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Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 40(4): e00120023, 2024.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557406


Resumo: A inovação é um elemento fundamental para o desenvolvimento e crescimento, mas constituída por um processo demorado de acúmulo de conhecimento. Uma das formas de acelerar tal processo é por meio da transferência de tecnologia. Este artigo mapeou as particularidades da transferência de tecnologia para a vacina contra COVID-19, celebrado entre a AstraZeneca e o Instituto de Tecnologia em Imunobiológicos (Bio-Manguinhos), Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, bem como reconheceu os seus facilitadores, seus entraves e suas lacunas. Para tanto, foi realizada uma análise desde a etapa da seleção do parceiro mais adequado até a incorporação da nova tecnologia. A metodologia utilizada se baseou em uma ampla revisão bibliográfica sobre o tema, aliada ao estudo de caso. Os resultados apontaram que, apesar de muitas ações ainda precisarem ser realizadas para que os ganhos de capacidade tecnológica sejam potencializados, as lições aprendidas com o processo de transferência de tecnologia servirão de aprendizado e serão utilizadas nos acordos futuros e em andamento.

Resumen: La innovación es un elemento fundamental para el desarrollo y el crecimiento, pero consiste en un proceso de acumulación de conocimiento que requiere mucho tiempo. Una de las formas de acelerar este proceso es mediante la transferencia de tecnología. Este artículo mapeó las particularidades del proceso de transferencia de tecnología para la vacuna contra la COVID-19, celebrado entre AstraZeneca y el Instituto de Tecnología en Inmunobiológicos (Bio-Manguinhos), Fundación Oswaldo Cruz, además de reconocer los facilitadores, obstáculos y brechas. Para ello se realizó un análisis, desde la etapa de selección del socio más adecuado hasta la incorporación de la nueva tecnología. La metodología utilizada se basó en una amplia revisión bibliográfica sobre el tema, combinada con el estudio de caso. Los resultados mostraron que, si bien aún es necesario llevar a cabo muchas acciones para maximizar las ganancias de capacidad tecnológica, las lecciones aprendidas del proceso de transferencia de tecnología servirán como lecciones y se utilizarán en acuerdos futuros y en curso.

Abstract: Innovation is an essential element for development and growth, but it consists of a long process of knowledge accumulation, so technology transfer is used to accelerate this process. This study mapped the particularities of the technology transfer process for the COVID-19 vaccine between AstraZeneca and the Institute of Technology in Immunobiologicals (Bio-Manguinhos), Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, and identified enablers, obstacles, and gaps. Our analysis investigated the process from selection of the most suitable partner to incorporation of the new technology based on a comprehensive literature review on this topic, combined with a case study. The results showed that, although many actions still have to be performed to maximize technology capacity gains, the lessons learned from the technology transfer process will be used in future and ongoing agreements.

Rev. argent. salud publica ; 15: 115-115, 16 Febrero 2023. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535527


RESUMEN INTRODUCCIÓN: En marzo de 2023, en el marco del "Convenio Marco de Cooperación y Asistencia Técnica Mutua - MSAL/MINCYT", se creó el "Proyecto Federal Interministerial de Investigación, Transferencia y Fortalecimiento para la Salud en Territorio". El objetivo fue presentar un proceso de trabajo innovador entre dos ministerios, que sienta las bases para configurar un modelo de gestión de las políticas de investigación en salud con asiento federal y tendiente a potenciar las funciones y capacidades institucionales de cada sector. MÉTODOS: La coordinación del Proyecto se encuentra a cargo de un Comité Interministerial. En 2023 se realizó la Convocatoria para la presentación de un proyecto anual, que consta de dos componentes: A) Línea de investigación y transferencia; y B) Plan de fortalecimiento de las capacidades institucionales de las áreas de investigación de los ministerios de salud jurisdiccionales agrupadas en la Red Ministerial de Áreas de Investigación en Salud de Argentina. RESULTADOS: Las 24 jurisdicciones presentaron sus proyectos, y todos ellos resultaron aprobados. La estrategia tuvo un impacto en el fortalecimiento de los mecanismos de trabajo conjunto de dos ministerios nacionales, que debieron armonizar modalidades de gestión entre las áreas de investigación en salud y las representaciones de CyT en el ámbito jurisdiccional y entre los decisores en materia sanitaria y los actores del sistema científico. DISCUSIÓN: Esta experiencia contribuye a fortalecer las capacidades estatales, a la vez que permite identificar aspectos que requieren continuar siendo trabajados para consolidar nuevas modalidades de gestión interministeriales.

ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: In March 2023, within the framework of the "Framework Agreement for Cooperation and Mutual Technical Assistance - MSAL/MINCYT", the "Federal Interministerial Project of Research, Transfer and Strengthening for Health in the Territory" was created. The objective was to present an innovative work process between the Ministry of Health (MSAL) and the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MINCYT), that lays the foundations for a management model of health research policies with a federal approach and aimed at enhancing the institutional functions and capacities of each sector. METHODS: The Project was coordinated by an Interministerial Committee. In 2023 there was a Call for the presentation of an annual project that consists of two components: A) Line of research and transfer; and B) Plan to strengthen the institutional capacities of the research areas of the jurisdictional health ministries grouped in REMINSA. RESULTS: The 24 jurisdictions presented their projects, and all of them were approved. The strategy strengthened the joint work mechanisms of two national ministries, that had to harmonize management patterns between health research areas and S&T representations at the jurisdictional level and between health decision-makers and the actors of the scientific system. DISCUSSION: This experience contributes to strengthening state capacities, while allowing to identify aspects that require continued work to reinforce new interministerial management patterns.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-996078


Technological innovation and achievement transformation are the key to the organic combination of innovation-driven development strategy and high-quality health development, and play an important role in comprehensively promoting the construction of " healthy China". The author made a comprehensive analysis of the practice of scientific and technological innovation and achievement transformation in health care over the past 40 years of reform and opening up, and summarized the various stages based on the time dimension. On this basis, the author analyzed the opportunities and challenges faced by technological innovation and achievement transformation in health care, and put forward development suggestions.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219653


This paper aims to assess the current status and trend of food security and hunger in Nepal. Methodologically, the paper uses a descriptive research design; for this, secondary sources of data were intensively reviewed, and it draws an insightful conclusion from a variety of literature. Collected data were presented and interpreted using descriptive statistical tools such as tables, figures, percentages, and trend lines. The paper’s scope is limited to the Nepalese context. Professional ethics, a minimum similarity index, and authenticity in data have been taken as ethical considerations. Around half of the households (48.2 percent) have access to food security over the course of the year in Nepal. The urban area is more secure than the rural, and the position of the Terai region is better than that of the hill and mountain regions in terms of food security status. In terms of food security and severe food insecurity, Gandaki Province performed well, while Karnali Province performed poorly. The fight against hunger has mostly stagnated internationally in recent years. The GHI score for 2022 is moderate, although at 19.1, it only slightly deviates from the 16.4 score in 2014, the 20.8 score in 2019, and the 19.5 score in 2020. Nepal's global hunger index trend is shifting from a serious to a moderate position. This paper suggests exploring future food security strategies and reducing the intensity of hunger through further research. This study would stimulate public interest in policy advocacy, which might result in widespread favorable policy initiatives for more in-depth discussions and the implementation of development strategies in developing countries like Nepal.

CienciaUAT ; 17(1): 107-122, jul.-dic. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1404110


Resumen Ante la transición a universidades emprendedoras, existe la tendencia a incrementar el patentamiento, aunque sin un estudio profundo del potencial comercial, por lo que el porcentaje de los productos que lo logran es muy bajo. El objetivo de esta investigación fue diseñar una estrategia de evaluación tecnológica y comercial de patentes universitarias a partir de la identificación de oportunidades en transferencia de tecnología (TT). Para ello, se examinaron 269 solicitudes de patente de la Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP) y de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos (UAEM), de acuerdo con la Clasificación Internacional de Patentes (CIP), en un periodo de 10 años (2009-2018), mediante 4 pasos: (a) construcción de la base de datos con la herramienta del Instituto Mexicano de Propiedad Intelectual, (b) identificación de las capacidades inventivas, a través de la Organización Mundial de la Propiedad Intelectual, (c) distribución por industrias de intensidad y oportunidad de mercado tecnológico, de acuerdo con la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos, y (d) análisis del comportamiento del mercado, mediante el estudio de las 36 solicitudes del área farmacéutica de ambas universidades. Los resultados mostraron que el 68.4 % de la BUAP y 75.6 % de la UAEM presentan un posicionamiento competitivo predominante en industrias de alta y mediana-alta tecnología. La ventaja de la herramienta propuesta es que permite reconocer la oportunidad del mercado tecnológico a partir de la construcción de escenarios relacionados con el comportamiento de la CIP.

Abstract Given the transition to entrepreneurial universities, there is a tendency to increase patenting, although without a deep study of the commercial potential. Therefore, the percentage of those developments that succeed is very low. The objective of this research was to develop a strategy for the technological and commercial evaluation of university patents, based on the identification of commercial opportunities in technology transfer (TT). Patent applications from the Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla (BUAP) and the Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Morelos (UAEM) were used for the study. The methodology consisted of the analysis of 269 patent applications in a period of 10 years 2009-2018, in accordance with the statistical International Patent Classification (IPC), through 4 steps: (a) construction of the patent database, with the use of the patent tool of the Mexican Institute of Intellectual Property, (b) identification of inventive capabilities, through the World Intellectual Property Organization, (c) distribution by industries of intensity and technological market opportunity, with the tool of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, and (d) analysis of market behavior, through the study of the 36 applications of the pharmaceutical patent area, from both universities. The results showed that 68.4 % of BUAP and 75.6 % of UAEM reflected a predominantly competitive positioning in high technology and medium-high technology industries. The advantage of the proposed tool is that it allows the recognition of the technological market opportunity based on the construction of scenarios related to the IPC behavior.

Vitae (Medellín) ; 29(2): 1-12, 2022-05-19. Ilustraciones
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1393169


Background: COVID-19 pandemic situation made the pharmaceutical companies develop the vaccine with different formulations in a short period. Objectives: The main objective of the review is to focus on different types of vaccine formulations available globally and the importance of technology transfer in vaccine development associated with potential risks. Results: Research on vaccine development led to various types of vaccines, such as Inactivated vaccines, Live Attenuated vaccines, Ribonucleic acid (RNA) and Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) vaccines, viral vector vaccines, and Protein Subunit Vaccines for COVID-19. But the process of vaccine development and technology transfer is lined with various risks and challenges. Through risk assessment, we found some major potential risks involved in product development; this leads to a smoother and more efficient method to develop safe vaccines available for public health. Conclusions: This review will explain the significance of technology collaboration for the faster development of various formulations of vaccines globally

Antecedentes: La situación de pandemia de COVID-19 hizo que las empresas farmacéuticas desarrollaran la vacuna con diferentes formulaciones en un corto período. Objetivos: El objetivo principal de la revisión es centrarse en los diferentes tipos de formulaciones de vacunas disponibles a nivel mundial y la importancia de la transferencia de tecnología en el desarrollo de vacunas asociado con los riesgos potenciales. Resultados: La investigación sobre el desarrollo de vacunas condujo al desarrollo de varios tipos de vacunas, como vacunas inactivadas, vacunas vivas atenuadas, vacunas de ácido ribonucleico (ARN) y ácido desoxirribonucleico (ADN), vacunas de vectores virales y vacunas de subunidades de proteínas para COVID-19. Pero el proceso de desarrollo de vacunas y transferencia de tecnología está lleno de varios riesgos y desafíos. A través de la evaluación de riesgos, encontramos algunos riesgos potenciales importantes involucrados en el desarrollo de productos, lo que conduce a un método más fluido y eficiente para desarrollar vacunas seguras disponibles para la salud pública. Conclusiones: Esta revisión dará una idea de la importancia de la colaboración tecnológica para el desarrollo más rápido de varias formulaciones de vacunas a nivel mundial

Humanos , Transferência de Tecnologia , Vacinas contra COVID-19 , Desenvolvimento de Vacinas , Medição de Risco
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-934437


Objective:To explore the development path of improving the intangible assets management, and promoting science and technology transfer of public hospitals.Methods:Analyze and summarize problems and challenges in the identification and disposal of intangible assets related to scientific and technological achievements in the process of technology transfer based on policy research, literature review and practical experience reflection.Results:So far, the identification and measurement norms of intangible assets are not operable enough. Assets evaluation remains controversial and nonstandard.Conclusions:It is recommended to improve the management systems of science and technology transfer and related financial affairs including strengthening the awareness of intangible assets protection, standardizing the management system of intangible assets and optimizing the informatization construction of financial management.

Humanidad. med ; 21(3)dic. 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1405065


RESUMEN El objetivo del trabajo es determinar las implicaciones sociales de la transferencia de tecnología vertical en la enfermería cubana. Las acciones desarrolladas se dirigen a la mejora continua de la especialidad a partir de la superación permanente del personal, la identificación adecuada de los resultados científicos, la contribución de los proyectos de innovación mediante la gestión de los procesos ciencia, tecnología e innovación y la socialización de los resultados investigativos en revistas de impacto y registros de propiedad intelectual. La articulación efectiva de la ciencia, tecnología, sociedad y desarrollo, exige en el contexto de pandemia replantear las formas en que se ejecuta la atención y cuidados de salud, mediante la innovación social. El sistema de acciones realizadas permitió impulsar la transferencia de tecnología vertical que avala el avance tecnológico endógeno, así como el desarrollo de una cultura científica, a partir de la elevación de la calidad del profesional de la Enfermería.

ABSTRACT The objective of the article is to determine the social implications of vertical technology transfer in Cuban nursing. The actions developed are aimed at the continuous improvement of the specialty from the permanent improvement of the staff, the adequate identification of scientific results, the contribution of innovation projects through the management of science, technology and innovation processes and socialization of research results in impact journals and intellectual property registries. The effective articulation of science, technology, society and development requires, in the context of a pandemic, to rethink the ways in which health care is executed, through social innovation. The system of actions carried out allowed to promote the transfer of vertical technology that supports endogenous technological advance, as well as the development of a scientific culture, based on the elevation of the quality of the Nursing professional.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-912619


Objective:To identify the problems and explore the possible approaches for improving the internationalization of technology transfer in hospitals of China.Methods:We make the attempt to summarize the concepts and characteristics of international technology transfer, discussed existing problems and dealing strategies of boosting the internationalization of technology innovation and transformation in hospitals in combination with daily practice.Results:Of the international technology transfer in clinical hospitals in China is at the early stage, there are also a lot of space for improvement, for instance, the training of professional personnel, well-developed innovation and application ecology and the comprehensive regulatory support system.Conclusions:Clinical hospitals should enhance the transformation of scientific and technological achievements at global level. It is important to empower the technology transfer team-building, enhance the infrastructure and professional service, as well as call for more support from the national level to strengthen related policy-making.

Rev. lasallista investig ; 17(1): 403-422, ene.-jun. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1156739


Resumen Introducción: se analizan las políticas de transferencia de tecnología de la cadena productiva del café mediante simulaciones realizadas por medio de los escenarios de: modo I technology push, modo II Market Pull, modo III Sistémico y el modo IV combinación de modos. Objetivo: analizar las políticas que favorezcan los procesos de transferencia de tecnología en la cadena productiva del café en Antioquia a partir de un modelo de Simulación Basado en Agentes. Materiales y métodos: tras la revisión bibliográfica realizada en fuentes primarias y segundarias se caracterizó la cadena y se clasificaron las políticas que a lo largo de la historia se han implementado a favor de ésta. Resultados: esta clasificación sirvió de insumo junto con el instrumento aplicado a los 256 agentes representativos de la cadena para definir los parámetros del Modelo de simulación Basado en Agentes. Cabe resaltar que al Modelo se le realizó una validación conceptual mediante dos técnicas: el método histórico del racionalismo y la aproximación histórica amigable, y una validación operacional. Conclusiones: después de aplicar varias técnicas de validación y verificación, se encontró que el modelo ayuda al entendimiento del fenómeno de la transferencia de tecnología en la cadena productiva del café, la cual es comprendida como un Sistema de Innovación de carácter localizado. El análisis de las políticas permite recomendar los modos de políticas que permiten la participación de un mayor número de agentes en el proceso de transferencia de tecnología obteniendo un sistema con mayor distribución de las oportunidades de mercado.

Abstract Introduction: the technology transfer policies of the coffee production chain are analyzed through simulations carried out using the following scenarios: I technology push mode, II Market Pull mode, Systemic III mode and IV mode combination modes. Objective: analyze the policies that favor technology transfer processes in the coffee production chain in Antioquia based on an agent-based simulation model. Materials and methods: after the literature review carried out in primary and secondary sources, the chain was characterized and the policies that throughout history have been implemented in favor of it. Results: this classification served as input together with the instrument applied to the 256 representative agents of the chain to define the parameters of the Agent-Based Simulation Model. It should be noted that the Model was given a conceptual validation through two techniques: the historical method of rationalism and the friendly historical approach, and an operational validation. Conclusion: after applying several validation and verification techniques, it was found that the model helps to understand the phenomenon of technology transfer in the coffee production chain, which is understood as a localized Innovation System. Policy analysis makes it possible to recommend policy modes that allow more actors to participate in the technology transfer process by obtaining a system with greater distribution of market opportunities.

Resumo Introdução: analisam-se as políticas de transferência de tecnologia da cadeia produtiva do café mediante simulações realizadas por meio dos cenários de: modo I technology push, modo II Market Pull, modo III Sistêmico e o modo IV combinação de modos. Objectivo: analisar as políticas que favoreçam os processos de transferência de tecnologia na cadeia produtiva do café em Antioquia a partir de um modelo de Simulação Baseado em Agentes. Materiais e métodos: após da revisão bibliográfica realizada em fontes primárias e secundarias caracterizou-se a cadeia e classificaram-se as políticas que ao longo da história se implementaram a favor desta. Resultado: esta classificação serviu de insumo junto com o instrumento aplicado aos 256 agentes representativos da cadeia para definir os parâmetros do Modelo de simulação Baseado em Agentes. Cabe ressaltar que ao Modelo realizou-se uma validação conceitual mediante duas técnicas: o método histórico do racionalismo e a aproximação histórica amigável, e uma validação operacional. Conclusão: Depois de aplicar várias técnicas de validação e verificação, descobriu-se que o modelo ajuda a compreender o fenômeno da transferência de tecnologia na cadeia produtiva do café, que é compreendida como um Sistema de Inovação de caráter localizado. A análise das políticas permite recomendar os modos de políticas que permitem a participação de um maior número de agentes no processo de transferência de tecnologia obtendo um sistema com maior distribuição das oportunidades do mercado.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-912545


Objective:To provide references for promoting clinical hospital technology transfer, through on-site investigations of medical device manufacturers and sorting out the situation of the participation of enterprises in technology transfer.Methods:Purposive sampling and questionnaire are used; the study analyzed the collected data by quantitative and qualitative research on the selected 5 enterprises in the Yangtze River Delta, and introduced the procedures of enterprises purchasing scientific payoffs.Results:It shows that the medical device enterprises have strong demand for the technology innovation, and the cooperation between enterprises and researchers at an earlier stage are conducive to technology transfer. At present, the overall technology readiness level for the hospitals is generally not high. The commercialization of scientific and research findings could achieve the win-win situation for both the hospitals and enterprises.Conclusions:To further promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in China, We should establish a more diversified achievement promotion platform to push forward the hospital-enterprise cooperation to improve the technology readiness level, and meanwhile, accelerate the application-oriented clinical scientific research.

Saúde debate ; 43(spe2): 48-62, nov. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1059033


RESUMO O Programa Institutos Nacionais de Ciência e Tecnologia foi criado para promover a excelência nas atividades de ciência e tecnologia e sua internacionalização, fomentar a interação destas com o sistema empresarial, melhorar a educação científica e a participação homogênea das regiões do País na produção do conhecimento. Medicina translacional compreende a aceleração de transmissão de conhecimentos da pesquisa básica à aplicação clínica, o aprofundamento de observações clínicas e a aplicação desses conhecimentos à população geral. Este artigo buscou identificar e analisar as contribuições dos Institutos Nacionais de Ciência e Tecnologia em Saúde (INCT-Saúde) no atendimento às demandas da saúde brasileira, baseado no conceito de Pesquisa Translacional. Foi realizada uma pesquisa qualiquantitativa, exploratório-descritiva das atividades desenvolvidas pelos INCT-Saúde. Os 39 INCT-Saúde têm contribuído para melhoria da saúde brasileira por meio da transferência de conhecimentos diretos e para a formulação/implantação de Políticas Públicas de Saúde. Os INCT-Saúde têm potencial para o atendimento da demanda da população brasileira, na área da saúde, e têm-se destacado na interação com empresas e na criação de startups. Contudo, é necessária a divulgação dos resultados alcançados pelos INCT-Saúde, bem como a elaboração e a aplicação de uma metodologia de monitoramento e avaliação da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação no Brasil.

ABSTRACT The National Institutes of Science and Technology Program was created to promote excellence in science and technology activities and their internationalization, foster their interaction with the business system, improve scientific education and the homogeneous participation of the regions of the Country in the production of knowledge. Translational medicine comprises accelerating the transmission of knowledge from basic research to clinical application, deepening clinical observations and applying this knowledge to the general population. This article aimed to identify and analyze the contributions of the National Science and Technology Institute for Translational Medicine (INCT-Health) in meeting the demands of Brazilian health, based on the concept of Translational Research. A qualitative, exploratory and descriptive research of the activities developed by INCT-Health was carried out. The 39 INCT-Health have contributed to the improvement of Brazilian health through the transfer of direct knowledge and the formulation/implementation of Public Health Policies. The INCT-Health has potential to meet the demand of the Brazilian population, in the health area, and have stood out in the interaction with companies and in the creation of startups. However, it is necessary to disseminate the results achieved by INCT-Health, as well as the elaboration and application of a methodology for monitoring and evaluation of Science, Technology and Innovation in Brazil.

Saúde debate ; 43(spe2): 217-233, nov. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1059045


RESUMO Trata-se de relato de experiência da construção metodológica de uma proposta de monitoramento estratégico das Parcerias para o Desenvolvimento Produtivo (PDP) que compreende todas as fases do processo de estabelecimento das parcerias e fornece elementos para estruturação de um programa de avaliação da iniciativa a fim de verificar o desempenho das parcerias e o seu impacto, congregando os aspectos econômico e social. Tal proposta integra procedimentos metodológicos com diferentes métricas e fontes de informação (análise documental, modelos lógicos, inquérito com os atores envolvidos com as PDP e estudo de casos múltiplos) com abordagens quali e quantitativa em uma perspectiva de construção coletiva. A experiência apresentada, a ser validada pela governança do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), objetiva oferecer uma infraestrutura de inteligência de negócios que permita a transformação de dados e informações em conhecimento útil para a ação, contribuindo para o sucesso da iniciativa e, assim, com o fortalecimento do Complexo Econômico Industrial da Saúde e o incremento da produção pública de medicamentos para o SUS.

ABSTRACT It is an experience report on the methodological construction of a strategic monitoring proposal from the Productive Development Partnerships (PDP), which comprises all of the process of establishing partnerships phases and provides elements for structuring a program of evaluating the initiative in order to verify the performance of the partnerships and their impact, bringing together the economic and social aspects. Such proposal integrates methodological procedures with different metrics and information sources (documentary analysis, logic models, inquiry with the actors involved in PDP and multiple case studies) with qualitative and quantitative approaches from a perspective of collective construction. The presented experience, yet to be validated by Unified Health System's (SUS) governance, aims to offer a business oriented infrastructure intelligence that allows the conversion of data and information into useful knowledge for action, contributing to the success of the initiative, and, thus, to the strengthening of the Economic Industrial Health Complex and the increase of public production of medicines for the SUS.

Salud pública Méx ; 61(4): 545-548, Jul.-Aug. 2019. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1099332


Resumen: La transferencia de tecnología de instituciones de investigación en salud a empresas que generen nuevos tratamientos médicos ha generado grandes beneficios para la salud pública a nivel mundial. Sin embargo, en México existen importantes rezagos en los indicadores de innovación. Hay barreras culturales, regulatorias y financieras que obstaculizan la innovación en México. Al mismo tiempo, los últimos años han visto la aparición de varias iniciativas útiles que avanzan en la dirección correcta. El presente trabajo describe la situación actual y las principales barreras y oportunidades para promover la innovación en salud y la contribución de ésta a mejoras en salud pública.

Abstract: The transfer of technology from health research institutions to businesses that develop new medical treatments has generated great benefits for public health at a global level. Mexico however, is lagging in innovation indicators. There are important cultural, regulatory, and financial barriers that limit innovation in Mexico. However recent years have seen the appearance of several useful initiatives that constitute progress in the right direction. This work provides a brief overview of the current situation of innovation in Mexico, describes the main barriers and gives recommendations that can promote health innovation in Mexico, which can contribute to improvements in public health.

Financiamento de Capital , Saúde Pública , Transferência de Tecnologia , Pesquisa , Características Culturais , Regulamentação Governamental , Produto Interno Bruto , México
CienciaUAT ; 13(2): 83-99, ene.-jun. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1011778


RESUMEN Las tecnologías ecológicas (ecotecnias) han sido un instrumento para afrontar los retos multidimensionales de las viviendas que no son capaces de satisfacer una línea básica de bienestar. Sin embargo, en la revisión de la literatura, se encuentran indicios que muestran el rechazo y la generación de externalidades negativas, cuando la tecnología no se adopta socialmente, lo que exhibe la ineficiencia en el ejercicio del recurso público y acentúa la problemática social de la vivienda vulnerable. El objetivo del trabajo fue construir un Índice de Transferencia Ecotecnológica (ITE), que determine la pertinencia sociotécnica en las poblaciones objetivo de los programas sociales, mediante un algoritmo cuantitativo, diseñado a partir de los factores de adopción-resistencia, identificados en los municipios de Apaseo el Alto, Comonfort, Pénjamo, San Felipe y Tierra Blanca en Guanajuato, México. Se sistematizó la descripción densa recolectada en las viviendas beneficiadas por los programas "Impulso", de la Secretaría de Desarrollo Social y Humano, de 2013 a 2015. Se encontró que los programas sociales no ejecutan un proceso de transferencia que asegure la adopción social de la tecnología, y se infirió que la viabilidad ecotecnológica está correlacionada con las características del territorio donde ocurre la transferencia. El principal logro fue identificar los factores externos e internos que inciden en la adopción social de las ecotecnias como insumos del ITE, ya que este índice se propone como un instrumento de valoración ecotecnológica. El ITE demostró la pertinencia sociotécnica en las poblaciones objetivo. Se concluye que este índice sí podría ser un insumo adicional para los tomadores de decisiones de política social en Guanajuato que, al valorar la viabilidad de las ecotecnias en regiones vulnerables, podría incrementar la efectividad de los programas y mejorar la vivienda.

ABSTRACT The ecological technologies (ecotechnologies) have been a tool to solve the multidimensional challenges of housing that are not able to satisfy a basic line of welfare; however, a literature review suggests their social rejection and the generation of negative externalities when technology is not adopted socially. This makes evident the inefficiency in the application of public resources and it provokes more social problems in disadvantaged dwelling. The aim of this paper was to build an Ecotechnological Transfer Index (ETI) that measures the sociotechnical pertinence of ecotechnology in target populations of social programs, through a quantitative algorithm designed from the adoptionresistance factors identified in the municipalities of Apaseo el Alto, Comonfort, Pénjamo, San Felipe and Tierra Blanca in Guanajuato, Mexico. The dense description collected in homes benefited by "Impulso" programs of the Secretary of Social and Human Development from 2013 to 2015 was systematized. It was found that social programs do not execute a process that ensures the social adoption of this technology, and it was inferred that the viability correlates with the characteristics of the territory where technology transfer occurs. The main achievement was the identification of external and internal factors that affect the social adoption of ecotechnologies as inputs of the ETI, as, this index is proposed to be an extra assessment tool for ecotechnologies. The ETI showed the sociotechnical pertinence in the target populations. It is concluded that this index can be an additional input for social policy makers in Guanajuato because it assesses the viability of ecotechnologies to increase the efficiency of public resources and to improve the disavantaged dwelling.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-756527


Objective Evaluate the status quo and spillover effects of clinical medical resources in Beijing,to find solu tions for promoting clinical resources of the hospital and transformation of clinical research.Methods By analyzing the patents,clinical trials and clinical research transformation cases of hospitals in Beijing,and comparing with advanced area at home and abroad,identify the factors that restrict the spillover of clinical resources,analyzed the role of medical institutions in the health system.Results Compare with the advanced level of abroad,there is a lot of space for improvement in Clinical resource output and industry support in Beijing.Beijing's hospital patent amounts has reached a certain scale,however,the number and growth rate of patents is lower than Shanghai.The patents in different hospitals varies greatly,which indicating that the hospital's emphasis on technological innovation and the overall transformation of results management are varied a lot,and overall,Beijing is lack of a unified policy at the regional level.Beijing is the most concentrated area of clinical medicine resources in China.The number of clinical trials carried out surpasses Shanghai and Tokyo in the forefront in Asia,but there is still a large gap to the international advanced region.Conclusions Hospitals is important in the health innovation system,It is recommended to strengthen the clinical innovation policy guarantee and talent construction,promote the patent-based medical results spillover,and establish a virtuous cycle of clinical resource technology innovation

Rev. méd. Chile ; 146(7): 890-898, jul. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-961475


Many new discoveries in Life Sciences cannot be translated into products, services or new applications to improve human health. Translational medicine, defined as "from bench to bedside", refers to the transfer of results or new knowledge achieved in the laboratory into health innovation. We aim to review the state of art of translational medicine, its relationship with innovation processes and the different perspectives to consider. Finally, we contextualize the situation of Research and Development (R&D) in Chile and the main issues of the biotechnology market in the country.

Humanos , Biotecnologia/tendências , Pesquisa Translacional Biomédica/tendências , Biotecnologia/métodos , Chile , Transferência de Tecnologia , Pesquisa Translacional Biomédica/métodos
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-744646


Objectives:This research specifically reviews the pharmaceuticalproduct life-cycle managementreg-ulatory systems closely related to the Marketing Authorization Holder(MAH) systemin the whole cycle management of drugs toidentifyits impact on these regulatory systems before and after its implementation, to propose targeted cohesion recommendations and provide references on the comprehensive implementation of the system itself. Methods :Through the literature research and system comparison methods, the changes in the supporting regulatory systemsclosely related to the MAH systemintroducedbefore and after its implementation were detailed and compared. Results :The MAH system implementationbrought remarkablechanges and impacts on the technology transfer system, drug entrusted introduction system, the original equipment manufacturing system, the business license system, the adverse reaction monitoring and evaluation system and the damage liabilitysystem of pharmaceutical products as well. Conclusions :In order to promote the MAH system implementation, policy makers should amend the Drug Administration Law and revise relevant regulations tosimplify theproperty rights and site change procedures. This paper also suggests putting in place the main responsibility of the individual to carry outpharmacovigilance concerning MAH to fully guarantee the drug quality and legitimatizethepatients' rights and interests.

China Pharmacy ; (12): 2593-2596, 2017.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-620748


OBJECTIVE:To investigate the risk,advantages and disadvantages and countermeasures of new drugs,generic drugs and imported drugs in different transfer opportunities,and to provide basis for improvement of development strategy for phar-maceutical enterprises. METHODS:The analysis was done in accordance with relevant regulations on transferable projects in the process of applying for registrations of new drugs,generic drugs and imported drugs. The transfer period and risk were explored and countermeasures were put forward. RESULTS & CONCLUSIONS:Transferable projects included intellectual property rights (patents,patent application,technical secrets,application information,non-disclosed data,etc.)and ownership rights(clinical tri-al approvals,new drug certificates,drug approval number,pharmaceutical product registration certificates,imported product regis-tration certificates,etc.)in the process of applying for registrations. There are 4 opportunities for drug technology transfer,opportu-nity 1 is before applying clinical trial approvals after the completion of non-clinical research such as pharmacology,toxicology;op-portunity 2 is ahead of clinical trial after the acquirement of clinical trial approvals;opportunity 3 is new drug technology transfer;opportunity 4 is production technology transfer. The new drugs have 4 transfer opportunities,generic drugs and imported drugs can transfer in opportunity 1,2,4. Different transfer opportunities present different risks and profits. The risk gradually decreases with the further promotion of drug registration process,while the innovation decreases at the same time. Pharmaceutical enterprises should combine with the policy,market and their own features to select a suitable transfer period.

Rev. saúde pública (Online) ; 51: 103, 2017. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-903218


ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To analyze the influence of four mechanisms of knowledge transfer (training, technical visits, expatriation, and standard operating procedures) on the different dimensions (potential and realized) of absorptive capacity in international technical cooperation. METHODS We examine the case of implementation of the Sociedade Moçambicana de Medicamentos. Data have been collected using semi-structured interviews (applied to 21 professionals of the Sociedade Moçambicana de Medicamentos, Farmanguinhos, FIOCRUZ, and Itamaraty) and official documents. The data of the interviews have been submitted to content analysis, using the software NVivo. RESULTS Training and technical visits directly influenced the acquisition and, partly, the assimilation of knowledge. Expatriation contributed with the transformation of this knowledge from the development and refinement of operational routines. Finally, the definition of standard operating procedures allowed the Mozambican technicians to be the actors of the transformation of the knowledge previously acquired and assimilated and, at the same time, it laid the foundations for a future exploration of the knowledge. CONCLUSIONS Training and technical visits mainly influence the potential absorptive capacity, while expatriation and standard operating procedures most directly affect the realized absorptive capacity.

RESUMO OBJETIVO Analisar a influência de quatro mecanismos de transferência de conhecimento (treinamentos, visitas técnicas, expatriação e procedimentos operacionais padrão) sobre as diferentes dimensões (potencial e realizada) da capacidade absortiva na cooperação técnica internacional. MÉTODOS Examina-se o caso da implementação da Sociedade Moçambicana de Medicamentos. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas (aplicadas a 21 profissionais da Sociedade Moçambicana de Medicamentos, Farmanguinhos, Fiocruz e Itamaraty) e de documentos oficiais. Os dados das entrevistas foram submetidos à análise de conteúdo, com uso do software NVivo. RESULTADOS Os treinamentos e as visitas técnicas influenciaram diretamente a aquisição e, parcialmente, a assimilação do conhecimento. A expatriação contribuiu para a transformação desse conhecimento, por meio do desenvolvimento e refinamento das rotinas operacionais. Por fim, a definição dos procedimentos operacionais padrão permitiu que os técnicos moçambicanos fossem os atores da transformação do conhecimento adquirido e assimilado previamente e, ao mesmo tempo, criou as bases para uma futura exploração do conhecimento. CONCLUSÕES Os treinamentos e as visitas técnicas influenciam, principalmente, a capacidade absortiva potencial, enquanto a expatriação e os procedimentos operacionais padrão impactam mais diretamente a capacidade absortiva realizada.

Humanos , Transferência de Tecnologia , Disseminação de Informação , Indústria Farmacêutica/organização & administração , Gestão do Conhecimento , Cooperação Internacional , Brasil , Indústria Farmacêutica/educação , Implementação de Plano de Saúde , Recursos em Saúde/organização & administração , Moçambique