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Rev. enferm. UERJ ; 32: e77903, jan. -dez. 2024.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol, Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554456


Objetivo: compreender as percepções e as ações de uma equipe multiprofissional em saúde quanto à prática da medicina tradicional indígena em uma Casa de Atenção à Saúde Indígena. Método: estudo qualitativo descritivo, realizado em uma de Casa de Apoio à Saúde Indígena em um município do Pará, que incluiu oito profissionais de uma equipe multiprofissional. A coleta de dados foi realizada no ano de 2018 e estes foram examinados pelo método da análise de conteúdo. Resultados: inserção e prática do cristianismo; ritos e lideranças xamânicas; e postura da equipe de multidisciplinar foram as categorias elencadas, que apontam os entendimentos e atuações da equipe multiprofissional e da organização espacial da Casa de Saúde do município. Considerações finais: há novos costumes e valores entre as etnias, em virtude da aproximação de grupos religiosos, cujas ações foram registradas e apreendidas pela equipe de trabalhadores em saúde.

Objective: understanding the perceptions and actions of a multi-professional health team regarding the practice of traditional indigenous medicine in an Indigenous Health Care Center. Method: this is a descriptive qualitative study carried out in an Indigenous Health Support Center in a municipality in the state of Pará, which included eight professionals from a multi-professional team. Data was collected in 2018 and examined using the content analysis method. Results: insertion and practice of Christianity; shamanic rites and leadership; and the attitude of the multidisciplinary team were the categories listed, which point to the understandings and actions of the multi-professional team and the spatial organization of the Health Center in the municipality. Final considerations: there are new customs and values among ethnic groups, due to the approach of religious groups, whose actions were recorded and apprehended by the team of health workers.

Objetivo: comprender las percepciones y acciones de un equipo multidisciplinario de salud sobre la práctica de la medicina tradicional indígena en una Casa de Atención para la Salud Indígena. Método: estudio descriptivo cualitativo, realizado en una Casa de Apoyo a la Salud Indígena de un municipio de Pará, que incluyó ocho profesionales de un equipo multidisciplinario. La recolección de datos se realizó en 2018 y los datos fueron sometidos al método de análisis de contenido. Resultados: inserción y práctica del cristianismo; ritos y líderes chamánicos; y actitud del equipo multidisciplinario fueron las categorías enumeradas, que indican la percepción y las acciones del equipo multidisciplinario y la organización espacial de la Casa de Salud del municipio. Consideraciones finales: existen nuevas costumbres y valores entre las etnias, debido a la presencia de grupos religiosos, el equipo de los trabajadores de la salud registró y aprendió las acciones de los indígenas.

Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 23(4): 645-683, jul. 2024. tab, ilus, mapas
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538073


Information on the knowledge and ways of using food and medicinal plants by traditional populations, family farmers and Brazilian native population in the Amazon is essential to guarantee the food sovereignty of these groups. This study was conducted using semi-structured interviews applied to local respondents. A total of 269 species of both non-conventional food plants and medicinal plants were identified, distributed in 83 botanical families and 198 genera. The Arecaceae and Lamiaceae families had the highest species richness (11 and 7, respectively). The Shannon-Wiener (H') and Pielou (J') diversity indices were considered high (5.02 and 0.9, respectively) when compared to other ethnobotanical works. In the environment in which these families are found, these species become the only food and medicinal resources available.

La información sobre los saberes y formas de uso de las plantas alimenticias y medicinales por parte de las poblaciones tradicionales, agricultores familiares e indígenas brasileños en la Amazonía es fundamental para garantizar la soberanía alimentaria de estos grupos. Este estudio se realizó utilizando entrevistas semiestructuradas aplicadas a encuestados locales. Se identificaron un total de 269 especies tanto de plantas alimenticiasno convencionales como de plantas medicinales, distribuidas en 83 familias botánicas y 198 géneros. Las familias Arecaceae y Lamiaceae tuvieron la mayor riqueza de especies (11 y 7, respectivamente). Los índices de diversidad de Shannon-Wiener (H') y Pielou (J') fueron considerados altos (5,02 y 0,9, respectivamente) en comparación con otros trabajos etnobotánicos. En el ambiente en que se encuentran estas familias, estas especies se convierten en los únicos recursos alimenticios y medicinales disponibles.

Plantas Comestíveis , Plantas Medicinais , Etnobotânica , Brasil , Inquéritos e Questionários , Abastecimento de Alimentos
Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 23(4): 552-567, jul. 2024. ilus, tab, graf, mapas
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538061


Ethnobotany approached through ethnoeducation allows for the preservation of the cultural heritage of indigenous communities. In this way, the ethnobotanical knowledge of primary school students from the Paniquita Indigenous Community was recognized, regarding the cultural knowledge of medicinal plants and their significance in the conservation of the biocultural heritage. This research had a qualitative, ethnographic approach. The sample consisted of ten students who were part of a focus group, ethnobotanical walks, and participatory workshops with drawings since they stimulate students' creative and dynamic thinking and strengthen interculturality. Twenty-one plants were reported, which are used to relieve sore throats, headaches, and stomach aches, as well as to treat diarrhea and fever, to prevent flu, and as a purgative. All the medicinal plants mentioned grow in the community and are either cultivated or wild, which also shows the students' knowledge of the ir territory. These findings reflect the importance of ethno-education and ethnobotany at school and how historical reconstruction processes are generated from these settings, where indigenous ancestral knowledge is made visible.

La etnobotánica abordada desde la etnoeducación permite mantener el legado cultural de los pueblos originarios. De esta manera, se reconoció el conocimiento etnobotáni co de los estudiantes de primaria de la Comunidad Indígena Paniquita, sobre el conocimiento cultural de las plantas medicinales y su importancia para la conservación del patrimonio biocultural. La investigación tuvo un enfoque cualitativo y etnográfico. La muestra estuvo conformada por diez estudiantes que formaron parte de un grupo focal, caminatas etnobotánicas y talleres participativos con dibujos, ya que estimulan el pensamiento creativo y dinámico de los estudiantes y fortalecen la interculturalidad. Se reportaron 21 plantas que se utilizan para aliviar dolores de garganta, cabeza y estómago, así como para tratar la diarrea y la fiebre, para prevenir la gripe y como purgante. Todas las plantas medicinales mencionadas crecen en la comunidad y son cultivadas o silvestres, lo que también demuestra el conocimiento que los estudiantes tienen de su territorio. Estos hallazgos reflejan la importancia de la etnoeducación y la etnobotánica en la escuela y cómo se generan procesos de reconstrucción histórica desde estos escenarios, donde se visibiliza el conocimiento ancestral indígena.

Humanos , Plantas Medicinais , Estudantes , Indígenas Sul-Americanos , Etnobotânica , Colômbia , Medicina Tradicional
Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 23(4): 460-486, jul. 2024. graf, ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538009


This review presents advances in the implementation of high - throughput se quencing and its application to the knowledge of medicinal plants. We conducted a bibliographic search of papers published in PubMed, Science Direct, Google Scholar, Scopus, and Web of Science databases and analyzed the obtained data using VOSviewer (versi on 1.6.19). Given that medicinal plants are a source of specialized metabolites with immense therapeutic values and important pharmacological properties, plant researchers around the world have turned their attention toward them and have begun to examine t hem widely. Recent advances in sequencing technologies have reduced cost and time demands and accelerated medicinal plant research. Such research leverages full genome sequencing, as well as RNA (ribonucleic acid) sequencing and the analysis of the transcr iptome, to identify molecular markers of species and functional genes that control key biological traits, as well as to understand the biosynthetic pathways of bioactive metabolites and regulatory mechanisms of environmental responses. As such, the omics ( e.g., transcriptomics, metabolomics, proteomics, and genomics, among others) have been widely applied within the study of medicinal plants, although their usage in Colombia is still few and, in some areas, scarce. (185)

El extracto de cloroformo (CE) y las fracciones obtenidas de las raíces de Aldama arenaria se evaluaron para determinar su actividad antiproliferativa in vitro contra 10 líneas ce lulares tumorales humanas [leucemia (K - 562), mama (MCF - 7), ovario que expresa un fenotipo resistente a múltiples fármacos (NCI/ADR - RES), melanoma (UACC - 62), pulmón (NCI - H460), próstata (PC - 3), colon (HT29), ovario (OVCAR - 3), glioma (U251) y riñón (786 - 0)]. CE presentó actividad antiproliferativa débil a moderada (log GI 50 medio 1.07), mientras que las fracciones 3 y 4, enriquecidas con diterpenos de tipo pimarane [ent - pimara - 8 (14), ácido 15 - dien - 19 - oico y ent - 8(14),15 - pimaradien - 3 ß - ol], presentaron activid ad moderada a potente para la mayoría de las líneas celulares, con un log GI 50 medio de 0.62 y 0.59, respectivamente. Los resultados mostraron una acción antiproliferativa in vitro prometedora de las muestras obtenidas de A. arenaria , con los mejores resul tados para NCI/ADR - RES, HT29 y OVCAR - 3, y valores de TGI que van desde 5.95 a 28.71 µg.mL - 1, demostrando que los compuestos de esta clase pueden ser prototipos potenciales para el descubrimiento de nuevos agentes terapéuticos

Plantas Medicinais , Sequenciamento de Nucleotídeos em Larga Escala , Multiômica , Medicina Tradicional , Colômbia
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564656


La preparación de la cavidad de acceso es el primer paso y un requisito esencial, para la instrumentación y obturación de los conductos radiculares durante el tratamiento endodóntico. El objetivo del presente estudio fue comparar la resistencia a la fractura in vitro de premolares con cavidad de acceso tradicional (CAT), cavidad de acceso conservador (CAC) y cavidad de acceso ultraconservador (CAU). Esta fue una investigación transversal, prospectiva y experimental pura. Se realizó con 40 segundos premolares superiores, divididos en 4 grupos. Todas las muestras fueron desinfectadas y almacenadas en recipientes con suero fisiológico al 0,9 %. Al primer grupo se designó como el control, al segundo grupo CAT, al tercer grupo CAC y al cuarto grupo CAU. Se realizaron todos los accesos endodónticos con una pieza de mano de alta velocidad con refrigeración respetando el protocolo de cada uno de los diseños, posterior a ello se realizó el tratamiento endodóntico y restauración de los especímenes. Una vez preparadas todas las muestras, estas fueron sometidas a una prueba de fatiga en una máquina de ensayo universal y los resultados se registraron en Newtons. La prueba estadística usada fue ANOVA con un nivel de significancia de 5 %. Las CAT obtuvieron el menor valor de resistencia a la fractura en comparación con el grupo control. Sin embargo, no se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los grupos CAT, CAC Y CAU. Entre los grupos CAC y CAU, no se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en comparación con el grupo control.

The preparation of the access cavity is the first step and an essential requirement for the instrumentation and obturation of the root canals during endodontic treatment. The objective of the present study was to compare the in vitro fracture resistance of premolars with traditional access cavity (CAT), conservative access cavity (CAC) and ultraconservative access cavity (CAU). This was a cross-sectional, prospective and pure experimental research. It was carried out with 40 upper second premolars, divided into 4 groups. All samples were disinfected and stored in containers with 0.9 % physiological saline. The first group was designated as the control, the second group CAT, the third group CAC and the fourth group CAU. All endodontic accesses were carried out with a high-speed handpiece with refrigeration, respecting the protocol of each of the designs, after which the endodontic treatment and restoration of the specimens was carried out. Once all the samples were prepared, they were subjected to a fatigue test in a universal testing machine and the results were recorded in Newtons. The statistical test used was ANOVA with a significance level of 5 %. The CAT obtained the lowest fracture resistance value, presenting statistically significant differences with the control group. However, no statistically significant differences were observed between the CAT, CAC, and CAU groups. Furthermore, between the CAC and CAU groups, no statistically significant differences were found compared to the control group.

Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 23(3): 410-436, mayo 2024. ilus, tab, mapas
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538165


In the indigenous peoples Tu'un savi and Mé'pháá of the mountain region of guerrero, allopathic medicine and traditional herbal medicine are used, due to this, we consider that dialogues of knowledge should be established between the practitioners of both medicines. We collaborated with 46 individuals to discuss the forms of using medicinal species, preparing treatments, and using allopathic medicine. Through semi-structured and in-depthinterviews, 121 plant species were recorded, with which more than 40 diseases are treated, which are distributed in the digestive, muscular, respiratory, and urinary systems:chronic-degenerative and cultural diseases. The dialogue of knowledge between specialists in traditional medicine and allopathic doctors could contribute to the development of their own health project, with which a regional ethnodevelopment plan could be created.

En los pueblos indígenas Tu'un savi y Mé'pháá de la montaña de Guerrero se utiliza la medicina alopática y la medicina tradicional herbolaria, debido a ello, consideramos que deberían establecerse diálogos de saberes entre los practicantes de ambas medicinas. Se trabajó con 46 colaboradores, con los cuales se dialogó acerca de las formas de uso de las especies medicinales, preparación de los tratamientos y utilización de l a medicina alopática. A través de entrevistas semiestructuradas y a profundidad se registraron 121 especies de plantas, con las que se tratan más de 40 enfermedades, las cuales están distribuidas en los sistemas digestivo, respiratorio y urinario; también se atienden enfermedades crónico - degenerativas y culturales. El diálogo de saberes entre especialistas de la medicina tradicional y médicos alópatas podría contribuir a la elaboración de un proyecto de salud propio, con el cual se podría crear un plan de e tnodesarrollo regional

Humanos , Povos Indígenas , Medicina Tradicional , Plantas Medicinais , Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde/etnologia , México
Acta bioquím. clín. latinoam ; 58(1): 4-4, mar. 2024. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556653


Resumen La sífilis es una de las infecciones de transmisión sexual con mayor incidencia en la Argentina. Para su diagnóstico, el Ministerio de Salud de la Nación avala distintos algoritmos, entre ellos, el algoritmo tradicional y el reverso. En el algoritmo tradicional, la VDRL constituye la prueba de screening y los resultados positivos se confirman con la prueba treponémica de aglutinación de partículas (TPPA). El algoritmo reverso con un test rápido, avalado más recientemente, consiste en la realización de un test rápido treponémico como screening y posterior VDRL en las muestras que resulten positivas. Se realizó una comparación entre ambos algoritmos para evaluar si era factible y conveniente la implementación del algoritmo reverso con un test rápido en el laboratorio del H.I.G.A. Dr. Oscar Alende. El objetivo fue determinar la concordancia entre el algoritmo tradicional, utilizado actualmente en la institución (VDRL seguido por TPPA), y el nuevo algoritmo propuesto (test rápido treponémico Alere Determine Syphilis TP seguido por VDRL-USR). Para ello se realizó un estudio prospectivo de desempeño de métodos cualitativos. Se realizó VDRL-USR, TPPA y test rápido Alere Determine Syphilis TP en muestras de 580 pacientes, de los cuales 558 cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión. Se obtuvieron 51 muestras con resultados positivos y 507 con resultados negativos para el diagnóstico de sífilis por ambos algoritmos, con un porcentaje de concordancia global del 100%, lo cual indica que podría reemplazarse el algoritmo tradicional por el reverso en aquellas situaciones que lo requieran en la población estudiada.

Abstract Syphilis is one of the sexually transmitted infections with the highest incidence in Argentina. For its diagnosis, the Ministry of Health of the Nation endorses different algorithms, among them, the traditional algorithm and the reverse. In the traditional algorithm, VDRL constitutes the screening test and positive results are confirmed with particle agglutination assay TPPA. The reverse algorithm with rapid test, endorsed more recently, consists of performing a rapid treponemal test as screening and subsequent VDRL in the samples that are positive. A comparison was made between both algorithms to evaluate if the implementation of the reverse algorithm with rapid test in Dr. Oscar Alende Hospital would be feasible and convenient. The objective of this work was to determine the concordance between the traditional algorithm, currently used in the institution (VDRL followed by TPPA), and the new algorithm proposed (rapid treponemal test Alere Determine Syphilis TP followed by VDRL-USR). For that purpose, a prospective study of the performance of qualitative methods was carried out. VDRL-USR, TPPA and Alere Determine Syphilis TP Rapid Test were performed on samples from 580 patients, of which 558 met the inclusion criteria. A total of 51 samples with positive results and 507 with negative results for the diagnosis of syphilis were obtained by both algorithms, with an overall concordance percentage of 100%, which indicates that the traditional algorithm could be replaced by the reverse in those situations that require it in the studied population.

Resumo A sífilis é uma das infecções sexualmente transmissíveis com maior incidência na Argentina. Para o seu diagnóstico, o Ministério da Saúde da Nação endossa diversos algoritmos, incluindo o algoritmo tradicional e o reverso. No algoritmo tradicional, o VDRL constitui o teste de triagem e os resultados positivos são confirmados com o teste treponêmico de aglutinação de partículas (TPPA). O algoritmo reverso com teste rápido, endossado mais recentemente, consiste na realização de um teste rápido treponêmico como triagem e posterior VDRL nas amostras positivas. Foi feita uma comparação entre os dois algoritmos para avaliar se a implementação do algoritmo reverso com um teste rápido no laboratório H.I.G.A. Dr. Óscar Alende era viável e conveniente. O objetivo foi determinar a concordância entre o algoritmo tradicional, atualmente utilizado na instituição (VDRL seguido de TPPA), e o novo algoritmo proposto (teste rápido treponêmico Alere Determine Syphilis TP seguido de VDRL-USR). Para tanto, foi realizado um estudo prospectivo de desempenho de métodos qualitativos. O VDRL- -USR, o TPPA e o teste rápido Alere Determine Syphilis TP foram realizados em amostras de 580 pacientes, dos quais 558 preencheram os critérios de inclusão. Foram obtidas 51 amostras com resultados positivos e 507 com resultados negativos para o diagnóstico de sífilis por ambos os algoritmos, com um percentual de concordância global de 100%, o que indica que o algoritmo tradicional poderia ser substituído pelo reverso nas situações que o exigissem na população estudada.

Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 23(1): 1-11, ene. 2024. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552776


Löfgren syndrome (LS) is a unique acute manifestation of sarcoidosis and characterized by erythema nodosum, bilateral hilar lymphadenectasis, and/or bilateral ankle arthritis or periarthritis. A 37 - year - old female patient with LS presented with fever accompanied by multiple joint swelling and pain, nodular skin erythema, and bilateral hilar lymphadenectasis. The patient had received treatment involving non - steroidal anti - inflammatory drugs and glucocorticoids in other hospitals, but the effects were poor, and the conditions reemerged. The LS duration has lasted for more than 3 months. Following traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) treatment, syndrome differentiation as well as giving patients oral Chinese medicine decoction, the symptoms of the patient were rapidly relieved within one week and did not recur during a six - month follow - up period. This case is the first clinical report of acute sarcoidosis LS treated using T CM and reflects the significant advantages of this form of therapy in emergency treatment

El síndrome de Löfgren (LS) es una manifest ación única y aguda de sarcoidosis, caracterizada por eritrema nodoso, linfadenectasis hilar bilateral, y/o a r tritis de tobillo bilateral o periartritis. Una paciente de 37 años de sexo femenino con LS se presentó con fiebre, acompañada de inflamación y do lor múltiple de articulaciones, eritrema nodular cutáneo, y linfadenectasis hilar bilateral. La paciente recibió un tratamiento que consistió en antiinflamatorios no esteroidales y glucocorticoides en otros hospitales, pero los efectos fueron leves y las c ondiciones reemergieron. El LS ha durado más de tres meses. Siguiendo el tratamiento de medicina tradicional china (MTC), la diferenciación de síndrome, así como darles a los pacientes una decocción de medicina china por vía oral, los síntomas de la pacien te rápidamente fueron aliviados en el curso de una semana y no recidivaron durante los seis meses de un seguimiento. El caso es el primer reporte clínico de tratamiento de sarcoidosis aguda asociada a LS usando TCM y refleja las significativas ventajas de esta forma de terapia en el tratamiento de emergencia.

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Sarcoidose/complicações , Sarcoidose/tratamento farmacológico , Medicina Tradicional Chinesa , Artrite/tratamento farmacológico , Eritema Nodoso/tratamento farmacológico
Rev. cient. cienc. salud ; 6: 1-8, 30-01-2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, BDNPAR | ID: biblio-1565433


Introducción. En la historia de la humanidad, el hombre ha tenido que enfrentar diversas epidemias, pandemias de agentes biológicos que han ocasionado muerte y sufrimiento. De ahí la medicina tradicional ha mantenido su popularidad en todo el mundo. Objetivo. Analizar el conocimiento y uso de la medicina tradicional frente al SARS-Cov2 (COVID-19) en estudiantes de medicina durante el año 2022. Material y métodos. Cualitativo, fenomenológico, descriptivo e interpretativo. Se realizaron entrevistas a estudiantes de medicina. Las categorías de análisis consideradas en este estudio fueron: a) Conocimientos sobre medicinas tradicionales utilizadas contra el Covid-19, b) Usos de medicina tradicional alternativa para Covid-19: Resultados. Se destaca la transmisión intergeneracional de conocimientos sobre medicina tradicional. Los padres y abuelos han sido los principales transmisores de esta práctica, lo que sugiere un arraigo cultural y una confianza en su eficacia a lo largo del tiempo. Existe una falta de comprensión sobre los mecanismos de acción y los beneficios de la medicina tradicional. Conclusión. Se encontró que son pocos los conocimientos por parte de los alumnos referentes a las medicinas tradicionales. Respecto a las experiencias vividas por parte de ellos refieren que muchos recibieron tratamiento tradicional a muchos les resulto beneficiosos en cuanto a mejoría de algunos síntomas.

Introduction. In the history of humanity, man has had to face various epidemics, pandemics of biological agents that have caused death and suffering. Hence traditional medicine has maintained its popularity throughout the world. Objective. Analyze the knowledge and use of traditional medicine against SARS-Cov2 (COVID-19) in medical students during the year 2022. Material and methods. Qualitative, phenomenological, descriptive and interpretive. Interviews were conducted with medical students. The analysis categories considered in this study were: a) Knowledge about traditional medicines used against Covid-19, b) Uses of alternative and complementary traditional medicine for Covid-19. Results. The intergenerational transmission of knowledge about traditional medicine stands out. Parents and grandparents have been the main transmitters of this practice, which suggests cultural roots and confidence in its effectiveness over time. There is a lack of understanding about the mechanisms of action and benefits of traditional medicine. Conclusion. It was found that there is little knowledge on the part of the students regarding traditional medicines. Regarding their experiences, they report that many received traditional treatment, many of which found it beneficial in terms of improvement in some symptoms.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , SARS-CoV-2 , Estudantes de Medicina , Conhecimento , Medicina Tradicional
Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 23(1): 75-110, ene. 2024. ilus, tab, graf, mapas
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554145


Medicinal plants have been used by various cultures since pre - Hispanic times in Mexico. In this study, the use of medicinal plants in the old neighborhoods of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico is described. 137 species, 130 genera and 68 families were recorded. 34% of the species belong to Asteraceae, Lamiaceae, Malvaceae and Fabaceae families. The neighborhoods of Mexicaltzingo and San Juan de Dios are the most related to the knowledge and use of medicinal plants, while El Santuario is the least similar to the rest. The diversity of uses of medicinal plants according to the Shannon index is high (between 3.0 and 4.92). The Use Value Index showed that Matricaria chamomilla L. was the species that obtained the highest valu e (0.28), followed by Gnaphalium americanum Mill. (0.23). The age group between 51 and 85 years old has greater knowledge about medicinal plants and their uses.

Las plantas medicinales han sido utilizadas por diversas culturas desde tiempos prehispánicos en México. En este estudio, se describe el uso de plantas medicinales en los barrios antiguos de Guadalajara, Jalisco, México. Se registraron 137 especies, 130 géneros y 68 familias. El 34% de las especies pertenece a las familias Asteraceae, Lamiaceae, Malvaceae y Fabaceae. Los barrios de Mexicaltzingo y San Juan de Dios son los más parecidos en cuanto al conocimiento y uso de pl antas medicinales, mientras que El Santuario es el menos afín al resto. La diversidad de usos de las plantas medicinales de acuerdo con el índice de Shannon es alta (entre 3.0 y 4.92). El Índice de Valor de Uso mostró que Matricaria chamomilla L. fue la es pecie que obtuvo el máximo valor (0.28), seguida de Gnaphalium americanum Mill. (0.23). El grupo de entre 51 - 85 de edad posee mayor conocimiento sobre las plantas medicinales y sus usos.

Plantas Medicinais , Etnobotânica , Medicina Tradicional , Biodiversidade , México
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006262


Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), a continuous stream of scientific and technological innovations has unfolded in the realm of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). With the aim of implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the CPC, and the Opinions on Promoting the Inheritance, Innovation and Development of TCM, and to underscore the exemplary role of significant scientific and technological achievements, the China Association of Chinese Medicine, in alignment with relevant requirements and under the guidance of authoritative experts, has organized a comprehensive review of the important scientific and technological achievements in the field of TCM since the 18th National Congress of the CPC. Through rigorous procedures, including collecting and reviewing achievements, writing achievement reports, organizing expert reviews, and seeking public opinions, remarkable research achievements in TCM during 2012—2022 were compiled.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006266


ObjectiveTo sort out the historical evolution, prescription evolution and modern clinical application of Huagaisan. MethodHuagaisan and its synonym Huagaitang are used as keywords to search the databases of Traditional Chinese Medicine Think Tank, Chinese Medical Dictionary, Airusheng Chinese Medical Database and China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI). According to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, we obtained the information of ancient books and modern clinical research literature related to Huagaisan, and systematically reviewed and analyzed the historical origin, prescription composition, preparation method, dosage, efficacy, medicinal material origin, processing method and modern clinical application of Huagaisan. ResultA total of 198 pieces of ancient book information were included, involving 93 ancient Chinese medicine books. Huagaisan was composed of fried Perillae Fructus, red Poria, fried Mori Cortex, Citri Eoxcarpium Rubrum, stir-fried Armeniacae Semen Amarum, Ephedrae Herba and fried Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma, which had the efficacy of promoting the lungs and relieving epidemiological symptoms, expelling phlegm and relieving cough, and treating cough with wind-cold bundled epidemiological symptoms and stagnation of phlegm and Qi. The preparation method was suggested as boiling powder, crushing the seven herbs into coarse particles, the dosage of each drug was fried Perillae Fructus of 1.27 g, red Poria of 1.27 g, fried Mori Cortex of 1.27 g, Citri Eoxcarpium Rubrum of 1.27 g, stir-fried Armeniacae Semen Amarum of 1.27 g, Ephedrae Herba of 1.27 g and fried Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma of 0.64 g, taking 8.26 g when decocting, adding 300 mL of water, decocting to 210 mL, removing the dregs, and taking it warmly after meals. Twenty-one clinical research papers were included to analyze the modern clinical application of Huagaisan, which was mainly used in the treatment of respiratory diseases such as pneumonia, asthma, bronchitis and so on. ConclusionThis paper has verified and summarized the key information of the famous classical formula Huagaisan, which can provide a detailed reference basis for the development and clinical application of its compound preparation.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006275


ObjectiveTo systematically evaluate the distribution of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) syndromes of primary osteoporosis(POP) in China by using evidence-based medicine methods, and to understand the distribution law of the syndromes. MethodChina National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI), VIP Chinese Science and Technology Journal Database(VIP), WanFang Data Knowledge Service Platform(WanFang) and China Biology Medicine(CBM) were searched to obtain representative literature, and each database was searched from the 1994 World Health Organization defined diagnostic criteria for osteoporosis until May 1, 2023. Two researchers independently screened literature according to the criteria, extracted data, and cross-checked them. Meta analysis was conducted using R4.1.3, and subgroup analysis was performed. ResultA total of 56 Chinese papers were included, involving 14 415 patients. After standardized classification of syndromes, 11 articles were excluded, and Meta analysis results of the ultimately included 45 Chinese articles showed that the distribution frequencies of liver-kidney Yin deficiency syndrome, spleen-kidney Yang deficiency syndrome and kidney deficiency and blood stasis syndrome in 12 723 patients were 27%[95% confidence interval(CI) 0.24-0.31], 32%(95% CI 0.29-0.36), 36%(95% CI 0.30-0.42). Subgroup analysis showed that there was a statistically significant difference in the distribution of the three TCM syndromes in the north and south(P<0.05). In addition, the incidence of TCM syndrome fractures in different types of POP was 15%(95% CI 0.09-0.24) for liver-kidney Yin deficiency syndrome, 20%(95% CI 0.12-0.30) for spleen-kidney Yang deficiency syndrome, and 31%(95% CI 0.25-0.39) for kidney deficiency and blood stasis syndrome. ConclusionThe distribution of syndromes in POP patients is mainly kidney deficiency, accompanied by liver and spleen dysfunction. Liver-kidney Yin deficiency syndrome, spleen-kidney Yang deficiency syndrome and kidney deficiency and blood stasis syndrome are all the main syndromes of POP and osteoporotic fractures, and kidney deficiency and blood stasis syndrome is most closely related to the development of osteoporotic fractures. The reference standards for syndrome determination among the included studies are inconsistent, and in the future, it is necessary to focus on their determination standards to obtain consensus research results, at the same time, conduct large-scale syndrome research to obtain representative research results, providing a basis for clinical practice and research.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006276


ObjectiveBased on ultra performance liquid chromatography-quadrupole-time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometry(UPLC-Q-TOF-MS), to evaluate the establishment of a mouse model of liver Yin deficiency by thyroid tablet suspension combined with 10% carbon tetrachloride(CCl4) from the perspective of non-targeted metabolomics, in order to lay the foundation for the establishment of a traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) syndrome model. MethodA total of 24 mice were randomly divided into blank group and model group. The model group was given thyroid tablet suspension(0.003 2 g·kg-1) by gavage for 14 consecutive days, and 10% CCl4(5 mL·kg-1) was intraperitoneally injected once a week to establish a liver Yin deficiency model, while the blank group was injected with an equal amount of olive oil intraperitoneally and gavaged with an equal amount of distilled water, and was fed with normal feed. After the modeling was completed, 6 mice in each group were randomly selected, the levels of alanine aminotransferase(ALT), aspartate aminotransferase(AST), cyclic adenosine monophosphate(cAMP), cyclic guanosine monophosphate(cGMP), interleukin(IL)-6, IL-10, tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α)were measured in the mice serum, and malondialdehyde(MDA), superoxide dismutase(SOD), total protein(TP), hydroxyproline(HYP) and other indicators were measured in the mice liver. Liver tissue sections were taken for hematoxylin-eosin(HE) staining and observing pathological changes. The remaining 6 mice in each group were subjected to UPLC-Q-TOF-MS combined with principal component analysis(PCA) and orthogonal partial least squares-discriminant analysis(OPLS-DA) were used to screen differential metabolites in the liver Yin deficiency mouse model, Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes(KEGG) database was used to analyze the corresponding metabolic pathways of differential metabolites. ResultCompared with the blank group, mice in the model group showed liver Yin deficiency manifestations such as reduced body weight, fatigue and sleepiness, disheveled and lusterless hair, irritability. The levels of ALT, cAMP/cGMP, IL-6, AST, MDA, cAMP, TNF-α significantly increased(P<0.05, P<0.01), while the levels of SOD, IL-10 and cGMP significantly decreased(P<0.05, P<0.01), and the changes of HYP and TP were not statistically significant. Hepatic steatosis and distortion of the radial arrangement of the liver plate cells were seen in the section images of the model group, endogenous substances were clearly separated, and 252 differential metabolites were identified in the serum samples, which were mainly involved in the metabolic pathways of purine metabolism, steroid hormone biosynthesis and pyrimidine metabolism. A total of 229 differential metabolites were identified in the liver samples, mainly involving nucleotide metabolism, purine metabolism, steroid hormone biosynthesis, pyrimidine metabolism, antifolate resistance, insulin resistance, primary bile acid biosynthesis, prostate cancer, sulfur relay system, arachidonic acid metabolism and other metabolic pathways. ConclusionThe successful establishment of liver Yin deficiency model in mice by CCl4 combined with thyroid hormone is evaluated through the investigation of serum and liver metabolomics, combined with biochemical indicators, which provides a biological basis and experimental foundation for the Yin deficiency syndrome model of TCM.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006279


ObjectiveTaking Achyranthis Bidentatae Radix(ABR) from different origins as samples, to quantitatively analyze the chemical composition and chromaticity of ABR with different processing degrees, and clarify the correlation and change law between color and composition in the processing process of ABR, so as to provide reference for the quality evaluation of processed products of ABR. MethodThe colorimeter is used to measure the chromaticity values of three kinds of processing degrees of ABR in different origins to show the color value change trend during the processing process, and the color parameters of wine-processed and salt-processed products of ABR with different processing degrees were analyzed by principal component analysis(PCA), orthogonal partial least squares-discriminant analysis(OPLS-DA) and other analysis methods. The contents of eight representative components of ABR were measured by high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC), the correlation between chromaticity and each representative component was analyzed by Pearson correlation analysis, and the applicability of the selected eight representative components was further verified by Fisher linear discriminant analysis, and the wine-processed and salt-processed products of ABR with different processing degrees were grouped according to the degree of processing, and 48 samples of wine-processed and salt-processed products with different processing degrees were used as training samples. Taking the contents of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural, polypodine B, β-ecdysterone, 25R-inokosterone, 25S-inokosterone, ginsenoside Ro, chikusetsusaponin Ⅳa and polysaccharides as variables, the discriminant function was established respectively, and 12 samples of wine-processed and salt-processed products of ABR with different processing degrees were back-tested to verify the discriminant function and test the reliability of the function. ResultPCA and OPLS-DA results showed that ABR samples with different processing degrees were classified into clusters, and the results could significantly distinguish different processed products. During the process of wine and salt processing, the contents of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural, ginsenoside Ro, and chikusetsusaponin Ⅳa gradually increased with the deepening of the processing degree, while the contents of polypodine B, β-ecdysterone, 25R-inokosterone, 25S-inokosterone and polysaccharides showed a gradual decreasing trend, indicating these 8 components increased and decreased to different degrees in the process of wine and salt processing. The results of Pearson correlation analysis showed that the 5-hydroxymethylfurfural content of the samples with different processing degrees of wine-processed and salt-processed products were negatively correlated with the brightness value(L*) and the total color difference value(E*ab)(P<0.01), and positively correlated with the red-green value(a*) and the yellow-blue value(b*)(P<0.01), and that the content of polypodine B and polysaccharides were positively correlated with L* and E*ab(P<0.01). The discriminant functions of wine-processed and salt-processed products of ABR were established by Fisher linear discriminant analysis, and their accuracy rates in the training samples were 93.75% and 95.83%, respectively. Twelve test samples of wine-processed and salt-processed products with different processing degree were back substitution, and the correct rate was 100%. ConclusionThe trend of composition and color changes of ABR with different processing degrees in different production areas is relatively consistent, and the color value can better distinguish ABR with different processing degrees, and the color of ABR is related to some representative components in the processing process, indicating that the color can provide reference for the identification of the processing degree of ABR and the prediction of component content.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006282


Oligoasthenozoospermia is the main cause of male infertility, with complex and diverse causes. Currently, there are still some unclear causes of oligoasthenozoospermia in clinical practice, known as idiopathic oligoasthenozoospermia. With the development of high-throughput sequencing technology, it has been found that intestinal microbiota disorder may be an important promoting factor for the onset of oligoasthenozoospermia. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that "deficiency of kidney essence" is the core pathogenesis of oligoasthenozoospermia. In clinical practice, the method of tonifying the kidney and strengthening the essence has a significant therapeutic effect on oligoasthenozoospermia, but its mechanism of action has not been fully elucidated. Based on the basic theories of traditional Chinese medicine and molecular biology research, it has been found that there is a similarity between "kidney essence" and intestinal microbiota. During the onset of oligoasthenozoospermia, the disorder of intestinal microbiota has similarities with the pathogenesis of "deficiency of kidney essence" in traditional Chinese medicine. Moreover, traditional Chinese medicine for tonifying the kidney and strengthening the essence can regulate the disorder of intestinal microbiota, which may be one of the effective mechanisms for the treatment of oligoasthenozoospermia with the Bushen Yijing method. Based on this, this article explored the mechanism of Bushen Yijing method of traditional Chinese medicine in treating oligoasthenozoospermia from the perspective of intestinal microbiota, so as to provide new ideas for the treatment of oligoasthenozoospermia with traditional Chinese medicine.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006286


Cough variant asthma (CVA) is a chronic respiratory disease with cough as its main symptom. The occurrence of CVA is closely related to non-specific airway inflammation, and its pathogenesis involves environmental, genetic, immune, and other factors. In recent years, the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in the treatment of CVA have attracted the attention of experts and scholars in China and abroad, especially its prominent role in regulating immune balance, relieving cough symptoms in CVA patients, and reducing recurrence. T Helper cells 1 (Th1), T helper cells 2 (Th2), T helper cells 17 (Th17), and regulatory T cells (Treg) are derived from CD4+ T cells. Immune imbalance of Th1/Th2 and Th17/Treg is a new hotspot in the pathogenesis of CVA and a potential key target in the treatment of CVA by TCM. Th cell subsets are in dynamic balance under physiological conditions, maintaining respiratory immune homeostasis in which pro-inflammatory cytokines and anti-inflammatory cytokines are balanced. Immature helper T cells (Th0) can be differentiated into Th1, Th2, Th17, Treg, and other cell subsets due to cytokine types in the microenvironment in the stage of CVA maturation. The proliferation of Th2 cells leads to eosinophilic airway inflammation. Excessive differentiation of Th17 cells induces neutrophil airway inflammation. Th1/Th2 and Th17/Treg cells are mutually restricted in number and function, and the immune imbalance of Th1/Th2 and Th17/Treg is easy to aggravate the generation of inflammatory response. Restoring immune balance is particularly important for the airway anti-inflammatory therapy of CVA. In this paper, the imbalance of Th1/Th2 and Th17/Treg and the pathogenesis of CVA were systematically expounded. Meanwhile, the latest research on the regulation of immune imbalance by TCM compound, single TCM, and its effective ingredients in the treatment of CVA was reviewed. It provides ideas and references for revealing the scientific connotation of TCM regulating immune balance therapy of CVA, as well as the development of clinical treatment and basic research of CVA.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006287


Diabetic kidney disease (DKD) is a common microvascular complication of diabetics mellitus (DM) and the leading cause of end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Renal interstitial fibrosis (RIF) is the primary pathological basis for DKD progression to ESRD, which significantly increases the mortality rate of DKD patients and burdens patients and society, and it is thus a clinical problem that needs to be solved urgently. The pathogenesis of RIF is complex and mainly associated with excessive deposition of extracellular matrix (ECM), epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), oxidative stress, inflammation, and autophagy. Multiple signaling pathways such as transforming growth factor-β1/Smad (TGF-β1/Smad), nuclear transcription factor-κB (NF-κB), p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38 MAPK), secretory glycoprotein/β-catenin (Wnt/β-catenin), mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), Janus kinase/signal transducer and activator of transcription (JAK/STAT), neurogenic site-gap homologous protein (Notch), and nuclear factor E2-associated factor 2 (Nrf2) mediate the development of RIF, which are currently novel targets for DKD therapy. Due to the complexity of its pathogenesis, the current Western medical treatment mainly focuses on essential treatment to improve metabolism, which has poor efficacy and is difficult to prevent the progression of DKD, so it is significant to find new treatment methods clinically. In recent years, many studies have proved that traditional Chinese medicine can alleviate oxidative stress, inhibit inflammatory response, and regulate cellular autophagy by modulating relevant signaling pathways, so as to treat RIF in DKD, which has the advantages of multi-pathway, multi-targeting, multi-linking, and significant therapeutic efficacy. However, there is still a lack of relevant summary. By reviewing the latest research reports in China and abroad, this article examines the roles of the signaling pathways mentioned above in the occurrence and development of RIF in DKD and the recent research progress in the intervention of RIF in DKD by traditional Chinese medicine via these pathways, aiming to provide new ideas and references for further scientific research and clinical practice.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006288


Atherosclerosis (AS) is a chronic inflammatory pathological process in which lipid and/or fibrous substances are deposited in the intima of arteries, and it is one of the pathological bases of many cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Endoplasmic reticulum stress (ERS) is a protective mechanism of cell adaptation. Moderate ERS can reduce abnormal protein aggregation and increase the degradation of misfolded proteins to repair and stabilize the internal environment, while excessive ERS can cause unfolded protein reaction, activate inflammation, oxidative stress, apoptosis, autophagy, and other downstream pathways, and lead to cell damage, or even apoptosis. A large number of studies have shown that ERS mediates a variety of pathological processes related to AS, affects endothelial cells, smooth muscle cells, macrophages, endothelial progenitor cells, and other cell components closely related to its occurrence and development, influences the progress of AS by regulating cell function, and promotes the formation of AS plaque, the transformation of stable plaque to unstable plaque, and the rupture of unstable plaque. Regulation of ERS may be a key target for the prevention and treatment of AS, and it is a research hotspot at present. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) believes that the origin of AS is the imbalance of Yin and Yang, the disharmony of Zangfu organs, and the abnormal operation of Qi, blood, and body fluid, which leads to the accumulation of phlegm, blood stasis, and other pathological products in the pulse channels, making the blood flow blocked or misfunction and causing the disease, which belongs to the syndrome of deficiency in origin and excess in superficiality. As the pathogenesis of AS is complex, and the symptoms are diverse, TCM has significant advantages in treating AS because of its multiple targets, multiple pathways, stable efficacy, strong individualization, and high safety. This paper systematically elaborated on the role of ERS in the occurrence and development of AS and summarized the mechanism research on the regulation and control of ERS by Chinese herbal monomer, Chinese herbal extract, Chinese herbal compound, and proprietary medicine, so as to provide a theoretical basis for clinical research and drug development in the prevention and treatment of AS.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006289


Alzheimer's disease (AD) is one of the most common diseases in the elderly population. Its etiology involves multiple pathogenic factors and pathological links such as abnormal deposition of β amyloid protein (Aβ), hyperphosphorylation of Tau protein, abnormalities of the cholinergic system, oxidative stress, and inflammatory response. However, its specific pathogenesis has not been clarified, and no specific therapeutic drugs have been found. In recent years, more and more studies have paid attention to the potential of chemical components of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in the treatment of AD. However, the diversity and complexity of the chemical components of TCM may have a positive impact on multiple pathological links of AD. Researchers have isolated many active components from TCMs, and the effects of treating AD have been confirmed by modern pharmacological studies. Through literature analysis, this article found that the main chemical components of TCM with anti-AD effects were saponins (31%), flavonoids (24%), polysaccharides (20%), lactones (8%), alkaloids (7%), phenols (3%), and other compounds (7%). Among them, ginsenoside, notoginsenoside, epimedium flavones, puerarin, baicalein, schisandra polysaccharide, angelica polysaccharide, ganoderma lucidum polysaccharide, pachyman, huperzine A, berberine, andrographolide, curcumin, emodin, and gastrodin have been extensively studied in terms of their anti-AD effects, and their mechanisms of pharmacological action have been involved in many aspects of AD pathogenesis. This article reviews the anti-AD activities and possible mechanisms of chemical components of TCM, so as to provide a reference for the development of new drugs for the prevention and treatment of AD.