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Gac. méd. espirit ; 18(3): 54-60, sept.-dic. 2016.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-828861


Fundamento: Según el Programa Nacional de Atención Estomatológica Integral, se observa una disminución de la prevalencia de caries dental en la población infantil y adolescente, mientras que las periodontopatías ocupan el segundo lugar en la jerarquización de las enfermedades bucales, y la Organización Mundial de la Salud las considera entre las afecciones más comunes del género humano. Entre los factores causantes de recesión periodontal se encuentran la malposición dentaria, las inserciones frénicas anormales y los defectos de la oclusión. Objetivo: Descruzar la mordida anterior simple, asimismo mejorar el estado periodontal del paciente con el aparato tipo MUH Shield. Reporte del caso: Paciente masculino de raza negra, ocho años de edad, con antecedentes de retención dentaria temporal, que acudió a consulta por maloclusión, con trastorno mucogingival asociado a una mordida cruzada anterior simple, sobrepase de 2 mm, resalte de 1 mm. Conclusiones: Se logró descruzar la mordida anterior a las nueve semanas de tratamiento con el aparato tipo MUH Shield y se mejoró el estado periodontal del paciente.

ABSTRACT Background: According to the National Program of Integral Stomatological Care, there is a decrease in the prevalence of dental cavities in children and adolescents, while periodonthopathies rank second in the hierarchy of oral diseases, and the World Organization of Health considers them among the most common conditions of mankind. Among the factors causing periodontal recession are dental miss position, abnormal phrenic insertions, and defects of occlusio. Objective: To uncross the simple anterior bite, as well as to improve the periodontal status of the patient with the MUH Shield type device Case report: An eight years old white male patient, with a history of temporary dental retention, who came to the clinic due to malocclusion, with a bucogingival disorder associated with a simple anterior cross bite, exceeding 2 mm, and a 1 mm margin Conclusions: The anterior bite was uncrossed after nine weeks of treatment with the MUH Shield type device and the patient's periodontal status was improved.

Má Oclusão , Retração Gengival , Aparelhos Ortodônticos Funcionais
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-421077


ObjectiveTo compare tongue positions at rest between normal occlusion people and patients with anterior cross-bite malocclusions,and to explore whether there is any abnormality in the tongue position of the anterior cross-bite malocclusions.Methods Twenty adults of normal bite (8 males and 12 females,with an average age of 23.8 years) and 20 adults of anterior cross-bite (1 1males and 9 females,with an average age of 24.6 years) were involved in this study.The position habits of tongue were investigated by a questionnaire.The tongue positions,which were enhanced by applying barium to tongue and palatal surface,were compared by cephalometric roentgenogram.Two groups were compared by t-test to determine the variation of anterior cross-bite. Results In normal occlusion group,the dorsum of tongues was sealed with all palatal surfaces except uvula site.In anterior cross bite group,tongues were far from palate,and were difficult to lift.The profile of tongue showed standing upright forward and up in normal occlusion group,while inclining back and low in anterior cross-bite group.The tops of tongue dorsum sites were at the border of soft and hard palate in normal occlusion group.While in anterior cross bite group,the tops of tongue dorsum sites were at the border of uvula and soft palate.In anterior cross-bite group,the tongue-to palate distance was bigger than that of normal occlusion group (P<0.01).However,both length and height of the tongue had no significant differences between two groups (P>0.05).ConclusionsIn anterior cross-bite patients,tongue positions were lower than that of normal occlusion people.

Rev. clín. pesq. odontol. (Impr.) ; 6(1): 71-78, jan.-abr. 2010. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO | ID: lil-617368


OBJECTIVES: To present specific clinical interception procedures instituted to reduce malocclusionseverity on developmental stage. Anterior tooth cross-bite, involving one or two permanent teeth, is acommon form of malocclusion diagnosed in children about 6 years of age. RESULTS ANDDISCUSSION: Various devices can be suggested for single tooth cases, like removable cantilevereddouble-helix apparatus with digital springs, which is one of the most efficient to intercept malocclusion.In the other hand, fixed appliance does not depend on patient’s cooperation and have greater actionpower and liberates more continuous forces. CONCLUSION: Dental anterior cross-bite, involvingone tooth, can be corrected by means of the multi-loop arch wire with a double-helix, even in caseswhere adequate space for alignment is lacking.

OBJETIVOS: Apresentar procedimento de interceptação clínica específica para reduzir aseveridade da má oclusão no estágio de desenvolvimento. O cruzamento anterior, comprometendoum ou dois dentes permanentes, é forma comum de má-oclusão, diagnosticada em crianças emtorno de seis anos de idade. RESULTADOS E DISCUSSÃO: Vários dispositivos podem ser utilizados para casos de cruzamento de um dente apenas, como os aparelhos de duplo hélice emextremo livre, com molas digitais, um dos mais eficientes para interceptar más-oclusões. Poroutro lado, os aparelhos fixos não dependem da colaboração do paciente, tendo maior poder deação e de liberação de forças contínuas. CONCLUSÃO: Os cruzamentos anteriorescomprometendo um dente podem ser corrigidos por meio de arco com dobras múltiplas, comhélice dupla, mesmo em casos onde há deficiência de espaço para o alinhamento.

Humanos , Má Oclusão/terapia , Aparelhos Ortodônticos , Ortodontia Corretiva/instrumentação , Resultado do Tratamento
Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-652050


The purpose of this study was to compare the dento-skeletal characteristics between functional and skeletal anterior cross-bite patients. Twenty-eight functional anterior cross-bite patients and thirty-one skeletal anterior cross-bite patients were selected as a test and a control group. Mean ages of the test and the control group were 9.6+/-1.8 and 9.8+/-1.9, respectively. Lateral cephalograms were taken. Forty-nine cephalometric variables were measured and statistical analysis was performed to find the morphological differences between the groups. Statistically significant differences were found in the cephalometric variables of cranial deflection, maxillary depth, ANB, convexity, NPo-AB, APDI, Mx 1-SN, Mx 1-NA angle, Mx 1-NA, Md 1-NB angle and Md 1-NB. The test group showed more Class III growth potential, more protruded maxilla, lesser maxillo-mandibular difference, more uprighted and retruded maxillary central incisor, more labially tipped and protruded mandibular central incisor.

Humanos , Incisivo , Maxila
Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-645649


mastication is basically regulated by central pattern regulator(CPG) of brain system target organ output from CPG is modulated by oral sensory feedback. anterior cross bite pattern infuluence the feedback mechanism and change muscle activity and jaw movement. .The purpose of this study was to investigate diffemce anterior cross bite group from normal group. the selected sample groups were 30 normal patient, 30 anterior cross bite patient. EMG and EGN of Biopak system were used for this study The following results were obtained 1. In resting state of mandible, anterior cross-bite showed the high r muscle activities in all the muscle.(exeeption:left digastric muscle) than normal group. 2. In clenching state, No significant difference in muscle activities of normal group and anterior cross bite group was noticed 3. In swallowing state Normal group showed the higher muscle activities in left and right masseter muscle, right posterior temporal muscle. 4. In maximum opening and closing velocity, normal group showed the higher value than anterior cross-bite. 5. In the mean value of the maximum operiing,the maximum anterior-posterior movement from centric-occlusion, the lateral deviation from centric-occclusion, normal group showed the higher value than anterior cross-bite group.

Adulto , Humanos , Encéfalo , Deglutição , Retroalimentação Sensorial , Arcada Osseodentária , Má Oclusão , Mandíbula , Músculo Masseter , Mastigação , Músculo Temporal
Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-647410


The purpose of this study was to investigate the treatment effects on anterior crossbite patients using chin cap and labiolingual arch appliance. In the present study, I statistically evaluated measurement values on a cephalogram before and after treatment form twenty anterior crossbite cases. The results were as follows: 1. In the craniofacial patterns, cranial base increased after treatment. 2. In the maxillo-mandibular relationship, ANB and Facial convexity significantly increased. 3. In the denture patterns, occlusal plane, U1 to FH and Overjet significantly increased. On the contrary overbite decreased significantly. Lower incisors inclined lingually. 4. In the soft tissue profile changes, lower lip protrusion was significantly improved.

Humanos , Queixo , Oclusão Dentária , Dentição Mista , Dentaduras , Incisivo , Lábio , Má Oclusão , Sobremordida , Base do Crânio