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Eng. sanit. ambient ; 26(5): 915-925, set.-out. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1346003


RESUMO Este trabalho propõe estimativas de demanda de água para cenários futuros de uso e ocupação do solo e de verticalização utilizando análises espaciais e modelagem dinâmica com base em autômatos celulares para uma fração urbana do município de Campina Grande (PB). Dados reais de uso e ocupação do solo e de verticalização dos anos de 2011 e 2018 são utilizados para identificar o processo de mudança nesses bairros. Um conjunto de variáveis estáticas e dinâmicas relacionadas é selecionado para subsidiar a parametrização do modelo e simular as mudanças no uso e ocupação do solo e na verticalização, ocorridas no período. Após a validação das simulações para o ano de 2018 com base nos dados observados, novos cenários futuros são propostos para os anos de 2040, 2070 e 2100, identificando, assim, uma tendência de ocupação com algumas características específicas, como a substituição de áreas residenciais de um ou dois pavimentos por novos empreendimentos verticais, seja residencial, empresarial ou de serviços. Dado o aumento de ocupação urbana, as demandas de água capazes de atender à população também aumentam, aumento este que se confirmou neste trabalho. Entre os anos 2018 e 2100, essa tendência de aumento foi estimada em 300%. Uma comparação de cenários futuros considerando usos convencionais e racionais de água (utilizando mecanismos poupadores) também é apresentada.

ABSTRACT This work estimates urban water demands for future land-use scenarios using spatial analysis and dynamic modeling based on cellular automata for an urban area of the city of Campina Grande, Paraíba State, Brazil. Ground truth for two dates (2011 and 2018) is used to identify the process of land-use change in these neighborhoods. Some static and dynamic variables are defined in order to support the model parameterization and to simulate the changes occurred in the period. After the validation of those simulations for 2018, based on the observed data, new future scenarios are proposed for the years 2040, 2070, and 2100, thus identifying a tendency of occupation with some specific characteristics such as the replacement of residential areas new buildings with multiple floors, whether residential, business, or services. Due to the increase in urban occupation, the water demands for attending to the population also increase. Between 2018 and 2100, this upward trend is estimated at 300%. A comparison of future scenarios considering conventional and rational water uses (using saving mechanisms) is also simulated.

Eng. sanit. ambient ; 24(6): 1167-1181, nov.-dez. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056112


RESUMO Este estudo propõe uma abordagem combinada do modelo força motriz-pressão-estado-impacto-resposta (FPEIR) com a modelagem de alocação de água para avaliar as estratégias de gerenciamento da demanda hídrica na bacia hidrográfica do rio Apodi-Mossoró (RN). O crescimento populacional aliado ao desenvolvimento econômico, a inadequada gestão e as mudanças climáticas são as forças motrizes para a escassez hídrica e os conflitos do sistema hídrico em análise. O Sistema Integrado de Gerenciamento dos Recursos Hídricos do estado é responsável pela gestão da bacia em foco. Os instrumentos da Política Nacional dos Recursos Hídricos (definidos pela Lei nº 9.433/97) encontram-se parcialmente implementados na bacia. A Companhia de Águas e Esgoto do Rio Grande do Norte (CAERN) projeta a ampliação do sistema hídrico. Nesta pesquisa, o sistema Apodi-Mossoró foi analisado frente a quatro estratégias de alocação e variações nas condições requeridas para os seus reservatórios. A análise realizada mostra falhas no atendimento às demandas do sistema, as quais poderão ser amenizadas nas estratégias que incorporam a gestão da demanda de água e o aporte das águas da transposição do Rio São Francisco. Os resultados permitem sugerir medidas adaptativas de economia de água, incluindo o seu reúso, como opções para um melhor planejamento e gerenciamento dos recursos hídricos da bacia.

ABSTRACT This study proposes a combined approach of the DPSIR (Driving forces-Pressures-State-Impact-Response) model with water allocation modeling to evaluate water demand management strategies in the Apodi-Mossoró River Basin (Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil). Population growth coupled with economic development, inadequate management and climate changes are the driving forces for water scarcity and the conflicts of under analysis here. The State's Integrated Water Resources Management System is responsible for managing the basin in focus. The instruments of the National Water Resources Policy (defined by Law 9.433/97) are partially implemented in the basin. The Water and Sewage Company of Rio Grande do Norte projects the expansion of the water system. In this research, the Apodi-Mossoró System was analyzed considering four allocation strategies and variations in the conditions required for its reservoirs. The analysis shows failures in meeting the demands of the system, which can be mitigated through strategies that incorporate water demand management and water transfers from the São Francisco River Basin. The outcomes suggest adaptive water saving measures, including water reuse, as options for better water planning and management in the basin.

Eng. sanit. ambient ; 24(3): 481-492, maio-jun. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1012053


RESUMO Este artigo descreve e discute os métodos usados, as dificuldades encontradas e os resultados obtidos em um programa de racionalização do uso da água desenvolvido por um programa de pesquisa da Universidade Federal da Bahia. Na universidade, foi alcançada redução de até 49% no consumo per capita. No aeroporto e em um shopping center de Salvador foram identificados cenários de reduções ainda maiores. Pesquisa de opinião justifica a admissão de alternativas inovadoras de grande impacto. Em um conjunto de prédios do Governo do Estado da Bahia as reduções atingiram 55, 72 e 82% nos três prédios mais comprometidos com o projeto. Os resultados obtidos levaram o Governo do Estado a estender o projeto a todos os seus prédios administrativos e às escolas públicas estaduais.

ABSTRACT This article describes and discusses methods, results obtained and difficulties found in a water-use rationalization program developed by a research program at the Federal University of Bahia. At the University we obtained a reduction of up to 49% in per capita consumption. At the airport and in a shopping center in Salvador we identified other scenarios for further reductions. Opinion survey justifies the admission of innovating high-impact alternatives. In a set of buildings of the State Government of Bahia, reductions reached 55, 72 and 82% in the three buildings most committed to the project. The results led the State Government to extend the project to all its administrative buildings and public schools.

Rev. luna azul ; 49(0): 200-219, 2019. tab, ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1121056


Introducción. Este trabajo de investigación se realizó en la Ciudad de Honda, Colombia. Identificó el efecto de la sombra de los árboles en la atenuación de la temperatura, humedad relativa, temperatura de superficie del suelo, radiación solar y ultravioleta (UV) y determinó requerimientos de agua para la vegetación arbórea. Metodología. Se tomaron datos de temperatura del aire y de superficie de suelo, humedad relativa del aire, radiaciones solares y UV bajo la sombra de árboles y a plena exposición. Resultados. Se encontró que la temperatura del aire osciló entre 50ºC a plena exposición solar y 41ºC bajo sombra. La temperatura de superficie presentó a plena exposición solar valores de 66.8ºC y 42.6ºC bajo sombra. La variación de la radiación solar registrada ofreció un valor de 17.13 mW/cm2 a plena exposición solar y 1.69 mW/cm2 bajo sombra. La radiación UV presentó valores de 8 a plena exposición solar y 5 bajo sombra. La demanda hídrica por planta/día varió entre 5 y más de 500 litros, siendo la demanda diaria cercana a 2500 m3 . Conclusiones. En la ciudad no se realiza riego a los árboles, lo que conduce a que se produzca un déficit hídrico evidenciado por la pérdida de follaje ocasionando mínimas atenuaciones a la radiación UV. Las especies más relevantes respecto a la sombra son almendro (Terminalia cattapa), Pallandé (Pitecellobium dulce), naranjuelo (Capparis odoratissima), guayacán carrapo (Bulnesia carrapo), chirlobirlo (Tecoma stands), cumulá (Aspidosperma polyneuron) y mango (Manguifera indica). Los árboles pueden generar un buen servicio ecosistémico por la sombra, este servicio está mediado por la selección de la especie y el manejo de que son objeto los árboles.

Introduction: This research work was carried out in the city of Honda, Colombia. It identified the effect of tree shade on temperature attenuation, relative humidity, soil surface temperature, solar and ultraviolet (UV) radiation, and determined water requirements for arboreal vegetation. Methodology: Data on air and soil surface temperature, relative air humidity, solar and UV radiation were taken under the shade of trees and at full exposure. Results: It was found that the air temperature ranged from 50ºC at full sun exposure to 41ºC under shade. The surface temperature was 66.8ºC and 42.6ºC under shade. The variation of the registered solar radiation offered a value of 17.13 mW/cm2 at full solar exposure and 1.69 mW/cm2 under shade. The UV radiation presented values of 8 at full solar exposure and 5 under shade. The water demand per plant/day varied between 5 and more than 500 liters, being the daily demand close to 2500 m3. Conclusions: There is no irrigation of trees in the city which leads to a water deficit evidenced by the loss of foliage causing minimal attenuations to UV radiation. The most relevant species regarding shade are almond (Terminalia cattapa), Pallandé (Pitecellobium dulce), orange (Capparis odoratissima), guayacán carrapo (Bulnesia carrapo), chirlobirlo (Tecoma stands), cumula (Aspidosperma polyneuron) and mango (Manguifera indica). Trees can generate a good ecosystem service by shade which is mediated by the selection of the species and the management of the trees.

Humanos , Cidades , Efeitos da Radiação , Área Urbana , Ecologia
Rev. luna azul ; (44): 153-164, ene.-jun. 2017. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-902048


La gestión del agua en centros educativos debe partir de la identificación y cuantificación de la demanda de agua según los diferentes usos existentes en la institución. En este artículo se presenta la caracterización de la demanda de agua en la Facultad de Ciencias Ambientales de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, identificando los usuarios y sus hábitos de consumo, con el propósito de generar procesos de comprensión y herramientas de gestión que permitan iniciar programas en torno al uso eficiente del agua. En primer lugar, se identificaron los elementos que conforman el sistema de abastecimiento de agua potable en el edificio y se clasificaron los usuarios del agua. Bajo técnicas de observación, diálogo con los usuarios y la instalación de medidores volumétricos de media pulgada R-160, se midieron los consumos de cada uno de los usuarios. A partir de esta información, se determinó la demanda del centro educativo, así como la demanda de agua para cada uno de los usos. Finalmente, se calcularon indicadores de demanda y se propone un modelo matemático para el cálculo del consumo de agua en centros educativos.

Water management in educational centers involves identifying and quantifying water demand for different uses given in those institutions. This paper presents the characterization of water demand in the Environmental Sciences Faculty, Technological University of Pereira, identifying users and their habits, in order to generate understanding processes and management tools that allow starting programs related to water efficiency. First, the project identified the elements of the water supply system in the building and the different water uses were classified. Under observation techniques, dialogue with users and installing a half inch volumetric meters R-160, were measured water consumption of each user. From this information it was determined the consumption and demand for each use in the faculty. Finally, demand indicators were calculated and it was proposed a mathematical model for the calculation of water consumption in an educative center.

Humanos , Demanda de Água , Consumo de Água (Saúde Ambiental) , Gestão Ambiental , Educação
Orinoquia ; 21(1): 52-63, ene.-jun. 2017. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1091519


Resumen El agua es uno de los principales recursos que se utilizan en las actividades agrícolas y por eso es necesario evaluar el uso del agua en los cultivos predominantes en el Departamento del Meta, lo que permitirá tomar decisiones frente a la planificación del territorio, teniendo en cuenta las ofertas y demandas hídricas. Debido a esto el objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar el uso del agua en los cultivos de palma de aceite (Elaeis sp.) y arroz secano (Oryza sativa), en la cuenca del río Guayuriba, este trabajo se desarrolló utilizando el indicador de huella hídrica, donde estuvo basado en los parámetros productivos del año 2013. Como resultado a este trabajo se identifica que en la cuenca del río Guayuriba hay un equilibrio entre el uso y la disponibilidad de agua verde, pero en el caso de agua azul se presenta un déficit para los meses secos que se encuentran entre diciembre, enero, febrero y marzo, ya que la demanda es mayor a la oferta hídrica, reflejando así que no existe un ordenamiento de la cuenca hidrográfica teniendo en cuenta la disponibilidad de agua con la que cuenta la fuente hídrica.

Abstract Water is one of the main resources used in agricultural activities whereby it is necessary to evaluate its use in the predominant crops of the Department of Meta considering the water supply and demand which will allow to make decisions regarding the land use planning. Due to this, the objective of this work is to evaluate the use of water in oil palm (Elaeis sp.) and upland rice (Oryza sativa) crops in the Guayuriba river basin using the water footprint indicator based on the productive parameters of the year 2013. As a result, this work identifies that there is a balance between the use and availability of green water in the Guayuriba river basin, but in the case of the blue water there is a deficit for the dry months of December, January, February and March, since the demand is greater than the water supply, reflecting that there is no river basin plan management that consider the availability of water that the basin counts on.

Resumo A água é um dos principais recursos que são usados nas atividades agrícolas e por isso é necessário avaliar o uso da água nas culturas de arroz no departamento do Meta o que permitirá tomar decisões frente ao planejamento do território, tendo em conta as ofertas e demandas hídricas. Devido a isso o objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar o uso da água nas culturas de óleo de palma (Elaeis sp.) e arroz de sequeiro (Oryza sativa), na bacia do rio Guayuriba, este trabalho se desenvolveu utilizando o indicador da pegada hídrica donde foi baseado nos parâmetros produtivos do ano 2013. Como resultado neste trabalho identifica-se que a bacia do rio Guayuriba há um equilíbrio entre o uso e a disponibilidade da água verde. Mas no caso da água azul se apresenta défice para os meses secos que se encontram em dezembro, janeiro, fevereiro e março, já que a demanda é maior do que a oferta hídrica, refletindo assim que não existe ordenamento da bacia hidrográfica tendo em conta a disponibilidade de água com a que conta a fonte hídrica.

Rev. luna azul ; 45: [107]-[122], 2017.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-997421


This work presents a simplified method for rainwater harvesting (RWH) tank sizing using long day-resolution rainfall time series. This method considers heterogeneous contributing catchments and water demand flow rates. For the tank sizing, we proposed to take into account the probability to supply the water demand, as well as the most needed probable time step and their respective variabilities. The method was applied to a specific case study (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, RHW project), with 73 years of daily-resolution rainfall information (between 1936-2010). For the analysis we used different time periods from data-set and the results were: (i) for the whole data-set 76 years: 395 m3 (28 days, probability: 78%); (ii) for the last ten years: 494 m3 (35 days, probability: 89%); (iii) for the last five years: 346 m3 (25 days, probability: 84%); (iv) for the last year: 155-198 m3 (11-14 days, probability: 89-90%). These results seem to be influenced by an evolution of rainfall depth in different selected periods, which will be studied in further researches.

Este trabajo presenta un método simplificado para el dimensionamiento de tanques de aprovechamiento de aguas lluvias (AAL). Este método considera cuencas tributarias heterogéneas y caudales de demanda de agua. Se propone tener en cuenta la probabilidad para suministrar la demanda de agua, así como el paso de tiempo necesario de recolección más probable y sus respectivas variabilidades. El método se aplicó a un estudio específico de caso (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, proyecto AAL), con 73 años de información de precipitación a resolución diaria (entre 1936-2010). Para el análisis se utilizaron diferentes períodos de tiempo, los volúmenes del tanque con el tiempo de recolección fueron los siguientes: (i) para el conjunto entero de datos 76 años: 395 m3 (28 días, probabilidad: 78%); (ii) para los últimos diez años: 494 m3 (35 días, probabilidad: 89%); (iii) para los últimos cinco años: 346 m3 (25 días, probabilidad: 84%); (iv) para el último año: 155 a 198 m3 (11 a 14 días, probabilidad: 89-90%). Estos resultados parecen estar influenciados por una evolución de la altura de lluvia en los diferentes períodos seleccionados, lo cual será estudiado en investigaciones posteriores

Água de Chuva , Demanda de Água , Estudos de Séries Temporais
Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-177907


Aims: To establish the system characteristics of a novel rainwater harvesting system. Study Design: A laboratory test rig was used to assess the selected technology. Place and Duration of Study: University of Exeter, Centre for Water Systems between June 2014 and May 2015. Methodology: Previous research has identified that systems should have: 1) reduced capital costs, 2) reduced operational costs and 3) increased ease of retrofitting. To investigate the system’s ability to address these requirements, two full-scale laboratory test rigs have been used to assess flow and power consumption characteristics under a range of installation scenarios. Results: The system was identified to have a mean power consumption of 0.12kWh/m3 during a one hour pump test. Electrical costs were found to increase when the power consumption of the 11W control board was taken into account. Conclusion: Subject to reduction of the standby power consumption of the controller, the novel RWH system assessed in this study has potential to provide non-potable water supplies to households in the UK at a lower power consumption rate than existing water supply systems identified in the literature.

Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-177905


Aim: To explore the relation between water consumption and water use behaviour and attitudes, and devices applied in households in urban areas in India. Methodology and Study Site: This paper presents the results of a domestic water consumption survey carried out in Jaipur, India. A questionnaire containing over 60 questions was developed to collect information on households’ characteristics (e.g. family size, household type, and number of children), indoor and outdoor water use activities and their respective frequencies and durations. Information was also gathered on the volume of water used in each of these activities. Over 90 households of different types (standalone houses and apartments in a university campus and Jaipur city) participated in the survey. The survey results were analysed using cluster analysis and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Results: The results show that the per capita consumption varies considerably with household type and size. The average water consumption was 183 and 215 litres/person/day for standalone households and apartments, respectively. Water used in bathing and WC's represent the highest proportion of water consumption in both stand-alone houses and apartments. Over 40% of the households reported no use of showers. The per capita water consumption is inversely related to family size especially in stand-alone houses. Conclusion: The information pertaining to water use habits and the qualitative and quantitative analysis can be used as an input to a proposed domestic water efficiency tool (DoWET) which can generate optimal water efficient composite strategies keeping in view a range of sustainability indicators including water saving potential, cost and associated energy consumption of the water saving devices and fixtures available in India.

Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-162675


Climate change, population growth, migration, urbanisation, and ageing infrastructure will all impose significant strains on the urban water services in Europe, and cities across Europe will experience increasingly frequent shortfalls in supply/demand balance. It is widely accepted that the mitigation of these and other emerging challenges should be sensitive to increasing energy prices, the environment, and the desire for low carbon intensity solutions. This paper presents the development of a new methodology for assessing the impact of household water savings from different water demand management interventions based on their water-related energy use and cost, as well as their impact on the supply/demand balance. The methodology has been applied to the water distribution system of a European city to demonstrate its application using different water demand management interventions for different types of water savings. Sensitivity analysis for different population growth rates that are representative of the different growth rates across the EU was carried out. The results show different degrees of water, energy, and cost savings can be achieved depending on the type (s) and proportion of household micro-component appliances and fittings considered. In all the intervention strategies considered, there are important trade-offs to be made between the different performance indicators as not all interventions will result in water savings and/or reductions in water-related energy use and costs or have a positive impact on supply/demand balance.