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Ciênc. rural ; 46(10): 1707-1713, Oct. 2016. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-792555


ABSTRACT: The ground pearl, Eurhizococcus brasiliensis , is considered an important pest of vineyards in southern Brazil, with affected plants exhibiting leaf chlorosis, reduction in vigor, fading, and death. This study evaluated the quality of hardwood cuttings produced from plants infected (I) and not infected (NI) by ground pearl. 'Paulsen 1103' ( Vitis berlandieri × Vitis rupestris ) plants were grown for 29 months in brick-built raised beds either infested or not infested by ground pearl; then, 12 one-year-old branches with a maximum of 12 buds each were cut from each plant, subdivided into three portions (4 buds cutting-1), and subjected to destructive and nondestructive testing. DDestructive testing comprised determining fresh and dry weight, length, internode diameters, and percentage of starch. Nondestructive testing comprised assessing the potential for bud sprouting and shoot development. Each mother plant in the I and NI beds was considered a replicate, with a total of 360 cuttings per treatment. It was observed that cuttings from infected plants had significantly lower (P<0.05) internode diameter, length, and fresh and dry weight than those of the uninfected plants. The percentage of starch content of the cuttings did not differ significantly. All cuttings showed the same percentage (100%) of bud breaking and no changes in growth and development of seedlings regardless of source. Given these results, it was concluded that vines of 'Paulsen 1103' infested with ground pearl produce smaller cuttings than those of uninfected plants but with no reduction in bud break percentage or seedling development.

RESUMO: A pérola-da-terra, Eurhizococcus brasiliensis , tem sido considerada uma importante praga dos vinhedos no sul do Brasil, sendo que as plantas atacadas manifestam clorose foliar, redução no vigor, definhamento e morte. Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a qualidade de estacas lenhosas produzidas a partir do contraste de videiras infestadas (I) e não infestadas (NI) por pérola-da-terra. Após 29 meses de cultivo em canteiros de alvenaria, em presença ou ausência de pérola-da-terra, cada planta da variedade 'Paulsen 1103' ( Vitis berlandieri × Vitis rupestris ) foi submetida à retirada de 12 ramos de ano, com no máximo 12 gemas cada, sendo subdivididos em três porções (4 gemas estaca-1) e submetidos a avaliações destrutivas e não destrutivas. As destrutivas consistiram em determinar massas fresca e seca, comprimento, diâmetro de entrenós e percentual de amido. As avaliações não destrutivas consistiram em testar o potencial de brotação e desenvolvimento das estacas. Cada planta matriz dos canteiros I e NI foi considerada uma repetição, totalizando 360 estacas por tratamento. As estacas das plantas infestadas tiveram uma redução (P<0,05), em relação às não infestadas, em diâmetro, comprimento e massas fresca e seca. Não houve contraste significativo do percentual de amido avaliado das estacas. Quanto à brotação, destaca-se que todas as estacas apresentaram o mesmo percentual (100%), independente da origem, sem alterações no desenvolvimento e crescimento das mudas. Diante desses resultados, salienta-se que videiras 'Paulsen 1103' infestadas por pérola-da-terra produzem estacas menores, porém não há comprometimento no percentual de brotação e desenvolvimento das mudas, quando comparadas com plantas não infestadas.

Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-157838


The study is aimed to isolate of polyprenols from grape Vitis vinifera L. leaves by different methods and to determine of polyprenol content of plant leaves growing in various regions of Uzbekistan. Study Design: Isolation of polyprenols. Place and Duration of Study: Department of Organic Chemistry, Institute of the Chemistry of Plant Substances (ICPS). The study was carried out between January, 2011 and December, 2012. Methodology: We have studied isolation of polyprenols of grape leaves by using of simple, microwave and ultra sound extraction. Spectral, HPLC and HPTLC methods have used. Results: It was determined that leaves polyprenols are in type polyprenyl homologues with 10-13 isoprene units where undecaprenol and dodecaprenol were dominant. Extraction carried out of grape leaves in various conditions (usual, microwave, ultrasound). Ethanol was high effective for microwave and ultrasound extraction. It was observed forming of polyprenol and high aliphatic alcohols esters (probably proceeding particularly esterification of polyprenols and aliphatic alcohols by organic acids which contain in extracts). Conclusion: It was determined that extraction of grape leaves by alcohol in microwave and ultra sound stirring are high effective methods for isolation of polyprenols.

Rev. bras. farmacogn ; 22(6): 1201-1211, Nov.-Dec. 2012. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-659037


The purpose of this paper was to carry out an anatomical and histochemical analysis of the vegetative organs of Cissus verticillata (L.) Nicolson & C.E. Jarvis, Vitaceae, to contribute for the attest the taxonomic identity of the medicinal plant. Samples from root, stem, leaf and tendril were cleared, dissociated and processed according to the usual methodology for observation under light and scanning electron microscopes. Histochemical tests were performed in order to identify polysaccharides, phenolic and lipid compounds. The C. verticillata root is typically protostelic, and the stem is eustelic with collateral bundles. The tendril presents structural organization similar to the stem, suggesting a common origin for both. The petiole has an epidermis with ornamented cuticle; the cortex is composed of collenchyma and parenchyma, and the vascular tissues are arranged in collateral bundles. The leaf blade is amphistomatic with non-glandular and glandular trichomes, and the mesophyll is dorsiventral. The identification of the idioblasts as secretion site of the phenolic compounds, mucilage and terpenoids as being responsible for the potential activity of the plant is of fundamental importance for future bioprospecting research on this species.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-499693


Objective: To present a detailed pharmacognostic study of the leaf of Cayratia trifolia (C. trifolia) Linn. (Vitaceae), an important plant in the Indian system of medicine. Methods: The macroscopy, microscopy, physiochemical analysis, preliminary testing, fluorescence analysis of powder of the plant and other WHO recommended methods for standardization were investigated. Results:Leaves are trifoliolated with petioles (2-3 cm) long. Leaflets are ovate to oblong-ovate, (2-8 cm) long, (1.5-5 cm) wide, pointed at the tip. The leaf surface shows the anisocytic type stomata covered with guard cells followed by epidermis layer. Leaf surface contents including veins, vein islet and vein termination were also determined. Transverse section of leaf shows the epidermis layer followed by cuticle layer and vascular bandles (xylem and phloem). The mesophyll is differentiated into palisade and spongy parenchyma. Abundant covering trichomes emerge from the upper epidermis. Trichomes are uniseriate and multicellular. Strips of collenchyma are present below and upper layer of epidermis. Conclusions: It can be concluded that the pharmacognostic profile of the C. trifolia is helpful in developing standards for quality, purity and sample identification.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-303631


<p><b>OBJECTIVE</b>To present a detailed pharmacognostic study of the leaf of Cayratia trifolia (C. trifolia) Linn. (Vitaceae), an important plant in the Indian system of medicine.</p><p><b>METHODS</b>The macroscopy, microscopy, physiochemical analysis, preliminary testing, fluorescence analysis of powder of the plant and other WHO recommended methods for standardization were investigated.</p><p><b>RESULTS</b>Leaves are trifoliolated with petioles (2-3 cm) long. Leaflets are ovate to oblong-ovate, (2-8 cm) long, (1.5-5 cm) wide, pointed at the tip. The leaf surface shows the anisocytic type stomata covered with guard cells followed by epidermis layer. Leaf surface contents including veins, vein islet and vein termination were also determined. Transverse section of leaf shows the epidermis layer followed by cuticle layer and vascular bandles (xylem and phloem). The mesophyll is differentiated into palisade and spongy parenchyma. Abundant covering trichomes emerge from the upper epidermis. Trichomes are uniseriate and multicellular. Strips of collenchyma are present below and upper layer of epidermis.</p><p><b>CONCLUSIONS</b>It can be concluded that the pharmacognostic profile of the C. trifolia is helpful in developing standards for quality, purity and sample identification.</p>

Índia , Farmacognosia , Métodos , Folhas de Planta , Vitaceae
Ciênc. rural ; 38(6): 1758-1761, jul.-set. 2008. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-492021


Neste artigo é descrita ocorrência e o dano causado pelo ácaro vermelho europeu Panonychus ulmi (Koch) associado à cultura da videira. As coletas foram realizadas na safra 2005-2006 em Vitis vinifera L. da cultivar Merlot, nos municípios de Bento Gonçalves e Candiota, no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. As folhas infestadas apresentaram bronzeamento, com manchas avermelhadas na face adaxial, resultando na queda prematura das mesmas. Esse é o primeiro registro do ácaro vermelho europeu danificando a cultura da videira no Rio Grande do Sul.

The occurrence and the damage caused for the European red spider mite Panonychus ulmi (Koch) associated to the culture of the grapevine are described. The collections had been carried through in 2005-2006 seasons in Vitis vinifera L. of cultivating Merlot in Bento Gonçalves and Candiota counties, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The infested leaves had presented bronzing, with spots redly in the adaxial face resulting in the premature fall. This is the first register of the European red mite damaging the culture of the grapevine in Rio Grande do Sul.

Rev. bras. farmacogn ; 18(1): 70-76, jan.-mar. 2008. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-480840


O estudo objetivou realizar ensaios clínicos de fase II com o infuso das folhas de Cissus sicyoides L (Vitaceae) para investigar a eficácia terapêutica desse vegetal em voluntárias intolerantes à glicose (GIG n = 14) e diabéticas (GD n = 12) entre 30 e 59 anos de idade no Hospital Universitário Lauro Wanderley/UFPB. O chá foi preparado com 1g do pó das folhas secas, diluído em 150 mL de água quente por 10 minutos (uso popular), dose única, por um período de 7 dias (fase aguda). No GIG verificou-se a interação entre a glicemia e a insulina através do Teste Oral de Tolerância à Glicose, sem e com a ingestão do infuso. A glicemia e insulinemia foram determinadas nos tempos 0, 1, 2 e 3 h. Para o GD avaliou-se a variação espontânea da glicemia (em jejum e em repouso nos tempos 0, 1, 2 e 3 h) e o perfil glicêmico (antes e 2 h após as refeições) na ausência e na presença do chá. No GIG, o chá das folhas teve atividade hipoglicemiante significativa aos 120 minutos, porém, não houve aumento da insulinemia, além da fisiológica, sugerindo que esse efeito não ocorreu por liberação ou secreção da mesma. No GD o infuso não apresentou efeito hipoglicemiante significativo.

This study aimed to perform Phase II clinical trials with the infusion of the leaves of Cissus sicyoides L to investigate its therapeutic effectiveness in glucose-intolerant (GIG n = 14) and in type 2 diabetic (GD n = 12) volunteers, 30 to 59 years old, at Hospital Universitário Lauro Wanderley/UFPB. The tea was prepared with 1g of dust falling leaves diluted in 150 mL of hot water for 10 minutes (popular usage), in single doses, for 7 days (acute phase). In the GIG, the interaction between the glicemy and the insulin was verified through two oral tests of glucose tolerance, with and without infusion's ingestion. The glicemy and the insulinemy were determined at 0, 1, 2, and 3 hours. For GD, the spontaneous variation of glicemy (during fasting and resting periods, at 0, 1, 2, and 3 hours), and the glicemic profile (before and 2 hours after meals) were evaluated in the absence and in the presence of the tea. For GIG, the tea of the leaves revealed considerable hypoglycemic activity at 120 minutes; however there was no insulinemy increase, beyond the physiological, suggesting that this effect did not happen because of insulinemy's liberation or secretion. For GD, the tea did not demonstrate considerable hypoglycemic activity.

Cissus , Hipoglicemiantes/uso terapêutico , Vitaceae
Rev. bras. farmacogn ; 17(4): 583-591, out.-dez. 2007. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-476209


O estudo objetivou realizar ensaio toxicológico pré-clínico inicial para investigar a toxicidade da planta. Na investigação da DL50 foram utilizados grupos de camundongos Swiss machos (n = 10) submetidos a doses de 5,0 g/kg, via oral, e dose de 2,0 g/kg por via intraperitoneal, da fração aquosa das folhas (FAF) de Cissus sicyoides L. Foi retirado sangue através do plexo braquial após sete dias, para análise laboratorial de parâmetros hematológicos e bioquímicos. No estudo anatomopatológico, os animais foram examinados macro e microscopicamente, com ressecção de pulmão, coração, fígado e rins. Para análise dos dados foram utilizadas técnicas de estatística descritiva e inferencial. Na avaliação dos parâmetros hematológicos e bioquímicos dos camundongos Swiss, foram detectadas alterações nas transaminases AST e ALT e na fosfatase alcalina (FAL), caracterizando as alterações hepáticas demonstradas no estudo histopatológico. Na avaliação histológica do fígado de camundongos, evidenciou-se hepatite reacional com portite linfocitária crônica e lobular multifocal, hiperplasia kupferiana, colapsos focais da trama reticular, ausência de fibrose portal e lobular. O estudo toxicológico pré-clínico agudo demonstrou em camundongos alterações hepáticas.

The aim of the study was to carry through pre-clinical toxicological assay to analyze the toxicity of the plant. In the inquiry of the LD50 groups of male Swiss rats (n = 10) were given orally 5.0 g/kg, and 2.0 g/kg intraperitoneally, of the water fraction of the leaves (WFL) of Cissus sicyoides L. Blood was removed through brachial plexus after seven days, for laboratory analysis of hematological and biochemical parameters. In the anatomopathological study, the animals had been examined macro and microscopically, with dissection of lung, heart, liver and kidneys. For analysis of the data techniques of descriptive and inferencial statistics had been used. In the evaluation of the hematological and biochemical parameters of the Swiss rats, alterations in aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and alkaline phosphatase (FAL) had been detected, characterizing the demonstrated hepatic alterations in the histopathological study. In the histological evaluation of the rats's liver, submitted to the poisoning, reactionary hepatitis with chronic linfocity portite was proven and to lobular multifocal, hiperplasia kupferiana, focal collapses of the reticular tram, absence of fibrosis, absences of cellular atipias and reactionary subcapsulite. The acute pre-clinical toxicological study demonstrated hepatic alterations in rats.

Animais , Camundongos , Cissus/toxicidade , Extratos Vegetais , Vitaceae/toxicidade
Rev. bras. farmacogn ; 17(3): 361-367, jul.-set. 2007. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-465475


Cissus verticillata L. (Vitaceae) tem sido empregada popularmente como anti-diabética. Nessa espécie foi também detectada atividade fungitóxica. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi realizar a identificação dos compostos fungitóxicos em extratos de folhas. O extrato etanólico foi submetido a fracionamento com solventes de diferentes polaridades (hexano, clorofórmio, acetato de etila e butanol) e seu efeito antifúngico foi analisado frente a Cladosporium sphaerospermum. Os extratos em clorofórmio e acetato de etila mostraram atividade, e foram fracionados por cromatografia em coluna e cromatografia preparativa em placas de sílica, respectivamente. Três terpenóides foram isolados do extrato em clorofórmio; um deles foi identificado, por análise em CG-EM, como um sesquiterpeno, o biciclogermacreno. O composto ativo do extrato em acetato de etila foi identificado, por análises em CLAE, como o estilbeno resveratrol.

Cissus verticillata L. (Vitaceae) is popularly employed as hypoglicemic and it shows fungitoxic activity. This work aims at identification of fungitoxic compounds on extracts of leaves. The ethanol extract was partitioned using solvents of different polarities (hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate and butanol) and its fungitoxic activity was analysed upon Cladosporium sphaerospermum. The chloroform and ethyl acetate extracts showed activity and they were fractionated by column chromatography and preparative TLC, respectively. Three terpenoids were isolated from the chloroform extract, one of them identified by GLC-MS analysis as sesquiterpene bicyclogermacrene. The active compound of the ethyl acetate extract was identified by HPLC analyses as stilbene resveratrol.

Cissus , Sesquiterpenos , Estilbenos , Vitaceae
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-587428


Objective To study the anti-ageing and antioxidation of polyphends of vitis amurensis Rupr(PVAR).Methods Forty senile male Wistar rats (20 months) were divided into 4 goups according rats′ weights:senile negtive control group(A), fed with basic forage;two senile PVAR groups(B and C),fed with basic forage inchuding 200 and 400 mg?kg~ -1 ?d~ -1 PVAR;senile positive control(D), fed with basic forage inchuding 200 mg?kg~ -1 ?d~ -1 melissic powder.After fed continuously for 8 weeks,the MDA contents in RBC-membrane, plasma and liver,sulfhydryl content in RBC-membrane, sialic acid content,activity of Na~+-K~+-ATPasc, fluidity of RBC-membrane,and activity of plasma GSH-Px in rats were detected.Results Compared with group A,the contents of MDA in groups B,C,and D decreased significantly(P