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São Paulo; s.n; s.n; 2024. 190 p tab, graf.
Tese em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1562569


As leishmanioses são doenças negligenciadas que afetam mais de um bilhão e meio de pessoas ao redor do mundo, principalmente nos países em desenvolvimento, provocando grandes impactos socioeconômicos. Os fármacos disponíveis para o tratamento dessas doenças são ineficazes e apresentam graves efeitos adversos. O processo de pesquisa de novos fármacos envolve, entre outras coisas, a seleção de alvos bioquímicos essenciais para a sobrevivência e desenvolvimento do agente causador. Neste sentido, a Sirtuína 2, uma enzima epigenética com atividade hidrolase essencial para a sobrevivência dos parasitas do gênero Leishmania se apresenta como um alvo validado na busca de novos fármacos contra essas parasitoses. O planejamento de fármacos baseado na estrutura do receptor requer o conhecimento da estrutura tridimensional da proteína alvo. Desta forma, a elucidação estrutural e um estudo minucioso das Sirtuínas das várias espécies do gênero Leishmania apresenta-se como uma importante abordagem na aplicação desta estratégia na busca por agentes quimioterápicos. Até o momento, na família Trypanosomatidae, a única estrutura tridimensional resolvida experimentalmente de uma enzima Sirtuína 2 é a da espécie L. infantum. Assim, este trabalho aplicou a abordagem de Modelagem Comparativa utilizando o software Modeller na construção de modelos da Sir2rp1 das espécies L. infantum, L. major e L. braziliensis, cujas sequências de aminoácidos foram extraídas do banco de dados UNIProt. Os modelos construídos foram validados por meio da função de escore DOPE do Modeller e dos servidores PROCHECK, MolProbity e QMEAN, avaliando sua qualidade estereoquímica e seu enovelamento. Os ligantes naturais da enzima foram sobrepostos nos modelos construídos por alinhamento estrutural utilizando o software PyMol e os complexos validados foram submetidos a simulações de Dinâmica Molecular através do pacote GROMACS. Os complexos refinados foram então analisados por meio dos softwares PyMol e LigPlotPlus e dos pacotes GROMACS e gmx_MMPBSA, e foram estudados os sítios de ligação dos substratos e os resíduos de aminoácidos relevantes envolvidos em sua ligação e reconhecimento. A Modelagem Comparativa da Sirtuína 2 humana e seus homólogos das espécies L. infantum, L. major e L. braziliensis, as simulações de Dinâmica Molecular realizadas com os modelos enzimáticos construídos e validados complexados com seus ligantes naturais, os cálculos de energia de interação entre os modelos e seus substratos e o estudo estrutural comparativo realizado entre eles nos fornecem uma base teórica para a busca de novos inibidores da Sirtuína 2 que sejam mais seletivos e potentes contra as enzimas parasitárias, abrindo caminho para o desenvolvimento de candidatos a fármacos leishmanicidas mais seguros e eficazes

Leishmaniasis are neglected diseases that affect more than one and a half billion people around the world, mainly in developing countries, causing major socioeconomic impacts. The drugs available for the treatment of these diseases are ineffective and have serious adverse effects. The process of researching new drugs involves, among other things, the selection of biochemical targets essential for the survival and development of the causative agent. In this sense, Sirtuin 2, an epigenetic enzyme with hydrolase activity essential for the survival of parasites of the Leishmania genus, presents itself as a validated target in the search for new drugs against these parasites. Structure-Based Drug Design requires knowledge of the three-dimensional structure of the target protein. In this way, structural elucidation and a detailed study of Sirtuins from various species of the genus Leishmania presents itself as an important approach in the application of this strategy in the search for chemotherapeutic agents. To date, in the Trypanosomatidae family, the only experimentally resolved three-dimensional structure of a Sirtuin 2 enzyme is that of the species L. infantum. Thus, this work applied the Comparative Modeling approach using the Modeller software in the construction of Sir2rp1 models of the species L. infantum, L. major and L. braziliensis, whose amino acid sequences were retrieved from the UNIProt database. The constructed models were validated using Modeller's DOPE score function and the PROCHECK, MolProbity and QMEAN servers, evaluating their stereochemical quality and folding. The enzyme's natural ligands were superimposed on the built models by structural alignment using the PyMol software and the validated complexes were subjected to Molecular Dynamics simulations using the GROMACS package. The refined complexes were then analyzed using the PyMol and LigPlotPlus softwares and the GROMACS and gmx_MMPBSA packages, and the substrate binding sites and relevant amino acid residues involved in their binding and recognition were studied. The Comparative Modeling of human Sirtuin 2 and its homologues from the species L. infantum, L. major and L. braziliensis, the Molecular Dynamics simulations carried out with the constructed and validated enzymatic models complexed with their natural ligands, the interaction energy calculations between the models and their substrates and the comparative structural study carried out between them provide us with a theoretical basis for the search for new Sirtuin 2 inhibitors that are more selective and potent against the parasitic enzymes, paving the way for the development of safer and more effective leishmanicidal drug candidates

Preparações Farmacêuticas/análise , Leishmaniose/patologia , Sirtuínas/análise , Simulação de Dinâmica Molecular/estatística & dados numéricos , Doenças Negligenciadas/complicações , Epigenômica/classificação , Leishmania/classificação
Braz. j. infect. dis ; 28(2): 103736, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557301


ABSTRACT Trypanosomatids are an important group of parasites that predominate in tropical and subtropical areas of the planet, which cause diseases that are classified as forgotten and neglected by the world health organization. In this group of parasites, we find Trypanosoma cruzi, Trypanosoma brucei, Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense and Leishmania spp, for which there is no vaccine available, and its control has focused mainly on pharmacological treatment. Due to the poverty situation where these diseases are found and the biological complexity of these parasites, there are multiple variables to control, including the diversity of species, the complexity of their life cycles, drug resistance, cytotoxicity, the limited use in pregnant women, the high costs of treatment and the little-known pharmacological mechanisms of action, among others. It is therefore necessary to find new strategies and approaches for the treatment of these parasitic diseases. Among these new approaches is the rational search for new targets based on the allosteric inhibition of protein kinases, which have been little studied in trypanosomatids. Among these kinases, we find Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3 (GSK-3), a kinase of great pharmacological interest, which is under intense basic and clinical research by pharmaceutical companies for the treatment of cancer. This kinase, highly studied in the PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway signaling in humans, has an orthologous gene in these parasites (GSK-3 s), which has proven to be essential for them in response to different challenges; Therefore, it is notable to increase research in this kinase in order to achieve a broad structural and functional characterization in the different species of trypanosomatids.

Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 117: e210379, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360601


The trypanosomatids Trypanosoma brucei, Trypanosoma cruzi and Leishmania spp. are etiological agents of important neglected tropical diseases, affecting millions of people worldwide, and the drugs available for these diseases present several limitations. Novel efficient and nontoxic drugs are necessary as an alternative to the current chemotherapy. The unique mitochondrion of trypanosomatids and its peculiar features turn this organelle a potential drug target. Several phenotypic studies describe the damage in the parasite mitochondrial ultrastructure, but the molecular target is unknown. Few reports demonstrated the electron transport system (ETS) as a target due to the high similarities to mammalian orthologues, hence ETS is not a good candidate for drug intervention. On the other hand, antioxidant enzymes, such as trypanothione reductase, and an alternative oxidase (AOX) seem to be interesting targets; however no high active inhibitors were developed up to now. Finally, due to the remarkable differences to mammalian machinery, together with the high biological importance for the parasite survival, the mitochondrial import system stands out as a very promising target in trypanosomatids. Archaic translocase of the outer membrane (ATOM) and translocase of the inner membrane (TIM) complexes, which mediate both protein and tRNA import, composed by specific subunits of these parasites, could be excellent candidates, deserving studies focused on the development of specific drugs.

Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 117: e210402, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365147


Diseases caused by trypanosomatid parasites affect millions of people mainly living in developing countries. Novel drugs are highly needed since there are no vaccines and available treatment has several limitations, such as resistance, low efficacy, and high toxicity. The drug discovery process is often analogous to finding a needle in the haystack. In the last decades a so-called rational drug design paradigm, heavily dependent on computational approaches, has promised to deliver new drugs in a more cost-effective way. Paradoxically however, the mainstay of these computational methods is data-driven, meaning they need activity data for new compounds to be generated and available in databases. Therefore, high-throughput screening (HTS) of compounds still is a much-needed exercise in drug discovery to fuel other rational approaches. In trypanosomatids, due to the scarcity of validated molecular targets and biological complexity of these parasites, phenotypic screening has become an essential tool for the discovery of new bioactive compounds. In this article we discuss the perspectives of phenotypic HTS for trypanosomatid drug discovery with emphasis on the role of image-based, high-content methods. We also propose an ideal cascade of assays for the identification of new drug candidates for clinical development using leishmaniasis as an example.

Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 117: e220396, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365148


Over the past years, natural products have been explored in order to find biological active substances to treat various diseases. Regarding their potential action against parasites such as trypanosomatids, specially Trypanosoma cruzi and Leishmania spp., much advance has been achieved. Extracts and purified molecules of several species from genera Piper, Tanacetum, Porophyllum, and Copaifera have been widely investigated by our research group and exhibited interesting antitrypanosomal and antileishmanial activities. These natural compounds affected different structures in parasites, and we believe that the mitochondrion is a strategic target to induce parasite death. Considering that these trypanosomatids have a unique mitochondrion, this cellular target has been extensively studied aiming to find more selective drugs, since the current treatment of these neglected tropical diseases has some challenges such as high toxicity and prolonged treatment time. Here, we summarise some results obtained with natural products from our research group and we further highlighted some strategies that must be considered to finally develop an effective chemotherapeutic agent against these parasites.

Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 54: e0590-2020, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1155528


Abstract INTRODUCTION: Triatomines are insect vectors of Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiological agent of Chagas disease. METHODS: Triatomines were collected from households and by dissecting palm trees in the peri-urban areas of Cruzeiro do Sul (Acre); they were identified using a specific key and via genital analyses. Trypanosomatid infection was determined through microscopy and polymerase chain reaction. RESULTS: In total, 116 triatomines of the species Eratyrus mucronatus, Rhodnius pictipes, R. stali, and R. montenegrensis were collected, of which 13.8% were positive for T. cruzi. CONCLUSIONS: Four species of triatomines presented an infection rate above 13% in the Boca do Moa community.

Animais , Rhodnius , Trypanosoma cruzi , Triatominae , Doença de Chagas , Brasil
Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 29(1): e016319, 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1058011


Abstract Leishmania infantum is a trypanosomatid that causes parasitic dermatopathy in dogs. Trypanosoma caninum is another trypanosomatid, which infects the skin of dogs, although cutaneous abnormalities are absent. This study aimed to investigate the occurrence of T. caninum infection and its associated cutaneous and histological changes and compare it with the occurrence of L. infantum infection in dogs. The study included 150 dogs, of which T. caninum infection was identified in 3 (2%) and L. infantum infection in 15 (10%) of them, with no association (p>0.05) of these infections with the breed, gender, age, or cutaneous abnormalities. The cutaneous abnormalities were based on 1 (4.8%) and 12 (57.1%) dogs infected by T. caninum and L. infantum, respectively. The dermatohistopathological abnormalities in the dogs infected with T. caninum included mild perivascular lymphohistioplasmacytic infiltrates in the clinically asymptomatic ones, while in those with dermatological abnormalities, acanthosis, epidermal orthokeratotic hyperkeratosis, melanomacrophages, and co-infection with Microsporum sp. and Trichophyton sp. were observed. InL. infantum infected, the histopathological findings included chronic granulomatous inflammatory infiltrates and structures compatible with amastigotes. Despite the low frequency of T. caninum infection, our findings suggest that this trypanosomatid, unlike L. infantum, does not cause any macroscopic skin abnormalities.

Resumo Leishmania infantum é um tripanosomatídeo que causa dermatopatia parasitária em cães. Trypanosoma caninum é outro tripanosomatídeo, que infecta a pele de cães, embora anormalidades cutâneas sejam ausentes. Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar a ocorrência da infecção por T. caninum e suas alterações cutâneas e histológicas associadas e compará-las com a ocorrência da infecção por L. infantum em cães. O estudo incluiu 150 cães, dos quais a infecção por T. caninum foi identificada em 3 (2%) e a infecção por L. infantum em 15 (10%) deles, sem associação (p>0,05) dessas infecções com a raça, sexo, idade ou anormalidades cutâneas. As alterações cutâneas foram observadas em 1 (4,8%) e 12 (57,1%) cães infectados por T. caninum e L. infantum, respectivamente. As anormalidades dermato-histopatológicas nos cães infectados por T. caninum incluíram infiltrados linfo-histioplasmocitários perivasculares leves nos clinicamente assintomáticos, enquanto naqueles com anormalidades dermatológicas, foram observados acantose, hiperqueratose ortoqueratótica epidermal e melanomacrófagos e co-infecção por Microsporum sp. e Trichophyton sp. Nos cães infectados por L. infantum, os achados histopatológicos incluíram infiltrados inflamatórios granulomatosos crônicos e estruturas compatíveis com amastigotas. A despeito da baixa frequência da infecção por T. caninum, nossos achados sugerem que esse tripanosomatídeo, diferentemente de L. infantum, não causa anormalidades macroscópicas na pele.

Animais , Cães , Trypanosoma/genética , Tripanossomíase/veterinária , Leishmania infantum/genética , Doenças do Cão/patologia , Leishmaniose Visceral/veterinária , Tripanossomíase/patologia , Tripanossomíase/epidemiologia , Brasil/epidemiologia , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase , Prevalência , DNA de Protozoário/genética , Doenças do Cão/epidemiologia , Coinfecção , Leishmaniose Visceral/patologia , Leishmaniose Visceral/epidemiologia
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 52: e20190061, 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1013319


Abstract INTRODUCTION The ecoepidemiological situation in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil is characterized by frequent invasion and colonization of domiciliary units (DUs) by several triatomine species, with high rates of natural infection by Trypanosoma cruzi. METHODS: We evaluated the possibility of vector transmission of T. cruzi based on records of the occurrence of domiciled triatomines collected by the Secretariat of State for Public Health from 2005 to 2015. During this period, 67.7% (113/167) of municipalities conducted at least one active search and 110 recorded the presence of insects in DUs. These activities were more frequent in municipalities considered to have a high and medium-level risk of T. cruzi transmission. RESULTS Of 51,569 captured triatomines, the most common species were Triatoma brasiliensis (47.2%) and T. pseudomaculata (40.2%). Colonies of T. brasiliensis, T. pseudomaculata, T. petrocchiae, Panstrongylus lutzi, and Rhodnius nasutus were also recorded in the intradomicile and peridomicile. Natural infection by trypanosomatids was detected in 1,153 specimens; the highest rate was found in R. nasutus (3.5%), followed by T. brasiliensis (2.5%) and T. pseudomaculata (2.4%). There have been high levels of colonization over the years; however, not all infested DUs have been sprayed. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first report of intradomicile and peridomicile colonization by P. lutzi. These results demonstrate the risk of new cases of infection by T. cruzi and reinforce the need for continuous entomological surveillance in the State of Rio Grande do Norte.

Animais , Trypanosoma cruzi/isolamento & purificação , Triatominae/parasitologia , Doença de Chagas/transmissão , Insetos Vetores/parasitologia , Brasil , Triatominae/classificação , Doença de Chagas/prevenção & controle , Entomologia , Análise Espacial , Insetos Vetores/classificação
Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 27(4): 579-583, Oct.-Dec. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1042483


Abstract Trypanosoma (Megatrypanum) theileri is a flagellated protozoan that infects ruminants and it displays high genetic diversity. In this study, we investigated the prevalence rates of this protozoan based on hemoculture and molecular diagnosis. The isolates of T. theileri thus obtained were characterized by molecular markers SSU rDNA and gGAPDH and molecular diagnosis based on Cathepsin L-like gene (PCR-TthCATL). The PCR-TthCATL and hemoculture indicated an overall prevalence rate of 8.13%, and the CATL derived sequence named IB was identified for the first time in cattle in the western Amazon region, as well as IF in Brazil. We also describe a possible new PCR-TthCATL derived sequence in cattle, designated IL.

Resumo Trypanosoma (Megatrypanum) theileri é um protozoário flagelado que infecta ruminantes e apresenta alta diversidade genética. Neste estudo, investigamos as taxas de prevalência deste protozoário com base na hemocultura e no diagnóstico molecular. Os isolados de T . theileri obtidos foram caracterizados pelos marcadores moleculares SSU rDNA e gGAPDH e o diagnóstico molecular foi baseado no gene do tipo Catepsina L (PCR-TthCATL). O PCR-TthCATL e a hemocultura indicaram uma taxa de prevalência total de 8,13% e a sequência derivada do gene Catepsina L denominada IB de T. theileri foi identificada pela primeira vez em bovinos da Amazônia Ocidental, bem como a IF no Brasil. Também descrevemos uma possível nova sequência derivada da PCR-TthCATL em bovinos, designada IL.

Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Trypanosoma/classificação , Tripanossomíase Bovina/parasitologia , Variação Genética/genética , Doenças dos Bovinos/parasitologia , Filogenia , Trypanosoma/genética , Trypanosoma/imunologia , Tripanossomíase Bovina/diagnóstico , Tripanossomíase Bovina/epidemiologia , Brasil/epidemiologia , Doenças dos Bovinos/diagnóstico , Doenças dos Bovinos/epidemiologia , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase , DNA de Protozoário/genética , Catepsina L/genética , Genótipo
Braz. j. infect. dis ; 22(3): 208-218, May-June 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-974208


ABSTRACT The hemoflagellate protozoan, Trypanosoma cruzi, mainly transmitted by triatomine insects through blood transfusion or from mother-to-child, causes Chagas' disease. This is a serious parasitic disease that occurs in Latin America, with considerable social and economic impact. Nifurtimox and benznidazole, drugs indicated for treating infected persons, are effective in the acute phase, but poorly effective during the chronic phase. Therefore, it is extremely urgent to find innovative chemotherapeutic agents and/or effective vaccines. Since piplartine has several biological activities, including trypanocidal activity, the present study aimed to evaluate it on two T. cruzi strains proteome. Considerable changes in the expression of some important enzymes involved in parasite protection against oxidative stress, such as tryparedoxin peroxidase (TXNPx) and methionine sulfoxide reductase (MSR) was observed in both strains. These findings suggest that blocking the expression of the two enzymes could be potential targets for therapeutic studies.

Piperidonas/farmacologia , Tripanossomicidas/farmacologia , Trypanosoma cruzi/efeitos dos fármacos , Trypanosoma cruzi/química , Extratos Vegetais/farmacologia , Proteínas/análise , Valores de Referência , Espectrometria de Massas , Trypanosoma cruzi/metabolismo , Eletroforese em Gel Bidimensional , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Estresse Oxidativo , Proteômica
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 51(1): 77-79, Jan.-Feb. 2018. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1041443


Abstract INTRODUCTION The occurrence of Triatoma sordida in the Brazilian Western Amazon is reported for the first time. METHODS Triatoma sordida specimens were collected from a Gallus gallus nest in a peridomiciliary area of Senador Guiomard municipality in the state of Acre. RESULTS The number of triatomine species in Acre increased from six to seven with this first report of T. sordida in the Brazilian Western Amazon. CONCLUSIONS The occurrence of T. sordida in Acre is of concern since it is among the most captured triatomines in peridomiciliary environments in Brazil, and carries a high potential for vector transmission.

Animais , Triatoma/parasitologia , Trypanosoma cruzi/isolamento & purificação , Galinhas/parasitologia , Insetos Vetores/parasitologia , Triatoma/classificação , Brasil , Doença de Chagas/transmissão , Insetos Vetores/classificação
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 50(6): 824-828, Nov.-Dec. 2017. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1041433


Abstract INTRODUCTION: Chagas disease surveillance requires current knowledge on synanthropic triatomines. We analyzed the occurrence and Trypanosoma cruzi infection rates of triatomine bugs in central Brazil, during 2012-2014. METHODS: Triatomines were collected inside or around houses, and T. cruzi infection was determined by optical microscopy and conventional/quantitative polymerase chain reaction. RESULTS: Of the 2706 triatomines collected, Triatoma sordida was the most frequent species in Goiás State, whereas Panstrongylus megistus predominated in the Federal District. Parasites identified were T. cruzi, T. rangeli, and Blastocrithidia sp. CONCLUSIONS: P. megistus and T. sordida sustained the risk of T. cruzi transmission to humans in central Brazil.

Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Triatominae/parasitologia , Insetos Vetores/parasitologia , Trypanosoma cruzi/isolamento & purificação , Trypanosoma cruzi/genética , Brasil , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase , Triatominae/classificação , Densidade Demográfica , Insetos Vetores/classificação
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 50(6): 829-832, Nov.-Dec. 2017. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1041432


Abstract INTRODUCTION Rhodnius stali infection by Trypanosoma rangeli is reported in this study for the first time. METHODS The triatomines were collected from the campus of the Federal University of Acre in Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil. The identification of T. rangeli was confirmed by multiplex polymerase chain reaction. RESULTS The examinations of two specimens revealed R. stali infection by the epimastigote forms of T. rangeli. CONCLUSIONS The encounter of R. stali infected by T. rangeli generates an alert for the state of Acre, since the simultaneous presence with Trypanosoma cruzi can make the differential diagnosis of Chagas disease difficult.

Animais , Rhodnius/parasitologia , Trypanosoma rangeli/isolamento & purificação , Insetos Vetores/parasitologia , Rhodnius/classificação , Brasil , Doença de Chagas/transmissão , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase Multiplex , Insetos Vetores/classificação
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1487712


Abstract Trypanosoma (Megatrypanum) theileri is a flagellated protozoan that infects ruminants and it displays high genetic diversity. In this study, we investigated the prevalence rates of this protozoan based on hemoculture and molecular diagnosis. The isolates of T. theileri thus obtained were characterized by molecular markers SSU rDNA and gGAPDH and molecular diagnosis based on Cathepsin L-like gene (PCR-TthCATL). The PCR-TthCATL and hemoculture indicated an overall prevalence rate of 8.13%, and the CATL derived sequence named IB was identified for the first time in cattle in the western Amazon region, as well as IF in Brazil. We also describe a possible new PCR-TthCATL derived sequence in cattle, designated IL.

Resumo Trypanosoma (Megatrypanum) theileri é um protozoário flagelado que infecta ruminantes e apresenta alta diversidade genética. Neste estudo, investigamos as taxas de prevalência deste protozoário com base na hemocultura e no diagnóstico molecular. Os isolados de T . theileri obtidos foram caracterizados pelos marcadores moleculares SSU rDNA e gGAPDH e o diagnóstico molecular foi baseado no gene do tipo Catepsina L (PCR-TthCATL). O PCR-TthCATL e a hemocultura indicaram uma taxa de prevalência total de 8,13% e a sequência derivada do gene Catepsina L denominada IB de T. theileri foi identificada pela primeira vez em bovinos da Amazônia Ocidental, bem como a IF no Brasil. Também descrevemos uma possível nova sequência derivada da PCR-TthCATL em bovinos, designada IL.

Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 110(1): 48-55, 03/02/2015. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-741623


Phytomonas serpens are flagellates in the family Trypanosomatidae that parasitise the tomato plant (Solanum lycopersicum L.), which results in fruits with low commercial value. The tomato glycoalkaloid tomatine and its aglycone tomatidine inhibit the growth of P. serpens in axenic cultures. Tomatine, like many other saponins, induces permeabilisation of the cell membrane and a loss of cell content, including the cytosolic enzyme pyruvate kinase. In contrast, tomatidine does not cause permeabilisation of membranes, but instead provokes morphological changes, including vacuolisation. Phytomonas treated with tomatidine show an increased accumulation of labelled neutral lipids (BODYPY-palmitic), a notable decrease in the amount of C24-alkylated sterols and an increase in zymosterol content. These results are consistent with the inhibition of 24-sterol methyltransferase (SMT), which is an important enzyme that is responsible for the methylation of sterols at the 24 position. We propose that the main target of tomatidine is the sterols biosynthetic pathway, specifically, inhibition of the 24-SMT. Altogether, the results obtained in the present paper suggest a more general effect of alkaloids in trypanosomatids, which opens potential therapeutic possibilities for the treatment of the diseases caused by these pathogens.

Adulto , Idoso , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Cateterismo/métodos , Obstrução Intestinal/patologia , Obstrução Intestinal/terapia , Intestino Delgado/patologia , Biópsia , Constrição Patológica , Endoscopia do Sistema Digestório , Resultado do Tratamento
Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 108(5): 631-636, ago. 2013. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-680777


Heteroxenic and monoxenic trypanosomatids were screened for the presence of actin using a mouse polyclonal antibody produced against the entire sequence of the Trypanosoma cruzi actin gene, encoding a 41.9 kDa protein. Western blot analysis showed that this antibody reacted with a polypeptide of approximately 42 kDa in the whole-cell lysates of parasites targeting mammals (T. cruzi, Trypanosoma brucei and Leishmania major), insects (Angomonas deanei, Crithidia fasciculata, Herpetomonas samuelpessoai and Strigomonas culicis) and plants (Phytomonas serpens). A single polypeptide of approximately 42 kDa was detected in the whole-cell lysates of T. cruzi cultured epimastigotes, metacyclic trypomastigotes and amastigotes at similar protein expression levels. Confocal microscopy showed that actin was expressed throughout the cytoplasm of all the tested trypanosomatids. These data demonstrate that actin expression is widespread in trypanosomatids.

Animais , Camundongos , Actinas/metabolismo , Trypanosomatina/metabolismo , Western Blotting , Eletroforese em Gel de Poliacrilamida , Imunofluorescência , Microscopia Confocal , Proteínas de Protozoários/metabolismo
Rio de Janeiro; s.n; 2012. 112 p. ilus.
Tese em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-665411


Leishmanioses são um grupo de doenças com um largo espectro de manifestações clínicas, as quais variam desde lesões cutâneas até o envolvimento visceral severo, podendo levar ao ótibo. A leishmaniose é, ainda hoje, uma doença negligenciada, estando entre os agravos prioritários do programa de pesquisa sobre doenças da pobreza da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS). Além de não haver vacinas disponíveis, a terapia é baseada em medicamentos injetáveis que causam sérios efeitos colaterais, tornando o tratamento inviável para muitos países endêmicos. Drogas derivadas de metal representam um novo arsenal terapêutico antimicrobiano e anti-câncer. Os inibidores de peptidase/agentes quelantes tais como 1,10-fenantrolina e seus derivados, no estado livre de metal ou como ligantes com metais de transição, interferem com a função de vários sistemas biológicos. Em trabalhos anteriores, nosso grupo descreveu que o parasito L. braziliensis produziu moléculas gp63 sensíveis a 1,10-fenantrolina. No presente trabalho, demonstramos a distribuição celular da molécula gp63 em uma cepa virulenta de L. braziliensis por meio de análises bioquímicas e imuno-histoquímica. Depois disso, relatamos os efeitos inibitórios de três compostos derivados da 1,10-fenantrolina, 1,10-fenantrolina-5,6-dioma (phendio), [Cu(phendio)2] e [Ag(phendio)2], nas atividades metalopeptidases celulares e extracelulares produzidas por promastigotas de L. braziliensis, bem como as suas ações sobre a viabilidade do parasita e na interação com as células de macrófagos murinos. As moléculas gp63 foram detectadas em compartimentos de parasitos, incluindo membrana citoplasmatica e bolsa flagelar. O tratamento de promastigotas de L. braziliensis durante 1 hora com 1,10-fenantrolina e seus derivados resultou numa inibição significativa da viabilidade celular e mostrou um mecanismo de ação irreversível. Estes inibidores de metalopeptidases induziram apoptose em promastigotas de L. braziliensis, demonstrada através ...

Leishmaniasis is a group of diseases with a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations, which range from self-limited skin lesions to severe visceral involvement that can lead to death. Leishmaniasis is still a neglected disease, and it is among the priorities of the research program on diseases of poverty of World Health Organization (TDR/WHO). There is no available vaccine and the treatment is based on drugs that cause serious side effects, and are unaffordable in several endemic countries. Metal-based drugs represent a novel antimicrobial and anti-cancer therapeutics arsenal. Peptidase inhibitors/chelating agents such as 1,10-phenanthroline and its substituted derivatives, either the metal-free state or as ligands coordinated to transition metals, interfere with crucial functions of several biological systems. In previous works, our group described that L. braziliensis produced gp63 molecules sensible to 1,10-phenanthroline. Herein, we initially studied the cellular distribution of gp63 in a virulent strain of L. braziliensis by biochemical and immunocytochemical analyses. After that, we reported the inhibitory effects of three 1,10-phenanthroline derivative compounds, 1,10-phenanthroloine-5,6-dione (phendio), [Cu(phendio)2] and [Ag(phendio)2], on both cellular and extracellular metallopeptidase activities produced by L. braziliensis promastigotes as well as their actions on the parasite viability and on the interaction with murine macrophage cells. The gp63 molecules were detected in several parasite compartments, including cytoplasm, membrane lining the cell body and flagellum, and flagellar pocket. The treatment of L. braziliensis promastigotes for 1 hour with 1,10-phenanthroline and its derivatives resulted in a significant inhibition of cell viability and showed an irreversible mechanism of action. These metallopeptidase inhibitors induced apoptosis in L. braziliensis promastigotes as judged by annexin/propidium iodide staining and TUNEL assays ...

Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Ratos , Fenantrolinas/administração & dosagem , Fenantrolinas/uso terapêutico , Inibidores de Proteases/uso terapêutico , Leishmania braziliensis , Leishmania braziliensis/enzimologia , Antiprotozoários/uso terapêutico , Leishmaniose/tratamento farmacológico , Metais/química , Metaloproteases/antagonistas & inibidores , Quelantes/administração & dosagem
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 44(4): 490-495, July-Aug. 2011. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-596600


INTRODUÇÃO: A competência vetorial de triatomíneos é determinada a partir de estudos sobre biologia e comportamento alimentar em condições de campo e/ou laboratório. Fatores como número de picadas, quantidade de sangue ingerido e tempo de defecação têm implicações na transmissão de tripanosomatídeos. Parâmetros biológicos e comportamentais de Rhodnius neglectus e R. robustus foram comparados experimentalmente para estimar diferenças no potencial de transmissão de tripanosomatídeos. MÉTODOS: Os triatomíneos foram observados diariamente para determinar o período de desenvolvimento ninfal, mortalidade, detecção da fonte alimentar, número de picadas, tempo do repasto sanguíneo, quantidade de sangue ingerido, tempo entre o final do repasto e a primeira defecação e frequência de defecação. RESULTADOS: Apesar do período ninfal de R. neglectus (156,4 ± 25,05d) ter sido menor que o de R. robustus (204,7 ± 13,22d), a mortalidade foi similar entre as espécies (63,8 e 65%, respectivamente). R. robustus e R. neglectus detectaram rapidamente a fonte alimentar, especialmente no primeiro estádio (2,5 e 1,6min, respectivamente). Apesar do tempo de repasto sanguíneo ter sido similar entre as espécies, R. robustus ingeriu em média uma maior quantidade de sangue em todos os estádios, com maiores valores para as ninfas V. As ninfas de R. neglectus picaram mais vezes as fontes alimentares, defecaram mais rápido e mais frequentemente que as de R. robustus. CONCLUSÕES: Sob as condições de laboratório usadas, R. neglectus possui um maior potencial para transmissão de Trypanosoma cruzi e T. rangeli que R. robustus, atributo que deve ser avaliado em infecções experimentais.

INTRODUCTION: The vector competence of triatomine insects is determined by studying their biology and feeding behavior under field and/or laboratory conditions. Factors including the number of bites, the amount of blood ingested and defecation time have implications for trypanosome transmission. The biological and behavioral parameters of Rhodnius neglectus and R. robustus were compared under experimental conditions to estimate differences in the potential transmission of trypanosomes. METHODS: The insects were observed daily to determine the period of nymphal development, mortality, detection of food source, number of bites, time of blood meal intake, amount of blood ingested, time elapsed between the end of the meal and the first defecation and the frequency of defecation. RESULTS: Although the nymphal development of R. neglectus (156.4 ± 25.05d) was lower than that of R. robustus (204.7 ± 13.22d), the mortality between species was similar (63.8 and 65% respectively).R. robustus and R. neglectus quickly located the food source, especially in the first instar (2.5 and 1.6 min, respectively). Although the time of blood meal intake was similar between the species, R. robustus ingested a larger amount of blood on average at all stages and exhibited higher values for the fifth instar. Nymphs of R. neglectus bit more frequently, and they defecated faster and more often than those of R. robustus. CONCLUSIONS: Under laboratory conditions, R. neglectus has a greater potential for transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi and T. rangeli than does R. robustus, an attribute that should be further evaluated in experimental infections.

Animais , Defecação/fisiologia , Comportamento Alimentar/fisiologia , Insetos Vetores/fisiologia , Rhodnius/fisiologia , Insetos Vetores/classificação , Insetos Vetores/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Laboratórios , Estágios do Ciclo de Vida , Rhodnius/classificação , Rhodnius/crescimento & desenvolvimento
Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 106(3): 301-307, May 2011. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-589038


A new trypanosomatid species, Blastocrithidia cyrtomeni, is herein described using morphological and molecular data. It was found parasitising the alimentary tract of the insect host Cyrtomenus bergi, a polyphagous pest. The morphology of B. cyrtomeni was investigated using light and transmission microscopy and molecular phylogeny was inferred from the sequences of spliced leader RNA (SL rRNA) - 5S rRNA gene repeats and the 18S small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene. Epimastigotes of variable size with straphanger cysts adhering to the middle of the flagellum were observed in the intestinal tract, hemolymph and Malpighian tubules. Kinetoplasts were always observed anterior to the nucleus. The ultrastructure of longitudinal sections of epimastigotes showed the flagellum arising laterally from a relatively shallow flagellar pocket near the kinetoplast. SL RNA and 5S rRNA gene repeats were positive in all cases, producing a 0.8-kb band. The amplicons were 797-803 bp long with > 98.5 percent identity, indicating that they originated from the same organism. According to the sequence analysis of the SL-5S rRNA gene repeats and the 18S SSU rRNA gene, B. cyrtomeni is different from all other known species or isolates of Trypanosomatidae. Both analyses indicate that among known species, it is most closely related to Blastocrithidia triatomae.

Animais , DNA de Protozoário , Hemípteros , RNA de Protozoário , RNA Líder para Processamento , Trypanosomatina , Sequência de Bases , Colômbia , Hemípteros , Microscopia Eletrônica , Dados de Sequência Molecular , Filogenia , Trypanosomatina , Trypanosomatina , Trypanosomatina , Trypanosomatina/ultraestrutura
Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 10(2): 147-154, mar. 2011. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-686994


Gingko biloba has been one of the most used medicinal plants all over the world in the past years. In this study, our group has studied the effect of a hydroethanolic extract from the aerial parts of this plant on the growth and morphological differentiation of trypanosomatids. Herpetomonas samuelpessoai and Herpetomonas sp were used in this study. The extract was obtained in a Soxhlet apparatus (50 oC, 2 hours). This extract was aseptically added to Roitman’s medium in different concentrations (4, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 mg/ml). The growth rate was determined using a Newbauer chamber to count numbers of cells after the extract inoculation (24 and 72 hours later). Smears stained by the Panotic method was used to determine the percentages of pro, para and opisthomastigote forms. The extract inhibited Herpetomonas sp growth in concentrations higher than 20 mg/ml. H. samuelpessoai has been inhibited in doses higher than 40 mg/ml. No morphological differentiation was observed in Herpetomonas sp cell. However, morphological differentiations could be noticed in H. samuelpessoai cell using doses higher than 40 mg/ml. These alterations are probably related to the cell division process, since cells with 3 or 4 nucleus were observed. Also, cytoplasmatic expansions, representing unsuccessful process of cell division were frequently found out. Further ultrastructural analysis using a transmission electron microscope showed cells with homogeneous nucleus or the absence of it. Protozoan protein profile was also analyzed. It was possible to notice changes in both trypanosomatids used in this study. H. samuelpessoai has shown over expression and accumulation of proteins which its degradation is essential to continue the cell differentiation. Also, it is possible to suggest that this extract acts through the modulation of the genetic expression and may be harmful to human cells if not purified.

Gingko biloba es una de las plantas medicinales más utilizadas en todo el mundo en los últimos años. En este estudio, nuestro grupo ha estudiado el efecto de un extracto hidroetanólico de la parte aérea de esta planta sobre el crecimiento y la diferenciación morfológica de tripanosomátidos. Herpetomonas samuelpessoai y Herpetomonas sp se utilizaron en este estudio. El extracto se obtuvo en un aparato Soxhlet (50° C/2 horas). Este extracto se agregó asépticamente a medio Roitman en diferentes concentraciones (4, 20, 40, 60, 80 y 100 mg /ml). La tasa de crecimiento se determinó utilizando una cámara de Newbauer para contar el número de células después de la inoculación de extracto (24 y 72 horas más tarde). Frotis teñidos por el método Panotic se utilizó para determinar los porcentajes de pro, para y las formas opistomastigota. El extracto inhibió el crecimiento Herpetomonas sp en concentraciones superiores a 20 mg /ml. H. samuelpessoai se ha inhibido en dosis superiores a 40 mg /ml. No se observó diferenciación morfológica en la celda Herpetomonas sp. Sin embargo, las diferenciaciones morfológicas se pudo observar en la celda H. samuelpessoai con dosis superiores a 40 mg /ml. Estas alteraciones son probablemente relacionado con el proceso de división celular, ya que las células con 3 o 4 núcleos se observaron. Además, las expansiones citoplasmáticas, lo que representa el proceso fallido de la división celular se encontraron con frecuencia hacia fuera. Un análisis más detallado ultraestructural usando microscopio electrónico de transmisión mostró células con núcleo homogéneo o la ausencia de ella. El perfil de proteínas por Protozoarios también se ha analizado. Fue posible notar cambios tanto en tripanosomátidos utilizados en este estudio. H. samuelpessoai ha demostrado a lo largo de expresión y la acumulación de proteínas que su degradación es esencial para continuar con la diferenciación celular. Además, es posible sugerir que este extracto...

Extratos Vegetais/farmacologia , Ginkgo biloba/química , Trypanosomatina/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Trypanosomatina , Eletroforese , Folhas de Planta/química , Microscopia Eletrônica de Transmissão , Trypanosomatina/ultraestrutura