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Journal of Practical Stomatology ; (6): 289-296, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020577


With the development of digital technology,computer-aided design and manufacturing(CAD/CAM)combined with 3D printing technology is increasingly used in clinical and teaching applications in dentistry.In clinical dentistry,3D printing technology has been widely used in oral and maxillofacial surgery,orthodontics and implantation.Traditional oral laboratory teaching usually uses extracted teeth,resin teeth or various dental models,while 3D printing of oral models can achieve standardized,mass-produced and close-to-real clinical application,which better meets the needs of clinical pre-practice teaching.This article reviews the latest educa-tional applications of 3D printing of dental models in teaching of oral restoration,dental pulp-cavity,oral and maxillofacial surgery,and summarizes the selection of different printing processes and printing materials,aiming to apply the research strategy of 3D printing technology in pre-clinical teaching in dentistry.Finally,the article explores the trends and urgent problems that need to be solved in the development of 3D printed dental models.

Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 641-648, 2023.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990232


Objective:To develop serious games for pediatrics and to explore the effect of cultivating the clinical reasoning and reflection ability of pediatric trainee nurses.Methods:This was a non-randomized controlled trial study. The convenience sampling method was used to select 88 pediatric trainee nurses in the Second Xiangya Hospital of Central South University from April 2021 to January 2022. They were divided into the control group and the experimental group with 44 cases in each group by the method of random sampling. The control group was given clinical practice teaching in pediatrics according to the practice syllabus. Based on the teaching events of Gagne, the teaching links of serious games were designed, and teaching was carried out to the experimental group. The clinical reasoning and reflection ability, learning satisfaction and self-confidence of the two groups of pediatric trainee nurses before and after teaching were evaluated by the Self-Assessment of Clinical Reasoning and Reflection, Student Learning Satisfaction and Self-Confidence Scale, and examination scores of the two groups of pediatric trainee nurses were evaluated.Results:There was no significant difference in the clinical reasoning and reflection ability, learning satisfaction and self-confidence before teaching between the two groups( P>0.05). The total score of clinical reasoning and reflection evaluation after teaching was (101.13±6.69) points in the experimental group, which was higher than that in the control group (94.57 ± 8.86) points, the difference was statistically significant ( t=-3.92, P<0.05). The learning satisfaction and self-confidence scores after teaching were (20.82 ± 2.16), (33.20 ± 1.47) points in the experimental group, which were higher than those in the control group (19.52 ± 2.30), (31.89 ± 2.44) points, the differences were statistically significant ( t=-2.33, -3.07, both P<0.05). The scores on the theory and skill examination in the experimental group were also better than those in the control group, the differences were statistically significant ( t values were -2.59--2.14, all P<0.05). Conclusions:The serious game teaching method can effectively improve the clinical reasoning and reflection ability, practical learning satisfaction, self-confidence, and graduation performance of pediatric nursing interns, which can provide a reference for the reform of pediatric nursing practice teaching.

Movimento (Porto Alegre) ; 28: e28040, 2022. graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1406045


Partimos da crítica à tendência utilitarista das abordagens baseadas no jogo (GBAs) com o objetivo de analisar como as dimensões éticas e morais se revelam no "ato de jogar" a partir da prática pedagógica do(a) treinador(a) dos esportes coletivos. Sustentados nos conceitos do "jogar" ético e do "esportear" moral, defendemos 1) a primazia do jogar sobre o esportear, 2) a necessidade de que os sentimentos éticos, manifestos pelo estado de jogo, passem pelo crivo da norma, representada pela atitude lusória e 3) que atitudes transgressoras e subversivas à regra sejam analisadas em função de sua fonte: amor a si ou resistência aos impasses promovidos pelas regras. Concluímos que o ato de jogar revela por si mesmo o plano ético-moral inerente ao jogo/esporte, sendo a instrumentalização do jogo com um comprometimento exclusivamente voltado à dimensão moral normativa um risco à dimensão ética inerente ao papel do(a) jogador(a). (AU)

We start from the critique of the utilitarian tendency of game-based approaches (GBAs) with the objective of analyzing how the ethical and moral dimensions are revealed in the "act of playing" from the coaches' pedagogical practice. Through the concepts of ethical "to play" and moral "to sport", we support 1) the primacy of playing over sporting, 2) the need for ethical feelings, manifested by the "state of play", to pass through the scrutiny of the "lusory attitude" and 3) that transgressive and subversive attitudes to the rule are considerable depending on their source: self-love or resistance to the impasses promoted by the rules. We conclude that the "act of playing" reveals by itself the ethical-moral plan inherent to the game/sport, and the instrumentalization of the game with a commitment exclusively focused on the normative moral dimension is a risk to the ethical dimension inherent to the role of the player.(AU)

Partimos de la crítica a la tendencia utilitarista de los enfoques basados en el juego (GBAs) con el objetivo de analizar cómo se revelan las dimensiones éticas y morales en el "acto de jugar" a partir de la práctica pedagógica del/la entrenador/a de deportes colectivos. A partir de los conceptos del "jugar" ético y del "deportear" moral, defendemos 1) la primacía del jugar sobre el "deportear," 2) la necesidad de que los sentimientos éticos, puestos de manifiesto por el estado de juego, pasen por el tamiz de la norma, representada por la actitud lusoria y 3) que las actitudes transgresoras y subversivas a la regla sean analizadas según su origen: amor propio o resistencia a los impasses promovidos por las reglas. Concluimos que el acto de jugar revela por sí mismo el plano ético-moral inherente al juego/deporte, y la instrumentalización del juego con un compromiso centrado exclusivamente en la dimensión moral normativa es un riesgo para la dimensión ética inherente al rol del jugador.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Esportes de Equipe
Rev. venez. cir ; 75(2): 61-69, 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1553992


La cirugía laparoscópica ha sido uno de los grandes adelantos de la medicina moderna, sin embargo, la incorporación de esta tecnología a la práctica quirúrgica trajo consigo implicaciones en la enseñanza de la cirugía. La cirugía laparoscópica es una técnica más difícil de dominar que la cirugía abierta, en la cual se realizan procedimientos y maniobras particulares que requieren de laadquisición de habilidades específicas. La tendencia en la enseñanza de nuevas técnicas o procedimientos se ha enfocado en el uso de la simulación como una herramienta que permite adquirir las destrezas necesarias en un ambiente seguro, sin comprometer la seguridad y eficacia de los procedimientos. Por otro lado, decidir el momento en el cual el cirujano en entrenamiento ha alcanzado las destrezas necesarias para incorporarse a cirugíasin vivo, requiere de objetivos métodos de evaluación . En la búsqueda de alternativas de mayor objetividad, la tendencia mundial durante los últimos años ha sido dirigir la atención hacia el estudio depatrones de movimientos al momento de realizar determinada tarea o procedimiento(AU)

Laparoscopic surgery has been one of the great advances in modern medicine, however the incorporation of this technology into surgical practice brought with it implications in the teaching of surgery, laparoscopic surgery is a more difficult technique than open surgery, in which particular procedures and maneuvers are performed that require the acquisition of specific skills. The trend in the teaching of new techniques or procedures has focused on the use of simulation as a tool that allows acquiring the necessary skills in a safe environment, without compromising the safety and effectiveness of the procedures. On the other hand, deciding the moment in which the surgeon in training has reached the necessary skills to join in vivo surgeries requires objective evaluation methods. In the search for more objective alternatives, the global trend in recent years has been to direct attention towards the study of movement patterns when performing a certain task or procedure(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Laparoscopia , Modelos Anatômicos
Entramado ; 15(2): 130-147, July-Dec. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1090230


Resumen El artículo presenta el trabajo realizado en torno a la identificación de un modelo de educación ambiental a partir de la observación y análisis de prácticas de enseñanza de educación ambiental obtenidas como resultado de un estudio de caso. La hipótesis que se sostiene a lo largo de la investigación indica que las actividades de enseñanza en educación ambiental son producto de la concepción que se tiene del ambiente en el contexto estudiado. Para dar respuesta a la hipótesis se realizó el análisis de las prácticas de enseñanza de una maestra, a partir de la aplicación y análisis de instrumentos cualitativos; posteriormente se trianguló la información obtenida para identificar su modelo de enseñanza. Los resultados del estudio revelaron que el modelo de enseñanza de la maestra es sistémico, pues implementa varias actividades y a través de ellas establece relaciones entre diversos componentes del ambiente, y antropocéntrico, en tanto que considera que uno de sus compromisos en la enseñanza es la protección de la naturaleza. Lo anterior permitió demostrar la hipótesis de trabajo, a saber que los modelos identificados coinciden con la concepción de ambiente y de educación ambiental de la maestra.

Abstract This research article shows the work developed around the identification of an environmental education model, starting off the observation and analysis of the teaching practices in environmental education obtained as a result of a case study. The hypothesis held throughout this investigation indicates that the teaching activities in environmental education, result from the conception the teachers have about the environment in the context studied. To find an answer to the hypothesis, we made an analysis of a teacher's teaching practices, starting off an application and analysis of qualitative instruments; later the information obtained was triangulated to identify her teaching model. The results revealed that the teacher's teaching model is systematic, because it uses several activities and through them stablishes relations between various components of the environment, and anthropocentric, as it considers that one of its compromises in teaching is the protection of nature. The above allowed us to demonstrate this article hypothesis, namely that the models identified coincide with the conception of the environment and the teacher's environmental education.

Resumo O artigo apresenta o trabalho realizado em torno a identificação de um modelo de educação ambiental baseado na observação e analise de práticas de ensino em educação ambiental obtidas como resultado de um estudo de caso. A hipótese sustentada ao longo da pesquisa indica que as atividades de ensino de educação ambiental são o produto da concepção de meio ambiente no contexto estudado. Para responder à hipótese, foi realizada uma análise das práticas de ensino de um professor com base na aplicação e analise de instrumentos qualitativos; posteriormente, as informações obtidas foram trianguladas para identificar seu modelo de ensino. Os resultados do estudo revelaram que o modelo de ensino do professor é sistêmico, uma vez que implementa diversas atividades, e por meio delas, estabelece relações entre os vários componentes do ambiente e o antropocêntrico, considerando que um de seus compromissos no ensino é a proteção da natureza. O exposto acima permitiu demonstrar a hipótese de trabalho, a saber que os modelos identificados coincidem com a concepção de ambiente e a educação ambiental do professor.

Rev. educ. fis ; 25(1): 1-14, Jan-Mar/2014.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-725767


Este estudo teve como objetivo examinar a perceção de estudantes de Educação Física sobre o valor educativo do Modelo de Educação Esportiva (MEE) pelo confronto entre a vivência do modelo enquanto alunos e como professores estagiários. Participaram no estudo 16 estudantes do Mestrado em Ensino da Educação Física da FADEUP. Aplicou-se uma entrevista semiestruturada e de resposta aberta após a validação de construção e de conteúdo. Os participantes percepcionaram potencial elevado do MEE no desenvolvimento da formação pessoal, social e desportiva de crianças e jovens. Não obstante, as suas elevadas exigências, ao nível da organização e gestão de alunos e atividades, foram reconhecidas pelos participantes na condição de professores estagiários. A investigação futura deve se centrar na análise do modo como os futuros professores aprendem a ensinar o currículo do MEE, fornecendo indicadores para o domínio de prática e contribuindo para a eficácia pedagógica na sua implementação.

This study examined the perceptions of pre-service teachers on the educational value of the Sport Education model (SEM) by contraposition of their experiences as students during the teacher education program and as pre-service teachers. The participants were 16 senior students of the Master in Teaching Physical Education in FADEUP. After construct and content validation a semi-structured interview containing open-ended questions was applied. The participants grasped the model as an extremely valuable educational experience that holds the potential for the young students' personal, social, and sports development. Notwithstanding, as pre-service teachers, the participants pictured SEM as highly demanding in the managerial organization of class, students and activities. In future, research should examine more thoroughly the manner by which upcoming teachers learn to teach the SEM curriculum in order to provide benchmarks for enhanced practice and pedagogical capability of novice teachers during early implementation of the model.

Rev. bras. educ. fís. esp ; 25(2): 251-261, abr.-jun. 2011. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-594466


O objetivo desse estudo foi verificar em que medida o processo de ensino-aprendizagem-treinamento utilizado em uma equipe feminina de voleibol favoreceu o desenvolvimento do conhecimento tático declarativo das atletas. Doze jogadoras (idade média 13,9 ± 0,3 anos) pertencentes a um clube participaram da pesquisa. Para caracterizar o processo de ensino-aprendizagem-treinamento foram filmadas e posteriormente analisadas 17 sessões consecutivas de treinamento. Para verificar o desenvolvimento do conhecimento tático, utilizou-se o teste validado por PAULA (2001), sendo este aplicado no início e no final das sessões de treino registradas. Na análise das sessões de treino, as atividades relacionadas ao desenvolvimento da capacidade técnica ocuparam 57,5 por cento do tempo total de treinamento, enquanto que em 29,9 por cento do tempo foram desenvolvidas atividades com características de aperfeiçoamento tático. Para o conhecimento tático, não foi verificado aumento em nenhuma das variáveis medidas no teste. Esses resultados demonstraram que o treinador planificou suas sessões de forma a dedicar maior atenção ao componente técnico, sendo este contemplado especialmente através das atividades sem conexão com situações de jogo, como "fundamentos individuais" ou "combinação de fundamentos". A estrutura de treinamento utilizada parece não ter favorecido o aumento do nível de conhecimento tático declarativo no decorrer do período de treinamento avaliado.

The aim of this study was to verify the extent to which the teaching-learning-training process used in a female volleyball team promoted the development of the tactical knowledge. Twelve female players (13.9 ± 0.3 years) of a volleyball team participated in the study. To characterize the process of teaching-learning-training were video recorded and subsequently analyzed 17 consecutive sessions of technical-tactical training. The test validated by PAULA (2001) was used to verify the development of the declarative tactical knowledge and it was applied at the beginning and at the end of the registered training sessions. When analyzing the training sessions, activities related to the development of technical capacity occupied 57.5 percent of total time of training, while in 29.9 percent of total time was developed activities with tactical characteristics. There was no increase in any of the variables measured in the tactical knowledge test. The results demonstrated that the coach prepared training sessions dedicating more attention to the technical component, which is shown particularly through the activities without association with game situations, as "individual skills" and "skills combination". The training design used does not seem to have helped to increase the declarative tactical knowledge during the study period.

Humanos , Feminino , Adolescente , Tutoria/métodos , Ensino/métodos , Esportes/educação , Aprendizagem , Voleibol
Chinese Journal of Medical Education Research ; (12): 269-273, 2011.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-413074


Objective To improve the teaching quality of Sex and Reproductive Health for college students.Methods From February 2008 to June 2010,the general elective course of SeX and reproductive health were offered for students from all the majors in Shanghai Jiao Tong University.The lessons were conducted in the form of lectures,group discussions,role-plays and debates.The self-designed questionnaires were respectively given out after the first class and at the end of the last class in order to have an understanding of the rate of the relevant knowledge known by the students and their suggestions.Results The rate of the relevant knowledge known by the students significantly increased.Some suggestions about the educational reform were received through questionnaire and educational feedback.Conclusion The reproductive health service is needed for college students.Group discussions and role-plays are ideal methods for interactive teaching.

Rev. colomb. anestesiol ; 36(2): 85-92, jul. 2008. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: lil-636021


Esta investigación, de tipo cualitativo, propone un modelo pedagógico orientado a facilitar los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje de las siguientes habilidades psicomotoras básicas en anestesia: intubación oro-traqueal, colocación de máscara laríngea y canalización venosa en niños y adultos. El modelo se elaboró mediante la adopción de algunas teorías y diseños propuestos en la literatura, la recuperación de la experiencia docente y pruebas piloto de los modelos de instrucción con estudiantes que realizan prácticas hospitalarias. Los objetivos generales fueron: primero, sistematizar la experiencia de construcción de un modelo pedagógico orientado a facilitar los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje de las habilidades psicomotoras básicas en anestesia; segundo, aportar a la cualificación de la práctica del anestesiólogo y del educador en anestesia, a partir del reconocimiento del saber de un equipo de expertos anestesiólogos y docentes en el área. resultados de la sistematización fueron: primero, la descripción de los supuestos teóricos más relevantes para el diseño de un modelo de instrucción de enseñanza de las competencias psicomotoras; segundo, la propuesta de un método para la enseñanza de estas competencias y la elaboración de un instrumento de evaluación de las competencias psicomotoras del estudiante. Las conclusiones de la sistematización fueron: primero, que la enseñanza de las competencias psicomotoras se puede fundamentar en supuestos, teorías y modelos definidos en la literatura en forma sinérgica; segundo, que la enseñanza de las competencias psicomotoras exige planificación y estructuración coherentes y pertinentes, dado que estas competencias se consideran como "capacidades productoras"; y tercero, que los modelos de instrucción de evaluación deben considerar tanto el proceso como los resultados, para lograr una mayor retroalimentación de los procesos de aprendizaje y una mejor interacción entre el aprendiz y el maestro.

This type of qualitative research, proposes a pedagogical model designed to facilitate teaching and lear-ning processes of the following basic psychomotor skills in anesthesia: orotracheal intubation, placement of laryngeal mask and channeling vein in children and adults. The model was designed through the adoption of some theories and designs proposed in the literature, the systematization of teaching experience, and leading tests of the instructions to students who perform hospital practices. The general objectives set for the systematization were: first, systematize the experience of building a pe-dagogical model aimed at facilitating the process of teaching and learning of psychomotor skills in basic anesthesia. Second, help improve the qualifcation of the practice of anesthesiologists and educators in anes-thesia, upon recognition of knowledge of an expert team of anesthesiologists and teachers in the area. The results of the systematization were: first, the description of the more relevant assumptions used for the design of an instructive teaching tool of psychomotor skills. Second, proposing a method for teaching these skills and developing a tool for evaluating the students’ psychomotor skills. The conclusion of the systematization was: first, the teaching of psychomotor skills can be based on as-sumptions, theories and models defned in the literature in a synergistic manner. Second, the teaching of psychomotor skills requires coherent planning and structuring, given that these competencies are considered as "producing capabilities." And third, instructional evaluation should consider both the processes and results, to achieve greater input from the processes of learning and better interaction between master and apprentice.

Chinese Journal of Medical Education Research ; (12)2003.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-623842


Using new tape of teaching models in modern medical science education is a trend for medicine development.Investigating medical students’approbation degree and attitudes towards the teaching models,analyzing and resolving the problems about that will provide the valuable reference to reforming the medical education and fostering qualified practitioners.