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Vive (El Alto) ; 7(19): 73-84, abr. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560628


Las infecciones del tracto urinario son consideradas un problema de salud a nivel hospitalario y comunitario por el aumento de bacterias resistentes a los antibióticos. Objetivo: Analizar el patrón de susceptibilidad y resistencia antimicrobiana de Enterobacterias causante de infección del tracto urinario. Métodos: Se aplicó una investigación descriptiva de diseño documental. La población fue de 672 registros de urocultivos positivos, recopilados de la base de datos del Laboratorio San Pablo en el periodo 2021-2022. Para su tabulación y análisis los datos obtenidos fueron procesados en el Software SPSS versión 25.0. Resultados: Las ITU se presentan con mayor frecuencia en el género femenino 86,5%. El grupo etario con más afección es la edad adulta 50,4%. El agente etiológico con mayor incidencia fue Escherichia coli 75,74%, Citrobacter Freundii 8,93%, Klebsiella spp 6,10%. La producción de BLEE como mecanismo de resistencia predominaron en las cepas de E.coli y Klebsiella spp. Se encontró un mayor porcentaje de resistencia para Ampicilina y SXT. Los antibióticos con mejor sensibilidad destacaron nitrofurantoína, fosfomicina. Conclusión: La especie con mayor aislamiento, implicada en la etiología de infecciones urinarias sigue siendo E.coli con una sensibilidad alta para nitrofurantoína y fosfomicina.

Urinary tract infections are considered a health problem at hospital and community level due to the increase of antibiotic resistant bacteria. Objective: To analyze the pattern of susceptibility and antimicrobial resistance of Enterobacteriaceae causing urinary tract infection. Methods: A descriptive research of documentary design was applied. The population was 672 records of positive urine cultures, collected from the San Pablo Laboratory database in the period 2021-2022. For tabulation and analysis, the data obtained were processed in SPSS software version 25.0. Results: UTIs occur more frequently in females 86.5%. The age group with the highest incidence was adulthood 50.4%. The etiological agent with the highest incidence was Escherichia coli 75.74%, Citrobacter Freundii 8.93%, Klebsiella spp 6.10%. The production of BLEE as a mechanism of resistance predominated in the strains of E.coli and Klebsiella spp. A higher percentage of resistance was found for Ampicillin and SXT. The antibiotics with the best sensitivity were nitrofurantoin and fosfomycin. Conclusion: The species with the highest isolation, implicated in the etiology of urinary tract infections, continues to be E.coli with a high sensitivity to nitrofurantoin and fosfomycin.

As infecções do trato urinário são consideradas um problema de saúde a nível hospitalar e comunitário devido ao aumento de bactérias resistentes aos antibióticos. Objetivo: Analisar o padrão de suscetibilidade e resistência antimicrobiana das Enterobacteriaceae causadoras de infecções do trato urinário. Métodos: Foi aplicada uma metodologia de investigação documental descritiva. A população foi de 672 registros de culturas de urina positivas, coletados do banco de dados do Laboratório San Pablo no período de 2021-2022. Para tabulação e análise, os dados obtidos foram processados no software SPSS versão 25.0 Resultados: As ITUs ocorreram com maior frequência no sexo feminino 86,5%. A faixa etária com maior incidência foi a adulta 50,4%. O agente etiológico com maior incidência foi a Escherichia coli 75,74%, Citrobacter Freundii 8,93%, Klebsiella spp 6,10%. A produção de BLEE como mecanismo de resistência predominou em E. coli e Klebsiella spp. Foi encontrada uma maior percentagem de resistência para a ampicilina e o SXT. Os antibióticos com melhor sensibilidade foram a nitrofurantoína e a fosfomicina. Conclusão: A espécie com maior isolamento, implicada na etiologia das infecções do trato urinário, continua a ser a E. coli com uma elevada sensibilidade à nitrofurantoína e à fosfomicina.

Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 1(63): 110-120, jan-abr. 2024. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1566925


O cirurgião-dentista (CD) é o profissional habilitado para prescrever agentes antimicrobianos destinados à profilaxia ou ao tratamento de infecções bacterianas. No Brasil, a comercialização demanda a retenção de receita e é notificada no Sistema Nacional de Gerenciamento de Produtos Controlados (SNGPC). O objetivo desse estudo foi analisar o consumo de antimicrobianos prescritos por CDs, a partir dos dados disponibilizados pelo SNGPC entre 2015 e 2021. Amoxicilina, azitromicina, amoxicilina-ácido clavulânico, cefalexina, metronidazol, eritromicina, clindamicina, ciprofloxacino, ampicilina e tetraciclina foram os mais vendidos e os cinco primeiros contaram por 92% de todas as comercializações. Os estados com maior comercialização foram São Paulo e Minas Gerais, com Rio Grande do Sul e Rio de Janeiro alternando entre as terceira e quarta posições. A menor comercialização ocorreu nas regiões norte e nordeste, em especial no Acre, Amapá, Roraima e Piauí. Ainda que não seja possível conhecer o motivo da prescrição, pois a indicação clínica não é informada no SNGPC, o estudo traz um panorama nacional sobre a prescrição de antimicrobianos por CDs. Observa-se que o maior consumo se deu nas regiões de maior índice de desenvolvimento humano, o que pode refletir o maior acesso dos habitantes à assistência odontológica.

The dentist is the professional qualified to prescribe antimicrobial agents intended for the prophylaxis or treatment of bacterial infections. In Brazil, sales require prescription retention and are notified in the National Controlled Products Management System (SNGPC). The objective of this study was to analyze the consumption of antimicrobials prescribed by dentists, based on data provided by the SNGPC between 2015 and 2021. Amoxicillin, azithromycin, amoxicillin-clavulanic acid, cephalexin, metronidazole, erythromycin, clindamycin, ciprofloxacin, ampicillin and tetracycline were the top sellers and the top five accounted for 92% of all sales. The states with the highest sales were São Paulo and Minas Gerais, with Rio Grande do Sul and Rio de Janeiro alternating between third and fourth positions. The lowest sales occurred in the North and Northeast regions, especially in Acre, Amapá, Roraima and Piauí. Although it is not possible to know the reason for the prescription, as the clinical indication is not reported in the SNGPC, the study provides a national overview on the prescription of antimicrobials by dentists. It is observed that the highest consumption occurred in regions with the highest human development index, which may reflect greater access to dental care.

Prescrições de Medicamentos , Odontólogos , Análise de Dados , Anti-Infecciosos
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020032


For a long time, macrolides have been the first choice for the antibacterial treatment for pertussis.However, in the past decade, resistance to macrolide antimicrobials has been common in clinically isolated Bordetella pertussis in China, which is in contradiction with the recommended macrolide treatment.Therefore, Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMZ) is suggested as the first choice for antibacterial treatment for pertussis in China, with a dosage determined according to age and body weight, lasting 14 days.If TMP-SMZ cannot be used, full-dose and full-course β-lactam antimicrobials may be used, of which the effects should be assessed carefully.The impact of other antibacterial drugs, such as quinolones and tetracyclines, on the elimination of Bordetella pertussis should also be evaluated as soon as possible to treat adult pertussis and potential cases caused by drug-resistant bacteria in future.

Acta Medica Philippina ; : 35-48, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1032131


Background@#Based on the 2017-2020 annual report of the Department of Health-Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Program, significant resistance patterns have been observed for common disease-causing pathogens. In the hospital setting, antimicrobial stewardship programs have been implemented to optimize the use of antimicrobials. Drug utilization review studies provide essential feedback to improve prescribing and use of medications.@*Objectives@#This study aimed to review drug utilization of monitored parenteral antimicrobials among patients admitted from January to December 2019.@*Methods@#The study employed a retrospective, cross-sectional, descriptive research design. A retrospective chart review of drugs administered to patients was conducted.@*@#Results. A total of 821 patients charts met the inclusion criteria. The patients’ ages ranged from 18 to 98 years old and 52% were females. General Internal Medicine practitioners (28%) were the top prescribers of monitored parenteral antimicrobials primarily for the management of moderate-risk community-acquired pneumonia (39%). They were mostly indicated for empirical treatment of infections (94%) and were given for an average of 5.73 days. Only 58% of the total cases had orders for culture and sensitivity testing. Of which, principally 47% had colony cultures. Blood (29%) and sputum (27%) were the most common specimens taken for culture and sensitivity testing. The microorganisms often isolated were Escherichia coli (19%), Klebsiella pneumoniae (18%), and Staphylococcus aureus (9%). In addition, extended-spectrum beta lactamase-producing gram-negative pathogens (4%) and methicillin-resistant S. aureus (1%) were also isolated. All the microorganisms isolated showed most resistance to ampicillin (81%) and most susceptibility to colistin (100%). There were drug therapy-related problems encountered. There was one case of an adverse drug reaction (0.1%) and two cases of contraindications (0.2%). Therapeutic duplication was also observed in 5% of the cases. Moreover, 39% had instances of drug-drug interactions.Piperacillin-tazobactam had the highest consumption (79.50 defined daily doses/1,000-patient days) among the monitored parenteral antimicrobials. Some prescriptions were deemed inappropriate upon evaluation. 12% of cases were inappropriate based on the justification indicator. As for the critical indicators, duration of therapy (78%) was the main reason. Only four components of the DUE criteria indicators have met or exceeded the established threshold level.The cost analysis indicated that the total actual cost of therapy with the monitored parenteral antimicrobials amounted to ₱17,645,601.73. Considering Department of Health National Antibiotic Guidelines recommenda-tions, ideal total cost of treatment was ₱14,917,214.29. Potential cumulative cost savings of ₱2,728,387.44 could have been achieved for patients admitted last 2019.@*Conclusion@#Consumption of piperacillin-tazobactam was relatively high as compared to the other monitored parenteral antimicrobials covered in this study. Physicians at the study site seldom prescribe monitored parenteral antimicrobials as recommended by the National Antibiotic Guidelines. This is evidenced in the incidence of inappropriate therapy regimens, with inapt duration of therapy as the leading explanation.From the patient’s perspective, the main economic implication was on the direct medical costs, particularly the increased cost of the actual antimicrobial therapy prescribed to manage various infections. Adherence of physicians to the established guidelines and selection of the most cost-effective therapy could have resulted in considerable cost savings.

Revisão de Uso de Medicamentos , Gestão de Antimicrobianos
Rev. estomatol. Hered ; 33(4): 353-357, oct.-dic. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560035


RESUMEN Los sistemas adhesivos se utilizan en la práctica clínica diaria; sin embargo, su principal desventaja es la contracción por polimerización que podría ocasionar la aparición de microfiltraciones, acumulo de placa, caries secundaria e hipersensibilidad. Por este motivo, se han venido incorporando agentes antimicrobianos, como el metacrilato de amonio cuaternario fotopolimerizable, los rellenos de vidrio que liberan iones de flúor, el pirogalol y las nanopartículas de plata, calcio y grafeno fluorado. En los últimos años, algunos de estos han demostrado tener una buena efectividad antimicrobiana, que, a su vez, no interfieren con la adhesión en las restauraciones. De tal manera, estos sistemas adhesivos antimicrobianos podrían favorecer a obtener mejores resultados a largo plazo. Las nanopartículas que presentaron mejores resultados fueron el fosfato de calcio amorfo y las compuestas de plata.

ABSTRACT Adhesive systems are used in daily clinical practice; however, the main disadvantage is polymerization shrinkage, which could lead to microleakage, plaque accumulation, secondary caries, and hypersensitivity. For this reason, antimicrobial agents have been incorporated, such as light-curing quaternary ammonium methacrylate, fluoride ion-releasing glass fillers, pyrogallol, and nanoparticles of silver, calcium, and fluorinated graphene. In recent years, some of these have been shown to have good antimicrobial effectiveness and, in turn, do not interfere with adhesion in restorations. Thus, these antimicrobial adhesive systems could contribute to better long-term results. The best-performing nanoparticles were amorphous calcium phosphate and silver nanoparticles.

RESUMO Os sistemas adesivos são utilizados na prática clínica diária; no entanto, a principal desvantagem é a contração da polimerização, que pode levar a microinfiltração, acumulação de placa, cáries secundárias e hipersensibilidade. Por este motivo, foram incorporados agentes antimicrobianos, como o metacrilato de amónio quaternário fotopolimerizável, cargas de vidro que libertam iões de flúor, pirogalol e nanopartículas de prata, cálcio e grafeno fluorado. Nos últimos anos, algumas destas substâncias demonstraram ter uma boa eficácia antimicrobiana e não interferem com a adesão nas restaurações. Assim, estes sistemas adesivos antimicrobianos poderiam conduzir a melhores resultados a longo prazo. As nanopartículas com melhor desempenho foram o fosfato de cálcio amorfo e as nanopartículas de prata.

Bol. venez. infectol ; 34(1): 26-38, ene-jun 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1512775


La sepsis es una disfunción orgánica potencialmente mortal debida a una respuesta desregulada del hospedero a la infección. No sólo contribuye con el 20 % de todas las causas de muerte de forma global, sino que los sobrevivientes de esta también pueden experimentar una significativa morbilidad a largo plazo. La sepsis y el shock séptico son emergencias médicas que requieren reconocimiento rápido, administración de antimicrobianos apropiados, soporte hemodinámico cuidadoso y control de la fuente infecciosa. El objetivo de esta revisión fue describir la definición y los criterios diagnósticos, la epidemiología, los factores de riesgo, la patogenia y la conducta inicial ante la sepsis.

Sepsis is a life-threatening organ dysfunction due to a dysregulated host response to infection. It severely impacts global disease burden as it constates 20 % of all causes of death; its survivors may experience long-term morbidity. Sepsis and septic shock are medical emergencies that require rapid identification, administration of appropriate antimicrobials, careful hemodynamic support, and control of the infection source. This review aims to update the definition of sepsis and its diagnostic criteria, epidemiology, risk factors, pathogenesis, and baseline behavior.

Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 22(2): 255-267, mar. 2023. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1555677


Food spoilage is a widely neglected problem and the constant use of synthetic fungicides could develop resistant fungi. The objective of this study was to evaluate the chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of Tetradenia riparialeaf essential oil against foodborne disease microorganisms. Leaf essential oil was obtained by hydrodistillation and identified by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. The antimicrobial activity was studied by broth microdilution. The major compounds identified were oxygenated sesquiterpenes (43.6%): 14-hydroxy-9-epi-(E)-cariophylene (20.8%) and τ-cadinol (18.4%); followed by oxygenated diterpenes (24.6%): 6,7-dehydroroyleanone (12.6%) and 9ß, 13ß-epoxy-7-abiethene (10.6%); sesquiterpenic hydrocarbons (17.1%) and oxygenated monoterpenes (7.4%): fenchone (5.6%). The essential oil had broad antibacterial and antifungal activity, mainly against A. versicolor and P. ochrochloron with fungistatic and fungicidal activities and B. cereus, L. monocytogenes, and S. aureuswith bacteriostatic and bactericidal activities. T. riparialeaf essential oil is a potential alternative to control microorganisms-

El deterioro de los alimentos es un problema ampliamente desatendido y el uso constante de fungicidas sintéticos podría desarrollar hongos resistentes. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la composición química y la actividad antimicrobiana del aceite esencial de hoja de Tetradenia riparia contra microorganismos patógenos transmitidos por los alimentos. El aceite esencial de hoja se obtuvo por hidrodestilación y se identificó mediante cromatografía de gases acoplada a espectrometría de masas. La actividad antimicrobiana estudiada fue por microdilución en caldo. Los compuestos principales del aceite esencial se identificaron como sesquiterpenos oxigenados (43,6%): 14-hidroxi-9-epi-(E)-cariofileno (20,8%) y τ-cadinol (18,4%); seguido de diterpenos oxigenados (24,6%): 6-7-deshidroroileanona (12,6%) y 9ß, 13ß-epoxi-7-abieteno (10,6%); hidrocarburos sesquiterpénicos (17,1%) y monoterpenos oxigenados (7,4%): fenchona (5,6%). Tenía amplia actividad antibacteriana y antifúngica, principalmente contra A. versicolor y P. ochrochloron con actividades fungistáticas y fungicidas, y principalmente contra B. cereus, L. monocytogenes y S. aureus con actividades bacteriostáticas y bactericidas. El aceite esencial de hoja de T. riparia es una alternativa potencial para controlar microorganismos.

Óleos Voláteis/farmacologia , Extratos Vegetais/farmacologia , Lamiaceae/química , Anti-Infecciosos/uso terapêutico
Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis ; (6): 1452-1470, 2023.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023129


Antibiotics are among the most often used medications in human healthcare and agriculture.Overusing these substances can lead to complications such as increasing antibiotic resistance in bacteria or a toxic effect when administering large amounts.To solve these problems,new solutions in antibacterial therapy are needed.The use of natural products in medicine has been known for centuries.Some of them have antibacterial activity,hence the idea to combine their activity with commercial antibiotics to reduce the latter's use.This review presents collected information on natural compounds(terpenes,alkaloids,fla-vonoids,tannins,sulfoxides,and mycotoxins),of which various drug interactions have been observed.Many of the indicated compounds show synergistic or additive interactions with antibiotics,which suggests their potential for use in antibacterial therapy,reducing the toxicity of the antibiotics used and the risk of further development of bacterial resistance.Unfortunately,there are also compounds which interact antagonistically,potentially hindering the therapy of bacterial infection.Depending on its mechanism of action,each compound can behave differently in combination with different antibiotics and when acting against various bacterial strains.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430836


La infección por Clostridioides difficile es una de las principales causas de diarrea nosocomial en hospitales del mundo, asociada a antibióticos de amplio espectro. Estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo, de corte transverso, de tipo censal. Se estudiaron 281 muestras de pacientes hospitalizados con la infección, se analizaron características socio-demográficas, clínicas y se caracterizó molecularmente al patógeno. Como resultado, se obtuvieron pacientes con la infección con una mediana de edad de 64 años siendo el 61,5 % del sexo masculino. El promedio de presentación del cuadro diarreico fue de 5 días, con tratamiento antimicrobiano de 8 días e internación de 15 días. El 94% tuvo tratamiento antimicrobiano previo, y el 6% estuvo expuesto a algún factor de riesgo. Los antimicrobianos más utilizados solos o en combinación fueron betalactámicos, fluoroquinolonas, vancomicina y carbapenémicos. Las áreas de internación con mayor frecuencia de presentación de la infección fueron las unidades de Clínica Médica, Traumatología, Geriatría y Unidad de Terapia Intensiva. La prevalencia de C. difficile toxigénico fue de 14%, y de esta frecuencia el 100% presentó toxinas TcdA y TcdB, con ausencia de toxinas binarias y deleción del gen tcdC. Se constató la presencia grupos clonales en la misma unidad de internación y misma institución de salud. El 100% de las cepas resultaron susceptibles a los antibióticos de elección para la infección. La prevalencia de la infección y presencia de perfiles clonales detectadas revelan la necesidad de un mejoramiento en el sistema de control de infecciones, así como del fortalecimiento y vigilancia de la resistencia antimicrobiana.

Clostridioides difficile infection is one of the main causes of nosocomial diarrhea in hospitals worldwide, associated with broad-spectrum antibiotics. Descriptive, retrospective, cross-sectional, census-type study. Two hundred eighty-one samples from patients hospitalized with the infection were studied, sociodemographic and clinical characteristics were analyzed and the pathogen was characterized molecularly. As a result, patients with the infection had a median age of 64 years and 61.5% male. The average presentation of diarrhea was 5 days, antimicrobial treatment 8 days and hospitalization 15 days. Ninety four percent had previous antimicrobial treatment, and 6% were exposed to some risk factor. The most commonly used antimicrobials alone or in combination were beta-lactams, fluoroquinolones, vancomycin, and carbapenems. The hospitalization areas with the highest frequency of presentation of the infection were the Clinical Medicine, Traumatology, Geriatrics and Intensive Care Unit units. The prevalence of toxigenic C. difficile was 14%, and of this frequency, 100% presented TcdA and TcdB toxins, with the absence of binary toxins and deletion of the tcdC gene. The presence of clonal groups was verified in the same hospitalization unit and the same health institution. All the strains were susceptible to the antibiotics of choice for the infection. The prevalence of infection and the presence of clonal profiles detected reveal the need for improvement of the infection control system, as well as of the strengthening and surveillance of antimicrobial resistance.

Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(7): 4061-4074, 2023.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1443171


A temática do descarte inadequado de medicamentos e sua relevância no desenvolvimento dos mecanismos de resistência aos antibióticos são os menos debatidos na literatura. Portanto, este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar e discutir os dados obtidos sobre o recebimento de antimicrobianos vencidos e/ou sem uso descartados no ponto de coleta de medicamentos localizado no Departamento de Ciências Farmacêuticas, da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Campus Recife. Ao todo foram recolhidos 50,03 kg de medicamentos, dos quais 4,12 kg eram de antimicrobianos, sendo a terceira classe farmacológica mais frequente; destes, 93,07% (n=1.948 unidades) estavam vencidos e a forma farmacêutica mais encontrada foram os comprimidos (36,32%). Entre as classes de antibióticos predominaram, em relação ao mecanismo de ação, os que inibem a síntese proteica (29,33%), e pela estrutura química, as quinolonas (17,45%). A realização do descarte adequado desses medicamentos possibilita uma redução dos impactos que esse quantitativo recolhido causaria no meio ambiente. Portanto, deve-se investir em campanhas de conscientização sobre o uso correto dos medicamentos e seguimento da prescrição médica para evitar consumo indiscriminado destes fármacos. Com base o que estabelece o Decreto n° 10.388/2020, o descarte correto de medicamentos precisa ser divulgado, para que os estabelecimentos realizem a logística reversa dessas substâncias.

The issue of inappropriate disposal of medicines and its relevance in development of mechanisms of resistance to antibiotics is the least discussed in the literature. Therefore, this work aims to present and discuss the data obtained on the receipt of expired and/or unused antimicrobials discarded at the medication collection point located in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Federal University of Pernambuco, Campus Recife. In all, 50.03 kg of drugs were collected, of which 4.12 kg were antimicrobials, being the third most frequent pharmacological class; of these, 93.07% (n=1,948 units) were expired and the most common pharmaceutical form was pills (36.32%). Among the classes of antibiotics, in terms of mechanism of action, those that inhibit protein synthesis (29.33%) and chemical structure, quinolones (17.45%) predominated. Carrying out the proper disposal of these medicines makes it possible to reduce the impacts that this collected quantity would cause on the environment. Therefore, one should invest in awareness campaigns about the correct use of medicines and follow-up of medical prescriptions to avoid indiscriminate consumption of these drugs. Based on the provisions of Decree No. 10.388/2020, the correct disposal of medicines needs to be disclosed, so that establishments carry out the reverse logistics of these substances.

La cuestión de la eliminación inadecuada de los medicamentos y su relevancia en el desarrollo de mecanismos de resistencia a los antibióticos son los menos discutidos en la literatura. Por lo tanto, este trabajo tiene el objetivo de presentar y discutir los datos obtenidos sobre la recepción de antimicrobianos perdidos y/o no utilizados desechados en el punto de recolección de medicamentos ubicado en el Departamento de Ciencias Farmacéuticas de la Universidad Federal de Pernambuco, Campus Recife. En total, se tomaron 50,03 kg de medicamentos, de los cuales 4,12 kg fueron antimicrobianos, siendo la tercera clase farmacológica más común el 93,07% (n=1.948 unidades) retrasada y la forma farmacéutica más encontrada fueron los comprimidos (36,32%). Entre las clases de antibióticos predominaron, en relación con el mecanismo de acción, las que inhiben la síntesis de proteínas (29,33%), y por la estructura química, las quinolonas (17,45%). La eliminación adecuada de estos medicamentos permite reducir el impacto que esta cantidad recolectada podría causar en el medio ambiente. Por lo tanto, se deberían invertir en campañas de sensibilización sobre el uso correcto de medicamentos y el seguimiento de las recetas médicas para evitar el consumo indiscriminado de estos medicamentos. Sobre la base del Decreto no 10.388/2020, es necesario hacer pública la eliminación correcta de los medicamentos, para que los establecimientos realicen la logística inversa de estas sustancias.

Braz. j. biol ; 83: 1-7, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468894


Staphylococcus aureus is an important foodborne pathogen associated to food intoxication and other multiple infections in human being. Its presence in salted food is a serious issue due to its salt tolerance potential. A study was conducted to analyze the presence of enterotoxins producing drug resistance S. aureus in salted sea fish from Gwadar. Freshly persevered samples (n=50) of salted fish were subjected to analyze the presence of S. aureus using 16S rRNA and Nuc genes primers. The isolates were then evaluated for drug resistance and enterotoxins producing potential using specific primers for MecA (methicillin resistance gene), (SEA) staphylococcal enterotoxin A and (SEB) staphylococcal enterotoxin B genes. Total 13/50 (26%) of the samples were found positive for the presence of S. aureus, preliminary confirmed with biochemical profiling and finally with the help of target genes presence. The isolates were found showing 100% resistant to methicillin, which were molecularly confirmed by the presence of MecA gene present in genome. The isolates 5/13 (38%) were positive for SEA and 3/13 (23%) for SEB genes, whereas 2/13 (15%) were confirmed having both SEA and SEB genes in its genome. It was also confirmed that all the isolates were capable to form biofilm over the glass surfaces. It was concluded that the study confirmed the presence of enterotoxigenic methicillin resistance Staphylococcus aurous (MRSA) in salted fish product, that poses gross food safety concern. Preventive and control measures are necessary to handle this serious food safety concern.

Staphylococcus aureus é um importante patógeno de origem alimentar associado à intoxicação alimentar e outras infecções múltiplas em seres humanos. Sua presença em alimentos salgados é um problema sério devido ao seu potencial de tolerância ao sal. Um estudo foi realizado para analisar a presença de enterotoxinas produtoras de resistência a drogas S. aureus em peixes salgados do mar de Gwadar. Amostras recém-perseveradas (n = 50) de peixes salgados foram submetidas à análise da presença de S. aureus usando os primers dos genes 16S rRNA e Nuc. Os isolados foram então avaliados quanto à resistência a drogas e potencial de produção de enterotoxinas usando primers específicos para os genes MecA (gene de resistência à meticilina), (SEA) enterotoxina A estafilocócica e (SEB) enterotoxina B estafilocócica genes. Um total de 13/50 (26%) das amostras foi considerado positivas para a presença de S. aureus, confirmadas preliminarmente com perfis bioquímicos e finalmente com a ajuda da presença de genes-alvo. Os isolados foram encontrados com 100% de resistência à meticilina, os quais foram confirmados molecularmente pela presença do gene MecA no genoma. Os isolados 5/13 (38%) foram positivos para SEA e 3/13 (23%) para genes SEB, enquanto 2/13 (15%) foram confirmados tendo os genes SEA e SEB em seu genoma. Também foi verificado que todos os isolados foram capazes de formar biofilme sobre as superfícies de vidro. Concluiu-se que o estudo confirmou a presença de Staphylococcus aurous resistente à meticilina enterotoxigênica (MRSA) em produtos de peixe salgado, o que representa uma grande preocupação para a segurança alimentar. Medidas preventivas e de controle são necessárias para lidar com essa grave preocupação com a segurança alimentar.

Animais , Doenças Transmitidas por Alimentos/prevenção & controle , Inocuidade dos Alimentos , Peixes/genética , Staphylococcus aureus Resistente à Meticilina/patogenicidade
Braz. j. biol ; 832023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469110


Abstract Staphylococcus aureus is an important foodborne pathogen associated to food intoxication and other multiple infections in human being. Its presence in salted food is a serious issue due to its salt tolerance potential. A study was conducted to analyze the presence of enterotoxins producing drug resistance S. aureus in salted sea fish from Gwadar. Freshly persevered samples (n=50) of salted fish were subjected to analyze the presence of S. aureus using 16S rRNA and Nuc genes primers. The isolates were then evaluated for drug resistance and enterotoxins producing potential using specific primers for MecA (methicillin resistance gene), (SEA) staphylococcal enterotoxin A and (SEB) staphylococcal enterotoxin B genes. Total 13/50 (26%) of the samples were found positive for the presence of S. aureus, preliminary confirmed with biochemical profiling and finally with the help of target genes presence. The isolates were found showing 100% resistant to methicillin, which were molecularly confirmed by the presence of MecA gene present in genome. The isolates 5/13 (38%) were positive for SEA and 3/13 (23%) for SEB genes, whereas 2/13 (15%) were confirmed having both SEA and SEB genes in its genome. It was also confirmed that all the isolates were capable to form biofilm over the glass surfaces. It was concluded that the study confirmed the presence of enterotoxigenic methicillin resistance Staphylococcus aurous (MRSA) in salted fish product, that poses gross food safety concern. Preventive and control measures are necessary to handle this serious food safety concern.

Resumo Staphylococcus aureus é um importante patógeno de origem alimentar associado à intoxicação alimentar e outras infecções múltiplas em seres humanos. Sua presença em alimentos salgados é um problema sério devido ao seu potencial de tolerância ao sal. Um estudo foi realizado para analisar a presença de enterotoxinas produtoras de resistência a drogas S. aureus em peixes salgados do mar de Gwadar. Amostras recém-perseveradas (n = 50) de peixes salgados foram submetidas à análise da presença de S. aureus usando os primers dos genes 16S rRNA e Nuc. Os isolados foram então avaliados quanto à resistência a drogas e potencial de produção de enterotoxinas usando primers específicos para os genes MecA (gene de resistência à meticilina), (SEA) enterotoxina A estafilocócica e (SEB) enterotoxina B estafilocócica genes. Um total de 13/50 (26%) das amostras foi considerado positivas para a presença de S. aureus, confirmadas preliminarmente com perfis bioquímicos e finalmente com a ajuda da presença de genes-alvo. Os isolados foram encontrados com 100% de resistência à meticilina, os quais foram confirmados molecularmente pela presença do gene MecA no genoma. Os isolados 5/13 (38%) foram positivos para SEA e 3/13 (23%) para genes SEB, enquanto 2/13 (15%) foram confirmados tendo os genes SEA e SEB em seu genoma. Também foi verificado que todos os isolados foram capazes de formar biofilme sobre as superfícies de vidro. Concluiu-se que o estudo confirmou a presença de Staphylococcus aurous resistente à meticilina enterotoxigênica (MRSA) em produtos de peixe salgado, o que representa uma grande preocupação para a segurança alimentar. Medidas preventivas e de controle são necessárias para lidar com essa grave preocupação com a segurança alimentar.

Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(3): 1242-1268, 2023.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1425458


Considerado um grave problema em saúde pública, as feridas crônicas são patologias que desafiam o manejo terapêutico e infelizmente acometem milhares de pessoas em todo o mundo. Essa doença apresenta altos índices de morbidade impactando negativamente na qualidade de vida dos seus portadores, além de influenciar negativamente no domínio "bem-estar", principalmente quando associado aos fatores clínicos podendo estar relacionado há anos de tratamento sem cura da ferida. As feridas crônicas são caracterizadas por demora ou dificuldade nos processos de cicatrização e reparação ordenada da integridade anatômica e funcional da pele durante um período de no mínimo três meses. Porém, algumas lesões permanecem por anos e até décadas sem cicatrizar. Objetivo: O escopo dessa revisão é mostrar o limitado arsenal terapêutico bem como a dificuldade no manejo clínico e dessa forma proporcionar uma reflexão sobre sua fisiopatologia e a urgente necessidade de novas opções e condutas terapêuticas que possam auxiliar no tratamento desses pacientes. Metodologia: Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura sobre feridas crônicas, cujo critérios de inclusão foram artigos publicados no período de janeiro de 2005 a fevereiro de 2023. Conclusão: A problemática acerca dessa patologia é vasta, tratando de uma doença de difícil cura, com uma gama de fatores associados que dificultam a cura da lesão, estendendo essa doença a altos índices de morbidade. Novas condutas terapêuticas e novos fármacos, precisam ser desenvolvidos urgentemente. Destaca-se que o uso de probióticos e o emprego da nanotecnologia tem mostrado um grande potencial inovador no tratamento de pacientes portadores de feridas crônicas.

Considered a serious public health problem, chronic wounds are pathologies that defy therapeutic management and unfortunately affect thousands of people around the world. This disease has high morbidity rates, negatively impacting the quality of life of its patients, in addition to negatively influencing the "well-being" domain, especially when associated with clinical factors, which may be related to years of treatment without healing of the wound. Chronic wounds are characterized by delay or difficulty in healing processes and orderly repair of the anatomical and functional integrity of the skin over a period of at least three months. However, some injuries remain for years and even decades without healing. Objective: The scope of this review is to show the limited therapeutic arsenal as well as the difficulty in clinical management and thus provide a reflection on its pathophysiology and the urgent need for new options and therapeutic approaches that can help in the treatment of these patients. Methodology: This is an integrative review of the literature on chronic wounds, whose inclusion criteria were articles published from January 2005 to February 2023. Conclusion: The problem surrounding this pathology is vast, dealing with a difficult-to-cure disease, with a range of associated factors that make healing of the lesion difficult, extending this disease to high morbidity rates. New therapeutic approaches and new drugs need to be developed urgently. It is noteworthy that the use of probiotics and the use of nanotechnology have shown great innovative potential in the treatment of patients with chronic wounds.

Consideradas un grave problema de salud pública, las heridas crónicas son patologías que desafían el manejo terapéutico y que, lamentablemente, afectan a miles de personas en todo el mundo. Esta enfermedad presenta altas tasas de morbilidad, impactando negativamente en la calidad de vida de sus pacientes, además de influir negativamente en el dominio "bienestar", especialmente cuando se asocia a factores clínicos, que pueden estar relacionados con años de tratamiento sin curación de la herida. Las heridas crónicas se caracterizan por un retraso o dificultad en los procesos de cicatrización y reparación ordenada de la integridad anatómica y funcional de la piel durante un periodo de al menos tres meses. Sin embargo, algunas heridas permanecen durante años e incluso décadas sin cicatrizar. Objetivo: El alcance de esta revisión es mostrar el limitado arsenal terapéutico así como la dificultad en el manejo clínico y así aportar una reflexión sobre su fisiopatología y la urgente necesidad de nuevas opciones y enfoques terapéuticos que puedan ayudar en el tratamiento de estos pacientes. Metodología: Se trata de una revisión integradora de la literatura sobre heridas crónicas, cuyos criterios de inclusión fueron artículos publicados desde enero de 2005 hasta febrero de 2023. Conclusiones: La problemática que rodea a esta patología es amplia, tratándose de una enfermedad de difícil curación, con una serie de factores asociados que dificultan la cicatrización de la lesión, extendiendo esta enfermedad a altas tasas de morbilidad. Es urgente desarrollar nuevos enfoques terapéuticos y nuevos fármacos. Cabe destacar que el uso de probióticos y el empleo de nanotecnología han mostrado un gran potencial innovador en el tratamiento de pacientes con heridas crónicas.

Pacientes , Ferimentos e Lesões/tratamento farmacológico , Condutas Terapêuticas Homeopáticas , Terapêutica/enfermagem , Cicatrização , Bases de Dados Bibliográficas , Probióticos/uso terapêutico , Nanotecnologia/instrumentação , Anti-Infecciosos/uso terapêutico
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514603


Las bacterias son capaces de desarrollar mecanismos de resistencia a los antimicrobianos, aquellos adquiridos y transmisibles son los más significativos debido al potencial de diseminación. La aparición de Salmonella enterica con resistencia a C3aG, quinolonas y a colistina representa una amenaza progresiva. El objetivo fue determinar la resistencia a los antimicrobianos y la presencia de los mecanismos de resistencia plasmídicos a quinolonas, ß-lactámicos y colistina en aislados de Salmonella provenientes de la vigilancia integrada de enteropatógenos. Fueron estudiadas 501 cepas de Salmonella spp. colectadas entre los años 2020 y 2021, por la red de enteropatógenos del Laboratorio Central de Salud Pública. Se investigó la resistencia a las C3aG, quinolonas y colistina, en aislamientos de humanos, alimentos, animales de consumo y ambiente. Las cepas estudiadas exhibieron resistencia a tetraciclina (32,5%), ácido nalidíxico (29%), ampicilina (13,2%), nitrofurantoína (11,6%), C3aG (7,2%), cotrimoxazol (5,8%), ciprofloxacina (2,2%). El 18% (90/501) presentaron resistencia trasferible por plásmidos, fueron detectados 111 genes (71 cepas con un gen, 17 cepas dos genes y 2 cepas tres genes diferentes). Qnr B: 41,1% (37/90), mcr-1: 38,9% (35/90), CMY: 23,3% (21/90), CTX-M: 16,7% (15/90) y Qnr S: 3,3% (3/90). Heidelberg fue el serovar predominante en muestras de pollo y el mayor portador de genes de resistencia de tipo CMY y mcr-1. La detección de genes en alimentos y animales de consumo, que pueden transmitirse fácilmente al ser humano es motivo de alerta y resalta la importancia de continuar fortaleciendo la vigilancia multisectorial y multidisciplinaria.

Bacteria can develop antimicrobial resistance mechanisms, those acquired and transmissible being the most significant due to the potential for dissemination. The emergence of Salmonella enterica with resistance to third-generation cephalosporins, quinolones, and colistin represents a progressive threat. The objective was to determine antimicrobial resistance and the presence of plasmid resistance mechanisms to quinolones, ß-lactams, and colistin in Salmonella isolates from integrated surveillance of enteropathogens. Five hundred and one strains of Salmonella spp. collected between 2020 and 2021 were studied by the enteropathogen network of the Laboratorio Central de Salud Publica (Central Public Health Laboratory). Research was conducted on the resistance to third-generation cephalosporins, quinolones, and colistin, isolated from humans, foodstuffs, animals for consumption, and the environment. The strains studied exhibited resistance to tetracycline (32.5%), nalidixic acid (29%), ampicillin (13.2%), nitrofurantoin (11.6%), third-generation cephalosporins (7.2%), cotrimoxazole (5.8%), and ciprofloxacin (2.2%). Eighteen percent (90/501) presented plasmid-transferable resistance, 111 genes were detected (71 strains with one gene, 17 strains with two genes, and 2 strains with three different genes). Qnr B: 41.1% (37/90), mcr-1: 38.9% (35/90), CMY: 23.3% (21/90), CTX-M: 16.7% (15/90), and Qnr S: 3.3% (3/90). Heidelberg was the predominant serovar in chicken samples and the largest carrier of CMY and mcr-1 resistance genes. The detection of genes in foodstuffs and animals for consumption, which can be easily transmitted to humans, is a cause for alarm and highlights the importance of continuing to strengthen multisectoral and multidisciplinary surveillance.

Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 59: e22982, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520311


Abstract Sepsis is described as a life-threatening organ dysfunction caused by a host's response to infection, leading to an unbalance in body homeostasis. It is one of the leading causes of death in developed countries. Considering that in critically ill patients, such as those with sepsis, plasma concentrations do not necessarily reflect tissue concentrations, one way to assess tissue concentrations is through the microdialysis technique, which allows direct measurements of free drug at the site of action. This review was carried out after searching the Pubmed, Scielo and Web of Science databases, using the following descriptors: (microdialysis AND (sepsis OR septic shock OR severe sepsis OR septicemia)) OR (microdialysis AND (sepsis OR septic shock OR severe sepsis) OR septicemia) AND (antimicrobial OR antibiotic OR antifungal)). The physiological changes generated by sepsis may imply changes in pharmacokinetic parameters, such as in clearance, which may be reduced in these patients and in volume of distribution, which presents an expansion, mainly due to edema. Both events contribute to a high inter- individual variability in tissue penetration of antimicrobials which is generally observed in patients with sepsis.

Preparações Farmacêuticas/provisão & distribuição , Microdiálise/métodos , Sepse/patologia , Farmacocinética , Ações Farmacológicas , Anti-Infecciosos/farmacologia
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-217787


Background: Antimicrobials are routinely prescribed in several disease conditions in which infections are established or suspected to be the reason for the illness. Excessive and irrational use of antimicrobials leads to development of drug resistance in microorganisms, besides increasing health-care expenditure. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) leads to increase in morbidity and mortality. The rational use of antimicrobials is a major health need in all countries. Hence, assessment of prescribing pattern of antimicrobials is essential for clinical, educational, and economic purposes. Aims and Objectives: The objectives of the study were to evaluate and compare the prescribing pattern of antimicrobials by assessing – (i) commonly used antimicrobials; and (ii) disease conditions for which they were prescribed. Materials and Methods: It was a prospective observational study done for a period of 1 month. All the prescriptions in which antimicrobials were prescribed in the outpatient departments (OPD) and in-patient wards (IP) were included in the study. Prescriptions were analyzed for demographic and antibiotic data. Results: 1092 prescriptions were collected and analyzed. Among them, 690 prescriptions were from OPD and 382 prescriptions from in patient wards. Out patient data: Cefixime (21.30%) was commonly prescribed followed by fixed dose combination of Amoxicillin + Clavulanic acid (14.64%) and Ciprofloxacin (8.84%). Cefixime was commonly prescribed for URTI (13.43%). Oral route (82.17%) was the preferred route of administration. IP data: Cefotaxime (26.45%) was commonly prescribed followed by fixed dose combination of Piperacillin + Tazobactum (15.29%) and Ceftriaxone (14.46%). Cefotaxime was commonly prescribed preoperatively for most of the surgeries (76.56%). Intravenous route (46.86%) was the preferred route of administration. Single antimicrobial therapy (81.41%) was preferred followed by double (17.80%) and triple (0.79%) antimicrobial therapy. Conclusion: Cefixime and cefotaxime were commonly used in OPD and in patient wards, respectively. Oral route and intravenous route were the preferred route in OPD and IP wards, respectively. Single antimicrobial therapy was commonly preferred in both IP and out-patient wards. Although double and triple antimicrobial therapy was prescribed in small number of patients, it should be cautiously used to prevent AMR.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-216445


Introduction: Despite the rampant use of antimicrobials in health?care settings, the safety and clinical outcome data of antimicrobials are scarce in the elderly population. The main aim of this study is to assess the prescription pattern, therapeutic gains, and adverse reactions resulting out of antimicrobial use in elderly outpatients. Subjects and Methods: This was a prospective observational study conducted for 7 months from June 2019 to December 2019 in elderly patients visiting the geriatric outpatient department of a tertiary hospital of North India. Primary outcomes included clinical improvement as well as the incidence and type of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) observed with antimicrobial use. Results: Of 110 participants recruited, 107 were assessed for clinical outcomes. The common indications of antimicrobial use were lower respiratory tract infection (48.6%), urinary tract infection (18.7%), and worm infestations (14%). Macrolides (57%) and beta?lactams (43%) were the commonly prescribed individual antimicrobials. Outcome?wise, clinical improvement was seen in 91.3%, 88.5%, and 14.3% of patients receiving beta?lactams, macrolides, and antiprotozoals, respectively. ADRs occurred in 17.7% of participants and gastrointestinal disturbance was the commonly reported ADR. Beta?lactams and macrolides were responsible for the majority of ADRs, in 19.6% and 13.1% of participants, respectively. No association of antimicrobial?associated clinical responses or ADRs was observed with demographics and underlying comorbidities. Conclusions: Elderly patients with respiratory tract infections showed improvement with empirical extended-spectrum beta-lactams and azithromycin therapy. The response was suboptimal to empirically selected antiprotozoal therapy. Elderly patients are at increased risk of ADRs. Close to one out of every five elderly prescribed beta?lactams may develop ADR to the antimicrobial agent. Larger clinical studies are required to predict the risk factors of ADRs and poor responsiveness to antimicrobials.

Indian J Exp Biol ; 2022 Oct; 60(10): 771-780
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-222543


Biofilm is recognized as one of the virulence factors of uropathogenic Escherichia coli. It offers bacteria significantly increased tolerance to antibiotics and makes difficulties in infection eradication. In this study, the biofilm formation ability of clinical isolates of uropathogenic E. coli as well as the antibiofilm activity of the common Garden sage, Salvia officinalis L. extracts were investigated in vitro. The influence of growth conditions (nutrient composition and incubation period) on biofilm formation of E. coli strains was evaluated using crystal violet staining procedure. The tested strains better formed biofilms after a longer incubation period (48 h). In addition, biofilm formation depended on nutrient medium composition. The eight strains were slime producers (Congo red agar assay). The water, ethanol, acetone and diethyl ether S. officinalis extracts were screened for their ability to inhibit the formation and metabolic activity of E. coli biofilms using crystal violet and resazurin assay, respectively. The water extract was not active, while ethanol, acetone and diethyl ether extract exhibited antibiofilm activity (MBIC= 2.5-10 mg/mL). The microscopic visualization of treated E. coli LM1 biofilm has shown morphological and density changes. In addition, the concentrations of phenolic compounds were determined spectrophotometrically. The highest content of total phenolics was found in acetone extract while the flavonoids in water extract

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-217765


Background: In the developing countries like India, infections are still very common. About 50% of the patients presenting to general practitioners had fever as the complaint pointing that infective ailments still predominate. Aims and Objectives: The use of antimicrobials is very common in practice that leads to the development of antimicrobial resistance. Materials and Methods: A total of 120 GP’s were registered for the present study. Assessment was done based on the special questionnaire prepared for assessing the knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) of the GP’s. Results: Data were collected from the Google Forms, which was then analyzed using Statistical software. No statistical difference between KAP of all pathies was observed. There is a statistically significant positive correlation between number of patients attended per day and antibiotics prescribed. This correlation is strong between allopathy practitioners whereas it’s moderate in homeopathy and Ayurveda practitioners. There is a statistically significant association between KAP. Conclusion: Self-medication and modification in the treatment by the patients; unnecessary and improper use by physicians and pharmacists themselves giving antimicrobials without prescription are some of the common problems in irrational use of antimicrobials. From this study, we can conclude that KAP of GP’s has an association with usage of antibiotics and thus programs for promoting and improving KAP’s can be useful in managing the irrational use of antibiotics.