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Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-984536


Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) can be categorized into “xiao ke (消渴)” in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). The theory of “yin restricts fire” originates from Inner Canon of Yellow Emperor (《黄帝内经》) which states that “yin essence restricts chief fire”, and the crucial pathogenesis and treatment of xiao ke coincide with this theory. ZHANG Zhongjing,s three prescriptions of Jizizhuang (egg yolk) are Baihe Jizizi Decoction (百合鸡子汤), Huanglian Ejiao Decoction (黄连阿胶汤) and Painong Powder (排脓散), which are scattered in different chapters of Treatise on Cold Damage and Miscellaneous Diseases (《伤寒杂病论》). By analyzing and summarizing the mechanism and characteristics of the three prescriptions, it is found that the three prescriptions are in line with the characteristics of “yin restricts fire” and the pathogenesis of T2DM. These three prescriptions are composed of Jizizhuang and different medicinals. Baihe Jizizi Decoction is composed of Jizizhuang and Baihe (Bulbus Lilii), and can be used to treat T2DM and mental diseases. Huanglian Ejiao Decoction is composed of Jizihuang, Ejiao (Colla Corii Asini), Shaoyao (Radix Paeoniae Alba seu Rubra), Huanglian (Rhizoma Coptidis) and Huangqin (Radix Scutellariae), which could be used to treat T2DM and cardiorenal system diseases. Painong Powder is composed of Jizizhuang, Shaoyao, Jiegeng (Radix Platycodonis) and Zhishi (Fructus Aurantii Immaturus), which can be used to treat T2DM and carbuncle. Therefore, based on the theory of “yin restricts fire” and “many different diseases can be treated in the same wa”, this paper propose that the three Jizihuang prescriptions could be used in T2DM, which could provide ideas for clinical treatment.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030189


[Objective]To analyze the meaning of"body pain is like being punished with a rod"in Synopsis of the Golden Chamber·Yin Yang Pestilences,so as to better understand the meaning of Zhongjing.[Methods]By using the research method of combining the handed-down literature with the textual research of unearthed cultural relics,combining with the perspective of character and history,and there is one proved case attached.[Results]"Body pain is like being punished with a rod"is a vivid expression that people describe their personal experience."Rod"can be understood as"anything that can be held is called a rod"."Being punished with a rod"is divided into three cases including skin is swollen and bruised;damage occurs;dead by being punished.Pain may be caused by trauma(skin and muscle)or internal injury(viscera injury).Shengma Biejia Decoction is mainly used to detoxify and disperse evil,promote blood circulation,and give consideration to both Qi and blood.[Conclusion]In the era of Zhongjing,"body pain is like being punished with a rod"has a certain degree of differentiation,which is reflected in the differentiation of the way of applying the rod and the painful feeling.This paper discusses the concept of"body pain is like being punished with a rod"by combining literature and cultural relics research,so that readers can intuitively understand the meaning of Zhongjing in the social background at that time,and also provides a new way to learn Synopsis of the Golden Chamber.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-872692


Depression is a kind of emotional and mental disorder, which is related to many pathogenic factors, such as abnormal metabolism of monoamine neurotransmitters, immune inflammatory reaction, neuroendocrine disorder and so on. it has the characteristics of high disability rate and high recurrence rate, which is seriously harmful to human health. It brings huge economic burden to patients and their families. At present, the commonly used antidepressants in clinic are monoamine oxidase inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants and selective 5-hydroxytryptamine reuptake inhibitors. Long-term use causes adverse reactions such as cardiovascular, urinary and digestive dysfunction. The multi-target, multi-pathway and multi-mechanism of traditional Chinese medicine has played a great role in the treatment and rehabilitation of depression. At the same time, traditional Chinese medicine has gradually become a hot spot in the research and development of antidepressants because of its small side effects and good drug compliance. Especially the ZHANG Zhong-jing's classical formulae with precise medication and rigorous prescription has unique advantages in the treatment of depression. For thousands of years, it has been used clinically by countless doctors in the treatment of various types of depression, with definite curative effects and few side effects. In recent years, clinical research, experimental research, and pharmacological research around ZHANG Zhong-jing's classical formulae for depression have been continuously expanded and deepened. This article reveals the rules of medication of the treatment of depression with ZHANG Zhong-jing's classical formulae from three aspects of Bupleurum class prescription, Gardenia class prescription, and other prescriptions, which is reflected in the study on the composition of prescription, the etiology, and pathogenesis and the symptoms of the treatment. Integrating and classifying ZHANG Zhong-jing's classical formulae's experience in the treatment of depression, mainly expounded from two aspects, clinical research and pharmacological research, summarizing the research perspective and progress of Zhongjing prescription medicine in the treatment of depression in recent years, to excavate, inherit and develop ZHANG Zhong-jing's classical formulae, and provide experience and reference for the treatment of depression from multiple angles and ideas.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-712717


[Objective]To discuss the syndrome differentiation and treatment of classical prescription of ZHANG Zhongjing.[Method]Listing relevant literature and quoting physicians' views on book and combining theory and practice to discuss and distill from the application of thinking methods of syndrome differentiation. [Results] "Treatise on Cold Pathogenic Diseases" fully reflects the syndrome differentiation thoughts, where can be concluded syndrome differentiation and treatment and the method of treatment.Catching the main syndrome means when facing with a specific syndrome can be used to catch the main character of method. And the correspondence between recipe and syndrome is the prescription consistent with the pathogenesis and symptoms of disease which is a prerequisite for syndrome differentiation and treatment.Meanwhile,syndrome differentiation and treatment is a principle of step by step treatment that according to the symptoms and signs of patients,sum up syndrome type,and then prescribe and select drugs at some stage in the disease.And it is also a thinking mode of classical prescription extended application by pathogenesis analysis. Those constitute the three main lines of the thinking method of differentiation.[Conclusion]Accurate differentiation and the prescription are consistented with the syndrome type of"Treatise on Cold Pathogenic Diseases"exert far-reaching influence on the use and perfect syndrome differentiation and treatment,which inspire future generations of doctors.Therefore, it deserves further study. Syndrome differentiation of application thought of classical prescriptions profoundly promotes the development of Chinese traditional medical thinking;the theory has profound significance for clinical practice.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-618286


According to ZHANG Zhong-jing, the main reason for the stroke was the exogenous wind, and the most important pathogenesis was the deficiency of qi and exogenous pathogenic factor. Three methods are stressed to cure the stroke: the equal treatment focused on the liver and the spleen, the use of tranquilizing medicine to stop the wind, and the use of strengthening body resistance to get rid of the exogenous pathogenic factors. While YE Tian-shi considered that the main reason for stroke was the deficiency of liver-yin and kidney-yin. The chief pathogenesis in stroke was the yang transforms to the interior wind. There are three therapeutic features in the treatment: the equal treatment focused on the liver and the spleen, the synchronous treatment of the liver and stomach, and select the medicine according to the four seasons climate. ZHANG Zhong-jing's theory of exogenous wind and YE Tian-shi's theory of yang transforms to the interior wind not only reflect the different angles in treatment for stroke, but also reflect the development of pathogenesis of stroke in the history.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-606934


[Objective] To explore and analyze the diagnosis and treatment of gynecological diseases with blood stasis from the Medical Treasures of the Golden Chamber.[Methods] Through learning the book closely and referring to relevant articles,we analyze pathogenesis,symptoms,treatment principle and so on,so that we can conclude ZHANG Zhongjing's features of treating gynecological diseases with blood stasis better.[Results] ZHANG Zhongjing summarized the etiology and pathogenesis of gynecological diseases with blood stasis in five aspects:qi-stagnation,blood-insufficiency,cold,heat and water.In order to cure the diseases,he not only paid more attention to the relationship between qi and blood,but also put first thing of using regulating qi and blood as the treatment principle.[Conclusion] Medical Treasures of the Golden Chamber creates the treatment based on syndrome differentiation in gynecological diseases.Studying the ZHANG Zhongjing's features of treating gynecological diseases with blood stasis is significant to guide the clinical treatment.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-609429


[Objective]To investigate the original texts of the Syndrome of Houpo Qiwu Decoction and Houpo Sanwu Decoction in Jingui Yaolve so as to define the syndrome of these two classical prescriptions and guide clinical application.[Methods]Revised the mistakes of the original texts of Houpo Qiwu Decoction and Houpo Sanwu Decoction in Jingui Yaolve by referring to medical books written between Jin Dynasty to Tang Dynasty such as Mai Jing, Xiaopin Fang and Qianjin Fang.Shanghan Lun,Zhubing Yuanhou Lun,Zhouhou Beiji Fang and other medical books were also consulted when exploring the pathogenesis and explanation of these two prescriptions.[Results]The syndromes of Houpo Qiwu Decoction should be abdominal fullness and pain,whose pathogenesis is that indigestion caused by pathogenic cold attacking intestine and stomach will lead to cholera sicca.It should be treated by using the therapy of promoting qi,relieving abdominal fullness and pain,warming spleen and stomach,and weeding through the old to bring forth the new.The syndromes of Houpo Sanwu Decoction intend to treat should be abdominal fullness,lasting fever,floating and rapid pulse but normal intake of food,whose pathogenesis is that interaction between wine and phlegm caused by fluid retention in drinkers or undigested wine in people with dysfunctional fluid metabolism will lead to abdominal fullness.It should be treated by using the therapy of eliminating phlegm-fluid,relieving abdominal fullness,and discharging internal heat. [Conclusion]The Syndromes of Houpo Qiwu Decoction and Houpo Sanwu Decoction are converse in Jingui Yaolve,therefore re-examination of these two prescriptions and further clinical experiments are required.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-609470


[bjective]This paper is about to expound the true meaning of the 374th clause of Treatise on Febrile Diseases. [Methods] Under the guidance of dynamic thinking of Treatise on Febrile Diseases, with the help of other clauses about Zaoshi syndrome, Small Decoction for Ordering the Qi, Gardenia and Prepared Soybean Decoction, to understand the 374th clause.[Results] The 374th clause is not alone, it should be combined with the 375th clause, they tell us when we treat the combination of Shi and Re syndrome of Yangming disease, we should use Small Decoction for Ordering the Qi first, then use Gardenia and Prepared Soybean Decoction. At the same time if we want to understand the 374th clause, we should combine it with the 368th clause to 375th clause, it tells us the treatment and difference between the diarrhea of cold, wet heat, Shi and Re, deficient heat etc. [Conclusion]This clause institutes the principle of the treatment for Shi and Re syndrome of Yangming disease, completing the system of treating diarrhea. It also tells us how to combine two decoctions.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-614540


[Objective] Analyzing and summarizing the compatibility characters and the clinical applications of theAngle Medicinesof Aconite, in order to enlighten the modern applications. [Methods] According to the theories of classical prescriptions, arranging the compatibility characteristics and clinical applications of theAngle Medicinesof Aconite, there are three kinds ofAngle Medicines, including theAngles Medicineas independent prescriptions, theAngle Medicinesas the main part of prescriptions and theAngle Medicineas the combinations of prescriptions. At last, listing two cases of theAngle Medicinesof Aconite as the examples of clinical experience to demonstrate theAngle Medicines. [Results]This article sorted out 7 pairs ofAngle Medicinesof Aconite as the first kind, 8 pairsAngle Medicinesof Aconite as the second kind, and theAngle Medicinesof Aconite as combinations. In clinic, we use the Aconite, fried ginger and Licorice to treat long-term diarrhea, use Aconite, Semen Coicis and Patrinia to treat the hypogastralgia, and we gain the good effects, which can declare the clinical practicability of theAngle Medicines. [Conclusions]There are a lot of compatibility knowledge in classical prescriptions. Comprehending and grasping the compatibility characters and the clinical applications of the Angle Medicinesof Aconiteare is very unique and ingenious for modern clinic.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-501628


Objective]To research and explore the characteristic of medicine in Treatise on Febrile Diseases. [Methods]Combine with the doctors of past dynasties, relevant annotations of the treatment of cough notes in Treatise on Febrile Diseases,and my own learning experience,analyze the characteristic of medicine of Zhongjing treating cough in Treatise on Febrile Diseases.[Results]Its characteristics are summed up in three points.Pay attention to the thought of the simultaneous dispersion and descending, and conform to lung qi.Pay attention to the drugs of the lung channel,especially the application of Ephedra and its compatibility with other drugs.Pay attention to“reinforcing earth to generate metal”and protect stomach qi. [Conclusion]The research of this paper is beneficial to broaden the clinical treatment of cough ideas,expand the clinical application of the classical prescription,deepen the understanding of Zhang Zhongjing's academic thought.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-496024


This article sorts out and analyzes acupuncture-moxibustion items inTreatise on Cold Damage DiseasesandSynopsis of Prescriptions of the Golden Chamberand proposes regularities in application of and the characteristic ofZhangZhong-jing’s acupuncture and moxibustion. Acupuncture was often used for unblocking and regulating meridional qi and clearing and purging excessive heat. Moxibustion was often used for warming yang and remedying deficiency or dispersing and unblocking yang qi. Because of convenient operation, acupuncture-moxibustion therapy was often used to treatdangerous and serious diseases. Acupuncture and moxibustion were often combined with herbal prescriptions and other therapeutic methods to improve therapeutic effects, especially on difficult and complicated diseases.ZhangZhong-jing’s guiding thought ofacupuncture-moxibustion treatment first advocates treatment of diseases from the root and meanwhile, pays attention to treatment of both symptoms and causes of diseases. Secondarily, it emphasizes acupuncture-moxibustion treatment based on syndrome differentiation and especially values pulse condition, meridians and acupuncture points. It has abundant contents in treating the same disease with different methods and often selects specific acupoints. Thirdly, it favours preventive treatment of diseases, andwhether prevention of diseases before they arise or prevention of diseases from exacerbating was embodied in his acupuncture-moxibustion treatment.

China Pharmacy ; (12): 2296-2297,2298, 2016.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-605675


OBJECTIVE:To investigate the composition and medication regularities of prescriptions for Treatise on Febrile Dis-eases. METHODS:The prescriptions included in Treatise on Febrile Diseases were collected and inputted into TCM inheritance platform system(V2.5)software,and prescription database was established. The medication and the compatibility regularity of pre-scriptions were excavated using the function of software integration. RESULTS & CONCLUSIONS:83 kinds of TCM involved in 112 prescriptions ranked by frequency,among which 24 ingredients were used more than 4 times. Commonly used TCM groups were summarized to evolve 16 key groups and 8 new prescriptions. Four properties of TCM are mainly the property of“Wen and Han”,and five tastes mostly are“Sweet,Bitter,Spicy”. TCM with the property of“Wen and Sweet”taste are more than those with the property of“Wen and Spicy”,and TCM acting on spleen are more than those acting on lung.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-479168


Objective]To explore the relationship between Yin-wei theory and clinical practice ,and to discuss how to apply Yin-wei theory to solve practical problems in clinical situation.[Methods]We start from the Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) classics Nei Jing(the Canon of Internal Medicine) and Nan Jing(Canon On Eighty-One Difficult Issues),combined with Zhang Zhongjing’s application of Guizhi decoction in his book“Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases”to explore the cause and effect of Yin-wei theory and to comprehensively analyze its underlying thought .[Results]We found that Guizhi decoction in the“Treatise on Febrile Diseases”was not only applied in the chapter Taiyang disease,but also involved in other four chapters of Shaoyin disease and the chapter of cholera disease.In“Synopsis of Golden Chamber”,Guizhi decoction was used to treat vomitus gravidarum and affection by cold after delivery,while in Zhongjing’s practice,Guizhi decoction derived formula was widely used in the treatment of consumptive internal injuries miscellaneous disease,indicating that many internal injuries miscellaneous diseases were closely related to external infection .Tonic medicines were rarely seen alone in classical consumptive disease treatment.[Conclusion]Practice has proven that deep learning and understanding of Yin-wei theory has great guiding significance for us to put knowledge in TCM classic theories into clinical practice .Yin-wei theory opens an important window to learn“Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases”and trains clinical thinking,which is worth further discussion.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-483969


This paper was aimed to summarize the concept of fuzzy mathematics inZhang Zhongjing’s Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases, in order to refine the accurate dialectical thinking ofZhang Zhongjing in aspects of the theory, method, prescription and medicine for the discussion of precision treatments byZhang Zhongjing. It was aimed to find a breakthrough point from evidence-based medicine (EBM) to precision medicine in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). It also illustrated TCM by scientific theories. It provided evidences for the inheritance and promotion of TCM as well as methodological references for TCM research.

China Modern Doctor ; (36): 52-55, 2014.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1037178


In the field of Yin, phlegm retention,edema and damp were the same, while they had their own characteris-tics, such as the rule of clinical syndromes and pathogenesis. Because of the pathogenic factors in these diseases, clini-cal treatments were different, so that researches on phlegm retention, edema and damp were needed. Based on the Nei-jing and Synopsis of Golden Chamber, which were great helpful to the original research and an efficient way to improve clinical practices.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-598557


[Objective] To discuss Zhongjing’s theory on“protecting stomach Qi”and its application on woman’s diseases in Jingui Yaolüe. [Methods] Study and summarize Zhongjing’s theory on “protecting stomach Qi”through literature research and comprehensive analysis and its application on wom-an’s diseases in Jingui Yaolüe. [Results] Zhongjing paid great attention to every aspects including therapy and pharmacy, contraindications, boiling herbs and taking medicine, and prognosis. His theory of “protecting stomach qi”reflected in the three chapters of woman’s diseases in Jingui Yaolüe.[Conclu-sion] Zhongjing placed great stress on protecting stomach qi and applied the theory of spleen and stomach which Huangdi Neijing established to clinical practice. This theory is of great importance for the doctors at later ages in guiding diagnosis and treating disease.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-446006


[Objective] To discuss application of Protection Wei Qi in the six channels transmission change. [Methods] Study and summarize application of Protection Wei Qi in the six channels transmission change through methods of literature research and comprehensive analysis. [Results] The strength of Wei Qi in the book mostly is a key factor in the development of outcomes in the Six channels Disease.He always takes Protection Wei Qi as a fundamental criterion in the Six channels Disease treatment. Disease in Sanyang, Protect the Wei Qi by Quxie;Disease into Sanyin, Protect the Wei Qi by Fuzheng. [Conclusion] Zhang Zhongjing had great importance to the role of the Wei Qi in clinic. And he ran through Shang Han Lun always by treatment ideas of Protection Wei Qi. The performance of Protection Wei Qi though was particularly prominent in the six channels transmission change.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-446341


[Objective] To investigate the functions of Angelicae sinensis Radix(Dang gui) according to its usage by the Qing dynasty physician Fei Boxiong and to define its role within his method of“harmonizing the middle”.[Method]Extensive reading of works of Chinese materia medica from different eras and clinical works by Zhang Zhongjing and Fei Boxiong, analyzing the functions ascribed to Angelicae sinensis Radix(Dang gui) and its clinical usage. [Outcome] Many of Zhang Zhongjing’s classical formulas containing Dang gui focus on the treatment of abdominal pain, especial y cold-type abdominal pain, for example Dang gui Sheng Jiang Yang Rou Tang, Wen Jing Tang, etc. Dang gui is said to“warm the middle”in early works of materia medica, but its warming and regulating effect is not limited to the middle burner, i.e. to spleen and stomach. The word“middle”in the term“warm the middle”must be understood here as interor, i.e. the inside of the body. Dang gui can also warm the other viscera and bowels as wel as the channels and col aterals. That’s why Zhang Zhongjing frequently using Dang gui to treat abdominal pain. Fei Boxiong used Dang gui in suitable combinations with other herbs to regulate qi and blood and thus harmonize the middle. Dang gui does not only nourish the blood; it can also warm the middle, disperse cold, regulate the qi, al eviate pain, moisten the intestines, direct the qi downwards, etc. [Conclusion] Nowadays the blood-nourishing fuction of Dang gui is overly emphasized. Using the perspective of Dang gui supplementing the blood, it is hard to understand its functions in formulas that al eviate abdominal pain or harmonize the middle. But if one, on the basis of descriptions in historical works on materia medica and its clinical usage in classical formulas, perceives Dang gui as an herb that warms the middle and regulates the qi, its function of harmonizing the middle can be understood much better.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-453223


Objective Our purpose was to find out a better way for modern learner to understand the ancient medical book named as Treatise on Febrile Diseases. [Methods] We adopted the way of document research to find out the key points for modern learners. [Results] There were many interchangeable words, ancient and modern words and Nanyang dialect speech in the book. Further more, some drugs had been evolved in a state of flux. [Conclusion] Our conclusion was: To make a better understanding of Treatise on Febrile Diseases, we must put our fingers on the original language and ideas, not just focus on the clauses. And we cannot use contemporary language to explain ancient words;otherwise we would misunderstand the truth.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-441007


[Objective]Analyzing the effect of the theory thought of treating liver diseases from Zhang Zhongjing to Wang Xugao ’s book named“Xixi Library recorded”.[Method]To summarize the methods and experiences of treating liver diseases from Wang Xugao ’s book and to analyze the inheritance of the theory thought of treating liver diseases from Zhang Zhongjing to Wang Xugao.[result]Wang Xugao ’s book originated“the thirty methods of treating liv-er diseases”,based on his methods and experiences;he also generalized “liver qi,liver wind and liver fire ”as the essential points in liver diseases.[Conclu-sion]Dr. Wang Xugao was a famous physician skil ful at liver diseases ,and his theory thought of treating liver diseases basical y came from the theory of Dr. Zhang Zhongjing.