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Rev. MVZ Córdoba ; 24(3): 7366-7371, sep.-dic. 2019. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1115263


RESUMEN Objetivo. Determinar la abundancia relativa y los patrones de actividad de la zarigüeya común (Didelphis marsupialis) en una zona periurbana del municipio de Medellín, departamento de Antioquia. Materiales y métodos. El estudio se desarrolló en la sede de prácticas y clínica veterinaria Remington ubicada en el corregimiento de Santa Elena. Para el registro de datos se empleó la metodología de fototrampeo durante 3 meses (junio-agosto de 2017), invirtiendo un esfuerzo total de 166 días/trampa. Resultados. Se obtuvieron un total de 275 registros independientes de la especie y se estimó una abundancia relativa de 52.88. El patrón de actividad muestra un primer pico de actividad al comienzo de la noche (19:00) y un segundo pico en la madrugada (3:00), con una posterior disminución hacia las horas de la madrugada. Conclusiones. Los resultados muestran una abundancia relativa alta con respecto a otras localidades en Colombia, además de evidenciar una población reproductivamente activa. Al mismo tiempo se convierten en una herramienta para el fortalecimiento de estrategias de conservación y sensibilización a los pobladores locales sobre la fauna de la región.

ABSTRACT Objective. The relative abundance and activity patterns of the common opossum Didelphis marsupialis were determined in a peri-urban area of Medellín municipality, Antioquia department. Materials and methods. The study was developed in the Remington Veterinary practice at Santa Elena Corregimiento. The data recording was carried out through camera trapping methodology for three months (June-August 2017) with a total effort of 166 days-camera. Results. With a total of 275 independent records, we calculate the relative abundance index (52.88 UNITS). The activity patterns show a first activity peak beginning the night (19:00) and a second one after midnight (3:00), reducing the activity in the sunrise hours. Conclusions. These results present a high relative abundance in comparison to another Colombian localities, besides a population active reproductively. At the same time, they become a tool to support conservation strategies and sensitizing local people about the wildlife of this region.

Didelphis , Gambás
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-777915


Objective To explore the influence of risk attitude to hepatitis B vaccination behavior of residents in suburban areas, and provide evidence for improvement of health education. Methods A total of 1 031 adults aged 16-60 years old were selected from 6 villages in Ninghe county and Jinghai county. A questionnaire was used to investigate them. Results Logistic regression analysis showed that respondents’ hepatitis B vaccination behavior was affected by their risk attitude when controlling other factors. The younger (OR=0.94, 95% CI:0.93-0.96, P<0.001), unmarried (OR=8.24, 95% CI:2.89-23.60, P<0.001), low self-rated health (OR=1.78, 95% CI:1.53-3.49, P=0.008), the formal sector workers (OR=7.18, 95% CI:2.29-22.54, P=0.001), covered by health insurance (OR=8.46, 95% CI:2.31-30.86, P=0.001), risk aversion (OR=1.65, 95% CI:1.06-2.57, P=0.026) and risk neutral (OR=1.50, 95% CI:1.03-2.17, P=0.032) were more likely to choose hepatitis B vaccination. Conclusions For the risk aversion and risk neutral, health education on disease symptoms and disease economic burden should be enhanced; for the risk seeking, more knowledge on prevalence trend and transmission route need to be improved.

Agora USB ; 14(1): 75-85, ene.-jun. 2014.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-724930


Las zonas suburbanas representan una categoría de uso y apropiación del suelo que es particularmente problemática en el contexto latinoamericano. Los conflictos que suelen verificarse en este tipo de zonas se dan por la expansión incontrolada de las ciudades en una competencia con las áreas rurales que priva a éstas de varias de sus condiciones ambientales y de habitabilidad positivas. El artículo es producto del proyecto de investigación "Metodología para la intervención de suelos suburbanos, caso de estudio Aburrá Norte" en Medellín, Colombia, con el fin de divulgar los conceptos de base que orientan el estudio y generar intercambio académico al respecto.

The suburban areas represent a category of use and appropriation of the soil that is particularly problematic in the Latin American context. The conflicts that tend to occur in this type of areas are given by the uncontrolled expansion of cities in a competition with the rural areas which deprives these from various environmental conditions and positive housing conditions. This article is the product of the research project "Methodology for the Intervention of Suburban Soils, Northern Aburra: A Case Study" in Medellin, Colombia, in order to disseminate core concepts that guide the study and generate academic exchange in this regard.