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Rev. bras. entomol ; 68(1): e20230097, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559494


ABSTRACT Ecological interactions are diverse, variable across space and time and not always well understood. The use of interaction network analysis has become a tool that promotes a deeper understanding on ecological and evolutionary processes. The interaction between insects and fungi is an interesting research model, helping to understand colonization dynamics and species specialization in spatially aggregated and ephemeral resources. Here, we describe the interactions between Drosophilidae species and the fungal basidiocarps in a subtropical forest in Brazil. Flies were collected when were visiting basidiocarps and then the basidiocarps themselves were also collected to obtain the emerging flies whose larvae fed on the fungi. We observed 31 species of drosophilids interacting with basidiocarps of 23 fungi species. An ecological network analysis was performed for the drosophilids breeding on basidiocarps and for those visiting them as adults. We found a specialized breeding network, with stronger interactions involving Hirtodrosophila and Auricularia and Zygothrica bilineata and a Marasmius species. Our results indicate the generalist habit of most Zygothrica species. The visitation network was highly specialized. Despite being well represented in the sampling, most Zygothrica species did not emerge from any fungal species. This study advances the knowledge on patterns of Drosophilid-fungi interactions and provides insights into their drivers.

Tropical Biomedicine ; : 524-530, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-961502


@#Canine babesiosis caused by Babesia spp. is a noteworthy tick-borne zoonotic disease of domestic dogs and wild canids. In present study, a total of 556 blood samples were randomly collected from pet dogs in eight cities of Hunan province, subtropical China. Genomic DNA was extracted and Babesia DNA was detected by amplification of partial 18S rRNA gene sequences. A total of 56 (10.1%) blood samples were tested positive for Babesia species. Sequence analysis showed that 29 dogs (5.2%) were positive for B. gibsoni, and other 27 dogs for B. vogeli (4.9%). The age and health status were considered as important risk factors for B. gibsoni and B. vogeli infections in pet dogs in this study (P<0.05). Phylogenetic analysis showed that the examined positive samples were highly clustered in the same branch with B. gibsoni and B. vogeli, respectively. This is the first molecular report of B. gibsoni infection in pet dogs in Hunan province, subtropical China. Our finding has provided a guide for the control of dog babesiosis in China and elsewhere.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-204496


Background: Dengue is a major public health problem throughout subtropical and tropical regions. In more severe or complicated dengue, patients present with a severe febrile illness characterized by abnormalities of hemostasis and increased vascular permeability, which in some instances results in a hypovolemic shock. Dengue is endemic in more than 100 countries in tropical and subtropical regions with an estimated 390 million infections occurring worldwide, among which 96 million infections are clinically apparent. The objective of this study is to assess the usefulness of serum albumin as a prognostic factor in dengue.Method: This observational study enrolled 100 patients who were admitted in KIMS Hospital from June 2017 to June 2018 without any co morbidities as mentioned in the exclusion criteria. On day 4 of illness hemoglobin, packed cell volume, platelet and serum albumin were done, and the participants were classified into 3 groups based on clinical manifestationResults: In this study, hemoglobin was elevated on day 4 in group 3 when compared to other groups and it was statistically significant. Hemoconcentration and low platelet values were also seen in group 3 when compared to other groups showing statistical significance.Serum albumin was also low in group 3 when compared to other groups, which was strongly significant.Conclusion: Hence serum albumin can be used as a prognostic factor in dengue.

Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 42: e51495, fev. 2020. map, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460932


The present study describes the length/weight ratio (LWR) of 20 fish species caught in an intertidal area of the Paranaguá Estuarine Complex, southern Brazil. Fish were caught with three beach seine nets, with 2m high, 70m long and distance between knots of 2.5; 4 and 5cm. A total of 880 individuals of 21 species belonging to 11 families were captured, ranging from 5 to 75.5cm in total length. All species analyzed are widely distributed throughout the Southwestern Atlantic. Positive allometric growth (b > 3) was predominant, occurring in 60% species, 35% presented negative allometry (b < 3) and only 5% had isometric growth (b = 3). Many factors could be influencing the distinct growth patterns observed between the literature and the present study, such as the environmental influences, the reduced number of specimens, the sampling methods, the sampling periods and the estimation of the LWR with grouped sexes.

Animais , Peixes/anatomia & histologia , Peixes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Peso Corporal , Estudos de Amostragem
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 42: e51310, fev. 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460950


This study reports the length‐weight relationships (LWRs) for 8 fish species that inhabit mangroves. Many fisheries depend on mangroves, which serve as nursery and feeding areas for the juvenile stage of fishes, shrimp, and other fishery resources. In this sense, mangroves provide many ecosystem services, therefore increasing the basic biological knowledge of these ecosystems can help to understand their functioning and create conservation strategies. The majority of LWR studies do not consider juveniles, and it is important to consider these differences as juveniles can grow differently from adults. The fishes were collected from Perequê mangrove, Paraná, Brazil between 2008 and 2010. A variety of fishery gears were employed, including trammel nets, fyke nets, and traps made with plastic bottles combined with four baits. The specimens were measured (weight and length), sexed and evaluated for maturational stage. For the adults, the LWRs were calculated separately by the sex, while juvenile LWRs were estimated together. In general, there were differences in growth type between sexes and life stages. Some species showed differences compared to FishBase estimations, but this could be due to the lengths (and life stage) of the individuals used in the present study compared to FishBase. The discrepancies between adult, juvenile and FishBase estimations showed the importance of considering these aspects in studies using LWR.

Animais , Peixes/anatomia & histologia , Peso Corporal
J Environ Biol ; 2019 Jul; 40(4): 668-673
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-214606


Aim: The study was conducted to determine the impact of landuse on soil physical properties and erodibility. Methodology: Representative soil samples were collected from surface and sub-surface soil depths. Soil physical properties and erodibility indices viz suspension percentage, dispersion ratio, clay/moisture equivalent ratio, erosion ratio, percolation ratio, clay ratio, erosion index and modified clay ratio were determined using standard procedures. Interrelationship among soil properties and erodibility indices were evaluated using Pearson correlation analysis (at 95% and 99% significance level). Results: Among landuse systems, the clay was highest in forest while least in soils under barren landuse. Lowest bulk density and highest value of maximum water holding capacity was found in forest soils. According to susceptibility to erosion, the landuse systems were found in the following order barren lands > cultivated systems (agriculture and horticulture) > forest lands. The ‘r’ values showed positive and highly significant correlations between sand content and bulk density with suspension percentage (SP), clay ratio (CR), modified clay ratio (MCR), dispersion ratio (DR), percolation ratio (PR), erosion ratio (ER), erosion index (EI) while negative and significant correlations of these erodibility indices were found with clay and porosity. Among the erodibility indices SP, DR, PR, ER and EI were positively and significantly correlated with each other. Interpretation: Physical quality of soil was higher in forest compared to other landuse systems. Erodibility of different landuse systems could be arranged in order barren lands > cultivated systems (agriculture and horticulture) > forests. The study was useful for suggesting remedial measures and landuse planning for future

J Environ Biol ; 2019 Jan; 40(1): 45-52
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-214604


Aim: The present study aimed to understand the periodical changes in fine root biomass, production, turnover and carbon and nitrogen return in forest fallows following shifting agriculture in Mizoram, Northeast India. Methodology: Root biomass was determined using sequential coring method in different fallow lands (FL-3, FL-5 and FL-10) following shifting agriculture. Annual fine root production was calculated as the sum of differences between annual maximum and minimum root biomass of different diameter classes. Concentrations of carbon and nitrogen in soil and roots were determined using CHN auto-analyzer, and their accumulations and returns were computed as the product of mass and element concentrations. Results: Total root biomass was maximum (561 g m-2) at FL-10, which decreased to 141 g m-2 at FL-3 with greater accumulation of fine roots in upper soil layer (0-10 cm) and coarse roots in lower depths. Root biomass was maximum (1499 g m-2) at the time of slashing which decreased to about one fourth just after burning. The amount of organic matter, carbon and nitrogen return to soil through fine root death was significantly regulated by soil moisture, microbial biomass carbon and total nitrogen in different fallow lands. Interpretation: Addition of organic matter, carbon and nitrogen to soil through death and decomposition of fine roots is an important mechanism responsible for sustaining soil fertility and crop productivity in different fallow lands. The output of the study has implications for the management of fallow lands following shifting cultivation and modeling global cycles of carbon and nitrogen.

Rev. biol. trop ; 66(1): 415-427, Jan.-Mar. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-897682


Abstract The reservoirs of the upper Juramento basin (Cabra Corral and El Tunal) and the Salí-Dulce basin (El Cadillal, Río Hondo, and Escaba) show certain peculiarities due to their geographical location, basin morphology and limnological features. Such peculiarities were compared during significant algal bloom periods between 2002 and 2008, by analyzing the main physicochemical parameters and ecological attributes of the phytoplankton assemblages using standard methods. Tucumán reservoirs were different in most variables showing higher values of conductivity, nutrients and algal biomass. Regarding the hydrological cycle, El Cadillal exhibited the lowest biomass average (2.74 mg Chl.m-3) during maximum water flows, whereas the Cabra Corral lacustrine zone exhibited the highest biomass average (63.36 mg Chl.m-3) during minimum water flows. For the same period, the Cabra Corral lacustrine zone exhibited lower phytoplankton diversity and richness (1.37 and 9, respectively), in accordance with dinophyte blooms of Ceratium sp. In all reservoirs, the following biological variables showed a significant contrast in the hydrological cycle: highest phytoplankton biomass during minimum water flows (35.68 mg Chl-a m-3) vs. waterfloods (13.68 mg Chl-a m-3) (T = 3.42, P = 0.001). During minimum water flows, richness (14.30 sp.) and equitability (0.51) were lower vs. waterfloods (20.23, 0.59, respectively) (T = 2.36; P = 0.0196), as a result of the allochthonous nutrients provided by the main tributaries. Management of the reservoirs' hydrometric levels during dry season determines the deterioration of the water quality with increased algal blooms. In order to ensure the systems' sustainability, eutrophication must be controlled with programs to reduce diffuse nutrient loads and to treat residential and agroindustrial effluents, particularly in Sali-Dulce basin. Rev. Biol. Trop. 66(1): 415-427. Epub 2018 March 01.

Resumen Los embalses de la Alta Cuenca del Juramento (Cabra Corral y El Tunal) y del Salí-Dulce (El Cadillal, Río Hondo y Escaba) por su ubicación geográfica, morfología y características limnológicas muestran ciertas peculiaridades que son comparadas en el período relevante de proliferaciones algales acaecidas entre 2002 y 2008, mediante análisis de los principales parámetros fisicoquímicos y atributos ecológicos de los ensambles del fitoplancton por empleo de técnicas estandarizadas. Los embalses de Tucumán se diferenciaron en la mayoría de las variables con valores más elevados de conductividad, nutrientes y biomasa de algas. En función del ciclo hidrológico, El Cadillal en aguas altas presentó el promedio más bajo de biomasa (2.74 mg Cl.m-3) y en contraste Cabra Corral el más elevado (63.36 mgCl.m-3) durante los caudales mínimos de agua. En éste último, en el mismo período, también la diversidad y riqueza de especies del fitoplancton fueron menores (1.37 y 9 respectivamente), en concordancia con las proliferaciones de dinófitos (Ceratium sp.). Las siguientes variables biológicas en el conjunto de embalses presentaron un contraste significativo en el ciclo hidrológico: biomasa del fitoplancton más elevada en estiaje (35.68 mg Cl a. m-3) versus crecidas (13.68 mg Cl a. m-3) (T = 3.42; P = 0.001). En estiaje, la riqueza (14.30 sp) y equitatividad (0.51) fueron menores versus crecidas (20.23, 0.59, respectivamente) (T = 2.36; P = 0.0196), debido al aporte alóctono de nutrientes por los tributarios principales. El manejo de los niveles hidrométricos de los embalses durante el estiaje determina el deterioro de la calidad de sus aguas con incremento de proliferaciones algales. Para asegurar la sustentabilidad de los sistemas, es indispensable el control de la eutrofización mediante programas de reducción de cargas difusas de nutrientes y tratamiento de efluentes domiciliarios y agroindustriales, particularmente en la cuenca del Sali-Dulce.

Braz. j. biol ; 77(3): 659-661, July-Sept. 2017. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-888784


Abstract Herein, we provide new occurrence records of Scinax nasicus (Cope, 1862) for the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Southern Brazil. All new records here provide are located on Southern half of the state. Besides this, we provide the first record for species in Brazilian coastal zone. Those records improve considerably our knowledge regarding species distribution in Southern Brazil.

Resumo Aqui, nós fornecemos novos registros de ocorrência de Scinax nasicus (Cope, 1862) para o estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Sul do Brasil. Todos os novos registros aqui fornecidos estão localizados na metade sul do estado. Além disso, nós fornecemos o primeiro registro para a espécie na zona costeira brasileira. Esses registros melhoram consideravelmente o nosso conhecimento sobre a distribuição da espécie no Sul do Brasil.

Animais , Anuros/fisiologia , Distribuição Animal , Brasil
An. acad. bras. ciênc ; 89(2): 1205-1220, Apr.-June 2017. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-886712


ABSTRACT To increase the availability to consumers and add more value to persimmon (Diospyros kaki L.), which is a very perishable and seasonal fruit and in order to identify which cultivars grown in subtropical regions are more suitable for processing in the form of juice and jelly, as well as understand what the consumer profile is for these products, the objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of different persimmon cultivars (Rama Forte, Mel, Guiombo and Taubaté) grown in subtropical regions of Brazil on the physicochemical characteristics, rheological properties and sensory acceptance of the resulting juice and jelly in order to identify cultivars with the greatest potential for industrial use. The different studied persimmon cultivars had different physical and physicochemical characteristics which resulted in juices and jellies with different physicochemical, rheological and sensory characteristics. Based on sensory acceptance and productivity/adaptability of persimmon crop in Brazil, the most suitable persimmon cultivars for processing are Rama Forte and Guiombo. In this study it was found that the consumer prefers a more acidic persimmon juice and a less firm or softer, less sweet, clearer and more intense yellow color persimmon jelly.

Qualidade dos Alimentos , Diospyros/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Diospyros/química , Sucos de Frutas e Vegetais , Frutas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Frutas/química , Fenóis/análise , Pigmentos Biológicos , Valores de Referência , Paladar , Brasil , Concentração de Íons de Hidrogênio , Antioxidantes/química
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-819400


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the fauna of a highly venomous marine species group, the cone snails (Family Conidae), in the shores of Qeshm Island, of evaluating the possibility of envenomation in the area and summarize recommendations for emergency first aid.@*METHODS@#Shores surrounding Qeshm Island were surveyed to collect cone snails during cold (February and March) and warm (May and June) seasons of 2017. Collected snails were identified to the species level. Abundance and species richness were estimated in shores of different structures, including muddy and sandy-rocky shores. Also, the most updated medical literature was reviewed to summarize related emergency first aid.@*RESULTS@#Three cone snail species were recorded from southern sandy-rocky shores of the Island, in decreasing order of abundance, included crowned cone (Conus coronatus) (65%), feathered cone (Conus pennaceus) (28%), and frigid cone (Conus frigidus) (7%). Abundance of these species were significantly higher in cold season compared to the warm season (P < 0.05). No cone snails were recorded along the northern muddy shores of the Island.@*CONCLUSIONS@#Envenomation can cause various symptoms ranging from minor local pain to systemic paralysis and death due to respiratory failure. We recommend an awareness programme for the seashore visiting public.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-6802


Objective: To establish seasonal and alert thresholds and transmission intensity categories for influenza to provide timely triggers for preventive measures or upscaling control measures in Cambodia. Methods: Using Cambodia’s influenza-like illness (ILI) and laboratory-confirmed influenza surveillance data from 2009 to 2015, three parameters were assessed to monitor influenza activity: the proportion of ILI patients among all outpatients, proportion of ILI samples positive for influenza and the product of the two. With these parameters, four threshold levels (seasonal, moderate, high and alert) were established and transmission intensity was categorized based on a World Health Organization alignment method. Parameters were compared against their respective thresholds. Results: Distinct seasonality was observed using the two parameters that incorporated laboratory data. Thresholds established using the composite parameter, combining syndromic and laboratory data, had the least number of false alarms in declaring season onset and were most useful in monitoring intensity. Unlike in temperate regions, the syndromic parameter was less useful in monitoring influenza activity or for setting thresholds. Conclusion: Influenza thresholds based on appropriate parameters have the potential to provide timely triggers for public health measures in a tropical country where monitoring and assessing influenza activity has been challenging. Based on these findings, the Ministry of Health plans to raise general awareness regarding influenza among the medical community and the general public. Our findings have important implications for countries in the tropics/subtropics and in resource-limited settings, and categorized transmission intensity can be used to assess severity of potential pandemic influenza as well as seasonal influenza.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-972525


Objective To investigate the fauna of a highly venomous marine species group, the cone snails (Family Conidae), in the shores of Qeshm Island, of evaluating the possibility of envenomation in the area and summarize recommendations for emergency first aid. Methods Shores surrounding Qeshm Island were surveyed to collect cone snails during cold (February and March) and warm (May and June) seasons of 2017. Collected snails were identified to the species level. Abundance and species richness were estimated in shores of different structures, including muddy and sandy-rocky shores. Also, the most updated medical literature was reviewed to summarize related emergency first aid. Results Three cone snail species were recorded from southern sandy-rocky shores of the Island, in decreasing order of abundance, included crowned cone (Conus coronatus) (65%), feathered cone (Conus pennaceus) (28%), and frigid cone (Conus frigidus) (7%). Abundance of these species were significantly higher in cold season compared to the warm season (P < 0.05). No cone snails were recorded along the northern muddy shores of the Island. Conclusions Envenomation can cause various symptoms ranging from minor local pain to systemic paralysis and death due to respiratory failure. We recommend an awareness programme for the seashore visiting public.

An. acad. bras. ciênc ; 89(3,supl): 2219-2228, 2017. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-886810


ABSTRACT We aimed to investigate the taxonomic and functional variations of tree component of Araucaria Forest (AF) areas located along an altitudinal gradient (700, 900 and 1,600 m asl), in the southern region of Brazil. The functional traits determined were leaf area, specific leaf area, wood density, maximum potential height and dispersal syndromes and deciduousness. The data were analyzed through a functional and taxonomic dissimilarity dendrograms, community-weighted mean trait values, parametric and nonparametric tests, and Principal Component Analysis. The largest floristic-structural similarity was observed between the lower altitude areas (700 and 900 m asl), whose Bray-Curtis distance was 0.63. The area at 700 m asl was characterized by a predominance of deciduous and semi-deciduous species, with a high number of self- and wind-dispersed species, whereas the area at 1,600 m asl exhibited a predominance of animal-dispersed and evergreen species. It was also observed that there were significant variations for leaf traits, basic wood density and maximum potential height. Over all altitudinal gradient, the ordinations indicated that there was no evidence of functional differentiation among dispersal and deciduousness groups. In conclusion, the evaluated Araucaria Forest areas presented high floristic-functional variation of the tree component along the altitudinal gradient.

Árvores/classificação , Biodiversidade , Altitude , Especificidade da Espécie , Árvores/anatomia & histologia , Brasil , Florestas , Biomassa
Braz. j. biol ; 76(2): 444-449, Apr.-June 2016. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-781394


Abstract We report six new occurrence records of the bush dog Speothos venaticus, a widely distributed South American carnivore that is threatened with extinction. These records are accompanied by notes on the places where the records were made, such as vegetation type, date and information about the protection of areas. The records, obtained over the last 17 years in Paraná state, southern Brazil, offer an improved understanding of the species geographic range and the threats it faces and can enable better assessments of the conservation status of the species in southern Brazil.

Resumo Apresentamos seis novos registros de ocorrência do cachorro-do-mato-vinagre Speothos venaticus, um carnívoro sul Americano de ampla distribuição geográfica, porém ameaçado de extinção. Os registros são acompanhados de notas sobre os locais onde foram obtidos, tais como: tipo de vegetação, datas e informações sobre a proteção das áreas. Os registros, obtidos ao longo dos últimos 17 anos no Estado do Paraná, na região sul do Brasil, oferecem uma maior compreensão acerca da distribuição geográfica e das ameaças que a espécie enfrenta, permitindo melhores avaliações sobre o status de conservação desta espécie no sul do Brasil.

Animais , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , Canidae , Brasil/epidemiologia , Dinâmica Populacional/estatística & dados numéricos
Braz. j. biol ; 76(1): 93-100, Feb. 2016. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-774507


Abstract Environmental complexity is considered a key factor for diversity enhancement in aquatic ecosystems. Macrophyte stands are a major contributor for this complexity due to their differential architectures. Nevertheless, the influence of distinct aquatic habitat architectures (with different types of macrophytes or without them) on microcrustaceans’ taxa composition, usually found in macrophyte colonized water bodies, is underexplored in limnological studies. The main objective of this study was to analyze this influence by comparing the Cladocera composition among four habitat architectures: (1) fluctuant macrophytes, (2) rooted emergent macrophytes, (3) submerged macrophytes and (4) the limnetic zone of oxbow lakes associated to a large subtropical reservoir. Wide compositional variation was observed. Fluctuant macrophytes exhibited the richest Cladocera assemblage, dominated by Chydoridae. Submerged and rooted emergent macrophytes had the most similar assemblages between them. The most distinctive fauna was found in the limnetic zone, dominated by Bosminidae. Probable differences in resource availability in each sampled habitat architecture are considered as the driving factor for the Cladocera composition variation. We concluded that for a complete inventory of a given local fauna, it is imperative to take into account the aquatic habitat architecture, including macrophyte stands, in the data sampling design.

Resumo A complexidade ambiental é considerada um fator chave para o aumento na diversidade de ambientes aquáticos. A presença de bancos de macrófitas é um dos principais contribuintes para tal complexidade devido às suas arquiteturas diferenciadas. Entretanto, a influência de diferentes arquiteturas de habitat (com diferentes macrófitas ou sem elas) sobre a composição taxonômica de microcrustáceos, comumente encontrados em ambientes colonizados por macrófitas, é pouco explorada em estudos limnológicos. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar esta influência através da comparação da composição das associações de Cladocera entre quatro arquiteturas de habitat: (1) macrófitas flutuantes, (2) macrófitas enraizadas emersas, (3) macrófitas submersas e (4) a zona limnética em lagoas laterais associadas a um grande reservatório subtropical. Ampla variação composicional foi observada. Macrófitas flutuantes apresentaram as mais ricas assembléias de Cladocera, dominadas por Chydoridae. Macrófitas submersas e emersas enraizadas apresentaram as associações mais similares. A fauna mais distinta foi a da zona limnética, dominada por Bosminidae. Prováveis diferenças na disponibilidade de recursos entre as arquiteturas de habitat amostradas foram consideradas o fator mais relevante levando à variação composicional dos microcrustáceos. Concluímos que para um inventário completo de uma determinada fauna local é imperativo que seja considerada a arquitetura dos habitats aquáticos, incluindo os bancos de macrófitas, no desenho amostral.

Animais , Distribuição Animal , Biodiversidade , Cladocera/fisiologia , Ecossistema , Lagos
Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 16(3): e20150128, 2016. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-951092


Abstract Organisms living in tide pools in the intertidal zone are exposed to daily and abrupt changes in temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH and salinity, during tidal cycles. Fish assemblages in tide pools are usually very different from those in surrounding areas; resident species exhibit morphological and ecological adaptations to deal with such a variable environment. In this study, we described the environmental conditions and the fish diversity and composition from four tide pools at the continental margin of the São Sebastião Channel, São Sebastião (23º41'-23º54'S; 45º19'-45º30'W), in southeastern Brazil. Monthly, from January to December 2011, we sampled four tide pools (12 samples per pool), applying a standard protocol to record environmental variables, and visual censuses to record abundance, richness and composition of fish assemblages. Environmental and fish data were compared among tide pools and periods throughout the year (warm and cold) using both univariate and multivariate analyses of variance. Tide pools showed significant environmental differences, mainly in area, volume and complexity of substrata. We observed 13 species of fishes (10 families), which belong to five trophic guilds (roving herbivores, territorial herbivores, mobile invertebrate feeders, omnivores and carnivores). Density and richness of fish were almost constant during the studied period, except for a reduction in fish density in São Francisco's Beach during a cold period. However, assemblages from the sampled tide pools differed from each other in composition and relative abundance of species, resulting in four distinct assemblage structures. Bathygobius soporator was the dominant species in most of the tide pools, corresponding to 66% of all recorded fish. The tide pool from Baleeiro's Point was intermediate in size, but was covered by a complex algae community and supported the most diverse fish assemblage, suggesting that habitat complexity may contribute to the diversity of fish.

Resumo Organismos que habitam poças na zona entre marés estão sujeitos a mudanças diárias e abruptas na temperatura, oxigênio dissolvido, pH e salinidade durante os ciclos das marés. Por isso, as assembleias de peixes dessas poças são geralmente bem distintas daquelas das áreas adjacentes, do infralitoral, apresentando espécies residentes com adaptações morfológicas e ecológicas para lidar com tal ambiente variável. Neste estudo, descrevemos e comparamos as condições ambientais e a diversidade e composição da ictiofauna de quatro poças de marés verdadeiras na margem continental do Canal de São Sebastião, São Sebastião (23º41'-23º54'S; 45º19'-45º30'W), sudeste do Brasil. Mensalmente, de janeiro a dezembro de 2011, amostramos quatro poças (12 amostras por poça), aplicando um protocolo padrão para registrar as variáveis ambientais, e censos visuais para registrar a abundância, riqueza e composição da assembleia de peixes. Dados abióticos e da ictiofauna foram comparados entre poças de maré e períodos do ano (quente e frio) usando análises de variância univariadas e multivariadas. As poças de marés diferiram uma das outras principalmente em área, volume e complexidade do substrato. Observamos 13 espécies de peixes (10 famílias) pertencentes a cinco guildas tróficas (herbívoros vágeis, herbívoros territoriais, invertívoros, onívoros e carnívoros). A densidade e riqueza de peixes foram praticamente constantes ao longo do período estudado, exceto pela redução na densidade de peixes observada na poça da Praia de São Francisco durante o período frio. Entretanto, as assembleias das quatro poças de maré diferiram uma das outras quanto à composição e abundância relativa das espécies, resultando em quatro poças com diferentes estruturas de assembleias. O amboré Bathygobius soporator foi a espécie dominante na maioria das localidades, correspondendo a 66% de todos os peixes registrados. A poça da Ponta do Baleeiro apresentou tamanho intermediário, mas esteve coberta por uma complexa comunidade de algas e abrigou a assembleia de peixes mais diversa nesse estudo, sugerindo que a complexidade de habitat pode contribuir para a diversidade de peixes.

Braz. j. biol ; 75(4)Nov. 2015.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468336


Abstract Enchytraeids are small oligochaetes found worldwide in soils with sufficient moisture and organic matter, but scarcely studied in the Southern hemisphere. This is the third study on enchytraeid abundance in Brazil using wet extraction and the first carried out in Araucaria Mixed Forest (subtropical region). The sampling and extraction were based on the standard method ISO 23611-3/2007 using an adapted split soil corer and wet extraction with and without heat to assess the abundance of enchytraeids in a forest fragment at Embrapa Forestry in Colombo, Paraná State. The samplings were performed in 3 occasions between September 2011 and April 2012. The average numbers estimated by each method varied from appr. 2.000-12.000 (cold) and 5.000-12.000 ind./ m2 (hot), respectively, with a maximum of 44.000 ind./ m2 in one of the samples, the highest value reported so far in Brazil. The hot extraction was more advantageous, given the speed and preservation of the specimens in vivo, allowing taxonomic identification. Advantages and disadvantages of wet extractions compared to handsorting and formol methods are also discussed. Guaranidrilus, Hemienchytraeus, Enchytraeus, Fridericia and Achaeta were the genera identified in the samples.

Resumo Os enquitreídeos são pequenos oligoquetas encontrados no mundo todo em solos com suficiente umidade e matéria orgânica, porém muito pouco estudados no hemisfério Sul. Este é o terceiro estudo sobre a abundância de enquitreídeos no Brasil utilizando o método de extração úmida e o primeiro realizado em Floresta Ombrófila Mista (região subtropical). A amostragem e extração foram baseadas no método padrão ISO 23611-3/2007, utilizando-se um trado desmontável adaptado e extração úmida com e sem aquecimento para acessar a abundância de enquitreídeo em um fragmento de floresta na Embrapa Florestas em Colombo, Paraná. As amostragens foram realizadas em três ocasiões entre setembro, 2011 e abril 2012. Os números médios estimados através de cada método variaram de 2.000-12.000 (frio) e 5.000-12.000 ind./ m2 (quente), respectivamente, e o máximo de 44.000 ind./ m2 em uma das amostras, o mais alto já relatado no Brasil. A extração quente foi a mais vantajosa, considerando a rapidez e preservação dos exemplares in vivo. As vantagens e desvantagens das extrações úmidas comparadas aos métodos de triagem manual e extração com formol foram discutidas. Os gêneros Guaranidrilus, Hemienchytraeus, Enchytraeus, Fridericia e Achaeta foram identificados nas amostras.

Braz. j. biol ; 75(4,supl.1): 169-175, Nov. 2015. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-768244


Abstract Enchytraeids are small oligochaetes found worldwide in soils with sufficient moisture and organic matter, but scarcely studied in the Southern hemisphere. This is the third study on enchytraeid abundance in Brazil using wet extraction and the first carried out in Araucaria Mixed Forest (subtropical region). The sampling and extraction were based on the standard method ISO 23611-3/2007 using an adapted split soil corer and wet extraction with and without heat to assess the abundance of enchytraeids in a forest fragment at Embrapa Forestry in Colombo, Paraná State. The samplings were performed in 3 occasions between September 2011 and April 2012. The average numbers estimated by each method varied from appr. 2.000-12.000 (cold) and 5.000-12.000 ind./ m2 (hot), respectively, with a maximum of 44.000 ind./ m2 in one of the samples, the highest value reported so far in Brazil. The hot extraction was more advantageous, given the speed and preservation of the specimens in vivo, allowing taxonomic identification. Advantages and disadvantages of wet extractions compared to handsorting and formol methods are also discussed. Guaranidrilus, Hemienchytraeus, Enchytraeus, Fridericia and Achaeta were the genera identified in the samples.

Resumo Os enquitreídeos são pequenos oligoquetas encontrados no mundo todo em solos com suficiente umidade e matéria orgânica, porém muito pouco estudados no hemisfério Sul. Este é o terceiro estudo sobre a abundância de enquitreídeos no Brasil utilizando o método de extração úmida e o primeiro realizado em Floresta Ombrófila Mista (região subtropical). A amostragem e extração foram baseadas no método padrão ISO 23611-3/2007, utilizando-se um trado desmontável adaptado e extração úmida com e sem aquecimento para acessar a abundância de enquitreídeo em um fragmento de floresta na Embrapa Florestas em Colombo, Paraná. As amostragens foram realizadas em três ocasiões entre setembro, 2011 e abril 2012. Os números médios estimados através de cada método variaram de 2.000-12.000 (frio) e 5.000-12.000 ind./ m2 (quente), respectivamente, e o máximo de 44.000 ind./ m2 em uma das amostras, o mais alto já relatado no Brasil. A extração quente foi a mais vantajosa, considerando a rapidez e preservação dos exemplares in vivo. As vantagens e desvantagens das extrações úmidas comparadas aos métodos de triagem manual e extração com formol foram discutidas. Os gêneros Guaranidrilus, Hemienchytraeus, Enchytraeus, Fridericia e Achaeta foram identificados nas amostras.

Animais , Biodiversidade , Ecologia/métodos , Oligoquetos/fisiologia , Brasil , Florestas , Densidade Demográfica , Temperatura
Ciênc. rural ; 45(10): 1802-1808, Oct. 2015. tab, ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-758030


A região da Depressão Central do Rio Grande do Sul estende-se por planícies e relevos suaves ondulados, com predomínio de florestas de galeria. Este estudo teve o objetivo de investigar a estrutura e a diversidade dos remanescentes de Floresta Estacional Decidual em diferentes posições na paisagem de pequenos tributários ao longo de uma microbacia em Pantano Grande, RS. Os levantamentos foram realizados em 40 pontos amostrais com 500 m2. Foi constatada a existência de três grupos ecológicos, espacialmente correlacionados à posição no relevo, tendo diferentes estágios de conservação, diversidade, estrutura e florística. O grupo 1, formação submontana (FS), destacou-se pela maior densidade de indivíduos nas maiores classes de diâmetro e pela maior altura, com alta dominância ecológica, determinada por uma particular espécie tolerante à sombra, Actinostemon concolor. O grupo 2, FA/FS, revelou-se com maior diversidade que os demais grupos, apresentando menor dominância ecológica. O grupo 3, formação aluvial (FA), foi caracterizado por indivíduos arbóreos menores e pela presença dominante deSebastiania commersoniana.

Central Depression region in the state of Rio Grande do Sul extends across plains and gentle undulated reliefs, with a predominance of gallery forests. This study aimed to analyze remaining tree communities of the seasonal deciduous forest in different positions of the landscape in small tributaries of a watershed in Pantano Grande, RS, Brazil. Surveys were conducted at 40 sampling points equaling 500 m2. The analysis pointed to the existence of three ecological groups, spatially correlated with their positions in the landscape, at different stages of preservation, diversity, structure and floristic development. The community groups were named sub-montane (upper plains) and alluvial formations, and the domain area of both formations (FA/FS). TheFA/FS proved to be more diverse than the others, with lower ecological dominance in narrow fragments. Submontane stood out with higher density of individuals in the largest diameter and height classes, with high ecological dominance, determined by a particular species tolerant to shade,Actinostemon concolor. Alluvial formation (FA) was characterized by smaller individual trees and the dominant presence of Sebastiania commersonianain narrow corridors.