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Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031034


【Objective】 To clarify the concept of health literacy among children and adolescents with accidental injuries through literature review and analysis. 【Methods】 A systematic search was conducted across multiple databases, including China National Knowledge Infrastructure, Wanfang database, VIP database, China Biomedical literature database, PubMed, CINAHL, and PscyINFO database. The literature was analyzed using Rodgers′ evolutionary concept analysis method. 【Results】 A total of 56 articles were included. The health literacy of children and adolescents with accidental injuries comprised three conceptual attributes:cognition, emotion and behavior. The influencing factors included children′s demographic factors, family and school related factors and social related factors. The result can be beneficial to reduce the occurrence of injury events, save family economic expenditure and alleviate the burden on social medical resources. However, there is currently a lack of specific measurement tools for assessing health literacy in this population, as the existing evaluation items are drawn from general health literacy scales. 【Conclusions】 The concept of health literacy among children and adolescents with accidental injuries is multifaceted and evolving. Future research should focus on exploring the characteristics of health literacy among children and adolescents of different ages and regions from their own perspectives. Additionally, efforts should be made to refine the concept and develop specialized measurement tools to facilitate further studies in this area.

Gac. méd. Méx ; 159(6): 582-590, nov.-dic. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557793


Resumen Antecedentes: Análisis previos sobre la carga de la enfermedad en México identificaron que las lesiones afectan de manera diferenciada a hombres, personas jóvenes y en edad productiva. Objetivo: Analizar la carga de la enfermedad por lesiones intencionales y no intencionales en México durante 1990 y 2021 en los ámbitos nacional y estatal. Material y métodos: Se utilizaron los resultados del Global Burden of Disease respecto al período 1990-2021 para describir la carga de la enfermedad por las principales causas de lesiones en México; se analizaron los años perdidos por muerte prematura (APMP), los años vividos con discapacidad (AVD) y los años de vida saludable perdidos (AVISA). Resultados: La carga de la enfermedad relacionada con lesiones intencionales se ha incrementado, al igual que los AVD y AVISA por lesiones no intencionales. Los hombres continúan presentando tasas de mortalidad y AVISA más altas comparados con las mujeres. La violencia interpersonal y el suicidio se han incrementado de manera sostenida El análisis por estados mostró patrones con variaciones importantes. Conclusiones: Las lesiones generan consecuencias catastróficas en términos de mortalidad y discapacidad en México. Es indispensable impulsar y reforzar los programas y políticas para mejorar el sistema de datos y la prevención de lesiones.

Abstract Background: Previous analyses on the burden of disease in Mexico identified that injuries differentially affect young people, males and working-age people. Objective: To analyze the burden of disease due to intentional and unintentional injuries in Mexico during 1990 and 2021, at the national and state levels. Material and methods: The results of the Global Burden of Disease study for the 1990-2021 period were used to describe the burden of disease attributed to injuries in Mexico. The life years lost (YLL) due to premature mortality, years lived with disability (YLD) and disability-adjusted life years (DALY) were analyzed. Results: The burden of disease related to intentional injuries has increased, as also have YLDs and DALYs associated with unintentional injuries. Men continue to have higher mortality and DALY rates compared to women. Interpersonal violence and suicide have steadily increased. The analysis by state showed patterns with important variations. Conclusions: Injuries generate catastrophic consequences in terms of mortality and disability in Mexico. It is necessary to promote and strengthen programs and policies in order to improve the data system and injury prevention.

Notas enferm. (Córdoba) ; 24(42): 46-57, nov.2023. graf. tablas
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, BDENF, UNISALUD, InstitutionalDB, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1527498


Objetivo: caracterizar las lesiones no intencionales domésticas en el hogar en niños de 5 a 10 años en dos barrios de Corrientes, Capital en el primer semestre del año 2022. Metodología: estudio observacional, descriptivo, transversal. Muestreo de tipo consecutivo. La muestra total fue de 185 encuestas aplicadas a los cuidadores principales en un período no mayor a 6 meses. Variables: edad del cuidador; sexo del cuidador; nivel educativo del cuidador principal; edad y sexo de niños/as; lesión no intencional y su frecuencia; circunstancias en que ocurren las lesiones no intencionales y modo de actuación ante el hecho de lesión no intencional. Resultados: grupo etario de los cuidadores principales de los niños/as con lesiones no intencionales fueron los adultos jóvenes (78%), siendo el género pre-dominante el femenino (78%); nivel de instrucción más alto obtenido corresponde al terciario incompleto (28%); los niños de 5 años de edad presentaron más lesiones no intencionales (27%), predominan-do el género femenino (57%). Las lesiones ocurrieron principalmente cuando se encontraban jugando (58%) y fueron principalmente las escoriaciones (20%); el modo de actuación más utilizado por los cuidadores principales correspondió a realización de primeros auxilios y posterior traslado al hospital (29%). Conclusiones: las lesiones no intencionales domésticas son muy frecuentes, entre ellas excoriaciones, quemaduras y contusiones. No hay grandes variaciones en sus tipos y frecuencias según el barrio en donde viven los infantes afectados. El modo de actuar más utilizado por el cuidador responsable ante estas lesiones son los primeros auxilios y el traslado a un hospital o cuidados en el hogar sin recurrir a un centro sanitario[AU]

Objectives: to characterize unintentional domestic injuries at home in children from 5 to 10 years old in two neighborhoods of Co-rrientes, Capital in the first semester of 2022. Methodology: obser-vational, descriptive, cross-sectional study. Consecutive type sam-pling. The total sample consisted of 185 surveys applied to the main caregivers in a period not exceeding 6 months. Variables: age of the caregiver; caregiver's sex; educational level of the main caregiver; age and sex of children; unintentional injury and its frequency; cir-cumstances in which unintentional injuries occur and mode of ac-tion in the event of unintentional injury. Results: age group of the main caregivers of children with unintentional injuries were young adults (78%), with the predominant gender being female (78%); highest level of education obtained corresponds to incomplete ter-tiary (28%); 5-year-old children presented more unintentional in-juries (27%), with a predominance of the female gender (57%). The injuries occurred mainly when they were playing (58%) and were mainly abrasions (20%); The mode of action most used by the main caregivers corresponded to first aid and subsequent transfer to the hospital (29%). Conclusions: unintentional domestic injuries are very frequent, including abrasions, burns and bruises. There are no great variations in its types and frequencies depending on the neighborhood where the affected infants live. The most used mode of action by the caregiver responsible for these injuries is first aid and transfer to a hospital or home care without resorting to a heal-th center[AU]

Objectivos: caracterizar as lesões domésticas não intencionais em crianças de 5 a 10 anos em dois bairros de Corrientes, Capital, no primeiro semestre de 2022. Metodologia: estudo observacional, descritivo, transversal. Amostragem de tipo consecutiva. A amos-tra total foi composta por 185 inquéritos aplicados aos cuidadores principais num período não superior a 6 meses. Variáveis: idade do cuidador; sexo do cuidador; escolaridade do cuidador principal; idade e sexo das crianças; lesão não intencional e sua frequência; circunstâncias em que ocorrem lesões não intencionais e modo de ação em caso de lesão não intencional. Resultados: a faixa etária dos principais cuidadores de crianças com lesões não intencionais eram adultos jovens (78%), com predomínio do sexo feminino (78%); o maior nível de escolaridade obtido corresponde ao ensino superior incompleto (28%); As crianças de 5 anos apresentaram mais lesões não intencionais (27%), com predominância do sexo feminino (57%). As lesões ocorreram principalmente durante o jogo (58%) e foram principalmente escoriações (20%); O modo de atuação mais utilizado pelos cuidadores principais correspondeu aos primei-ros socorros e posterior transferência para o hospital (29%). Con-clusões: lesões domésticas não intencionais são muito frequentes, incluindo escoriações, queimaduras e contusões. Não há grandes variações em seus tipos e frequências dependendo do bairro onde vivem os lactentes acometidos. A forma de atuação mais utilizada pelo cuidador responsável por estas lesões são os primeiros soco-rros e a transferência para um hospital ou cuidados domiciliários sem recorrer a um centro de saúde. caregivers corresponded to first aid and subsequent transfer to the hospital (29%). Conclusions: unintentional domestic injuries are very frequent, including abrasions, burns and bruises. There are no great variations in its types and frequencies depending on the neighborhood where the affected infants live. The most used mode of action by the caregiver responsible for these injuries is first aid and transfer to a hospital or home care without resorting to a heal-th center.Keywords: unintentional injury, infants, primary caregivers, accidents, home, housing, child, preschool[AU]

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pré-Escolar , Acidentes Domésticos
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-217404


Introduction: Injuries are a major global public health problem. There are very few community-based studies on childhood injury from India in this study, we identified the distribution and risk factors for fall-related child injuries in the Chengalpattu district, Tamil Nādu community. Methodology: A descriptive analysis was done among 710 children of age up to 14 years residing in the Kat-tankulathur region in Tamil Nādu. The appropriate number of samples were recruited using the cluster sam-pling method by dividing the subjects into separate clusters and from each cluster 40 samples were obtained. The information on fall-related injury was collected according to mechanism of ‘injury’ Results: The annual incidence of fall-related injuries was 9.1 %. About 72.3% of children had injuries at home and 36% of the persons had fractures in the upper limb. 42% of children had disability in their hands. The age, gender, education and type of family was significant to injury. Conclusion:Our study reported a higher incidence of Fall injuries in Tamil Nādu when compared other stud-ies done in India. Male children are the most common victims of injury and also identified homes, roads/streets as the most common places for the occurrences of fall injury in children.

Acta toxicol. argent ; 31(1): 4-4, abr. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556760


Resumen Globalmente, los fármacos son el tipo de agente más frecuentemente implicado en las intoxicaciones pediátricas y las Ben-zodiacepinas el grupo farmacológico más frecuente. La reacción paradojal, secundaria a la exposición a Benzodiacepinas se caracteriza por la presencia de signosintomatología contraria a los efectos sedativos hipnóticos esperados, pudiendo presentarse con inquietud, ansiedad, hostilidad y alteraciones de la conducta, entre otros. La mayoría de los trabajos hallados acerca de este síndrome en pediatría lo describen secundario a Midazolam endovenoso, en contexto de sedación consciente para la realización de diferentes procedimientos. Las causas por los cuales se puede generar este fenómeno de desinhibición no han sido clarificadas, postulándose tres hipótesis: la desregulación colinérgica central, el aumento del tono gabaérgico en el sistema límbico, tálamo e hipotálamo y el desbalance de serotonina. Se expone una serie de 15 pacientes de entre 1 año y 5 años, expuestos accidentalmente a Benzodiacepinas, principalmente Clonazepam y Lorazepam, a fin de describir las características de esta reacción. En esta serie se observó con latencia breve y duración variable, de hasta 11 horas, la presencia en orden de frecuencia, de: ansiedad, irritabilidad, gritos, hostilidad y conductas agresivas, llanto inconsolable, incapacidad de contención por familiares, conductas irracionales, excitación psicomotriz, desinhibición emocional, alucinaciones y aumento de locuacidad, asociado frecuentemente a ataxia.

Abstract Globally, medicines are the most frequently toxins involved in pediatric poisonings, and Benzodiazepines are the most fre-quent pharmacological group in those poisonings. The paradoxical reaction, secondary to Benzodiazepines exposure, is characterized by the presence of contrary expected sedative-hypnotic effects, and may present with restlessness, increased anxiety, hostility, and behav-ioral alterations, among others. The studies we found about this syndrome in pediatric patients describe it most frequently secondary to endovenous Midazolam, in the context of the conscious sedation to perform different procedures. The reasons why this reaction is generated have not been clarified, three hypotheses are postulated: the central cholinergic dysregulation, the increased Gabaergic tone in the limbic system, thalamus and hypothalamus and the serotonin imbalance. A series of 15 patients, between 1 year and 5 years old, accidentally exposed to Benzodiazepines, mainly Clonazepam and Lorazepam, to describe the characteristics of the paradoxical reaction secondary to Benzodiazepines exposure. In this case series, we observed with short latency and variable duration, up to 11 hours, the presence in order of frequency of: anxiety, irritability, screams, hostility and aggressive behaviors, inconsolable crying, inability to con-tain by their family members, irrational behaviors and psychomotor excitement, emotional disinhibition, hallucinations and increased talkativeness, frequently associated with ataxia.

Indian Pediatr ; 2023 Feb; 60(2): 119-122
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-225385


Objective: To investigate the prevalence and risk factors of cooking-related child burn injury. Methods: A cross-sectional community-based study was conducted among a total of 5830 children with their respective caretakers in randomly selected 100 clusters. Data were collected through face-to-face interviews using a structured questionnaire. Logistic regression was used to identify the risk factors and adjusted odds ratios were used as measures of effect. Results: The prevalence of cooking-related child burn injury was 6.2% (95% CI: 5.5-6.8). This burden was linked with risk factors such as lower literacy of caretaker, family size, using traditional cook stove, long cooking time, and presence of extra indoor burning events as well as lack of separate kitchen, child supervision, and injury prevention awareness. Conclusion: Children experience a high burden of burn injury. Thus, stakeholders should work to reduce this burden by controlling the aforementioned risk factors.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-969291


ObjectiveTo analyze the characteristics of hospitalized unintentional injuries and to provide evidence for formulating injury prevention and control strategies. MethodsDescriptive analysis was conducted on injury information of unintentional injury cases reported from 22 monitoring hospitals during 2017 to 2020 by injury surveillance system. The composition ratio index was used to analyze and explore the distribution(population, time and place)of injuries related to different causes. The disease burden was described by the length of hospital stay and hospitalization cost. ResultsA total of 32 716 hospitalized unintentional injury cases were reported from 22 monitoring hospitals. The male to female ratio was 1.18∶1. The majority of males were aged 15‒64 years and the majority of females were aged over 45 years. The top three causes of injuries were falls, traffic-related and blunt injury. Injuries occurred more frequently in July and August. 42.81% of the cases occurred at home. Fracture cases accounted for 75.79%. The median length of hospital stay was 10 days and the median cost was 15 431.50 yuan. The share of both falls and non-motor vehicle accidents increased year by year. ConclusionFalls among elderly people and road traffic injuries are the main causes of hospitalized unintentional injuries, and sharp or blunt instrument injuries are more severe in the male workforce. Considering high direct and indirect economic losses from injuries, steps should to be taken to improve injury surveillance system and to implement injury prevention and control strategies targeted on key groups and key injuries.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440693


Introducción: el término lesión no intencional en la literatura científica es relativamente nuevo; la acepción más utilizada ha sido "accidente". Objetivo: describir las características epidemiológicas de las lesiones no intencionales en menores de 15 años y el pronóstico para el año 2020. Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, ambispectivo, en menores de 15 años atendidos en el Hospital Provincial Pediátrico Docente "General Milanés", de Bayamo, Granma, en el período 2004-2019. La muestra estuvo constituida por 17 595 pacientes. Se utilizó la estadística descriptiva para el procesamiento de la información obtenida (tasa, media, desviación estándar). Resultados: la tasa media de mortalidad en el período 2004-2019 fue de 0,7446 por 1000 habitantes, predominó el sexo masculino, superando en cada año el 50 % de la casuística, existió predominio de los pacientes del área de salud que atiende el policlínico ″René Vallejo Ortiz″ (n=5314, para 30,20 %), seguido de los atendidos por el policlínico ″Bayamo Oeste″ (n=4484, para 25,48 %), La contusión fue la lesión no intencional más frecuente (12 644 pacientes; 71,86 %); seguido de las heridas (2550 pacientes; 14,49 %). En los dos primeros trimestres del año se produjo el mayor número de lesiones no intencionales. Conclusiones: hubo predominio del sexo masculino, el grupo de 1 a 4 años y el área de salud que atiende el policlínico ″René Vallejo″. Las contusiones, seguidas de las heridas, fueron las lesiones no intencionales más frecuentes; la mayoría de los pacientes no requirió de ingreso hospitalario. El patrón estacional fue casi homogéneo, con una tendencia estable de ese evento de salud.

Introduction: the term unintentional injury in the scientific literature is relatively new; the most used meaning has been "accident". Objective: to Describe the epidemiological characteristics of unintentional injuries in children under 15 years of age and the prognosis for the year 2020. Methods: an observational, descriptive, ambispective study was carried out in children under 15 years of age treated at the "General Milanés" Provincial Pediatric Teaching Hospital in Bayamo, Granma, in the period 2004-2019. The sample consisted of 17,595 patients. Descriptive statistics were used: for the processing of the information obtained (mean, standard deviation). Results: the average rate in the period 2004-2019 was 0.7446 per 1000 inhabitants, the male sex predominated, exceeding 50% of the casuistry in each year, there was a predominance of patients in the health area that attends the polyclinic ″René Vallejo Ortiz″ (n=5,314, for 30.20%), followed by those attended by the ″Bayamo Oeste″ polyclinic (n=4,484, for 25.48%), contusion was the most frequent unintentional injury (12,644 patients 71.86%); followed by wounds (2550 patients; 14.49%). The highest number of unintentional injuries occurred in the first two quarters of the year. Conclusions: there was a predominance of the male sex, the group from 1 to 4 years old and the health area served by the ″René Vallejo″ polyclinic. Contusions, followed by wounds, were the most frequent unintentional injuries; most of the patients did not require hospital admission. The seasonal patteern was almost homogeneous, with a stable trend of that salt event.

Introdução: o termo lesão não intencional na literatura científica é relativamente novo; O significado mais comumente usado tem sido "acidente". Objetivo: descrever as características epidemiológicas das lesões não intencionais em menores de 15 anos e o prognóstico para o ano de 2020. Métodos: foi realizado um estudo observacional, descritivo e ambispectivo em crianças menores de 15 anos atendidas no Hospital Pediátrico Provincial de Ensino "General Milanés" em Bayamo, Granma, no período de 2004 a 2019. A amostra foi composta por 17.595 pacientes. A estatística descritiva foi utilizada para processar as informações obtidas (taxa, média, desvio padrão). Resultados: a taxa média de mortalidade no período 2004-2019 foi de 0,7446 por 1000 habitantes, predominou o sexo masculino, ultrapassando 50% da casuística em cada ano, houve predomínio de pacientes na área da saúde atendidos pela policlínica "René Vallejo Ortiz" (n=5314, para 30,20%), seguidos pelos atendidos pela policlínica "Bayamo Oeste" (n=4484, para 25,48%), a contusão foi a lesão não intencional mais frequente (12.644 pacientes; 71,86%); seguido de feridas (2550 pacientes; 14,49%). Os doisprimeiros trimestres do ano viram o maior número de lesões não intencionais. Conclusões: houve predomínio do sexo masculino, do grupo de 1 a 4 anos e da área da saúde atendida pela policlínica René Vallejo. As contusões, seguidas das feridas, foram as lesões não intencionais mais frequentes; A maioria dos pacientes não necessitou de internação. O padrão sazonal foi quase homogêneo, com tendência estável desse evento de saúde.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-920380


Objective To understand the epidemiology and trends of of unintentional injury deaths of children 2=16.44 , χ2=5.284 , P<0.05). The three leading causes of unintentional injury deaths were drowning (2.30/10000), suffocation (1.90/10000), and traffic accidents (1.42/10 000). Drowning among boys was 8.74 per cent, which was significantly higher than in girls(χ2=9.36,P<0.05). Drowning was the leading cause in boys, while suffocation was the leading cause of accidental death in girls. Accidents accounted for 57.49% of all deaths among children aged 1 to 4 years. Suffocation was the leading cause in children <1 year of age, but drowning(38.62%)was more prominent in children 1-4 years of age. Suffocation has high incidence in the winter, and drowning has high incidence in the summer season(P<0.05). Conclusions Effective childhood injury prevention may require different prevention policies combination depending on epidemiological characteristics such as genders, age groups,household register and seasons. The prevention programs should be carried especially the floating population.

International Eye Science ; (12): 521-524, 2022.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-920446


@#AIM: To characterize a large cohort of patients presenting to the Department of Ophthalmology in Hunan Children's Hospital for ocular trauma, thus to offer supports for treatment and prevention of ocular trauma in children.<p>METHODS:The retrospective study was conducted between January 2016 and December 2020, and the medical recorded of 2 298 children(2 332 eyes)diagnosed with ocular trauma in the Ophthalmology Department and Ophthalmic Emergency of Hunan Children's Hospital were reviewed. The record data included gender, age, wounded eye, time of day, injury month, cause of injury, zone of injury, types of ocular injury, complications, method of treatment and prognosis of visual acuity. <p>RESULTS: The results showed that 44.26% of ocular trauma occurred in the age of 3-6 years old in children, and 1 718 cases(1 745 eyes)in male children versus 580 cases(587 eyes)in female children, with a male to female ratio of 2.96:1.00. The high incidence months were February and November for pediatric ocular injury. Collisions and falls were the main causes, accounting for 40.95%, following with blunt object injury and sharp object injury, accounting for 40.82%. Eyelid and other accessory organs were the main injury sites(65.40%). After injury, 58.62% of the children were treated with debridement, primary closure or topical administration of eye drops, 38.38% were treated with debridement and suturing, and 3.00% were treated with complex intraocular surgery. Most children patients were difficult to cooperate with the vision examination. Among the children who completed the vision examination, 60.60% showed visual impaired due to eye trauma. And after treatment, their vision improved to varying degrees. The severe impairment of visual acuity was mainly caused by corneal contusion, traumatic cataract, vitreous hemorrhage, bulbar foreign body and rupture of eyeball.<p>CONCLUSION: Pediatric ocular injuries are usually accidental, with an increasing incidence in recent years. The majority of children with ocular trauma are male and preschool children, with generally mild injuries and relatively good visual prognosis. Prevention and education on children's ocular traumas should be emphasized, and timely treatments after injury can effectively reduce the visual damage.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-954891


Objective:To analyze of the clinical characteristics of unintentional injuries among urban and rural children in Suzhou city, aiming to provide a scientific basis for the prevention of unintentional injuries in the region.Methods:This study was a cross-sectional survey. Children in the outpatient and emergency departments of the Children′s Hospital of Soochow University were selected from March 2020 to February 2021, the gender, age, household registration, accident injury time, cause, place and educational intervention needs of the children were collected. The patients were grouped according to gender, ages, seasons and household registrations, the SPSS 21.0 statistical software package was used to analyze the clinical characteristics of accidental injury in children.Results:There were 32 561 children included in the study, including 20 180 males and 12 381 females. The percentage of boy increases with ages ( χ2 = 263.13, P<0.01). Most unintentional injuries occurred at home, 19 117 cases, accounted for 58.9% of total cases. The accidental injury composition ratio of urban children in 0-<1 year group (447 cases), 1-<3 year group (12 392 cases) and 3-<6 year group (9 381 cases) was higher than that of 6-<10 year group (6 931 cases) and 10-<14 year group (3 410 cases)( χ 2 values were 14.69-246.83, all P<0.01); fall was the most common cause of unintentional injuries in children, 12 404 cases, accounted for 38.1% of total cases. The percentage of unintentional injuries of 3-<6 year group in spring was higher than that of 0-<1 year group, 1-<3 year group, 6-<10 year group and 10-<14 year group; the percentage of unintentional injuries of 3-<6 year group in summer was higher than that of 0-<1 year group, 1-<3 year group, 10-<14 year group; the percentage of unintentional injuries of 0-<1 year group in antumn was higher than that of 1-<3 year group, 3-<6 group, 6-<10 year group; the percentage of unintentional injuries of 0-<1 year group in winter was higher than that of 1-<3 year group, 3-<6 year group, 6-<10 year group and 10-<14 year group ( χ2 values were 6.80-310.53, all P<0.01). Parents of 1-<3 year group had high demand for first aid knowledge, and parents of 0-<1 year group had high demand for first aid skills ( χ 2 values were 5.03-821.23, all P<0.01). Conclusions:The prevalence of unintentional injury in Suzhou city has age, season and regional characteristics. This study can provide a scientific basis for the prevention of unintentional injuries in the region.

Rev. pediatr. electrón ; 18(4): 7-15, dic. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1371044


Objetivos El objetivo de este estudio es determinar a qué tipo de patologías nos enfrentamos. Utilizamos la Clasificación Internacional de Atención Primaria para asegurar una nomenclatura objetiva y comparable. Métodos Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, observacional y retrospectivo de una muestra de 108102 consultas de atención primaria de pacientes que acudieron a Urgencias de nuestro hospital para evaluar la epidemiología de la atención pediátrica brindada entre 2011 y 2019. Utilizamos el sistema de clasificación diagnóstica ICPC-2. Resultados El número de asistencias fue mayor en enero, febrero y marzo, así como los fines de semana. Tras ser atendidos, el 6,7% de los pacientes ingresaron en nuestro hospital. Las patologías más frecuentes fueron las infecciones del tracto respiratorio superior, gastroenteritis, fiebre y traumatismos / lesiones. Las patologías que con mayor frecuencia dieron lugar a ingresos hospitalarios fueron fiebre, bronquitis, gastroenteritis y vómitos (p> 0,001). En los ingresos hospitalarios de menores de 1 año, la bronquitis fue la patología más frecuente, mientras que entre los de 1 a 6 años fue la gastroenteritis y entre los de 7 a 14 años fue la apendicitis aguda (p <0,001). Conclusiones Las patologías pediátricas suponen un porcentaje importante de las visitas a urgencias, destacando las infecciones del tracto respiratorio superior, las infecciones intestinales y la fiebre. Sería aconsejable incrementar los recursos de personal en los fines de semana. Es necesario enfatizar en la educación sanitaria de la población para ajustar la demanda de asistencia en los servicios públicos. Se requiere más investigación para adaptar mejor la terminología ICPC-2.

Objectives The aim of this study is to determine what type of pathologies we are facing. We use the International Classification of Primary Care to ensure an objective and comparable nomenclature. Methods We carried out a descriptive, observational, and retrospective study of a sample comprising 108102 primary care encounters of patients presenting at our hospital's Emergency Room to assess the epidemiology of the pediatric care provided between 2011 and 2019. We used the ICPC-2 diagnosis classification system. Results The number of attendances was higher in January, February, and March, as well as at weekends. After being seen, 6.7% of patients were admitted to our hospital. The most frequent pathologies were upper respiratory tract infections, gastroenteritis, fever and trauma/injury. Pathologies most frequently resulting in hospital admissions were fever, bronchitis, gastroenteritis and vomiting (p>0.001). In hospital admissions involving patients under 1 year of age, bronchitis was the most frequent pathology, while among those aged between 1 and 6 years, it was gastroenteritis and among those aged between 7 and 14 years it was acute appendicitis (p<0.001). Conclusions Pediatric pathologies account for a significant percentage of visits to the emergency room, highlighting infections of the upper respiratory tract, intestinal infections, and fever. It would be necessary to increase staff resources on the weekends. It is highly recommended to emphasize the health education of the population to adjust the demand for assistance in public services. More research is required to better adapt the ICPC-2 terminology.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Recém-Nascido , Lactente , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Adolescente , Pediatria , Medicina de Emergência Pediátrica/estatística & dados numéricos , Hospitais Gerais/estatística & dados numéricos , Infecções Respiratórias/epidemiologia , Ferimentos e Lesões/epidemiologia , Estudos Retrospectivos , Serviço Hospitalar de Emergência/estatística & dados numéricos , Febre/epidemiologia , Gastroenterite/epidemiologia
Rev. cuba. med. gen. integr ; 37(1): e1329, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1280312


Introducción: Las lesiones no intencionales se consideran un problema de salud en el mundo, las tasas se elevan de forma marcada. En Cuba ocupan una de las primeras causas de morbilidad en la edad pediátrica. Objetivo: Describir las principales características epidemiológicas de las lesiones no intencionales en menores de 18 años en Matanzas. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo en Matanzas entre el 2013 y el 2018. El universo estuvo constituido por las 4464 lesiones no intencionales ocurridas en menores de 18 años durante el periodo analizado. Para el análisis de las variables se utilizaron tasas crudas por 10 000 habitantes. Resultados: Las tasas de morbilidad en la provincia estuvieron entre 45,2 y 58,2 por 10 000 habitantes. Los municipios de mayor riesgo resultaron Matanzas y Limonar. La mayoría de las lesiones no intencionales ocurrieron en el hogar, las caídas fueron las más frecuentes y provocaron lesiones leves. Conclusiones: Las lesiones no intencionales constituyen un problema de salud. Es necesario evaluar y controlar los factores de riesgo en los distintos tipos de accidentes para prevenir o disminuir su incidencia a través de estrategias de información, educación y comunicación. Lograr que las familias estén conscientes de la vulnerabilidad de los niños es un factor esencial y básico en todos los esfuerzos que tengan como objetivo la prevención de las lesiones no intencionales en esta etapa de la vida(AU)

Introduction: Unintentional injuries are considered a health concern worldwide. Their rates rise drastically. In Cuba, they occupy one of the leading causes of morbidity in pediatric age. Objective: To describe the main epidemiological characteristics of unintentional injuries in children under 18 years of age in Matanzas. Methods: A descriptive study was carried out in Matanzas, between 2013 and 2018. The universe consisted of 4464 unintentional injuries experienced, during the period analyzed, by children under 18 years of age. Crude rates per 10 000 inhabitants were used for the analysis of the variables. Results: The morbidity rates in the province were between 45.2 and 58.2 per 10 000 inhabitants. The municipalities with the highest risk were Matanzas and Limonar. Most of the unintentional injuries occurred at home. Falls were the most frequent and caused minor injuries. Conclusions: Unintentional injuries constitute a health concern. It is necessary to assess and control the risk factors for the different types of accidents, in order to prevent or reduce their incidence, through information, education and communication strategies. Making families aware of the vulnerability of children is an essential and basic aspect in all efforts aimed at preventing unintentional injuries at this stage of life(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Ferimentos e Lesões/prevenção & controle , Ferimentos e Lesões/epidemiologia , Epidemiologia Descritiva
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-908390


Objective:To prevent the occurrence of children′s unintentional injuries, clinical characteristics were analyzed for 1 379 children hospitalized for unintentional injuries over a 5-year period at the First Affiliated Hospital of Xiamen University.Methods:We searched the First Affiliated Hospital of Xiamen University Pediatric Refined Management Database for all cases of children aged 0-14 years who were hospitalized for unintentional injuries from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2019.Descriptive statistics were calculated for age, gender, season of injury, location of residence, education level of the child′s parents/guardians, injury etiology and outcome, and cost of treatment.Results:Of 1 379 cases, 894 children(64.8%) were boys and 485(35.2%) were girls.The majority of cases were 1-5 years old(61.6%, n=849). The top three causes of unintentional injuries were foreign bodies(38.1%, n=526), falls(27.0%, n=372), and burns(17.1%, n=236). Children′s unintentional injuries occurred most frequently during the summer(29.0%). More children came from rural locations(56.3%, n=777). Approximately half of the parents/guardians had attained an education level of junior high school or below(50.5%, n=696). There were 47 cases(3.4%) resulting in death or permanent injury and 292 cases(21.2%) resulting in disability.Children injured in traffic accidents had the longest average length of hospital stay [11(7, 18)d] and incurred the highest healthcare costs per case[11 130.32(5 389.69, 24 216.90)RMB]. Conclusion:Children′s unintentional injuries are concentrated among rural boys aged 1-5 years, foreign bodies are the most common cause of unintentional injuries.Children from families with low parental/guardian education levels may be at heightened risk of unintentional injuries.

Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2020 Apr; 68(4): 660-662
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-197891


A lady who underwent lensectomy for microspherophakia and pars plana vitrectomy for retinal detachment in her left eye developed recurrent filtering blebs at the site of sclerotomies. Filtering blebs were managed by suturing the sclerotomies. Targeted gene sequencing identified a variant of ASPH gene (p.Arg688Gln) which is not known to be associated with Traboulsi syndrome. But considering the paucity of cases with genetic analysis, it would be possible that p.Arg688Gln is a pathogenic variant. This is the first case report of Traboulsi syndrome due to an ASPH variant not reported earlier that can lead to recurrent filtering blebs.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-203248


Background: Poisoning is an injury caused by a xenobiotic ora substance exogenous to the human body, which may lead tocell damage or death. It can enter the body through respiratory,gastrointestinal or skin routes, leading to acute or chronicproblems according to dose and time. The present study aimsto examine the risk factors of poisoning of preschool (0-4)years old in Saudi Arabia and to analyze the role of the parentsand the characteristics of the house and the environment inthese accidents.Materials and Methods: The present case-controlled studywere conducted in the Institute, State during one year. Allpreschool children (0-4) years involved reported as householdpoisoning cases in the poisoning department under the publichealth administration in Jeddah city during the years 2014-2016. Socio-demographic variables, e.g., interviewer relation toa child, parents' characteristics such as age, sex, nationality,education, occupation, marital status, number of children, etc.were recorded. Characteristic of the residence of thehousehold such as a type of house, ownership, number ofrooms, number of family and siblings, etc. were noted. All thedata were arranged in a tabulated form and analyzed usingSPSS software.Results: The age of the studied groups of cases and controlschildren ranged from zero to 48 months, with the mostcommonly affected group was (13 to 24 months) whichoccupied 40.9 % of cases, while occupied 29.8% of controls.Besides, the mean age of cases was nearly double the meanage of controls (43.42 ± 16.084 and 16.37±11.535respectively) so, there was a statistically significant difference(P<0.05) between cases and controls according to age groupand mean of age. In 88.3 % of cases, the poisoning material isaccessible to children and place from where the child caneasily access the substance. The oral root of the poisoningsubstance occurred among of the cases 69% while only 49%of the cases had gastrointestinal manifestations. 72.5% of thecases were stable when they arrived at the hospital. 84.8% offamilies did not have a history of any health education aboutpoisoning before the accident.Conclusion: The tender’s age was children aged 0 to 12months. Data revealed significant results about the first baby,Saudi, male child, married mother, father had primaryeducation, a mother with secondary education, housewifemothers, owner house; and large family size. Oral, powderedform poisoning accounted for highest incidences.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-779469


Objective To explore risk factors of unintentional injuries among internal-migrant children. Methods A 1 ∶〗1 matched case-control study was conducted between 332 internal-migrant children with unintentional injuries, based on the principle that same class, same gender and age was no more than two years old. The survey was based on the unified questionnaire. Epi Data 3.1 was used to establish database and SPSS 23.0 was used for univariate analysis and multi-conditional Logistic regression analysis. Results Multi-conditional Logistic regression analysis model indicated that caregiver put pressure on children before exam and the adjusted odd ratio (OR) was 2.086 and 95% confidence interval (CI) was 1.263-3.444, caregiver’s character was extravert type (OR=2.074, 95% CI:1.275-3.372) or middle type (OR=1.796, 95% CI: 1.158-2.784), caregiver’s educational background was illiteracy (OR=1.867, 95% CI: 1.280-2.722) or primary school (OR=2.458, 95% CI: 1.169-5.168), the neurotic behaviors of children (OR=1.466, 95% CI: 1.012-2.124) were risk factors of unintentional injuries among internal-migrant children. Conclusions The characteristics related to internal-migrant children’s caregiver and children’s neurotic behaviors are associated with the occurrence of unintentional injuries. Immediate and effective measures should be taken to ease the high injury prevalence and prevent the unintentional injuries among internal-migrant children.

Indian J Public Health ; 2018 Dec; 62(4): 265-270
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-198088


Background: Unintentional injuries have become a major noncommunicable disease burden, especially among the adolescents. Objective: The current study was conducted to estimate the effect of different aspects of daily activities of adolescence for sustaining serious unintentional injuries in the past 1 year. Methods: A cross-sectional survey with multistage sampling with validated pretested questionnaire was done among the school-going adolescent boys in Kolkata. Poisson regression was used to model the counts of serious injuries. To account for the excess of zero in the outcome, zero-inflated Poisson regression was performed. Results: Among the participants, 73.5% did not report any serious unintentional injury sustained in the past 1 year, 11.9% reported to have sustained serious unintentional injury once in the past 1 year, and rest had more than one count. Statistically significant higher chance of sustaining an episode of injury was found among frequent users of motorbike (incidence rate ratio [IRR]: 1.183), frequently walking on roads (IRR: 1.910), and frequently crossing major roads on bicycle (IRR: 2.181) were observed. A statistically significant protective rate ratio was also obtained for those frequently obeying traffic signals while crossing roads (IRR: 0.493) and frequent users of bicycles (IRR: 0.384). Significantly lower rate ratio for sustaining a serious injury was observed with frequently getting into fight at home (IRR: 0.343) and getting beaten up at school (IRR: 0.595). Conclusions: The study revealed traveling in a car and obeying traffic rules were protective from sustaining serious injury. However, walking and participation in sports appeared to be risky, especially for sustaining another episode of serious injury.

Rev. cuba. enferm ; 34(3): e2416, jul.-set. 2018.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, BDENF, CUMED | ID: biblio-1099059


RESUMEN Introducción: Las lesiones no intencionales en la infancia temprana representan un problema de salud por su frecuencia, magnitud, severidad y trascendencia. La prevención de dichas lesiones es compleja y, en la atención primaria, el profesional de enfermería puede y debe ejercer una importante función dirigida a tal fin. Objetivo: Describir el diseño y validación de un instrumento para la evaluación del nivel de conocimientos que tienen los enfermeros sobre lesiones no intencionales en la infancia temprana. Métodos: Estudio metodológico que basó el diseño del instrumento en la literatura científica y la validación en criterio de expertos, que incluyó enfermeras nacionales e internacionales, pedagogos, médicos pediatras y epidemiólogos. El nivel de competencia fue medido por el coeficiente K. La concordancia se midió mediante el Índice Kappa de Cohen. Para medir la comprensión se realizó prueba piloto, con16 enfermeras del Policlínico Área I del municipio Cienfuegos. La confiablidad de consistencia interna se calculó con coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach mediante el programa estadístico Epidat. Resultados: Se obtuvo un instrumento fiable y válido que permite evaluar el nivel de conocimientos sobre lesiones no intencionales en la infancia temprana. Conclusiones: La utilización del instrumento diseñado y validado fue punto de referencia para la identificación nivel de conocimiento y el diseño de intervenciones educativas en la comunidad(AU)

ABSTRACT Introduction: Unintentional injuries in early childhood represent a health problem due to their frequency, magnitude, severity and transcendence. The prevention of such injuries is complex and in the primary care, the nursing professional can and should exercise an important function directed to that end. Objective: Describe the design and validation of an instrument for evaluation of the level of knowledge nurses have about unintentional injuries in early childhood. Methods: Methodological study that based the design of the instrument on the scientific literature and the validation in criterion of experts, who It included national and international nurses, pedagogues, pediatric doctors and epidemiologists. The level of competence was measured by the coefficient K. The concordance was measured by Cohen's Kappa Index. To measure comprehension, a pilot test was carried out, with 16 nurses from the Policlínico Área I of the Cienfuegos municipality. The reliability of internal consistency was calculated with the Cronbach's Alpha coefficient using the statistical program Epidat. Results: A reliable and valid instrument was obtained that allows assessing the level of knowledge about unintentional injuries in early childhood. Conclusions: The use of the designed and validated instrument was a point of reference for the identification level of knowledge and the design of educational interventions in the community(AU)

Humanos , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Atenção Primária à Saúde/normas , Pesquisa em Avaliação de Enfermagem/métodos , Educação Continuada em Enfermagem/métodos , Lesões Acidentais/prevenção & controle , Lesões Acidentais/epidemiologia
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-698207


Unintentional weight loss is one of the common clinical symptoms with potential serious clinical implications. There are a variety of potential etiologies and special factors to be considered. Comprehensive evaluation of these patients should be based on the relevant results found in the medical history,physical examination,and laboratory tests. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the clinical importance,underlying etiologies,and rational management of unintentional weight loss.