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RECIIS (Online) ; 18(1)jan.-mar. 2024.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-1553559


O estudo apresentado neste artigo objetivou descrever a produção científica entre 2012 e 2022 sobre o cuidado médico na Atenção Primária à Saúde a mulheres em situação de violência. Trata-se de um estudo bibliométrico e descritivo de abordagem quantitativa, a partir de publicações indexadas na base de dados Web of Science mediante o uso dos descritores "Violence Against Women", "Medical Care", "Primary Health Care". Diante do que foi analisado, é perceptível uma falta de priorização de estratégias de cuidados pelos serviços de saúde, apesar de uma produção científica consideravelmente importante, bem como uma falta de atuação de alguns nichos dos profissionais de saúde. O desenho metodológico permitiu um mapeamento do perfil dos estudos voltados para a temática, assim como a necessidade de estudos sobre intervenções multidisciplinares, em especial o cuidado médico, na Atenção Primária à Saúde, a mulheres em situação de violência.

The study presented in this article aimed to describe the scientific production between 2012 and 2022 on medical care in Primary Health Care for women in situations of violence. This is a bibliometric and descriptive study of quantitative approach, from publications indexed in the Web of Science database through the use of the follow descriptors: "Violence Against Women", "Medical Care", "Primary Health Care". In the light of what has been analyzed, it is visible a lack of prioritisation of care strategies by the health services, despite a considerably important scientific production, as well as a lack of action by certain niches of health professionals. The methodological design made it possible to map out the profile of studies on the subject, as well as the need for studies on multidisciplinary interventions, especially the medical care by health services in Primary Health Care for women in situations of violence.

El estudio presentado en este artículo tuvo como objetivo describir la producción científica entre 2012 y 2022 sobre el cuidado médico en la Atención Primaria de Salud a mujeres en situación de violencia. Se trata de un estudio bibliométrico y descriptivo con enfoque cuantitativo, basado en publicaciones indexadas en la base de datos Web of Science utilizando el descriptores "Violence Against Women", "Medical Care", "Primary Health Care". Frente a lo analizado, es notoria una falta de priorización de las estrategias de atención por parte de los servicios de salud, a pesar de una producción científica considerable y importante, así como de una falta de actuación de determinados nichos de profesionales de la salud. El diseño metodológico permitió mapear el perfil de los estudios acerca del tema, así como la necesidad de estudios sobre intervenciones multidisciplinarias, especialmente el cuidado médico en los servicios de salud de la Atención Primaria de Salud a mujeres en situación de violencia.

Atenção Primária à Saúde , Serviços de Saúde da Mulher , Bibliometria , Assistência Integral à Saúde , Violência contra a Mulher , Serviços de Saúde , Estratégias de Saúde Nacionais , Saúde Pública , Agressão , Registros Públicos de Dados de Cuidados de Saúde
Horiz. med. (Impresa) ; 24(1): e2441, ene.-mar. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557937


RESUMEN Objetivo: Caracterizar los artículos publicados en la revista científica Finlay durante el periodo 2011-2022. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, bibliométrico sobre los artículos publicados en la revista científica Finlay. El universo estuvo conformado por 525 artículos. No se aplicó técnicas de muestreo. Las variables analizadas fueron cantidad de artículos, año de publicación, cantidad y procedencia de los autores, tipo, temática central de los artículos, tipo de estudios, cantidad de referencias y referencias con cinco años de antigüedad, cantidad de citas por artículos y recibidas por la revista por años. Se aplicó la estadística descriptiva e indicadores bibliométricos. Resultados: Destacó el año 2021, con 60 investigaciones (11,38 %). Predominaron los artículos con tres autores (155; 29,52 %); sobresalió Cienfuegos, con 1074 autores (59,40 %), y prevalecieron los artículos originales (AO) (243; 46,28 %). El mayor índice de Price (IP) (0,80) lo presentaron las imágenes en la medicina (IM). Dentro de los AO, sobresalieron las investigaciones con metodología de enfoque observacional-descriptivo (225 artículos publicados, equivalente a un 92,59 % respecto al total de AO). Destacaron investigaciones relacionadas con enfermedades cardiovasculares (116; 22,09 %). Se recibieron 4870 citas, con predominio del año 2017, con un número de citas corregidas (NCC) de 38,3; mientras que, en el año 2020, hubo 3,27 de factor de impacto (FI). Conclusiones: La revista Finlay constituye un órgano científico para la difusión de resultados investigativos con amplios logros y experiencias en la gestión editorial. Su crecimiento ha sido exponencial en cuanto a la cantidad de artículos publicados, con predominio en el año 2021. En sus números se recogen investigaciones que muestran la colaboración entre autores tanto nacionales como extranjeros, y en donde se resalta los resultados de los investigadores del territorio. Al respecto, las temáticas son referentes a problemas de salud que se recogen en los programas de salud prioritarios para el sector, fundamentados en investigaciones originales en mayor medida, y aparejado a un crecimiento de las citas recibidas en especial en el 2017.

ABSTRACT Objective: To characterize the articles published in the Finlay journal during the period between 2011 and 2022. Materials and methods: An observational, descriptive, bibliometric study was carried out on the articles published in the Finlay journal. The universe consisted of 525 articles. Sampling techniques were not used. The analyzed variables were number of articles, year of publication, number of authors, origin of the authors, type of article, main theme of the articles, type of study, number of references, number of 5-year-old references, number of citations per article and number of citations received by the journal per year. A descriptive statistics and bibliometrics were used. Results: The year 2021 stood out with 60 research works (11.38 %). Articles with three authors prevailed (155; 29.52 %), Cienfuegos stood out with 1,074 authors (59.40 %) and original articles (OA) predominated (243; 46.28 %). Images in medicine (IM) had the highest Price's Index (0.80). Among the OA, research works with an observational-descriptive approach prevailed (225 published articles, which accounted for 92.59 % out of the total number of OA). Research related to cardiovascular diseases predominated (116; 22.09 %). A total of 4,870 citations were received, most of them from 2017, with a number of corrected citations (NCC) of 38.3. Meanwhile, the year 2020 had an impact factor (IF) of 3.27. Conclusions: The Finlay journal is a scientific body for the dissemination of research results with extensive achievements and experiences in editorial management. Its growth has been exponential in terms of the number of articles published, prevailing the year 2021. Its issues include research works that show the collaboration between national and foreign authors, highlighting the results of the Cienfuegos province's researchers. In this regard, the topics focus on health problems that are included in the sector's priority health programs, based on original research to a greater extent and coupled with a higher number of citations received especially in 2017.

Military Medical Sciences ; (12): 12-15, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018868


Vaccination is the most cost-effective means of prevention and control of infectious diseases,and is a prioritized strategy for responding to pandemic diseases.Based on experience related to research and development of vaccines for coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19),we used literature research and expert consultation methods to screen thirty key technologies in nine sub-fields of vaccine technology,which were ranked according to the importance,urgency,innovation and feasibility so as to show where every key technology stood in relation to others in the pineline.The priorities of development of key technologies for vaccines in response to major emerging infectious diseases were recommended to provide reference for related decision-makers in their effort to rationalize research resources and maximize the benefits.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022375


Medical simulation training,with the characteristics of safety,repeatability,authenticity,and controllability,can provide an immersive teaching experience to students by shortening their learning curve of clinical practice,improving clinical post competence and making medical practice education accessible.The technical types of medical simulation training include in basic anatomical models,single task training models,standardized patients/personnel,computer interactive training models,virtual training systems,physiological driven simulation systems,etc.It is an important component of modern medical education that can be mainly used for imparting knowledge,training skills,clinical simulation training,non operational skills,etc.

Journal of Modern Urology ; (12): 195-199, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031645


With the development of minimally invasive technology, robot-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy (RARP) has become the main method and gold standard in the treatment of organ-localized prostate cancer. After previous exploration of various surgical approaches and surgical methods in our center, we first proposed the modified (port-free) single-site RARP (pf-ssRARP), which has been proved safe and feasible by theoretical verification and practical operation. The technique has certain advantages in postoperative rehabilitation, urinary control recovery, sexual function improvement, incision cosmetics and social economics. In this paper, the key steps of this technique are introduced and illustrated in detail.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 71-77, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012852


The Healthy China Strategy launched by China is not only a practical policy, but also an ethical revolution in the field of health. Under the Healthy China Strategy, the health field and its sub-field health care are defined as areas with "public" ethics as the fundamental ethical principles. Reconstructing the health care with "public" ethics should get rid of the health care oriented market lead and technical lead, and return to its "public" nature. In terms of concrete realization, the state and the government need to be the power backing of the "public" ethics of the health and medical care, the reconstructing must be leaded by Chinese Communist Party, and the fundamental realization of the "public" ethics of the health and medical care should take the institutions as the fundamental approach.

Artigo em Japonês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1039932


Many cardiovascular surgeons are well aware of the importance of non-technical skills but don't know what behaviors with high quality non-technical skills are in the operating room. The Non-Technical Skills for Surgeons (NOTSS) system was developed to be used as a debriefing tool for supervisors to assess the non-technical skills of trainee surgeons and provide feedback immediately after surgery. The NOTSS system has the four categories containing three elements respectively, with "good behavior" and "bad behavior" indicated for each element. The purpose of this column is to introduce the NOTSS and to provide an opportunity to think about how cardiovascular surgeons should behave in the operating room. Jpn. J. Cardiovasc. Surg. 53(3): U1-U4 (2024)

Medical Education ; : 74-81, 2024.
Artigo em Japonês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1039991


On April 1, 2024, Japan’s revised Act for Eliminating Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities came into effect, mandating the provision of reasonable accommodations at all higher education institutions in Japan, whether national, public, or private. In response to this legislative change, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT) released ‘Report of the Study Group on Support for Students with Disabilities (Third Summary),’ which outlines the fundamental issues regarding support for students with disabilities in Japan. Furthermore, this paper will explore how to address conflicts arising from the need to clarify educational content, teaching methods, and methods for evaluating learning outcomes, alongside the need to provide reasonable accommodations that require flexible responses to individual needs. These challenges are particularly pressing in the context of medical faculties, which bear a significant social responsibility for training medical professionals. We will refer to precedents in the U.S. to inform our discussion.

Journal of Rural Medicine ; : 131-140, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1040008


Objectives: Migrant technical intern trainees who migrate to Japan have become essential to the Japanese labour force, especially in rural areas. Persons in charge of supervising organisations and training coordinators both support the trainees’ health and daily lives during their stay in Japan. This support is significant for trainees as it helps them access and interact with Japanese society. This study explored the perspectives of persons in charge of female technical trainees regarding support for the latter’s health and daily lives.Materials and Methods: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 14 persons in charge of female technical trainees, followed by a thematic analysis of the interview data to extract key themes.Results: Four primary themes emerged: fostered beliefs and roles, cultural considerations and health support, language considerations, and concerns about female trainees in relationships. These considerations and support developed solely through experience of persons in charge of female trainees. Additionally, those in charge expressed concerns about trainees being involved in a relationship. However, no specific measures, such as providing female trainees with information, have been taken.Conclusion: Persons in charge of female technical intern trainees need to be provided opportunities to learn about cultural considerations and providing health support for their trainees. Furthermore, the cooperation of health professionals with supervising organisations and training facilities is essential to promote the healthy lives of technical intern trainees. These insights can contribute to the development of an integrated community-based approach to support the health and daily lives of female trainees.

Chinese Health Economics ; (12): 20-25, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025259


It reviewed the policies related to the standardized management of medical service price items,analyzed the current difficulties in the implementation of medical service price regulations:the technical specifications of national medical service price item are heavy and cannot be dynamically adjusted with technological innovation;provincial level item access control is not strict,and the elements of the same price item are not completely unified,affecting the horizontal comparison.The policy suggestions to speed up the improvement of the medical service price item specifications include:medical services that are allowed to be applied and have clear technical specifications are accepted as the scope of new price item declaration;promote the separation of technology and consumption,except for consumables and reagents,which are priced separately according to service items+special consum-ables;priority should be given to responding to the legitimate demand for medical technology improvement innovations through cur-rent price item compatibility;contrast technical specifications and item guidelines,integrating current price items,improving item standardization and compatibility;complete the innovation and economic evaluation of the newly declared item price,check the quality,and reasonably determine the increment.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 138-144, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026142


From the biological point of view,genes are the key to being human.With the continuous advancement of human gene technology,gene therapy has become a frontier topic with great vitality and controversy in the field of life science:it has brought more hope for the cure of diseases to human beings,but it has also triggered many ethical debates.This paper sorts out the ethical questions faced by gene therapy,extracts the challenges faced by individual rights,social justice,natural order and so on,and responds one by one,which shows that the development of gene therapy does not violate these ethical values in principle.However,the occurrence of gene editing events has sounded the alarm for us:where should the implementation boundary of gene therapy be?Through the comparative analysis of the gene editing incident and the Berlin patient case,the article points out that the study of technical safety is the key to safe application of gene therapy in clinical applications.

China Occupational Medicine ; (6): 229-233, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1038758


ObjectiveTo analyze the quality and status of technical service items of radiation health technical service institutions (RHTSI) in China. Methods A total of 608 and 622 RHTSIs with radiation health technical service qualifications from 31 provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities in the years of 2021 and 2022 were selected as the research subjects. The data of quality monitoring of radiological health technology services, comparison of radiological health testing capabilities, and investigation of the current status of technical support institutions were collected to analyze the status of technical service items which was conducted by RHTSIs from 2021 to 2022. Results A total of 622 RHTSIs in China obtained technical service institution qualifications in 2022, an increase of 14 from 608 in 2021. While a total of 404 of 622 RHTSIs conducted radiological health technology services, a decrease of 11.4% from 456 in 2021. A total of 241 804 technical service items were conducted in 2022, an increase of 39.7% from 173 064 in 2021. The median number of technical service items by non-health system RHTSIs was higher than that of the health system RHTSIs in 2021 and 2022, (203 vs 40 items, 215 vs 55 items, all P<0.01). The number of technical service institutions and technical service items conducted in different regions from high to low were the eastern, central, and western regions in 2021. The number of technical service institutions in different regions was highest in the eastern region, followed by the central and western regions, while the number of technical service items from high to low were the eastern, western, and central regions in 2022. The number of provincial, municipal, and county-level health system RHTSIs decreased by 6.5%, 26.3%, and 27.3%, respectively, in 2022 compared with 2021. The number of technical service items conducted by provincial health system RHTSIs increased by 48.6%, while those conducted by municipal and county-level health system RHTSIs decreased by 13.8% and 21.3%, respectively. Conclusion Although the number of RHTSI conducting technical services decreases in 2022 compared with 2021, the number of technical service items conducted increases. Non-medical RHTSI undertake the majority of technical service items. Within the medical institutes, the number of technical service items conducted by provincial RHTSI is higher than that of municipal and county-level RHTSI.

South African Journal of Information Management ; 26(1): 1-13, 2024. figures, tables
Artigo em Inglês | AIM | ID: biblio-1567306


Background: Health system planning and monitoring rely on routine data collection, analysis and utilisation. However, underdeveloped countries need more data for decision-making. South Sudan's data management framework only partially functions, with delayed data collection and inaccurate data. The study examined the factors affecting data quality in Maridi County, South Sudan, aiming to improve resource forecasting and equitable health service delivery. Objective: The study sought to identify the obstacles and opportunities for improving data quality in health information systems (HIS) in Maridi County, Western Equatoria State, South Sudan. Methods: A cross-sectional study involving 106 respondents was conducted on 12 healthcare facilities in Maridi County. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25 was used for descriptive, factor and thematic analysis to understand data quality, focussing on behavioural, organisational and technical aspects. Result: The study revealed that insufficient motivation, negative staff attitudes, excessive workloads, a lack of cooperation, personnel insufficiency, inadequate supervision, feedback and training influenced data quality. These factors were interrelated, with over 50% of variables showing weak to strong correlations. Set of standard indicators correlated with the presence of standard data collection tools (r = 0.51). Regular feedback from the County Health Department linked with completeness (r = 0.63) and the training of personnel on health management information systems (HMIS) and completeness resulted in moderate association (r = 0.488). Conclusion: Staff motivation, optimal staffing, training, regular feedback, and continuous supervision are crucial for maintaining the appropriate skill set for data quality. Contribution: Data quality can be achieved when standard tools and human resources are maintained and are evenly distributed.

Agendamento de Consultas , Atitude do Pessoal de Saúde , Inquéritos e Questionários , Atenção à Saúde
Rev. latinoam. enferm. (Online) ; 32: e4194, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1560134


Objective: to map the scientific literature regarding the use of the Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer, ChatGPT, in academic writing in health. Method: this was a scoping review, following the JBI methodology. Conventional databases and gray literature were included. The selection of studies was applied after removing duplicates and individual and paired evaluation. Data were extracted based on an elaborate script, and presented in a descriptive, tabular and graphical format. Results: the analysis of the 49 selected articles revealed that ChatGPT is a versatile tool, contributing to scientific production, description of medical procedures and preparation of summaries aligned with the standards of scientific journals. Its application has been shown to improve the clarity of writing and benefits areas such as innovation and automation. Risks were also observed, such as the possibility of lack of originality and ethical issues. Future perspectives highlight the need for adequate regulation, agile adaptation and the search for an ethical balance in incorporating ChatGPT into academic writing. Conclusion: ChatGPT presents transformative potential in academic writing in health. However, its adoption requires rigorous human supervision, solid regulation, and transparent guidelines to ensure its responsible and beneficial use by the scientific community.

Objetivo: mapear la literatura científica sobre el uso del Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer , ChatGPT, en la escritura académica en salud. Método: se trató de una revisión de alcance, siguiendo la metodología del JBI. Se incluyeron bases de datos convencionales y literatura gris. La selección de los estudios se realizó previa eliminación de duplicados y evaluación individual y en pares. Los datos se extrajeron basándose en un guión elaborado y se presentaron en un formato descriptivo, tabular y gráfico. Resultados: el análisis de los 49 artículos seleccionados reveló que ChatGPT es una herramienta versátil, que contribuye a la producción científica, descripción de procedimientos médicos y elaboración de resúmenes alineados con los estándares de las revistas científicas. Se ha demostrado que su aplicación mejora la claridad de la redacción y beneficia áreas como la innovación y la automatización. También se observaron riesgos, como la posibilidad de falta de originalidad y cuestiones éticas. Las perspectivas futuras resaltan la necesidad de una regulación adecuada, adaptación ágil y búsqueda de un equilibrio ético en la incorporación del ChatGPT a la escritura académica. Conclusión: ChatGPT presenta un potencial transformador en la escritura académica en el área de la salud. Sin embargo, su adopción requiere una supervisión humana rigurosa, una regulación sólida y directrices transparentes para garantizar su uso responsable y beneficioso por parte de la comunidad científica.

Objetivo: mapear a literatura científica referente ao uso do Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer , ChatGPT, na escrita acadêmica em saúde. Método: tratou-se de uma revisão de escopo, seguindo o método do JBI. Foram incluídas bases de dados convencionais e literatura cinzenta. A seleção dos estudos foi realizada após a remoção de duplicatas e avaliação individual e em pares. Os dados foram extraídos com base em um roteiro elaborado, e apresentados de forma descritiva, tabular e gráfica. Resultados: a análise dos 49 artigos selecionados mostrou que o ChatGPT é uma ferramenta versátil, que contribui para a produção científica, descrição de procedimentos médicos e elaboração de resumos alinhados aos padrões das revistas científicas. Sua aplicação melhorou a clareza da redação e beneficia áreas como inovação e automação. Também foram observados riscos, como a possibilidade de falta de originalidade e questões éticas. Perspectivas futuras destacam a necessidade de regulamentação adequada, adaptação ágil e busca por um equilíbrio ético na incorporação do ChatGPT na escrita acadêmica. Conclusão: o ChatGPT apresenta um potencial transformador na escrita acadêmica na área da saúde. Contudo, sua adoção requer supervisão humana rigorosa, regulamentação sólida e diretrizes transparentes para garantir seu uso responsável e benéfico pela comunidade científica.

Pesquisa , Redação , Inteligência Artificial , Enfermagem , Ciências da Saúde , Publicações Científicas e Técnicas
Rev. bras. ciênc. esporte ; 46: e20230094, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565240


RESUMEN El objetivo de este estudio fue comprobar el efecto del entrenamiento de las figuras a través de ejercicios especiales durante el período preparatorio. Las participantes fueron 13 nadadoras artísticas con edades de 9 a 12 años. Se realizó un pre-experimento pretest-postest para un solo grupo y se aplicó la prueba no paramétrica de Wilcoxon. En cuanto a los resultados del postest con respecto al pretest en la figura pierna de ballet recta, en los indicadores diseño Z (-2,536b) y control Z (-2,539b) se muestra un mayor efecto del entrenamiento y fue de igual manera en la figura barracuda Z (-2,536b). Se puede afirmar, que la propuesta resalta su funcionabilidad.

ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to test the effect of figure training through special exercises during the preparatory period. The participants were 13 artistic swimmers aged 9 to 12 years. A pretest-posttest pre-experiment was performed for a single group and the Wilcoxon nonparametric test was applied. Regarding the results of the post-test with respect to the pretest in the figure straight ballet leg, in the indicators design Z (-2.536b) and control Z (-2.539b) a greater effect of the training is shown and it was the same way in the figure barracuda Z (-2.536b). It can be affirmed that the proposal highlights its functionality.

RESUMO O objetivo deste estudo foi testar o efeito do treino da figura através de exercícios especiais durante o período preparatório. Os participantes foram 13 nadadores artísticos com idades compreendidas entre os 9 e os 12 anos. Foi realizado um pré-experimento pré-teste-pós-teste para um único grupo e foi aplicado o teste não paramétrico de Wilcoxon. No que diz respeito aos resultados do pós-teste em relação ao pré-teste na figura da perna de ballet reta, no desenho de indicadores Z (-2,536b) e no controlo Z (-2,539b), verifica-se um maior efeito do treino, o mesmo acontecendo na figura da barracuda Z (-2,536b). Pode-se afirmar, que a proposta evidencia sua funcionalidade.

Rev. panam. salud pública ; 48: e27, 2024. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560362


RESUMEN La formación de recursos humanos en salud es una preocupación recurrente. El Campus Virtual de Salud Pública (CVSP) es la plataforma educativa de la Organización Panamericana de Salud (OPS) que busca mejorar la accesibilidad a la educación en salud pública, con énfasis en la formación en liderazgo educativo orientado a planificar, implementar y evaluar políticas y acciones educativas. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar los resultados de una consulta a personas expertas sobre el curso virtual "Liderazgo para la Gestión Educativa en Organizaciones de Salud", como parte de una estrategia de fortalecimiento de las capacidades de liderazgo para la gestión educativa en las Américas propuesta por el CVPS/OPS. Se realizó un estudio cualitativo de investigación-acción, con una metodología Delphi de dos iteraciones de consultas, una virtual y una presencial, a expertos en gestión educativa en organizaciones de salud. Los resultados muestran la relevancia que adquieren ocho dimensiones de análisis: el perfil de los destinatarios, las competencias, el enfoque y los contenidos, las actividades, la evaluación del y para el aprendizaje, la adaptabilidad, la implementación y el seguimiento durante y poscurso. La participación de actores de diferentes ámbitos geopolíticos en el diseño e implementación de una propuesta educativa regional promueve la transformación del contexto de aplicación y mejora su potencial adopción. Se destaca el lugar estratégico del curso como catalizador en la conformación y la consolidación de una red integrada de organizaciones para fortalecer el liderazgo educativo en las Américas, y la conveniencia de la estrategia metodológica empleada para mejorar la calidad de la formación de recursos humanos en salud.

ABSTRACT The training of human resources for health (HRH) is a recurring concern. The Virtual Campus for Public Health (VCPH) - the educational platform of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) - seeks to improve access to public health education, emphasizing leadership training for teams that plan, implement, and evaluate policies and educational initiatives. The objective of this work is to present the results of a consultation with experts on the virtual course "Leadership for Educational Management in Health Organizations", as part of a PAHO/VCPH strategy to strengthen leadership capacities for educational management in the Americas. A qualitative action-research study was carried out using the Delphi method with two iterations of consultations (one virtual and one in person) with experts in educational management in health organizations. The results show the importance of eight dimensions of analysis: recipient profiles, competencies, approach and contents, activities, evaluation of and for learning, adaptability, implementation, and monitoring during and after the course. The participation of actors from different geopolitical spheres in the design and implementation of a regional educational initiative fosters adaptations in the context of its implementation and improves the likelihood it will be adopted. This course can play a strategic role as a catalyst in the formation and consolidation of an integrated network of organizations that strengthen educational leadership in the Americas. This study also highlights the value of the methodological strategy used to improve the quality of HRH training.

RESUMO A formação de recursos humanos em saúde é uma preocupação recorrente. O Campus Virtual de Saúde Pública (CVSP) é a plataforma educacional da Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde (OPAS), que busca melhorar a acessibilidade à educação em saúde pública, com ênfase na formação de lideranças educacionais voltadas para o planejamento, a implementação e a avaliação de políticas e ações educacionais. O objetivo deste documento é apresentar os resultados de uma consulta com especialistas sobre o curso virtual "Liderazgo para la Gestión Educativa en Organizaciones de Salud" [Liderança para a Gestão Educacional em Organizações de Saúde], como parte de uma estratégia para fortalecer as capacidades de liderança para gestão educacional na Região das Américas proposta pelo CVPS/OPAS. Foi realizado um estudo qualitativo de pesquisa-ação utilizando o método Delphi com duas rodadas de consultas, uma virtual e outra presencial, a especialistas em gestão educacional em organizações de saúde. Os resultados mostram a relevância de oito dimensões de análise: perfil do público-alvo; competências; abordagem e conteúdo; atividades; avaliação de e para as aprendizagens; adaptabilidade; implementação; e acompanhamento durante e após o curso. A participação de atores de diferentes esferas geopolíticas no delineamento e na implementação de uma proposta educacional regional promove a transformação do contexto de aplicação e aumenta seu potencial de adoção. Destaca-se o posicionamento estratégico do curso como catalisador na criação e consolidação de uma rede integrada de organizações para fortalecer a liderança educacional na Região das Américas e a adequação da estratégia metodológica empregada para melhorar a qualidade da formação de recursos humanos em saúde.

Rev. cuba. inform. méd ; 15(2)dic. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536289


Introducción: La asignatura Introducción a la Metodología de la Investigación, para la Enseñanza Técnica Superior de Prótesis Estomatológica, de la Facultad de Estomatología de La Habana, se incorporó a la educación a distancia, durante el curso 2021-2022. Objetivo: Describir la experiencia en la ejecución de la asignatura con el uso del aula virtual de la Institución. Material y Métodos: Se realizó una investigación de tipo descriptiva, retrospectiva, acerca de las experiencias en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, durante los cursos 2021-2022 y 2022-2023. Resultados: Se cumplieron los objetivos metodológicos de la asignatura, se debatieron los temas propuestos en los foros, se aclararon las dudas utilizando las herramientas interactivas de la plataforma y la atención al alumno fue personalizada. Conclusiones: Se logró impartir por primera vez con éxito, la asignatura, se digitalizaron los objetos de aprendizaje por temas, se diseñaron actividades para la evaluación del aprendizaje, y se obtuvieron calificaciones satisfactorias.

Introduction: The subject Introduction to Research Methodology, for the Higher Technical Education of Stomatological Prosthetics, of the Faculty of Stomatology of Havana, was incorporated into distance education, during the 2021-2022 academic year. Objective: Describe the experience in the execution of the subject with the use of the Institution's virtual classroom. Material and Methods: A descriptive, retrospective research was carried out on the experiences in the teaching-learning process, during the 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 academic years. Results: The methodological objectives of the subject were met, the topics proposed in the forums were debated, doubts were clarified using the platform's interactive tools, and student attention was personalized. Conclusions: The subject was successfully taught for the first time, the learning objects were digitized by topic, activities were designed for the evaluation of learning, and satisfactory grades were obtained.

Rev. Bras. Odontol. Leg. RBOL ; 10(3): 65-76, 2023-12-30.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533009


Forensic Odontology deals with the presentation of dental evidence in a court of law. An academic exploration revealed instances of technical challenges within the field. This study endeavours to delve into the spheres where these challenges occur, with the core objective of enhancing the quality of practice. An integrative literature review was conducted using the online platforms SCOPUS and Web of Science. Based on the selection criteria, 29 pertinent papers dated 2000-2023 were included. Quantitative analysis of the categories of selected articles was performed using Microsoft Excel 2019 (Microsoft Corp., Redmond, WA, USA). Technical concerns were reported in all facets of Forensic Odontology with the general role of expert witnesses being reported the most (n=8; 27.58%). Within the different facets of the field, age estimation was the most prominent area of concern (n=8; 27.58%) and child abuse and neglect (n=1; 3.57%) represented the least reported category. Findings indicate that there is a need to prioritize avenues to enhance the quality of practice in the general role of expert witnesses and the specific area of dental age estimation. To this end, increased support for researchers must be provided to help validate methodologies. It is advisable to institute mandatory formal training and proficiency testing within the field. Inadequate knowledge of dentists regarding child abuse and neglect has been noted, demonstrating the need for more dedicated quality training. Recommendations for Forensic Odontologists have been curated combining this study's results and the codes of ethics of various forensic organisations

A Odontologia Legal trata da apresentação de provas odontológicas em juízo. Uma exploração acadêmica revelou exemplos de desafios técnicos na área. Este estudo procura aprofundar as esferas onde estes desafios ocorrem, com o objetivo central de melhorar a qualidade da prática. Foi realizada uma revisão integrativa da literatura utilizando as plataformas online SCOPUS e Web of Science. Com base nos critérios de seleção, foram incluídos 29 artigos pertinentes datados de 2000-2023. A análise quantitativa das categorias dos artigos selecionados foi realizada no Microsoft Excel 2019 (Microsoft Corp., Redmond, WA, EUA). Preocupações técnicas foram relatadas em todas as áreas da Odontologia Legal, sendo o papel geral dos peritos o mais relatado (n=8; 27,58%). Dentro das diferentes áreas de atuação, a estimativa da idade foi a área de preocupação mais proeminente (n=8; 27,58%), e o abuso infantil e a negligência (n=1; 3,57%) representaram a categoria menos relatada. Os resultados indicam que há uma necessidade de priorizar caminhos para melhorar a qualidade da prática no papel geral dos peritos e na área específica da estimativa da idade dental. Para este efeito, deve ser prestado maior apoio aos investigadores para ajudar a validar metodologias. É aconselhável instituir treinamento formal obrigatório e testes de proficiência na área. Foi observado um conhecimento inadequado dos dentistas sobre abuso e negligência infantil, demonstrando a necessidade de uma formação mais dedicada e de qualidade. As recomendações para Dentistas Forenses foram selecionadas combinando os resultados deste estudo e os códigos de ética de várias organizações forenses.

Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538297


Objective: Assess and classify the risks of bias in the clinical trials (CTs) that make up the technical notes (TNs) referring to direct-acting oral anticoagulants (DOAC) requests. Methods: The TNs related to the DOAC requests of apixaban, dabigatran, edoxaban, and rivaroxaban were selected on the e-NatJus website and, after excluding duplicate references, an analysis of the CT used for their writing was carried out. The CT risk of bias (low, high, or uncertain bias) was assessed using the Cochrane Risk of Bias tool, and the results were added to Review Manager 5.4. Results: 181 TNs were selected, 236 articles were analyzed and after applying the inclusion criteria, 28 CTs were analyzed in full. None of the CTs were free of bias. Most CTs, 71% (20/28), had a low risk of bias regarding attrition bias and reporting bias. In contrast, 61% (17/28) of the studies did not control for selection, performance, and detection bias, as they present uncertainties and a high risk of bias. In addition, it was observed that 21% (6/28) of the CTs had a high risk of bias for conflict of interest. Conclusion: The biases present in the CT cited as a reference for the TN referring to the DOAC request are significant and compromise their quality (AU).

Objetivo: Avaliar e classificar os riscos de vieses dos ensaios clínicos (EC) que compõem as NTs referentes à solicitação dos DOAC. Métodos: As NTs relacionadas à solicitação dos DOAC apixabana, dabigatrana, edoxabana e rivaroxabana foram selecionadas no website e-NatJus e, após exclusão das referências duplicadas, foi realizada uma análise dos EC utilizados para a redação das mesmas. O risco de viés dos EC (baixo, alto ou viés incerto) foi avaliado utilizando a ferramenta Cochrane Risk of Bias e os resultados foram adicionados no Review Manager 5.4. Resultados: Foram selecionadas 181 NTs, analisados 236 artigos e após aplicação dos critérios de inclusão, resultou em 28 EC analisados na íntegra. Nenhum dos EC ficou isento de viés. A maioria dos EC, 71% (20/28), apresentou baixo risco de viés em relação ao viés de atrito e viés de relato. Por outro lado, 61% (17/28) dos estudos não controlaram o viés de seleção, performance e detecção, uma vez que apresentam incertezas e alto risco de viés. Além disso, foi observado que 21% (6/28) dos EC apresentaram alto risco de viés para conflito de interesses. Conclusão: Os vieses presentes nos EC citados como referência das NT referentes a solicitação dos DOAC são significativos e comprometem a sua qualidade (AU).

Viés , Ensaio Clínico , Judicialização da Saúde , Anticoagulantes