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Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030246


[Objective]To sort out and summarize the theory of nourishing Yin of ZHU Danxi and ZHANG Jingyue,and discuss the similarities and differences of two doctors'understanding of Yin deficiency and the treatment method of nourishing Yin.[Methods]Through the research method of documentics,this paper carefully studies the contents related to"Yin deficiency"in the major works of ZHU Danxi and ZHANG Jingyue,as well as relevant literature reports and analyzes the similarities and differences of the theory of nourishing Yin,classification of Yin deficiency and the treatment method of nourishing Yin between them.[Results]ZHU Danxi's treatment of Yin deficiency syndrome was based on the theory of"an excess of Yang with deficiency of Yin""ministerial fire(Xianghuo)".He took the hyperactivity of ministerial fire as the main pathogenesis of Yin deficiency syndrome.In the treatment method,he paid attention to reducing fire,and made good use of the bitter and cold products such as Anemarrhenae Rhizoma(Zhimu)and Cortex Phellodendri(Huangbai),and paid equal attention to nourishing Yin and reducing fire.ZHANG Jingyue,on the basis of the theory that"Yin and Yang are one"and"true Yin was the foundation of Yang Qi",believed that the deficiency of true Yin can lead to Yin deficiency and Yang deficiency,and proposed that Yin deficiency had two aspects:water deficiency in Yin and fire deficiency in Yin.In the treatment method,nourishing true Yin by the sweet and warm medicines such as Radix Rehmanniae Preparata(Shudihuang)was emphasized,and Yin Yang mutual aid was advocated.[Conclusion]Whether it is the thought of nourishing Yin or the specific treatment and prescription,ZHANG Jingyue inherited and made a breakthrough on ZHU Danxi.He further improved the theory of nourishing Yin and the theory of warm-recuperation in traditional Chinese medicine,and created a series of prescriptions based on nourishing true Yin.It is of great significance to study the similarities and differences of their thought,theory,clinical symptoms and treatment for sorting out the development context of the treatment method of nourishing Yin.

International Eye Science ; (12): 646-650, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012837


AIM: To assess the accuracy of predicting intraocular lens(IOL)power after myopic refractive surgery using the Pentacam system's true net power(TNP)in the 3 mm zone combined with the SRK/T formula [i.e. TNP 3 mm(SRK/T)].METHODS: Retrospective study. This study enrolled 35 cases(50 eyes)of patients undergoing cataract surgery after laser assisted in situ keratomileusis(LASIK)or photorefractive keratectomy(PRK)from July 2019 to December 2021. Preoperatively, IOL power of 50 eyes, 34 eyes and 41 eyes was calculated by TNP 3 mm(SRK/T), Barrett True-K and Olsen 2 formulas, respectively, with at least 2 formulas used to calculate IOL power for each patient. The actual diopter was recorded 3 mo postoperatively. Prediction errors(PE)of IOL power were compared among the three calculation methods, and the proportion of eyes with PE within ±0.5 D and ±1.0 D was analyzed.RESULTS: The PE at 3 mo postoperatively for TNP 3 mm(SRK/T), Barrett True-K, and Olsen 2 was -0.02±0.63, -0.54±0.80, and 0.25±0.80 D, respectively(P<0.001). The proportions of PE within ±0.5 D were 66%(33/50), 44%(15/34)and 37%(15/41), respectively(P<0.05); the proportions of PE within ±1.0 D were 88%(44/50), 71%(24/34)and 80%(33/41), respectively(P>0.05).CONCLUSION: The Pentacam TNP 3 mm(SRK/T)method is simple to operate and provides accurate calculation of IOL power after corneal refractive surgery.

Sex., salud soc. (Rio J.) ; (39): e22309, 2023. graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530508


Resumo Este artigo tem por objeto o uso de metáforas de virilidade nas ações políticas de ciberativistas de extrema direita. Vamos examinar os ataques trocados entre agentes do mesmo campo da extrema-direita, em particular aqueles dirigidos contra o então presidente Jair Bolsonaro por homens que são seus seguidores e compartilham de seu antifeminismo. Veremos que as metáforas da virilidade têm um papel duplo nessas disputas: como forma de compreender e avaliar tanto adversários e disputas quanto a si mesmos. Esse papel nasce da articulação entre três elementos: i) crenças e atitudes baseadas em um ideal de virilidade; ii) uma experiência vivida de ser e tornar-se homem; e, iii), o modo de funcionamento das plataformas digitais. Argumentamos que existe uma afinidade eletiva entre, de um lado, a forma de socialização masculina definida por Welzer-Lang com seu conceito de "casa dos homens", e, de outro, a arquitetura das plataformas digitais desenhada como um espaço competitivo e anti-institucional no qual se constrói visibilidade e reputação.

Resumen Este artículo se centra en el uso de metáforas de virilidad en las acciones políticas de los ciberactivistas de extrema derecha. Examinaremos los ataques intercambiados entre agentes del mismo campo de extrema derecha, en particular los dirigidos contra el expresidente Jair Bolsonaro por sus seguidores hombres que compartían su antifeminismo. Veremos que las metáforas de la virilidad desempeñan un doble papel en estas disputas: ellas son una forma de entender y evaluar tanto a los oponentes y disputas como a ellos mismos. Este rol nace de la articulación entre tres elementos: i) creencias y actitudes basadas en un ideal de virilidad; ii) una experiencia vivida de ser y devenir hombre; iii) el funcionamiento de las plataformas digitales. Argumentamos que existe una afinidad electiva, por un lado, entre la forma de socialización masculina definida por Welzer-Lang con su concepto de "casa de hombres", y, por otro lado, la arquitectura de plataformas digitales que se diseña como un espacio competitivo y anti-institucional donde se construye visibilidad y reputación.

Abstract This article focuses on the use of virility metaphors in the political actions of far-right cyberactivists. It examines the attacks exchanged between agents within the far-right, in particular those targeted against Jair Bolsonaro, Brazilian president from 2019 to 2022, by his male followers who share his anti-feminism. It is argued that, in these disputes, metaphors of virility have a dual role: they are a way of interpreting and of evaluating opponents, disputes and men themselves. This role results from the articulation between three elements: i) beliefs and attitudes based on an ideal of virility; ii) a lived experience of being and becoming a man; and, iii), how digital platforms operate. Our hypothesis is that there is an elective affinity between, on the one hand, the form of male socialisation defined as the "men's house" by Welzer-Lang and, on the other hand, the architecture of digital platforms designed as a competitive, anti-institutional environment in which visibility and reputation are built.

Rev. Fac. Med. UNAM ; 65(6): 20-25, nov.-dic. 2022. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431348


Resumen Las anomalías del cordón umbilical están asociadas a efectos adversos durante el embarazo. El nudo verdadero del cordón umbilical está presente en el 0.3-2.1% de los embarazos y se ha asociado a muerte fetal. Dentro de los factores de riesgo se incluye, la edad materna, índice de masa corporal (IMC) elevado, multiparidad, trastornos hipertensivos, tabaquismo, polihidramnios, diabetes gestacional, sexo masculino del feto y otras malformaciones. El diagnóstico prenatal del nudo verdadero es raro y un desafío. La mayoría se diagnostica durante el nacimiento y sólo el 0.08% de los nudos verdaderos son diagnosticados de manera prenatal. El registro cardiotocográfico puede registrar trazos no tranquilizadores que reflejan que hay un estrés hipóxico o mecánico que interrumpe la oxigenación fetal. El objetivo de este reporte es mostrar un caso de nudo verdadero del cordón umbilical que presentó taquicardia fetal persistente durante el trabajo de parto con terminación del embarazo vía vaginal.

Abstract Umbilical cord abnormalities are associated with adverse effects during pregnancy. The true umbilical cord knot is present in 0.3-2.1% of pregnancies and has been associated with fetal death. Risk factors include maternal age, high BMI, multiparity, hypertensive disorders, smoking, polyhydramnios, gestational diabetes, male sex of the fetus, and other malformations. Prenatal diagnosis of the true knot is rare and challenging. Most are diagnosed at birth and only 0.08% of true knots are diagnosed prenatally. Non-reassuring cardiotocography traces may be present, reflecting hypoxic or mechanical stress disrupting fetal oxygenation. The aim of this case report is to present a case of true umbilical cord knot presenting with persistent fetal tachycardia during labor, resolved by vaginal delivery.

Rev. Fac. Med. UNAM ; 65(4): 30-37, jul.-ago. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1394633


Resumen El nudo verdadero de cordón umbilical es una patología con una incidencia relativamente baja. Se asocia a riesgo de pérdida del bienestar fetal y muerte perinatal. Existen factores de riesgo tanto maternos como fetales, con diferentes resultados perinatales asociados. El diagnóstico prenatal es un reto para el obstetra y la mayoría de casos son hallazgos al nacimiento, sin embargo, hoy en día se dispone de métodos ecográficos para su búsqueda intencionada, principalmente en pacientes con factores de riesgo. De igual forma debe sospecharse ante la presencia de un registro cardiotocográfico no tranquilizante, sobre todo cuando no existe respuesta a las maniobras habituales de reanimación intrauterina, como la posición en decúbito lateral izquierdo, oxígeno suplementario e hidratación materna. El objetivo del presente reporte es describir 4 casos de nudo verdadero en embarazos a término en un hospital de tercer nivel, en donde se estimó una incidencia del 0.03%, con una edad gestacional promedio de 39.3 semanas y una media de edad materna de 32.2 años. Los principales hallazgos intraparto fueron alteraciones en el registro cardiotocográfico, tales como desaceleraciones variables y tardías. La resolución del embarazo fue por vía vaginal en 2 de las pacientes, mientras que las otras 2 se resolvieron mediante cesárea. Se registró un caso de muerte perinatal.

Abstract The true umbilical cord knot is a pathology with an incidence relatively low. It is associated with the risk of loss of fetal well-being and stillbirth. There are both maternal and fetal risk factors, with different associated perinatal outcomes. Prenatal diagnosis of a true knot is a diagnostic challenge for the obstetrician, however, nowadays it is possible by ultrasound for incidental finding or by intentional search, mainly in patients with risk factors. In the same way it should be suspected in the presence of a non-reassuring cardiotocography, especially when there is no response to the usual intrauterine resuscitation maneuvers, such as left lateral decubitus position, supplemental oxygen and maternal hydration. The purpose of this report is to describe 4 cases of true knot in term pregnancies, in a third level hospital, where an incidence of 0.03% was estimated,, with a mean gestational age of 39.3 weeks and a mean maternal age of 32.2 years. The main intrapartum findings were alterations in the cardiotocography, such as variable and late decelerations. The route of pregnancy resolution was equitable among the patients, 2 were resolved by vaginal delivery and the other 2 by cesarean section. Pregnancy was resolved by vaginal delivery in 2 of the patients, while the other 2 were resolved by cesarean section. One case of stillbirth was registered

RECIIS (Online) ; 16(2): 227-246, abr.-jun. 2022.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1378344


O artigo emprega o método etnográfico e comparativo por contraste, fundado em observação direta, participante e entrevistas no campo no Brasil, na França e nos EUA. O objetivo do mesmo consiste em analisar a produção de narrativas contraditórias no mundo contemporâneo que se arrogam a qualidade de verdades legítimas para aqueles que acreditam nelas. Como resultado demonstramos como tais narrativas se articulam a uma generalizada quebra de 'confiança' (trust), característica presumida nas interações das sociedades de mercado, por uma desconfiança generalizada, mais especificamente caracterizada na língua portuguesa como 'a cisma'. O principal problema é o renascimento do ethos inquisitorial na sociedade contemporânea e suas implicações nas formas de produção da verdade. A intersecção entre a cisma e o ethos inquisitorial de suspeição sistemática sobre todas as interações sociais na sociedade contemporânea parece estar intimamente relacionada com os efeitos das redes sociais nas práticas e dinâmicas sociais, em particular no que diz respeito à rachadura produzida por estes instrumentos na construção de consensos, das concepções do "comum" da ideia da verdade, da inclinação ao debate e à crítica, etc.

The article employs the ethnographic and comparative method by contrast, based on direct and participant observation, and field interviews in Brazil, France and the USA. Its purpose is to analyze the production of contradictory narratives in the contemporary world that claim to be legitimate truths for those who believe them. As a result, we show how such narratives are articulated to a generalized breakdown of 'trust', a presumed characteristic in the interactions of market societies, by a generalized distrust, more specifically characterized in Portuguese as 'a cisma'. The main problem is the revival of the inquisitorial ethos in contemporary society and its implications for the forms of truth production. The intersection between schism and the inquisitorial ethos of systematic suspicion about all social interactions in contemporary society seems to be closely related to the effects of social networks on social practices and dynamics, in particular with regard to the cracking produced by these instruments in the construction of consensus, of the conceptions of the 'common' idea of truth, of the inclination to debate and criticism, etc.

El artículo utiliza el método etnográfico y comparativo por contraste, basándose en la observación directa y participante y en entrevistas sobre el terreno en Brasil, Francia y Estados Unidos. Su objetivo es analizar la producción de narrativas contradictorias en el mundo contemporáneo que pretenden ser verdades legítimas para quienes las creen. Como resultado, demostramos cómo tales narrativas se articulan a una ruptura generalizada de la 'confianza', una presunta característica en las interacciones de las sociedades de mercado, por una desconfianza generalizada, más específicamente caracterizada en el idioma portugués como 'a cisma'. El problema principal es el resurgimiento del ethos inquisitorial en la sociedad contemporánea y sus implicaciones para las formas de producción de la verdad. La intersección entre el cisma y el ethos inquisitorial de sospecha sistemática sobre todas las interacciones sociales en la sociedad contemporánea parece estar estrechamente relacionada con los efectos de las redes sociales en las prácticas y dinámicas sociales, en particular en lo que se refiere a la fisura producida por estos instrumentos en la construcción del consenso, de las concepciones de lo 'común' de la idea de verdad, de la inclinación al debate y la crítica, etc.

Humanos , Ciência , Cultura , Desinformação , Antropologia Cultural , Dinâmica Populacional , Crime , Narração , Rede Social
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-941041


Trisomy 11 mosaicism is clinically rare, for which making diagnostic and treatment decisions can be challenging. In this study, we used noninvasive prenatal testing, chromosome karyotype analysis, chromosome microarray analysis, copy number variation sequencing and fluorescence in situ hybridization for detecting trisomy 11 mosaicism in two cases and provided them with genetic counseling. In one of the cases, the fetus with confined placental mosaicism trisomy 11 presented with severe growth restriction and a placental mosaic level of 44%, and pregnancy was terminated at 25+3 weeks of gestation. In the other case with true low-level fetal mosaicism of trisomy 11, the pregnancy continued after exclusion of the possibility of uniparental disomy and structural abnormalities and careful prenatal counseling. The newborn was followed up for more than one year, and no abnormality was found. Noninvasive prenatal testing is capable of detecting chromosomal mosaicism but may cause missed diagnosis of true fetal mosaicism. For cases with positive noninvasive prenatal testing but a normal karyotype of the fetus, care should be taken in prenatal counseling and pregnancy management.

Feminino , Humanos , Recém-Nascido , Gravidez , Transtornos Cromossômicos/diagnóstico , Variações do Número de Cópias de DNA , Testes Genéticos , Hibridização in Situ Fluorescente , Mosaicismo , Placenta , Diagnóstico Pré-Natal , Trissomia/genética
International Eye Science ; (12): 1157-1162, 2022.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-929498


AIM: To compare the distribution characteristics of axial sagittal front power(ASF), true net power(TNP), total corneal refractive power(TCRP)and the difference in back-front corneal radius ratio(B/F ratio)after cataract surgery.METHODS: A prospective study. A total of 156 patients(156 eyes)with age-related cataract who attend Weifang Eye Hospital for cataract surgery from December 2020 to May 2021 were collected. Pentacam was performed before operation and 3mo after operation to collect ASF, TNP and TCRP on 2, 4 and 6mm diameters rings and areas on the corneal apex and pupil-centered, as well as B/F ratio.RESULTS: 3mo after operation, there was no statistical difference in ASF on the 2mm diameters ring and area centered on the corneal apex compared with preoperative values(all P>0.05), however, the ASF values on the 4 and 6mm diameters rings and areas were significantly different from those before surgery(all P<0.05); There was no statistical difference in ASF on the 2mm diameters rings and areas centered on the pupil compared with preoperative values(all P>0.05). The postoperative values of TNP and TCRP on the 2, 4 and 6mm diameters rings and areas centered on the corneal apex and centered on the pupil were statistically different before surgery(all P<0.05). Preoperative, TCRP values were different between 2mm and 6mm and between 4mm and 6mm on both corneal apex and pupil-centered rings(all P<0.0167), TCRP values were all different between 2mm and 6mm diameters areas on corneal apex and pupil-centered(all P<0.0167); 3mo after operation, TCRP values were different on corneal apex and pupil-centered rings between 2mm and 6mm and between 4mm and 6mm diameters(all P<0.0167). While TCRP values on the corneal apex and pupil-centered areas were only different between 2mm and 6mm diameters(all P<0.0167). The preoperative B/F ratio of patients was 81.79%±1.87%, and the postoperative B/ F ratio of patients was 80.68%±2.23%(P<0.001).CONCLUSION: Corneal parameters of different diameters of rings and areas centered on the corneal apex and pupil before and after cataract surgery may change and differ, which should be taken into account when selecting the K value for intraocular lens calculation and individualizing the selection of IOLs based on corneal characteristics.

Rev. bras. entomol ; Rev. bras. entomol;66(3): e20220026, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1407492


ABSTRACT The genus Mythimna Ochsenheimer, 1816 groups aproximatelly 270 species worldwide. This genus is subdivided into many subgenera and species-groups, with those species occurring in the Neotropical region included in the subgenus Mythimna (Pseudaletia) Franclemont, 1951. Species of this subgenus frequently reach high population levels, causing economic damage to Poaceae cultivars. Hence, it is crucial a well-defined taxonomy allowing rapid and precise identifications. However, the species of this subgenus are cryptic, their recognition requires molecular analyses and in-depth morphological studies, which has often resulted in misidentifications. In Brazil, the occurrence of the following species had been mentioned: Mythimna (P.) adultera (Schaus, 1894), Mythimna (P.) roraimae Franclemont, 1951, Mythimna (P.) sequax Franclemont, 1951, and Mythimna (P.) unipuncta (Haworth, 1809). Yet, until now, we lack a broader knowledge about the geographic distribution and taxonomy of these species. Thus, this study aims to revise the taxonomy of those species based on morphological and molecular (COI) data to provide an updated comprehension of this group in the country. The analysis of 1,664 specimens allowed us to confirm the presence of three species in the country: Mythimna (P.) adultera, Mythimna (P.) sequax, and Mythimna (P.) unipuncta. A lectotype for Mythimna (P.) adultera is designated; a new synonym is proposed: Pseudaletia roraimae syn. nov. of Mythimna (P.) unipuncta; and a new species, Mythimna (P.) celiae sp. nov. is described from Bagé, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

Rev. bras. psicanál ; 55(4): 115-126, out.-dez. 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1507898


Neste trabalho, a autora aborda questões acerca do self analítico usando a teoria de verdadeiro e falso self para abarcar os movimentos mentais do analista, presentes na experiência de supervisão. Está implícita a importância da transmissão da psicanálise, considerando os aspectos da função do analista e de seu contínuo processo de vir a ser.

In this work, the author approaches questions about the analytic self, using the theory of the true and false self to encompass the analyst's mental movements present in the supervision experience. The importance of the transmission of psychoanalysis is implicit, considering the aspects of the analyst's function and their continuous process of being.

En este trabajo, el autor aborda preguntas sobre el self analítico utilizando la teoría del self verdadero y falso para abarcar los movimientos mentales del analista presentes en la experiencia de supervisión. La importancia de la transmisión del psicoanálisis está implícita considerando los aspectos de la función del analista y su continuo proceso de devenir.

Dans ce travail, l'autrice aborde des questions sur le self analytique en utilisant la théorie du vrai et du faux self pour embrasser, les mouvements mentaux de l'analyste présents dans l'expérience de supervision. L'importance de la transmission de la psychanalyse y est implicite considérant les aspects de la fonction de l'analyste et de son processus continu de devenir.

Int. j interdiscip. dent. (Print) ; 14(3): 218-221, dic. 2021. tab, ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385221


RESUMEN: Objetivo: el objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la discrepancia del Plano de Frankfurt evaluado en fotogrametría y en cefalometría de radiografías laterales de cráneo respecto a la horizontal verdadera. Materiales y métodos: el estudio consideró a 34 voluntarios de la clínica del Postítulo de Ortodoncia y Ortopedia Dento Máxilo Facial de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Chile. Se utilizaron sus radiografías laterales de cráneo orientadas según el Plano de Frankfurt paralelo al piso y se les tomó una fotografía facial de perfil estandarizada en Posición Natural de Cabeza. Se trazó el Plano de Frankfurt y la Horizontal Verdadera en ambos exámenes y se midió el ángulo formado entre estos planos. Resultados: al comparar los ángulos mediante T-test, no hubo diferencia estadística. Conclusiones: mediante la aplicación de un protocolo sistematizado tanto para el registro fotográfico como para la obtención de la Posición Natural de Cabeza, se puede lograr que el Plano de Frankfurt sea prácticamente coincidente en radiografías laterales de cráneo y en fotografías clínicas, demostrando su uso hasta el día de hoy en la ortodoncia moderna.

ABSTRACT: Objective: the aim of this study was to determine the Frankfurt plane variation evaluated in photogrammetry and lateral skull x-ray cephalometry in relation to the true horizontal. Materials and methods: the study included 34 volunteers from the Universidad de Chile Dento-maxillofacial Orthodontics and Orthopedics Postgraduate Clinic. Their lateral skull radiographs, oriented according to the Frankfurt Plane parallel to the floor, were used and a standardized profile facial photograph was taken in Natural Head Position. The Frankfurt Plane and True Horizontal were drawn in both examinations and the angle formed between these planes was measured. Results: when comparing the angles through T-test, there was no statistical difference. Conclusions: through the application of a systematized protocol for both photographic record and natural head position obtained, the Frankfurt Plane can be practically coincident in lateral skull x-rays and clinical photographs, showing its usefulness up to the present days in modern orthodontics.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Crânio , Fotogrametria , Cefalometria
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 15(3): 626-633, sept. 2021. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385785


Los quistes periradiculares, tanto los de bolsillo como los verdaderos, son de origen inflamatorio; sin embargo, en la literatura ha existido una gran controversia asociada, en primer lugar, a la dependencia de la infección contenida dentro del sistema de conductos radiculares y, en segundo lugar, al tipo de tratamiento endodóntico llevado a cabo en este tipo de lesiones. Con el fin de dilucidar esta controversia se realizará una revisión a la literatura sobre quistes perira diculares donde se explicará cuál es la técnica más adecuada en el diagnóstico de quistes verdaderos y de bolsillo. Igualmente, se explicará la teoría de autosustentabilidad, así como el tratamiento endodóntico de grandes lesiones periradiculares asociadas a dichos quistes. Ahora bien, en la actualidad se ha demostrado que ambos quistes están asociados a infecciones contenidas en el sistema de conductos radiculares y son diferentes solamente en su morfología. Así mismo, se ha recomendado el tratamiento de conducto convencional en dientes con grandes lesiones asociadas a quistes.

Radicular cysts, either the pocket or the true cysts, are originated by an inflammation. However, in the literature, there has been great controversy surrounding, firstly, the dependence of the infection contained within the radicular conducts and, secondly, the kind of endodontic treatment performed in this sort of injury. In order to clarify this controversy, the literature concerning radicular cysts will be reviewed and it will be explained what technique is the most appropriate for diagnosing true cysts and pocket cysts. Likewise, the theory of self-sustaining, as well as the endodontic treatment for large radicular injuries associated to such cysts, will be further explained. Nonetheless, nowadays it has been demonstrated that both cysts are associated to infections contained within the system of radicular conducts and that they are only morphologically different. In addition, the root canal treatment has been recommended for teeth with great injuries associated to cysts.

Humanos , Cistos Odontogênicos/diagnóstico , Cisto Radicular/diagnóstico , Cisto Radicular/patologia , Periodontite Periapical/diagnóstico , Fotomicrografia , Radiografia Dentária , Cistos Odontogênicos/patologia
Multimed (Granma) ; 25(4): e2218, 2021. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1287431


RESUMEN Introducción: los nudos verdaderos del cordón umbilical son poco frecuentes y ocurren entre 0.3-1.3 % de todos los embarazos. La tasa de mortalidad fetal antes del parto oscila entre 4 a 10 veces mayor con relación a los embarazos con cordones umbilicales normales. Presentación de caso: caso 1 paciente de 39 años de edad G3 P (1eut y 1 ces) A0, obesa, edad gestacional de 39.3 semanas, que asiste al Hospital con contracciones uterinas de 3/10 minutos, buena intensidad, presentación alta, cefálica y la frecuencia cardiaca fetal(fcf) de 164/minutos, cesárea anterior hace 2 años, signo de más, con cuello uterino permeable 1cm, grueso y membranas intactas. Caso 2: paciente que ingresa en el Hospital con 41 años de edad, obesa, con G5 P4 A0, Edad gestacional de 40, 4 semanas, el último parto ocurrió hace 6 años, posee contracciones 2/10 minutos y fcf de 160/minutos, con desaceleraciones tardías en los registros cardiotocográficos (CTG), dilatación de 2cms con membranas intactas y el cuello grueso y rígido. TA: 140/80, en hipertensa crónica y tratamiento con metildopa 250mg c/6hrs. Caso 3: paciente que ingresa con 39 años de edad, 41 semanas de gestación, G6 P5 A0, obesa, el último parto se realizó con la aplicación de fórceps con apgar bajo, hace 3 años, lleva tratamiento con metildopa 500mg cada 8 horas por ser una hipertensa crónica; ingresó con tensión arterial de 120/80, se queja de dolores bajo vientre. Discusión: dentro de los factores de riesgos planteados en la aparición de los nudos verdaderos del cordón umbilical se constató: la hipertensión arterial crónica en los tres pacientes, dos multíparas, tres con edad igual o mayor a 39 años y todos con cordones mayores a 60cms. La longitud normal del cordón es de (30cms a 60cms). Se plantea como riesgo de desarrollar nudos del cordón, con cordones mayores a 80cms. Conclusiones: no hubo complicaciones para la salud de los neonatos.

ABSTRACT Introduction: true umbilical cord knots are rare and occur between 0.3-1.3 % of all pregnancies. The fetal mortality rate before delivery ranges from 4 to 10 times higher than in pregnancies with normal umbilical cords. Case presentation: case 1 39-year-old patient G3 P (1 eut and 1 ces) A0, obese, gestational age of 39.3 weeks, who attends the Hospital with uterine contractions of 3/10 minutes, good intensity, high presentation, cephalic and fetal heart rate (fcf) of 164 / min, previous cesarean section 2 years ago, plus sign, with a patent cervix 1cm, thick and intact membranes. Case 2: patient admitted to the Hospital at 41 years of age, obese, with G5 P4 A0, gestational age of 40, 4 weeks, the last delivery occurred 6 years ago, has contractions 2/10 minutes and fcf of 160 / minutes, with late decelerations in the cardiotocographic recordings (CTG), dilation of 2 cm with intact membranes and a thick and stiff neck. BP: 140/80, in chronic hypertensive and treatment with methyldopa 250mg every 6hrs. Case 3: patient who was admitted with 39 years of age, 41 weeks of gestation, G6 P5 A0, obese, the last delivery was performed with the application of forceps with low apgar, 3 years ago, has been treated with methyldopa 500mg every 8 hours for be a chronic hypertensive; she was admitted with a blood pressure of 120/80, she complains of pain in the lower abdomen. Discussion: among the risk factors raised in the appearance of true umbilical cord knots, it was found: chronic arterial hypertension in the three patients, two multiparous, three with age equal to or greater than 39 years and all with cords greater than 60 cm. The normal length of the cord is (30cms to 60cms). It is posed as a risk of developing knots in the cord, with cords greater than. Conclusions: there were no complications for the health of the neonates.

RESUMO Introdução: os nós verdadeiros do cordão umbilical são raros e ocorrem entre 0,3-1,3% de todas as gestações. A taxa de mortalidade fetal antes do parto varia de 4 a 10 vezes maior do que em gestações com cordão umbilical normal. Apresentação do caso: caso 1 paciente G3 P, 39 anos (1 eut e 1 ces) A0, obesa, idade gestacional de 39,3 semanas, que chega ao Hospital com contrações uterinas de 3/10 minutos, boa intensidade, apresentação elevada, frequência cardíaca cefálica e fetal (fcf) de 164 / min, cesárea anterior há 2 anos, sinal positivo, com colo pérvio 1cm, membranas espessas e íntegras. Caso 2: paciente que dá entrada no Hospital com 41 anos de idade, obeso, com G5 P4 A0, idade gestacional de 40,4 semanas, último parto há 6 anos, contrações 2/10 minutos e fcf de 160 / minutos, com desacelerações tardias nos registros cardiotocográficos (CTG), dilatação de 2 cm com membranas íntegras e pescoço grosso e rígido. PA: 140/80, em hipertensos crônicos e tratamento com metildopa 250mg a cada 6h. Caso 3: paciente que deu entrada com 39 anos, 41 semanas de gestação, G6 P5 A0, obesa, último parto realizado com aplicação de fórceps com baixo apgar, há 3 anos, tratou com metildopa 500mg a cada 8 horas para ser hipertenso crônico; Foi internado com pressão arterial de 120/80, com queixa de dores na região abdominal inferior. Discussão: entre os fatores de risco levantados no aparecimento de nós verdadeiros do cordão umbilical, encontrou-se: hipertensão arterial crônica nos três pacientes, dois multíparos, três com idade igual ou superior a 39 anos e todos com cordões maiores que 60 cm. O comprimento normal do cabo é (30 cms a 60 cms). É considerado risco de desenvolvimento de nós no cordão, com cordões maiores que 80cms. Conclusões: não houve complicações para a saúde dos neonatos.

Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 34(2): e1046, 2021. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1341451


Objetivo: Determinar los resultados refractivos en pacientes operados de catarata con cirugía refractiva corneal, según el cálculo del poder dióptrico de la lente intraocular con la fórmula Barrett True K. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio pre-experimental, del tipo antes y después, en el cual fueron incluidos 18 pacientes (31 ojos). En ellos se analizaron variables demográficas y clínicas. La principal variable de salida fue la predictibilidad del componente esférico ± 0,50 D, ± 1,0 D según la longitud axial. Resultados: Fueron estudiados pacientes con un promedio de edad de 59,4 años, predominantemente del sexo femenino (66,7 por ciento). El 77,4 por ciento fue operado con queratotomía radial. Con la cirugía de catarata se produjo una mejora ostensible de la agudeza visual no corregida (mediana preoperatoria: 0,12 y mediana posoperatoria: 0,60). Solo el 9,7 por ciento de los ojos analizados presentó una agudeza visual sin corregir de 20/20 y el 90,3 por ciento de 20/40 o más. La cantidad de ojos con un equivalente esférico de ± 0,50 disminuyó en la medida en que aumentó la longitud axial (corta: 100 por ciento; normal: 57,1 por ciento; larga: 22,7 por ciento), no así la predictibilidad del componente esférico de ± 0,50, que aumentó (corta: 50,0 por ciento; normal: 57,1 por ciento; larga: 63,6 por ciento). Conclusiones: La fórmula Barrett True K resulta útil para el cálculo de la lente intraocular en pacientes operados de catarata y cirugía refractiva corneal previa(AU)

Objective: Determine refractive outcomes in patients undergoing cataract corneal refractive surgery based on intraocular lens dioptric power calculation with the Barrett True-K formula. Methods: A pre-experimental before/after study was conducted of 18 patients (31 eyes). Demographic and clinical variables were analyzed. The main output variable was spherical component predictability ± 0.50 D, ± 1.0 D according to axial length. Results: Mean age was 59.4 years; female sex prevailed (66.7 percent). Of the patients studied, 77.4 percent underwent radial keratotomy. Cataract surgery led to notable uncorrected visual acuity improvement (preoperative mean: 0.12; postoperative mean: 0.60). Only 9.7 percent of the eyes examined had an uncorrected visual acuity of 20/20, whereas 90.3 percent had 20/40 or more. The number of eyes with a spherical equivalent of ± 0.50 fell as axial length rose (near: 100 percent; normal: 57.1 percent; far: 22.7 percent), unlike ± 0.50 spherical component predictability, which rose from near: 50.0 percent; normal: 57.1 percent; far: 63.6 percent. Conclusions: The Barrett True-K formula is useful for intraocular lens calculation in patients undergoing previous cataract and corneal refractive surgery(AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Implante de Lente Intraocular/métodos , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Refrativos/métodos , Ceratotomia Radial/métodos
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-921535


Objective To evaluate the application of two-dimensional magnetization-prepared true fast imaging with steady-state precession(2D-MP-TrueFISP)sequence in brain tumor enhancement.Methods In this study,60 cases of brain tumor patients who underwent enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of brain were scanned with 2D-MP-TrueFISP/two-dimensional spoiled gradient-recalled echo(2D-SPGR)before and after enhancement.The scores of lesions on the images of 2D-MP-TrueFISP/2D-SPGR were compared.At the same level of 2D-SPGE and 2D-MP-TrueFISP,the signal intensities(SIs)of lesions,white matter,and cerebrospinal fluid were measured before and after enhancement,and the contrast ratios(CRs)of lesions were calculated.The CRs before and after 2D-SPGR/2D-MP-TrueFISP enhancement and those between 2D-SPGR and 2D-MP-TrueFISP after enhancement were compared.Results The scores of lesions after 2D-MP-TrueFISP/2D-SPGR T1WI enhancement were 9.0(9.0,9.0)and 7.0(6.0,7.0),respectively,with significant difference(

Humanos , Encéfalo , Neoplasias Encefálicas/diagnóstico por imagem , Aumento da Imagem , Imageamento Tridimensional , Imageamento por Ressonância Magnética
Acta biol. colomb ; 25(3): 322-332, sep.-dic. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1149012


RESUMEN La Serranía de La Lindosa es una formación geomorfológica que presenta heterogeneidad en sus coberturas vegetales. Esta zona se encuentra en una situación contradictoria debido a que presenta una elevada biodiversidad, sin embargo, es uno de los actuales focos de deforestación más grandes de Colombia. A pesar de que se espera una alta diversidad de murciélagos en La Lindosa existe poca información publicada sobre este grupo. Este trabajo presenta los resultados de inventarios de murciélagos realizados durante cinco años en la Serranía de la Lindosa. Se compara la diversidad (riqueza, composición y estructura) de los ensamblajes de murciélagos en dos tipos principales de cobertura vegetal, los bosques húmedos y las sabanas casmófitas. Los inventarios recogen información de 735 murciélagos capturados, correspondientes a 46 especies. De estas, 14 especies se encontraron solamente en sabanas casmófitas, 11 en bosques húmedos y 19 en los dos tipos de vegetación. De esta manera, se evidencia una alta complementariedad en la composición de especies de murciélagos entre los dos tipos de vegetación. Adicionalmente, la estructura de los ensamblajes de murciélagos varió entre los dos ambientes. La abundancia entre las especies es más homogénea en las sabanas casmófitas con un mayor número de especies raras comparado con los bosques húmedos. En general, la alta diversidad de murciélagos de la Serranía de La Lindosa puede estar relacionada con la heterogeneidad en la vegetación, la presencia de diferentes tipos de cuevas, y la historia evolutiva de las especies de murciélagos asociados a la Región Guayana.

ABSTRACT The Serranía La Lindosa is a geomorphological formation with land cover heterogeneity. This area faces a contradictory situation because it has high biodiversity and provides several ecosystem services, and yet it is one of the current largest deforestation sites in Colombia. Bats is a taxonomic group with high expected diversity in La Lindosa, but there is little published information about this group. This paper presents the results of bat inventories carried out during five years in the Lindosa mountain range. Additionally, diversity is compared in terms of species richness, composition, and structure of bat assemblies in two main types ofvegetation cover evident in the area, which are humid forests and casmophytic savannas. Inventories collected information on 735 captured bats, corresponding to 46 species. Of these, 14 species were found only in casmophytic savannas, 11 in humid forests, and 19 in both types of vegetation. Thus, there is high complementarity in bat species composition between the two vegetation types. Additionally, the structure of bat assemblies varied between the two environments, with a proportional distribution of species abundance more homogeneous in casmophytic savannas than in forests. Besides, a higher number of rare species was found in casmophytic savannas. In general, the high diversity of bats of the Serranía de La Lindosa could be associated with vegetation heterogeneity, presence of different cave types and evolutionary history of bat species associated with the Guayana Region.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-213159


Background: Foreign body ingestion and food bolus impaction is a common clinical scenario and can present as an endoscopic emergency. Though majority of them pass spontaneously 10-20% require endoscopic intervention. Flexible endoscopy is recommended as therapeutic measure with minimal complications. The aim of our study is to present 5 years’ experience in dealing with foreign bodies in the upper gastrointestinal tract.Methods: Cases of foreign body ingestion admitted to department of general surgery from March 2015 to March 2020 were evaluated. The patients were reviewed with details on age, sex, type of FB, its location in gastrointestinal tract, treatment and outcome.Results: A total of 55 cases were studied. Age range was 1-85 years. Males were predominant 61.81%. Coins were found most commonly 63.6%. Esophagus was the commonest site of FB lodgement 70.9%. Upper esophagus being the most common 36.36%. Upper gastrointestinal flexible endoscopy was useful in retrieving FB in all the 55 cases. There were no complications throughout the study period.Conclusions: Flexible endoscopy should be used as definitive treatment and endoscopic treatment is safe and effective.

J Cancer Res Ther ; 2020 Jan; 15(6): 1464-1470
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-213556


Objective: The aim of this study is to develop a predictive model for identifying true negatives among nonspecific benign results on computed tomography-guided lung biopsy. Materials and Methods: This was a single-center retrospective study. Between December 2013 and May 2016, a total of 126 patients with nonspecific benign biopsy results were used as the training group to create a predictive model of true-negative findings. Between June 2016 and June 2017, additional 56 patients were used as the validation group to test the constructed model. Results: In the training group, a total of 126 lesions from 126 patients were biopsied. Biopsies from 106 patients were true negatives and 20 were false-negatives. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were identified a biopsy result of “chronic inflammation with fibroplasia” as a predictor of true-negative results (P = 0.013). Abnormal neuron-specific enolase (NSE) level (P = 0.012) and pneumothorax during the lung biopsy (P = 0.021) were identified as predictors of false-negative results. A predictive model was developed as follows: Risk score = −0.437 + 2.637 × NSE level + 1.687 × pneumothorax - 1.82 × biopsy result of “chronic inflammation with fibroplasia.” The area under the receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curve was 0.78 (P < 0.001). To maximize sensitivity and specificity, we selected a cutoff risk score of −0.029. When the model was used on the validation group, the area under the ROC curve was 0.766 (P = 0.005). Conclusions: Our predictive model showed good predictive ability for identifying true negatives among nonspecific benign lung biopsy results

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-847934


BACKGROUND: Intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring is popular in spinal surgery. However, a severe iatrogenic spinal cord injury cannot be completely eliminated. Is there a relationship between true positive intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring alert during particular surgical steps and postoperative neurological recovery? This topic is to improve the safety of spinal invasive procedures. OBJECTIVE: To determine the relationship between true positive intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring alert during particular surgical steps and postoperative walking ability. METHODS: A retrospective study of 2 249 patients undergoing intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring in Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, the University of Hong Kong was conducted. Standard patient demographics, diagnosis and operative features and intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring data were collected. There were 10 cases of true positive intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring alert (4 males, 6 females, 14-88 years old), and the average follow-up time was 9.8 years. The patients were divided into two groups based on whether surgical steps triggering intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring alert impact the spinal cord or not. The study was performed in accordance with the ethical requirements of Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, the University of Hong Kong, and the patients and their guardians signed the informed consents. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: These alerts occurred during decompression (n=3), anterior disc release (n=1), finding the entering point of T3 pedicle (n= 1), screw insertion (n=1), reduction of fracture (n=2), insertion of wire (n= 1), and cement injection (n=1). Among these patients, 100% of spinal cord invasive procedure patients developed incompetence of walking, while 80% (4/5) of spine cord non-invasive patients were capable of walking (P < 0.05). After the alert was triggered, four patients continued with primary program, three patients underwent expanding decompression and three patients gave up surgery. If true positive intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring alert is reported during spinal invasive procedures, there should be a very high chance of postoperative walking disability. If any conditions occur, the surgery needs to be stopped, and instead, remedial measures such as surgery suspension, steroids injection, and additional decompression should be performed immediately.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-847995


BACKGROUND: The accuracy of acetabular prosthesis placement during total hip arthroplasty has a direct effect on postoperative hip function, stability and service life. Unreasonable placement of the cup may lead to adverse events, so CT imaging should be emphasized. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the differences of acetabular parameters in hip arthroplasty between the horizontal and true pelvic planes on CT images, and to determine the possible impact on surgery outcomes. METHODS: Seventy-two cases of pelvic soft tissue disease were selected. All patients signed the informed consents, and the study was approved by the hospital ethics committee. The anteversion angle, acetabular angle, acetabular depth, acetabular width, femoral head midpoint-acetabular margin angle, abduction angle between the true pelvic plane and the horizontal plane were measured by CT positioning film and its scanning image. CT software was selected to reconstruct the three-dimensional image, and then scanned vertically with the true pelvic plane. The above parameters were measured in the same way. The differences of parameters between left and right acetabulum and two planes were compared by paired t test. Spearman correlation analysis was used to analyze the correlation between the angles between the two reference planes and the difference between the measured parameters. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: (1) There was no significant difference in the values of the left and right acetabular parameters between the horizontal plane and the true pelvic plane (P > 0.05). (2) The pelvic tilt angle was positively correlated with the femoral head midpoint-acetabular margin angle and the acetabular anteversion angle between the two reference surfaces, and negatively correlated with the acetabular angle and acetabular depth. (3) Our results suggest that during the CT scan of the supine position, the pelvis is accompanied by a rotation condition. The parameters of the true pelvis plane as a reference are inaccurate with the directly measured acetabular parameters. Therefore, attention should be paid to the preparation of the surgical plan before surgery.