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Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(1): 70-84, 20240102. tab, fig
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1526809


Introducción. La evaluación de la movilidad de las cuerdas vocales en cirugía de tiroides y paratiroides hace parte de la adecuada valoración integral. Aunque la laringoscopia directa es prueba de referencia, su uso real no es rutinario por lo que se propone la ecografía translaríngea como alternativa de evaluación. Métodos. Estudio prospectivo de evaluación de una prueba diagnóstica de la movilidad de las cuerdas vocales pre y posoperatoria, comparando la ecografía translaríngea con la video laringoscopia, en pacientes con cirugía de tiroides y paratiroides, de febrero 1° a noviembre 30 de 2022. Se describieron las variables usando frecuencias absolutas y relativas. En el análisis univariado se calcularon Chi cuadrado y T de Student y en el bivariado, regresión logística binaria. La agudeza diagnóstica se determinó con sensibilidad, especificidad y valores predictivos; se consideró la significancia estadística con p < 0,05. Resultados. Se incluyeron 267 pacientes, 219 mujeres y 48 hombres; 196 pacientes (73,4%) tenían malignidad. Se encontró en el preoperatorio, sensibilidad 100 %, especificidad 99,6 %, VPP 83,3 %, VPN 100 %, odds de probabilidad positiva 83 % y Odds de probabilidad negativa 0,004 %. En el posoperatorio, sensibilidad 82,8 %, especificidad 99,2 %, VPP 92,3 % VPN 97,9 %, odds de probabilidad positiva 92 % y odds de probabilidad negativa 0,2 %. Conclusiones. La ecografía translaríngea en nuestro medio tiene alta agudeza diagnóstica. Podría ser usada en el abordaje inicial de la evaluación de la movilidad de las cuerdas vocales y reemplazar la laringoscopia directa, dejando ésta para cuando la visualización ecográfica no sea adecuada, o en casos de afectación o sospecha de invasión, para su confirmación.

Introduction. The evaluation of the mobility of the vocal cords in thyroid and parathyroid surgery is part of the adequate comprehensive assessment. Altough, direct laryngoscopy is the gold standard, its real use is not routine, so translaryngeal ultrasound approach is proposed as an alternative. Methods. A prospective diagnostic test study was carried out to evaluate the translaryngeal ultrasound compared with video laryngoscopy in visualizing vocal mobility in patients with thyroid and parathyroid surgery from February 1 to November 30, 2022. Patients were described using absolute and relative frequencies. Univariate statistical analysis with Chi-square and Student's t tests. T. Bivariate analysis using binary logistic regression. Diagnostic acuity was calculated with sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV. Statistical significance with p< 0.05, 95% confidence interval. Results. 267 patients undergoing thyroid or parathyroid surgery were included, 219 women and 48 men. Malignant: thyroid neoplasm 196 patients (73.4%). The findings were for the preoperative period, 100% sensitivity, 99.6% specificity, PPV 83.33%, NPV 100%, 83% positive probability odds, and 0.004% negative probability odds. For the postoperative period, 82.8% sensitivity, 99.2% specificity, 92.3% PPV, 97.9% NPV, 92% positive probability odds, and 0.2% negative probability odds were found.Conclusions. Translaryngeal ultrasound in our series has high diagnostic acuity. It could be used as the initial approach to evaluate vocal mobility and might replace direct laryngoscopy, leaving it when its visualization is not adequate or in cases of involvement or suspected invasion for confirmation.

Humanos , Doenças da Glândula Tireoide , Prega Vocal , Diagnóstico por Imagem , Glândula Tireoide , Ultrassonografia , Laringe
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024253


Objective:To investigate the risk factors for recurrence of benign vocal cord lesions after microsurgery.Methods:The clinical data of 2 214 patients with benign vocal cord lesions who underwent laryngeal microsurgery at the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Affiliated Hospital of Yangzhou University from April 2013 to April 2022 were collected. The data, including sex, age, drinking history, smoking history, unilateral and bilateral lesions, and diagnosis, were recorded. These patients were divided into six groups according to admission diagnosis: polyps, Reinke's edema, leukoplakia, granulomas, cysts, and other benign lesions. All patients were followed up for 0-115 months, with a median follow-up time of 55 months. The Kaplan-Meier curve was used to determine whether there was any difference in the recurrence rate of benign vocal cord lesions among groups after surgical treatment. The Cox regression model was used to analyze the risk factors for the recurrence of benign vocal cord lesions after surgical treatment.Results:Out of the 2 214 patients, there were 1 953 cases of polyps (88.21%), 41 cases of granulomas (1.85%), 67 cases of cysts (3.03%), 87 cases of leukoplakia (3.93%), 34 cases of Reinke's edema (1.54%), and 32 cases of other benign lesions (1.45%). The recurrence rate for benign vocal cord lesions was 4.86% (95/1 953) in the polyp group, 31.70% (13/41) in the granuloma group, 14.94% (13/87) in the leukoplakia group, 2.98% (2/67) in the cysts group, 8.82% (3/34) in the Reinke's edema group, and 9.37% (3/32) in the other benign lesions group. Univariate analysis showed that bilateral lesions (95% CI 6.899-17.289, P < 0.001), smoking history (95% CI 1.282-2.564, P = 0.001), and alcohol consumption (95% CI 1.173-2.346, P = 0.001) were significantly associated with the recurrence of benign vocal cord lesions. The recurrence rate for benign vocal cord lesions in the leukoplakia group (95% CI 1.375-27.011, P = 0.017) and granuloma group (95% CI 3.053-60.980, P = 0.001) was significantly higher than that in the cysts group. Multivariate analysis of the risk factors for postoperative recurrence of benign vocal cord lesions showed that patients who had bilateral lesions (95% CI 6.680-16.900, P < 0.001) and a history of smoking (95% CI 1.572-16.157, P = 0.007) had a higher risk of recurrence of benign vocal cord lesions compared with those without bilateral lesions and a history of smoking. Granulomas were found to be significantly associated with postoperative recurrence of benign vocal cord lesions (95% CI 4.691-97.667, P < 0.05). Conclusion:Bilateral lesions and smoking are independent risk factors for the recurrence of benign vocal cord lesions after microsurgery. Granuloma is strongly associated with the postoperative recurrence of benign vocal cord lesions.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-965847


ObjectiveTo investigate the prevention strategy of bilateral vocal cord adhesion after simultaneous Renke space edema resection under CO2 laser. MethodsSeventy patients who underwent CO2 laser resection of bilateral Renke space edema of vocal cords from June 2018 to June 2021 in our hospital were retrospectively selected for this study. According to their postoperative vocal cord adhesion, patients were divided into vocal cord adhesion group (35 cases) and silent band adhesion group (35 cases), and the general data of the two groups were compared. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to evaluate the risk factors for postoperative vocal cord adhesion. The prediction model of postoperative morbidity risk of vocal cord adhesion was established by using chisquared automatic interaction detection (CHAID) classification tree algorithm, and the application value of the model was evaluated by benefit graph and index graph. ResultsMultivariate analysis showed that surgical range and depth of Ⅱ, laser power≥5 W and anterior connection involvement were the risk factors for postoperative vocal cord adhesion [OR 95%CI: 6.113 (2.346, 17.451); 5.214 (1.469, 15.263); 18.651 (1.689, 36.203)]. The classification tree model showed that anterior articulation involvement was an important predictor of postoperative vocal cord adhesion (76.92%; χ2=11.993, P=0.001), and the benefit graph and index graph showed good models. ConclusionClinical attention should be paid to surgical scope and depth, laser power and anterior union involvement, and timely prevention strategies should be formulated to reduce the risk of vocal cord adhesion in patients.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982748


Objective:To analyze the risk factors of recurrence and canceration for premalignant vocal fold lesions after surgery, and to provide a reasonable basis for preoperative evaluation and postoperative follow-up. Methods:This study retrospective analyzed the relationship between clinicopathological factors and clinical outcome(recurrence, canceration, recurrence-free survival, and canceration-free survival) in 148 patients undergoing surgical treatment in Chongqing General Hospital from 2014 to 2017. Results:The five-year overall recurrence rate was 14.86% and the overall recurrence rate was 8.78%. Univariate analysis showed that smoking index, laryngopharyngeal reflux and lesion range were significantly associated with recurrence(P<0.05), and smoking index and lesion range were significantly associated with canceration(P<0.05). Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that smoking index ≥600 and laryngopharyngeal reflux were independent risk factors for recurrence(P<0.05), and smoking index ≥600 and lesion range ≥1/2 vocal cord were independent risk factors for canceration(P<0.05). The mean carcinogenesis interval for the postoperative smoking cessation group was significantly longer(P<0.05). Conclusion:Excessive smoking, laryngopharyngeal reflux and a wide range of lesions may be related to postoperative recurrence or malignant progression of precancerous lesions in the vocal cord, and further large-scale multi-center prospective randomized controlled studies are needed to clarify the effects of the above factors on recurrence and malignant changes in the future.

Humanos , Prega Vocal/patologia , Estudos Retrospectivos , Refluxo Laringofaríngeo/complicações , Estudos Prospectivos , Lesões Pré-Cancerosas/patologia , Fatores de Risco
Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(6): 3222-3235, 2023.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1437891


A actinomicose é uma infecção rara causada por bactérias do gênero Actinomyces sp. que são importantes constituintes das flora comensal de animais e humanos, colonizando a orofaringe, o trato respiratório superior, o trato gastrointestinal e o trato genital feminino. Diante de uma lesão na mucosa associada a um desequilíbrio nas defesas do organismos, as bactérias se infiltram nas estruturas, gerando uma infecção. As áreas mais comumente afetadas por esta patologia correspondem às regiões cervicofacial (50%), abdominal (20%) e torácica (15 a 20%), sendo o envolvimento laríngeo bastante raro (< 5% dos casos), com poucos casos descritos na literatura. Este estudo visa relatar o caso de um paciente de 76 anos com actinomicose mimetizando neoplasia de laringe, através da revisão do prontuário, descrevendo o quadro clínico e evidenciando os exames de imagem realizados na investigação com o objetivo de alertar os profissionais de saúde e compartilhar informações sobre esta patologia para que possa fazer parte do diagnóstico diferencial de doenças granulomatosas e infecciosas da laringe, principalmente em pacientes com mais de 50 anos, visando o diagnóstico precoce e o tratamento adequado.

Actinomycosis is a rare infection caused by bacteria of the genus Actinomyces sp. which are important constituents of the commensal flora of animals and humans, colonizing the oropharynx, the upper respiratory tract, the gastrointestinal tract and the female genital tract. Faced with a lesion in the mucosa associated with an imbalance in the organism's defenses, the bacteria infiltrate the structures, generating an infection. The areas most commonly affected by this pathology correspond to the cervicofacial (50%), abdominal (20%) and thoracic (15 to 20%) regions, and laryngeal involvement is quite rare (< 5% of cases), with few cases described in the literature. This study aims to report the case of a 76-year-old patient with actinomycosis mimicking laryngeal neoplasm, through the medical record review, describing the clinical picture and evidencing the imaging tests performed in the investigation with the purpose of alerting health professionals and sharing information about this pathology so that it can be part of the differential diagnosis of granulomatous and infectious diseases of the larynx, especially in patients older than 50 years, aiming at early diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

La actinomicosis es una infección rara causada por bacterias del género Actinomyces sp. que son componentes importantes de la flora comensal de animales y humanos, colonizando la orofaringe, el tracto respiratorio superior, el tracto gastrointestinal y el tracto genital femenino. Ante una lesión de la mucosa asociada a un desequilibrio de las defensas del organismo, las bacterias se infiltran en las estructuras, generando una infección. Las áreas más comúnmente afectadas por esta patología corresponden a las regiones cervicofacial (50%), abdominal (20%) y torácica (15 a 20%), siendo la afectación laríngea bastante rara (< 5% de los casos), con pocos casos descritos en la literatura. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo relatar el caso de una paciente de 76 años con actinomicosis simulando neoplasia laríngea, a través de la revisión de la historia clínica, describiendo el cuadro clínico y mostrando los estudios de imagen realizados en la investigación, con el propósito de alertar a los profesionales de la salud y compartir información sobre esta patología para que forme parte del diagnóstico diferencial de las enfermedades granulomatosas e infecciosas de la laringe, particularmente en pacientes con edad superior a 50 años, con vistas al diagnóstico precoz y tratamiento adecuado.

Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 89(4): 101275, Jan.-Feb. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1505893


Abstract Objective Visual-perceptive assessment of glottic characteristics of vocal nodules by means of high-speed videoendoscopy. Methods Descriptive observational research with convenience sampling of five laryngeal videos of women with an average age of 25 years. The diagnosis of vocal nodules was defined by two otolaryngologists, with 100% intra-rater agreement and 53.40% inter-rater agreement and five otolaryngologists as judge assessed the laryngeal videos based on an adapted protocol. The statistical analysis calculated measures of central tendency and dispersion, as well as percentage. The AC1 coefficient was used for agreement analysis. Results In high-speed videoendoscopy imaging, vocal nodules are characterized by amplitude of the mucosal wave and muco-undulatory movement with magnitude between 50% and 60%. Non-vibrating segments of vocal folds are scarce, and the glottal cycle does not show a predominant phase, it is symmetric and periodic. Glottal closure is characterized by the presence of a mid-posterior triangular chink (double chink or isolated mid-posterior triangular chink), without movement of supraglottic laryngeal structures, with irregular contour of the free edge of vocal folds, which are vertically on-plane. Conclusion Vocal nodules present mid-posterior triangular chink and irregular free edge contour. Amplitude and mucosal wave were partially reduced. Level of evidence: Level 4 (Case-series).

Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 88(5): 767-772, Sept.-Oct. 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1403932


Abstract Introduction Revision framework surgeries might be required for unilateral vocal fold paralyses. However, outcomes and indications of revision surgeries have not been adequately documented. For a better understanding of indications for the procedure and to help in achieving better vocal outcomes, we performed a retrospective chart review of patients who underwent revision framework surgeries for unilateral vocal fold paralysis. Objectives This study aimed to present clinical features of patients who underwent revision framework surgeries for the treatment of unilateral vocal fold paralysis. Methods Of the 149 framework surgeries performed between October 2004 and October 2019, 21 revision framework surgeries were performed in 19 patients. Self-assessments by patients using the voice handicap index-10 questionnaire, and objective aerodynamic and acoustic assessments performed pre- and post-operatively were analyzed using the Wilcoxon's signed-rank test for paired comparisons. Results Undercorrection was indicated as reasons for revision surgeries in all cases. The revision techniques included type I thyroplasty, type IV thyroplasty, and arytenoid adduction, and revision surgeries were completed without any severe complication in all cases. Pre- and post-operative voice handicap index-10 scores were obtained in 12 cases, and other parameters were evaluated in 18 cases. Significant improvements were observed in voice handicap index-10 scores, maximum phonation time, mean flow rate, Current/Direct Current ratio, and pitch perturbation quotient. Conclusion Undercorrection was observed in all patients who underwent revision framework surgeries for unilateral vocal fold paralysis, and the initial assessment and planning are thought to be important in order to avoid revision surgeries. Revision surgeries were performed safely in all cases, and significantly improved vocal outcomes were observed, even after multiple procedures. Revision surgery should be considered for patients with unsatisfactory vocal functions after primary framework surgeries for unilateral vocal fold paralysis.

Resumo Introdução As cirurgias de revisão do arcabouço laríngeo podem ser necessárias em casos de paralisia unilateral de prega vocal. Entretanto, os resultados e as indicações das cirurgias de revisão não têm sido documentados de forma adequada. Para melhor compreensão das indicações do procedimento e para auxiliar na obtenção de melhores resultados vocais, fizemos uma revisão retrospectiva dos prontuários de pacientes submetidos a cirurgias de revisão do arcabouço laríngeo em paralisia unilateral de prega vocal. Objetivos Apresentar as características clínicas de pacientes submetidos a cirurgias de revisão do arcabouço laríngeo para tratamento de paralisia unilateral de prega vocal. Método Das 149 cirurgias de revisão do arcabouço laríngeo feitas entre outubro de 2004 e outubro de 2019, 21 cirurgias de revisão do arcabouço laríngeo foram feitas em 19 pacientes. As autoavaliações feitas pelos pacientes com o questionário voice handicap index‐10 e avaliações aerodinâmicas e acústicas objetivas feitas no pré e pós‐operatório foram analisadas com o teste de postos sinalizados de Wilcoxon para comparações pareadas. Resultados A hipocorreção foi apontada como o motivo das cirurgias de revisão em todos os casos. As técnicas de revisão incluíram tireoplastia tipo I, tireoplastia tipo IV e adução de aritenoide. As cirurgias de revisão foram feitas sem qualquer complicação grave em todos os casos. Os escores do questionário voice handicap index‐10 pré e pós‐operatórios foram obtidos em 12 casos e outros parâmetros foram avaliados em 18 casos. Melhorias significativas foram observadas nos escores do questionário, no tempo máximo de fonação, taxa de fluxo médio, relação antes/depois e no quociente de perturbação do pitch. Conclusão Hipocorreção foi observada em todos os pacientes submetidos a cirurgias de revisão do arcabouço laríngeo para paralisia unilateral de prega vocal e a avaliação inicial e o planejamento são considerados importantes para evitar cirurgias de revisão. As cirurgias de revisão foram feitas com segurança em todos os casos e melhoria significativa dos resultados vocais foi observada mesmo após múltiplos procedimentos. A cirurgia de revisão deve ser considerada para pacientes com funções vocais insatisfatórias após cirurgia primária do arcabouço laríngeo para paralisia unilateral de prega vocal.

Rev. colomb. anestesiol ; 50(1): e502, Jan.-Mar. 2022. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360954


Abstract The agent that causes the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), associated with the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS-CoV-2), produces a spectrum of symptoms that mainly affect the respiratory system, the central nervous system (CNS), the regulation of hemostasis and the immune system. Bilateral vocal fold paralysis (BVFP) is a condition of unknown incidence among infected patients, either because it is short-lived or because of the difficulty in establishing a direct cause to the virus. Viral infection has been described in the literature as a cause of BVFP and there is the suspicion that a proportion of the idiopathic cases are due to undiagnosed viral infections. Although the neurotropic mechanisms for SARS-CoV-2 remain unclear, there is strong evidence to ensure its neuroinvasive potential. The most frequent etiologies of BVFP are trauma, neoplasm, and neurological, but a viral origin should not be ruled out. Causality between COVID-19 and BVFP is plausible and will require further study in the short and long term. We present a case series that support and discuss the hypothesis under consideration.

Resumen El agente causal de la enfermedad por coronavirus (COVID-19), asociado a síndrome respiratorio agudo grave (SARS-CoV-2), genera un espectro de síntomas que afectan fundamentalmente el sistema respiratorio, el sistema nervioso central (SNC), la regulación hemostásica y el sistema inmune. La parálisis bilateral de cuerdas vocales (PBCV) es una entidad cuya incidencia en infectados se desconoce, bien porque no se presentan durante el tiempo suficiente o por la dificultad de establecer una causalidad directa con el virus. La infección vírica, como causa de PBCV, está descrita en la literatura y se sospecha que una parte de los casos idiopáticos corresponden a infecciones víricas no diagnosticadas. Aunque los mecanismos neurotrópicos no están completamente aclarados para el SARS-CoV-2, existen indicios sólidos para asegurar su potencial neuroinvasivo. Las causas traumáticas, neoplásicas y neurológicas son las etiologías más comunes de PBCV, sin que se pueda descartar el origen vírico. Es plausible una causalidad entre el COVID-19 y la PBCV, que requerirá mayores estudios a corto y largo plazo. Presentamos una serie de casos que sostienen y discuten la hipótesis en consideración.

Pâncreas Divisum
Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 55: e11920, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1364559


Vocal fold leukoplakia (VFL) has a risk of malignant transformation. Therefore, patients can have symptoms such as dysphonia, vocal strain, difficulty breathing, and dysphagia. Additionally, there is a genetic predisposition that can be associated with genetic polymorphisms. We aimed to evaluate the influence of genetic polymorphisms and protein levels in the etiology of VFL. Our study followed the PRISMA checklist and was registered on PROSPERO database. The questions were: "Are genetic polymorphisms involved in the etiology of VFL? Are protein levels altered in patients with VFL?". Eligibility criteria were case control studies that compared the presence of polymorphisms or/and protein levels of subjects diagnosed with VFL and healthy controls. Of the 905 articles retrieved, five articles with a total of 1038 participants were included in this study. The C allele of the single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP)-819 T/C IL-10, A allele of the SNP -592 A/C IL-10, CT genotype of the SNP rs11886868 C/T BCL11A, GG genotype of the SNP rs4671393 A/G BCL11A, LL genotype, and L allele of (GT)n repeat polymorphisms of the HO-1 were risk factors for VFL development. Nevertheless, there was a lack of association between VFL and the -1082 A/G IL-10, rs14024 CK-1, and -309 T/G Mdm2 SNPs. The concentrations of the MDM2, BCL11A, and HO-1 proteins were modified, while IL-10 levels were normally expressed in these subjects. In conclusion, most markers evaluated in this review could be potential indicators to develop effective therapies, avoiding a malignant transformation of the lesion.

Rev. Investig. Innov. Cienc. Salud ; 4(1): 16-25, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1391338


Introduction. Laryngeal disorders are characterized by a change in the vibratory pattern of the vocal folds. This disorder may have an organic origin described by anatomical fold modification, or a functional origin caused by vocal abuse or misuse. The most common diagnostic methods are performed by invasive imaging features that cause patient discomfort. In addition, mild voice deviations do not stop the in-dividual from using their voices, which makes it difficult to identify the problem and increases the possibility of complications. Aim. For those reasons, the goal of the present paper was to develop a noninvasive alternative for the identification of voices with a mild degree of vocal deviation ap-plying the Wavelet Packet Transform (WPT) and Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), an Artificial Neural Network (ANN). Methods. A dataset of 74 audio files were used. Shannon energy and entropy mea-sures were extracted using the Daubechies 2 and Symlet 2 families and then the processing step was performed with the MLP ANN. Results. The Symlet 2 family was more efficient in its generalization, obtaining 99.75% and 99.56% accuracy by using Shannon energy and entropy measures, re-spectively. The Daubechies 2 family, however, obtained lower accuracy rates: 91.17% and 70.01%, respectively. Conclusion. The combination of WPT and MLP presented high accuracy for the identification of voices with a mild degree of vocal deviation

ntroducción. Los trastornos laríngeos se caracterizan por un cambio en el patrón vibratorio de los pliegues vocales. Este trastorno puede tener un origen orgánico, descrito como la modificación anatómica de los pliegues vocales, o de origen fun-cional, provocado por abuso o mal uso de la voz. Los métodos de diagnóstico más comunes se realizan mediante procedimientos invasivos que causan malestar al pa-ciente. Además, los desvíos vocales de grado leve no impiden que el individuo utilice la voz, lo que dificulta la identificación del problema y aumenta la posibilidad de complicaciones futuras.Objetivo. Por esas razones, el objetivo de esta investigación es desarrollar una he-rramienta alternativa, no invasiva para la identificación de voces con grado leve de desvío vocal aplicando Transformada Wavelet Packet (WPT) y la red neuronal artifi-cial del tipo Perceptrón Mutlicapa (PMC). Métodos. Fue utilizado un banco de datos con 78 voces. Fueron extraídas las me-didas de energía y entropía de Shannon usando las familias Daubechies 2 y Symlet 2 para después aplicar la red neuronal PMC. Resultados. La familia Symlet 2 fue más eficiente en su generalización, obteniendo un 99.75% y un 99.56% de precisión mediante el uso de medidas de energía y en-tropía de Shannon, respectivamente. La familia Daubechies 2, sin embargo, obtuvo menores índices de precisión: 91.17% y 70.01%, respectivamente. Conclusión. La combinación de WPT y PMC presentó alta precisión para la iden-tificación de voces con grado leve de desvío vocal

Humanos , Prega Vocal , Afonia/diagnóstico , Distúrbios da Voz , Pacientes , Voz , Afonia/fisiopatologia , Laringe/anormalidades
Rev. Investig. Innov. Cienc. Salud ; 4(1): 26-42, 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1391356


Introducción. Los docentes son usuarios ocupacionales de la voz con alto riesgo de desarrollar patologías vocales a causa de su labor. Para enfrentar esta proble-mática, suelen usarse ejercicios con tracto vocal semiocluido (TVSO), estrategia de educación/rehabilitación empleada para generar un cambio en el patrón de vibración de los pliegues vocales, minimizando el riesgo de lesión vocal al reducir el estrés de colisión al que se someten los tejidos. Diversos reportes han indicado que este tratamiento tiene efectos en el cociente de cierre (CQ), medida indirecta del estrés de colisión.Objetivo. Examinar el efecto fisiológico de dos ejercicios con TVSO en la actividad laríngea de profesores con esfuerzo vocal constante pero sin patología vocal. Metodología. Se registraron muestras de 43 profesores antes, durante y después de la realización de dos ejercicios con TVSO (vibración lingual y fonación en tubos). Las muestras de electroglotografía se analizaron para obtener el CQ. Resultados y conclusión. Se observó una diferencia significativa al comparar los valores del CQ antes y durante la realización de ambos ejercicios. No se encontraron cambios en este parámetro después de ejecutar la actividad. Estos hallazgos concuer-dan con reportes previos en los cuales el CQ tiende a aumentar durante la fonación en tubos; contrariamente, la realización de la vibración lingual tiende a decrecer el valor del CQ. Es posible que este comportamiento se deba a los mecanismos biome-cánicos particulares de cada ejercicio

Introduction. Teachers are occupational voice users with high risk of developing vocal pathologies due to their work. To face this situation, it is common the use of semi-occluded vocal tract (SOVT) exercises, a strategy of voice education/rehabil-itation implemented to induce a change in the vibration pattern of the vocal folds, mitigating, therefore, the risk of vocal lesion by reducing the collision stress applied to tissues. A variety of reports have indicated that this treatment has effects in the closed quotient (CQ), an indirect measure of collision stress. Aim. The purpose of this study was to examine the physiological effect of two dif-ferent SOVT exercises in larynx activity of teachers with constant vocal effort but without vocal pathology. Methods. 43 samples of teachers were recorded before, during and after executing two SOVT exercises (tongue trill and tube phonation). Electroglottographic samples were analyzed in order to obtain CQ. Results and conclusion. Both exercises had a significant difference of CQ scores when before and during conditions were compared. Any difference was found on this parameter after executing the activity. These findings agree with previous reports where CQ tends to increase during phonation through resonance tubes; on the con-trary, execution of tongue trill tends to decrease CQ values. This behavior might be because of the particular biomechanical mechanisms of each exercise

Humanos , Fonação , Fonoterapia , Voz/fisiologia , Sistema Respiratório/patologia , Prega Vocal , Exercício Físico , Educação , Mucosa Laríngea , Laringe
Acta cir. bras ; 37(1): e370106, 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1413343


Purpose: To present a detailed, reproducible, cost-efficient surgical model for controlled subepithelial endoscopic vocal fold injury in the rat model. Methods: Six male Sprague Dawley rats were enrolled in the experiment. The left vocal folds were used to carry out the injury model, and the right vocal fold served as control. After deep sedation, the rats were placed on a custom operating platform. The vocal fold injury by subepithelial stripping was carried out using custom-made microsurgical instruments under endoscopic guidance. Data were analyzed for procedural time and post-procedural pain. Microcomputed tomography (micro-CT) scan and histologic images were obtained to assess the length, area, and depth of injury to the vocal fold. Results: The mean procedural time was 112 s. The mean control vocal fold length was 0.96 ± 0.04 mm. The mean vocal fold injury length was 0.53 ± 0.04 mm. The mean vocal fold surface was 0.18 ± 0.01 mm2 with a mean lesion area of 0.05 ± 0.00 mm2. Mean vocal fold injury depth was 375.4 ± 42.8 µm. The lesion length to vocal fold length ratio was 0.55 ± 0.03, as well as lesion area to vocal fold surface area was 0.29 ± 0.02. Conclusions: Our described experimental vocal fold injury model in rats is found to be fast, safe, cost-efficient, and reproducible with a rapid learning curve.

Animais , Masculino , Ratos , Prega Vocal/cirurgia , Prega Vocal/lesões , Ratos Sprague-Dawley/cirurgia , Endoscopia/veterinária
Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 88(supl.1): 102-107, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1420818


Abstract Introduction A challenge in phonosurgery is achieving good vocal quality with minimal vocal fold fibrosis. Fibrin glue can be applied to minimize fibrosis; however, its use in the larynx is based primarily on clinical experience, particularly in extensive lesions. Objective The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of application of fibrin glue on collagen concentration at the late phase of the healing process after detaching a pedicled flap of the vocal fold cover in rabbits. Methods In this prospective animal study, twelve adult male rabbits underwent laryngeal microsurgery, in which an incision was made along the entire length of both vocal folds, followed by extensive mucosal detachment and section of the incision ends. Fibrin glue was applied in the left vocal fold, and the mucosa was repositioned. In the right vocal fold, the mucosa was repositioned without treatment with fibrin glue. After 3-months, the rabbits were euthanized. Histological analyses were performed, and the data collected were subjected to statistical analysis. Results Vocal folds treated with fibrin glue presented higher collagen concentration in Masson trichrome staining and significantly higher (p< 0.05) collagen concentration in picrosirius red staining compared to control vocal folds. Conclusion Treatment with fibrin glue led to greater vocal fold fibrogenesis in the present study. Nonetheless, further studies are necessary to determine the prophylactic effect of sealants in laryngeal surgeries that require extensive detachment of the vocal fold cover.

Resumo Introdução Um desafio na fonocirurgia é conseguir uma boa qualidade vocal com o mínimo de fibrose das pregas vocais. A cola de fibrina pode ser aplicada para minimizar a fibrose; porém, seu uso na laringe é baseado principalmente na experiência clínica, particularmente em lesões extensas. Objetivo Avaliar o efeito da aplicação da cola de fibrina na concentração de colágeno na fase tardia do processo de cicatrização, após o descolamento do retalho pediculado da cobertura da prega vocal em coelhos. Método Neste estudo prospectivo com animais, 12 coelhos adultos machos foram submetidos à microcirurgia de laringe, na qual uma incisão foi feita em toda a extensão de ambas as pregas vocais, seguida de extenso descolamento da mucosa e secção das extremidades da incisão. A cola de fibrina foi aplicada na prega vocal esquerda e a mucosa foi reposicionada. Na prega vocal direita, a mucosa foi reposicionada sem tratamento com cola de fibrina. Após três meses, os coelhos foram sacrificados. Análises histológicas foram feitas e os dados coletados foram submetidos à análise estatística. Resultados As pregas vocais tratadas com cola de fibrina apresentaram maior concentração de colágeno na coloração tricrômica de Masson e concentração significativamente maior de colágeno (p < 0,05) na coloração com picrosirius red comparadas às pregas vocais controle. Conclusão O tratamento com cola de fibrina resultou em maior fibrogênese das pregas vocais no presente estudo. Contudo, novos estudos são necessários para determinar o efeito profilático dos selantes em cirurgias de laringe que requerem extenso descolamento da cobertura das pregas vocais.

Cambios rev. méd ; 20(1): 60-66, 30 junio 2021. tabs., graf.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1292871


INTRODUCTION. Airway abnormalities are rare but potentially fatal. Stridor is a res-piratory noise with greater predominance in the inspiratory phase. OBJECTIVE. To evaluate the etiology of stridor, determine its comorbidities and mortality. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Retrospective cross-sectional study. Population of 110 and sample of 33 data from the Medical Records of neonatal or infant patients who presented stri-dor at the Carlos Andrade Marín Specialties Hospital of Quito-Ecuador, from january 2009 to december 2020. RESULTS. The 51,51% (17; 33) of cases were men. The age of the first consultation for stridor was within the first month in 18,00% (6; 33) and 40,00% (13; 33) at 3 months. The most frequent congenital laryngeal patholo-gy was: laryngomalacia 81,82% (27; 33), followed by subglottic stenosis 9,09% (3; 33), bilateral chordal paralysis 6,06% (2; 33) and tracheal stenosis 3,03% (1; 33). The 51,51% (17; 33) presented comorbidities of causes: neurological, pulmonary and genetic among the main ones. Mortality was 18,20% (6; 33) related to the severity of comorbidities, except one secondary to tracheal stenosis. CONCLUSION. Laryn-gomalacia and subglottic stenosis were the predominant pathologies with congenital stridor. The comorbidities that occurred were neurological, pulmonary, genetic and caused mortality within 90 days after diagnosis.

INTRODUCCIÓN. Las anomalías de la vía aérea son poco frecuentes, pero potencialmente mortales. El estridor es un ruido respiratorio con mayor predominio en la fase inspiratoria. OBJETIVO. Evaluar la etiología del estridor, determinar sus comorbilidades y la mortalidad. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS. Estudio transversal retrospectivo. Población de 110 y muestra de 33 datos de Historias Clínicas de pacientes neonatos o lactantes que presentaron estridor en el Hospital de Especialidades Carlos Andrade Marín de Quito - Ecuador, de enero 2009 a diciembre 2020. RESULTADOS. El 51,51% (17; 33) de casos fueron hombres. La edad de la primera consulta por estridor fue dentro del primer mes en el 18,00% (6; 33) y del 40,00% (13; 33) a los 3 meses. La patología congénita laríngea más frecuente fue: laringomalacia 81,82% (27; 33), seguida de estenosis subglótica 9,09% (3; 33), parálisis cordal bila-teral 6,06% (2; 33) y estenosis traqueal 3,03% (1; 33). El 51,51% (17; 33) presentaron comorbilidades de causas: neurológica, pulmonar y genética entre las principales. La mortalidad fue 18,20% (6; 33) relacionada con la severidad de las comorbilidades, excepto una secundaria a estenosis traqueal. CONCLUSIÓN. La laringomalacia y la estenosis subglótica fueron las patologías que predominaron con estridor congénito. Las comorbilidades que se presentaron fueron neurológica, pulmonar, genética y causaron mortalidad dentro de los 90 días posteriores al diagnóstico.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Recém-Nascido , Lactente , Anormalidades Congênitas , Prega Vocal , Sons Respiratórios , Laringoestenose , Laringomalácia/congênito , Neonatologia , Síndromes da Apneia do Sono , Estenose Traqueal , Cianose , Remodelação das Vias Aéreas
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-909148


Objective:To investigate reflux symptom index (RSI), reflux finding score (RFS), esophageal motility and to correlate them with laryngopharyngeal reflux in patients with vocal cord polyps, providing guidance for clinical study.Methods:A total of 100 patients with vocal cord polyps who received treatment from January 2018 to January 2020 in Jiangshan People's Hospital were included in the observation group. A total of 100 healthy controls who concurrently received physical examination were included in the control group. RSI and RFS were used to preliminarily evaluate laryngopharyngeal reflux. The characteristics of esophageal motility and the pressure of upper and lower sphincter were monitored. The correlation between RSI, RFS, esophageal motility and laryngopharyngeal reflux was analyzed.Results:In the observation group, 35.00% of patients had RSI > 13 points, and 30.00% of patients had RFS > 7 points. The RSI and RFS in the observation group were significantly higher than those in the control group [RSI: (24.17 ± 1.14) points vs. (7.28 ± 12) points; RFS: (17.59 ± 1.52) points vs. (4.28 ± 0.21) points, t = 147.344, 86.742, both P < 0.05)]. The time to upper sphincter relaxation recovery and the duration of upper sphincter relaxation in the observation group were significantly shorter than those in the control group ( t = 5.373, 4.660, both P < 0.05). The intra pellet pressure in the observation group was significantly greater than that in the control group ( t = 2.186, P < 0.05). The length of the lower sphincter in the observation group was significantly shorter than that in the control group ( t = 4.977, P < 0.05). Correlation analysis showed that RSI was positively correlated with foreign body sensation in the throat, continuous throat clearing, nasal reflux or phlegm ( r = 0.640, 0.649, 0.507, all P < 0.05). RFS was positively correlated with disappearance of laryngeal chamber, posterior commissure hyperplasia and vocal cord edema ( r = 0.742, 0.516, 0.547, all P < 0.05). Conclusion:RSI and RFS of patients with vocal cord polyps are positively correlated with laryngopharyngeal reflux. Some patients with vocal cord polyps have dysfunction and abnormal structure of upper and lower esophageal sphincter as well as laryngopharyngeal reflux. Therefore, reflux symptom index, reflux finding score and esophageal motility can be used together to diagnose laryngopharyngeal reflux and increase the diagnosis accuracy

CoDAS ; 33(3): e20200095, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1249625


ABSTRACT Purpose To evaluate and compare the parameters of Digital kymography obtained through the High-speed Videolaryngoscopy of women without laryngeal disorders, of women with vocal fold nodules and of women with vocal cysts. Methods A cross-sectional observational study in which 60 women aged 18 years and 45 years were selected. Three study groups were formed: 20 women without laryngeal disorder forming the control group (Group 1), 20 women with diagnosis of vocal fold nodules forming Group 2 and 20 women with diagnosis of vocal cysts forming Group 3. Subsequently the participants were evaluated by High-speed Videolaryngoscopy for analysis and comparison of laryngeal images using Digital kymography. The laryngeal parameters processed by the program KIPS® were: minimum, maximum and mean opening; dominant amplitude of the left and right vocal folds; dominant frequency of the right and left vocal folds; and close. Results The analysis of Digital kymography suggests that the presence of the vocal fold nodules and the vocal cysts tend to restrict more to the maximum and minimum opening of the vocal fold and the dominant amplitude of the opening variation in the middle region of the glottis. Conclusion Digital kymography parameters were similar in the presence of vocal fold nodules and vocal cysts lesions.

RESUMO Objetivo Avaliar e comparar os parâmetros da videoquimografia digital obtidos pela videolaringoscopia de alta velocidade de mulheres sem alterações laríngeas, de mulheres com nódulos de prega vocal e de mulheres com cistos vocais. Método Estudo observacional transversal, no qual foram selecionadas 60 mulheres com idade entre 18 e 45 anos. Três grupos foram formados: 20 mulheres sem alterações laríngeas formando o grupo controle (Grupo 1), 20 mulheres com diagnóstico de nódulos nas pregas vocais formando o Grupo 2 e 20 mulheres com diagnóstico de cistos vocais formando o Grupo 3. Posteriormente, os participantes foram avaliados por Videolaringoscopia de alta velocidade para análise e comparação de imagens da laringe usando videoquimografia digital. Os parâmetros videoquimográficos avaliados pelo programa KIPS® foram: aberturas mínima, máxima e média; amplitudes da prega vocal direita e esquerda; frequências da abertura da prega vocal direita e esquerda; e fechamento. Resultados A análise da videoquimografia digital sugere que a presença dos nódulos e dos cistos de pregas vocais tendem a restringir a abertura máxima e média da prega vocal e a amplitude dominante da variação de abertura na região média da glote. Conclusão Os parâmetros da videoquimografia digital foram semelhantes na presença de nódulos nas pregas vocais e lesões de cistos vocais.

Humanos , Feminino , Adolescente , Fonação , Cistos/diagnóstico por imagem , Vibração , Gravação em Vídeo , Prega Vocal/diagnóstico por imagem , Estudos Transversais , Quimografia
Int. arch. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 24(4): 513-517, Oct.-Dec. 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1134166


Abstract Introduction Inspiratory maneuver corresponds to a simple method used during videolaryngoscopy to increase characterizations of laryngeal findings, through the movement of the vocal fold cover and exposure of the ligament, facilitating its evaluation. Objective To evaluate the increase in diagnosis of benign laryngeal lesions from the usage of inspiratory maneuvers during videolaryngoscopy in patients with or without vocal complaints. Methods A cross-sectional study performed from March 1 to July 1, 2018, in the Laryngology sector of a tertiary hospital. The age of the patients varied from 18 to 60 years old. They were divided into two groups, symptomatic and asymptomatic vocals, and evaluated through videolaryngoscopy together with inspiratory maneuvers. The exams were recorded and later evaluated by three trained laryngologists who determined the laryngeal lesions before and after the inspiratory maneuver. Results There were 60 patients in this sample, 41 of which were vocal symptomatic and 19 asymptomatic. The majority was female and the main complaint was about dysphonia. Before the inspiratory maneuver, the most observed lesions in both groups were chronic laryngitis, followed by vascular dysgenesis. After the inspiratory maneuver, sulcus vocalis was the most frequent additional finding. Conclusion With the inspiratory maneuver, it was possible to increase the identification of structural lesions in the vocal fold, and the most frequent lesion in patients with or without vocal complaints was sulcus vocalis.

CoDAS ; 32(5): e20190079, 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1133525


RESUMO Objetivo: Observar, pela autopercepção dos sujeitos, os efeitos imediatos de três exercícios de trato vocal semiocluído: a fonação em tubo flexível de látex, finger kazoo e fonação com canudo de alta resistência. Comparar os resultados da autopercepção entre os grupos com vozes agudas e graves. Método: Participaram do estudo 26 coristas, divididos em dois grupos: vozes graves (seis baixos e sete contraltos) e vozes agudas (seis tenores e sete sopranos) com faixa etária de 18 a 58 anos. Houve gravação pré e pós-realização dos exercícios, que foram executados pelos sujeitos em três semanas diferentes. Foi aplicado questionário de autoavaliação vocal antes e após a execução de cada técnica. Resultados: A autopercepção evidenciou que todos os exercícios apresentaram efeitos benéficos nas vozes dos participantes. A fonação em tubo de látex foi a técnica preferida por 11 (84,62%) dos sujeitos graves e 10 (79,92%) desses sujeitos escolheram o canudo de alta resistência como exercício menos benéfico. Para as vozes agudas, o exercício preferido foi o canudo de alta resistência, 9 (69,2%), e os menos benéficos, segundo os sujeitos, foram o finger kazoo, 6 (46,15%), e o tubo de látex, 5 (38,4%). Conclusão: O estudo demonstrou que esses exercícios podem ser mais bem adequados às vozes graves e agudas. O tubo de látex foi preferido pelos participantes com vozes graves e classificado como menos benéfico pelos com vozes agudas. O canudo de alta resistência foi preferido pelos participantes com vozes agudas e classificado como menos benéfico pelos com vozes graves.

ABSTRACT Purpose: To investigate the self-perception by individuals on the immediate effects of three semi-occluded vocal tract exercises (SOVTE), that is, phonation into a latex tube, finger kazoo and phonation into a high-resistance straw, and to compare the self-perception results between the high and low voice groups. Method: The study participants consisted of 26 choristers (seven sopranos, seven altos, six tenors, and six basses) subdivided into high and low voices with ages ranging from 18 to 58 years. Voice samples of each subject were recorded before and after performing the exercises randomly for three subsequent weeks. A self-assessment questionnaire was applied. Results: All exercises had a statistically significant improvement, according to the participants' self-perception. Latex tube phonation was the preferred technique for 11 (84.62%) participants in the low voice group; while the high-resistance straw was reported as the less beneficial exercise by 10 (79.92%) participants in the same group. On the other hand, the high-resistance straw (9; 69.2%) was the preferred exercise for the high voice group; while finger kazoo (6; 46.15%) and latex tube (5; 38.4%) were the least beneficial exercises. Conclusion: The study showed that the effects of these exercises are different and should be suited for each type of voice, such as the latex tube, which was the most preferred by low voice participants and also rated as less beneficial by high voice participants, and the high-resistance straw, which was the most preferred by the high voice participants and also rated as less beneficial by low voice participants.

Humanos , Adolescente , Adulto , Adulto Jovem , Voz , Qualidade da Voz , Fonação , Autoimagem , Treinamento da Voz , Pessoa de Meia-Idade
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1102966


Introducción: la parálisis bilateral de cuerdas vocales (PBCV) y el síndrome de apnea hipoapnea obstructiva del sueño (SAHOS) son patologías que generan limitación respiratoria. Por tratarse de patologías obstructivas, es razonable considerar una posible relación. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio antes y después en dos centros universitarios de Bogotá. Se describieron frecuencias y medidas de tendencia central. Se utilizaron las pruebas de McNemar BoWker y T pareada o Wilcoxon, considerándose significativo un p <0,05. Resultados: se incluyeron 14 pacientes con PBCV manejados con cordectomía posterior transversa. 100 % fueron del género femenino y la media de edad de 51,2±10,73 años. El promedio de índice de masa corporal (IMC) fue 25,42±5,4, 50 % tuvieron IMC normal. La severidad del SAHOS fue leve (42,9 %), moderada (28,6 %) y severa (28,6 %). La intervención fue exitosa en un 64,28 %, lo que evidencia una reducción del 54 % del índice apnea/hipopnea (IAH) prequirúrgico comparado con el posquirúrgico (p = 0,029), 85,6 % reducción en el índice de apneas obstructivas (p = 0,017), en el índice de hipopneas en 52 % (p = 0,028) y la latencia del sueño en 33,3 % (p = 0,025). Otras variables no mostraron diferencias significativas (p >0,05). Conclusiones e importancia clínica: los resultados descritos evidencian una relación estadísticamente significativa del SAHOS y la PBCV. Los pacientes con PBCV se beneficiaron del uso de la cordectomía posterior como intervención terapéutica ya que disminuye los índices de severidad del SAHOS y, por ende, mejora la calidad de vida de los pacientes.

Background: bilateral vocal cord paralysis (BVFP) and obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS) are pathologies that generate respiratory limitation. As they are obstructive airway diseases, it is reasonable to consider a possible relationship. Materials and methods: a before and after study was performed, in two university centers in Bogotá, frequencies and measures of central tendency were described. The McNemar BoWker and paired T or Wilcoxon tests were used, considering p <0.05 significant. Results: 14 patients were managed with transverse posterior cordectomy. 100 % were female and the mean age of 51.2±10.73 years. The average BMI was 25.42±5.4, 50 % had normal BMI. OSAHS severity was mild 42.9 %, moderate 28.6 % and severe 28.6 % disease classification. The intervention was successful in 64.28 %, there was a 54 % reduction in presurgical Apnea Hypopnea Index compared to the post-surgical one (p = 0.029), 85.6 % reduction in the index of obstructive apneas (p = 0.017), in the index of hypopneas in 52 % (p = 0.028) and sleep latency in 33.3 % (p = 0.025). Other variables showed no significant differences (p >0.05). Conclusions: the results described show a statistically significant relationship between OSAHS and BVFP. Patients with BVFP benefited from the use of posterior cordectomy as a therapeutic intervention reducing the severity rates of OSAHS and thus improving the quality of life of patients.

Humanos , Apneia Obstrutiva do Sono , Paralisia das Pregas Vocais
Int. arch. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 23(3): 331-337, July-Sept. 2019. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1040030


Abstract Introduction Sulcus vocalis is defined as a longitudinal depression on the vocal cord, parallel to its free border. Its most marked characteristic is breathlessness, caused by incomplete glottal closure, in addition to roughness, due to the decrease in mucosal wave amplitude of the vocal cords. Vocal acoustic aspects, such as fundamental voice frequency, jitter, and shimmer, may also be altered in individuals with this type of laryngeal disorder. To assess the voice of individuals with sulcus vocalis, studies generally include a sample of subjects with vocal symptoms, excluding asymptomatic persons. To better characterize the vocal characteristics of individuals with sulcus vocalis, their asymptomatic counterparts must also be included. Objective Characterize the larynx and voice of asymptomatic adults with sulcus vocalis. Method A total of 26 adults, 13 with sulcus vocalis (experimental group) and 13 without (control group) were assessed. All the participants were submitted to suspension microlaryngoscopy, voice self-assessment, auditory perception and acoustic evaluation of the voice. Results Among the individuals with sulcus vocalis, 78% of the sulci were type I and 22% type II. Auditory perception assessment obtained statistically significant lower scores in individuals with sulcus vocalis compared with the control group, and a slight difference in the overall degree of hoarseness and roughness. No statistically significant intergroup diferences were found in self-reported voice or acoustic assessment. Conclusion Type I was the predominant sulcus vocalis observed in individuals without voice complaints, who may also exhibit slight changes in vocal quality and roughness.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Prega Vocal/fisiopatologia , Doenças da Laringe/fisiopatologia , Laringe/fisiopatologia , Percepção Auditiva , Acústica da Fala , Qualidade da Voz , Estudos Transversais