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Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-912040


Objective:To determine any effect of repeated thermal stimulation on the viability and functioning of inflamed human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs).Methods:Well-cultured HUVECs were divided into a normal group, a model group, a thermal stimulation 5 times group (group A), a thermal stimulation 9 times group (group B) and a thermal stimulation 13 times group (group C) and cultured under the same conditions. The normal group was not given any intervention. The model group was stimulated with 1μg/mL lipopolysaccharide for 1 hour. Groups A, B and C were first subjected to 5, 9 and 13 rounds of repeated thermal stimulation, each round lasting 4 minutes at 43℃ and 1 minute at room temperature. They were then incubated for one hour at 37℃ under a 5% CO 2 atmosphere with 1μg/mL lipopolysaccharide. Cell viability and the expression of NF-κB were evaluated using methyl thiazolyl tetrazolium and immunofluorescence assays. The levels of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results:After the intervention, the average cell viability of the model group and of groups A and C was significantly lower than that of the normal group, while that of group B was significantly higher. After the intervention, the average NF-κB expression in the normal group was significantly different from that in the others, with group B′s level significantly different from that of the model group. After the treatment, the average expression of ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 in the model group had increased significantly, while that in groups A, B and C had decreased significantly compared with the normal group. The levels of groups A, B and C were then significantly different from that of the model group. The average ICAM-1 level of group B was significantly different from those of groups A and C.Conclusions:Repeated thermal stimulation can protect inflamed HUVECs and reduce the expression of HUVEC adhesion molecules.

Acupuncture Research ; (6): 738-743, 2018.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-844387


OBJECTIVE: Moxibustion is one of the commonly used therapy of traditional Chinese medicine by applying burning dried mugwort on particular acupoints of the body surface. In the present paper,we reviewed progress of researches about the mechanisms of moxibustion treatment undering imporvement of blood circulation in recent 15 years. Research results displayed that moxibustion can dilate blood vessels to increase blood flow and improve microcirculation, not only in the local superficial vessels of body, but also in the deep tissues as the brain, stomach and mesentery, kidney, heart, etc., as well as in the distal blood vessels. The vasodilator action of moxibustion stimulation is related to nerve regulation, endothelium derived relaxing factors and vasodilator mediator, etc. through 1) interaction of acetylcholine (Ach)/muscarinic receptor (MR) and noradrenaline (NE)/α- or β-receptor; 2) nitric oxide synthase (NOS)/NO/arachidonic acid/prostacyclin (PGI2)/endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor (EDHF) pathway; 3) EDHF/TRPV 4/KCa channel, cytochrome P 450 oxidase/epoxyeicosatrienoicacid (EET); 4) EET/TRPV 4/big conductance calcium-activated potassium channel (BKCa); 5) sulfuretted hydrogen (H2S)/ATP-sensitive potassium channel (KATP) or voltage-gated potassium channels (Kv 7); 6) NO/substance P (SP) or CGRP and adrenergic β 2 receptor(R)/TRPV 1/adenosin A 1 R and A 2 R/NK 1 R pathway; 7) PGI2/adenylyl cyclase (cAMP)/PKA and vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), etc. in the vascular endothelium and smooth muscle. These research results may help us understand the effects and mechanisms of moxibustion in the treatment of different clinical conditions by improving microcirculation.

Acta investigación psicol. (en línea) ; 8(2): 101-113, abr. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1001102


Resumen Estudios recientes han evaluado los efectos psicofisiológicos del estrés agudo, la respiración diafragmática (RD) y la estimulación térmica cutánea. El paradigma Trier Social Stress Test (TSST) se ha utilizado como prueba de laboratorio para inducir estrés; sin embargo, no cuenta con una fase de reversiva activa de los efectos que induce. La presente investigación tuvo dos objetivos: 1) evaluar el efecto de la RD sobre la actividad autonómica simpática y la respuesta inflamatoria después del TSST para revertir sus efectos cardiovasculares; y 2) explorar el efecto de la estimulación térmica para inhibir la actividad autonómica durante y después del TSST. Se utilizó un diseño cuasi-experimental de medidas repetidas para cada objetivo. Participaron 22 estudiantes universitarios, normotensos y clínicamente sanos divididos en dos subgrupos de 11 participantes cada uno. Se aplicaron medidas psicométricas de distrés psicológico (PHQ-4, PC-PTSD), se registró su presión arterial, su tasa cardiaca, su temperatura nasal y en el dedo de la mano izquierda, así como una muestra salival de interleucina 6 (citoquina asociada a procesos inflamatorios sensible a la alteración física y afectiva del organismo). Aunque se igualaron las características sociodemográficas, debido al horario de registro de la presión arteiral en cada grupo y el periodo escolar de cada participante, las muestras no fueron comparables entre sí por lo que los datos se analizaron por separado para cada objetivo: al primer grupo se le administró el protocolo de TSST y después se les instruyó un ejercicio de RD; mientras que el segundo grupo sostuvo con las manos una compresa térmica a una temperatura aproximada de 41°C durante y después del TSST. Los resultados sugirieron que la RD disminuyó la actividad autonómica, pero no la inflamatoria; mientras que el grupo con estimulación térmica inhibió la actividad autonómica durante y después del TSST. Estos hallazgos se discuten en el contexto de la Teoría Polivagal como estrategias psicológicas para disminuir e inhibir los efectos psicofisiológicos del estrés agudo.

Abstract Recent studies have evaluated the psychophysiological effects of acute stress, diaphragmatic breathing (DB) and cutaneous thermal stimulation. The Trier Social Stress Test (TSST) paradigm has been used as a laboratory test to induce stress; however, it does not have an active reversal phase of the effects it induces. The present investigation had two objectives: 1) to evaluate the effect of DB on autonomic activity and inflammatory response after TSST; and 2) explore the effect of thermal stimulation to inhibit autonomic activity during and after TSST. A quasi-experimental design of repeated measures was used for each objective. Twenty-two university students, normotensive and clinically healthy participated. Psychometric measures of psychological distress (PHQ-4, PC-PTSD) were applied, their blood pressure, heart rate, nasal temperature and on the finger of the left hand were recorded, as well as a salivary sample of interleukin 6 (inflammatory sensitive cytokine to the physical and affective alteration of the organism). They were divided into two sub-groups of 11 participants each. The first group he was administered the TSST protocol and then they were instructed an DB exercise; while the second group held with their hands a thermal compress at a temperature of about 41 ° C during and after the TSST. The results suggested that DR decreased autonomic activity, but not inflammatory activity; while the group with thermal stimulation inhibited the autonomic activity during and after the TSST. These findings are discussed in the context of the Polivagal Theory as psychological strategies to diminish and inhibit the psychophysiological effects of acute stress.

Biomedical Engineering Letters ; (4): 261-266, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-645165


Moxibustion is a traditional Oriental medicine therapy that treats the symptoms of a disease with thermal stimulation. However, it is difficult to control the strength of the thermal or chemical stimulus generated by the various types and amounts of moxa and to prevent energy loss through the skin. To overcome these problems, we previously developed a method to efficiently provide RF thermal stimulation to subcutaneous tissue. In this paper, we propose a finite element model (FEM) to predict temperature distributions in subcutaneous tissue after radio-frequency thermal stimulation. To evaluate the performance of the developed FEM, temperature distributions were obtained from the FEM, and in vivo experiments were conducted using the RF stimulation system at subcutaneous tissue depths of 5 and 10 mm in the femoral region of a rabbit model. High correlation coefficients between simulated and actual temperature distributions—0.98 at 5 mm and 0.99 at 10 mm—were obtained, despite some slight errors in the temperature distribution at each depth. These results demonstrate that the FEM described here can be used to determine thermal stimulation profiles produced by RF stimulation of subcutaneous tissue.

Análise de Elementos Finitos , Medicina Tradicional do Leste Asiático , Métodos , Moxibustão , Pele , Tela Subcutânea
Acta neurol. colomb ; 32(3): 248-259, jul.-set. 2016. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-827689


Objetivo: determinar si existe evidencia científica que avale la efectividad de la estimulación térmica (ET) en la recuperación de la función motora, cuando se adiciona a un tratamiento convencional en pacientes pos accidente cerebrovascular (ACV). Estratégia de búsqueda: se incluyeron en la búsqueda estudios clínicos aleatorizados, las bases de datos usadas fueron: Medline, PEDro, Lilacs, Central, Cinahl y Rehabilitation & Sport Medicine Source. Selección de estudios: se seleccionaron cinco artículos que cumplían con nuestros criterios de elegibilidad y se evaluó el riesgo de sesgo según el método de Cochrane. Síntesis de resultados: todos los estudios muestran que la ET en combinación a un programa de rehabilitación física mejora significativamente (p<0,05) a corto plazo el movimiento y función. Conclusión: en pacientes con ACV agudo moderado a severo, existe evidencia a corto plazo que adicionar ET a un programa de rehabilitación física convencional facilita la recuperación motora comparado con un programa de visita.

Aim: Determine if there is scientific evidence supporting the effectiveness of Thermal Stimulation (TS) on recovery of motor function, when added to conventional therapy in patients with stroke. search strategy: Included only Randomized Clinical Trials, databases were used: Medline, PEDro, Lilacs, Central, Cinahl and Rehabilitation & Sport Medicine Source. Selection of Studies: Five studies that met our eligibility criteria and the risk of bias are evaluated according to the method of Cochrane. Summary of results: All studies show that TS in combination to a physical rehabilitation program significantly improved (p <0.05) in the short-term movement and function. Conclusion: In acute stroke patients with moderate to severe, there is evidence that short-term TS added to a conventional physical rehabilitation program facilitate motor recovery compared to a visit program.

Humanos , Acidente Vascular Cerebral , Pessoas com Deficiência , Trombose Intracraniana
Ciênc. rural ; 43(4): 743-749, abr. 2013. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-669375


Crotalfina é um novo peptídeo analgésico que atua em receptores opioides kappa e delta promovendo potente analgesia em ratos submetidos a modelos de dor inflamatória, neuropática ou oncológica. Talvez a crotalfina possa ser utilizada para tratar a dor em outras espécies. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a resposta nociceptiva na região escapular e isquiática de cavalos tratados com crotalfina, morfina, U50-488H ou fenilbutazona e submetidos à estimulação térmica na pele íntegra. Dezoito cavalos da raça Puro Sangue Árabe foram alocados em cinco grupos experimentais: GC (5mL NaCl 0,9%), GCRO (3, crotalfina), GK (160 µ U50-488H), GM (0, morfina) e GF (4, fenilbutazona). Os animais foram submetidos ao modelo de dor inflamatória por meio de estimulação térmica (140°C) e durante 24h avaliou-se a latência para o reflexo do frêmito cutâneo na região escapular (LRFCesc) e isquiática (LRFCisq). O U50-488H apresentou efeito antinociceptivo na região isquiática por duas horas, porém, nos demais momentos do grupo GK, bem como nos grupos GC, GCRO, GM e GF, não foi observado efeito antinociceptivo, visto que a LRFCesc e a LRFCisq na pele íntegra de cavalos não aumentaram em 24 horas de avaliação. Portanto, a crotalfina, a morfina, o U50-488H e a fenilbutazona não produziram efeito antinociceptivo relevante em equinos submetidos à estimulação térmica em pele íntegra.

Crotalphine is a novel analgesic peptide that acts on kappa and delta opioid receptors providing powerful analgesia in rats submitted to inflammatory, neuropathic or oncologic pain model. Maybe crotalphine can be used to treat pain in other species. So, the aim of this study was to evaluate nociceptive response at scapular and isquiatic region of horses treated with crotalphine, morphine, U50-488H or phenylbutazone and submitted to thermal stimulation in complete skin. Eighteen Arabian horses were allocated in five experimental groups: GC (5mL NaCl 0.9%), GCRO ( crotalphine), GK (160 µ U50-488H), GM ( morphine) and GP ( phenylbutazone). Animals were submitted to inflammatory pain model by thermal stimulation (140°C) and during 24h latency to skin twitch at scapular and isquiatic region were evaluated. The U50-488H produced antinociceptive effect at isquiatic region along two hours, but, in other moments of GK and in the other groups there was not antinociceptive effect, because LRFCesc and LRFCisq in complete skin of horses did not increase during 24h evaluation. Thus, crotalphine, morphine, U50-488H and phenylbutazone did not cause relevant antinociceptive effect in horses submitted to thermal stimulation in complete skin.

Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-117895


BACKGROUND: Previous studies have suggested synergistic analgesic drug interactions between NSAIDs and opioids in neuropathic and inflammatory pain models. The aim of this study was to investigate the analgesic drug interaction between intraperitoneal (IP) ketorolac and morphine in radiant thermal stimulation rat. METHODS: Initially, we assessed the withdrawal latency time of the hindpaw to radiant thermal stimulation every 15 min for 1 hour and every 30 min for next 1 hour after IP normal saline 5 ml (control group). The latency time was changed into percent maximal possible effect (%MPE). Next, IP dose response curves were established for the %MPE of morphine (0.3, 1, 3, 10 mg/kg) and ketorolac (3, 10, 30 mg/kg) to obtain the ED50 for each agent. And we confirmed that the IP morphine effect was induced by opioid receptor through IP morphine followed by IP naloxone. At last, we injected three doses of IP ketorolac (3, 10, 30 mg/kg) mixed with one dose of morphine (2 mg/kg) for fixed dose analysis. RESULTS: IP morphine delayed the paw withdrawal latency time dose dependently, but not ketorolac. ED50 of IP morphine was 2.1 mg/kg. And the IP morphine effect was reversed to control level by IP naloxone. IP ketorolac + morphine combination showed no further additional effects on paw withdrawal latency time over morphine only group. CONCLUSIONS: IP ketorolac did not produce antinociceptive effect during radiant thermal stimulation. There was neither additional nor synergistic analgesic interaction between IP morphine and ketorolac in thermal stimulation rat.

Animais , Ratos , Analgésicos Opioides , Anti-Inflamatórios não Esteroides , Interações Medicamentosas , Cetorolaco , Morfina , Naloxona , Receptores Opioides
Kampo Medicine ; : 205-209, 2002.
Artigo em Japonês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-368389


Objectives: We examined the effects of Toki-shigyaku-ka-goshuyu-shokyo-to on chronic constriction injury of the sciatic nerve as a neuropathic pain model in rats.<br>Methods: Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into 3 groups: group 1, no constriction and no medication (n=8); group 2, constriction without medication (n=8); group 3, constriction with medication (n=8). On each group we performed thermal stimulation tests for pain measurement before the operation and 7 and 14 days after the operation. We also measured body temperature at the tympanum and the planta.<br>Results and conclusions: A significant increase of pain was observed at 7 and 14 days after constriction in group 2. Toki-shigyaku-ka-goshuyu-shokyo-to relieved their pain 14 days after constriction. Furthermore, <br>Toki-shigyaku-ka-goshuyu-shokyo-to warmed their feet significantly, while chronic constriction injury induced coldness in the constricted feet. We conclude that Toki-shigyaku-ka-goshuyu-shokyo-to relieves both pain and coldness in a neuropathic pain model.