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Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 59: e21460, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1439502


Abstract Clay minerals are still widely used in pharmaceutical products for human health and cosmetic purposes. Pre-formulation studies were conducted to identify solid-state properties of pink clay, a sample from Diamantina, Brazil. Among the solid properties to be analyzed, we have selected type identification, iron phases, crystallinity, powder flow characteristics, thermal behavior, and non-isothermal phase transition kinetics. The pink clay is composed of (1:1) clay type and kaolinite as the main component. The Mössbauer spectrum of pink clay shows Fe3+(α-Fe2O3) Clay minerals are still widely used in pharmaceutical products for human health and cosmetic purposes. Pre-formulation studies were conducted to identify solid-state properties of pink clay, a sample from Diamantina, Brazil. Among the solid properties to be analyzed, we have selected type identification, iron phases, crystallinity, powder flow characteristics, thermal behavior, and non-isothermal phase transition kinetics. The pink clay is composed of (1:1) clay type and kaolinite as the main component. The Mössbauer spectrum of pink clay shows Fe3+(α-Fe2O3) hematite, Fe2+, and Fe3+ with large Δ/2ξq of about 2.80 and 2.69 mm.s-1 respectively, related to iron silicates, most likely pyroxene, and a superparamagnetic Fe3+. Pink clay exhibits poor flow properties. The thermal behavior indicates a phase-transition between 400 - 600 ºC associated with the dehydroxylation of the pink clay system requiring ~300 kJ mol-1, being constant until the process reaches a conversion of ~50% when the energy is enhanced to ~530 kJ mol-1, concluding the whole dehydroxylation process (α=80%). Solid-state properties and characteristics found for the pink clay must be considered for the proper design of formulations. This type of clay shows unique pharmaceutical properties that can be favorably exploited by the cosmetic industry

Brasil/etnologia , Argila/classificação , Pós/análise , Caulim/farmacologia
Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 27(3): 375-382, jul-sep 2020. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1144968


Resumen El objetivo fue determinar la preferencia termal de machos adultos de Cryphiops caementarius previamente aclimatados a diferentes temperaturas. Los camarones se colectaron del río Pativilca. En laboratorio, los camarones se aclimataron durante 30 días en nueve acuarios, cada uno con 10 recipientes circulares. En cada recipiente hubo un camarón (10 por acuario). Las temperaturas de aclimatación fueron de 19, 24 y 28 °C. El sistema de gradiente de temperatura (12 a 33 °C) fue una canaleta de PVC (3 m de longitud y 10 cm de profundidad) con 18 compartimentos. En un extremo de la canaleta se colocaron termorreguladores sumergibles (100W) y en el otro extremo, bolsas con hidrogel congeladas. La preferencia termal se determinó por el método agudo y las pruebas se realizaron entre las 08:00 y 14:00 h. Los camarones aclimatados a 24 °C se desplazaron a compartimentos cuyas temperaturas fueron más altas que la temperatura de aclimatación. Los camarones aclimatados a 24 °C se desplazaron a compartimentos cuyas temperaturas fueron alrededor de la temperatura de aclimatación. Los camarones aclimatados a 28 °C se desplazaron a compartimentos donde las temperaturas fueron más bajas que aquella de aclimatación. La preferencia termal de los camarones aclimatados a 19 °C fue de 22.7 °C, y la de los aclimatados a 24 °C fue de 24.8 °C, ambos sin diferencias significativas (p>0.05). En cambio, en los aclimatados a 28°C fue de 21.1 °C, que solo difirió (p<0.05) con los aclimatados a 19 °C. La preferencia termal final fue de 24.5 °C.

Abstract In this work, we establish the thermal preference of Cryphiops caementarius adult males, previously acclimated at different temperatures. Shrimp were collected from the Pativilca River. In the laboratory, shrimp were acclimated for 30 days in nine aquariums, each with 10 circular containers. In each container, there was a shrimp (10 per aquarium). Acclimation temperatures were 19, 24 and 28 °C. The gradient temperature system (12 to 33 °C) consisted for a PVC gutter (3 m long and 10 cm deep) with 18 compartments. Submersible thermoregulators (100W) were placed at one end of the gutter and the other end, frozen hydrogel bags. The thermal preference was determined by the acute method and the tests were performed between 08:00 and 14:00 h. Shrimp acclimated at 24 °C moved to compartments whose temperatures were higher than the acclimation temperature. Shrimp acclimated at 24 °C moved to compartments whose temperatures were around the acclimation temperature. Shrimp acclimated at 28 °C moved to compartments where temperatures were lower than acclimation. The thermal preference of acclimated shrimp at 19 °C was 22.7 °C, and those acclimated at 24 °C were 24.8 °C, both without significant differences (p>0.05). On the other hand, in acclimated ones at 28 °C it was 21.1 °C, which only differed (p<0.05) with those acclimated at 19 °C. The final thermal preference was 24.5 °C.

Rev. bras. farmacogn ; 28(5): 626-630, Sept.-Oct. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-977729


Abstract Dicksonia sellowiana Hook., Dicksoniaceae, is a tree-fern which is being recently used in medicine mainly for its phytotherapic activities. While several other studies have focused on D. sellowiana extract characterization in terms of its biological and antioxidant activity, the novelty of this work aims to understand the fate of this extract during thermal disposal through thermogravimetry/differential thermal analysis, thermogravimetry/mass spectrometry, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and elemental analysis, to further characterize this plant's extract. Thermal analysis revealed mass loss within three well-defined steps, with the respective mass signals represented generated during heating. Light-volatiles were released during the first step, with release of NO2, CO2, and ethanol in the following, as a result of extract pyrolytic decomposition. Furthermore, mass signals variation during heating indicated the release of harmless by products in contrast to other pharmaceutical and personal care products. Finally, chemical characterization confirmed the observed under thermal analysis suggesting a highly polar structure within extract's composition.