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Rev. Finlay ; 14(2)jun. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565165


La diversidad cultural es el resultado de un proceso que se conforma en el marco de las relaciones sociales, económicas y culturales. Se hace imprescindible que los profesores universitarios estén preparados para atender la diversidad cultural de sus estudiantes, teniendo en cuenta las particularidades de su cultura nacional y la de otros grupos de diferentes procedencias que coexisten en un mismo escenario educativo. La diversidad cultural es un reto de la comunidad educativa y debe estar contemplada en la formación permanente de los profesores de las universidades médicas fundamentalmente por sus contextos, los ambientes socioeconómicos y los problemas de salud, sobre todo por las enfermedades crónicas no trasmisibles debido a su alta prevalencia y su repercusión en el individuo y su familia, en los que influyen los factores de riesgo y las determinantes sociales, condicionados por sus orígenes, creencias, vivencias y representaciones que matizan los contextos interculturales actuales a nivel mundial.

Cultural diversity is the result of a process that is formed within the framework of social, economic and cultural relations. It is essential that university professors are prepared to address the cultural diversity of their students, taking into account the particularities of their national culture and that of other groups of different origins that coexist in the same educational setting. Cultural diversity is a challenge for the educational community and must be considered in the ongoing training of professors at medical universities, fundamentally due to their contexts, socioeconomic environments and health problems, especially chronic non-communicable diseases due to their high prevalence and its impact on the individual and his or her family, influenced by risk factors and social determinants, conditioned by their origins, beliefs, experiences and representations that color current intercultural contexts worldwide.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569858


Introducción: El docente universitario está sometidos a diversas presiones sociales y profesionales en su centro laboral, los cuales pueden generar ruptura de la homeostasis, y provocar estrés negativo. En tal sentido, es importante establecer acciones de intervención alternativas, como serían los posibles efectos de estímulos físicos programados, para lo cual existe la necesidad de valorar cómo influyen en los estados psicológicos del personal docente-educativo. Objetivo: Valorar los efectos de un programa de activación física en los niveles de estrés laboral en docentes universitarios de la Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Métodos: Investigación descriptiva/explicativa de orden correlacional, estudiando los efectos de un programa de actividad física en docentes universitarios seleccionados bajo un muestreo intensional (n= 23), valorando los efectos del estímulo físico en dos momentos del proceso de intervención, al medir el estrés auto-percibido con el cuestionario adaptado LSB-150, utilizando una escala tipo Likert. Resultados: Se presentaron diferencias significativas al valorar todas las opciones de respuesta en los dos momentos de intervención, según Friedman (Pretest: p= 0,031; Postest: p= 0,000), disminuyendo los rangos promedios en la opción "Siempre", y aumentando los rangos promedios en la opción "Nunca" en relación al postest. La Prueba de los Signos evidenciaron diferencias significativas en la opción "Siempre" (p= 0,008) y la opción "Nunca" (p= 0,002), a favor del postest. Conclusiones: Las actividades físicas pueden contribuir a disminuir el estrés auto-percibido en docentes universitarios, aunque se recomienda establecer investigaciones de tipo experimentales, e investigar otras variables ajenas que puedan influir notablemente.

Introduction: University teachers are subject to various social and professional pressures in their workplace, which can cause disruption of homeostasis and cause negative stress. In this sense, it is important to establish alternative intervention actions, such as the possible effects of programmed physical stimuli, for which there is a need to assess how they influence the psychological states of teaching-educational personnel. Objective: To assess the effects of a physical activation program on work stress levels in university teachers at the Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Methods: Descriptive/explanatory research of a correlational order, studying the effects of a physical activity program in university teachers selected under an intentional sampling (n= 23), evaluating the effects of the physical stimulus at two moments of the intervention process, by measuring the self-perceived stress with the adapted LSB-150 questionnaire, using a Likert-type scale. Results: There were significant differences when evaluating all the response options at the two intervention moments, according to Friedman (Pretest: p= 0.031; Posttest: p= 0.000), decreasing the average ranges in the "Always" option, and increasing the average ranges in the "Never" option in relation to posttest. The Signs Test showed significant differences in the "Always" option (p= 0.008) and the "Never" option (p= 0.002), in post-test favor. Conclusions: Physical activities can contribute to reducing self-perceived stress in university teachers, although it is recommended to establish experimental research and investigate other extraneous variables that may have a notable influence.

Medisan ; 27(6)dic. 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1534925


Introducción: La COVID-19 provocó cambios laborales e influyó en el comportamiento de los docentes universitarios. Objetivo: Describir el bienestar y la salud ocupacional de profesores universitarios en la formación investigativa mediante el teletrabajo. Métodos: Se realizó un análisis sistemático mediante la metodología PRISMA que incluyó todo el año 2022 y los primeros meses del 2023. Con los artículos incluidos se aplicó la herramienta de búsqueda bibliográfica en línea Litmaps. Asimismo, se empleó un cuestionario y posteriormente la escala de Likert. El instrumento se validó con el coeficiente alfa de Cronbach y se consideró la prueba t de una muestra para probar como hipótesis descriptiva si el bienestar y la salud ocupacional desde la formación investigativa en docentes universitarios mediante el teletrabajo eran satisfactorios. Resultados: En el estudio, 41,2 % de los artículos de revisión e investigación seleccionados con la metodología PRISMA correspondieron al año 2022; sin embargo, el 50,0 % de los artículos semillas fueron del 2023, donde su análisis mapa indicó que no hubo citas de correspondencias. En cuanto al resultado de la valoración con la escala de Likert y luego con la prueba de hipótesis, se obtuvo insatisfacción en los profesores respecto a la formación investigativa mediante el teletrabajo. Conclusiones: Existió insatisfacción respecto al bienestar y la salud ocupacional para la formación investigativa desde el teletrabajo porque los docentes universitarios consideraban que las condiciones laborales no fueron favorables.

Introduction: COVID-19 caused job changes and influenced the behavior of university professors. Objective: To describe well-being and occupational health in research training of university professors through teleworking. Methods: A systematic analysis was carried out using the PRISMA methodology that included the entire year 2022 and the first months of 2023. The online bibliographic search tool Litmaps was applied to the included articles. Likewise, a questionnaire was used and subsequently the Likert scale. The instrument was validated with Cronbach's alpha coefficient and the one-sample T-test was considered as a descriptive hypothesis whether well-being and occupational health from research training in university professors through teleworking were satisfactory. Results: In the study, 41.2% of the review and research articles selected with the PRISMA methodology corresponded to the year 2022; however, 50.0% of the seed articles were from 2023, where their map analysis indicated that there were no citations of correspondences. Regarding the result of the assessment with the Likert scale and then with the hypothesis test, dissatisfaction was obtained among professors concerning research training through teleworking. Conclusions: There was dissatisfaction regarding well-being and occupational health for research training through teleworking because university professors considered that working conditions were not favorable.

Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 56: e12539, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1447679


Chronic stress leads to circadian disruption, with variability in sleep time and duration. This scenario increases the prevalence and incidence of cardiometabolic abnormalities. Social jetlag (SJL), a proxy of circadian disruption, has been associated with increased vulnerability to the development of metabolic syndrome, obesity, and type 2 diabetes. This research aimed to evaluate how variables associated with cardiometabolic risk are related to SJL and poor sleep among university professors. From 2018 to 2019, full-time university professors (n=103) with a mean age of 44±5.4 years were assessed for sleep quality, chronotype, SJL, metabolic components, sociodemographic characteristics, and physical evaluation. Sleep quality and weekday sleep duration were associated with stress (r=0.44 and r=-0.34) and anxiety (r=0.40), respectively. Mean sleep duration (n=65) was 7.0±1.1 h and all professors with poor sleep (41.2%; n=28) worked 40 h/week. Professors who slept less were significantly (r=-0.25) older, and teaching time (years) was positively correlated with blood glucose (r=0.42). Mean SJL was 59.8 ±4.5 min (n=68) and 48.5% of these professors had values ≤1 h and 51.4% ≥1 h. SJL and blood glucose concentration were associated (r=0.35), which reinforced that challenges to the circadian system reverberate on metabolism. In this study, professors at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte had cardiometabolic risks related to anxiety, stress, and sleep quality.

São Paulo med. j ; 140(2): 250-260, Jan.-Feb. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1366036


Abstract BACKGROUND: During the COVID-19 pandemic, universities have had to adopt remote education, a strategy that caused sudden changes of routine for everyone involved in academia. OBJECTIVE: To assess the profile of medicine use by the employees of a Brazilian public university during the COVID-19 pandemic. DESIGN AND SETTING: Cross-sectional study at a Brazilian public university. METHODS: Employees were invited to answer an online self-administered questionnaire, containing questions on sociodemographic features, medicine use, mental health and lifestyle habits during the COVID-19 pandemic. The outcome variable was the use of medicines stratified according to occupation. Descriptive, bivariate and multivariate (Poisson regression) statistical analyses were performed. RESULTS: A total of 372 employees participated in the study and use of medicine was reported by 53.2%. Among professors, suicide attempts (prevalence ratio [PR], 1.81; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.20-2.74), physical activity (PR, 1.53; 95% CI, 1.11-2.11) and poor self-rated health (PR, 1.29; 95% CI, 1.01-1.66); and among technicians, decreased workload during the COVID-19 pandemic (PR, 1.41; 95% CI, 1.00-1.99), excess body weight (PR, 1.39; 95% CI, 1.02-1.88) and poor self-rated health (PR, 1.48; 95% CI, 1.14-1.92) were positively associated with use of medicines. In addition, among technicians, engaging in physical activity (PR, 0.60; 95% CI, 0.46-0.78) was a protective factor against medicine use. CONCLUSION: The profile of medicine use among these employees was similar to that of the Brazilian population. However, some associated factors may have been influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic, thus highlighting the need to examine this topic in a longitudinal study.

Humanos , COVID-19 , Universidades , Estudos Transversais , Estudos Longitudinais , Pandemias
Rev. cub. inf. cienc. salud ; 32(1): e1818, tab, fig
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1280203


En la Universidad Central de Las Villas Marta Abreu es prioridad la alfabetización informacional de estudiantes y profesores para el éxito de los procesos de la docencia y la investigación. La Dirección de Información Científico-Técnica ha implementado varias acciones encaminadas a alfabetizar informacionalmente al claustro universitario. Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo proponer una estrategia que potencie el comportamiento informacional de los profesores universitarios en Villa Clara, y validar la estrategia propuesta en el contexto universitario en la institución. Se aplicó un enfoque mixto, empleando métodos teóricos y empíricos. Para la concepción de la estrategia prevaleció el método etnográfico, con las técnicas de observación participante, la entrevista, el grupo focal y el cuestionario como complementos. Para el diagnóstico previo a la propuesta de estrategia se aplicó un muestreo cualitativo de participantes voluntarios. Para su validación se escogió una muestra probabilística estratificada. Se desarrollaron dos instrumentos de recogida de información para los diagnósticos. Como resultados se obtuvo una estrategia para potenciar el comportamiento informacional de los profesores universitarios en Villa Clara y la validación de la estrategia propuesta mediante la variable eficacia de estrategias, con sus dimensiones flexibilidad, diseño, liderazgo y recursos. Como complemento de la estrategia se creó un curso virtual de alfabetización informacional para profesores universitarios en Villa Clara, disponible en el entorno virtual de aprendizaje Moodle, de la UCLV. En los diagnósticos realizados se demostró que poseen determinados comportamientos informacionales que no están en consecuencia con las tendencias internacionales en cuanto al acceso y uso de la información en el contexto universitario. Se aplicó y comprobó la eficacia de la estrategia para potenciar el comportamiento informacional en profesores universitarios villaclareños(AU)

The information literacy of students and professors at the Central Universidad Marta Abreu of Las Villas, is a priority for the success of the teaching and research processes. The Direction of Scientific-Technical Information implemented several actions for the information literacy among the university faculty. The objective of this research was to propose a strategy that enhances the informational behavior of university professors in Villa Clara, and to validate the proposed strategy in the institucional context. A mixed approach was applied, using theoretical and empirical methods. For the conception of the strategy, the ethnographic method prevailed, with participant observation techniques, the interview, the focus group and the questionnaire as complements. For the diagnosis prior to the strategy proposal, a qualitative sampling of voluntary participants was applied. For its validation, a stratified probabilistic sample was chosen. Two instruments for collecting information were developed for diagnoses. As results, a strategy was obtained to enhance the informational behavior of university professors in Villa Clara and the validation of the proposed strategy through the variable effectiveness of strategies, with its dimensions flexibility, design, leadership and resources. As a complement to the strategy, a virtual information literacy course was created for university professors in Villa Clara, available in the Moodle virtual learning environment of the UCLV. The diagnoses that was carried out showed that they possess certain informational behaviors that are not in accordance with international trends in terms of access and use of information in the university context. The effectiveness of the strategy to enhance informational behavior in Villa Clara university professors was applied and verified(AU)

Humanos , Docentes , Competência em Informação , Aprendizagem , Cuba
Saúde Soc ; 28(4): 147-159, out.-dez. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1058985


Resumo Este artigo tem por base uma investigação realizada entre novembro de 2013 e janeiro de 2017, na Universidade do Minho (Portugal), sobre os docentes da Universidade Óscar Ribas (UOR) (Angola). Foi alicerçado num referencial teórico, a Psicodinâmica do Trabalho de Christophe Dejours, e teve como objetivos analisar os sintomas biopsicossociais e os sentimentos de prazer e/ou de sofrimento relacionados com o trabalho docente. Foi utilizada a metodologia quantitativa, que teve por base a aplicação de um questionário e duas escalas a 56 docentes da UOR. Verificou-se um nível moderado de prazer em 54% dos docentes e um nível moderado de sofrimento em 41% dos docentes inquiridos, o que revela o uso de estratégias defensivas, de forma a subverter o sofrimento gerado pelo trabalho. A identificação com as tarefas, a liberdade para falar no trabalho e a solidariedade entre colegas são os principais reveladores de prazer. Por outro lado, o estresse, o desgaste, os sentimentos de insatisfação, de injustiça, de indignação e esgotamento emocional, revelaram ser os principais indicadores de sofrimento. Os principais sintomas assinalados foram: físicos (alterações de sono, dores de cabeça e dores no corpo); sociais (dificuldades no relacionamento familiar e o desinteresse pelas pessoas); e psíquicos (irritabilidade e tristeza). Constatou-se ainda que os docentes de nacionalidade angolana são os que exibem melhores resultados gerais em termos de prazer, menos sofrimento e menos sintomatologia relacionada com o trabalho.

Abstract This paper is based on an investigation carried out between November 2013 and January 2017, at University of Minho (Portugal), on the professors of Óscar Ribas University (UOR) (Angola). The article was based on a theoretical reference: the Psychodynamics of Work, of Christophe Dejours, and had as objectives to analyze the biopsychosocial symptoms and the feelings of pleasure or suffering related to teaching. A quantitative methodology was used, which was based on the application of a questionnaire and two scales to 56 professors from UOR. There was a moderate level of pleasure in 54% of the professors and a moderate level of suffering in 41%, which reveals the use of defensive strategies in order to subvert the suffering generated by work. Identification with tasks, freedom to talk at work and the solidarity among colleagues are the main revealers of pleasure; on the other hand, stress, weariness, feelings of dissatisfaction, injustice, indignation and emotional exhaustion prove to be the main indicators of suffering. The main symptoms are: physical (sleep disorders, headaches and pains in the body); socials (difficulties in family relationships and lack of interest in people); and psychic (irritability and sadness). It was also found that professors of Angolan nationality are those who exhibit better overall results in pleasure, less suffering and less work-related symptoms.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Ensino , Trabalho , Docentes , Psicoterapia Psicodinâmica , Angústia Psicológica
Psicol. esc. educ ; 21(2): 313-322, maio-ago. 2017. graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-895768


Disseminam-se atualmente em todo o mundo artigos que colocam em pauta a forma com que os professores sentem e vivenciam a profissão. O presente estudo buscou investigar as virtudes necessárias para ser um bom professor e o quanto os participantes percebem que tais características os descrevem como profissionais. Para tanto, utilizou-se o método de pesquisa misto, de forma a contemplar aspectos quantitativos e qualitativos dos fenômenos investigados. Participaram deste estudo 214 professores universitários brasileiros, que responderam um questionário formado por questões sociodemográficas e duas perguntas abertas sobre as virtudes do bom professor. A análise textual foi realizada a partir do software IRAMUTEQ e representada graficamente pela análise de similitude. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, as virtudes mais valorizadas no exercício docente foramconhecimento, temperança, justiça e humanidade. Estes resultados ajudam a pensar nas habilidades e competências exigidas na vida acadêmica, assim como na avaliação das práticas docentes.

Articles are now being disseminated throughout the world that highlight the way in which teachers feel and experience the profession.The present study investigated the virtues necessary to be a good teacher and how much the participants perceive that these characteristics describe them as professionals. For this, the mixed research method was used, in order to contemplate quantitative and qualitative aspects of the investigated phenomena. A total of 214 Brazilian university professors participated in this study, who answered a questionnaire formed by sociodemographic questions and two open questions about the virtues of the good teacher. The textual analysis was performed from the IRAMUTEQ software and graphically represented by similarity analysis. According to the results obtained, the virtues most valued in the teaching exercise were knowledge, temperance, justice and humanity. These results help to think about the skills and competences required in academic life, as well as the evaluation of teaching practices.

Se diseminan actualmente en todo el mundo artículos que colocan en pauta la forma con que los profesores sienten y vivencian la profesión. El presente estudio buscó investigar las virtudes necesarias para ser un buen profesor y lo cuanto los participantes perciben que tales características los describen como profesionales. Para tanto, se utilizó el método de investigación mixta, de forma a contemplar aspectos cuantitativos y cualitativos de los fenómenos investigados. Participaron de este estudio 214 profesores universitarios brasileños, que respondieron un cuestionario formado por cuestiones sociodemográficas y dos preguntas abiertas sobre las virtudes del buen profesor. El análisis textual fue realizado a partir del software IRAMUTEQ y representado gráficamente por el análisis de similitud. De acuerdo conlos resultados obtenidos, las virtudes más valoradas en el ejercicio docente fueron conocimiento, templanza, justicia y humanidad. Estos resultados ayudan a pensar en las habilidades y competencias exigidas en la vida académica, así como en la evaluación de las prácticas docentes.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Docentes , Psicologia , Virtudes
Humanidad. med ; 16(3): 504-518, sept.-dic. 2016.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-828895


El presente trabajo es un estudio descriptivo y con un enfoque sincrónico que da muestra de las deficiencias de los profesores universitarios al redactar textos científicos. Este estudio tiene como objetivo proponer varias acciones de superación para perfeccionar el manejo del lenguaje y el arte de redactar de los docentes de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas "Dr. Faustino Pérez Hernández" de la provincia Sancti Spíritus que cursan la octava edición de la Maestría en Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Sancti Spíritus "José Martí Pérez". Para darle cumplimiento a este propósito, se aplicaron varios métodos (analítico-sintético, inductivo-deductivo, estudio de caso) y técnicas de recolección de datos (análisis de contenido, registro de experiencias) a una muestra seleccionada al azar de informantes y de sus publicaciones, lo que permitió fundamentar la existencia de varias problemáticas en la redacción científica de dichos profesores y la necesidad de implementar formas organizativas básicas del proceso de educación de posgrado para su inmediata y eficaz aplicación.

The present work is a descriptive study grounded in a synchronic approach that identifies the deficiencies of university professors when writing scientific texts. This study aims to propose several measures to improve the use of language and the art of writing of teachers of the " Dr. Faustino Pérez Hernández" University of Medical Sciences in Sancti Spíritus, Cuba who are participating in the eighth edition of the Master's Degree in Educational Sciences program at the "José Martí Pérez" University, also located in Sancti Spiritus. Several methods (analytic-synthetic, inductive-deductive, case study) and techniques of data collection (content analysis, recording of experiences) were applied to a random sample of informants and their scientific articles. This allowed for the detection of several problems in scientific writing and the need to implement basic organizational forms of postgraduate education for immediate and effective application.

Pesqui. prát. psicossociais ; 11(1): 100-117, jun. 2016.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-791739


Este trabalho buscou compreender a incidência do viés racial e suas interseccionalidades a partir da construção metodológica de uma história oral de vida, visando descrever e analisar a conformação e os sentidos tomados pelo processo identitário de uma mulher negra, professora universitária e de origem pobre. Dandara, nosso sujeito emblemático, encontra muitos empecilhos para realizar seu projeto, ao longo de sua história. Neste ínterim, a interseccionalidade gênero-raça-pobreza pode ser considerada fator determinante às diversas barreiras enfrentadas por nossa colaboradora ao seu processo de emancipação. Porém, cabe demarcarmos que a incidência da questão racial não pode ser eclipsada ou diluída pelos demais fatores, pois ela representa, de forma ativa, uma variável relevante que, ao longo dos séculos, instituiu o aprisionamento do contingente aos estratos sociais inferiores do sistema brasileiro.

This study aimed to understand the impact of racial bias and its intersectionalities from the methodological construction of an oral history of life, aiming to describe and analyze the conformation and senses of identity process taken by a black woman, university professor and poor backgrounds. Dandara, our emblematic subject, finds many obstacles to realize his project, throughout its history. In the interim, intersectionality gender-race-poverty can be considered a determinant factor in the various barriers faced by our collaborator their process of emancipation. However, it should stake out that the incidence of racial issue can not be eclipsed or diluted by other factors because it represents the active form, a relevant variable that over the centuries, instituted the imprisonment of the contingent to the lower strata of the Brazilian system.

Este studio tuvo como objetivo comprender el impacto de la cuestión racial y sus interseccionalidades desde la construcción metodológica de una historia oral de la vida, con el objetivo de describir y analizar la conformación y sentidos del proceso de identidad adoptada por una mujer negra, profesora universitaria de origen humilde. Dandara, nuestro individuo emblemático, encuentra muchos obstáculos para hacer realidad su proyecto, a lo largo de su historia. En este contexto, la interseccionalidad de género-raza-la pobreza se puede considerar un factor determinante en las diversas barreras que enfrentan nuestro colaborador su proceso de emancipación. Sin embargo, se debe replantear que la incidencia de la cuestión racial no puede ser eclipsado o diluido por otros factores, ya que representa la forma activa, una variable relevante que durante los siglos, instituyó el encarcelamiento del contingente a los estratos más inferiores del sistema brasileño.

Feminino , População Negra , Enquadramento Interseccional , Psicologia Social , Identificação Social , Autonomia Pessoal , Racismo
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 35(2): 584-598, Apr-Jun/2015.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-749810


A proposta de estudo de caso, buscou analisar, a partir de uma pesquisa em Psicologia Social amparada pelo método de história oral temática, as configurações e contradições dos sentidos do processo identitário do sujeito selecionado: um professor universitário afro-descendente brasileiro. Como muitos afro-descendentes, Hemetério vivencia uma condição de conflito constitutiva em seu processo identitário: ora é alienado pela ideologia do embranquecimento; ora se vê impedido de manifestar-se sobre sua condição racial. Mas quando chamado a se posicionar, ele defende-se diante das discriminações, configurando uma estratégia de resistência ativa e uma atitude racial afirmativa. Esta só se torna possível, quando a ação comunicativa emerge como condição autêntica. Outra questão é a relação estabelecida entre ocultação e revelação dos aspectos raciais de sua identidade e a centralidade do personagem professor, que atua como alicerce de suas elaborações e significações pessoais...

This case study proposal aimed to analyze, from a research perspective in social psychology supported by the method of thematic oral history, the settings and contradictions of the senses while recruiting subjects. The study was conducted a Brazilian university professor of an African descent. As observed in a large number of people of an African descent, Hemetério experiences conflict in his identity process; at times, he is alienated by the ideology of whitening, and at other times, he finds himself restricted from expressing his racial condition. However, when he is asked to make a stand, he defends himself against discrimination with a strategy of active resistance and an affirmative racial attitude that only becomes possible when the communicative action emerges as an authentic condition. Another issue is the association between concealment and revelation of the racial aspects of identity and centrality of the teach character, which acts as the foundation of his thoughts and personal meanings...

La propuesta de estudio de casoa buscó analizar, a través de una investigación en psicología social apoyada en el método de la historia oral temática, las configuraciones y contradicciones de los sentidos del proceso de identificación del sujeto seleccionado: un profesor universitario afrodescendiente brasileño. Así como muchos afrodescendientes, Hemetério vive una condición de conflicto constitutiva en su proceso de identidad: a veces alienado por la ideología del blanqueamiento, otras veces se encuentra impedido de expresarse acerca de su condición racial. Sin embargo, cuando se le solicita una posición, él se defiende frente a las discriminaciones, configurando una estrategia de resistencia activa y una actitud racial afirmativa. Esto es posible sólo cuando la acción comunicativa surge como condición autentica. Otro aspecto es la relación que se establece entre el ocultamiento y la revelación de los aspectos raciales de su identidad y la centralidad del carácter docente que actúa como la base de sus significados personales y elaboraciones...

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Docentes , Identidade de Gênero , Fatores Socioeconômicos
Edumecentro ; 4(3): 55-63, sep.-dic. 2012.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-728404


La gestión de la información y el conocimiento son procesos vitales en la gestión universitaria contemporánea. Se exponen los fundamentos que justifican la necesidad de crear una cátedra de Gestión de la información y el conocimiento de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Villa Clara y la experiencia de su labor formativa en los cinco años transcurridos desde su constitución en el año 2006, en función de que los docentes universitarios se apropien de las concepciones y herramientas fundamentales que proporcionan estas dos disciplinas para mejorar la calidad del proceso docente y su competencia profesional como capital humano de la institución. Los resultados obtenidos confirman lo acertado de tal decisión y llaman la atención en cuanto a consolidar y fortalecer esta actividad profesional en aras de mejorar la calidad del proceso docente universitario.

The information and knowledge management are vital processes of the contemporary university management. The foundations and necessity which justify the creation of a professorship in information and knowledge management in Villa Clara university of Medical Sciences and the experiences in the formative work during the last five years are exposed in this work. It is very important for the university professors to grasp the conceptions and the necessary tools that these two disciplines facilitate to better the quality of the teaching-learning process as well as the professional proficiency of the human resources of the institution. The attained results confirm that it was a correct decision and the importance to consolidate and strengthen this professional activity so as to improve the university teaching-learning process.

Competência Profissional , Conhecimento , Docentes , Gestão do Conhecimento
Rev. mal-estar subj ; 7(2): 527-556, sept. 2007. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-485111


O presente artigo relata investigação cujo objetivo foi o de descrever os significados do trabalho e o sofrimento na profissão de docente. Mais especificamente, tratou-se de entrevistar professores ligados aos departamentos de Física, de Estatística e de Matemática da Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM), tomando em conta essa temática. O referencial teórico utilizado discorre sobre o sofrimento e o significado do trabalho, tanto quanto se buscam na Psicanálise e na Psicopatologia do Trabalho, explicações mais abrangentes para se entender como essas relações de prazer/desprazer seriam vivenciadas pelos indivíduos no âmbito da sociedade. A pesquisa realizada foi de caráter qualitativo, pois, quando se trata de sentimentos, a pesquisa quantitativa torna-se, a nosso ver, insuficiente, devido às vivências de sentimentos serem experimentadas por cada indivíduo do ponto de vista de sua singularidade. Os resultados mostraram que, apesar de a profissão de docente ser gratificante, por utilizar-se das faculdades mentais, como num processo de criação artística, o sofrimento no trabalho, pelo menos aquele dos professores entrevistados, é muito evidente e, em grande parte, relacionado com a instituição e seus problemas. Conclui-se, portanto, que nem mesmo profissões criativas, como a de docente, estão livres de fortes sentimentos de desprazer, além de tudo porque, como aponta Freud (1930/1976), o sujeito não consegue obter plena satisfação vivendo em sociedade, devido à renuncia instintiva (pulsão) que deve realizar.

The present article tells about investigation whose objective was to describe the meanings of the work and the suffering in the professorÆs job. More specifically, it was about interviewing professors linked to the Physics, Statistics and Mathematics departments of the Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM) considering the meaning and suffering from work. The written theoretical referential discourses about suffering and meaning caused by work, the same way we search wider explanations in the Psychoanalysis to understand how these pleasure/displease relationships are lived by the individuals within the society. The accomplished research was from qualitative character, because when it talks about feelings, the quantitative research becomes, from our point of view, insufficient, due to the living of feelings be experienced for each individual from the point of view of your singularity. The results showed that, in spite of professorÆs profession be gratifying for using the mental capacities, as in a process of artistic creation, the suffering in the work, at least from the interviewed professors, it is very evident and, most of time, related with the institution and its problems. Therefore not even creative professions, as the professor, are free from strong feelings of displeasing, above all because, as Freud (1976/1930) says, the individual doesnÆt get to obtain full satisfaction living in society, due to his renounces instinctive that should accomplish.

Humanos , Adulto , História do Século XXI , Condições de Trabalho , Docentes , Estresse Psicológico , Satisfação no Emprego , Psicopatologia