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Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020499


Objective:To explore the mediating effect of work motivation of clinical nurses between work-family conflict and invisible absence, so as to provide a basis for reducing nurses′ invisible absence.Methods:From September to December 2022, a cross-sectional survey was conducted to investigate the mediating effect of work motivation between the work-family conflict and invisible absence by using the general information questionnaire, Work-Family Conflict Scale, Work Motivation Scale and Stanford Invisible Absence Scale among 522 nurses by convenience sampling.Results:The valid questionnaires were 511 samples. There were 15 male nurses and 496 female nurses among the 511 nurses. The work-family conflict of clinical nurses had a positive effect on invisible absence ( r=0.319, P<0.05), and work motivation had a partial mediating effect between work-family conflict and invisible absence (the effect value was 0.082), the mediating effect accounted for 35.00% of the total effect. Conclusions:Nursing managers and nurses themselves should take a variety of ways to reduce the work-family conflict, promote the work-family balance of nurses, and improve their work motivation, so as to reduce their invisible absence and promote the healthy development of clinical nurses.

Interdisciplinaria ; 40(2): 445-460, ago. 2023. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448504


Resumen La pandemia ha generado un nuevo entorno que establece determinadas exigencias o demandas de actuación a las personas, potenciales estresores que pueden desencadenar el proceso de estrés, al que se le podría denominar Estrés de Pandemia (EDP). A este contexto, se sumaron los cambios en la jornada laboral que derivaron en mayor interferencia entre la familia y el trabajo. De esta manera, se volvió relevante generar conocimiento sobre la temática durante este contexto particular. El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar la asociación entre el (EDP) y el Conflicto Trabajo-Familia (CTF) y Familia-Trabajo (CFT). Además, se indagaron diferencias de grupos según factores laborales como la modalidad de trabajo y la tenencia o no de niños a cargo, entre otros. Se utilizó el Inventario SISCO de EDP (Macías, 2020), la escala de CTF y CFT (Netemeyer et al., 1996) y un cuestionario ad-hoc. Los participantes fueron 637 adultos (M.edad = 38.14, DS = 13.05, femenino = 487). Se encontraron asociaciones positivas entre las variables CFT y CTF y ambas se asociaron de manera positiva con el EDP. Quienes trabajaron de manera virtual evidenciaron mayor CFT y quienes lo hicieron, tanto virtual como presencialmente fueron los que más puntuaron en CTF. Finalmente, quienes tenían niños a cargo tuvieron mayor CFT y CTF. En conclusión, el estrés en torno al COVID-19 se vincula con mayor interferencia y conflictos entre el ámbito laboral y el familiar.

Abstract Pandemic Stress can be defined as a psychological state produced by an adaptation process where the individual values ​​the environment demands, determined by the pandemic, as overflowing with their resources to carry them out effectively (Macías, 2020). The change in routine carries the possibility of an increase in relation to work-family conflict. Family conflict involves two directions: work can interfere with the family (family work conflict or FWC) and the family can interfere with work (work family conflict, or WFC) (Bellavia y Frone, 2005) because of the incompatibility of responsibilities in the workplace and family (Greenhaus y Beutell, 1985). Added to this context are changes in the working day and, since there are no studies that analyze the relationships between SP and family and work conflict, it becomes relevant to generate knowledge on this issue during this context that humanity is going through. In this way, the aim was to establish the association between Pandemic Stress (PS), Work-Family Conflict (WFC) and Family-Work Conflict (FWC). In addition, the possible existence of group differences was analyzed according to work factors such as work modality, and the possession or not of dependent children. SISCO Pandemic Stress Inventory (Macías, 2020), the Work-Family Conflict and Family-Work Conflict scale (Netemeyer et al., 1996) and an ad-hoc questionnaire were used. The participants were 637 adults (M.age = 38.14, SD = 13.05, female = 487). Positive associations were found between the variables WFC and FWC, and both were positively associated with PS. Those who worked virtually showed higher FWC and those who did it both virtually and in person, were the ones who scored the most in WFC, realizing the difficulty in balancing family and work demands. This could be due to the difficulty for parents who worked outside the home, since they had to organize alternative solutions to take care of their children, which is hampered by the closure of establishments, difficulty in mobilizing and preventive and mandatory isolation of social networks that, in another context, contribute to the care of children. It is of great relevance to consider that the majority of those surveyed have been women, being the most likely to report that the excessive amount of housework made it difficult for them to combine work and family (Blasko, 2020). Finally, those who had children had higher WFC and FWC. In this sense, Gutierrez et al. (2020) explain that in households the unpaid workload and care has increased, which falls unequally on women, a fact that further limits their availability of time to develop productive and / or work activities. Following Park et al. (2020), being young, being female, and being a caregiver increase the risk of exposure to stressors and a greater level of stress. In conclusion, the lawsuits surrounding COVID-19 interfere in conflicts between the workplace and the family. This shows the importance of carrying out evidence-based interventions aimed at mitigating the effects of SP due to COVID-19 and reducing WFC and FWC. In this sense, the present research provides an advance in the understanding of interference between home and work, as well as the impact of the pandemic in both spheres of daily life.

Av. psicol. latinoam ; 41(2): 1-17, may-ago. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1510111


La incidencia de factores sociales, culturales y normativos en el conflicto trabajo-familia ha sido abordada a nivel internacional, pero sin evidencia en Chile. En este estudio se analizó la incidencia de distintos factores sociolaborales, de género y las actitudes hacia el Esta- do de bienestar en el conflicto trabajo-familia, en una muestra de 550 trabajadores con hijos menores de 14 años, residentes de Santiago de Chile. Se aplicó un análisis de regresión logística para determinar las variables predictoras del conflicto trabajo-familia, y se profundizó en una de las direcciones, el conflicto de la familia a trabajo. Los resultados mostraron que las dificultades para conciliar en la empresa influyen positivamente en el conflicto trabajo-familia. Además, el ingreso mínimo influye en el conflicto trabajo-familia; mientras que el tiempo de cuidado incide en el conflicto familia a trabajo.

The incidence of social, cultural, and normative factors on work/family conflict has been addressed internationally. However, there is no evidence for the case of Chile. This study analyzed the effect of attitudes towards the welfare state and different socio-labor factors on this conflict in 550 working parents with children under 14 in Santiago, Chile. The logistic regression analysis showed that difficulties in reconciling work and family life in the company positively influence the conflict. In addition, earning the minimum wage generates greater conflict, while care time has an impact on family-to-work conflict.

A incidência de fatores sociais, culturais e normativos no conflito trabalho/família foi abordada internacionalmente, mas sem evidências no Chile. Neste estudo, analisou-se a incidência de diferentes fatores sociolaborais, gênero e atitudes perante o estado de bemestar no conflito trabalho/família em uma amostra de 550 trabalhadores com filhos menores de 14 anos residentes em Santiago, Chile. Aplicou-se uma análise de regressão logística para determinar as variáveis preditoras do conflito trabalho/ família, e aprofundou-se em uma das direções, o conflito da família em relação ao trabalho. Os resultados mos- traram que as dificuldades de conciliação na empresa influenciam positivamente no conflito trabalho/família. Além disso, a renda mínima influencia o conflito trabalho/ família; enquanto o tempo de cuidado afeta o conflito família em relação ao trabalho.

Rev. Psicol., Divers. Saúde ; 12(1)fev. 2023. tab, ilus
Artigo em Espanhol, Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1451185


INTRODUÇÃO: Família e trabalho configuram-se como domínios que auxiliam na compreensão do comportamento do indivíduo de forma coletiva e individual. A pandemia da COVID-19 e a adesão ao home office tornaram relevante pensar nas interfaces estabelecidas entre trabalho-família e, também, no papel dos gestores organizacionais nessa relação. OBJETIVO: Identificar como teletrabalhadores e profissionais de gestão de pessoas/saúde ocupacional (GP/SO) têm percebido as interfaces entre trabalho-família em tempos de pandemia da COVID-19. METODOLOGIA: O trabalho foi composto por dois estudos complementares: uma revisão de literatura e uma pesquisa empírica sobre a percepção de profissionais de gestão de pessoas/saúde ocupacional. Para a revisão, buscas nas bases eletrônicas Scielo, Pepsic e Lilacs foram realizadas, sendo selecionados artigos científicos que abordassem o equilíbrio entre trabalho e família durante a pandemia da Covid-19. Para a pesquisa empírica, participaram do estudo 38 profissionais de GP/SO, que responderam a um questionário online. As respostas foram analisadas por meio da análise de conteúdo temática. RESULTADOS: Identificou-se na visão dos teletrabalhadores, mudanças na dinâmica trabalho-família, dificuldades financeiras, necessidade de usar novas tecnologias para a realizar o trabalho, prejuízos à saúde mental, questões relacionadas a gênero e possíveis estratégias de enfrentamento. Na visão da GP/SO, os trabalhadores tiveram dificuldade em conciliar trabalho-família. A falta de equipamentos e ambiente adequados influenciaram de forma negativa na produtividade. CONCLUSÃO: Acredita-se que o cenário pandêmico, associado ao aumento da jornada de trabalho e à cobrança excessiva por produtividade, tenha elevado o nível de tensão/estresse entre os indivíduos, gerando desequilíbrio entre as esferas familiar e ocupacional.

INTRODUCTION: Family and work are configured as domains that help in understanding the individual's behavior collectively and individually. The COVID-19 pandemic and remote work adherence made it relevant to think about the interfaces established between family work and also on the role of organizational managers in this relationship OBJECTIVE: To identify how teleworkers and people management/ occupational health professionals (PM/OHP) have perceived the interfaces between work and family during the COVID-19 pandemic. METHODOLOGY: The present work consisted of two complementary studies: a literature review and one empirical research about the perception of PM/OHP regarding the same phenomenon. For the review, searches were performed in the Scielo, Pepsic, and Lilacs electronic databases, and scientific articles that addressed the balance between work and family during the COVID-19 pandemic. For the empirical research, 38 PM/OHP participated in the study, and answered an online questionnaire. The answers were analyzed using thematic content analysis. RESULTS: It was identified in the view of teleworkers, changes in work-family dynamics, financial difficulties, the need to use new technologies to perform work, damage to mental health, gender-related issues and possible coping strategies. In the PM/OHP view, workers had difficulty reconciling family and work. The lack of adequate equipment and environment negatively influenced productivity. CONCLUSION: It's believed that the pandemic scenario, associated with the increase in working hours and excessive demands for productivity, has increased the level of tension and stress among individuals, generating an imbalance in the family and occupational spheres.

INTRODUCCIÓN: La familia y el trabajo se configuran como dominios que ayudan a comprender el comportamiento del individuo de manera colectiva e individual. La pandemia de COVID-19 y la adhesión al home office hicieron relevante pensar en las interfaces establecidas entre el trabajo familiar y también en el papel de los gerentes organizacionales en esta relación OBJETIVO: Identificar cómo los teletrabajadores y los profesionales de la gestión de personas/salud ocupacional (PGP/SO) han percibido las interfaces entre el trabajo y la familia durante la pandemia de COVID-19. METODOLOGÍA: El presente trabajo consistió en dos estudios complementarios: una revisión bibliográfica y una investigación empírica sobre la percepción de PM/OHP respecto al mismo fenómeno. Para la revisión, se realizaron búsquedas en las bases de datos electrónicas Scielo, Pepsic y Lilacs, y artículos científicos que abordaron el equilibrio entre el trabajo y la familia durante la pandemia de COVID-19. Para la investigación empírica, 38 PGP/SO participaron en el estudio, quienes respondieron un cuestionario en línea. Las respuestas fueron analizadas mediante análisis de contenido temático. RESULTADOS: Se identificó, en vista de los teletrabajadores, cambios en la dinámica trabajo-familia, dificultades financieras, necesidad de utilizar nuevas tecnologías para realizar el trabajo, daños a la salud mental, cuestiones relacionadas con el género y posibles estrategias de afrontamiento. Desde el punto de vista de PGP/SO, los trabajadores tenían dificultades para conciliar el trabajo familiar. La falta de equipos y entornos adecuados influyó negativamente en la productividad. CONCLUSIÓN: Se cree que el escenario de pandemia, asociado al aumento de la jornada laboral y a las demandas excesivas de productividad, ha aumentado el nivel de tensión y estrés entre los individuos, generando un desequilibrio en los ámbitos familiar y ocupacional.

COVID-19 , Trabalho , Família
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970738


Objective: To investigate the current situation of job involvement of nurses in military hospitals in Henan Province and analyze the influencing factors, so as to provide reference for improving the level of job involvement of military nurses. Methods: In February 2022, the employed nurses of 4 military hospitals in Henan Province were investigated by convenient sampling method. A total of 663 questionnaires were collected, including 632 valid questionnaires, with an effective recovery rate of 95.32%. The self-designed questionnaire was used to investigate the basic information of nurses, the Job Involvement Scale was used to investigate the job involvement of nurses, the Emotional Labor Scale for Nurses was used to investigate nurses' emotions, and the Work-Family Conflict Scale was used to investigate the work-family conflict of nurses. Independent sample t-test and univariate analysis of variance were used to compare the job involvement of military employed nurses with different demographic characteristics, Pearson correlation analysis was used to explore the correlation between emotional labor, work-family conflict and job involvement, and hierarchical regression analysis was used to explore the impact of relevant variables on the job involvement of military employed nurses. Results: The total average score of job involvement of military employed nurses was (3.68±1.13), and the scores of vitality, dedication and focus were (3.64±1.15), (3.74±1.25) and (3.67±1.21) respectively. The total score of emotional labor of nurses was 33-80 (62.95±8.12), with an average score of (3.93±0.51). The total score of work-family conflict was 18-94 (55.16±13.53), with an average score of (3.06±0.75). Professional emotional regulation, patient-centered emotional inhibition and standardized emotional play were positively related to the job involvement (r=0.46, 0.41, 0.22, P<0.01). Time-based conflict, stress-based conflict and behavior-based conflict had negative correlation with the job involvement (r=-0.12, -0.23, -0.20, P<0.01). In hierarchical regression analysis, after controlling demographic variables, emotional labor and work-family conflict accounted for 17.2% and 4.2% of the variation of job involvement. Conclusion: The job involvement of military employed nurses tends to be at a moderate level. Emotional labor and work-family conflict can significantly affect their job involvement.

Humanos , Estados Unidos , Hospitais Militares , Conflito Familiar , Inquéritos e Questionários , Análise de Regressão , Enfermeiras e Enfermeiros , Satisfação no Emprego
China Occupational Medicine ; (6): 170-174, 2023.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-996543


Objective: To investigate the mechanisms of work-family conflict (WFC) and work-family enrichment (WFE) between job demands and subjective well-being (SWB) among nurses. Methods: A total of 1 420 nurses were selected as the study subjects from five tertiary public hospitals in Shandong Province using two-stage sampling method. Job Demands-Resources Scale, Work-Family Relationship Scale and General Well-Being Scale were used for investigating the job demands, job resources, WFC, WFE, and SWB. Results: The average score of SWB in nurses was (75.5±15.1). Job demands had a negative effect on SWB in nurses (standardized regression coefficient=-0.17, P<0.01). WFC and WFE played parallel mediating roles in the relationship between job demands and SWB, with the mediating effect values of -0.29 and -0.07, respectively (both P<0.01). The interaction of job resources and job demands positively affected WFC (standardized regression coefficient<0.01, P<0.01). Conclusion: Job demands affect SWB through the mediating roles of WFC and WFE, and the impact of job demands on WFC is moderated by job resources. The effect of job demands on WFC is relatively strong in nurses with high levels of job resources, but the difference in the effect of high and low levels of job resources is small.

Psicol. (Univ. Brasília, Online) ; 39: e39503, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1440767


Abstract The aim of this article is to present evidence of validity for the 'work-family conflict scale' with a sample of 10,383 professionals working in Brazilian public security. Cross-validation procedures were applied through the definition of two subsamples, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were performed. All ethical procedures were followed. The results found in both the exploratory factor analysis ('Work Interference with Family' Factor, with factor loadings between .91 and .81 and alpha of .93, and 'Family Interference with Work' Factor, with factor loadings between .96 and .71 and alpha of .90) and the confirmatory analysis (χ2/df <5; CFI >.98; TLI >.98; RMSEA <.10) demonstrate robust evidence of validity, indicating the use of the scale in other organizational contexts.

Resumo O artigo tem como objetivo geral apresentar evidências de validade da escala 'conflito trabalho-família' junto a uma amostra de 10.383 profissionais que atuam na segurança pública brasileira. Optou-se pela condução dos procedimentos de validação cruzada, por meio da definição de duas subamostras, foram realizadas análises fatoriais exploratórias e confirmatórias. Todos os procedimentos éticos foram adotados. Os resultados encontrados tanto na análise fatorial exploratória (Fator 'Interferência do Trabalho na Família', com cargas fatoriais entre 0,91 e 0,81 e alpha de 0,93 e Fator 'Interferência da Família no Trabalho, com cargas entre 0,96 a 0,71 e alpha de 0,90) quanto confirmatória (χ2/gl < 5; CFI > 0,98; TLI > 0,98; RMSEA < 0,1) demonstram robustas evidências de validade, indicando o uso da escala em outros contextos organizacionais.

Psicol. teor. prát ; 24(1): 14041, 22/12/2022.
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1434146


Conflito trabalho-família evidencia tensionamento entre domínios da vida profissional e familiar, com repercussões negativas para a performance no trabalho e satisfação com a vida e família. Este estudo procurou adaptar e levantar evidências psicométricas iniciais da Work-Family Behavioral Role Conflict (WFBRC) no Brasil. Participaram 229 adultos, ativos no mercado de trabalho e envolvidos em relações familiares. Procedimentos de análise fatorial exploratória resultaram em evidências iniciais positivas de validade de estruturas interna e externa e precisão, atestando a favor de seu uso no Brasil. A versão final da WFBRC discriminou duas dimensões: trabalho interferindo na família (15 itens; α e ω = 0,90) e família interferindo no trabalho (15 itens; α = 0,90 e; ω = 0,89). Evidências convergentes e discriminantes da WFBRC com medidas de percepção de conflito e enriquecimento trabalho-família foram apresentadas. Conclui-se que o instrumento é adequado e pode contribuir teoricamente com investigações e práticas relativas ao conflito trabalho-família.

Work-family conflict shows tension between professional and family life domains, with negative repercussions for job performance, satisfaction with life, and family. This study sought to adapt and gather initial psychometric evidence from the Work-Family Behavioral Role Conflict (WFBRC) in Brazil. Participants were 229 adults, active in the labor market and involved in family relationships. Exploratory factor analysis procedures resulted in positive initial evidence of the validity of internal, external, and precision structure, attesting in favor of its use in Brazil. The final version of the WFBRC distinguished two dimensions: work interfering with family (15 items; α and ω = 0.90) and family interfering with work (15 items; α = 0.90 and; ω = 0.89). Results indicate convergent and discriminant validity between the WFBRC and conflict perception, as well as work-family enrichment. The conclusion is that the instrument is adequate and can contribute theoretically, to investigations, and to work-family conflict-related practices

Conflicto trabajo-familia evidencia tensión entre dominios de vida profesional y familiar, con repercusiones negativas para desempeño laboral, satisfacción con la vida y la familia. Este estudio buscó adaptar y presentar evidencia psicométricas iniciales de la Work-Family Behavioral Role Conflict (WFBRC) en Brasil. Participaron 229 adultos, activos en el mercado laboral e involucrados en relaciones familiares. El análisis factorial exploratorio resulto en evidencias iniciales positivas de validez de la estructura interna, externa y de precisión, indicando adecuación de uso en Brasil. La versión final del WFBRC distinguió dos dimensiones: trabajo interfiriendo con la familia (15 ítems; α y ω = 0,90) y familia interfiriendo con el trabajo (15 ítems; α = 0,90 y; ω = 0,89). Se presentó evidencia convergent y discriminatoria de la WFBRC con medidas de percepción de conflicto y enriquecimiento trabajo-familia. Se concluye que el instrumento es adecuado y puede contribuir teóricamente, con investigaciones, y prácticas relativas al conflicto trabajo-familia.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Satisfação Pessoal , Trabalho , Família , Desempenho Profissional , Psicometria
Aval. psicol ; 21(3): 273-283, jul.-set. 2022. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1447474


Conflito trabalho-família é um fenômeno de relevância para a psicologia, uma vez que diz respeito à impossibilidade de conciliar demandas advindas desses dois domínios. Há evidências sobre impactos em domínios da vida dos indivíduos, famílias e organizações. O presente estudo traz evidências adicionais de validade da Escala de Conflito Trabalho-família para o contexto brasileiro, a partir de análises de invariância por sexo e região do país. São apresentadas normas específicas por sexo e região. Participaram da pesquisa 1787 pessoas de três regiões do território brasileiro (sul, sudeste e nordeste). Dentre os participantes, 934 identificaram-se como do sexo feminino (52,3%). Os resultados evidenciaram que o modelo teórico que sustenta a medida não teve ajuste psicométrico favorável em todos os contextos avaliados. Uma versão reduzida com seis itens do instrumento, juntamente com testes de invariância configural, escalar e métrica, tanto por sexo, quanto por região de origem do participante é apresentada. (AU)

Work-family conflict is a phenomenon of relevance to psychology since it concerns the impossibility of reconciling the demands arising from these two domains. Furthermore, there is evidence of impacts in domains for individuals, families, and organizations. The present study provides additional evidence of the validity of the Work-Family Conflict Scale for the Brazilian context, based on analyses of invariance by sex and region of the country, as well as specific norms by sex and region. Participants were 1787 people from three regions of the Brazilian territory (south, southeast, and northeast). Among the participants, 934 identified as female (52.3%). The results showed that the theoretical model that supports the measure did not have a favorable psychometric adjustment in all contexts evaluated. A shorter version with six items of the instrument, along with configural, scalar, and metric invariance tests, both by sex and by the participant's region of origin, is presented. (AU)

El conflicto trabajo-familia es un fenómeno relevante para la psicología, ya que se refiere a la imposibilidad de conciliar las demandas que surgen de estos dos dominios. Hay evidencia de impactos en los dominios para individuos, familias y organizaciones. El presente estudio proporciona evidencias adicionales de la validez de la Escala de Conflicto Trabajo-Familia para el contexto brasileño, a partir de análisis de invarianza por sexo y región del país. Se presentan normas específicas por sexo y región. Participaron de la investigación un total de 1787 personas de tres regiones del territorio brasileño (Sur, Sudeste y Nordeste). Entre los participantes, 934 se identificaron como mujeres (52,3%). Los resultados mostraron que el modelo teórico que respalda la medida no tuvo un ajuste psicométrico favorable en todos los contextos evaluados. Se presenta una versión reducida con seis ítems del instrumento, junto con pruebas de invarianza configuracional, escalar y métrica, tanto por género como por región de origen del participante. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Trabalho/psicologia , Família/psicologia , Conflito Familiar/psicologia , Psicometria , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Análise Fatorial , Distribuição por Sexo
Rev. CES psicol ; 15(2): 113-134, mayo-ago. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1387209


Abstract Although the effects of overall organizational justice on perceptions of work-related stress have been demonstrated in previous studies, the mechanisms underlying this relationship are not explicit. Current research suggests that supervisors who are perceived as fair enhance employees' ability to balance their work and family roles, positively impacting their stress levels. The aim of this research is to examine the mediating role of work-family conflict in the relationship between perceptions of overall organizational justice and work-related stress in a Latin-American work context; also analyze gender differences in work-family/work-family conflict. 129 workers belonging to a Chilean public institution participated and answered a self-report questionnaire. Analyses were done using bivariate correlations of Pearson, Tau-b of Kendall, Student t-test and structural equation modeling. The results showed the existence of a significant negative correlation between perceptions of overall organizational justice and work-related stress. Furthermore, this relationship was partially mediated by work-family conflict, which means, perceptions of organizational justice were directly and indirectly associated with work-related stress, through work-family conflict. With respect to the gender variable and the work-family, no significant differences were found. This study contributes empirical evidence regarding the importance of perceptions of overall organizational justice and the work-family conflict on work-related stress, and the results obtained guide the diagnosis and the design of more specific models of prevention and intervention from the perspective of occupational health psychology.

Resumen Si bien los efectos de las percepciones de justicia organizacional global sobre las percepciones de estrés laboral han sido demostrados en estudios previos, los mecanismos que subyacen a esta relación no resultan explícitos. La investigación actual plantea que las jefaturas percibidas como más justas potencian la capacidad del trabajador para conciliar sus roles laborales y familiares, impactando positivamente sus niveles de estrés. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar, en un contexto laboral latinoamericano, el rol mediador del conflicto trabajo-familia en la relación entre las percepciones de justicia organizacional global y estrés laboral; y analizar diferencias entre hombres y mujeres respecto al conflicto trabajo-familia. Participaron 129 trabajadores pertenecientes a una institución pública chilena, quienes contestaron un cuestionario de autoreporte. Se efectuaron correlaciones bivariadas de Pearson, Tau-b de Kendall, prueba t de Student y modelamiento de ecuaciones estructurales. Los resultados mostraron la existencia de una correlación negativa y significativa entre las percepciones de justicia organizacional global y el estrés laboral. Además, esta relación estuvo mediada parcialmente por el conflicto trabajo-familia, es decir, las percepciones de justicia organizacional se asociaron de manera directa e indirecta al estrés laboral, a través del conflicto trabajo-familia. Respecto de la variable género y el conflict trabajo-familia, no se encontraron diferencias significativas. Este estudio aporta evidencia empírica sobre la importancia de las percepciones de justicia organizacional global, y sus resultados orientan el diagnóstico y la elaboración de modelos de prevención e intervención más específicos desde el campo de la psicología de la salud ocupacional.

Psicol. conoc. Soc ; 12(2)ago. 2022.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1394527


Adição ao Trabalho (AT) ou popularmente workaholism é caracterizada como uma compulsão ou uma necessidade intrínseca pelo trabalho, que não pode ser controlada e com efeitos negativos para dimensões de saúde, família e trabalho. A Bergen Work Addiction Scale (BWAS) é uma medida psicométrica atual, reduzida e aborda o componente emocional desta adição. Este estudo teve o objetivo de adaptar a BWAS ao contexto brasileiro para a língua portuguesa e testar a relação, explicativa da Adição ao Trabalho, com Carreira Proteana e Conflito Trabalho-Família. Participaram do estudo 340 pessoas, com idades variando entre 19 e 67 anos (média = 31,99), sendo a maioria mulheres. A escala adaptada apresentou bons índices de confiabilidade e índices de ajuste que atendem a evidência de estrutura interna baseada na a teoria de Adição ao Trabalho. Evidências externas moderadas entre BWAS e a Dutch Work Addiction Scale (DUWAS) corroboram a propriedade convergente da nova escala com o referido instrumento já disponível na literatura. O modelo de mediação indicou que a relação entre Orientação de Carreira Proteana e Conflito Trabalho-Família foi mediada pela Adição ao Trabalho. Discute-se aplicações teóricas da BWAS para o diagnóstico de aspectos de Adição ao Trabalho, bem como implicações do fenômeno para esfera de fenômenos da interação trabalho-família.

Work Addiction (WA), or popularly workaholism, is characterized as a compulsion or an intrinsic need for work, which cannot control and with adverse effects on health, family, and work dimensions. The Bergen Work Addiction Scale (BWAS) is a current, reduced psychometric measure that addresses this addiction's emotional component. This study aimed to adapt the BWAS to the Brazilian context for the Portuguese language and test the correlations with Protein Career and Work-Family Conflict. A total of 340 people participated in the study, aged between 19 and 67 years (mean = 31.99), most of them women. The adapted scale presented good reliability and fit indices that meet the evidence of internal structure based on the Work Addition theory. Moderate external evidence between BWAS and the Dutch Work Addiction Scale (DUWAS) corroborates the convergent property of the new scale with the instrument available in the literature. Furthermore, the mediation model indicated that the relationship between Protein Career Orientation and Work-Family Conflict was mediated by Work Addiction. Theoretical applications of BWAS for the diagnostic of Work Addiction are discussed, as well as implications of the phenomenon for the sphere of work-family interaction.

La Adicción al Trabajo (AT) o popularmente la adicción al trabajo se caracteriza como una compulsión o una necesidad intrínseca de trabajar, que no se puede controlar y con efectos negativos en las dimensiones de salud, familia y trabajo. La Bergen Work Addiction Scale (BWAS) es una medida psicométrica reducida actual y aborda el componente emocional de esta adicción. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo adaptar el BWAS al contexto brasileño para la lengua portuguesa y probar la relación, explicativa de la Adicción al Trabajo, con la Carrera Proteana y el Conflicto Trabajo-Familia. Participaron en el estudio un total de 340 personas, con edades comprendidas entre 19 y 67 años (media = 31,99), la mayoría mujeres. La escala adaptada presentó buenos índices de confiabilidad e índices de ajuste que atienden la evidencia de estructura interna basada en la teoría de Adicción de Trabajo. Evidencia externa moderada entre BWAS y la Dutch Work Addiction Scale (DUWAS) corrobora la propiedad convergente de la nueva escala con el mencionado instrumento ya disponible en la literatura. El modelo de mediación indicó que la relación entre Orientación de Carrera Proteana y Conflicto Trabajo-Familia fue mediada por la Adicción al Trabajo. Se discuten las aplicaciones teóricas del BWAS para el diagnóstico de aspectos de la Adicción al Trabajo, así como las implicaciones del fenómeno para el ámbito de los fenómenos de interacción trabajo-familia.

Investig. psicol. (La Paz, En línea) ; (28): 95-108, jun. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385986


El presente estudio tiene como objetivo describir la relación que existe entre teletrabajo, carga mental y conflicto trabajo-familia. A 102 trabajadores del sector privado en Chile, que se encuentran bajo la modalidad de teletrabajo, se les administró de manera online los cuestionarios Cuestionario de percepción y condiciones teletrabajo (Ossa, Jiménez y Gómez, 2020), Cuestionario de carga mental (Ceballos, Paravic, Burgos y Barriga, 2014) y Cuestionario conflicto trabajo-familia" (Carlson, Kacmar y Williams, 2000). Se observan relaciones negativas y significativas entre teletrabajo y conflicto trabajo familia (r= -.572, p= .000) , y entre teletrabajo y carga mental (r= -.307, p= .002). Mientras que entre carga mental y conflicto trabajo-familia existe relación positiva (r= .360, p= .000). Se concluye que el Teletrabajo tiene influencia en las áreas de carga mental y conflicto trabajo-familia, del mismo modo que estas variables tienen influencia en el teletrabajo, por lo que el apoyo de recursos organizacionales, tecnológicos e interpersonales de una de estas áreas por parte de la organización será beneficioso para las políticas organizacionales.

The present study has as its objective to describe the existing relationship between remote work, mental burden and work-family conflict. The questionnaires Remote Work Perception Scale (Ossa, Jiménez & Gómez, 2020), Mental Burden Scale (Ceballos, Paravic, Burgos & Barriga, 2014) and Work-family Conflict Questionnaire (Carlson, Kacmar & Williams, 2000)were administered via online to 102 private sector workers in Chile who are working remotely. Negative relationships between remote work and work-family conflict were observed (r= -.572, p= .000), and between remote work and mental burden (r= -.307, p= .002). While there is a positive relationship between mental burden and work-family conflict (r= .360, p= .000). It is concluded that remote work has an influence on the areas of mental burden and work-family conflict in the same manner that this variables have an influence on remote work, so that the support of organisational, technological and interpersonal resources on one of these areas by the organisation can be beneficial for the organisational politics and the workers' life.

O presente estudo tem como objetivo descrever a relação entre teletrabalho, carga mental e conflito trabalho-família. 102 trabalhadores do setor privado no Chile, que estão na modalidade de teletrabalho, foram aplicados online os questionários "Questionário de condições de percepção e teletrabalho" (Ossa, Jiménez e Gómez, 2020), "Questionário de carga mental" (Ceballos, Paravic, Burgos e Barriga, 2014) e "Questionário conflito trabalho-família" (Carlson, Kacmar e Williams, 2000). Observam-se relações negativas e significativas entre o teletrabalho e o conflito trabalho-família (r = -.572, p = .000) e entre o teletrabalho e a carga mental (r = -.307, p= .002). Já entre carga mental e conflito trabalho-família existe uma relação positiva (r = 0,360, p = 0,000). Conclui-se que o Teletrabalho influencia as áreas de carga mental e conflito trabalho-família, da mesma forma que estas variáveis ​​influenciam o teletrabalho, de forma que o suporte dos recursos organizacionais, tecnológicos e interpessoais de uma destas áreas por da organização será benéfico para as políticas organizacionais.

Teletrabalho , Trabalho
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448540


El presente estudio tiene como objetivo describir la relación que existe entre teletrabajo, carga mental y conflicto trabajo-familia. A 102 trabajadores del sector privado en Chile, que se encuentran bajo la modalidad de teletrabajo, se les administró de manera online los cuestionarios "Cuestionario de percepción y condiciones teletrabajo" (Ossa, Jiménez y Gómez, 2020), "Cuestionario de carga mental" (Ceballos, Paravic, Burgos y Barriga, 2014) y "Cuestionario conflicto trabajo-familia" (Carlson, Kacmar y Williams, 2000). Se observan relaciones negativas y significativas entre teletrabajo y conflicto trabajo familia (r= -.572, p= .000) , y entre teletrabajo y carga mental (r= -.307, p= .002). Mientras que entre carga mental y conflicto trabajo-familia existe relación positiva (r= .360, p= .000). Se concluye que el Teletrabajo tiene influencia en las áreas de carga mental y conflicto trabajo-familia, del mismo modo que estas variables tienen influencia en el teletrabajo, por lo que el apoyo de recursos organizacionales, tecnológicos e interpersonales de una de estas áreas por parte de la organización será beneficioso para las políticas organizacionales.

The present study has as its objective to describe the existing relationship between remote work, mental burden and work-family conflict. The questionnaires "Remote Work Perception Scale" (Ossa, Jiménez & Gómez, 2020), "Mental Burden Scale" (Ceballos, Paravic, Burgos & Barriga, 2014) and "Work-family Conflict Questionnaire" (Carlson, Kacmar & Williams, 2000)were administered via online to 102 private sector workers in Chile who are working remotely. Negative relationships between remote work and work-family conflict were observed (r= -.572, p= .000), and between remote work and mental burden (r= -.307, p= .002). While there is a positive relationship between mental burden and work-family conflict (r= .360, p= .000). It is concluded that remote work has an influence on the areas of mental burden and work-family conflict in the same manner that this variables have an influence on remote work, so that the support of organisational, technological and interpersonal resources on one of these areas by the organisation can be beneficial for the organisational politics and the workers' life.

O presente estudo tem como objetivo descrever a relação entre teletrabalho, carga mental e conflito trabalho-família. 102 trabalhadores do setor privado no Chile, que estão na modalidade de teletrabalho, foram aplicados online os questionários "Questionário de condições de percepção e teletrabalho" (Ossa, Jiménez e Gómez, 2020), "Questionário de carga mental" (Ceballos, Paravic, Burgos e Barriga, 2014) e "Questionário conflito trabalho-família" (Carlson, Kacmar e Williams, 2000). Observam-se relações negativas e significativas entre o teletrabalho e o conflito trabalho-família (r = -.572, p = .000) e entre o teletrabalho e a carga mental (r = -.307, p= .002). Já entre carga mental e conflito trabalho-família existe uma relação positiva (r = 0,360, p = 0,000). Conclui-se que o Teletrabalho influencia as áreas de carga mental e conflito trabalho-família, da mesma forma que estas variáveis ​​influenciam o teletrabalho, de forma que o suporte dos recursos organizacionais, tecnológicos e interpessoais de uma destas áreas por da organização será benéfico para as políticas organizacionais.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-955022


Objective:To explore the relationship between family supportive supervisor behavior and compassion fatigue of operating room nurses and the mediating role of bidirectional work-family conflict, that is, work interference with family and family interference with work.Methods:In November 2021, a total of 350 operating room nurses in Qilu Hospital of Shandong University, the Second Hospital of Shandong University, and the First Affiliated Hospital of Shandong First Medical University were surveyed by convenience sampling method with questionnaires of self-made general information questionnaire, Work-Family Conflict Scale, Family Supportive Supervisor Behavior Short-Form, and Professional Quality of Life Scale.Results:Family supportive supervisor behavior was negatively correlated with work interference with family and compassion fatigue ( r= -0.211, -0.245, both P<0.01). Work interference with family was positively correlated with compassion fatigue and family interference with work ( r=0.383, 0.274, both P<0.01). Family interference with work was positively correlated with compassion fatigue ( r=0.249, P<0.01). There was no correlation between family supportive supervisor behavior and family interference with work ( r=0.040, P>0.05). The structural equation model showed that bidirectional work-family conflict had multiple chain mediating effects between family supportive supervisor behavior and compassion fatigue ( P<0.05), and the mediating effects were -0.082, accounting for 21.6% of the total effect. Conclusions:Family supportive supervisor behavior can directly or indirectly affect compassion fatigue through work-family conflict. Managers can adopt supportive human resource management policies by implementing family supportive supervisor behavior, to help operating room nurses flexibly balance work-family relationships and reduce role conflict, so as to alleviate the compassion fatigue of operating room nurses.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-960532


Background The highly prevalent of occupational stress and job burnout of coal miners seriously affect their physical and mental health. Objective To investigate the levels of occupational stress and job burnout in coal mine workers, and to analyze the mediating effect of work-family conflict between these two conditions. Methods A total of 1500 coal miners were included by random cluster sampling method from February to October 2019. The levels of occupational stress, work-family conflict, and job burnout of the study participants were evaluated using the Effort-Reward Imbalance Inventory scale (ERI), the Work-Family Conflict Scale, and the Chinese version of the Burnout Scale, and compared among coal miners with different demographic characteristics. Partial correlation analysis was used to find the correlations between indicators; SPSS AOMS 26.0 software was used to analyze the potential mediating effect among occupational stress, work-family conflict, and job burnout in the coal miners in Xinjiang. Results The study included 1247 male coal miners with a valid questionnaire return rate of 83.13%. The M (P25, P75) score of job burnout was 55.00 (47.00, 62.00). Except for gender and monthly income, the differences of job burnout scores among coal miners grouped with selected demographic characteristics were statistically significant (P<0.05). The M (P25, P75) scores of ERI and work-family conflict of coal miners were 1.01 (0.85, 1.21) and 51.00 (44.00, 57.00) respectively, and the differences of ERI and work-family conflict scores among different job types were statistically significant (P<0.05). ERI values were positively correlated with burnout (rs=0.212), emotional exhaustion (rs=0.188), and depersonalization (rs=0.244) scores (all P<0.01); work-family conflict scores were positively correlated with burnout (rs=0.382), emotional exhaustion (rs=0.360), depersonalization (rs=0.370), and reduced sense of accomplishment (rs=0.105) scores (all P<0.01). The regression results showed a significant positive effect of occupational stress on job burnout and work-family conflict (b=7.117, b=8.347, P<0.001), and a mediating effect of work-family conflict on the association between occupational stress and job burnout, with a mediating effect value of 0.249 (50.92% of the total effect of 0.489, P=0.002). Conclusion Work-family conflict may act as a mediating role between occupational stress and job burnout in coal miners, which suggests an indirect effect on occurrence of job burnout.

Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 42: e241022, 2022. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1422376


Este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar se existe correlação entre conflito trabalho-família e suporte social percebido em Agentes Comunitários de Saúde (ACS). Ademais, este é um estudo transversal e correlacional com delineamento quantitativo, em que foram ocupadas a Escala Multidimensional de Conflito Trabalho-Família (EMCT-F) e a Escala de Percepção de Suporte Social (2-Way SSS). Os participantes da pesquisa foram 139 ACS atuantes em quatro municípios do interior do Rio Grande do Sul. Para a análise dos dados, foram utilizadas a Estatística Descritiva, Estatística Paramétrica e Correlação de Pearson. Os resultados entre as correlações das escalas foram estatisticamente significativos (p<0,05) nos fatores dar suporte emocional e conflito família-trabalho, e receber suporte instrumental e conflito família trabalho. Assim, o estudo permitiu compreender melhor a relação entre as variáveis destacadas, sendo que esse entendimento poderá subsidiar intervenções baseadas na Psicologia Positiva para os ACS.(AU)

This study aimed to assess whether there is a correlation between work-family conflict and perceived social support in Community Health Agents (CHA). Moreover, this is a cross-sectional and correlational study with quantitative design, in which the Multidimensional Work-Family Conflict Scale (MWFCS) and the 2-Way Social Support Scale (2-Way SSS) were used. The participants in this study were 139 CHA workers in four municipalities in the interior of Rio Grande do Sul. Descriptive Statistics, Parametric Statistics, and Pearson Correlation were used to analyze the data. The results between the correlations of the scales were statistically significant (p<0.05) in the factors give emotional support and work family conflict, and receive instrumental support and work family conflict. Therefore, the study allowed us to better understand the relationship between the variables highlighted, and this understanding may support interventions based on Positive Psychology for the CHA.(AU)

El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar si existe correlación entre conflicto trabajo-familia y apoyo social percibido en trabajadores Agentes Comunitarios de Salud. Además, este es un estudio transversal y correlacional con delineamiento cuantitativo, en que fueron empleadas la Escala Multidimensional de Conflicto Trabajo-Familia (EMCT-F) y la Escala de Percepción de Suporte Social (2-Way SSS). Los participantes de este estudio fueron 139 trabajadores que actúan como agentes comunitarios de salud (ACS) en cuatro municipios del interior de Rio Grande do Sul. Para el análisis de los datos fueron empleadas la Estadística Descriptiva, Estadística Paramétrica y Correlación de Pearson. Los resultados entre las correlaciones de las escalas fueron estadísticamente significativos (p<0,05) en los factores dar apoyo emocional y conflicto familia trabajo y recibir apoyo instrumental y conflicto familia trabajo. Por tanto, el estudio permitió comprender mejor la relación entre las variables destacadas, siendo que ese entendimiento podrá subsidiar intervenciones basadas en la Psicología Positiva para los ACS.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Adulto Jovem , Atenção Primária à Saúde , Relações Profissional-Família , Apoio Social , Trabalho , Saúde Ocupacional , Agentes Comunitários de Saúde , Conflito Familiar , Prevenção Primária , Psicologia , Qualidade de Vida , Esgotamento Profissional , Saúde Mental , Conflito Psicológico , Sistemas de Apoio Psicossocial , Psicologia Positiva , Análise de Escalonamento Multidimensional , Bem-Estar Psicológico , Promoção da Saúde , Categorias de Trabalhadores
Rev. psicol. organ. trab ; 21(4): 1672-1680, out.-dez. 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1357390


Este artigo investigou a relação entre o conflito trabalho-família, as estratégias de conciliação, a qualidade de vida e a satisfação conjugal em 149 trabalhadores, casados e com filhos, durante a pandemia de COVID-19. Os participantes responderam a um questionário on-line com diferentes escalas psicológicas. Os resultados indicaram que o conflito entre os domínios foi caracterizado pela interferência do trabalho na família. As estratégias de conciliação mais utilizadas foram: (a) apoio do cônjuge, (b) atitude positiva frente aos múltiplos papéis e (c) competências de gestão e planejamento. Aspectos físicos e psicológicos da qualidade de vida foram preditores do conflito entre os domínios. A satisfação conjugal se relacionou com a estratégia de apoio do cônjuge. Os resultados ajudam a compreender como os indivíduos conciliaram trabalho e família durante o distanciamento social.

The article investigated the relationship between work-family conflict, conciliation strategies, quality of life, and marital satisfaction in 149 workers, married and with children, during the COVID-19 pandemic. The participants answered an online questionnaire with different psychological scales. The results indicated that the conflict between the domains was characterized by the interference of work in the family. The most used conciliation strategies were spouse support, positive attitude towards multiple roles, planning, and management skills. Physical and psychological aspects of quality of life were predictors of conflict between domains. Marital satisfaction was related to the support of the spouse. The results help to understand how individuals reconciled work and family during social distancing.

Este artículo investigó la relación entre conflicto trabajo-familia, estrategias de conciliación, calidad de vida y satisfacción conyugal en 149 trabajadores, casados y con hijos, durante la pandemia de COVID-19. Los participantes respondieron un cuestionario online con diferentes escalas psicológicas. Los resultados indicaron que el conflicto entre los dominios se caracterizó por la interferencia del trabajo en la familia. Las estrategias de conciliación más utilizadas fueron: (a) apoyo del cónyuge, (b) actitud positiva frente múltiples roles y (c) competencias de gestión y planificación. Los aspectos físicos y psicológicos de la calidad de vida fueron predictores de conflicto entre los dominios. La satisfacción conyugal se relacionó con la estrategia de apoyo del cónyuge. Los resultados ayudan a comprender cómo los individuos conciliaron el trabajo y la familia durante el distanciamiento social.

Rev. psicol. organ. trab ; 21(4): 1785-1791, out.-dez. 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1357402


Framed by the conservation of resources theory, we investigated the mediating role of citizenship fatigue in the relationship between compulsory citizenship behavior and work-family conflict. Using a sample of 171 women (M = 41.16, SD = 10.18) working in facilities for the elderly in Portugal, we examined the direct and indirect relationship between compulsory citizenship behavior and work-family conflict. The data, collected using a self-reported questionnaire, shows that compulsory citizenship behavior influences work-family conflict with citizenship fatigue as a mediator. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.

Apoiados na teoria da conservação de recursos, investigamos o papel mediador da fadiga de cidadania na relação entre os comportamentos obrigatórios de cidadania organizacional e o conflito trabalho-família. Com base numa amostra de 171 mulheres (M = 41,16; SD = 10,18) a trabalhar em instituições para idosos em Portugal, examinámos a relação direta e indireta entre comportamentos obrigatórios de cidadania organizacional e o conflito trabalho-família. Os dados recolhidos através de um questionário de autopreenchimento mostram que os comportamentos obrigatórios de cidadania influenciam o conflito trabalho-família e que esta relação é mediada pela fadiga de cidadania. Implicações teóricas e práticas são discutidas.

Con base en la teoría de la conservación de recursos, investigamos el papel mediador de la fatiga de la ciudadanía en la relación entre los comportamientos de ciudadanía organizacional y el conflicto trabajo-familia. A partir de una muestra de 171 mujeres (M = 41.16; SD = 10,18) que trabajan en instituciones para la tercera edad en Portugal, examinamos la relación directa e indirecta entre comportamientos obligatorios de ciudadanía organizacional y el conflicto trabajo-familia. El resultado muestra que los comportamientos obligatorios de ciudadanía influyen en el conflicto trabajo-familia y que esta relación está mediada por la fatiga ciudadana. Se discuten las implicaciones teóricas y prácticas.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-908271


Objective:To investigate the work-family conflict, work withdrawal behavior and psychological resilience of postpartum female nurses with the second-child, analyze the relationships between them, further analyze whether there is a mediating role of psychological resilience between work-family conflict and work withdrawal behavior.Methods:A total of 303 postpartum female nurses with the second-child were assessed with general information questionnaire, Work-Family Conflict Scale(WFC), Conner-Davidson Resilience Scale(CD-RISC) and Work Withdrawal Behavior Scale(WWBS).Results:The total score of WFC was 53.22±13.63, and the highest score in the factor of time while lowest in the factor of behavior with 18.92±5.00,16.92±6.07. The total score of WWBS was 18.79±4.26, and the score of dimension of psychological withdrawal and behavioral withdrawal was 13.99±3.53, 4.80±1.22. The total score of CD-RISC was 88.81±16.45. The total scores and scores of each dimension of WFC were positively correlated with those of WWBS( r values were 0.122-0.396, P<0.05 or 0.01). The total scores and scores of each dimension of CD-RISC were negatively correlated with those of WWBS and WFC( r values were -0.320--0.094, P<0.05 or 0.01). Structural equation modeling analysis showed that work-family conflict indirectly affected work withdrawal behavior through psychological resilience. Conclusions:Cultivating psychological resilience shows a positive effect on easing the work-family conflict and improving work withdrawal behavior for postpartum female nurses with the second-child.

Pensando fam ; 24(2): 147-160, jul.dez. 2020.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1279511


Neste estudo, abordamos os desafios da conciliação trabalho-família em três mulheres com diferentes jornadas de trabalho (parcial, integral e extensa) na função pública. Para isso, utilizou-se um guia para a avaliação das mudanças, dificuldades, estratégias e ajustes realizados desde o nascimento das crianças. Foram conduzidas entrevistas semiestruturadas, utilizando-se análise de conteúdo para interpretação dos dados. As participantes eram casadas, na faixa etária dos 30 anos, com filhos em idade pré-escolar e residiam no interior paulista. As jornadas variavam entre 25 a 55 horas por semana. A partir da análise das entrevistas, foram construídas seis categorias: qualidade de vida, casamento e filhos, trabalho, ajustes e estratégias, suportes sociais e jornada de trabalho. A gestão do tempo na conciliação trabalho-família pode ser estressante e cansativa, especialmente para aquelas que são recém-mães. No entanto, novas adaptações e os apoios familiar e organizacional contribuem para que o desempenho dos papéis profissionais e familiares seja satisfatório.

In this study, we address the challenges of work-family reconciliation in three women with different working hours (partial, full and extensive) in the civil service. For this, we used a guide for the assessment of changes, difficulties, strategies and adjustments made since the birth of children. Semi-structured interviews were conducted using content analysis for data interpretation. The participants were married, aged 30 years, with preschool children and resided in São Paulo. Journeys ranged from 25 to 55 hours per week. From the analysis of the interviews, six categories were built: quality of life, marriage and children, work, adjustments and strategies, social support and working hours. Time management in work-family reconciliation can be stressful and tiring, especially for new mothers. However, new adaptations and family and organizational support contribute to the satisfactory performance of professional and family roles.