre el avance progresivo de la caries dental y la edad. Existe interrelación entre el Índice de Higiene Oral (IHOS) y el “total de dientes afectados por caries”. No se encontraron asociaciones relevantes entre el perfil de salud bucal del escolar y las variables sociales estudiadas.Conclusiones:-Existe una interrelación entre la edad y el avance progresivo de la caries dental en dentición permanente, Existe interrelación entre el Índice de Higiene oral simplificado (IHOS) y el “total de dientes cariados”,Existe asociaciones entre algunas modalidades de la Variable “tipo de urbanización”, “tenencia de la vivienda” y “nivel de instrucción”. La variable Municipio, constituye un espacio político y geográfico que ofrece ventajas para el estudiar la distribución de la caries dental.

Given the multifactorial and complex character of the dental decay, it is little but that contradictory that its study and statistical treatment, has not been raised coherently with its nature, this is a pathology of multifactorial origin, that distributes of different way in the social groups and etarios groups and that therefore the use of statistical techniques demands that they reflect the participation of the different factors or variables (through associations or correlations) and that can be needed its true contribution or weight in the explanation the problem. Indeed with this intention this investigation is designed that consisted of describing the distribution of the dental decay by age in students of the State Nueva Esparta and determining its association with a set of social variables considered in that study Material and Methods: Exploratory study, made from probabilística Muestra of 1856 students where a multivariant statistical technique was applied: Analysis of Multiple Correspondences. Results: An interrelation between the age and the progressive advance exists of the dental decay in permanent teething, interrelation between the Index of oral Hygiene Exists simplified (IHOS) and the “total of caused to decay teeth”, were not excellent associations between the profile of buccal health of the student and the studied social variables. The variable Municipality, constitutes a political and geographic space that offers advantages studying the dental decay.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 14(2): 445-453, mar.-abr. 2009.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-504666


O objetivo deste artigo é oferecer uma ferramenta que ilumine a compreensão acerca dos comportamentos agressivos e das situações violentas comumente encontrados na instituição escolar. As palavras "violência" e "agressividade" não são utilizadas de forma inequívoca e estabelecer uma cartografia que demonstre tal fato permite a designação de lugares e formas de tratamento específicos aos fenômenos. Seguindo o modelo teórico proposto pelo psicanalista Donald Winnicott, faremos uma discussão das diferenças entre agressividade e violência, ilustrando-a com a apresentação de um caso trabalhado por nossa equipe de saúde em uma escola pública do estado do Rio de Janeiro. Diante dos questionamentos levantados e das dificuldades encontradas, procuramos mostrar que a desnaturalização da violência e a despatologização da agressividade nos oferecem a possibilidade de propor ações que não se restrinjam ao controle e à correção de tais manifestações, mas que possam ser mais eficientes em prevenir a irrupção e a reprodução de situações violentas, por levarem em conta o contexto social em que emergem e as experiências subjetivas nelas envolvidas.

The aim of the present article is to offer a tool to enlighten the comprehension of aggressive behavior and violent situations often found in educational institutions. The words "violence" and "aggressiveness" are not used in an unequivocal way, and the establishment of a map showing this fact allows designating places and ways of treatment specific for the phenomena. Following the theoretical model of the psychoanalyst Donald Winnicott, we will discuss the differences between aggressiveness and violence, illustrating them through the presentation of a case experienced by our health team in a public school in the state of Rio de Janeiro. In face of the difficulties found and the questions raised, we sought to show that the denaturalization of violence and the depathologization of aggressiveness offer us the possibility to propose actions which are not restricted to the control and correction of such manifestations, but can be more efficient in preventing the irruption and reproduction of violent situations for considering the social context in which they emerge and the subjective experiences involved.

Humanos , Agressão/psicologia , Violência/prevenção & controle , Sociologia
Estud. pesqui. psicol. (Impr.) ; 8(2): 224-237, ago. 2008.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: lil-514480


Este artigo tem como objetivo discutir a dimensão social nas práticas clínicas fenomenológico-existenciais. A partir das idéias de Heidegger e teóricos da perspectiva em foco, são discutidas as noções de social, ser-no-mundo, escuta clínica e práticas clínicas. Algumas experiências de plantão psicológico são relatadas, visando exemplificar a modalidade de plantão psicológico na perspectiva fenomenológico-existencial. O artigo finaliza considerando que a dimensão social pode ser compreendida, sob a ótica da hermenêutica, como constituinte do humano e nesse sentido, está presente na clínica fenomenológico-existencial

This article aims to discuss the social dimension in existential-phenomenological clinical practices. Considering Heidegger’s ideas and theorists from the mentioned perspective, concepts of social, being-in-the-word, clinical listening and clinical practices are discussed. Some experiences of psychological duty are reported, aiming to exemplify the kind of stand-by psychological support based in the phenomenological-existential perspective. The article concludes considering that the social dimension can be understood, under the hermeneutics perspective, as a constituent of the human and, accordingly, is present in the phenomenological-existential clinic

Humanos , Psicologia , Socialização , Existencialismo
Korean Journal of Aerospace and Environmental Medicine ; : 151-157, 2004.
Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-54135


BACKGROUND: The aims of the study are to evaluate the effectiveness of a workplace smoking cessation program, and to investigate the role of the occupational characteristics for planning better smoking cessation program (SCP). METHOD: 258 workers' smoking statuses were surveyed. A follow up survey was conducted after 6 Month SCP including campaign, health education, provision of nicotine patches, and smoking cessation incentives. Theup rate was 89.2%. RESULTS: 1. Thesmoking rate was reduced from 67.4% (before SCP) to 45.3 %. The rates after SCP were different by the type of job and the status of employment. The participation rate of the office workers was 32.8%, and that of the technician was 55.6% (p<0.01). The rate of the regular workers was 59.4%, and that of the irregular workers was 36.8% (p<0.05). 2. Among of 174 smokers, 55.9% participated in SCP. According to the type of job and the job position, the participation rate was different. The rate of office workers was 69.9%, and that of the technician was 47.5% (p<0.01). Among the managerial personnel 86.4% participated in SCP, and amongthe plain workers, 52.5% (p<0.01). 3. In multivariate analysis, the smoking cessation rate was higher in office workers (OR=3.21), the group of lower job demand (OR=3.12), that of absence of family stress (OR=2.91), and that of lower perceived stress (OR=3.51). CONCLUSION: The SCP based on social-cognitive theory reduced smoking rate, but increased the difference of the smoking rates by the type of the job. These results suggest that the SCP using social-context model is important to establish the better strategy to stop the smokin

Humanos , Educação , Emprego , Seguimentos , Promoção da Saúde , Motivação , Análise Multivariada , Fumaça , Abandono do Hábito de Fumar , Fumar , Dispositivos para o Abandono do Uso de Tabaco
Korean Journal of Medical History ; : 271-282, 1997.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-33602


No abstract available.