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Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-202183


Introduction: Computed tomography guided fine needleaspiration cytology is a safe and well established technique forthe diagnosis of lung and mediastinal lesions. This study wascarried out in the department of pathology in the tertiary healthcare and teaching institute where radiology department is wellestablished. The aim was to study the cytomorphology of thespectrum of the lung and mediastinal lesions and to correlatethe cytological diagnosis with the radiological diagnosis.Material and methods: Computed tomography guided fineneedle aspiration cytology was done in 90 pateints after takingwritten consent of the patient. Patients were explained thebenefits and risks of the procedure. The results were analysed.Results: A total of 90 patients were included in the study.There were 81 patients of lung lesions and nine patients ofmediastinal lesions. There were 63(70%) males and 27(30%)females. Adequate aspirate was obtained in 77 patientsgiving the adequacy rate of 85.55%. Adenocarcinomawas the most common type of lung malignancy and NonHodgkins Lymphoma was the most common malignancyin the mediastinum. Inflammatory lesions were seen in 13cases. Granulomatous lesions were found in six patients. Oneinteresting case of hydatid with aspergillosis was diagnosedon cytology smears, which on radiology was diagnosed asneoplastic. Pneumothorax was seen in three patients. Nopatient required chest tube insertion.Conclusion: Computed tomography guided fine needleaspiration cytology is a safe and reliable method for thediagnosis of lung and mediastinal lesions. It can help inearly diagnosis and initiation of the treatment avoiding majorsurgical procedures.

Rev. Soc. Bras. Clín. Méd ; 9(2)mar.-abr. 2011.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-583359


JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A maioria dos tumores mediastinais é assintomática e, portanto, são descobertos incidentalmente através de achados radiológicos. O objetivo deste estudo foi relatar um caso clínico desse tipo de tumor e discutir a classificação, diagnóstico diferencial e prognóstico da rara apresentação dessa doença. RELATO DO CASO: Paciente do sexo masculino, 26 anos, imunocompetente, apresentou sinais e sintomas de síndrome da veia cava superior associado com sudorese noturna e perda de peso significativa, tendo como causa mais provável algum tipo de tumor mediastinal. CONCLUSÃO: Apesar de ser uma doença rara, deve-se ter em mente que os tumores mediastinais acometem com mais frequência os jovens. Portanto o prognóstico depende do diagnóstico precoce, tipo histológico e a forma de tratamento empregada.

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The majority of mediastinal tumors is asymptomatic and therefore is discovered incidentally by radiological findings. The aim of this study was to report a case ofthis type of tumor and discuss the classification, differential diagnosisand prognosis of a rare presentation. CASE REPORT: Male patient, 26 years old, immunocompetent, had signs and symptoms of superior vena cava syndrome associated with night sweats and weight loss as having significantly more likely cause some type of mediastinal tumor. CONCLUSION: Although a rare disease, one should bear in mind that the mediastinal tumors most commonly affect young people. Sothe prognosis depends on early diagnosis, histological type and form of treatment used.

Humanos , Masculino , Adolescente , Adulto , Neoplasias do Mediastino/diagnóstico , Teratoma