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Indian J Exp Biol ; 2022 Jul; 60(7): 490-497
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-222564


Cotton is the most important global cash crop which controls economy of many nations. Global sustainability of cotton yield is one of the major challenges for meeting impending threats under climate change. Though India is one among the leading countries in cotton production, the supply is not enough considering the increasing demand. Scientists across the Globe are indulged in developing new lines and cultures with capacity to produce more yields. In this context, here, we have made an attempt to study the growth, physiology, and yield traits of cotton culture - TCH 1819 before its release (now released in the name of CO 17) by different chemical treatments. Observation on the leaf gas exchange traits, leaf parenchymal cells distinguished the source sink relationship of the culture. Chemical manipulation by growth retardants reduced the gibberellins content and modified the foliage structure. By characterizing the physiological potential through manipulation by growth retardant (Mepiquat chloride (0.015 %)) increased the yield by 30%. The traits identified in this study are potential indicators in breeding programme before releasing the variety.

Ciênc. rural ; 45(8): 1451-1454, 08/2015. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-753081


Objetivou-se determinar o efeito do período de formação do cacho e dos biorreguladores na produção e qualidade da banana 'Grande Naine'. O experimento foi realizado em delineamento inteiramente casualizado em parcelas subdivididas, com seis repetições. Consideram-se, nas parcelas, os períodos de formação do cacho, verão e outono, e nas subparcelas, os biorreguladores: duas aplicações com água, giberelina (AG3, 200mg L-1), auxina (2,4 D; 10mg L-1), citocinina (TDZ, 150mg L-1) e a mistura de giberelina, auxina e citocinina (AG3, 56,3mg L-1; AIB, 56,3mg L-1 e ZEA, 101,3mg L-1). Os períodos de formação do cacho influenciam o número de pencas, o tamanho, a vida pós-colheita, o pH, a acidez titulável, a razão sólidos solúveis e acidez titulável e a firmeza do fruto. A mistura de biorreguladores eleva o peso do cacho e da 4ª penca em cachos formados no verão.

The objectives of this study were to determine the effect of climatic conditions during the period of bunch formation and growth regulators on yield and quality of banana 'Grande Naine'. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized split plot with six replications. It was considered the plots, and the periods of bunch formation, summer and autumn. In the subplots it was considered the growth regulators: two applications were made with water, gibberellin (GA3, 200mg L-1), auxin (2.4-D, 10mg L-1), cytokinin (TDZ, 150mg L-1) and a mixture of gibberellin, auxin and cytokinin (AG3, 56.3mg L-1; AIB, 56.3mg L-1 and ZEA, 101.3mg L-1). Periods of bunch formation influence the number of hands, the size, shelf life, pH, titratable acidity, soluble solids and titratable acidity ratio and the firmness of the fruit. The mixture of growth regulators increase the weight of the bunch and the 4th hand bunches formed in the summer.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-855293


Objective: The effects of the reproductive growth on the source-sink relationship and source-sink characteristic indexes of Alisma plantago-aquatica were studied in order to provide a potential reference for the cultural techniques of high yield and quality and breeding. Methods: The dry weight in each part and the content of non-structure carbohydrates and nitrogen compounds in the leaves and tubers from the wiping off bolting and bolting plant were tested; The accumulative process of physiological indexes was compared. Results: Reproductive growth could benefit the accumulation of reproductive sink, go against the increase of source of leaves and vegetative sink, and obviously increase the plant total storage capacity and the total biomass. Wiping off the reproductive growth could increase the C/N ratio in the leaves at the later stages of plant growth and the tubers during the yield formative period, and promote the production of the leaves and tubers. Conclusion: During the process of cultivation, it is supposed to promptly adjust the plant C/N ratio by artificial measures for increasing the tuber production. The strains with suitable amounts and high C/N ratio in the leaves and high nitrogen content in the tubers at the later stages of the plant growth should be chosen for breeding.