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Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-534923


In this report we studied the mechanism of the immunodeficiency of the recipients grafted with allogeneic bone marrow. The results indicated that the IL-2 production of ABMT mice was seriously impaired. Further investigation revealed that the spleen cells of ABMT mice were able to suppress GVHD in the lethally irradiated BALB/c mice. After removing the T cells, the spleen cells of ABMT mice lost this inhibitory effect. Furthermore, the supernatant of the spleen cell culture of ABMT mice is able to inhibit the mixed lymphocyte reaction, the IL-2 production and the killing activity of the CTL of normal BALB/c mice. After removal of T cells, the supernatant of the spleen cell culture lost its inhibitory effect. These results suggested that the increased activity of T suppressor secreting a non-specific suppressor factor might be an important mechanism of the immunodeficiency of ABMT mice.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-535062


Using Campylobacter ieiuni, strain of CJ-S131 to infect KM mice. Three months after infection, we examined the function of T and B cells in infected mice. We found that(l) there were higher, level antibodies against ds-DNA, ss-DNA.(2) ConAinduced suppressor cell activity was decreased and the ratio of Th/Ts was increased (3) The formation of PFC and lymphocyte transformation induced by LPS.PHA and ConA were increased. (4) The DTH reaction also was increased. The results mentioned above indicated that chronic infection of CJ-S131 would induce autoimmunity in KM mice.The ineffitiency of Ts cell function could be related to the hyperactivity of Th and B cells.