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Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-924162


ObjectiveTo conduct on-site epidemiological investigation, emergency response, tracing of infection source and analysis of a confirmed COVID-19 case of a foreign airline cargo service staff member in Shanghai’s international airport, aiming to provide reference for prevention of imported COVID-19 cases under regular prevention and control of COVID-19. MethodsA retrospective field epidemiological investigation was conducted to collect information of basic characteristics, illness onset, diagnosis, treatment, clinical manifestations, exposure history and risk factors within 14 days before onset, close contacts, close contacts of close contacts, and key places related to activity trajectories. Respiratory tract specimens of cases and contacts were collected for detection of SARS-CoV-2 by real time RT-PCR (rRT-PCR). Emergency response, including infection source analysis and contact management, was conducted. ResultsThe case developed pharyngeal itch on July 28, 2021, and fever on the 30th, and went to the hospital for treatment twice on the 31st. Because his specimen was positive for SARS-CoV-2 by rRT-PCR on August 1, he was isolated and treated on August 2 and diagnosed as a confirmed case of COVID-19. The case was a foreign airline cargo service member at an international airport. The two regular nucleic acid screenings of him as a high-risk occupation on July 21 and 28 were negative. He did not leave Shanghai within 14 days before the onset of illness. During July 22nd and 23rd, he was repeatedly exposed during work to the high-risk environment that may have been contaminated by SARS-CoV-2 and had contact with the crew of foreign airlines, and the personal protection was not standardized. None of the 67 close contacts and 567 close contacts of close contacts in Shanghai showed symptoms during the 14-day medical quarantine, and the specimens of them were all negative for SARS-CoV-2 by rRT-PCR. The results of genome sequencing analysis showed that the genomic homology between the virus of the case and the one of recent domestic local epidemic and the recent imported cases was low, and the homology with the overseas Delta mutant strain was higher than that of the domestic Delta mutant strain. ConclusionThe situation of prevention of COVID-19 import is still serious. It is necessary to conduct regular nucleic acid screening for high-risk occupational groups, strengthen the diagnosis and reporting awareness of medical institutions, effectively implement the prevention and control measures for people, objects, and environment at international airports, and further enhance the public's awareness of personal protection.

Acta Medica Philippina ; : 53-58, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-988139


Introduction@#In the event of a disaster, an airport serves two essential roles, as the central hub for incoming supplies such as food and medication and provide a lifeline to the affected communities, and as a coordination and information center to register, brief, and task for the incoming humanitarian organizations and rescue teams. What happens if the disaster itself impacts the airport? This paper describes the conditions at Palu airport during an earthquake and the state one year after. @*Method@#This is a qualitative study, utilizing information gathered from interviews, articles in newspapers, and reports from official websites. Findings from the official websites were confirmed with findings from newspapers or other printed media and were also confirmed with the results of the observations and interviews. The interviews were conducted with several key informants at the airport. Data were then analyzed verbatim and written in a narrative description. @*Result and Discussion@#Many factors contributed to the chaos at Palu Airport. The earthquake's impact was significant enough for a small airport such as Palu Airport. There was no clear incident command system and coordination between institutions within the airport and the city. There was a lack of disaster readiness planning and regular training before the earthquake. The first initial training in 2009 was not followed up. @*Conclusion@#The 2018-earthquake in Palu was a big disaster that impacted the airport. Lack of capacity was related to the discontinuity of the 2009 training into a continuous disaster management program. The unclear management system inside the airport and the local authority worsened the impact of the disaster on both the airport and the community.

Desastres Naturais
Rev. Fac. Med. Hum ; 21(2)Abr.-Jun. 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1507352


La frecuencia de personas que realizan viajes internacionales aumenta el potencial de transmismión de enfermedades infecciosas; las principales causas de enfermedad en niños y adolescentes varían de acuerdo con el grupo etario. La prevención es la acción más importante en salud pública; no se puede llevar a cabo si las enfermedades no son detectadas oportunamente. El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar las enfermedades pediátricas más frecuentes en el Servicio Médico de Urgencias de un aeropuerto internacional de México; el diseño fue observacional, descriptivo, retrospectivo, y transversal. Se concluye que las enfermedades de origen digestivo (gastroenteritis probablemente infecciosa) y respiratorio (faringitis) fueron las más frecuentes. gastroenteritis probablemente infecciosa. Esta información puede ser utilizada como base para decisiones en el caso de salud pública y por otra parte para selección de equipos e insumos en el servicio médico de un aeropuerto (atención prehospitalaria), además del tipo de capacitación que requiere el personal médico.

The frequency in which people travel internationally increases the potential for transmission of infectious diseases. The main causes of disease in children and adolescents vary according to the age group. Prevention is the most important action to take in public health, as it cannot be carried out if the diseases are not detected in a timely manner. The purpose of this study was to identify the most frequent pediatric diseases in the Emergency Medical Service of an international airport in Mexico. The study was observational, descriptive, retrospective and cross-sectional. It is concluded that diseases of digestive (presumed infectious gastroenteritis) and respiratory origin (pharyngitis) were the most frequent. This information can be used not only as a basis for decisions regarding public health, but also for the selection of equipment and supplies to be used in the medical service of an airport (pre-hospital care), in addition to the type of training required by the medical personnel.

Rev. adm. pública (Online) ; 55(2): 502-511, mar.-abr. 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1250864


Resumen Siguiendo la tendencia mundial y regional, Colombia liberalizó el sector o industria del transporte aéreo, a principios de década de 1990, y con ello dio inicio a una ininterrumpida (hasta el presente) batería de políticas públicas para dicho sector, paralelamente acompañadas de varias reformas a nivel institucional, todas ellas basadas en la concepción de que el estado colombiano considera el transporte aéreo un servicio público esencial, y que contribuye al desarrollo económico nacional. Por lo tanto, este trabajo, cuyo carácter es de análisis de un estudio de caso, presenta y analiza el impacto de las políticas públicas en el desarrollo y evolución de la industria del transporte aéreo en Colombia. Para ello el análisis se centra, por un lado, en el enfoque y planteamiento de las autoridades colombianas en el diseño e implementación de dichas políticas públicas, y por otro, en la evaluación del desarrollo y crecimiento del sector del transporte aéreo y su directa influencia en otras industrias relacionadas e indicadores socioeconómicos. El principal resultado de las políticas implementadas es: el alto y continuo crecimiento del tráfico aéreo, principalmente a nivel doméstico, lo que consolidó y fortaleció la conectividad y cohesión territorial; aportación a la riqueza nacional; generación de empleo; y apoyo a industrias muy relacionadas entre sí.

Resumo Seguindo a tendência mundial e regional, a Colômbia liberalizou o setor de transporte aéreo, ou indústria, no início da década de 1990, e assim deu início a uma bateria ininterrupta (até o momento) de políticas públicas para esse setor, acompanhada paralelamente por diversas reformas no nível institucional, todas baseadas no conceito de que o Estado colombiano considera o transporte aéreo um serviço público essencial e que contribui para o desenvolvimento econômico nacional. Portanto, este trabalho, cujo caráter é a análise de um estudo de caso, apresenta e analisa o impacto das políticas públicas no desenvolvimento e evolução da indústria do transporte aéreo na Colômbia. Para tanto, a análise se concentra, por um lado, na abordagem e abordagem das autoridades colombianas na formulação e implementação das referidas políticas públicas e, por outro, na avaliação do desenvolvimento e crescimento do setor de transporte aéreo e sua influência direta. em outros setores relacionados e indicadores socioeconômicos. O principal resultado das políticas implementadas é: o elevado e continuado crescimento do tráfego aéreo, principalmente a nível doméstico, que consolidou e reforçou a conectividade e a coesão territorial; contribuição para a riqueza nacional; geração de empregos; e apoio a setores intimamente relacionados.

Abstract Following the global and regional trend, Colombia liberalized the air transport sector at the beginning of the 1990s. This measure unleashed an uninterrupted (until now) set of public policies for the sector, accompanied by several reforms at the institutional level, all in the belief that the Colombian state considers air transport an essential public service that contributes to national economic development. This work uses the case study method to present and analyze the impact of public policies on the development and evolution of the air transport sector in Colombia. The analysis focuses on the approach of the Colombian authorities in the design and implementation of public policies, and the evaluation of the development and growth of the air transport sector and its direct influence on other related industries and socio-economic indicators. The main results of the implemented policies are: high and continued growth of air traffic, mainly at the domestic level, which consolidated and strengthened connectivity and territorial cohesion; contribution to national wealth; generation of employment; and support to closely related industries.

Política Pública , Aviação , Colômbia
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-829437


@#Breastfeeding chair is one of the essential facilities in the airport. This study designs the breastfeeding chair for the nursery room in Minangkabau International Airport. Quality Function Deployment (QFD) was used to investigate the customer requirements by distributing questionnaires to 100 mothers in Padang West Sumatra. Anthropometry data was also measured form those respondents. The study resulted in a design of ergonomic breastfeeding chair which was used features obtained from the voice of the customers. The design has considered the condition of the mother giving birth by normal as well as a cesarean. The design has an adjustable back seat with an angle of 95o,105o, and 110o; it has an adjustable footrest with 120o, 140o, and 180o angles. The chair has a headrest, baby support pad, a portable baby cushion, an adjustable baby bearings. The chair has also equipped with an assemble torn neck, a small drawer on the side of the chair, and a palm rest that can be used or not by adjusting the height.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-877113


Introduction@#Hong Kong SAR (China) achieved measles elimination status in 2016, and the incidence of measles infection had been low over the past few years. However, the Centre for Health Protection (CHP) at the Department of Health was notified on 22 March 2019 of an outbreak of three cases of measles infection among workers at the Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA).@*Methods@#We reviewed notifications of measles received by CHP from 1 January to 17 May 2019. We defined a confirmed case of measles as having laboratory evidence of measles infection. All confirmed cases among airport workers or those with epidemiological information suggesting they had been infected by contact with airport workers were included in the review. We described the epidemiological features and reviewed the control measures against the outbreak.@*Results@#We identified 33 cases, 29 of which were among airport workers. They comprised 22 men and 11 women, aged 20–49 years (median 25 years). The majority of people with confirmed measles presented with fever and rash. All required hospitalization. None developed complications. Control measures, including enhanced environmental hygiene and improved ventilation at HKIA and vaccinations for the airport community, were implemented.@*Discussion@#Early recognition of the outbreak and prompt control measures, especially targeted vaccination of the exposed population, effectively controlled the outbreak in just two weeks.

Cad. Bras. Ter. Ocup ; 27(2): 372-383, abr.-jun. 2019. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1011679


Resumo Introdução Nas últimas décadas ocorreram mudanças no entendimento da deficiência e avanços no que tange aos direitos humanos das pessoas com deficiência. Apesar disso, estudos mostram que essas pessoas ainda encontram barreiras que restringem sua participação nos diversos contextos sociais, como o transporte aéreo. Objetivo Analisar as condições e procedimentos de acessibilidade em aeroportos brasileiros e compreender as experiências de viagem de pessoas com deficiência visual nas fases de pré-voo, embarque e desembarque. Método Pesquisa com abordagem quantitativa-qualitativa realizada a partir de observação participante em viagens aéreas, entrevista de autoconfrontação com passageiros com deficiência visual e verificação do cumprimento das regras sobre condições e procedimentos de acessibilidade por meio de checklists baseados na norma ABNT NBR-9050/2015 e na Resolução ANAC nº 280/2013. Resultados Participaram do estudo sete passageiros com deficiência visual, incluindo pessoas com cegueira ou com baixa visão, e 30 gerentes de base e supervisores vinculados a quatro companhias aéreas que operam no transporte aéreo doméstico brasileiro. Foram analisados 10 aeroportos, nos quais os passageiros vivenciaram dificuldades que se relacionam, principalmente, a inadequação, descontinuidade e insuficiência das informações e sinalizações, descumprimento e desconhecimento dos procedimentos relativos à acessibilidade, impropriedade da alocação de assentos preferenciais e do atendimento prestado aos passageiros. Conclusão O estudo evidenciou descumprimento das normas e resoluções relativas à acessibilidade além de problemas que afetam a orientação espacial, o deslocamento e a comunicação nas viagens aéreas. Espera-se contribuir para a transformação da acessibilidade nos aeroportos brasileiros, visando favorecer a participação das pessoas com deficiência nas viagens aéreas.

Abstract Introduction In the last decades, there have been changes in the understanding of disability and advances in the human rights of people with disabilities. Nevertheless, studies show that disabled people still encounter barriers which restrict their participation in various social contexts, such as air transportation. Objective To analyze accessibility conditions and procedures in Brazilian airports and to understand the travel experiences of people with visual impairment in the pre-flight, embarkation and disembarkation phases. Method Quantitative-qualitative research based on participant observation in air travel, auto-confrontation interview with visually impaired passengers, and verification of rules compliance of accessibility conditions and procedures through checklists based on ABNT NBR-9050/2015 and ANAC Resolution nº 280/2013. Results The participants were seven passengers with visual impairment, either blind or with low vision plus 30 managers and supervisors linked to four different airlines that operate in the Brazilian air transportation. Ten airports were analyzed, in which passengers experienced difficulties related, mainly, to the inadequacy, discontinuity and insufficiency of information and signage; noncompliance with and lack of knowledge of accessibility procedures; inappropriate allocation of preferential seats and attendance to passengers. Conclusion Besides evidencing the noncompliance with the norms and resolutions related to accessibility, the study also evidenced problems that affect the spatial orientation, the displacement and the communication in travels. Having all this compiled data, contributions to transformation of accessibility in Brazilian airports is expected, with a view to favoring the participation of people with disabilities in air travel.

Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 70(1): 321-326, Jan.-Feb. 2018. graf, ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1038584


The objective of this study was to describe lesions in four birds, victims of collisions with aircraft, coming from the International Airport of Recife/Guararapes Gilberto Freyre, Pernambuco, Brazil. Contused wounds were predominant in birds in this study, characterized by the presence of fractures, bruises and hematomas and justified by the blunt action promoted by the type of vulnerant agent involved (aircraft). The analysis under medico-legal veterinary aspect of lesions in bird strike is essential, because in addition to the attempt to establish a standard for differentiating the aircraft lesions, it can guide the bird strike hazard management programs at airports, since the necropsy allows the identification of the species involved or at least facilitates the obtaining biological material for identification.(AU)

Animais , Choque Traumático/veterinária , Ferimentos e Lesões/veterinária , Aves , Animais Selvagens , Médicos Veterinários , Médicos Legistas , Aeroportos
China Occupational Medicine ; (6): 168-172, 2018.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-881679


OBJECTIVE: To explore the influencing factors of neck work-related musculoskeletal disorders( WMSDs) and their effects in airport porters. METHODS: A total of 413 airport porters were chosen as study subjects using judgment sampling method. Chinese version of Musculoskeletal Questionnaire was used to investigate the prevalence of WMSDs.Then structural equation model was constructed and used to analyze the influencing factors of neck WMSDs. RESULTS: The prevalence of neck WMSDs in airport porters was 37. 3%( 154/413). Postural load,mental workload and length of service had a direct effect on neck WMSDs of porters( path coefficients were 0. 405,0. 166,0. 296,P < 0. 05),and mental workload also had an indirect effect on neck WMSDs through postural load( path coefficient was 0. 103,P < 0. 01).CONCLUSION: Posture load,mental workload and length of service are risk factors of neck WMSDs in airport porters.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-775177


BACKGROUND@#International Health Regulations controls international travel including human movement, disease vector, and imported items to prevent the spread of dengue, especially in seaports, airports, and border crossing posts. This study aimed to determine dengue Transovarial Transmission Index (TTI) and distribution of dengue virus in the areas around Adisucipto Airport of Yogyakarta, Indonesia.@*METHODS@#The study was a descriptive analytic study with cross sectional design, conducted by mapping the spread of the dengue virus and identifying TTI in Adisucipto Airport. A total of 145 ovitraps were installed in both perimeter and buffer areas of the airport. Positive Ovitrap Index (OI), TTI, and serotype of dengue virus were examined. The TTI was identified using immunocytochemistry immunoperoxidase streptavidin biotin complex (IISBC) method in mosquito head squash preparations.@*RESULTS@#OI in the buffer area was 32 (45.1%), whereas OI in the perimeter area was 24 (32.4%). The TTI in the buffer and perimeter areas were 21 (18.3%) and 11 (18.9%), respectively. The TTI was found greater in the Aedes aegypti population compared to the Aedes albopictus population, both in the perimeter area (20% versus 16.7%) and the buffer area (20.3% versus 16.1%). Dengue virus serotype-2 (DENV-2) and dengue virus serotype-3 (DENV-3) were predominantly found in Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus.@*CONCLUSIONS@#Buffer areas of Adisucipto Airport of Yogyakarta have higher risk as breeding sites for Aedes spp., predominantly DENV-2 and DENV-3 serotypes. High OI shows that the areas are likely to have higher risk of developing dengue outbreak.

Animais , Feminino , Aedes , Virologia , Viagem Aérea , Aeroportos , Estudos Transversais , Dengue , Virologia , Vírus da Dengue , Classificação , Indonésia , Mosquitos Vetores , Virologia , Óvulo , Virologia , Sorotipagem
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-514213


Objective To study the cyfluthrin resistance and potential mechanisms of Anopheles sinensis in Nanchang Chang-bei International Airport,Nanchang City,Jiangxi Province. Methods The resistance levels of the local An. sinensis were de-tected by WHO drug resistance bioassay. During the bioassay,the dying mosquitos were classed as sensitive mosquitos,and the survival ones were classed as resistant mosquitos. The P450 monooxygenase activity and glutathione S-transferase activity were detected and compared between the two groups. At the same time,the death time of each sensitive mosquito was recorded,and the correlations between the death time and the P450 monooxygenase activity and glutathione S-transferase activity were ana-lyzed,respectively. Results The bioassay mortality of the local An. sinensis was 59.5%. The differences of the P450 monooxy-genase activities among the resistant mosquitos,sensitive mosquitos and laboratory sensitive mosquitos had statistical signifi-cances(F=151.89,Psensitive mosquitos>laboratory sensitive mosquitos. The differences of glutathione s-transferase activities among the three groups had no statistical significance(F=0.72,P=0.49). There existed positive correlation between the mosquito death time and the P450 monooxygenase activity,and the regression equation was y=79.479+1.512x with the correlation coefficient of 0.88,while there was no correlation between the mosquito death time and the glutathione S-transferaseactivity. Conclusion The An. sinensis in Nanchang Changbei International Airport has been resistant to cyfluthrin,and the promotion of P450 monooxygenase activity maybe one of the reasons for the resistance.

Medisan ; 16(2): 290-294, feb. 2012.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-627991


El control sanitario realizado en la frontera aeroportuaria ha impedido que algún viajero con cólera procedente de Haití, haga su entrada en Santiago de Cuba; prevención lograda hasta ahora eficazmente con un costo mínimo de recursos materiales, de donde se infiere su gran importancia, pues una epidemia de ese tipo obligaría a utilizar instituciones hospitalarias para otras funciones no habituales, con cuantiosos gastos en insumos y otros renglones económicos.

The health control carried out in the airport frontier has prevented that some travelers with cholera coming from Haiti, gets to Santiago de Cuba; a prevention efficiently achieved up to now with a minimal cost of material resources, that's why its great importance, as an epidemic of that type would force to use hospital institutions for other uncommon functions, with considerable expenses in economic lines.

Vigía (Santiago) ; 12(26): 3-6, 2010.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, MINSALCHILE | ID: lil-605311


En Chile, la implementación del Reglamento Sanitario Internacional (2005), instrumento regulatorio internacional que permite abordar situaciones de impacto sanitario, se inició en el año 2007 con la instalación de Oficinas Sanitarias en los principales puntos de ingreso al país, la designación de puertos y la instalación del Centro Nacional de Enlace. Durante la denominada primera pandemia del siglo XXI nuestro país, en congruencia a lo ratificado con la entrada en vigor del RSI (2005), no cerró ni recomendó el cierre de fronteras, así como tampoco suspendió vuelos provenientes de zonas que ya presentaban casos de la enfermedad, sino que reforzó la vigilancia epidemiológica de la nueva influenza humana causada por el virus A (H1N1), lo cual en los puntos de entrada formó parte de las medidas sanitarias que fueron establecidas en orden de detectar, verificar, notificar y controlar ante el inevitable ingreso del nuevo virus. Acciones de educación, comunicación de riesgo y trabajo intersectorial favorecieron este accionar.

In Chile, the implementation of the International Health Regulations (2005), an international regulatory instrument that allows the management of situations with sanitary impact, started in 2007 with the establishment of border sanitary offices at the main points of entry to the country, the designation of ports and the establishment of the National Focal Point. During the called “first pandemic of the 21st century ” , in congruence with the entry into force of the IHR (2005), our country did not close or recommend the closure of borders, also did not suspend flights coming from areas that already reported cases of the disease, however, Chile reinforced the epidemiological surveillance of human influenza caused by the new AH1N1 virus at points of entry. This was one of the health measures established in order to detect, verify, report and control the inevitable entry of this new virus. This strategy was reinforced by doing educational activities, risk communication and working with different sectors of the country organization.

Humanos , Controle Sanitário de Aeroportos e Aeronaves , Influenza Humana/prevenção & controle , Monitoramento Epidemiológico , Vírus da Influenza A , Surtos de Doenças/prevenção & controle , Chile
Artigo em Vietnamita | WPRIM | ID: wpr-331


Backgound: Plague disease is one of three most seriously infectious diseases (plague, yellow fever and cholera disease). In Vietnam, this condition has been obviously controlled. The number of new cases and deaths of plague disease have decreased significantly: from 439.6 patients between 1991 and 1995 to 161.2 patients between 1996 and 2000. However, the disease is still circulating in some areas in the world. Objective: To survey plague disease related factors (rats and fleas) at Noi Bai international airport. Subjects and method: A surveillance to inspect plague disease related factors (rats and fleas) was conducted at Noi Bai international airport, Ha Noi, from January/2006 to December/2006. Results and Conclusion: There were two types of rats: R. flavipectus in majority and R. norvegicus. The enrichment index of the two kinds of rats had increased in April and May. R. flavipectus disposed at flat form T1 and R. norvegicus disposed at store area. The only flea species found at the surveillance site was X.cheopis. Bacterial isolation of 236 specimens of liver and spleen, and ELISA tests of 180 blood samples were performed. All of the specimens were negative to Yersinia pestis. The study suggests that the rat populations at Noi Bai airport have not been infected with Yesinia pestis.

Ratos , Peste , Patologia , Sifonápteros
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-530661


Objective To understand the prevalence of major non-communicable chronic diseases among the adults in the airport district of Beijing.Methods With the same proportion and multi-stage stratified cluster sampling,the prevalent rates of primary existing chronic diseases were investigated in 650 residents aged over 18 years and lived in Beijing for more than 6 months.Each participant was invited to receive a set of standardized questionnaire,physical examinations and laboratory tests.Results The prevalent rates of hypertension,diabetes,dyslipidemia,acute myocardial infarction and the stroke were 26.0%,5.3%,39.9%,1.3% and 2.0%,respectively.The awareness rates for hypertension and diabetes were 54.4% and 3.6%,respectively.Conclusion The prevalent rates of chronic non-communicable diseases of the adults in this area were in higher levels.The relevant department should pay more attention to it.