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Int. j. morphol ; 42(3): 741-748, jun. 2024. tabl, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564608


SUMMARY: Histology is considered one of the most important but challenging topics in health sciences. Deficiencies in teaching and general histology directly affect the student's understanding, performance and promote dynamism and integration while covering the primary curriculum. The goal of the current study was to assess and provide a better experience of difficulties in learning histology, examine some standard teaching strategies, and determine how to implement suitable changes to improve the curriculum from students' perspectives. The study comprised of a self-administered questionnaire that included descriptive questions. Data was collected based on the survey conducted via 100 students studying histology. Data was analyzed further qualitatively and quantitatively to elaborate on the difficulties in this area. Many of them strongly agreed that the lack of essential comprehension regarding using light and electron microscopes resulted in challenges with comprehending and identifying tissue samples for image identification due to inadequate anatomical knowledge. Moreover, according to students, some difficulties understood the topic, perception of new terminologies, and insufficient teaching strategies to grasp students' interests. They also agreed that improvement was needed in terms of the modes of teaching employed by histology teachers; they felt that modern education techniques based on practical tasks should be incorporated to stimulate student interest and make understanding histological concepts easier. The Institution should modify the teaching system to allocate more time to relevant subjects to make this subject matter more interesting. This survey-based study evaluated that students faced some challenges while studying the current curriculum of histology. From the student's perspective, it is identified that some changes are needed to improve the course curriculum and way of teaching to make it more understandable.

La histología se considera uno de los temas más importantes pero desafiantes de las ciencias de la salud. Las deficiencias en la enseñanza y en la histología general afectan directamente la comprensión, el desempeño del estudiante y promueven el dinamismo y la integración al abarcar el currículo primario. El objetivo del estudio actual fue evaluar y proporcionar una mejor experiencia de las dificultades en el aprendizaje de histología, examinar algunas estrategias de enseñanza estándar y determinar cómo implementar cambios adecuados para mejorar el plan de estudios desde la perspectiva de los estudiantes. El estudio constaba de un cuestionario auto administrado que incluía preguntas descriptivas. Los datos se recopilaron a partir de una encuesta realizada a 100 estudiantes de histología. Los datos se analizaron más a fondo de forma cualitativa y cuantitativa para profundizar en las dificultades en esta área. Muchos de ellos estuvieron totalmente de acuerdo en que la falta de comprensión esencial sobre el uso de microscopios ópticos y electrónicos resultó en desafíos para comprender e identificar muestras de tejido para la identificación de imágenes debido a un conocimiento anatómico inadecuado. Además, según los estudiantes, algunas dificultades en la comprensión del tema, percepción de nuevas terminologías y estrategias de enseñanza insuficientes para captar los intereses de los estudiantes. También coincidieron en que era necesario mejorar los métodos de enseñanza empleados por los profesores de histología; sintieron que deberían incorporarse técnicas educativas modernas basadas en tareas prácticas para estimular el interés de los estudiantes y facilitar la comprensión de los conceptos histológicos. La Institución debería modificar el sistema de enseñanza para asignar más tiempo a materias relevantes para hacer esta materia más interesante. Este estudio basado en encuestas evaluó que los estudiantes enfrentaron algunos desafíos mientras estudiaban el plan de estudios actual de histología. Desde la perspectiva del estudiante, se identifica que se necesitan algunos cambios para mejorar el plan de estudios del curso y la forma de enseñar para hacerlo más comprensible.

Humanos , Estudantes/psicologia , Histologia/educação , Aprendizagem , Ensino , Inquéritos e Questionários
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556613


La presente revisión narrativa propone caracterizar las estrategias didácticas actualmente utilizadas en el Instituto de Anatomía, Histología y Patología (IAHP) de la Universidad Austral de Chile (UACh), para la enseñanza-aprendizaje de la anatomía humana en los alumnos de las escuelas de Enfermería, Kinesiología, Medicina, Obstetricia y Puericultura, Odontología y Terapia Ocupacional de su Facultad de Medicina. Se listan las diversas estrategias didácticas implementadas y se explica la manera en que se han venido aplicando en esta institución a fin de perfeccionar la enseñanza anatómica, considerando los retos y desafíos que demandan las generaciones actuales de estudiantes y la dinámica del mundo contemporáneo.

This narrative review aims to describe the didactic strategies currently employed by the Institute of Anatomy, Histology, and Pathology at the Universidad Austral de Chile (UACh) for teaching Human Anatomy to students in the Nursing, Kinesiology, Medicine, Obstetrics and Childcare, Dentistry, and Occupational Therapy programs of its Faculty of Medicine. The implemented teaching strategies for improving anatomical teaching in this institution are listed and explained, considering the challenges posed by current generations of students and the dynamics of the contemporary world.

Basic & Clinical Medicine ; (12): 577-581, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018659


Objective To investigate the needs and feedback from clinical medical students on the diversified teaching mode adopted by the Department of Endocrinology in Peking Union Medical College Hospital.Methods Questionnaires were distributed to the medicine students who were in clinical rotation in Peking Union Medical Col-lege,and the teaching status and teaching effect was investigated.Results A total of 95 valid questionnaires were received.The attending physicians and the teaching resident physicians performed well in the daily teaching activi-ties.The medical students believed that outpatient training was necessary in addition to ward rotations.After the ro-tation in the endocrinology department,the self-evaluated score of mastery of endocrinology knowledge had been significantly improved,especially in those who rotated in outpatient clinic,suggesting that outpatient teaching was of great significance.In addition,the establishment of a self-learning platform including clinical cases and videos in endocrinology could be used as an important supplementary means for clinical teaching.Conclusions Outpatient training improves learning outcomes of medical students,so must be kept and further strengthened in the future.Building a database of typical clinical cases and teaching videos can improve the training quality.

Horiz. enferm ; 34(3): 594-609, 20 dic. 2023. tab, ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1525227


INTRODUCCIÓN. La sociedad actual demanda de enfermeros que desarrollen la autonomía necesaria para la resolución de problemas, la planificación, el seguimiento y la evaluación de su propio desempeño. Esta autonomía proviene del aprendizaje permanente. OBJETIVO. Determinar los Estilos de Aprendizaje predominantes entre los estudiantes de primer año matriculados en tres instituciones de educación superior en México para cursar la carrera de enfermería. METODOLOGÍA: Estudio cuantitativo y multicéntrico con un diseño descriptivo, y una muestra no probabilística. Para identificar los Estilos de aprendizaje de los estudiantes se utilizó el cuestionario VARK, con coeficiente alfa de Cronbach osciló entre 0.77 y 0.85. La escala fue digitalizada y programada mediante la herramienta Formulario de Google Drive. Se obtuvo un dictamen favorable por el comité de ética de las instituciones. Los resultados se procesaron en el programa estadístico SPSS versión 25.0. RESULTADOS: Se aplicaron 305 cuestionarios, donde 88,63 % fueron mujeres. El estilo de aprendizaje más preponderante fue el Quinestésico (30.39 %), seguido por el Lectura/Escritura (27.42 %), auditivo (26,58 %) y visual (15.61 %). De acuerdo con el estilo modal más del 50 % son multimodales. CONCLUSIÓN: Los resultados muestran que es fundamental contar con datos tanto individuales como grupales de los estudiantes para pensar estrategias de enseñanza y aprendizaje que tengan en cuenta las preferencias de aprendizaje de los estudiantes y la orientación temática del orden disciplinario, desde su ingreso a la universidad.

INTRODUCTION. Today's society demands that nurses develop the necessary autonomy to solve problems, plan, monitor and evaluate their own performance. This autonomy comes from lifelong learning. AIM. To determine the predominant learning styles among first-year nursing students enrolled in three higher education institutions in Mexico. METHODOLOGY: Quantitative and multicenter study with a descriptive designand a non-probabilistic sample. To identify the learning styles of the students, the VARK questionnaire was used, with Cronbach's alpha coefficient ranging between 0.77 and 0.85. The scale was digitized and programmed using the Google Drive Form tool. A favorable opinion was obtained by the ethics committee of each institution. The results were processed in the statistical program SPSS, version 25.0. RESULTS: 305 questionnaires were completed by respondents, 88.63% of which were women. The most predominant learning style was kinesthetic (30.39%), followed by reading/writing (27.42%), auditory (26.58%) and visual (15.61%). As to the modal style, more than 50% were multimodal. CONCLUSION: The results show that it is essential to have both individual and group data related to students so that teaching and learning strategies can take into account their learning preferences, as well as the thematic orientation of the discipline of nursing, from the time of their admission to the university.

Curitiba; s.n; 20220325. 282 p. ilus, tab, graf.
Tese em Português | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1393095


Resumo: O objetivo deste presente estudo foi identificar quais modelos de simulação clínica virtual descritos na literatura científica são utilizados como estratégia de ensino em estudantes e profissionais de enfermagem. A simulação clínica, é uma técnica que substitui as experiências reais por experiências guiadas replicáveis permitindo aos estudantes e profissionais de enfermagem vivenciarem a representação de um acontecimento real. Uma vez que a simulação clínica virtual utiliza um computador de alto nível, fazendo com que essa técnica viabilize condições de maior segurança e autoconfiança do estudante durante sua formação teórica e prática, consolidando seus conhecimentos, habilidades e competências. Método: Revisão sistematizada do tipo Scoping Review, que consiste nas cinco etapas: (1) formulação da questão de pesquisa (2) identificação dos estudos relevantes; (3) seleção de estudos; (4) mapeamento de evidências científicas; (5) apresentação e interpretação dos resultados. As bibliotecas digitais e bases de dados escolhidas para este estudo foram: PubMed, Medline, Scielo, Scopus, BvS, Web of Science, Lilacs, Embase, Ebsco. Os descritores utilizados foram: Simulação/ Simulação clínica/ Simulação clínica virtual/ Realidade virtual /Treinamento por Simulação/ Treinamento com Simulação de Alta Fidelidade/ Simulação por Computador/ Estudante de Enfermagem/ Estratégias de ensino/ Educação. A coleta de dados ocorreu no período de 1° de maio até 1° de novembro do ano de 2020. Foram descritos os seguintes critérios de seleção: trabalhos de qualquer natureza que retratam estudos sob simulação clínica virtual em estudantes de enfermagem da graduação e pós-graduação; artigos publicados na literatura nacional e internacional nos idiomas português, inglês e espanhol dos últimos 20 anos, desde janeiro 2000 até agosto 2020, todos estes disponíveis online nas bases de dados consultados e aqueles que respondem ao problema ou questão de revisão. Os dados extraídos foram analisados e sintetizados narrativamente. Resultados: Dos 711 artigos recuperadas na busca, foram salvas para revisão e conteúdo, onde apenas 52 artigos duplicados e excluídas por não contribuírem com elementos para a análise temática desta revisão, 507 estudos foram excluídos com base no título e resumo, dos quais 152 foram selecionados, assim 99 estudos foram excluídos com base no conteúdo. Apenas 53 estudos atenderam os critérios de seleção para o estudo. Destes, 16 foram selecionados no Scopus, 17 no Medline/PubMed, 1 no Embase, 11 no Ebesco, 1 no BvS, 7 no Web Of Science e 5 no PubMed Central. Conclusão: Esta revisão de escopo fornece uma avaliação abrangente do uso de diferentes modelos de simulação clínica virtual no ensino de enfermagem, esses modelos podem melhorar o conhecimento de estudantes e profissionais de enfermagem. Em geral, o uso da simulação de realidade virtual deve ser considerado para aprimorar o conhecimento e como complemento a outras estratégias de simulação para melhorar a qualidade e a segurança da prática clínica. No entanto, a heterogeneidade e o risco de viés entre os estudos incluídos devem ser levados em consideração. Estudos de grande escala rigorosamente desenhados são necessários para confirmar ainda mais os resultados desta revisão.

Abstract: The objective of this present study was to identify which virtual clinical simulation models described in the scientific literature are used as a teaching strategy for nursing students and professionals. Clinical simulation is a technique that replaces real experiences with replicable guided experiences, allowing nursing students and professionals to experience the representation of a real event. Since the virtual clinical simulation uses a high-level computer, making this technique possible conditions of greater security and self-confidence of the student during their theoretical and practical training, consolidating their knowledge, skills and competences. Method: Systematized review of the Scoping Review type, which consists of five steps: (1) formulation of the research question (2) identification of relevant studies; (3) selection of studies; (4) mapping of scientific evidence; (5) presentation and interpretation of results. The digital libraries and databases chosen for this study were: PubMed, Medline, Scielo, Scopus, BvS, Web of Science, Lilacs, Embase, Ebesco. The descriptors used were: Simulation / Clinical Simulation / Virtual Clinical Simulation / Virtual Reality / Training by Simulation / Training with High Fidelity Simulation / Computer Simulation / Nursing Student / Teaching Strategies / Education. Data collection took place from May 1st to November 1st, 2020. The following selection criteria were described: works of any nature that portray studies under virtual clinical simulation in undergraduate and graduate nursing students graduation; articles published in national and international literature in Portuguese, English and Spanish for the last 20 years, from January 2000 to August 2020, all of which are available online in the consulted databases and those that respond to the problem or review question. The extracted data were analyzed and synthesized narratively. Results: Of the 711 articles retrieved in the search, they were saved for review and content, where only 52 articles were duplicated and excluded for not contributing elements to the thematic analysis of this review, 507 studies were excluded based on title and abstract, of which 152 were selected, thus 99 studies were excluded based on content. Only 53 studies met the selection criteria for the study. Of these, 16 were selected from Scopus, 17 from Medline/PubMed, 1 from Embase, 11 from Ebesco, 1 from BvS, 7 from Web Of Science and 5 from PubMed Central. Conclusion: This scoping review provides a comprehensive assessment of the use of different virtual clinical simulation models in nursing education, these models can improve the knowledge of nursing students and professionals. In general, the use of virtual reality simulation should be considered to enhance knowledge and as a complement to other simulation strategies to improve the quality and safety of clinical practice. However, heterogeneity and risk of bias among included studies must be taken into account. Large-scale rigorously designed studies are needed to further confirm the results of this review.

Estudantes de Enfermagem , Exercício de Simulação , Educação em Enfermagem , Treinamento por Simulação , Profissionais de Enfermagem
FAVE, Secc. Cienc. vet. (En línea) ; 20(2): 81-90, jul. 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1375466


Resumen El enfoque Una Salud requiere de una estrecha relación entre los profesionales veterinarios con otros actores y factores del medio donde desarrollan sus actividades. Este trabajo aborda los aspectos que deberían considerarse al incluir los dominios de competencias del enfoque Una salud en el contexto de la formación veterinaria. Se tratan rasgos de los diseños curriculares y analizan posturas en torno a la formación basada en competencias, para proponer la opción del modelo sistémico complejo. Para que los veterinarios logren incrementar su desempeño efectivo e impactar positivamente en sus territorios laborales, es necesario fortalecer su pensamiento sistémico sobre la interdependencia de la salud humana, animal y ambiental, así como su capacidad de moverse en diferentes entornos sociales, políticos, legales y culturales. Los profesionales de la medicina veterinaria deben ser competentes para diseñar, gestionar y evaluar las interacciones entre los seres humanos, los animales y su medio y conformar equipos multidisciplinarios. Las estrategias educativas para mejorar la comprensión de los estudiantes de los determinantes sociológicos y ecológicos de la salud, así como sus responsabilidades profesionales, no deberían ser un agregado a planes de estudio por demás disciplinares y fragmentados.

Abstract The One health approach requires a close relationship between veterinary professionals and other actors and factors in the environment where they carry out their activities. This paper addresses the aspects that should be considered when including the domains of the One Health approach competencies in the context of a veterinary study program. Features of the curricular designs are discussed and positions on competency-based training are analyzed in order to propose the option of the complex-systemic model. In order for veterinarians to be able to enhance their effective performance and positively impact on their working environments, it is necessary to strengthen their systemic thinking about the interdependence of human, animal and environmental health, as well as their ability to move in different social, political, legal and cultural environments. Veterinary medicine professionals must be competent to design, manage and evaluate interactions between humans, animals and their environment and to be part of multidisciplinary teams. Educational strategies to enhance students' understanding of the sociological and ecological determinants of health, as well as their professional responsibilities, should not be an add-on to too fragmented and disciplinary curricula.

J. health med. sci. (Print) ; 7(2): 127-131, abr.-jun. 2021. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1391699


La educación de salud es una instancia para prevenir el avance de las patologías crónicas al promover la calidad de vida de la población "a través" de la enseñanza de conductas de autocuidado. Una variedad de estudios demuestra que el uso de estrategias didácticas en los programas educativos facilita el proceso de aprendizaje. El objetivo de esta revisión fue identificar las estrategias didácticas más utilizadas en los programas de educación en salud. Se realizó una revisión de literatura narrativa mediante la revisión de artículos publicados en las bases de datos PubMed, seleccionándolos de acuerdo al cumplimiento de los criterios de inclusión y exclusión definidos. Fueron 12 los artículos seleccionados para la revisión. El material escrito es usado en el 50% como estrategia para realizar educación en salud y el medio es usado audiovisual en un 25%. El criterio para determinar la efectividad en la estrategia usada es la personalización en la educación descrita por un 75% de los artículos analizados. Son diversas las estrategias que pueden ser utilizadas para realizar una actividad educativa en salud, sin embargo, para esta sea efectiva se debe considerar principalmente las características de los participantes, recomendando el considerar la personalización en la actividad educativa.

Health education is an instance to prevent the progression of chronic pathologies by promoting the population's quality of life through the teaching of self- care behaviors. A variety of studies show that the use of didactic strategies in educational programs facilitates the learning process. This review aimed to identify the didactic strategies most commonly used in health education programs. A narrative literature review was carried out by reviewing articles published in the PubMed databases, selecting them according to compliance with the defined inclusion and exclusion criteria. Twelve articles were selected for the review. 50% of the written material is used as a strategy to carry out health education, and 25% of the medium is audiovisual. The criterion to determine the strategy's effectiveness is the personalization of the education described by 75% of the articles analyzed. Several strategies can be used to carry out a health education activity. However, to be effective, the participants' characteristics should be taken into account, advising the consideration of personalization in the educational activity.

Humanos , Materiais de Ensino , Educação em Saúde/métodos , Enfermagem
Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 42(3): 189-193, July-Sept. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-958596


ABSTRACT Learning is a complex construct that involves several factors, mainly the interaction between teachers and students in the process of teaching and learning. Understanding how students learn and which factors influence academic performance is essential information for lesson planning and evaluation, in addition to allowing a better use of students' learning potential and outcomes. The ability to constructively modify one's behavior depends on how well we combine our experiences, reflections, conceptualizations, and planning to make improvements. This seems particularly relevant in medical education, where students are expected to retain, recall, and apply vast amounts of information assimilated throughout their training period. Over the years, there has being a gradual shift in medical education from a passive learning approach to an active learning approach. To support the learning environment, educators need to be aware of the different learning styles of their students to effectively tailor instructional strategies and methods to cater to students' learning needs. However, the space for reflection on the process of teaching is still incipient in higher-education institutions in Brazil. The present article proposes a critical review of the importance of identifying students' learning styles in undergraduate medical education. Different models exist for assessing learning styles. Different styles can coexist in equilibrium (multimodal style) or predominate (unimodal style) in the same individual. Assessing students' learning styles can be a useful tool in education, once it is possible to analyze with what kind of learning students can better develop themselves, improving their knowledge and influencing positively in the process of learning. Over the last century, medical education experienced challenges to improve the learning process and curricular reform. Also, this has resulted in crucial changes in the field of medical education, with a shift from a teacher centered and subject based teaching to the use of interactive, problem based, student centered learning.

RESUMO A aprendizagem é uma construção complexa que envolve diversos fatores, principalmente a interação entre professores e alunos no processo de ensino/ aprendizagem. Entender como os alunos aprendem e quais fatores influenciam o desempenho acadêmico são informações essenciais para o planejamento das aulas, além de permitir um melhor aproveitamento do potencial de aprendizado e desempenho dos alunos. A capacidade de modificar construtivamente o comportamento de uma pessoa depende de quão bem combinamos nossas experiências, reflexões, conceituações e estratégias para desenvolver o processo de mudança. Isso parece particularmente relevante na educação médica, na qual se espera que os alunos retenham, processem e apliquem grandes quantidades de informação durante todo o período de treinamento. Ao longo dos anos tem havido uma mudança gradual na educação médica de uma abordagem de aprendizagem passiva para uma abordagem de aprendizagem ativa. Para fortalecer o ambiente de aprendizado, os educadores precisam estar cientes dos diferentes estilos de aprendizado de seus alunos e, desta forma, adaptar estratégias e metodologias pedagógicas que aprimoram o processo de aprendizagem. No entanto, o espaço de reflexão sobre o processo de ensino ainda é incipiente nas instituições de ensino superior no Brasil. O presente artigo propõe uma revisão crítica sobre a importância da identificação dos estilos de aprendizagem dos alunos no ensino médico de graduação. Existem diferentes ferramentas para avaliar estilos de aprendizagem. Diferentes estilos podem coexistir em equilíbrio (estilo multimodal) ou predominar (estilo unimodal) no mesmo indivíduo. Avaliar os estilos de aprendizagem dos alunos pode ser uma ferramenta útil na educação, uma vez que é possível analisar as vias sensoriais mais favoráveis para assimilar e processar os conhecimentos, influenciando positivamente o processo de aprendizagem. No último século, a educação médica vem postulando novos desafios para melhorar o processo de aprendizagem através da reforma curricular. Além disso, impulsionou mudanças cruciais no campo da educação médica, transformando um modelo de ensino passivo, previsível e centrado na figura do professor em um modelo de aprendizagem ativo, centrado no aluno, interativo e baseado em problemas.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-700531


Human body structure,as a national excellent course,is a professional basic course for the students in medical related majors.After years of teaching practice,many teaching experience are collected,however,some problems in teaching practice still occurre such as how to carry out teaching methods specific for different majors,how to accomplish the course for teachers and how to grasp the macro-and micro-cosmic human structures for students in fewer class hours,and how to improve the students' self-regulation of learning.Aiming at the problems above,the human body structure teaching team improves teaching methods,teaching content and assessment system,and effectively enhance the teaching effectivene.

Motriz (Online) ; 24(4): e101106, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-976267


The Swimming has numerous benefits in the physiological, psychological, social and cognitive aspects for the person with spinal cord injury. However, the process of learning the swim must be done in order to take advantage of the potential and the motor functions of the swimmer, through the planning of actions and teaching strategies that seek an effective swim with the fewest adaptations possible and respecting the specific conditions of the lesion. The objective was to verify how the teacher evaluates the motor function of the swimmer with the SCI and to understand how this instructional process acts in the learning of swimming through the perspective of the teacher. Methods: Participated in the research, twelve Physical Education teachers, who work with spinal cord injury swimmers. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and a field diary. Results: The results demonstrated that, depending on the teaching style adopted by the teacher, he does not consider the student's feedback and perception. He acts only on the results and possibilities he sees. Therefore, in the teacher's view, the adaptability of the swimming technique is conditioned to the motor limitation of the individual with SCI, or according to the teacher's perspective on the functionality. Conclusion: We conclude that the use of strategies based on the traditional swimming technique showed that there is little awareness or lack of knowledge about the work of promoting the swimmer's motor function, confirmed to the extent that the contribution of the specific literature is incipient and does not satisfy the teacher's desire for knowledge.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Traumatismos da Medula Espinal/fisiopatologia , Natação/educação , Ensino , Destreza Motora/fisiologia , Inquéritos e Questionários , Terapia por Exercício/métodos , Docentes/psicologia
Estud. pesqui. psicol. (Impr.) ; 17(3): 1022-1041, set.-dez. 2017. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-965211


Na perspetiva da investigação SAL (Student Approaches to Learning) a abordagem ao ensino dos professores (transmissiva e compreensiva) influencia a abordagem à aprendizagem dos alunos. O objetivo deste texto é estimular os professores a refletirem sobre as suas práticas docentes e sobre a maneira como fomentam o sucesso educativo dos seus alunos no nível exigido. A partir da reflexão metacognitiva, os docentes poderão constatar a existência de diversos fatores que poderão ser reforçados e outros esquecidos, de modo a melhorar a qualidade da aprendizagem dos alunos. É, também, referida a importância de conhecer as conceções dos alunos acerca da forma como aprendem, com o objetivo de desenvolver contextos de ensino e aprendizagem que os alunos vivenciem como motores de abordagens à aprendizagem profundas. Isto implica necessariamente a opção por uma abordagem ao ensino centrada no aluno. Espera-se que este texto reflexivo possa contribuir para uma melhor compreensão das abordagens ao ensino, a fim de promover nos alunos comportamentos mais ajustados para a mestria escolar. São referidas algumas implicações educativas, assim como possíveis investigações futuras. (AU)

In the SAL (Student Approaches to Learning) research view teachers' transmissive and comprehensive approach to teaching has a direct influence in the students' approach to learning. The purpose of this literature review is to urge teachers think about both their teaching methods and the way they nourish their students' learning at the required stage. The purpose of this meta-cognitive reflection is to make teachers able to recognize the many factors which need to be enhanced to get her with the ones which will have to be overlooked so that their students' learning can be improved. It also referred to the importance of knowing the conceptions of students about their learning situation, in order to develop teaching and learning contexts students to experience as deep approaches to learning engines. This necessarily implies the choice of an approach to teaching student-centered. This text aims at making an enhanced contribution towards a better understanding of teaching approaches and at the same time promoting a more suitable and adjusted studying and learning behavior which has to be the most suitable one to meet the students' purposes. Are also indicated some educational implications as well as possible future research. (AU)

En la perspectiva de la investigación SAL (Student Approaches to Learning) el enfoque a la enseñanza de los profesores (transmisora y comprensiva) influye en el abordaje del aprendizaje de los estudiantes. El objetivo de este artículo es ayudar a los profesores a reflexionar sobre sus prácticas de enseñanza y sobre la forma de promover el aprendizaje del estudiante en el nivel requerido. A partir de la reflexión meta-cognitiva, los profesores pueden comprobar que hay muchos factores que pueden reforzarse y otros olvidados, con el fin de aumentar la calidad del aprendizaje de los estudiantes. Fue referida también la importancia de conocer la concepción de los estudiantes acerca de su situación de aprendizaje, con el fin de desarrollar contextos de enseñanza y aprendizaje que los estudiantes entiendan como motores de enfoques a los aprendizajes profundos. Se espera que este texto de reflexión pueda contribuir a una mejor comprensión de los enfoques para la enseñanza, para fomentar en los estudiantes conductas de aprendizaje y de estudio que mejor se adapten a sus metas y estilos de aprendizaje. Son referidas algunas implicaciones educativas, así que potenciales futuras investigaciones. (AU)

Humanos , Ensino , Aprendizagem , Docentes
Rev. medica electron ; 39(5): 1061-1072, set.-oct. 2017.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-902225


Introducción: el trabajo expone los mecanismos pedagógicos aplicados en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, de la cátedra de Anatomía Humana. En el entorno de los componentes teórico y práctico de la asignatura, se identificaron las estrategias y técnicas didácticas aplicadas, dentro de la relación numérica docente / estudiante. Objetivo: valorar la influencia de la relación numérica docente/estudiante en la enseñanza/aprendizaje de la Anatomía Humana. Materiales y Métodos: el estudio es retrospectivo, transversal. Se realizó en tres escuelas de medicina de El Salvador. Se utilizó una muestra de 296 estudiantes, de la carrera de doctorado en medicina y 15 docentes del departamento de Ciencias Morfológicas (Anatomía Humana). Los datos se expresaron en porcentajes, representándose en gráfico de barras. Resultados: las estrategias de enseñanza: objetivos (72,89%) y un manual guía (100%). La técnica de enseñanza que predominó en el componente teórico fue la clase magistral (59,98%). En el componente práctico, se aplica la técnica grupal con supervisión, (100%). La estrategia de aprendizaje, en los componentes teórico y práctico: Recirculación de la información (48,47%), relacionada a las técnicas de Toma de apuntes y repaso con repetición oral. La relación numérica docente /estudiante: Escuela A 1/11; Escuela B 1/44; Escuela C 1/34. Conclusiones: las estrategias y técnicas didácticas, dentro de la relación numérica docente / estudiante; son estáticas y responden a un modelo educativo tradicional, representativo de una educación masiva (AU).

Introduction: the work exposes the pedagogical mechanisms applied in the teaching-learning process of the chair of Human Anatomy. The applied didactic strategies and techniques were identified in the context of the theoretical and practical components of the subject, within the teacher/student numerical relationship. Objective: to appraise the teacher/student numerical relationship in teaching/learning Human Anatomy Material and Methods: the sample was formed by 296 pre-grade students of Medicine and 15 teachers of the department of Morphologic Sciences (Human Anatomy). Data were given in percentages represented in bar graphs. Results: the teaching strategies used were objectives (72.89 %) and a guidebook (100 %). The predominating teaching technique in the theoretical component was the master lecture (59.98 %). The group technique under supervision (100 %) was used in the practical component. In the theoretic and practical components of the learning strategy, the recirculation of the information was used (48.47 %), related with the techniques of taking notes down and reviewing with oral repetition. The numerical relation teacher/student was: School A- 1/11; School B- 1/44; School C 1/34. Conclusions: the didactic strategies and techniques within the numerical relationship teacher/student are static and representative of a mass education. Palabras claves: estrategias y técnicas de enseñanza, estrategias y técnicas de aprendizaje, relación numérica docente /estudiante (AU).

Humanos , Feminino , Estudantes , Docentes/educação , Anatomia/educação , Métodos de Análise Laboratorial e de Campo , Educação Pré-Médica/métodos , Avaliação Educacional/métodos , Avaliação Educacional/normas , Docentes/normas , Anatomia/métodos , Anatomia/normas , Anatomia/ética , Aprendizagem
Motrivivência (Florianópolis) ; 29(51): 28-46, jul. 2017.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-847580


O objetivo desse estudo foi descrever e analisar as estratégias e estilos de ensino que professores de EF que atuam na cidade de Aparecida-SP afirmam utilizar para ensinar os conteúdos esportivos para turmas do 6º ao 9º ano do Ensino Fundamental. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, de orientação fenomenológica, que utilizou uma pergunta desencadeadora para provocar os discursos dos professores pesquisados. A análise ocorreu em nível individual (análise ideográfica) e, posteriormente, abrangeu o grupo como um todo (análise nomotética). Os resultados mostraram que a maioria dos docentes utilizam os jogos pré-desportivos, o jogo formal com regras oficiais, exercícios de repetição dos fundamentos e atividades lúdicas para ensinar os conteúdos esportivos. Os estilos de ensino comando e tarefa são os mais comumente utilizados. A maior parte dos discursos evidenciou que os professores utilizam estratégias de reprodução para ensinar os conteúdos relacionados ao esporte.

The objective of this study was to describe and analyze the strategies and teaching styles that EF teachers who work in the city of Aparecida-SP claim to use to teach the sports contents for grades 6 through 9 of Elementary School. It is a qualitative research, with a phenomenological orientation, that used a triggering question to provoke the discourses of the researched teachers. The analysis took place at the individual level (ideographic analysis) and later covered the group as a whole (nomothetic analysis). The results showed that most teachers use pre-sports games, formal game with official rules, repetition exercises of fundamentals and playful activities to teach sports content. The command and task teaching styles are the most commonly used. Most of the speeches showed that teachers use strategies of reproduction to teach content related to sports.

El objetivo de este estudio fue describir y analizar las estrategias y estilos de enseñanza que diez profesores de Educación Física de la ciudad de Aparecida, que trabajan en ocho escuelas municipales dicen utilizan para enseñar contenidos deportivos para las clases de 6º a 9º grado de la enseñanza básica. Se trata de una investigación cualitativa de orientación fenomenológica, que utiliza una pregunta estimuladora del discurso de las personas investigadas. El análisis se llevó a cabo en un nivel individual (análisis ideográfico) y posteriormente cubierto el grupo en su conjunto (análisis momotética). Los resultados mostraron que la mayoría de los maestros usan juegos pre-deportivos, el juego formal con las normas oficiales, la repetición de ejercicios, y las actividades lúdicas para enseñar contenidos deportivos. Los estilos de enseñanza del Comando y de la Tarea son los más comúnmente utilizados. La mayor parte de los discursos mostraron que los maestros utilizan estrategias reproductivas para la enseñanza de contenidos relacionados con el deporte.

Educação Física e Treinamento/métodos , Esportes/educação , Ensino Fundamental e Médio , Professores Escolares , Jogos e Brinquedos , Exercício Físico , Jogos Recreativos
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-510550


The Master of Translation and Interpreting (MTI) program in Universities of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in China should be committed to cultivating translation knowledge, medical knowl-edge, core translation competences and related translation professionalism. The program should develop various courses focusing on bilingual language ability, translation knowledge, translation strategy, TCM knowledge, intercultural communication competence, terminology and information communication technology. It should adopt student-centered teaching approaches and engage in the cultivation of faculty in order to improve the translation competence for MTI students in TCM universities.

Acta investigación psicol. (en línea) ; 7(1): 2606-2617, abr. 2017. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-949456


Abstract: Mathematics competencies are critical in the development of the individual. There are several variables that can predict poor performance in this competition. These variables may be related to self-learner and teacher who instructs. Objective: Analyse the risk of poor performance depending on several variables: attending early childhood education, learning strategies and strategies used by the teacher uses. Method: No experimental or ex post facto. Data: We used the database PISA 2012 for Spain provided by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport. The generated data sample consists of 25,313 young Spaniards of both sexes, aged 15 years, belonging to 902 schools that are distributed throughout the national territory of Spain. Dependent or endogenous variable: Performance in mathematics. Independent or exogenous variables: Different variables were considered: attendance and duration of Early Childhood Education, student learning strategies and teaching strategies. Analysis of data: Binary logistic regression. Results: It shows that the factor that has greater predictive capability of risk of underperformance is attending Early Childhood Education [β = −.595; ρ < .001]. It is the variable that has more predictive capability of risk of all analysed. Discussion: There are variables that increase the risk and others that reduce this risk. It is possible to prevent low performance in Mathematics competencies, for example, we need to pursue a teaching of quality Early Childhood Education knowing their long-term benefits and not only ensure access to it for all children.

Resumen: Las competencias matemáticas son críticas en el desarrollo del individuo. Existen diversas variables que pueden predecir el bajo rendimiento en este tipo de competencias. Dichas variables pueden estar relacionadas con el auto-aprendiz o con el maestro que imparte instrucción. Objetivo: Analizar el riesgo de rendimiento bajo según diferentes variables: educación formal desde edad temprana, estrategias de aprendizaje y estrategias que utiliza el maestro. Método: No experimental o ex post facto. Datos: Se utilizó la base de datos PISA 2012 para España, otorgada por el Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. La muestra de datos generada consiste en 25313 jóvenes españoles de ambos sexos, de 15 años, pertenecientes a las 902 escuelas distribuidas a lo largo del territorio nacional de España. Variable dependiente: Rendimiento en matemáticas. Variable independiente: Diferentes variables fueron consideradas: asistencia y duración de la educación en edades tempranas, estrategias de aprendizaje del estudiante y estrategias de enseñanza. Análisis de datos: Regresión binaria logística. Resultados: Estos indican que el factor con mayor capacidad predictiva de rendimiento bajo es la educación formal en edades tempranas (B=-.595; p<.001). Es la variable que tiene mayor capacidad predictiva de todas las que se analizaron. Discusión: Existen variables que aumentan el riesgo y otras que lo disminuyen. Es posible prevenir el bajo rendimiento en competencias asociadas a las matemáticas; por ejemplo, se necesita hacer énfasis en la enseñanza de calidad en la educación en edades tempranas sabiendo los beneficios de esto a largo plazo y no solo garantizar el acceso a esta para todos los niños.

rev. psicogente ; 19(36): 296-310, jul.-dic. 2016. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-963535


Resumen El presente artículo es resultado de una investigación cuyo objetivo consistió en determinar la incidencia de los factores asociados al desarrollo de la comprensión lectora en estudiantes de noveno grado de la Institución Educativa Distrital Jesús Maestro Fe y Alegría de Barranquilla. Asumiendo que la comprensión lectora está presente en la vida como fuente de entendimiento y placer, esta investigación surge porque los docentes en aula han identificado que los estudiantes presentan dificultades en el proceso lector que pueden estar asociadas a factores académicos, socioculturales y personales. El diseño es de carácter mixto (cualitativo-cuantitativo) y las técnicas de recolección de información fueron: entrevista y encuestas con preguntas cerradas y abiertas. Los resultados evidenciaron que el 50 % de los estudiantes poseen la habilidad para comprender lo que leen, pero su contexto familiar no acompaña los procesos y en lo escolar no hay ambientes que motiven la lectura. Lo anterior se evidencia en su desempeño escolar. Ante este problema, la institución debe gestionar estrategias pedagógicas para fomentar procesos lectores en los que se integren las áreas del conocimiento, así como crear espacios para el desarrollo de la lectura y su comprensión.

Abstract This article is the result of research and its main work objective is to determine the incidence of the factors associated with the development of reading comprehension for ninth grade students of School District Jesús Maestro Fe y Alegría of Barranquilla. Based on the fact that reading comprehension is present in life as a source of understanding and pleasure, because when learners read, they are generally motivated to think and respond with answers; this research arises because teachers in the classroom identify those students that have difficulties in the reading process, which in turn may be associated with academic, cultural and personal factors that significantly affect the teaching-learning process.The design is of a mixed nature (qualitative - quantitative) and the techniques of data collection were made through interviews and surveys with closed and open questions. The results proved that 50 % of students have the ability to understand what they read, but from the familiar context does not accompany the process and from the school point of view no favorable environments encourage reading. This of course is evident in school performance thereof. Faced with this situation the institution must manage educational strategies to promote reading processes in the areas of knowledge, thus creating enough spaces for the development of integrated reading and understanding.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-509107


The electroencephalography (EEG) has a wide range of content, complex graphics and abstract theory. Meanwhile, there are differences in professional level, learning ability and subjective initia-tive among refresher doctors. In order to improve the quality of teaching, and to better serve the refresher doctors, the following strategies have been applied in the teaching process. We not only make the training target according to the actual condition of every refresher doctors, but also make them take a correct atti-tude towards study and follow the teaching arrangement. Besides, we not only orient at the operational skills training, including electrode installation, EEG evoked test, Point-of-Care test to eliminate the interference, but also promote the refresher doctors to seek the law of the diagram in the actual interpretation process with longitudinal development view and horizontal comparison perspective. Furthermore, we not only stan-dardize their report, but also broaden their view.

Diversitas perspectiv. psicol ; 11(2): 245-259, jul.-dic. 2015.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-784921


En este artículo se muestran y analizan los efectos en las actitudes hacia el aprendizaje de la química, con la aplicación de tres estrategias didácticas de enseñanza (aprendizaje basado en problemas -ABP-, aprendizaje por descubrimiento guiado -ADG- y enseñanza para la comprensión -EPC-) en tres grupos de estudiantes de educación media, diferenciados por su estilo cognitivo en la dimensión dependencia-independencia de campo. Para el estudio se aplicó el instrumento de actitudes IAQ, que permite determinar las actitudes en tres dimensiones: afectiva, actitudinal y cognitiva. Los resultados mostraron, entre otros, una correlación significativa entre las actitudes en la dimensión cognitiva y el estilo cognitivo DIC.

This article shows and analyzes the effects on attitudes towards learning chemistry with the application of three didactic teaching strategies (problem-based learning -PBL-, guided discovery learning -ADG- and teaching for understanding -EPC-) in three groups of high school students, differentiated by their cognitive style field dependence-independence. In order to study the attitudes, the IAQ tool was used for determining attitudes in three dimensions: emotional, attitudinal and cognitive. The results showed among others a significant correlation between attitudes on cognitive and cognitive style dimension DIC.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-456382


Normative training of residents is a start and necessary course in entering medical practice, and is very important for medical practitioners in their career. Clinical practice is a very key period for resident doctors to obtain clinical theory, skills and experience. Hence teaching of clinical practice becomes vitally crucial. Based on years of clinical teaching experiences revealed by senior neurosurgical doctors in a large general hospital, and the characteristics of neurosurgical residents, the author suggests a classification of three-stages in normative residency training proposes and explores teaching strategies in each stage.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-458618


The building and operation of the evidence-based nursing team of the hospital follow the elite,task-oriented,and team-based model,which is promoted from points to area.This paper described the organizational framework,selection of training contents and training methods of the team in the hospital.It also covered the outcomes achieved for the past year, and analyzed the focal points, difficulties and future emphasis during the team's construction and operation.