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Rev. biol. trop ; 72(1): e54459, ene.-dic. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1559316


Resumen Introducción: La biodiversidad se está perdiendo a un ritmo acelerado como resultado del cambio global. Herramientas como los modelos de distribución de especies (MDEs) han sido ampliamente usados para mejorar el conocimiento sobre el estado de conservación de las especies y ayudar a desarrollar estrategias de gestión para mitigar la pérdida de biodiversidad. Objetivo: Determinar cómo la distribución potencial predicha por los MDEs para ocho especies de murciélagos amenazados difiere de los mapas de distribución reportados por la UICN. También, inferir el área de distribución y estado de endemismo de cada especie, y evaluar la importancia de la región tumbesina para su conservación. Métodos: Basados en registros de presencia del rango global de las especies, usamos MDEs para evaluar el estado de conservación de estas ocho especies en la región tumbesina de Ecuador y Perú. Resultados: Las áreas estimadas por los MDEs eran 35-78 % más pequeñas para cuatro especies (Eptesicus innoxius, Lophostoma occidentale, Platalina genovensium y Lonchophylla hesperia) y 26-1 600 % más grandes para tres especies (Amorphochilus schnablii, Promops davisoni y Rhogeessa velilla) que aquellas reportadas por la UICN. Para Tomopeas ravus, el área estimada por el MDE y la UICN fue similar, pero difirió en la distribución espacial. Los MDEs coincidieron con áreas de endemismo informadas por autores previos para E. innoxius, R. velilla y T. ravus, pero fueron diferentes para A. schnablii, P. genovensium, P. davisoni y L. hesperia, debido en parte a las distribuciones proyectadas para estas últimas especies en valles secos interandinos según los MDEs. Conclusiones: La región tumbesina representa una porción significativa (40-96 %) de la distribución predicha de siete de las ocho especies estudiadas, subrayando la importancia de esta región para la conservación de murciélagos. Nuestros resultados muestran las probables distribuciones para estas especies y proporcionan una base importante para identificar vacíos de investigación y desarrollar medidas de conservación para murciélagos amenazados en el punto caliente de biodiversidad de Tumbes.

Abstract Introduction: Biodiversity is being lost at an accelerating rate because of global change. Tools such as species distribution models (SDMs) have been widely used to improve knowledge about species' conservation status and help develop management strategies to mitigate biodiversity loss. SDMs are especially important for species with restricted distributions, such as endemic species. Objective: To determine how potential distribution predicted by SDMs for eight threatened bat species differed from the distribution maps reported by the IUCN. Also, to infer the area of distribution and state of endemism of each specie, and to evaluate the importance of the Tumbesian region for their conservation. Methods: Based on presence records across the species' entire ranges, we used SDMs to assess the conservation status of these eight species in the Tumbesian region of Ecuador and Peru. Results: The areas estimated by SDMs were 35-78 % smaller for four species (Eptesicus innoxius, Lophostoma occidentale, Platalina genovensium and Lonchophylla hesperia) and 26-1 600 % larger for three species (Amorphochilus schnablii, Promops davisoni and Rhogeessa velilla) than those reported by the IUCN. For Tomopeas ravus, the area estimated by the SDM and IUCN was similar but differed in spatial distribution. SDMs coincided with areas of endemism reported by previous authors for E. innoxius, R. velilla, and T. ravus, but were different for A. schnablii, P. genovensium, P. davisoni, and L. hesperia, due in part to projected distributions for these latter species in dry inter-Andean valleys according to the SDMs. Conclusions: The Tumbesian region represents a significant portion (40-96 %) of the predicted distribution of seven of the eight species studied, underscoring the importance of this region for bat conservation. Our results show likely distributions for these species and provide an important basis for identifying research gaps and developing conservation measures for threatened bats in the Tumbes biodiversity hotspot.

Animais , Quirópteros/classificação , Peru , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , Equador
Rev. cient. cienc. salud ; 6: 1-8, 30-01-2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, BDNPAR | ID: biblio-1565433


Introducción. En la historia de la humanidad, el hombre ha tenido que enfrentar diversas epidemias, pandemias de agentes biológicos que han ocasionado muerte y sufrimiento. De ahí la medicina tradicional ha mantenido su popularidad en todo el mundo. Objetivo. Analizar el conocimiento y uso de la medicina tradicional frente al SARS-Cov2 (COVID-19) en estudiantes de medicina durante el año 2022. Material y métodos. Cualitativo, fenomenológico, descriptivo e interpretativo. Se realizaron entrevistas a estudiantes de medicina. Las categorías de análisis consideradas en este estudio fueron: a) Conocimientos sobre medicinas tradicionales utilizadas contra el Covid-19, b) Usos de medicina tradicional alternativa para Covid-19: Resultados. Se destaca la transmisión intergeneracional de conocimientos sobre medicina tradicional. Los padres y abuelos han sido los principales transmisores de esta práctica, lo que sugiere un arraigo cultural y una confianza en su eficacia a lo largo del tiempo. Existe una falta de comprensión sobre los mecanismos de acción y los beneficios de la medicina tradicional. Conclusión. Se encontró que son pocos los conocimientos por parte de los alumnos referentes a las medicinas tradicionales. Respecto a las experiencias vividas por parte de ellos refieren que muchos recibieron tratamiento tradicional a muchos les resulto beneficiosos en cuanto a mejoría de algunos síntomas.

Introduction. In the history of humanity, man has had to face various epidemics, pandemics of biological agents that have caused death and suffering. Hence traditional medicine has maintained its popularity throughout the world. Objective. Analyze the knowledge and use of traditional medicine against SARS-Cov2 (COVID-19) in medical students during the year 2022. Material and methods. Qualitative, phenomenological, descriptive and interpretive. Interviews were conducted with medical students. The analysis categories considered in this study were: a) Knowledge about traditional medicines used against Covid-19, b) Uses of alternative and complementary traditional medicine for Covid-19. Results. The intergenerational transmission of knowledge about traditional medicine stands out. Parents and grandparents have been the main transmitters of this practice, which suggests cultural roots and confidence in its effectiveness over time. There is a lack of understanding about the mechanisms of action and benefits of traditional medicine. Conclusion. It was found that there is little knowledge on the part of the students regarding traditional medicines. Regarding their experiences, they report that many received traditional treatment, many of which found it beneficial in terms of improvement in some symptoms.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , SARS-CoV-2 , Estudantes de Medicina , Conhecimento , Medicina Tradicional
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023415


Objective:To construct talent training objectives and courses for undergraduate education of tropical medicine.Methods:Two rounds of questionnaire consultation were conducted among 15 experts by Delphi method. SPSS 26.0 software was used for statistical analysis, and the recovery rate, expert authority coefficient, mean of importance score, full score ratio, coefficient of variation and Kendall coordination coefficient were calculated respectively. Kendall's rank correlation test was used to analyze the degree of expert coordination, and the "boundary value method" was used to screen the indicators.Results:The effective recovery rates of the two rounds of consultation were all 100.00% and the expert authority coefficient was 0.815. The coordination coefficient was 0.25, 0.32, and 0.27, 0.36 respectively, and the significance test showed P<0.001. Finally, 11 talent training objectives and 7 courses for undergraduate education of tropical medicine were formed. Conclusions:The talent training objectives and courses for undergraduate education of tropical medicine are reasonable and reliable, which can provide theoretical support for tropical medicine talent training and have certain guiding value.

Tropical Biomedicine ; : 78-83, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1038287


@#The present study aimed at exploring whether sunlight exposure might account for the relative difference in COVID-19-related morbidity and mortality between tropical and non-tropical countries. A retrospective observational study was designed and data from the World Health Organization weekly COVID-19 epidemiological update was compiled. We examined the total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases per 100 000 population, as well as the total number of COVID-19-related mortalities per 100 000 population. Solar variables data were obtained from the Global Solar Atlas website ( These data were analyzed to determine the association of sunlight exposure to COVID-19-related morbidity and mortality in tropical and non-tropical countries. Results revealed a statistically significant decrease in the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases per 100 000 population (P<0.001), as well as the number of COVID-19-related mortalities per 100 000 population (P<0.001) between tropical and non-tropical countries. Analyses of sunlight exposure data found that specific photovoltaic power output, global horizontal irradiation, diffuse horizontal irradiation and global tilted irradiation at optimum angle were significantly inversely correlated to COVID-19-related morbidity and mortality. This suggests that stronger sunlight exposure potentially leads to lower COVID-19-related morbidity and mortality. Findings from this study suggest that the relatively low COVID-19-related morbidity and mortality in tropical countries were possibly due to better sunlight exposure that translates into adequate vitamin D status.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1013564


Tropical diseases, notably neglected tropical diseases and infectious diseases of poverty, remain major health problems endangering the poorest and most-marginalized people in the world. The Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR), which is co-sponsored by the World Health Organization, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the World Bank, is an important programme that helps facilitate, support, guide and coordinate global efforts to combat tropical diseases. On July 2023, TDR formally issued its 2024—2029 strategy, which proposed the direction and proprieties of global tropical disease prevention and control in the next six years. Based on its original focus on supporting researchers and research institutions from low and middle-income countries to conduct research on tropical diseases and building their research capabilities, this strategy proposed some new developments, which mainly included incorporating tropical disease prevention and control into the overall framework of addressing major global health challenges and achieving the health goals set by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to combat tropical diseases and contribute to achieving health goals of SDGs in a collaborative and integrated manner; supporting implementation research and encouraging practitioners and social innovators to participate in research to enable generation of solutions that may be used to solve local health problems; promoting and encouraging the One Health concept and interdisciplinary and cross-departmental collaboration; shifting gradually its focus from disease prevention and control to addressing the health needs of the poorest and most-marginalized populations. These new developments deserve the attention of personnel and institutions in China dedicated to the prevention and control of tropical diseases in order to help their future researches and activities.

Braz. j. biol ; 84: e256949, 2024. tab, mapas, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1360214


Among Bemisia tabaci species, the invasive MEAM1 and MED species are key agricultural pests for many crops. In Brazil, most part of B. tabaci population outbreaks were associated with MEAM1, which, since 1990s quickly spread across the entire country. Later in 2014, the MED was identified in Brazil, initially more restricted to greenhouses, but suddenly reaching new areas in the South and Southeast open regions. Thus, our objective was to investigate the geographical distribution of MEAM1 and MED on open field crops in Brazil. MEAM1 is still the predominant species on open field crops such as soybean, cotton, and tomato. The sequencing of a cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene fragment revealed a single haplotype of MEAM1, suggesting the establishment of a single MEAM1 strain in the country. The haplotypes found for MEAM1 and MED are genetically related to the globally dispersed strains, Jap1 and Mch1, respectively. Continuous monitoring of B. tabaci species is crucial because landscape alterations, climatic changes, and pest management methods may shift the B. tabaci species distribution and dominance in Brazilian crop areas.

Dentre as espécies de Bemisia tabaci, as espécies invasoras MEAM1 e MED se destacam como pragas de grande importância para várias culturas. No Brasil, a maior parte dos surtos populacionais de mosca-branca são associados a presença da espécie MEAM1, que a partir 1990 se espalhou por todo o país. Por outro lado, em 2014 a espécie MED foi identificada no Brasil, inicialmente restrita a casas de vegetação, mas rapidamente se difundindo em novas áreas nas regiões Sul e Sudeste do Brasil. Assim, nosso objetivo foi investigar a distribuição geográfica das espécies MEAM1 e MED em grandes culturas no Brasil. A espécie MEAM1 continua sendo predominante nas monoculturas como algodão, soja e tomate. O sequenciamento de um fragmento do gene citocromo c oxidase subunidade I (COI) revelou a presença de um haplótipo para MEAM1, sugerindo o estabelecimento de apenas uma linhagem no país. Os haplótipos encontrados para MEAM1 e MED são geneticamente relacionados as linhagens globalmente dispersas Jap1 e Mch1, respectivamente. O monitoramento contínuo das espécies de B. tabaci é crucial pois as mudanças na paisagem, mudanças climáticas e métodos de manejo das pragas podem alterar a dominância e a distribuição dessas espécies nas áreas agrícolas do Brasil.

Animais , Controle de Pragas , Mapeamento Cromossômico , Pragas da Agricultura
Braz. j. biol ; 842024.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469373


Abstract Among Bemisia tabaci species, the invasive MEAM1 and MED species are key agricultural pests for many crops. In Brazil, most part of B. tabaci population outbreaks were associated with MEAM1, which, since 1990s quickly spread across the entire country. Later in 2014, the MED was identified in Brazil, initially more restricted to greenhouses, but suddenly reaching new areas in the South and Southeast open regions. Thus, our objective was to investigate the geographical distribution of MEAM1 and MED on open field crops in Brazil. MEAM1 is still the predominant species on open field crops such as soybean, cotton, and tomato. The sequencing of a cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene fragment revealed a single haplotype of MEAM1, suggesting the establishment of a single MEAM1 strain in the country. The haplotypes found for MEAM1 and MED are genetically related to the globally dispersed strains, Jap1 and Mch1, respectively. Continuous monitoring of B. tabaci species is crucial because landscape alterations, climatic changes, and pest management methods may shift the B. tabaci species distribution and dominance in Brazilian crop areas.

Resumo Dentre as espécies de Bemisia tabaci, as espécies invasoras MEAM1 e MED se destacam como pragas de grande importância para várias culturas. No Brasil, a maior parte dos surtos populacionais de mosca-branca são associados a presença da espécie MEAM1, que a partir 1990 se espalhou por todo o país. Por outro lado, em 2014 a espécie MED foi identificada no Brasil, inicialmente restrita a casas de vegetação, mas rapidamente se difundindo em novas áreas nas regiões Sul e Sudeste do Brasil. Assim, nosso objetivo foi investigar a distribuição geográfica das espécies MEAM1 e MED em grandes culturas no Brasil. A espécie MEAM1 continua sendo predominante nas monoculturas como algodão, soja e tomate. O sequenciamento de um fragmento do gene citocromo c oxidase subunidade I (COI) revelou a presença de um haplótipo para MEAM1, sugerindo o estabelecimento de apenas uma linhagem no país. Os haplótipos encontrados para MEAM1 e MED são geneticamente relacionados as linhagens globalmente dispersas Jap1 e Mch1, respectivamente. O monitoramento contínuo das espécies de B. tabaci é crucial pois as mudanças na paisagem, mudanças climáticas e métodos de manejo das pragas podem alterar a dominância e a distribuição dessas espécies nas áreas agrícolas do Brasil.

Braz. j. infect. dis ; 28(3): 103766, 2024. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564151


Abstract Background The last five decades have seen a surge in viral outbreaks, particularly in tropical and subtropical regions like Brazil, where endemic arboviruses such as Dengue (DENV), Zika (ZIKV), and Chikungunya (CHIKV) pose significant threats. However, current diagnostic strategies exhibit limitations, leading to gaps in infection screening, arbovirus differential diagnoses, DENV serotyping, and life-long infection tracking. This deficiency impedes critical information availability regarding an individual's current infection and past infection history, disease risk assessment, vaccination needs, and policy formulation. Additionally, the availability of point-of-care diagnostics and knowledge regarding immune profiles at the time of infection are crucial considerations. Objectives This review underscores the urgent need to strengthen diagnostic methods for arboviruses in Brazil and emphasizes the importance of data collection to inform public health policies for improved diagnostics, surveillance, and policy formulation. Methods We evaluated the diagnostic landscape for arboviral infections in Brazil, focusing on tailored, validated methods. We assessed diagnostic methods available for sensitivity and specificity metrics in the context of Brazil. Results Our review identifies high-sensitivity, high-specificity diagnostic methods for arboviruses and co-infections. Grifols transcription-mediated amplification assays are recommended for DENV, CHIKV, and ZIKV screening, while IgG/IgM ELISA assays outperform Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDTs). The Triplex real-time RT-PCR assay is recommended for molecular screening due to its sensitivity and specificity. Conclusion Enhanced diagnostic methods, on-going screening, and tracking are urgently needed in Brazil to capture the complex landscape of arboviral infections in the country. Recommendations include nationwide arbovirus differential diagnosis for DENV, ZIKV, and CHIKV, along with increased DENV serotyping, and lifelong infection tracking to combat enduring viral threats and reduce severe presentations.

Biosci. j. (Online) ; 40: e40002, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1567618


Sweet potato-bioethanol yield was evaluated in response to potassium fertilizer application. Experiments were performed using a 5 × 2 factorial design in which factors included the amount of K2O applied to the soil, with five levels (0, 30, 60, 120, and 240 kg ha-1) and genotype, with two levels (industrial genotype BDGPI #25 and table genotype BDGPM #04). Root yield, root starch and soluble solid contents, bioethanol yield, and economic viability of potassium application for bioethanol production were evaluated. Potassium affected root yield of both genotypes, with the highest yield observed at 140 kg K2O ha-1. Root starch concentration at harvest depended on genotype potential rather than potassium dose. Soluble solid content in fresh roots was lower than that in cooked roots, in which case, maximum conversion efficiency was observed at 109,69 and at 123.75 kg K2O ha-1 for BDGPM#04 and BDGPI#25, respectively. Bioethanol yield reached 10,484 and 9,839 L ha-1 at 151.87 and 136 kg K2O ha-1 for BDGPI#25 and BDGPM#04, respectively. Genotype BDGPI#25 was more efficient than sugarcane in converting potassium to bioethanol at 151.87 kg K2O ha-1, producing 10,484.29 L of bioethanol. In turn, BGDPM#04 showed maximum conversion efficiency relative to sugarcane at 122 kg K2O ha-1.

Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 24(1): e20231558, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557167


Abstract Epiphytes are considered indicators of forest ecological integrity, but the factors that explain their abundance are still not well understood. We here evaluated tree colonization by epiphytes in old-growth monospecific reforestation stands of Astronium urundeuva (M.Allemão) Engl. (Anacardiaceae) and Eucalyptus saligna Sm. (Myrtaceae), in comparison to a neighbor seasonal tropical forest fragment under similar environmental conditions. In each forest type, we identified and measured all trees (planted and colonizers) from 5-cm stem diameter in five 200 m² plots and quantified all vascular epiphytes per tree. Tree species were categorized by bark roughness, canopy deciduousness and growth rate. The abundance of epiphytes and the frequency of host trees were higher in the A. urundeuva plantation than in the native forest, with the E. saligna stand in an intermediate position. Also, we found that host traits influenced the abundance of epiphytes in their trunks. Host trees had average stem perimeter and height both higher than non-hosts, which indicates that colonization is more likely to occur in older trees. The average abundance of epiphytes per tree was higher in species with rough bark, but no relationship was found with canopy deciduousness or tree growth rate. We evidenced, therefore, that forest plantations, even if monospecific, can provide habitat for epiphytes. However, at community level, colonization success, either in native or restored forest, depends on the relative abundance of species whose bark type favors epiphytes establishment.

Resumo Epífitas são consideradas indicadores de integridade ecológica em florestas, mas os fatores que explicam sua abundância ainda não são bem compreendidos. Neste estudo, avaliamos a colonização por epífitas em antigos talhões monoespecíficos de Astronium urundeuva (M.Allemão) Engl. (Anacardiaceae) e Eucalyptus saligna Sm. (Myrtaceae), em comparação com um fragmento vizinho de floresta estacional semidecidual sob condições ambientais semelhantes. Em cada tipologia florestal, identificamos e medimos todas as árvores (plantadas e que colonizaram os locais) a partir de 5 cm de diâmetro à altura padrão, em cinco parcelas de 200 m². Nelas, também quantificamos todas as epífitas vasculares por árvore. Em busca de uma explicação funcional para as diferenças entre espécies, utilizamos rugosidade da casca, deciduidade da copa e taxa de crescimento como atributos potencialmente relevantes. A abundância das epífitas e a frequência de forófitos foi maior no talhão de A. urundeuva do que na floresta nativa, com o talhão de E. saligna ocupando uma posição intermediária. Encontramos evidências, também, de que os atributos dos forófitos influenciaram a abundância de epífitas em seus troncos. Os forófitos apresentaram maior perímetro médio e altura que as árvores não hospedeiras, o que indica que a colonização é mais provável de ocorrer em árvores mais velhas. A abundância média de epífitas por árvore foi maior em espécies com casca rugosa, mas nem a deciduidade da copa, nem a velocidade de crescimento exerceram efeito neste aspecto. Evidenciamos, portanto que, plantações florestais, ainda que monoespecíficas, podem prover habitat para epífitas. Contudo, em nível de comunidade, o sucesso da colonização, seja em florestas nativas ou restauradas, depende da abundância relativa de espécies cujo tipo de casca favorece o estabelecimento de epífitas.

Rev. biol. trop ; 71(1)dic. 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449504


Introduction: Tropical forests provide important ecosystem services, including disease control. However, few studies have focused on how deforestation affects species more suitable to be zoonotic vectors. Objective: To evaluate how deforestation affects the abundance and species richness of rodents and their associated ectoparasites in a tropical ecosystem. Methods: We captured rodents in 6 landscape units, 1 km² each, with 0.7; 5; 40; 46; 78 and 95 % tree cover, in Marques de Comillas, Chiapas, Southern Mexico. In each unit we set 90 Sherman traps that were active 24 hours for 7 days during two sampling seasons (October 2019, and September 2020). We manually extracted ectoparasites from all captured rodents. Results: We captured 70 rodents of five species: Sigmodon toltecus, Heteromys desmarestianus, Ototylomys phyllotis, Peromyscus mexicanus, and Oryzomys couesi. Rodent abundance increased with forest loss (R²= 0.706, P= 0.022). The greatest richness of rodent species occurred in sites with intermediate forest cover (40 and 78 %). The most abundant species were: S. toltecus (N= 45) followed by O. couesi (N= 9), these species dominated in sites with less forest cover. We recorded a total of 23 ectoparasite species, three of them known to be zoonotic vectors: Amblyomma sp., Ornithonyssus bacoti, and Androlaelaps fahrenholzi. Conclusions: The ongoing loss of forests promotes the proliferation of zoonotic disease vectors in this tropical ecosystem, which can potentially increase the frequency of affectation among the local population.

Introducción: Un servicio particularmente importante que brindan los bosques tropicales es el control de enfermedades. Sin embargo, pocos estudios se han enfocado en analizar cómo este servicio es afectado por la deforestación. Objetivo: Evaluar el efecto de la deforestación en la abundancia y riqueza de especies de roedores y de sus ectoparásitos en Marqués de Comillas, en el sureste de México. Métodos: Capturamos roedores en 6 unidades del paisaje (UP), cada una de 1 km², con distintos porcentajes de cobertura vegetal (0.7, 5, 40, 46, 78 y 95 %). En cada UP colocamos 90 trampas Sherman, que permanecieron activas las 24 horas por 7 días durante dos muestreos en octubre 2019 y septiembre 2020. Todos los roedores capturados fueron revisados para detectar ectoparásitos en su pelaje que fueron recolectados para su posterior identificación en el laboratorio. Resultados: Capturamos 70 roedores de cinco especies: Sigmodon toltecus, Heteromys desmarestianus, Ototylomys phyllotis, Peromyscus mexicanus y Oryzomys couesi. La abundancia de roedores aumentó con la pérdida de bosque (R² = 0.706, P = 0.022). La mayor riqueza de especies de roedores se presentó en sitios con cobertura forestal intermedia (40 y 78 %). Las especies más abundantes fueron: S. toltecus (N = 45) seguido de O. couesi (N = 9), estas especies dominaron en los sitios con menor cobertura forestal. Registramos un total de 23 ectoparásitos diferentes, identificamos 15 a nivel de especie y ocho a nivel de género. Los sitios con menor cobertura forestal presentaron la menor riqueza de especies de ectoparásitos. Detectamos tres especies de ectoparásitos (Amblyomma sp., Ornithonyssus bacoti y Androlaelaps fahrenholzi) que se sabe que son vectores de enfermedades zoonóticas. Conclusión: Encontramos que la deforestación está promoviendo un aumento en la proliferación de vectores de enfermedades zoonóticas lo que, a su vez, tiene el potencial de incrementar las afectaciones de la población local.

Rev. biol. trop ; 71(1)dic. 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449505


Introduction: Seed dispersal and seed predation have important impacts on plant diversity and community structure. Rodents participate in both of these types of interactions. Objectives: To evaluate the removal of the seeds of Crescentia alata, Randia capitata, and Zea mays by the squirrel Notocitellus adocetus to determine how it affects these plant species, by dispersing or preying on their seeds. Methods: We studied 14 individuals for C. alata, 24 for R. capitata, and for Z. mays 35 individuals. We observed foraging and used camera traps to determine the part of the fruit (seed and/or pulp) consumed by the squirrels and the amount of fruit or seed consumed. We also placed fine sand traps (FST) to measure the percentage of seed removal. We quantified the fruits produced by the plant species studied and the percentage of damage caused by N. adocetus throughout the plots. Results: Notocitellus adocetus feeds on the seeds and pulp of C. alata and Z. mays. The species with the highest removal rate and the highest percentage of damage was C. alata. Zea mays was the plant species that had the highest percentage of removal from FST, the largest number of fruits, and the lowest percentage of damage. On FST, R. capitata had the lowest seed remotion. Conclusions: Notocitellus adocetus is considered a seed predator; however, due to its behavior and the characteristics of the fruits of C. alata and R. capitata, this rodent could make the seeds available to secondary seed dispersers.

Introducción: La dispersión y depredación de semillas tienen efectos importantes en la diversidad de plantas y estructura de las comunidades. Los roedores participan en estos tipos de interacciones. Objetivos: Evaluar la remoción de semillas de Crescentia alata, Randia capitata y Zea mays por la ardilla Notocitellus adocetus, para determinar su efecto en estas especies de plantas, dispersando o depredando semillas. Métodos: Estudiamos 14 individuos de C. alata, 24 para R. capitata y 35 individuos para Z. mays. Observamos el forrajeo y usamos cámaras trampas para determinar la parte del fruto (semilla y/o pulpa) consumida y la intensidad de consumo por las ardillas. También colocamos trampas de arena fina (FST) para medir el porcentaje de remoción de semillas. Cuantificamos los frutos producidos por las especies estudiadas y el porcentaje de daño ocasionado por N. adocetus, mediante parcelas. Resultados: Notocitellus adocetus se alimenta de las semillas y pulpa de C. alata y Z. mays. La especie que tuvo mayor tasa de remoción y mayor porcentaje de daño fue C. alata. La especie con mayor porcentaje de remoción, mayor número de frutos y menor daño en las FST fue Z. mays. En las trampas de arena fina, R. capitata tuvo la menor remoción de semillas. Conclusiones: Notocitellus adocetus es considerada depredadora de semillas, no obstante, por su comportamiento y las características de los frutos de C. alata y R. capitata, este roedor podría dejar disponibles las semillas a dispersores secundarios de semillas.

Rev. biol. trop ; 71(1)dic. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449511


Introducción: Las charcas temporales son ecosistemas acuáticos variables en su estructura física y biótica, efímeros en el paisaje e importantes en el flujo de materia y energía. Los macroinvertebrados acuáticos constituyen el grupo más abundante y diverso en estos ecosistemas y requieren mayor estudio, particularmente en los trópicos. Objetivo: Evaluar la diversidad alfa y beta de las comunidades de macroinvertebrados acuáticos de seis charcas temporales durante dos épocas climáticas en el norte de Colombia. Métodos: En Magdalena, Colombia, hicimos seis arrastres aleatorios con redes manuales en la zona litoral, y seis arrastres en zigzag con redes tipo D en la zona lacustre; recolectamos macrofauna en tres lances con una draga Ekman; y muestreamos cada charca durante la alta precipitación (noviembre, 2020) y la baja precipitación (febrero, 2021). Resultados: Identificamos 3 358 individuos (13 órdenes, 39 familias y 68 géneros). La mayor abundancia y diversidad (N= 485, 0D= 32) durante la época de lluvia se presentó en Los Campanos, mientras que la charca Villa Leidy tuvo el mayor número de taxones comunes (18) y dominantes (14). En la época de sequía, la charca Los Trillizos presentó la mayor abundancia (533) y diversidad (43); mientras que Villa Leidy y El Miquito el mayor número de taxones dominantes (16). Las charcas tienen composiciones particulares (sin agrupamientos espaciales o temporales); el recambio de taxones es alto, y la correspondencia canónica se agrupa por temporada. Conclusiones: la composición de las comunidades de macroinvertebrados acuáticos de las charcas temporales son muy diversas, presentando alto recambio tanto espacial como temporal, reflejando altos valores de remplazo de taxones entre épocas climáticas. La zona litoral mantuvo una composición similar durante las dos temporadas.

Introduction: Temporary ponds are variable aquatic ecosystems in their physical and biotic structure, ephemeral in the landscape and important in the flow of matter and energy. Aquatic macroinvertebrates constitute the most abundant and diverse group in these ecosystems and need further study, particularly in the tropics. Objective: To evaluate the alpha and beta diversity of the aquatic macroinvertebrate communities of six temporary pools during two climatic seasons in Northern Colombia. Methods: In Magdalena, Colombia, we did six random trawls with hand nets in the coastal zone, and six zig zag trawls with D nets in the lacustrine zone; we collected macrofauna in three random hauls with an Ekman dredge; and sampled each pond in high rainfall (November 2020) and low rainfall (February 2021). Results: We identified 3 358 individuals (13 orders, 39 families and 68 genera). The highest rainy season abundance and diversity (N= 485, 0D= 32) were in Los Campanos, while Villa Leidy Pond had the highest number of common (18) and dominant (14) taxa. During the dry season, Los Trillizos Pond had the highest abundance (533) and diversity (43); while Villa Leidy and El Miquito had the largest number of dominant taxa (16). The pools have a particular composition (no spatial or temporal grouping); taxa turnover is high, and the canonical correspondence clustered by season. Conclusions: The aquatic macroinvertebrate communities of the temporary ponds are diverse and have high turnover in space and time, reflecting high replacement of taxa between climatic periods. The littoral zone had a similar composition in the two seasons.

Rev. biol. trop ; 71(1)dic. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | SaludCR, LILACS | ID: biblio-1514965


Introducción: La gran diversidad de especies maderables tropicales demanda el desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías de identificación con base en sus patrones o características anatómicas. La aplicación de redes neuronales convolucionales (CNN) para el reconocimiento de especies maderables tropicales se ha incrementado en los últimos años por sus resultados prometedores. Objetivo: Evaluamos la calidad de las imágenes macroscópicas con tres herramientas de corte para mejorar la visualización y distinción de las características anatómicas en el entrenamiento del modelo CNN. Métodos: Recolectamos las muestras entre el 2020 y 2021 en áreas de explotación forestal y aserraderos de Selva Central, Perú. Luego, las dimensionamos y, previo a la identificación botánica y anatómica, las cortamos en secciones transversales. Generamos una base de datos de imágenes macroscópicas de la sección transversal de la madera, a través del corte, con tres herramientas para ver su rendimiento en el laboratorio, campo y puesto de control. Resultados: Usamos tres herramientas de corte para obtener una alta calidad de imágenes transversales de la madera; obtuvimos 3 750 imágenes macroscópicas con un microscopio portátil que corresponden a 25 especies maderables. El cuchillo ''Tramontina'' es duradero, pero pierde el filo con facilidad y se necesita una herramienta para afilar, el cúter retráctil ''Pretul'' es adecuado para madera suave y dura en muestras pequeñas de laboratorio; el cuchillo ''Ubermann'' es apropiado para el campo, laboratorio y puesto de control, porque tiene una envoltura duradera y láminas intercambiables en caso de pérdida de filo. Conclusiones: La calidad de las imágenes es decisiva en la clasificación de especies maderables, porque permite una mejor visualización y distinción de las características anatómicas en el entrenamiento con los modelos de red neuronal convolucional EfficientNet B0 y Custom Vision, lo cual se evidenció en las métricas de precisión.

Introduction: The great diversity of tropical timber species demands the development of new technologies capable of identifying them based on their patterns or anatomical characteristics. The application of convolutional neural networks (CNN) for the recognition of tropical timber species has increased in recent years due to the promising results of CNNs. Objective: To evaluate the quality of macroscopic images with three cutting tools to improve the visualization and distinction of anatomical features in the CNN model training. Methods: Samples were collected from 2020 to 2021 in areas of logging and sawmills in the Central Jungle, Peru. They were later sized and, after botanical and anatomical identification, cut in cross sections. A database of macroscopic images of the cross-section of wood was generated through cutting with three different tools and observing its performance in the laboratory, field, and checkpoint. Results: Using three cutting tools, we obtained high quality images of the cross section of wood; 3 750 macroscopic images were obtained with a portable microscope and correspond to 25 timber species. We found the ''Tramontina'' knife to be durable, however, it loses its edge easily and requires a sharpening tool, the ''Pretul'' retractable cutter is suitable for cutting soft and hard wood in small laboratory samples and finally the ''Ubermann'' knife is suitable for use in the field, laboratory, and checkpoint, because it has a durable sheath and interchangeable blades in case of dullness. Conclusion: The quality of the images is decisive in the classification of timber species, because it allows a better visualization and distinction of the anatomical characteristics in training with the EfficientNet B0 and Custom Vision convolutional neural network models, which was evidenced in the precision metrics.

Madeira/análise , Microscopia Eletrônica , Ecossistema Tropical , Peru , Aprendizado de Máquina
Rev. biol. trop ; 71(1)dic. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1514962


Introducción: La Pácora (Plagioscion magdalenae) es una especie nativa de Colombia y en categoría de casi amenazada a nivel del país, de la que poco se conoce acerca de las estructuras con aporte etológico en su historia de vida. Objetivo: Analizar el desarrollo gonadal relacionado con la espermatogénesis de P. magdalenae y las implicaciones taxonómicas a partir de la vejiga natatoria. Métodos: Realizamos siete muestreos en dos periodos climáticos: el primero en octubre de 2019 a febrero de 2020 de recolectas bimensuales y la segunda de octubre 2020 a enero 2021 de recolectas mensuales; con el fin de abarcar cada momento del pulso de inundación de la cuenca baja del Magdalena. Describimos la histomorfología testicular y las características macroscópicas de la vejiga natatoria de la especie. Además, analizamos aspectos como relaciones morfométricas, clases de tallas por sexos, la proporción sexual y la época de madurez sexual. Resultados: Analizamos 142 ejemplares y 4 intervalos de tallas fueron establecidos (entre 145 y 575 mm LE), 66 fueron machos y 73 hembras con una proporción sexual global 1.1:0.9 (hembra-macho) sin diferencias. Los machos tienen testículos de tipo tubular, protegidos por el peritoneo que se encuentra recubierto por la musculatura sónica de la vejiga natatoria, la cual posee forma de ''zanahoria'' sin apéndices, con dos bandas laterales de músculos intrínsecos (promedio entre 6.75 cm de largo y 1.48 cm de ancho) unidos por una aponeurosis y que solo se encuentran en machos sexualmente maduros. Conclusión: Los testículos poseen una organización de tipo lobular irrestricto y la espermatogénesis se da en lóbulos seminíferos. La vejiga natatoria de la Pácora es simple y no tiene estructuras accesorias. La distribución geográfica de P. magdalenae se restringe a la cuenca del río Magdalena en Colombia.

Introduction: The Pácora (Plagioscion magdalenae) is a species native to Colombia and in near-threatened category at the country level, of which little is known about the structures with ethological contribution in its life history. Objective: To analyze the gonadal development related to spermatogenesis of P. magdalenae and the taxonomic implications from the swim bladder. Methods: We collected seven samples in two climatic periods: the first from October 2019 to February 2020 of bimonthly collections, and the second from October 2020 to January 2021 of monthly collections; to cover every moment of the flood pulse of the lower Magdalena basin. We described the testicular histomorphology and macroscopic characteristics of the swim bladder of the species. In addition, we analyzed aspects such as morphometric relationships, size classes by sex, sex ratio and time of sexual maturity. Results: We analyzed 142 specimens and established 4 size intervals (between 145 and 575 mm SL), 66 were males and 73 females with an overall sex ratio of 1.1:0.9 (female-male) with no differences. Males have tubular testes protected by the peritoneum covered by the sonic musculature of the swim bladder, which has a ''carrot'' shape without appendages, with two lateral bands of intrinsic muscles (average between 6.75 cm long and 1.48 cm wide) connected by an aponeurosis and found only in sexually mature males. Conclusion: The testes have an unrestricted lobular organization and spermatogenesis occurs in the seminiferous lobes. The swim bladder of the Pácora is simple and has no accessory structures. The geographic distribution of P. magdalenae is restricted to the Magdalena River basin in Colombia.

Peixes/anatomia & histologia , Gônadas , Colômbia
Rev. biol. trop ; 71(1)dic. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1514958


Introducción: Los estudios de coral negro en Centroamérica son escasos. No se ha publicado nada sobre las especies, hábitats, distribución e importancia del coral negro de El Salvador. A pesar de que Antipathes ha sido reportado como uno de los géneros de coral que ha sucumbido a la presión antrópica. Objetivos: Identificar las especies de corales negros en Los Cóbanos, El Salvador, y caracterizar cualitativamente la abundancia y el tamaño de las colonias; e identificar las especies epibiontes más conspicuas en las colonias. Métodos: Se realizó censo visual con buceo para la caracterización cualitativa y fotografías submarinas para el registro de especies epibiontes en seis puntos de Los Cóbanos, entre diciembre de 2021 y febrero de 2022, asimismo para caracterizar tamaño de las colonias y abundancia. Resultados: Se realizo el primer informe de bosques de coral negro en El Salvador, construidos por dos especies: Myriopathes panamensis y Antipathes galapagensis. También, reportamos por primera vez la presencia de M. panamensis, Pacifigorgia senta, Heterogorgia verrucosa, Eugorgia mutabilis, Nemathus californicus y Amphiodia sp. Encontramos afectaciones de origen antrópico, como desechos marinos y daños a las colonias por anclas. Conclusiones: Es necesario establecer esfuerzos para conocer la fauna de la zona mesofótica, principalmente en ecosistemas marinos vulnerables de bosques de coral negro y jardines de gorgonias. Existe un potencial importante, y los datos ayudarán a superar las brechas de información en la región, permitiendo mejores medidas de conservación.

Introduction: Black coral studies in Central America are scarce. Even though Antipathes has been reported as one of the coral genera that has succumbed to anthropic pressure, publications haven't been made on El Salvador black coral species, habitats, distribution, and importance. Objective: To identify the species of black corals in Los Cóbanos, El Salvador, and qualitatively characterize the abundance and size of the colonies; and to identify the most conspicuous epibiont species in the colonies. Methods: Visual census with SCUBA diving for qualitative characterization and underwater photographs were taken for the registration of epibiont species in six points of Los Cóbanos, between December 2021 to February 2022 and six to characterize size of the colonies and abundance. Results: The first report of black coral forests in El Salvador was made, constructed by two species: Myriopathes panamensis and Antipathes galapagensis. We also reported, for first time, the occurrence of M. panamensis, Pacifigorgia senta, Heterogorgia verrucosa, Eugorgia mutabilis, Nemathus californicus and Amphiodia sp. We found disturbances of anthropic origin, such as marine debris and damage to the colonies by anchors. Conclusions: It is necessary to establish efforts towards the knowledge of the fauna of mesophotic zones, mainly in vulnerable marine ecosystems of black coral forests and gorgonian gardens. There is an important potential, and data will help overcome information gaps in the region, allowing for better conservation measures.

Animais , Ecossistema , Recifes de Corais , El Salvador
Rev. biol. trop ; 71(1)dic. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1514954


Introducción: Las comunidades de macroinvertebrados son afectadas simultáneamente por la calidad del agua y las características físicas del hábitat acuático, complicando su uso en la bioindicación. Objetivo: Determinar cuáles variables del hábitat condicionan la comunidad de macroinvertebrados acuáticos en algunas corrientes (quebradas) de montaña del Oriente antioqueño (Colombia). Métodos: El muestreo se realizó en febrero 2021 (periodo de transición seco-lluvia), para evaluar variables físicas y químicas en tres tipos de mesohábitats: rápidos, rizos y pozas en corrientes con coberturas vegetales contrastantes. Los macroinvertebrados fueron recolectados en diez sitios de muestreo con red tipo net, pantalla y manual, y preservados en etanol al 70 %. Resultados: Se recolectaron 4 484 macroinvertebrados (16 órdenes, 46 familias y 75 géneros). El mesohábitat rizo presentó mayores valores de diversidad y abundancia, mientras las pozas presentaron los menores. Hubo diferencias en la concentración de oxígeno, profundidad, velocidad y abundancia de macroinvertebrados entre mesohábitats. Las pozas defirieron de los otros mesohábitats en profundidad, velocidad, así como en la composición, abundancia y riqueza de macroinvertebrados, y fue el hábitat de menor preferencia. Conclusión: La velocidad, profundidad y concentración de oxígeno disuelto, desempeñan un papel muy importante en el establecimiento de las comunidades de macroinvertebrados en los diferentes mesohábitats. En el mismo tipo de mesohábitat, la calidad de la cobertura vegetal determinó la diversidad y abundancia de esta comunidad.

Introduction: Macroinvertebrate communities are affected by water quality and physical characteristics of the aquatic habitat, simultaneously, complicating their use as bioindicators. Objective: To determine which habitat variables regulate the macroinvertebrate community in mountain streams in Eastern of Antioquia (Colombia). Methods: Sampling was carried out in February 2021 (dry-rain transition period), to evaluate physical and chemical variables in three types of mesohabitat: ripples, pools, and rapids in streams with contrasting vegetation covers. The macroinvertebrates were collected from ten sampling sites with a net, screen and manual type net preserved with 70 % ethanol. Results: 4 484 macroinvertebrates were collected (16 orders, 46 families and 75 genera). The ripples mesohabitat presented higher values of diversity and abundance, while the pools presented the lowest. There were differences for oxygen concentration, depth, speed, and macroinvertebrate abundance between mesohabitats. Pools differed from the other mesohabitats in depth, speed, as well as in composition, abundance, and richness in macroinvertebrates, and was the least preferred mesohabitat. Conclusion: Speed, depth, dissolved oxygen concentration played a very important role in the establishment of macroinvertebrates community in different mesohabitats. For the same type of mesohabitat, the quality of the plant cover determined both diversity and abundance of this community.

Animais , Rios , Invertebrados/anatomia & histologia , Poluição de Rios , Colômbia
Actual. SIDA. infectol ; 31(112): 91-97, 20230000. fig
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1451952


La cromoblastomicosis es una micosis de implantación crónica y progresiva causada por diversos hongos de la familia Dematiaceae. En Latinoamérica, las especies en-contradas con más frecuencia son Fonsecaea pedrosoi y Cladophialophora carrionii. El tratamiento de esta micosis puede ser un desafío por la falta de respuesta y la recidiva, en especial en individuos con lesiones crónicas y extensas.Se presenta un individuo con recaída de cromoblastomico-sis (causada por Fonsecaea pedrosoi) en miembro inferior derecho que había realizado tratamiento incompleto con terbinafina e itraconazol. El paciente respondió de mane-ra favorable al retratamiento con itraconazol y terbinafina combinado con resección quirúrgica parcial de la lesión e injerto de piel en sitio quirúrgico

Chromoblastomycosis is a chronic and subcutaneous mycosis caused by various dematiaceous fungi, In Latin America, the most frequently found species are Fonsecaea pedrosoi and Cladophialophora carrionii.Treatment is a challenge because of the lack of response and recurrence in in some cases, especially in patients with extensive and chronic lesions.We report an individual with relapse of chromoblastomycosis (by Fonsecaea pedrosoi) in the right lower limb, who had undergone incomplete treatment with terbinafine and itraconazole. The patient responded favorably to retreatment with itraconazole and terbinafine combined with partial surgical resection of the lesion and skin grafting at the surgical site.

Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Cromoblastomicose/terapia , Itraconazol/uso terapêutico , Terbinafina/uso terapêutico , Fonsecaea
Vive (El Alto) ; 6(17): 438-450, ago. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515625


La salud de la población selvática está en riesgo por la presencia del mosquito de la especie Aedes aegypti. Objetivo. Determinar el control de propagación y formas de prevención del dengue que afecta la salud de los pobladores de la región amazónica peruana. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un estudio mixto, de carácter descriptivo fenomenológicos sobre la presencia del mosquito transmisor del dengue, la población estuvo constituida tres mil pobladores que viven alrededor de la laguna Yarinacocha en el distrito de Yarinacocha provincia de Coronel Portillo de la ciudad de Pucallpa, constando con una muestra representativa de veintidós familias a conveniencia del investigador y que pertenecen en calidad de estudiante de la Universidad Nacional Intercultural de la Amazonía. Se aplicó la observación y entrevista como técnica, además sus instrumentos como la ficha de observación y ficha de entrevista permitió identificar su conocimiento, tratamiento y prevención del dengue. Resultados. La mayoría de los pobladores conocen la forma de propagación, tratamiento y los cuidados de esta plaga que existe en la Amazonía, en consecuencia, el dengue es una enfermedad que afecta la salud de la población de la selva peruana, la detección y la intervención tardía en los pacientes complica la vida, por ello, optan a diversas alternativas para su tratamiento, prevención y para no propagación se utiliza conocimientos ancestrales y científicas. Conclusiones. El dengue es una enfermedad que se propaga rápidamente en las regiones donde hay presencia de zancudo, su complicación puede terminar en un derrame y fallecimiento en los pacientes de alto riesgo.

The health of the jungle population is at risk due to the presence of the Aedes aegypti mosquito. Objective. To determine the control of the spread and prevention of dengue that affects the health of the Peruvian Amazonian region. Materials and methods. The population consisted of three thousand inhabitants living around the Yarinacocha lagoon in the district of Yarinacocha in the province of Coronel Portillo in the city of Pucallpa, with a representative sample of twenty-two families at the convenience of the researcher and who belong as students of the National Intercultural University of the Amazon. Observation and interview were applied as a technique, in addition to their instruments such as the observation and interview forms, which allowed identifying their knowledge, treatment and prevention of dengue fever. Results. Most of the villagers know the way of propagation, treatment and care of this plague that exists in the Amazon, consequently, dengue is a disease that affects the health of the population of the Peruvian jungle, detection and late intervention in patients complicates their lives, therefore, they opt for various alternatives for treatment, prevention and for not spreading it using ancestral and scientific knowledge. Conclusions. Dengue is a disease that spreads rapidly in regions where the mosquito is present, its complication can end in a stroke and death in high-risk patients.

A saúde da população florestal está em risco devido à presença do mosquito Aedes aegypti. Objetivo. Determinar o controle da disseminação e a prevenção da dengue que afeta a saúde dos habitantes da região amazônica peruana. Materiais e métodos. Foi realizado um estudo misto, descritivo-fenomenológico, sobre a presença do mosquito transmissor da dengue, cuja população foi composta por três mil habitantes que vivem ao redor da lagoa Yarinacocha, no distrito de Yarinacocha, na província de Coronel Portillo, na cidade de Pucallpa, com uma amostra representativa de 22 famílias, de acordo com a conveniência do pesquisador e que são estudantes da Universidade Nacional Intercultural da Amazônia. A observação e as entrevistas foram usadas como técnicas, e instrumentos como os formulários de observação e entrevista foram usados para identificar seu conhecimento, tratamento e prevenção da dengue. Resultados. A maioria dos moradores conhece a forma de propagação, tratamento e cuidado desta praga que existe na Amazônia, consequentemente, a dengue é uma doença que afeta a saúde da população da selva peruana, a detecção e intervenção tardia nos pacientes complica a vida, portanto, optar por várias alternativas para o tratamento, prevenção e não propagação é usado conhecimento ancestral e científico. Conclusões. A dengue é uma doença que se espalha rapidamente em regiões onde os mosquitos estão presentes, e suas complicações podem levar a acidente vascular cerebral e morte em pacientes de alto risco.

Rev. chil. infectol ; 40(4): 430-434, ago. 2023. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521845


Se presenta el caso de un preescolar en que se diagnosticó una cardiomiopatía chagásica crónica posterior a una infección aguda por virus dengue. El niño, residente de un área endémica para enfermedad de Chagas, debutó con insuficiencia cardíaca que mejoró con el tratamiento de soporte y tras la resolución completa de la arbovirosis, persistieron los cambios de cardiomiopatía crónica. Esta evidencia de alteración estructural miocárdica se atribuyó a la cardiomiopatía chagásica de base previamente subclínica. La coexistencia de enfermedades infecciosas en el trópico representa un reto diagnóstico, situación a la que se agregan problemas socioeconómicos como la pobreza y falta de acceso a servicios sanitarios básicos.

A case is reported of a chronic chagasic cardiomyopathy in a two-years old child who was diagnosed after an acute dengue virus infection. The patient residing in an endemic area for Chagas disease, debuted with heart failure that improved with support treatment and after the complete resolution of the arbovirus, the changes of chronic cardiomyopathy persisted. The myocardial structural alteration was attributed to subclinical chagasic cardiomyopathy. The coexistence of infectious diseases in the tropics represents a diagnostic challenge, a situation to which are added problems such as poverty and lack of access to basic health services.

Humanos , Masculino , Pré-Escolar , Cardiomiopatia Chagásica/complicações , Dengue/complicações , Radiografia Torácica , Cardiomiopatia Chagásica/diagnóstico por imagem , Doença Crônica , Dengue/diagnóstico por imagem