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Rev. neuro-psiquiatr. (Impr.) ; 86(2): 148-153, abr.-jun. 2023. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560316


RESUMEN La ataxia espinocerebelosa tipo 2 (SCA2) es una enfermedad neurodegenerativa hereditaria autosómica dominante, causada por una expansión anormal del trinucleótido CAG en el gen ATXN2. La SCA2 se presenta habitualmente en la edad adulta, con ataxia progresiva asociada a neuropatía periférica, alteración de movimientos oculares, parkinsonismo, entre otros síntomas. Exámenes auxiliares aplicables incluyen pruebas bioquímicas, neuroimágenes, como resonancia magnética cerebral, y estudio genético molecular. Describimos, por primera vez en la población peruana, el caso de una mujer de mediana edad con diagnóstico confirmado de SCA2, cuya resonancia magnética cerebral muestra el signo de la cruz (o hot cross bun sign).

ABSTRACT Spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 (SCA2) is an autosomal dominant inherited neurodegenerative disease, caused by an abnormal CAG trinucleotide expansion in the ATXN2 gene. SCA2 usually occurs in adulthood, with progressive ataxia associated with peripheral neuropathy, impaired eye movements, parkinsonism, and other symptoms. Auxiliary exams include biochemical tests, neuroimaging such as brain MRI, and a molecular genetic study. We describe, for the first time in the Peruvian population, the case of a middle-aged woman with a confirmed diagnosis of SCA2, whose brain MRI shows the "Hot Cross Bun Sign".

Rev. inf. cient ; 101(5)oct. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1441958


Introducción: Recientemente inició la formación de profesionales en una nueva modalidad de Programas Técnico Superior de Ciclo Corto en la especialidad Neurofisiología Clínica, en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Holguín, atendiendo a la alta incidencia de enfermedades neurológicas, como la ataxia espinocerebelosa tipo 2, que constituye un serio problema de salud en Cuba. Un programa de curso optativo que aborde esta temática, contribuye al conocimiento de esta enfermedad para su investigación y posibles tratamientos. Objetivo: Diseñar un programa de curso optativo sobre diagnóstico e intervención físico-terapéutica en la fase prodrómica de la ataxia espinocerebelosa tipo 2 para estudiantes de Neurofisiología Clínica Primer Año en la Facultad de Enfermería ¨Arides Estévez Sánchez¨ de Holguín. Método: Se realizó una investigación didáctica metodológica utilizando los métodos empíricos: observación; teóricos: histórico-lógico, estudio documental, dialéctico; análisis-síntesis e inducción-deducción. Resultados: Se propuso un programa para curso optativo basado en la búsqueda de información científica y métodos empíricos, el cual fue estructurado en cuatro temas, con carácter presencial y duración de 24 horas. Se presentaron los contenidos por temas, objetivos, conocimientos esenciales a adquirir, habilidades principales a dominar y sistema de evaluación. Conclusiones: La aplicación de este programa contribuye a desarrollar habilidades en los profesionales en formación, en el conocimiento de la fase prodrómica de esta enfermedad.

Introduction: It recently began the training of professionals in a new modality of Programas Técnico Superior de Ciclo Corto (Short Cycle Superior Technical Programs) in the Clinical Neurophysiology specialty, at the Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Holguín, attending to the high incidence of neurological diseases, such as spinocerebellar ataxia type 2, which constitutes a serious health problem in Cuba. This is an elective course program that addresses this topic and contributes to the knowledge of this disease, in order to improve research and possible treatments. Objective: To design an elective course program on diagnosis and physical-therapeutic intervention in the prodromal phase of spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 for first year Clinical Neurophysiology students at the ¨Arides Estévez Sánchez¨ School of Nursing in Holguín. Method: A methodological didactic research was carried out using the empirical methods: observation; theoretical: historical-logical, documentary study, dialectical; analysis-synthesis and induction-deduction. Results: A program was proposed for an optional course, based on the search for scientific information and empirical methods, which was structured in four themes, in face-to-face modality and with a duration of 24 hours. The contents were presented by themes, objectives, essential knowledge to acquire, main skills to master and evaluation system. Conclusions: The application of this program contributes to developing skills in training professionals, in the knowledge of the prodromal phase of this disease.

Introdução: Iniciou-se recentemente a formação de profissionais em uma nova modalidade de Programas Técnicos Superiores de Ciclo Curto na especialidade de Neurofisiologia Clínica, na Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Holguín, atendendo à alta incidência de doenças neurológicas, como a ataxia espinocerebelar tipo 2, que constitui um grave problema de saúde em Cuba. Um programa de disciplina eletiva que aborde esse tema contribui para o conhecimento dessa doença para sua investigação e possíveis tratamentos. Objetivo: Elaborar um programa de disciplina eletiva sobre diagnóstico e intervenção fisioterapêutica na fase prodrômica da ataxia espinocerebelar tipo 2 para alunos do primeiro ano de Neurofisiologia Clínica da Escola de Enfermagem ¨Arides Estévez Sánchez¨ de Holguín. Método: Foi realizada uma pesquisa didática metodológica utilizando os métodos empíricos: observação; teórico: histórico-lógico, estudo documental, dialético; análise-síntese e indução-dedução. Resultados: Foi proposto um programa para um curso opcional baseado na busca de informações científicas e métodos empíricos, o qual foi estruturado em quatro temas, com caráter presencial e duração de 24 horas. Os conteúdos foram apresentados por temas, objetivos, conhecimentos essenciais a adquirir, principais competências a dominar e sistema de avaliação. Conclusões: A aplicação deste programa contribui para o desenvolvimento de competências nos profissionais em formação, no conhecimento da fase prodrómica desta doença.

Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 20(5): e4054, 2021. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1352074


Introducción: La Ataxia Espinocerebelosa tipo 2 (SCA2) es una enfermedad neurodegenerativa y hereditaria. No se ha realizado ningún estudio para la caracterización de la ingesta nutricional en pacientes cubanos con SCA2. Objetivo: Comprobar la reproducibilidad y fiabilidad del método de recordatorio de 24 horas para la evaluación de la ingesta nutricional en pacientes cubanos con SCA2, y obtener una caracterización preliminar de la misma en estos pacientes. Material y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio transversal con test-retest que incluyó 35 pacientes con diagnóstico de SCA2. Se empleó el cuestionario dietético de recordatorio de 24 horas incorporado al sistema CERES+. Resultados: Se obtuvieron correlaciones altamente significativas entre la primera y segunda mediciones para la ingesta estimada de energía, nutrientes y según grupos de alimentos. En la mayoría de los elementos relativos a la ingesta estimada de energía y nutrientes, y en todos los grupos de alimentos, se obtuvieron coeficientes de correlación intraclase (0,75. Se obtuvieron diferencias significativas entre pacientes de sexo masculino o femenino en cuanto a la ingesta de proteínas, carbohidratos, cobalamina, hierro, sodio y cinc. Se obtuvo un incremento en la ingesta de sodio y una disminución en la ingesta de ácido fólico y cobre, con respecto a las recomendaciones de ingesta nutricional diaria para la población cubana. Conclusiones: Se comprobó la elevada reproducibilidad y fiabilidad del cuestionario dietético recordatorio de 24 horas para la evaluación de la ingesta nutricional en pacientes con SCA2 y se logró una caracterización preliminar de la ingesta nutricional en estos pacientes(AU)

Introduction: Spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 (SCA2) is a neurodegenerative and inherited disorder. No study has been conducted to characterize nutritional intake in Cuban SCA2 patients. Objective: To test the reproducibility and reliability of the 24-hour dietary recall method for the assessment of nutritional intake in Cuban patients with SCA2, as well as to obtain a preliminary characterization of nutritional intake in these patients. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional test-retest study was conducted on 35 SCA2 patients. The 24-hour dietary recall questionnaire in the CERES+ system was used. Results: Highly significant correlations between the first and second measurements were obtained for energy and nutrients intake, and according to food groups. Intraclass correlation coefficients higher than 0.75 were obtained for energy and most of the nutrients and according to food groups. Significant differences were obtained between male and female patients in terms of proteins, carbohydrates, cobalamin, iron, sodium, and zinc intake. An increase in sodium intake and a decrease in folic acid and copper intake were obtained. SCA2 patients showed increased sodium intake, and decreased folic acid and copper intake relative to nutritional intake recommendations for the Cuban population. Conclusions: The 24-hour recall dietary questionnaire is reproducible and reliable for the assessment of nutritional intake in SCA2 patients. Preliminary characterization of nutritional intake in SCA2 patients was obtained(AU)

Humanos , Vitamina B 12 , Avaliação Nutricional , Ataxias Espinocerebelares/dietoterapia , Ingestão de Alimentos , Ácido Fólico , Estudos Transversais , Inquéritos e Questionários
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-907709


Objective: Spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 (SCA2) is one of the most common autosomal dominant ataxias in the world. Several reports revealed that CAG repeats in some polyQ-containing genes may affect the age at onset (AAO) of patients with SCA2, however, little studies were conducted among Chinese patients with SCA2. Thus, the aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of CAG repeats on the AAO of patients with SCA2 in China.Methods:A total of 119 patients with SCA2 were enrolled and were divided into 2 groups according to their major phenotype:17 patients from 9 families with Parkinson ' s syndrome were grouped as the Parkinson ' s disease-SCA2 (PD-SAC2); 91 patients from 66 SCA2 families and 11 sporadic SCA2 patients were grouped as the ataxia-SCA2 (A-SCA2). Blood samples were obtained from the subjects, and the CAG repeat length in ATXN2 and other (CAG)n-containing genes was screened using fluorescent PCR. The Spearman ' s rank correlation between the CAG repeat length in (CAG)n-containing genes and AAO was analyzed. Regression analysis was performed to investigate whether the CAG repeat length could explain the variant of AAO. A t-test was used to compare the difference of CAG repeat length in (CAG)n-containing genes between the PD-SAC2 and A-SCA2 groups. Results:The CAG repeat length in the longer allele of ATXN2 was negatively correlated with AAO of SCA2 (R=?0.251, P<0.05), and the CAG repeat length could explain 41.7%of the variation of AAO. AAO negatively correlated with the CAG repeat length in the shorter allele of ATXN7 (R=?0.251, P=0.006) or in the longer allele of TBP gene (R=?0.197, P=0.034). A tendency of delay in the AAO was also observed in patients with SCA2 carrying the CAG repeat within the ATXN3, CACNA1A, ATXN7, TBP, and RAI1. In addition, we found that the CAG repeat length in ATXN7 and ATXN2 between the A-SCA2 and the PD-SCA2 groups was significantly different (both P<0.05).Conclusion:The CAG repeat in ATXN2 is a major genetic factor for the AAO of patients with SCA2 in China. The CAG repeat length in ATXN3, CACNA1A, ATXN7, TBP, and RAI1 genes might be a potential factor associated with the AAO of SCA2. The CAG repeat in ATXN7 might be a potential factor affecting the Parkinson??s syndrome in SCA2.

CCH, Correo cient. Holguín ; 22(1): 115-128, ene.-mar. 2018. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-952205


Los objetivos del presente estudio han sido identificar y analizar publicaciones que han indagado acerca de la funcionalidad del sistema respiratorio en pacientes con Ataxia Espinocerebelosa Tipo 2. Se presentan los datos obtenidos a partir de la búsqueda avanzada en Google Académico y en bases de datos tales como PubMed, Scopus, en los idiomas español e inglés, se tuvieron en cuenta los tipos artículos y resúmenes de eventos científicos de varios países, se acotó en la indagación realizada a las palabras claves o en resumen del artículo que hicieran referencia a: Ataxia Espinocerebelosa Tipo 2, Sistema Respiratorio y Capacidad Vital Pulmonar, en un período o desde 1998 hasta 2015, cuyos resultados permitieron revelar que el sistema respiratorio es el menos sistematizado en la búsqueda realizada, aunque existen evidencias de sus alteraciones en los pocos trabajos revisados respecto al tema; se demostró, además, desde el punto de vista teórico la existencia de un impacto positivo de este en la rehabilitación física. Como conclusión, hay indicios que permiten profundizar en este sistema en pacientes con SCA2, los que permiten la identificación de nuevas líneas de investigación en esta temática.

The aims of the present study were to identify and analyze publications that have inquired the functionality of respiratory system in patients with Spinocerebellar Ataxia type 2. The data obtained from the advanced search in Google Scholar and in databases such as PubMed, Scopus, in Spanish and English languages were presented, taking into account the types articles and summaries of scientific events from various countries, the search was limited to the key words or in the summary of the article that made reference to: Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 2, Respiratory System and Pulmonary Vital Capacity, in a period or from 1998 to 2015 , whose results revealed that the respiratory system is the least systematized in the search performed, although there are evidences of its alterations in the few researches reviewed on the subject. In conclusion, there are traces that allow deepening this system in patients with SCA2, which admit the identification of new lines of research in this area.

CCH, Correo cient. Holguín ; 21(2): 383-394, abr.-jun. 2017. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-839591


Introducción: la caries dental es la enfermedad más frecuente que afecta al ser humano y se relaciona con varios factores etiológicos. Objetivo: determinar el grado de afectación por caries y relacionar los posibles factores etiológicos. Método: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, transversal en 26 enfermos de ataxia espinocerebelosa tipo 2 (SCA2), seleccionados mediante muestreo deliberado, ingresados en el Hospital de Medicina Natural y Tradicional en el periodo desde enero-marzo de 2011. Previo consentimiento informado, se realizó interrogatorio y examen clínico y bucal, en condiciones óptimas de ambientación e iluminación. Se precisaron datos generales y particulares de cada enfermo. Se aplicó escala para la estimación y cuantificación de ataxia (SARA) y se determinó índice COP-D y de higiene bucal de Love. Resultados: el índice COP-D de los enfermos de SCA2 resultó elevado, predominaron los dientes extraídos. El 80,76% de los pacientes tenían higiene bucal deficiente y el número de repeticiones de CAG correlacionó significativamente con la puntuación de la escala SARA (r=0,56; p=0,05) y esta a su vez con el estadio clínico de la enfermedad. Se observó una correlación lineal negativa, estadísticamente significativa (r=-0,23, p=0,00) entre los índices COP-D y de higiene bucal de Love. Conclusiones: en los pacientes atáxicos existe una higiene bucal deficiente, con gran afectación por caries dental, las que experimentan un incremento progresivo a medida que evoluciona la enfermedad, debido a un mayor deterioro motor, optando más por las extracciones dentarias, fueron indispensables acciones de prevención y promoción encaminadas a incrementar su salud bucal.

Introduction: tooth decay is the most common disease that affects humans and it is related to several etiological factors. Objective: to determining the degree of affectation by tooth decay as well as to establish some of the possible etiologic factors Methods: a descriptive study was carried out, in 26 illness patients of Spinocerebellar Ataxia type 2 (SCA2) intentionally selected, entered in the Natural and Traditional Medical hospital from January to March of 2011. There were carried out, previous informed consent, oral and clinical exam. COP-D and oral Hygiene of Love index were determined, and the relationships between clinical and molecular variables were established. Results: COP-D index of SCA2 patients was high, with a predominance of extracted teeth. 80.76% of the patients had faulty oral hygiene, and existed a significantly association between the number of CAG repetitions (r=0.56; p=0.05) with the score of SARA scale that also correlated with de clinical stage of the disease. A negative, lineal correlation between COP-D and Buccal Hygiene of Love index were found with statistically significant results (r=-0.23; p=0.00). Conclusions: ataxic patient had deficient oral hygiene, with high affectation of tooth decay, causing a progressive increase of them as the disease progresses, for that reason; the patients prefer the dental extraction. Promotional and prevention activities were necessary to propose to improve the oral health.

Rev. cuba. invest. bioméd ; 33(2): 129-139, abr.-jun. 2014. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: lil-735325


INTRODUCCIÓN: la Ataxia Espinocerebelosa tipo 2 (SCA2) es una enfermedad neurodegenerativa severa que representa un serio problema de salud en Cuba, debido a las altas tasas de prevalencia e incidencia y a la ausencia de tratamientos curativos. OBJETIVOS: evaluar el efecto y la seguridad del tratamiento con altas dosis de vitaminas del complejo B (Compvit-B) sobre la neuropatía periférica en pacientes con SCA2. MÉTODOS: se realizó una investigación prospectiva de intervención clínica en 20 enfermos en estadio ligero los que se sometieron a un protocolo terapéutico mediante la administración intramuscular del COMPVIT B por 12 semanas. Durante las primeras 4 semanas los individuos recibieron dos bulbos semanales y a partir de la 5tasemana un solo bulbo. Inmediatamente antes y después del tratamiento los pacientes fueron evaluados mediantes exámenes clínicos y electrofisiológicos. RESULTADOS: una vez concluido el tratamiento, los pacientes mostraron un aumento significativo de las amplitudes de los potenciales de acción sensitivos de nervios mediano y sural, y en este último nervio se observó además reducción de la latencia y aumento de la velocidad de conducción. Los parámetros de la conducción nerviosa motora no se modificaron. Los potenciales evocados somatosensoriales de nervio mediano arrojaron una reducción significativa de la latencia del potencial de Erb. De manera interesante se observó una la disminución significativa de la frecuencia de aparición de las contracturas musculares dolorosas en el 53% de los casos después del tratamiento. Durante el estudio no se registraron eventos adversos. CONCLUSIONES: el presente estudio identifica una nueva opción terapéutica sintomática en la SCA2, brinda nuevas evidencias sobre las bases fisiopatológicas y el manejo clínico de las contracturas musculares dolorosas y justifican la realización de estudios más amplios en pacientes y portadores de la mutación, los que presentan tales manifestaciones muchos antes de debutar con la ataxia.

INTRODUCTION: Spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 (SCA2) is a severe neurodegenerative disease which constitutes a serious health problem in Cuba due to its high prevalence and incidence rates and the lack of curative treatments. OBJECTIVES: Evaluate the effect and safety of the treatment with high doses of B-complex vitamins (Compvit-B) on peripheral neuropathy in patients with SCA2. METHODS: A prospective clinical intervention study was conducted of 20 patients in the mild stage of the disease undergoing a therapeutic protocol consisting in intramuscular injection of Compvit-B for 12 weeks. Patients were administered two ampoules weekly in the first 4 weeks and one from the fifth week onwards. Immediately before and after the treatment patients underwent clinical and electrophysiological examination. RESULTS: Upon completion of the treatment patients showed a significant increase in the amplitude of the sensitive action potentials of the median and sural nerves. In the latter case there was also a decrease in latency and an increase in conduction velocity. Motor nerve conduction parameters were not modified. Somatosensory evoked potentials of the median nerve showed a significant reduction in the latency of Erb's potential. A significant decrease was also found in the frequency of painful muscle contractures in 53% of the cases after treatment. Adverse events were not recorded during the study. CONCLUSIONS: The study identifies a new therapeutic option for symptomatic SCA2, and provides new evidence of the pathophysiological bases and clinical management of painful muscle contractures. Broader studies should be conducted with patients and carriers of the mutation, who typically present such manifestations long before developing ataxia.

Humanos , Complexo Vitamínico B/uso terapêutico , Polineuropatia Paraneoplásica , Ataxias Espinocerebelares , Estudos Prospectivos , Cuba
Rev. cuba. invest. bioméd ; 33(2): 140-149, abr.-jun. 2014. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: lil-735326


INTRODUCCIÓN: la ataxia Espinocerebelosa tipo 2 (SCA2) es una enfermedad neurodegenerativa que alcanza las mayores tasas de prevalencia e incidencia en Holguín, Cuba. Una de las principales manifestaciones clínicas de estos pacientes son los trastornos cognitivos, expresados fundamentalmente como déficits frontoejecutivos y de la memoria. OBJETIVO: evaluar el efecto del tratamiento con vitaminas del Complejo B sobre las funciones cognitivas, en pacientes cubanos con SCA2. MÉTODOS: se incluyeron 20 pacientes en una investigación de intervención clínica, empleando COMPVIT-B, durante 3 meses. Se evaluaron parámetros clínicos, como la escala SARA y cognitivos como el test de Stroop, el test de Fluencia verbal fonológica y el test de memoria verbal. Todos los estudios se realizaron antes y después del tratamiento. RESULTADOS: el estudio de las funciones frontoejecutivas reveló un aumento significativo del número de palabras mencionadas en el test de fluencia verbal fonológica, al terminar el estudio. Sin embargo, el test de Stroop no mostró cambios significativos. En relación al test de memoria verbal, se obtuvo un aumento del número de palabras recordadas en el primer ensayo, así como reducción del número de ensayos requeridos para recordar todas las palabras. La puntuación de la escala SARA no cambió significativamente. CONCLUSIONES: el presente trabajo constituye una evidencia adicional en favor del uso terapéutico y neuroprotector de las vitaminas del complejo B e identifica una nueva opción de tratamiento sintomatológico para los enfermos con SCA2, lo que incide positivamente en el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de estos pacientes.

INTRODUCTION: Spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 (SCA2) is a neurodegenerative disease with the highest prevalence and incidence rates in the province of Holguín, Cuba. One of its main clinical manifestations is cognitive disorders, fundamentally expressed as frontal-executive and memory deficits. OBJECTIVE: Evaluate the effect of B-complex vitamins on cognitive functions in Cuban patients with SCA2. METHODS: Twenty patients were included in a clinical intervention study based on the use of Compvit-B for 3 months. An evaluation was conducted of clinical parameters such as the Scale for the Assessment and Rating of Ataxia (SARA), and cognitive parameters like the Stroop test, the phonological verbal fluency test and the verbal memory test. All the studies were conducted before and after the treatment. RESULTS: The study of frontal-executive functions revealed a significant increase in the number of words mentioned in the phonological verbal fluency test at the end of the study. However, the Stroop test did not show any significant change. The verbal memory test showed an increase in the number of words recalled in the first assay, and a reduction in the number of assays required to recall all the words. Scores on the SARA did not change significantly. CONCLUSIONS: The paper provides additional evidence in support of the therapeutic and neuroprotective use of B-complex vitamins and presents a new option of symptomatic treatment for patients with SCA2, which will lead to an improvement in their quality of life.

Humanos , Complexo Vitamínico B/uso terapêutico , Transtornos Cognitivos/etnologia , Ataxias Espinocerebelares , Cuba
Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-121029


Spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA) is one of a group of genetic disorders characterized by slowly progressive incoordination of gait and often associated with poor coordination of hands, speech, and eye movements. There are more than 35 different types of spinocerebellar ataxias, each caused by a different genetic mutation. Spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 (SCA2) is a subtype of type I autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia (ADCA type I) characterized by truncal ataxia, dysarthria, slowed saccades and less commonly ophthalmoparesis and chorea. The age at onset varies from 3 to 79 years (mean 33). Usually, the first symptom of the disease is the gait ataxia, followed by the cerebellar dysarthria. Of late, other clinical manifestations of SCA2 are the cognitive dysfunctions, which include frontal executive impairment, verbal short-term memory deficits as well as reduction of attention and concentration. We report a 56-year old woman identified as spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 (SCA2) with only clinical feature of memory impairment.

Feminino , Humanos , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Ataxia , Ataxia Cerebelar , Coreia , Disartria , Movimentos Oculares , Marcha , Marcha Atáxica , Mãos , Memória , Memória de Curto Prazo , Oftalmoplegia , Movimentos Sacádicos , Ataxias Espinocerebelares
Rev. cuba. invest. bioméd ; 30(2): 245-250, abr.-jun. 2011.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-615394


Se informa de una familia con 8 pacientes del sexo femenino afectadas de ataxia espinocerebelosa residentes en áreas del poblado de Gaspar, municipio de Baraguá en la provincia de Ciego de Ávila, con un posible patrán hereditario autosómico dominante. Las manifestaciones generales observadas fueron dificultad para el lenguaje y la marcha, aumento de la base de sustentación, dismetría, Romber simple y sensibilizado positivo, temblor de acción, hiporreflexia bicipital y nistagmo. Se traza el objetivo de la creación de un equipo multidisciplinario en la provincia y la creación de vínculos con la Clínica de Ataxia de la provincia de Holguín para el estudio clínico y molecular de estos enfermos

It is reported about a family with eight female patients suffering from spinocerebellar ataxia in areas of Gaspar town, Baragua municipality in Ciego de Avila province with a possible autosomal dominant inheritance. The general manifestations observed were difficulty to walk and speech, increase of the sustentation base, positive simple and sensitized Romber, action tremor, bycipital hyporeflexia and nystagmus. It traces the goal of creating a multidisciplinary team in the province and the relationship with the Ataxia Clinic in Holguin province for clinical and molecular studying of these patients

Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-17576


The spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 (SCA 2) is an autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia that commonly presents with cerebellar ataxia, hyporeflexia, and slow saccades. Recent clinical series described movement disorder in the SCA 2 such as Parkinsonism or dystonia. Dystonia can be observed in and even be the presenting feature of the SCA 2. We report two patients with genetically confirmed SCA 2 displaying a slowly progressive syndrome combined with cerebellar ataxia and craniocervical segmental dystonia.

Humanos , Ataxia Cerebelar , Distonia , Transtornos dos Movimentos , Transtornos Parkinsonianos , Reflexo Anormal , Movimentos Sacádicos , Ataxias Espinocerebelares
Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-179739


This is a case of a boy with autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia (SCA type 2), which was confirmed by DNA analysis. A 9-year-old boy had been suffering from tremor in both arm and leg for 5 years. After traffic accident, a year ago, the symtoms were more aggravated, and he visted our hospital. The boy showed slow saccades, decreased DTR, ataxic gait and limb ataxia. We analyzed DNA repetition, which revealed positive for the SCA2 expanded repeat.

Criança , Humanos , Masculino , Acidentes de Trânsito , Braço , Ataxia , Ataxia Cerebelar , DNA , Marcha , Perna (Membro) , Movimentos Sacádicos , Ataxias Espinocerebelares , Tremor , Repetições de Trinucleotídeos