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Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 39(2): 1-7, abr.jun.2024. ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556494


Introdução: A autoestima é definida pelo valor que as pessoas dão a si mesmas. É um componente avaliativo do autoconhecimento. A cirurgia plástica tem sido uma alternativa para as pessoas melhorarem a visão de si mesmas, sentindo-se mais confiantes e satisfeitas com seus aspectos corporais. Dessa forma, com a elevação da autoestima nessas pessoas, a cirurgia é capaz de interferir de forma positiva não somente na autoavaliação corporal, mas também na dimensão psicossocial. Método: Foi realizado um estudo observacional descritivo e analítico longitudinal prospectivo no qual foi avaliado o impacto da cirurgia plástica na autoestima e nos relacionamentos pessoais e profissionais. Aplicamos um questionário sociodemográfico, a Escala de Autoestima de Rosenberg, além do Questionário de Qualidade de Vida da OMS abreviado (WHOQOL-bref) em pacientes no pré-operatório e que serão submetidos a cirurgia plástica com, pelo menos, 3 meses de pós-operatório, graduando, desta forma, a melhora ou não da autoestima e qualidade de vida. Resultados: Participaram da pesquisa 52 pacientes, sendo 48 mulheres (92,3%), apresentando idade média de 37±11 anos. Através da aplicação da Escala de Autoestima de Rosenberg, pudemos notar uma evolução da autoestima, em que os pacientes apresentaram uma média de 29,87±2,10 pontos no escore do período pré-operatório, passando para 34,92±1,84 pontos no período pós-operatório. (p<0,001). Já no WHOQOL-bref, foi obtida uma melhora da autoestima através dos escores dos 4 domínios. Conclusão: Através deste estudo, foi evidenciado um aumento da autoestima e qualidade de vida.

Introduction: Self-esteem is defined by the value people place on themselves. It is an evaluative component of self-knowledge. Plastic surgery has been an alternative for people to improve their vision of themselves, feeling more confident and satisfied with their body aspects. Therefore, by increasing self-esteem in these people, surgery is capable of positively interfering not only with body self-assessment but also in the psychosocial dimension. Method: A prospective longitudinal descriptive and analytical observational study was carried out in which the impact of plastic surgery on self-esteem and personal and professional relationships was assessed. We applied a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, in addition to the abbreviated WHO Quality of Life Questionnaire (WHOQOL-bref) in patients in the preoperative period and who will undergo plastic surgery at least 3 months after surgery. surgery, thus determining whether or not self-esteem and quality of life improve. Results: 52 patients participated in the research, 48 of whom were women (92.3%), with a mean age of 37±11 years. Through the application of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, we were able to notice an evolution in self-esteem, in which patients presented an average of 29.87±2.10 points in the preoperative period score, rising to 34.92±1.84 points in the postoperative period (p<0.001). In the WHOQOL-bref, an improvement in self-esteem was obtained through the scores of the 4 domains. Conclusion: Through this study, an increase in self-esteem and quality of life was evidenced.

Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 39(2): 1-10, abr.jun.2024. ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556495


Introdução: A hipertrofia de pequenos lábios combinada com capuz clitoriano redundante é uma queixa comum entre mulheres que procuram cirurgia plástica genital cosmética por queixas funcionais, psicológicas e estéticas. O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever a técnica boomerang, um tratamento cirúrgico da hipertrofia labial que se estende a todo o capuz clitoriano. Método: Foi conduzido um estudo retrospectivo, de caráter analítico, para avaliar os prontuários médicos de 48 pacientes consecutivas submetidas a cirurgia estética genital feminina entre julho de 2017 e julho de 2021. Todos os procedimentos cirúrgicos foram realizados pela mesma cirurgiã. A técnica utilizada nas pacientes consistiu na ressecção longitudinal dos excessos de pequenos lábios vaginais associado à ressecção de capô clitoriano em forma de boomerang e à clitoropexia. Resultados: A idade média das pacientes submetidas a cirurgia foi de 36,25 anos (intervalo 18-59 anos), entre as quais 94,44% apresentaram queixas estéticas associadas ou não a queixas funcionais, e 5,56% apresentaram somente queixas funcionais. Duas pacientes apresentaram hematomas nos grandes lábios no pós-operatório imediato, e uma paciente teve deiscência de sutura nos pequenos lábios. Conclusão: A técnica boomerang é reprodutível e proporciona benefícios estéticos e/ou funcionais na genitália feminina.

Introduction: Hypertrophy of the labia minora combined with a redundant clitoral hood is a common complaint among women seeking aesthetic genital cosmetic surgery for functional, psychological, and aesthetic complaints. The objective of this study was to describe the boomerang technique, a surgical treatment for labial hypertrophy that extends to the entire clitoral hood. Method: A retrospective, analytical study was conducted to evaluate the medical records of forty-eight consecutive patients who underwent female genital cosmetic surgery between July 2017 and July 2021. The same surgeon performed all surgical procedures. The technique used in the patients consisted of longitudinal resection of excess small vaginal lips associated with resection of the boomerang-shaped clitoral hood associated with clitoroplasty. Results: The average age of patients undergoing surgery was 36.25 years (range 18-59 years), among whom 94.44% had aesthetic complaints associated or not with functional complaints, and 5.56% had only functional complaints. Two patients had bruises on the labia majora in the immediate postoperative period, and one patient had suture dehiscence on the labia minora. Conclusion: The boomerang technique is reproducible and provides aesthetic and/or functional benefits to the female genitalia.

Acta otorrinolaringol. cir. cuello (En línea) ; 51(4): 317-322, 2024/02/07. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1531466


Introducción: : la cirugía plástica facial tiene una evolución constante en su técnica, análisis y resultados. La rinoplastia es una de las cirugías más frecuentes de cirugía plástica facial. Para esta cirugía se han empleado instrumentos de metal que cortan de la forma más adecuada posible para dejar el dorso nasal sin irregularidades, enderezar la pirámide nasal y disminuir asimetrías de huesos nasales. En la actualidad contamos con piezas de acero de uso médico quirúrgico y piezas de corte mecánico rotativo u oscilantes que permiten un corte preciso a través de macrovibraciones. Desde hace algunos años tenemos a disposición el bisturí ultrasónico que permite el corte a través de la microvibración, al tiempo que realiza hemostasia gracias al efecto de cavitación generado por el ultrasonido, con mejor calidad en los trazos de fractura deseados y menor lesión del tejido, lo que da como resultado un menor trauma y disminuye, a nivel macro, manifestaciones como sangrado, equimosis, hematomas, edema y dolor postoperatorio. Objetivo: el objetivo de este artículo es actualizar a los cirujanos de nariz interesados en conocer la tecnología ultrasónica y sus beneficios en cirugía de nariz. Discusión y conclusiones: la rinoplastia implica investigación y avance tanto en la técnica como en la anatomía y tecnología; ahora disponemos de equipos de microvibración ultrasónica relacionada con la piezoelectricidad que proporciona condiciones que mejoran tanto la calidad en los resultados como la confortabilidad para el paciente en el posoperatorio por un menor sangrado, menor inflamación, menor dolor, menor lesión de tejidos blandos y mejor calidad en los resultados.

Introduction: Facial plastic surgery has a constant evolution in its technique, analy-sis, and results. Rhinoplasty is one of the most frequent surgeries of facial plastic surgery, for this surgery metal instruments have been used since the beginning of his-tory that cut in the most appropriate way possible to leave the nasal dorsum without irregularities, straighten the nasal pyramid and reduce asymmetries of the nasal bo-nes. Nowadays we have steel parts for surgical medical use, rotary and oscillating mechanical cutting parts, which allow precise cuts through macro vibrations. For a few years, we have available the ultrasonic scalpel that allows cutting through micro vibrations while performing hemostasis thanks to the cavitation effect generated by the ultrasound, with better quality in the desired fracture stokes and fewer tissue in-juries resulting in less trauma, decreasing at the macro level the manifestations such as bleeding, ecchymosis, bruising, swelling, and post-surgery pain. Objective: The objective of this article is to update nose surgeons interested in knowing ultrasonic technology and its benefits in nose surgery. Discussion and conclusions: Rhinoplas-ty involves research and advancement in both technique anatomy and technology. We now have ultrasonic micro-vibration equipment related to piezoelectricity that provides conditions that improve both the quality of the results and the comfort of the patient in the postoperative period due to less bleeding, less inflammation, less pain, less soft tissue injury, and better-quality results.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino
Einstein (Säo Paulo) ; 22: eRW0710, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557728


ABSTRACT Objective This work aims to review the existing use of robotics in plastic surgery. Methods A meticulous selection process identified 22 articles relevant to this scoping review. Results The literature on the use of robotics in plastic surgery is sparse. Nonetheless, this review highlights emerging benefits in microsurgery, breast reconstruction, and transoral surgery. Conclusion This scoping review identifies critical articles reporting the emerging use of robotics in plastic surgery. While the scientific medical community has yet to extensively document its use, the available evidence suggests a promising future for robotics in this field.

Medicentro (Villa Clara) ; 27(3)sept. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514499


Algunos pacientes en la tercera edad desarrollan con frecuencia diversas enfermedades, entre ellas se encuentra el cáncer de piel y la predisposición a la aparición de tumores, tanto en los párpados como en la conjuntiva. Entre los tumores epiteliales malignos se destacan: el carcinoma basocelular y el carcinoma epidermoide; con menor frecuencia, el carcinoma de células de Meibomio y el melanoma palpebral, y raramente, el carcinoma de células de Merkel. Por esta causa, se realizó la presentación de un caso clínico que recibió tratamiento en el Servicio de Cirugía Plástica del Hospital Vladimir Ilich Lenin, de Holguín, al cual se le aplicó la técnica de Mustardé por presentar tumor del párpado inferior. El objetivo fue presentar un paciente con reconstrucción palpebral postumorectomía y mostrar su resultado funcional y estético postoperatorio. Este caso evolucionó satisfactoriamente, sin aparición de complicaciones transoperatorias o postoperatorias.

Some elderly patients frequently develop various diseases, including skin cancer as well as a predisposition to the appearance of tumours, both in the eyelids and conjunctiva. Basal cell carcinoma and epidermoid carcinoma stand out among the malignant epithelial lesions; meibomian cell carcinoma and palpebral melanoma which are less common, and Merkel cell carcinoma rarely known. We present a male patient who received treatment in the plastic surgery service at "Vladimir Ilich Lenin" Hospital, in Holguín, to which Mustardé technique was applied for a tumour of the lower eyelid. An eyelid reconstruction was performed after lumpectomy which allowed us to show a postoperative functional and aesthetic result. This case evolved satisfactorily, without the appearance of intraoperative or postoperative complications.

Neoplasias Cutâneas , Cirurgia Plástica , Neoplasias Palpebrais
Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 38(3): 1-8, jul.set.2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1512611


Introdução: Desde o início da pandemia de COVID-19, as especialidades médicas adaptaram sua rotina, postergando procedimentos não essenciais, o que resultou em redução no número de atendimentos cirúrgicos, impactando diretamente nos hospitais de ensino. O objetivo desse trabalho é avaliar o impacto da pandemia de COVID-19 nas atividades das especialidades cirúrgicas do Hospital Universitário Professor Edgard Santos (C-HUPES), localizado em Salvador-BA. Método: Estudo observacional, transversal, retrospectivo, que compara o ano de 2020 ao ano de 2019, em que são analisados os impactos da pandemia nas atividades cirúrgicas (especialmente na cirurgia plástica) do hospital, através do número total de procedimentos, internações e de consultas ambulatoriais das especialidades cirúrgicas. Resultados: Redução de 45,45% no número total de procedimentos cirúrgicos foi observada, havendo um total de 220 cirurgias em 2019 e 120 cirurgias em 2020. Redução de 37,29% no número total de internamentos, total de 236 em 2019 e 148 em 2020. Observou-se diminuição de 40,90% nas consultas ambulatoriais, realizadas 2941 consultas em 2019 e 1738 consultas em 2020. Percebe-se que os piores períodos de redução em 2020 foram de março a junho, além de nova queda em novembro e dezembro. Conclusão: A pandemia impactou as atividades das especialidades cirúrgicas do C-HUPES, devido à redução total da quantidade de cirurgias, consultas e internamentos em 2020, prejudicando a assistência aos pacientes da cirurgia plástica em números absolutos. Infere-se que a pandemia de COVID-19 prejudicou a formação dos residentes de cirurgia plástica.

Introduction: Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, medical specialties have adapted their routine, postponing non-essential procedures, which resulted in a reduction in the number of surgical visits, directly impacting teaching hospitals. This work aims to evaluate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the activities of the surgical specialties at the University Hospital Professor Edgard Santos (C-HUPES), located in Salvador-BA. Method: Observational, cross-sectional, retrospective study, which compares the year 2020 to the year 2019, in which the impacts of the pandemic on the surgical activities (especially plastic surgery) of the hospital are analyzed through the total number of procedures, hospitalizations, and outpatient consultations of surgical specialties. Results: A reduction of 45,45% of the total number of surgical procedures was observed, with 220 surgeries in 2019 and 120 surgeries in 2020. Reduction of 37.29% in hospitalizations, totaling 236 in 2019 and 148 in 2020. There was a decrease of 40.90% in outpatient consultations, with 2941 consultations performed in 2019 and 1738 consultations in 2020. It is noticed that the worst periods of reduction in 2020 were from March to June, in addition to a new drop in November and December. Conclusion: The pandemic impacted the activities of the surgical specialties at C-HUPES due to the total reduction in the number of surgeries, consultations, and hospitalizations in 2020, impairing the care of plastic surgery patients in absolute numbers. It is inferred that the COVID-19 pandemic hampered the training of plastic surgery residents.

Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 38(2): 1-7, abr.jun.2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1443554


Introduction: Botulinum toxin type A (BTX-A) is the number one aesthetic procedure worldwide, and the difficulty in standardizing the aesthetic treatment of the face results in a broad range of treatment possibilities. The objective this study aimed to describe the author's experience treating facial wrinkles of women with BTX-A and suggest a standardized initial treatment method. Methods: A documentary retrospective review of all medical records from the main author's clinic from 2010 to 2017 in São Paulo, Brazil, was performed, searching for female patients who required the BTX-A aesthetic treatment to reduce facial wrinkles. The main author obtained, reviewed, and classified photographic data ("Carruthers Grading Scale for Forehead Lines"). Results: The BTX-A used in all patients was Botox® (Allergan Inc., Irvine, CA, USA). A total of 156 female treatments with BTX-A were identified. The average total units of BTX-A used for the referred treatment was 32.43U. The average period between treatments in the same patient was 8.73 months. All patients showed an improved "Grading Scale for Forehead Lines" post-treatment Conclusion: The review suggests a safe and effective technique is possible with even lower complication rates than found in the literature using fewer units, resulting in lower product costs. One should always try to minimize risks in aesthetic treatments.

Introdução: A aplicação de toxina botulínica do tipo A (BTX-A) é o procedimento estético mais realizado no mundo. Não há consenso sobre a forma ideal de realizar essa aplicação, que defina os locais de aplicação e a quantidade ideal necessária para o referido tratamento. O objetivo do estudo tem como objetivos descrever a experiência do autor no tratamento das rugas faciais em mulheres com BTX-A e sugerir uma padronização para o tratamento inicial. Método: Foi realizado um estudo documental retrospectivo de todos os prontuários médicos da clínica do autor principal, em São Paulo - SP, Brasil, desde 2010 até 2017, em busca dos dados de pacientes do sexo feminino que foram submetidas ao tratamento das rugas faciais com BTX-A, por razões estéticas. Os arquivos fotográficos foram obtidos, revisados e classificados pelo autor principal de acordo com a "Carruthers Grading Scale for Forehead Lines". Resultados: A BTX-A utilizada em todas as pacientes foi: Botox® (Allergan Inc., Irvine, CA, USA). Um total de 156 tratamentos com BTX-A foi encontrado. A média de unidade de toxina utilizada para o tratamento foi de 32,43U. O período médio de retorno para nova aplicação, na mesma paciente, foi de 8,73 meses. Todas as pacientes apresentaram melhora da classificação obtida através da "Grading Scale for Forehead Lines" após o tratamento. Conclusão: A revisão sugere que uma técnica efetiva e segura para o tratamento é possível, com menos unidades e menor taxa de complicações, quando comparada à literatura. Devemos sempre minimizar os riscos em tratamentos estéticos.

Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 38(2): 1-14, abr.jun.2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1443586


Introduction: Medical quality of life (QoL) is an international object of study. Brazilian Plastic Surgeons QoL hasn`t yet been assessed, with few studies to perform any evaluation on the subject or estimate variables involved. Methods: This is a transversal, non-comparative, non-experimental, contemporary and of full selection study. An on-line research was performed between July and December in 2021, through the WHOQOL-bref questionnaire application, added with social-demographic information. The population will be composed of plastic surgery residents and surgeons associated with the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery (SBCP). Results: We obtained 168 answers via Google Forms®, which allowed us to determine our population through social- demographic questionnaire and make associations with the WHOQOL-bref findings. Conclusion: The current study identified correlations between sociodemographics and quality of life of the Brazilian plastic surgeon. We bring forward descriptive data on a subpopulation of responders inside the SBCP, which achieved a score positively higher than 50% in all of the questionnaire domains.

Introdução: A qualidade de vida (QV) dos médicos é objeto de atenção e de estudo internacionalmente. A QV dos cirurgiões plásticos do Brasil ainda não foi avaliada e não existem descrições das nuances e variáveis que estão mais ou menos relacionadas com a QV dos mesmos. Método: Trata-se de um estudo transversal, de seleção completa, não comparado, não experimental, contemporâneo. Pesquisa foi realizada on-line, entre julho e dezembro de 2021, por meio da aplicação do questionário WHOQOL-bref aos médicos residentes da especialização em cirurgia plástica e médicos cirurgiões plásticos associados à Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Plástica (SBCP). As características sociodemográficas e ocupacionais serão relacionadas à QV. Resultados: Obtivemos 168 respostas dos formulários preenchidos via Google Forms®, o que possibilitou determinar a população estudada pelo questionário sociodemográfico e realizar as associações com os achados do WHOQOL-bref. Conclusão: O presente estudo identificou associação de fatores sociodemográficos à qualidade de vida do cirurgião plástico brasileiro. Delimitamos uma população específica dentro dos participantes da SBCP, a qual pontuou acima de 50% positivamente em todos os domínios do questionário.

Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 38(2): 1-6, abr.jun.2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1451796


Introduction: Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is a malignant epidermal keratinocyte tumor closely related to sun exposure. When diagnosed, through biopsy, its staging, tumor resection with oncological safety margins must be performed, and lymph node dissection and treatment of metastases, if present, may be performed. Case Report: Skin traction is reported as a complement to the parascapular flap, used reconstructively after the excision of a large SCC in the left shoulder. Conclusion: The technique used proved effective for the satisfactory correction of large dehiscence in the postoperative period of the parascapular flap, promoting partial closure of the defect, reduced time to perform, and correction of the residual defect in a single step.

Introdução: O carcinoma espinocelular (CEC) é um tumor maligno dos queratinócitos epidérmicos e está intimamente relacionado à exposição solar. Quando diagnosticado, por meio de biópsia, deve ser realizado seu estadiamento, ressecção tumoral com margens de segurança oncológica, podendo ser feito esvaziamento ganglionar e tratamento de metástases, caso presentes. Relato de Caso: Reporta-se a utilização da tração cutânea como complemento ao retalho paraescapular, utilizado reconstrutivamente pós excisão de CEC de grande dimensão em ombro esquerdo. Conclusão: A técnica utilizada mostrou-se eficaz para correção satisfatória de grandes deiscências em pós-operatório de retalho paraescapular, promovendo fechamento parcial do defeito, tempo reduzido para realização e correção do defeito residual em tempo único.

Acta otorrinolaringol. cir. cuello (En línea) ; 51(2): 123-128, 20230000. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1442471


Introducción: el análisis detallado de las proporciones nasofaciales desempeña un papel fundamental para lograr la armonía facial e identificar desequilibrios; asi se dirige el tratamiento quirúrgico para lograr mejores resultados postoperatorios. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la prevalencia de pacientes sometidos a rinoplastia que requerían, además, un aumento del mentón. Materiales y métodos: se seleccionaron 100 pacientes voluntarios sometidos a rinoplastia entre los 17 y 55 años y se les realizó un estudio fotográfico preoperatorio. Se realizó un análisis facial del tercio inferior de la cara mediante tres métodos: González-Ulloa, Goode y Silver, y se hizo un análisis univariado y bivariado. Resultados: 100 pacientes voluntarios ingresaron al estudio; de estos, 7 fueron excluidos y quedaron 73 mujeres y 20 hombres; la edad mínima fue de 17 años y la máxima de 55 años, con un promedio de 28,4 años. La edad media de los hombres fue de 30,9 años y de las mujeres de 28,2 años. Del total de pacientes, 96,7 % de los pacientes cumplían con 2 o 3 métodos para aumento del mentón; de estos, 78,8 % eran mujeres y 21,1 % eran hombres. Conclusión: un análisis adecuado de las proporciones nasofaciales es fundamental para determinar los procedimientos necesarios para lograr un buen resultado quirúrgico y una mayor satisfacción del paciente. Estos métodos no sustituyen el juicio estético del cirujano; sin embargo, proporcionan un estándar objetivo para el diagnóstico de los desequilibrios faciales.

Introduction: Detailed analysis of nasofacial proportions plays a fundamental role in achieving facial harmony and identifying imbalances; thus, surgical treatment is directed to achieve better postoperative outcomes. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of patients undergoing rhinoplasty who also required chin augmentation. Materials and methods: 100 volunteer rhinoplasty patients between 17 and 55 years of age were selected and a preoperative photographic study was performed. Facial analysis of the lower third of the face was performed by three methods: Gonzalez-Ulloa, Goode and Silver, univariate and bivariate analysis was performed. Results: 100 voluntary patients entered the study, 7 of these were excluded, leaving 73 women and 20 men, the minimum age was 17 years and the maximum 55 years, with an average of 28.4 years. The mean age of the men was 30.9 years and of the women 28.2 years. Of the total number of patients, 96.7% of the patients com- plied with 2 or 3 methods for chin augmentation, of these 78.8% were women and 21.1% men. Conclusions: Adequate analysis of nasofacial proportions is essential to determine the procedures necessary to achieve a good surgical outcome and greater patient satisfaction. These methods do not replace the surgeon's aesthetic judgment; however, they provide an objective standard for the diagnosis of facial imbalances.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Rinoplastia , Queixo , Cirurgia Plástica , Mentoplastia
Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 38(1): 1-7, jan.mar.2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1428667


Introduction: As a health science, dentistry seeks to raise self-esteem and improve patients' quality of life. However, the emergence of the aesthetic procedure "ear shut," which proposes correcting protruding ears without surgery, has raised ethical and legal doubts in the dental profession, especially concerning the limits of professional activity. Objective: To conduct a survey of the laws, norms, and resolutions on the area of performance of dental surgeons, as well as to discuss the limits and consequences of their extrapolation from the perspective of the procedure propagated as "ear shut." Method: A search was carried out for administrative norms on the Federal Council of Dentistry (CFO) websites and the Federal Council of Medicine and legal provisions on the Portal da Legislação website. Results: In the civil sphere, the disclosure of procedures such as the "ear shut" can characterize a promise of result and lead to judicial accountability. Exceeding professional boundaries constitutes an illegal exercise and a crime under the Brazilian Penal Code. In addition to not covering the area of clinical practice of dentists, at the administrative level, CFO Resolutions No. 198/2019 and No. 230/2020 emphasize that ear procedures are not part of the scope of procedures relevant to Dentistry and may lead to ethical infractions and consequent administrative proceedings. Conclusion: At present, based on the skills, prohibitions, rights, and duties of dentists, it can be stated that performing the "ear shut" by these professionals confronts civil, criminal, and administrative obligations.

Introdução: Como ciência da saúde, a Odontologia busca elevar a autoestima e melhorar a qualidade de vida dos pacientes. Entretanto, o surgimento do procedimento estético "ear shut", que propõe a correção da orelha em abano sem cirurgia, gerou dúvidas de ordem ética e legal na classe odontológica, sobretudo no que diz respeito aos limites de atuação profissional. Objetivo: Realizar o levantamento das leis, normativas e resoluções sobre a área de atuação dos cirurgiões-dentistas, bem como discutir os limites e as consequências de sua extrapolação sob a perspectiva do procedimento propagado como "ear shut". Método: Foi realizada uma busca de normas administrativas nos sites do Conselho Federal de Odontologia (CFO) e do Conselho Federal de Medicina, bem como de dispositivos legais no site Portal da Legislação. Resultados: Em âmbito cível, a divulgação de procedimentos como o "ear shut" pode caracterizar promessa de resultado e levar à responsabilização judicial. Ultrapassar os limites profissionais constitui exercício ilícito e constitui crime segundo o Código Penal Brasileiro. Além de não abranger a área de atuação clínica dos cirurgiões-dentistas, no âmbito administrativo, as Resoluções do CFO N° 198/2019 e N° 230/2020 enfatizam que procedimentos na orelha não compõem o escopo de procedimentos pertinentes à Odontologia, podendo levar a infrações éticas e consequente processo administrativo. Conclusão: No momento atual, com base nas competências, vedações, direitos e deveres dos cirurgiões-dentistas, pode-se afirmar que a realização do "ear shut" por estes profissionais confronta obrigações de ordem cível, penal e administrativa.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-995897


Objective:To investigate the postoperative effect of paranasal concavity augment by block united with diced autologous costal cartilage.Methods:The data of 76 patients who were underwent costal cartilage rhinoplasty together with paranasal augmentation from January 2016 to December 2019 were analyzed retrospectively. The surgical technique was described in detail. Medical charts and operative records were reviewed to summary the complications. Patients′subjective satisfaction of the postoperative nasal appearance was self-evaluated with grading (1 worse, 2 no change, 3 improved, and 4 much improved). Cosmetic effects were evaluated by the measurements of the nasolabial angle and the distance between ACJ and intertragic notch preoperatively and postoperatively.Results:The postoperative follow-up duration was 6 to 34 months. Overall, functional and aesthetic outcome was satisfactory in most patients, and the mean score by the patients′self-evaluation was 3.4±0.5. Graft exposure, mobility, or significant resorption, pneumothorax or significant donor-site pain were not observed. The average nasolabial angle was changed from (78.2±13.2)° preoperatively to (89.8±10.2)° 6 months postoperative at the last follow-up ( t=152.00, P<0.01). And the distance from the alar-cheek junction to the left tragus was increased by 3.8±2.1 (2.2-6.1) mm. Conclusions:Costal cartilage rhinoplasty combined with augmentation of parasal area can improve parasal depression, with stable postoperative effect and fewer postoperative complications, and has a good effect for patients with normal occlusal relationship or mild abnormality.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-995934


Objective:To investigate the clinical effect and application value of free skin or auricle composite tissue transplantation in the correction of nasal alar retraction.Methods:From August 2019 to January 2023, a total of 45 patients with nasal retraction (7 males and 38 females) were treated in Shanghai United Regal Medical Cosmetology Hospital. Age ranged from 18 to 46 years, with a mean of 26.6 years. All patients had retroalar margin retraction caused by insufficient alar lining to varying degrees, with a retraction distance between 2-5 mm, with an average retraction distance of 3.3 mm. 11 cases of nasal flange retraction were corrected by free transplantation of composite tissue of auricle directly. The remaining 34 patients were corrected by alar border cartilage graft and free skin graft.Results:During 2-18 months of follow-up, 41 patients had satisfactory results and no obvious complications. Partial necrosis of free skin was observed in 2 patients, ischemic necrosis of complex flap of auricle was observed in 1 patient, and necrosis of free skin was observed in 1 patient. In addition to the above complications, 3 patients reported that the correction of alar retraction did not achieve the expected effect, but indicated that they were satisfied with the surgical effect, which was considered to be caused by skin contracture and other factors. The overall satisfaction rate of all patients was 91.1%. After follow-up and statistics, 41 patients in this group were satisfied with the results, with an overall satisfaction rate of 91.12%.Conclusions:The application of free skin graft (or auricle composite tissue) to correct nasal alar retraction has the advantages of simple operation, wide indications and accurate efficacy, and is worthy of clinical promotion.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-995936


Objective:To explore the application of expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) as the main support combined with a small amount of ear cartilage in rhinoplasty.Methods:Through a nasal opening approach, the ePTFE was used as a support implant for the nasal dorsum and columella, and unilateral concha cartilage was used as a nasal tip modification graft.Results:This method was applied in 56 cases of rhinoplasty (36 cases of initial nose, 20 cases of silicone augmentation rhinoplasty). The wounds of 55 patients healed at one stage without complications, with satisfactory results (average follow-up of 6 months). In one case, nasal mucosa was damaged early after surgery, and the ePTFE was partially exposed, which healed after debridement and suture.Conclusions:For most primary rhinoplasty and simple repair of the nose, using ePTFE as the main support combined with a small amount of ear cartilage, has the advantages of fewer materials, rapid surgery, mild trauma, and stable postoperative results.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1029995


Objective:To investigate the mental health status of plastic surgery patients.Methods:A total of 487 plastic surgery patients [4 males and 475 females, aged 17-66 (30±10) years)] from Jiangsu Provincial Hospital of Chinese Medicine were investigated by symptom checklist 90 (SCL-90).Results:In a sample of 479 cases, 111 were positive for SCL-90, accounting for 23.1%. Among non-reconstructive surgeries, 92 out of 439 cases were positive, representing 21.0%, while in reconstructive surgeries, 19 out of 40 cases were positive, amounting to 47.5%. The positive detection rate of SCL-90 in reconstructive surgeries was significantly higher than that in non-reconstructive surgeries (χ 2=21.20, P<0.05). Compared with the national norm, the overall mental health status of patients with plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery showed that the average scores of obsessive-compulsive state (1.91±0.43), anxiety (1.46±0.31), hostility (1.60±0.36), and terror (1.28±0.24) were statistically significant higher than the norm ( t=10.03, P<0.05; t=3.27, P<0.05; t=5.20, P<0.05; t=2.50, P<0.05). The average score of obsessive-compulsive state (2.11±0.54), interpersonal sensitivity (1.82±0.39), depression (1.68±0.50), hostility (1.74±0.45), terror (1.39±0.28), paranoia (1.49±0.34), and psychotic (1.35±0.28) in patients undergoing reconstructive surgeries were all higher than those without reconstructive surgeries ( t=2.97, P<0.05; t=2.10, P<0.05; t=2.18, P<0.05; t=2.18, P<0.05; t=2.80, P<0.05; t=2.20, P<0.05; t=2.10, P<0.05). Conclusions:The results of SCL-90 show that the mental health level of plastic surgery patients (especially repair surgery patients) is lower than that of the normal population, which suggests that we should pay attention to the psychological evaluation and care about the physical and mental health of these patients.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1029998


Objective:To explore the effect of psychological intervention on negative emotion and postoperative outcome of patients with blepharoplasty.Methods:Sixty patients with blepharoplasty admitted to the Department of Plastic Surgery of Xijing Hospital from March to July 2020 were selected as the control group: there were 25 males and 35 females, aged 36-62 years, with an average age of (45.95±5.86) years who received routine nursing. 60 patients with blepharoplasty admitted from August to December 2020 were selected as the study group: there were 23 males and 37 females, aged 37-66 years, with an average age of (45.85±5.18) years; psychological intervention was added on the basis of routine nursing in this group. The vital signs, anxiety and depression levels, body image disorder level, pain relief, recovery time, complications, and patient satisfaction were compared between the two groups.Results:After psychological intervention, the anxiety score of the experimental group (38.98±3.24) was lower than that of the control group (43.08±4.33), with a t-value of 4.01. The depression score in the study group (39.51±4.03) was lower than that of the control group (45.78±4.26), with a t-value of 4.12. The body image disorder score (6.62±1.46) in the study group was lower than that in the control group (10.96±2.22), with a t-value of 4.31. The differences were statistically significant ( P<0.05). The pain relief time after psychological intervention in the study group was (0.51±0.11) days, which was lower than that in the control group (1.03±0.23) days, with a t value of 4.33. The wound healing time was (5.01±1.32) days in the study group, lower than the control group (7.22±1.18), with a t value of 3.10. The complication rate (3.34%) in the study group was lower than that of the control group (6.67%), with a χ 2 value of 4.66. The patients’ satisfactory score (97.25±4.36) in the study group was higher than that of the control group (85.01±3.33), with a t/χ 2 value of 3.62. The differences were statistically significant ( P<0.05). Conclusions:Psychological intervention can effectively stabilize the vital signs of patients with blepharoplasty, relieve their anxiety and depression, reduce the level of body image disorder level, relieve pain, promote wound healing, reduce complications, and improve patients′satisfaction.

Rev. Col. Bras. Cir ; 50: e20233520, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449180


ABSTRACT Introduction: obesity is one of the most common diseases worldwide, and the most effective treatment to it is the bariatric surgery. One of the negative impacts of this procedure is the body dysmorphia caused by overhanging skin. In Brazil, the national health system - Sistema Único de Sáude (SUS) - provide body contouring surgery to treat post-bariatric patients, since 2007. This article aims to describe the Brazilian public health approach to post bariatric patients and perform an analyze in the Brazilian health care database. Methods: in Brazilian Health System database, a search for the post-bariatric procedures performed between 2007 to 2021 was done. The variables analyzed were geographic location, year, mean days of hospitalization, death, and mortality rate. Also, we evaluated the number of bariatric procedures done in the same period. Statistical analysis was performed using the Student-t and the chi-square tests and p-value <0.5 was considered significant. Results: a total of 12,717 plastic surgery procedures in post bariatric patients were done, with a national prevalence of 13.8%. Dermolipectomy was the most performed procedure, with 6,719. The years of 2020 and 2021 suffered a decreased of 64.3% and 70.9% in the number of surgeries (p<0,001). Bariatric Procedures had a high rate and a higher percentage of growth comparing to post bariatric surgery (p<0,001), totalizing 93,589 surgeries. Conclusions: Brazil had a significant number of body contouring surgery, however with a low prevalence. Dermoliepctomy was the most common procedure performed. We could notice a significant impact of COVID pandemic in those procedures .

RESUMO Introdução: obesidade é uma das doenças mais comuns do mundo e a cirurgia bariátrica é o tratamento mais eficaz até o momento. Um dos impactos negativos do procedimento é o dismorfismo corporal causado pelo excesso cutâneo. No Brasil, o Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) promove cirurgia de contorno corporal para tratar pacientes com perda ponderal maciça desde 2007. Este artigo tem como objetivo descrever a abordagem do SUS para pacientes pós-bariátricos através de análise do banco de dados do próprio sistema. Métodos: foi realizada pesquisa no banco de dados do SUS para procedimentos em pós-bariátricos entre 2007 e 2021. As variáveis analisadas foram localização geográfica, ano, tempo médio de internação, morte e taxa de mortalidade. Também analisamos o número de procedimentos bariátricos realizados no mesmo período. Análise estatística foi realizada utilizando os testes t de Student e do Qui-Quadrado, considerando valor p<0,5 como significante. Resultados: um total de 12.717 procedimentos de cirurgia plástica foram realizados em pacientes pós-bariátricos, com prevalência nacional de 13,8%. Dermolipectomia foi o procedimento mais realizado, com um total de 6.719. Nos anos de 2020 e 2021 houve um decréscimo de 64,3 e 70,9% no total de cirurgias, respectivamente (p<0,001). Procedimentos bariátricos tiveram maior número total e taxa de crescimento maiores do que cirurgia pós-bariátricas (p<0,001), totalizando 93.589 cirurgias. Conclusões: houve um número significativo de cirurgias de contorno corporal no Brasil, embora com baixa prevalência. Dermolipectomia foi o procedimento mais realizado. Notamos impacto significativo da pandemia Sars-CoV-2 no total de procedimentos realizados.

Acta cir. bras ; 38: e384523, 2023. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1513544


Purpose: Enterocutaneous fistula (ECF) is a condition in which there is an abnormal connection between the intestinal tract and the skin. It can lead to high morbidity and mortality rates despite the availability of therapeutic options. Stem cells have emerged as a potential strategy to treat ECF. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of adipose tissue-derived stem cells (ASC) on ECF in an experimental model. Methods: ECF was induced in 21 Wistar rats, and after one month, they were divided into three groups: control group (C), culture medium without ASC group (CM), and allogeneic ASC group (ASC). After 30 days, the animals underwent macroscopic analysis of ECF diameter and histopathological analysis of inflammatory cells, tissue fibrosis, and vascular density. Results: The study found a 55% decrease in the ECF diameter in the ASC group (4.5 ± 1.4 mm) compared to the control group (10.0 ± 2.1 mm, p = 0.001) and a 59.1% decrease in the CM group (11.0 ± 4.3 mm, p = 0.003). The fibrosis score in the ASC group was 20.9% lower than the control group (p = 0.03). There were no significant differences in inflammation scores among the three groups. Conclusions: This study suggests that ASC treatment can reduce ECF diameter, and reduction in tissue fibrosis may be a related mechanism. Further studies are needed to understand the underlying mechanisms fully.

Animais , Ratos , Cicatrização , Fístula Intestinal , Ratos Wistar , Fístula Cutânea , Células-Tronco Mesenquimais
Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 37(4): 438-444, out.dez.2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1413158


Introdução: Queimaduras são consideradas problemas de saúde pública global e apresentam maior incidência nos países subdesenvolvidos. No Brasil, estima-se que anualmente aconteçam 1.000.000 de acidentes envolvendo queimaduras. No paciente pediátrico, as queimaduras são a segunda causa mais comum entre os incidentes que ocorrem na infância, sendo a terceira causa de morte nas mesmas. O presente estudo teve por objetivo analisar as taxas de internações hospitalares por queimadura em pacientes pediátricos nos estados da região Sul, no período de 2016 a 2020. Métodos: Estudo ecológico de séries temporais, com dados obtidos na Região Sul do Brasil, utilizando o banco de dados do Sistema de Informações Hospitalares do Sistema Único de Saúde, no período de 2016 a 2020. Para análise das tendências temporais, foram utilizados os coeficientes de morbidade padronizados e o método de regressão linear simples. Resultados: No período de 2016 a 2020, foram realizadas 8.256 internações de crianças e adolescentes vitimadas por queimadura na Região Sul do Brasil, tendo o estado do Paraná como o responsável pelos maiores índices durante todo o período estudado. A principal faixa etária envolve crianças pré-escolares de 1-4 anos (n=4748); quanto ao sexo, a maior parte da amostra infantil tem predominância do sexo masculino (n=5.205). Conclusão: Há tendência de estabilidade na taxa geral de internação. O sexo masculino e a faixa etária de 1-4 anos são os mais acometidos por queimaduras no Sul do Brasil. O Paraná tem maiores taxas de internação quando comparado aos outros dois estados.

Introduction: Burns are considered global public health problems and have a higher incidence in underdeveloped countries. In Brazil, it is estimated that 1,000,000 accidents involving burns occur annually. In pediatric patients, burns are the second most common cause among incidents that occur in childhood, being the third cause of death in them. This study aimed to analyze the rates of hospital admissions for burns in pediatric patients in the southern states, from 2016 to 2020. Methods: Ecological time series study, with data obtained in the southern region of Brazil, using the database of data from the Hospital Information System of the Unified Health System, from 2016 to 2020. To analyze temporal trends, standardized morbidity coefficients and the simple linear regression method were used. Results: From 2016 to 2020, there were 8,256 hospitalizations of children and adolescents victimized by burns in the southern region of Brazil, with the state of Paraná being responsible for the highest rates throughout the study period. The main age group involves preschool children aged 1-4 years (n=4748); regarding gender, most of the child sample is predominantly male (n=5.205). Conclusion: There is a trend towards stability in the overall hospitalization rate. Males and the age group of 1-4 years are the most affected by burns in southern Brazil. Paraná has higher hospitalization rates when compared to other states.

Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 37(4): 457-462, out.dez.2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1413208


Introdução: O estudo doravante desenvolvido propõe analisar as penalidades impostas por Sociedades de Especialidades Médicas, entidades organizadas sob a forma de associações civis, sobretudo se configuram usurpação legal de competência dos Conselhos Profissionais. Será investigada a natureza dessas punições e seus efeitos e alcances, no intuito de verificar se há efetivo prejuízo ao exercício profissional da medicina pelo galeno. Métodos: Para a referida análise, foram levantadas as normas aplicáveis dentro ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, sua sistematização e conflitos aparentes, a fim de situar as punições associativas e sua conformidade com a ordem jurídica vigente. Resultados/Conclusão: Verificou-se do estudo que não há qualquer óbice à aplicação de tal modalidade de sanções, uma vez respeitadas as garantias legais e constitucionais da ampla defesa, contraditório e devido processo legal.

Introduction: The study developed hereafter proposes to analyze the penalties imposed by Societies of Medical Specialties, entities organized in the form of civil associations, specially if they constitute legal usurpation of the competence of Professional Councils. The nature of these punishments and their effects and scope will be investigated, in order to verify whether there is effective damage to the professional practice of medicine by physicians. Methods: For this analysis, the applicable rules within the Brazilian legal system were raised, their systematization and apparent conflicts, in order to locate the associative punishments and their compliance with the current legal order. Results/Conclusion: It was verified from the study that there is no obstacle to the application of this type of sanctions, once the legal and constitutional guarantees of ample defense, contradictory and due process are respected.