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Interdisciplinaria ; 40(2): 517-541, ago. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448508


Resumen Este estudio analiza los cambios estructurales experimentados por un equipo interprofesional que implementa un programa de intervención psicosocial dirigido a víctimas de la guerra en Colombia. Los equipos están compuestos por psicólogos, trabajadores sociales y facilitadores comunitarios que proporcionan atención a nivel individual, familiar y comunitario. Se aplicaron métodos de evaluación estructural para identificar cambios en la cohesión de las redes de reconocimiento entre profesionales, así como la preferencia para colaborar y el intercambio de información enviada y recibida. La recogida de información se produjo en dos series temporales -tiempo 1 (T1) y tiempo 2 (T2)- con un intervalo de tres meses. Se utilizó una estadística aplicada al análisis de datos relacionales para determinar los cambios en las redes en T1 y T2. En el período de referencia se incrementó la densidad en las redes de reconocimiento [. = 1.7105, (IC 95 %: -.0123 - .185), . < .0444] y de preferencia para trabajar [. = 2.0942, (IC 95 %: .005 - .1521), . < .0218]. Las redes de intercambio de información no experimentaron cambios significativos. Las regresiones múltiples a nivel diádico indican que la preferencia para trabajar e intercambiar información en T1, predicen el intercambio de información relativo tanto a peticiones de información recibidas como enviadas en T2. Se discuten los resultados para optimizar la implementación de programas de intervención psicosocial desarrolladas por equipos interprofesionales.

Abstract The study analyzes the structural changes experienced by an interprofessional team implementing a psychosocial intervention program for victims of war in Colombia. The program is called "PAPSIVI" (Programa de Atención Psicosocial y Salud Integral a Víctimas), which has been operating in Colombia since 2013, thanks to Law 1448 of 2011 to improve the quality of life and repair the damage of the victims of the armed conflict in Colombia. It only served people registered in the Single Registry of Victims (RUV), which had 9'165,126 records throughout the country until September 2021. This program follows a comprehensive and restorative approach that defines victims as protagonists of their own process of empowerment and positive change (Laplante and Holguin, 2006; Thompson, 1996). For this purpose, a multilevel intervention is carried out at the individual, family and community levels. The program is implemented by teams of professionals (psychologists, social workers and community facilitators) of varying sizes depending on the number of victims served in the municipalities. Psychologists provide individual psychological care and, to a lesser extent, family therapy is also offered to try to repair psychosocial damage from exposure to situations of violence (Oficina de Promoción Social, 2017). Social workers carry out community interventions to promote the associative fabric and social capital. Community promoters are facilitators and connect professionals with the potential beneficiaries of the intervention. The latter are very important, having themselves the status of victims, which increases the ecological validity of the intervention. Due to the characteristics of the implementation of this initiative, which takes into account the difficulties of the context (with situations of deprivation and vulnerability), as well as the particularities of the participants, it is valid to ask in this research what are the structural changes experienced by the teams of professionals who implement PAPSIVI. For this, structural evaluation methods were applied to identify changes in the cohesion of recognition networks among professionals, the preference to collaborate and the exchange of information sent and received. Data collection took place in two time series (T1 before - T2 after) with an interval of three months. Statistics applied to relational data analysis were used to determine changes in the networks at time T2. In the results it was found that in the baseline period the density in the recognition [t = 1.7105, (95 % CI: -.0123 - .185), p < .0444] and work preference [t = 2.0942, (95 % CI: .005 - .1521), p < .0218] networks increased. Information exchange networks did not experience significant changes. Multiple regressions at the dyadic level indicate that the preference for working and exchanging information at T1 predicts information exchange relative to both information requests received and sent at T2. It is concluded that the results shed light for: (a) optimize the design of psychosocial intervention teams; (b) improve their functioning by introducing horizontal organizational communication tools (among the members of each team), transversal (among the members of the teams implementing the program in different municipalities), and vertical (by promoting communication between professionals and program managers/responsible persons), and (c) achieve that changes in the structure of the teams serve as a diagnostic tool for functional problems of the team associated with the exchange of professional information and the referral of users. Ultimately, better integration of the teams leads to better psychosocial profiles of the users of programs such as PAPSIVI and allows them to better adapt their activities to the needs of the users, which improves the effectiveness of the intervention (Virto, 2021).

Rev. latinoam. cienc. soc. niñez juv ; 18(2): 266-284, jul.-dic. 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1144721


Abstract Using 2015 data of the Colombia Demographic and Health Survey, we investigated the incidence of belonging to a household with an Internally Displaced Person (IDP) on the likelihood of grade retention by sex. Particularly, a bivariate logistic regression was used to identify the correlation between families with IDP and children's gender on the probability of repeating a school year. Boys' were negatively affected when they live in an IDP household. Also, boys had a higher like-lihood of repeating a grade. We need to know how to act upon the social determinants that create social gaps and disadvantages across IDP, but also, to align with Sustainable Development Goals to eliminate gender inequalities.

Resumen (analítico) Utilizando datos de 2015 de la Encuesta de Demografía y de Salud de Colombia investigamos la incidencia de pertenecer a un hogar con una persona desplazada forzada por el conflicto armado interno (IDP) sobre la probabilidad de repetición de grado por sexo. En particular, se utilizó una regresión logística bivariada para identificar la correlación entre familias con desplazados internos y el género de los niños en la probabilidad de repetir un año escolar. Los niños se vieron afectados negativamente cuando vivieron en un hogar desplazado forzado. Además, los varones tuvieron una mayor probabilidad de repetir una asignatura. Necesitamos saber cómo actuar sobre los determinantes sociales que crean brechas sociales y desventajas entre los desplazados internos, pero también para alinearnos con los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible en busca de eliminar las desigualdades de género.

Resumo (analítico) Utilizando dados de 2015 da Pesquisa Demográfica e de Saúde da Colômbia (DHS), investigamos a incidência de pertencer a uma família com uma Pessoa Deslocada Interna (IDP) sobre a probabilidade de retenção de notas por sexo. Particularmente, uma regressão logística bivariada foi usada para identificar a correlação entre famílias com PID e sexo das crianças sobre a probabilidade de repetir um ano escolar. Os meninos foram afetados negativamente quando vivem em uma casa de deslocados internos. Além disso, os meninos tinham maior probabilidade de repetir uma nota. Precisamos saber como agir de acordo com os determinantes sociais que criam lacunas e desvantagens sociais entre os deslocados internos, mas também alinhar com os ODS para eliminar as desigualdades de gênero.

Violência , Família , Conflitos Armados , Desempenho Acadêmico , Grupos de Risco , Demografia
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1017390


Este trabajo se propone caracterizar la dimensión prescriptiva de la estrategia de atención psicosocial a víctimas del conflicto armado en Colombia. Está orientado teórica y metodológicamente por la perspectiva de los estudios de la gubernamentalidad en articulación con los principios del análisis lacaniano del discurso. Los resultados apuntan a la identificación de ideales sobre la reparación integral a las víctimas, y al análisis de los mensajes explícitos e implícitos que permiten situar la demanda del Otro institucional. Esto permite concluir que la reparación integral a las víctimas del conflicto armado en Colombia se inscribe en la lógica actual de gestión de la cuestión social, como una política de cuidado que tiene el carácter de respuesta oficial del Estado para saldar una deuda con la población. En este contexto, los profesionales de primera línea son portadores del mensaje que el Estado dirige a los destinatarios del programa y son convocados a actuar como expertos en la recuperación de los daños psicosociales causados por la violencia sociopolítica, con el propósito de alcanzar el ideal de rehabilitación.

The objective of this work is to characterize the prescriptive dimension of the psychosocial care strategy for victims of the armed conflict in Colombia. It is oriented theoretically and methodologically by the perspective of governmentality studies in articulation with the principles of Lacanian discourse analysis. The results point to the identification of ideals on the integral reparation to the victims, and to the analysis of the explicit and implicit messages that allow to place the demand of the institutional Other. This allows us to conclude that the integral reparation to the victims of the armed conflict in Colombia is part of the current logic of management of the social issue, as a care policy that has the character of an official response from the State to settle with the population. In this context, frontline professionals are the bearers of the message that the State addresses to the recipients of the program and are called to act as experts in the recovery of psychosocial damages caused by sociopolitical violence, in order to achieve the ideal of rehabilitation.

Humanos , Vítimas de Crime/reabilitação , Psicologia Social , Conflitos Armados