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Rev. cuba. pediatr ; 952023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1515282


Introducción: La inflamación de la pleura desencadenada por bacterias y mediada por citocinas, aumenta la permeabilidad vascular y produce vasodilatación, lo cual genera desequilibrio entre la producción de líquido pleural y su capacidad de reabsorción por eficientes mecanismos fisiológicos. La condición anterior conduce al desarrollo de derrame pleural paraneumónico. Objetivo: Exponer la importancia de la correlación fisiopatológica y diagnóstica con los pilares fundamentales de actuación terapéutica en el derrame pleural paraneumónico. Métodos: Revisión en PubMed y Google Scholar de artículos publicados hasta abril de 2021 que abordaran el derrame pleural paraneumónico, su fisiopatología, elementos diagnósticos, tanto clínicos como resultados del estudio del líquido pleural, pruebas de imágenes, y estrategias terapéuticas. Análisis y síntesis de la información: El progreso de una infección pulmonar y la producción de una invasión de gérmenes al espacio pleural favorece la activación de mecanismos que conllevan al acúmulo de fluido, depósito de fibrina y formación de septos. Este proceso patológico se traduce en manifestaciones clínicas, cambios en los valores citoquímicos y resultados microbiológicos en el líquido pleural, que acompañados de signos radiológicos y ecográficos en el tórax, guían la aplicación oportuna de los pilares de tratamiento del derrame pleural paraneumónico. Conclusiones: Ante un derrame pleural paraneumónico, con tabiques o partículas en suspensión en la ecografía de tórax, hallazgo de fibrina, líquido turbio o pus en el proceder de colocación del drenaje de tórax, resulta necesario iniciar fibrinólisis intrapleural. Cuando el tratamiento con fibrinolíticos intrapleurales falla, la cirugía video-toracoscópica es el procedimiento quirúrgico de elección(AU)

Introduction: The inflammation of the pleura triggered by bacteria and mediated by cytokines, increases vascular permeability and produces vasodilation, which generates imbalance between the production of pleural fluid and its resorption capacity by efficient physiological mechanisms. The above condition leads to the development of parapneumonic pleural effusion. Objective: To expose the importance of the pathophysiological and diagnostic correlation with the fundamental pillars of therapeutic action in parapneumonic pleural effusion. Methods: Review in PubMed and Google Scholar of articles published until April 2021 that addressed parapneumonic pleural effusion, its pathophysiology, diagnostic elements, both clinical and results of the pleural fluid study, imaging tests, and therapeutic strategies. Analysis and synthesis of information: The progress of a lung infection and the production of an invasion of germs into the pleural space favors the activation of mechanisms that lead to the accumulation of fluid, fibrin deposition and formation of septa. This pathological process results in clinical manifestations, changes in cytochemical values and microbiological results in the pleural fluid, which accompanied by radiological and ultrasound signs in the chest, guide the timely application of the pillars of treatment of parapneumonic pleural effusion. Conclusions: In the event of a parapneumonic pleural effusion, with septums or particles in suspension on chest ultrasound, finding fibrin, turbid fluid or pus in the procedure of placement of the chest drain, it is necessary to initiate intrapleural fibrinolytic. When treatment with intrapleural fibrinolytics fails, video-thoracoscopic surgery is the surgical procedure of choice(AU)

Humanos , Derrame Pleural/classificação , Derrame Pleural/fisiopatologia , Derrame Pleural/tratamento farmacológico , Derrame Pleural/diagnóstico por imagem , Drenagem/instrumentação , Antibacterianos
Insuf. card ; 14(supl.1): 1-7, mar. 2019. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1002164


La hipertensión arterial pulmonar es una enfermedad infrecuente, caracterizada por el aumento de postcarga del ventrículo derecho. La adaptación del ventrículo derecho a esta postcarga se relaciona con el pronóstico de los pacientes. La estratificación pronóstica se basa en una valoración multiparamétrica. Los parámetros clínicos, funcionales, la valoración del ventrículo derecho y la evaluación hemodinámica van a definir la situación de riesgo de los pacientes, en función de la mortalidad a un año. La situación de bajo riesgo a un año de seguimiento se ha relacionado con mayor supervivencia. El algoritmo terapéutico actual incluye como estrategia inicial la mono, doble y triple terapia. Se debe realizar escalada terapéutica con el objetivo de mantener a los pacientes en bajo riesgo durante el seguimiento.

Pulmonary arterial hypertension is an infrequent disease, characterized by an increase in afterload of the right ventricle. The adaptation of the right ventricle to this afterload is related to the prognosis of the patients. The prognostic stratification is based on a multiparametric assessment. The clinical, functional parameters, assessment of the right ventricle and hemodynamic evaluation will define the risk situation of the patients, depending on the one-year mortality. The situation of low risk at one year of follow-up has been related to greater survival. The current therapeutic algorithm includes monotherapy, double and triple therapy as an initial strategy. Therapeutic escalation should be carried out in order to keep patients at low risk during follow-up.

A hipertensão arterial pulmonar é uma doença infreqüente, caracterizada por aumento da pós-carga do ventrículo direito. A adaptação do ventrículo direito a essa pós-carga está relacionada ao prognóstico dos pacientes. A estratificação prognóstica é baseada em uma avaliação multiparamétrica. Os parâmetros clínicos, funcionais, avaliação do ventrículo direito e avaliação hemodinâmica definirão a situação de risco dos pacientes, dependendo da mortalidade em um ano. A situação de baixo risco em um ano de seguimento tem sido relacionada à maior sobrevida. O algoritmo terapêutico atual inclui como estratégia inicial a monoterapia e a terapia dupla e tripla. O escalonamento terapêutico deve ser realizado a fim de manter os pacientes em baixo risco durante o acompanhamento.

Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-95716


PURPOSE: This study describes the experience of using multiple types of visual educational tools in the setting of problem-based learning (PBL). The author intends to demonstrate their roles in diverse and efficient ways of clinical reasoning and problem solving. METHODS: Visual educational tools were introduced in a lecture that included their various types, possible benefits, and some examples. Each group made one mechanistic case diagram per week, and each student designed one diagnostic schema or therapeutic algorithm per week, based on their learning issues. The students were also told to provide commentary, which was intended to give insights into their truthfulness. Subsequently, the author administered a questionnaire about the usefulness and weakness of visual educational tools and the difficulties with performing the work. Also, the qualities of the products were assessed by the author. RESULTS: There were many complaints about the adequacy of the introduction of visual educational tools, also revealed by the many initial inappropriate types of products. However, the exercise presentation in the first week improved the level of understanding regarding their purposes and the method of design. In general, students agreed on the benefits of their help in providing a deep understanding of the cases and the possibility of solving clinical problems efficiently. The commentary was helpful in evaluating the truthfulness of their efforts. Students gave suggestions for increasing the percentage of their scores, considering the efforts. CONCLUSION: Using multiple types of visual educational tools during PBL can be useful in understanding the diverse routes of clinical reasoning and clinical features.

Humanos , Aprendizagem , Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas , Inquéritos e Questionários
Dolor ; 19(53): 34-53, jul. 2010. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-682508


Con la introducción y el desarrollo de nuevos productos que han demostrado ser eficaces en el dolor neuropático (DN), se ha generado una clara necesidad de tener un algoritmo basado en la evidencia para tratar las diferentes condiciones del DN. El objetivo de este artículo es elaborar unas recomendaciones para el tratamiento del DN que estén avaladas por la evidencia científica y que estén consensuadas por un grupo multidisciplinario de expertos en metodología y en tratamiento del dolor. La evidencia se ha obtenido de estudios de metanálisis que recogen la mayor información disponible para cada tipo de DN. La búsqueda bibliográfica se llevó a cabo por 5 revisores, que se centraron individualmente en las diferentes formas de presentación del DN. Las bases de datos consultadas fueron la Cochrane Library, EMBASE (año 2000 en adelante) y PUBMED(año 2000 en adelante), y se seleccionaron metaanálisis y ensayos clínicos aleatorizados y controlados. Finalmente, los autores, especialistas en dolor, evaluaron e hicieron las recomendaciones clínicas para el tratamiento del DN. En algunos tipos de DN, de los cuales no hay suficiente información, se han incluido recomendaciones basadas en publicaciones científicas sin evidencia, con el objetivo de que estas recomendaciones proporcionen la mayor información posible acerca de su tratamiento. Se han revisado estudios de eficacia y seguridad de neuralgia postherpética (NPH), neuropatía diabética dolorosa (NDD) y neuralgia del trigémino(NT) como paradigmas de DN periférico, y también se ha recogido la escasa información existente acerca del DN central(DNC) y el dolor simpático (DS). Con los resultados obtenidos con este estudio bibliográfico y las evidencias extraídas, se ha elaborado un algoritmo de decisión con los fármacos disponibles actualmente en la farmacopea española para la NPH y la NDD; por otro lado, y de forma independiente, para la NT y, finalmente, para el DNC y el DS.

The introduction and development of new products with demonstrated efficacy in neuropathic pain has generated a clear need for an evidence-based algorithm to treat the different types of neuropathic pain. The present article aims to provide recommendations on the treatment of neuropathic pain supported by the scientific evidence and agreed on by consensus by a multidisciplinary group of experts in methodology and pain management. The evidence was obtained from meta-analyses including the greatest amount of information available for each type of neuropathic pain. The literature search was performed by 5 reviewers, who focussed individually on the distinct forms of presentation of neuropathic pain. The databases consulted were the Cochrane Library, EMBASE (from 2000 onwards), and PUBMED (from 2000 onwards). Meta-analyses and randomized, controlled clinical trials were selected. Finally, retrieved articles were evaluated and clinical recommendations for the treatment of neuropathic pain were designed by the pain specialists. For some types of neuropathic pain, there is insufficient information. In these types of pain, recommendations based on scientific publications without evidence were included to provide the reatest possible amount of information on their treatment. Studies of safety and efficacy in postherpetic neuralgia (PHN), painful diabetic neuropathy (PDN), and trigeminal neuralgia (TN) were reviewed as paradigms of peripheral neuropathic pain. The scarce available information on central neuropathic pain (CNP) and sympathetic pain (SP) was also gathered. Based on the results obtained with this literature review and the evidence extracted, a decision algorithm was designed with the drugs currently available in the Spanish pharmacopeia for PHN and PDN, and separate decision algorithms were designed for TN and finally for CNP and S P.

Humanos , Analgésicos/uso terapêutico , Anestésicos/uso terapêutico , Neuralgia/tratamento farmacológico , Algoritmos , Neuralgia Pós-Herpética/tratamento farmacológico , Neuralgia do Trigêmeo/tratamento farmacológico , Neuropatias Diabéticas/tratamento farmacológico