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CoDAS ; 36(4): e20230031, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557627


Resumo Objetivo desenvolver um processo de intervenção para identificação de crianças em risco para dislexia, baseado no modelo de resposta à intervenção. Especificamente, identificar o perfil de mudança no desempenho pós-intervenção em tarefas de consciência fonológica, memória operacional, acesso lexical, leitura, escrita; e analisar quais funções cognitivas tiveram efeito significativo para discriminação de estudantes em risco para dislexia. Método amostra composta por 30 participantes com dificuldades na leitura e escrita, entre 8 e 11 anos, de escola pública ou particular, estudantes do 3º ao 5º ano. Todos foram submetidos a uma bateria de testes cognitivo-linguísticos, antes e após a realização de 12 sessões de intervenção. Para monitoramento do desempenho foram aplicadas cinco listas de leitura e escrita de palavras/pseudopalavras. Foram realizadas análises, qualitativas e quantitativas, das diferenças de desempenho pré e pós-intervenção; e entre os participantes na pós avaliação, para compreensão de grupos perfil em risco para dislexia vs não-dislexia. Resultados ocorreram mudanças estatisticamente significativas em nomeação automática rápida, compreensão de texto, consciência fonológica, taxa e tipologia de acertos/erros na leitura/escrita e velocidade de leitura. Sendo essas três últimas variáveis as que se mostraram mais discriminativas dos grupos, todas com menos ganhos na pós-intervenção para o grupo com perfil em risco de dislexia. Conclusão a intervenção com foco na estimulação das habilidades fonológicas e ensino explícito das correspondências grafofonêmicas contribuiu para a evolução dos participantes. A abordagem de resposta à intervenção favoreceu a identificação de crianças com perfil em risco para dislexia, as diferenciando de crianças com outras dificuldades de aprendizagem.

ABSTRACT Purpose To develop on intervention process to identify children at risk of dyslexia, based on the Response to Intervention model. Specifically, to identify the pattern of changes in post-intervention performance in tasks of phonological awareness, working memory, lexical access, reading and writing; and to analyze which cognitive functions had a significant effect on the discriminating students at risk of dyslexia. Method Sample of 30 participants with Reading and writing difficulties, aged 8-11, from public/private schools, students from 3rd to 5th grade. Participants were submitted to a battery of cognitive-linguistic tests, before and after 12 intervention sessions. To monitor their performance, five reading and writing lists of words and pseudowords were applied. We qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed the differences in pre- and post-intervention performance of each participant; and among participants in the post-assessment, to understand the patterns of dyslexia vs non-dyslexia groups. Results There were statistically significant changes in: rapid automatized naming, narrative text comprehension, phonological awareness, rate and typology of hits/misses in reading and writing, and reading speed. Being the last three variables the most sensitive to discriminate the two groups, all with less post-intervention gains for the dyslexia group. Conclusions The intervention focused on the stimulation of phonological skills and explicit and systematic teaching of graphophonemic correspondences contributed positively to the evolution of the group's participants. The intervention response approach favored the identification of children with a profile at risk for dyslexia, as distinct from children with other learning difficulties.

Psicopedagogia ; 39(120): 333-343, set.-dez. 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1448982


O estudo investigou a linguagem escrita de crianças do 2º e 4º anos com e sem sinais de transtorno específico de aprendizagem. Objetivou comparar as escritas entre dois os grupos de alunos, de modo a verificar se a diferença entre eles seria menor nas séries iniciais e tenderia a aumentar nas séries finais, como previsto teoricamente com base no efeito Mateus. Participaram do estudo 51 professores e 1085 alunos, sendo 49 indicados com sinais compatíveis com o transtorno específico de aprendizagem. O instrumento utilizado para analisar a escrita dos alunos foi o Teste de Desempenho Escolar (TDE-II). A partir das análises realizadas, observou-se que o total de palavras certas no ditado do TDE-II foi maior no 4º ano do que no 2º ano para a amostra total, como esperado, e que a diferença entre os alunos com e sem queixas de dificuldades foi maior no 4º ano do que no 2º ano. Análise de post-hoc revelou que não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os alunos com queixas do 2º ano e do 4º ano, ou seja, a diferença entre eles foi tão pequena que não se mostrou significativa. Tal resultado corrobora o efeito Mateus, sugerindo que crianças com dificuldades ao início da escolarização tendem a apresentar menores ganhos e se distanciar cada vez mais dos colegas com habilidades mais desenvolvidas. Logo, estratégias e intervenções precisam ser desenvolvidas para facilitar o desenvolvimento da linguagem escrita das crianças e promover avanços logo ao início da escolarização.

The study investigated writing of 2nd and 4th grade children with and without signs of the specific learning disorder, and aimed to compare the difference in writing between these two groups of students, to analyze whether the difference between them would be smaller in the early grades and would tend to increase in the final grades, as theoretically predicted by Matthew effect. 51 teachers and 1085 students participated in this study, among which 49 had signs compatible with the specific learning disorder. The instrument used to analyze the students writing was the School Performance Test (TDE-II). It was observed that, in general, the total number of correct words in the TDE-II dictation was greater in the 4th grade, compared to the 2nd grade, as expected, and the difference between students with and without complaints of difficulties was greater among the students in 4th grade than among 2nd grade students. Post-hoc tests showed that there was no statistically significant difference between 2nd grade students with complaints and 4th grade students of with complaints, that is, the difference between them was so small that it was not significant. This result corroborates the "Matthew effect": children with difficulties at the beginning of schooling tend to present lower gains and, increasingly, distance themselves from colleagues with more developed skills. Thus, strategies and interventions must be designed to facilitate children's literacy and promote advances at beginning of schooling.

rev. psicogente ; 25(47): 158-174, ene.-jun. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1390574


Resumen Introducción: El trastorno específico del aprendizaje es una entidad nosológica del neurodesarrollo, las manifestaciones clínicas se hacen evidentes en la etapa escolar y son persistentes en el transcurso de la vida. La dislexia (DS) se caracteriza por una afectación en la comprensión y fluidez del proceso lector, asociada a déficits neurocognitivos. Objetivo: Analizar. la relación existente entre fluidez fonológica, repetición, denominación y comprensión verbal en niños con diagnóstico de DS. Método: Se empleó una muestra de N=114 personas con diagnóstico de DS escolarizados, en edades entre 7 y 16 años y un. muestreo no probabilístico. Construimos un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales (MEE) en el software RCran 4.0.4, para analizar la relación entre las variables latentes (fluidez fonológica, fluidez semántica, repetición de pseudopalabras, repetición de frases, denominación y comprensión verbal), a través de los resultados de pruebas psicométricas estandarizadas; Test de Fluencia Verbal, Test de Boston, Evaluación Neuropsicológica Infantil y Escala Weschler IV de Inteligencia. Resultados: Las covarianzas entre fluidez fonológica y todos los componentes del lenguaje (LG) fueron positivas; fluidez semántica (σxy=0,55), repetición de pseudopalabras (σxz=0,53), repetición de frases (σxw=0,64), denominación del LG (σxv=0,60), comprensión verbal (σxy=0,57), lo que indica una relación directa. En las personas con DS, a menor fluidez fonológica mayores deficiencias del LG. Conclusión: En la DS la fluidez fonológica y semántica es limitada y se relaciona de manera directa con las manifestaciones clínicas de este trastorno del neurodesarrollo (TN).

Abstract Introduction: The specific learning disorder is a nosological entity of neurodevelopment, the clinical manifestations become evident in the school stage and are persistent throughout life. Dyslexia (DS) is characterized by an impairment in the comprehension and fluency of the reading process, associated with neurocognitive deficits. Objective: To analyze the relationship between phonological fluency, repetition, naming and verbal comprehension in children diagnosed with dyslexia (DS). Method: A sample of (N=114) school patients with DS diagnosis between the ages of 7 and 16 years, selected by non-probability sampling, was used. We built a structural equation model (MEE) in RCran 4.0.4 software, to analyze the relationship between the latent variables (phonological fluency, semantic fluency, pseudoword repetition, sentence repetition, naming and verbal comprehension), through the results of standardized psychometric tests; Verbal Fluency Test, Boston Test, Child Neuropsychological Assessment and Weschler Intelligence Scale IV. Results: Covariances between phonological fluency and all language (LG) components were positive; semantic fluency (σxy=0.55), pseudoword repetition (σxz=0.53), sentence repetition (σxw=0.64), LG naming (σxv=0.60), verbal comprehension (σxy=0.57), indicating a direct relationship. In people with DS, the lower the phonological fluency the greater the language deficits. Conclusion: In DS, phonological and semantic fluency is limited and is directly related to the clinical manifestations of this neurodevelopmental disorder (TN).

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-204765


Background: Visual perception skill related problems are important in poor academic performance in learning disability (LD) children. Visual perception skill often not tested in LD children. The objective of the study is to explore visual perception skill pattern among children with learning disorder.Methods: Retrospective observational study was conducted at LD clinic of tertiary hospital. Children diagnosed with learning disorder were includes. Visual perception data were collected using predefined standard questionnaire of third edition total visual perception score (TVPS-3). Trained medical professional collected the details.Results: Total 103 children diagnosed with LD were evaluated for TVPS-3. Majority of the children had all three learning disorders-dyslexia, dysgraphia and dyscalculia. 58.42% children had co-morbid attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. From the 7 subtests of the TVPS visual discrimination, visual memory, form constancy and visual figure - ground affected more in boys and also in lower age children.Conclusions: Assessment of visual perception skill in children with learning disorder is crucial. Visual perception rehabilitation with other management of LD can benefit the overall functionality of these children.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-204435


Background: Families of children with disabilities otherwise experience higher stress; and relation between parenting styles and coping of children is well known. Parental factors and family functioning may play a role in shaping the child, especially having issues like SLD. The objective is to study was coping strategies of children with SLD, parenting styles of their parents, their family functioning and relation of these with each other.Methods: It is a cross-sectional study undertaken after Institutional Ethics Committee approval, parent's consent and child's assent. Participants were 100 consecutive children, diagnosed with SLD, 9-13 years of age. Tools used were: Semi-structured proforma, Parenting Practices Questionnaire, Family Assessment Device and Children's Coping Strategies Checklist Revision 1.Results: Authoritarian parenting style was significantly was associated with less use of 'active' and 'support seeking'; and increased use of 'distraction' and 'avoidance' strategies. High scores on Authoritative style was associated with 'active' and 'support seeking' strategies. Avoidance coping strategy was associated with poor (high scores) and active coping strategies with higher (low scores) on problem solving, communication, and general family functioning.Conclusions: Parenting practices and family functioning can be pivotal in determining child's attitude and coping. Assessment of this can be routinely included in child evaluation.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-195414


Background: Specific learning disorder in general called as dyslexia is a neuro developmental disorder,which occurs more commonly in males (Male:Female ratio is 4:1), there are evidence to suggest role ofprenatal gonadal hormone exposure in neurodevelopment. However, studies on association between 2nd to4th digit ratio and dyslexia are mixed. Objective: To compare the 2nd and 4th digit ratio (2D:4D) of bothhands between children with dyslexia and children without dyslexia.Methodology: A case control study, recruited 30 children with dyslexia and 30 age and education matchednormal controls, after getting informed consent from their parents. Collected socio demographic details,applied CARS, Schonell’s reading and spelling test, followed by detailed evaluation by psychiatrist andclinical psychologist, including psychological testing to confirm the diagnosis of dyslexia. The digit lengthof index and ring finger on both hands of all children were measured using Vernier Calliper by direct method.Results: In both the hands 2D:4D ratio was more in children with dyslexia than normal children, but thedifference was not significant (p – 0.146). Analysis of only male samples showed digit ratio is higher indyslexic children than normal children; which were significant (p – 0.03).Conclusion: Our study does not support an association between digit ratios and dyslexia; however, trendtowards higher ratio in dyslexia especially in male children are interesting and needs further exploration.Need more studies in this area to form a definite conclusion.

Univ. psychol ; 17(3): 161-172, jul.-set. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-979526


Resumen Los Trastornos Específicos del Aprendizaje constituyen un grupo heterogéneo de alteraciones frecuentes que pueden generar problemas importantes no solo durante la etapa escolar, sino a lo largo de toda la vida. Las dificultades persistentes en lectura (dislexia) y en matemáticas (discalculia) son, por su relevancia y prevalencia, los dos Trastornos de Aprendizaje más importantes en la práctica educativa y clínica. El objetivo del estudio es realizar una síntesis de los descubrimientos científicos de los últimos diez años sobre las bases neuroanatómicas y genéticas de la dislexia y la discalculia. Se realizó un análisis exhaustivo bibliográfico desde 2006 hasta enero de 2017 en inglés y español centrados en neuroimagen y genética de dislexia y discalculia mediante las bases de datos Medline, PsyInfo, Scopus, Web of Science y Dialnet. Se incluyeron 38 artículos de los cuales se extrajeronn las aportaciones desde la neuroimagen y la genética tanto para la dislexia como de discalculia. Estos datos facilitaron herramientas para orientar al contexto psicológico y educativo, a su vez proporcionando respuestas definitivas.

Abstract The Specific Learning Disorders represent a heterogeneous group of common conditions that can generate important problems not only during schooling but also throughout life. The persistent difficulties in reading (dyslexia) and maths (dyscalculia) are, due to their significance and prevalence, the two most important learning disorders in both educational and clinical practice. The objective of this study is to make a synthesis of the scientific findings of the past ten years about neuroanatomical and genetic basis of dyslexia and dyscalculia. To this aim a comprehensive bibliographic analysis is conducted from 2006 until January, 2017 in English and Spanish from databases Medline, PsyInfo, Scopus, Web of Science y Dialnet. There were included 43 articles with contributions so much about dyslexia as dyscalculia from the neuroimagen and the genetics. This information will provide tools to guide psychological and educational environments and to provide definitive answers.

Dislexia/diagnóstico por imagem , Discalculia/diagnóstico por imagem , Neuroimagem/métodos , Deficiências da Aprendizagem/genética
Arch. Clin. Psychiatry (Impr.) ; 45(1): 1-6, Jan.-Feb. 2018. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-903053


Abstract Background Borderline intelligence function (BIF) and specific learning disorder (SLD) are common diagnoses in children who are brought up for learning problems and school failure. Objective The aim of our study was to determine whether there were distinctive aspects of cognitive testing routinely used in evaluating SLD and BIF and investigate emotion regulation skills and minor neurologic symptoms. Method Sixty children (30 SLD and 30 BIF) who are currently attending primary school are selected for study. Visual Aural Digit Span Test - Form B, Gessel Figure Drawing Test, Bender Gestalt Visual Motor Perception Test, WISC-R, Emotion Regulation Scale (ERS) and Neurological Evaluation Scale (NES) was administered. Results There was no statistically significant difference between groups in cognitive tests. The emotional regulation ability measured by the emotional regulation subscale was better in the SLD group than the BIF group (p = 0.014). In the NES, sensory integration (p = 0.008), motor coordination (p = 0.047) and other (p < 0.001) subscales showed higher scores in the BIF group. Discussion It has been shown that cognitive tests don't have distinguishing features in the evaluation of SLD and BIF. Emotion regulation subscale score of ERS and sensory integration, motor coordination, and total scores of NES can be used in both discrimination of groups.

Psychiatry Investigation ; : 1144-1153, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-719191


OBJECTIVE: One of the areas of social cognition is Theory of Mind (ToM) is defined as the capacity to interpret, infer and explain mental states underlying the behavior of others. When social cognition studies on neurodevelopmental disorders are examined, it can be seen that this skill has not been studied sufficiently in children with Specific Learning Disorder (SLD). METHODS: In this study, social cognition skills in children diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), SLD or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) evaluated before puberty and compared with controls. To evaluate the ToM skills, the first and secondorder false belief tasks, the Hinting Task, the Faux Pas Test and the Reading the Mind in the Eyes Task were used. RESULTS: We found that children with neurodevelopmental disorders as ADHD, ASD, and SLD had ToM deficits independent of intelligence and language development. There was a significant correlation between social cognition deficits and problems experienced in many areas such as social communication and interaction, attention, behavior, and learning. CONCLUSION: Social cognition is an important area of impairment in SLD and there is a strong relationship between clinical symptoms and impaired functionality.

Adolescente , Criança , Humanos , Transtorno do Deficit de Atenção com Hiperatividade , Transtorno do Espectro Autista , Transtorno Autístico , Cognição , Inteligência , Desenvolvimento da Linguagem , Aprendizagem , Transtornos do Neurodesenvolvimento , Puberdade , Transtorno de Aprendizagem Específico , Teoria da Mente
Rev. chil. neuropsicol. (En línea) ; 11(2): 13-21, dic. 2016. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-869796


En el presente trabajo se compararon dos grupos de niños mexicanos en edades comprendidas entre los 8 a 10 años, el primer grupo con trastorno específico en el aprendizaje (TEA), tanto en la precisión de la lectura como en el cálculo, y el otro con buen desempeño académico (BDA), por medio de Escala Wechsler de Inteligencia para Niños, en su cuarta versión (WISC-IV) y la batería de Evaluación Neuropsicológica Infantil (ENI), (subpruebas de Habilidades Académicas, Memoria, Atención y Habilidades Metalingüísticas), ambos instrumentos normados en población mexicana. Se encontraron diferencias significativas (p≤ 0.05) entre los niños BDA y TEA, mediante la U de Mann Whitney, en todas las subpruebas evaluadas a excepción del Índice Velocidad de Procesamiento (WISC), Conteo, Codificación/Evocación y Atención Auditiva, además de Atención visual (ENI). Mediante el Análisis de Componentes Principales se identificaron 5 subgrupos: 2 en los niños con BDA y 3 en los TEA. Las diferencias significativas (p≤ 0.05)entre las variables cognitivas y académicas fueron determinadas mediante la prueba de Kruskal-Wallis. Fue posible observar que los subgrupos TEA obtuvieron puntajes más bajos que los subgrupos BDA tanto en habilidades académicas como en otras variables cognitivas,siendo el Índice de Memoria de Trabajo en la escala Wechsler y las Habilidades Metalingüísticas de la ENI las que mejor diferenciaron a los subgrupos TEA de los BDA.Conclusión: La aplicación de instrumentos normados en la población bajo estudio resulta de gran utilidad para identificar subtipos neuropsicológicos tantoen niños con BDA como con TEA.

In this work two groups of Mexican children aged between 8 to 10 years old were compared, the first group with specific learningdisorder (SLD),in both reading accuracy as in the calculation, and the other compared to good performance academic (GPA) by Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, in its fourth version (WISC-IV) and battery Child Neuropsychological Assessment (ENI), (subtests Academic Skills, Memory, Attention and Metalinguistic Skills), both instruments normed in Mexican population. Significant differences (p ≤ 0.05) were found among SLD and GPA children, by Mann Whitney U Test, they were found in all subtests evaluated except Processing Speed Rate (WISC), Counting, Coding / Evocation and Auditory Attention, also Visual Attention (ENI). By the Principal Component Analysis were identified five subgroups: 2 children with GPA and 3 in the SLD. Significant differences (p ≤ 0.05) between cognitive and academic variables were determined by the Kruskal-Wallis Test. It was possible to observe that the TEA subgroups scored lower than the BDA subgroups in academic abilities as well as in other cognitive variables, with the Working Memory Index on the Wechsler scale as the subtests that evaluate the ENI Metalinguistic Skills the variables that give the best discrimination between the TEA and the BDA subgroups.Conclusion: The application of normed instruments in the population under study is useful to identify neuropsychological subtypes in children with GPA as SLD.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Linguística , Memória de Curto Prazo , Transtorno de Aprendizagem Específico/diagnóstico , Testes de Inteligência , México , Testes Neuropsicológicos , Análise de Componente Principal
Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-177736


Background: Raising a child is a big responsibility for the parents. This responsibility increases if the child has a disability like autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or specific learning disorder (SpLD). Objectives: To study and compare the parental stress, parenting style and resilience in parents of children having ASD, SpLD and children who do not have a psychiatric disorder. Methods: A cross-sectional study was done where we assessed the participants using the Parental stress scale, Parenting styles questionnaire and The Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale. Results: The study sample consisted of parents of 98 children, which included 53 mothers and 45 fathers. Mean stress scale score was significantly higher in parents having a child diagnosed with ASD than in parents having a child with specific learning disorder than in parents having a child with neither of these (p<0.001). Mean parental stress score was also significantly higher in parents with a male child than in parents with a female child (p=0.039) Stress score also was higher in female parents than in male parents (p=0.033). Housewives and unemployed parents had significantly higher mean stress scores than employed population (p=0.006). The mean resilience score was significantly higher (p =0.003) in authoritative parenting followed by permissive with authoritarian parents having the least score. Conclusion: Perceived level of stress in a parent is affected by the type of disability, time spent with the child and gender of the parent and child whereas parental resilience is affected by parenting styles.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-463186


Specific learning disorder (SLD) is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders with a biological origin manifested by difficulties in the acquisition or use of academic skills.The onset is usually during the years of formal schooling and may occur across the life span with profound and extensive influences.The purpose of this article is to review the prevalence,etiological factors,neuropsychological mechanism,clinical manifestation,diagnosis,differential diagnosis,comorbidity and treatment of SLD.