Aim: This study was aimed to find resistance sources against FAW. Study Design: Randomised Block Design. Place and Duration of Study: The Present study was conducted at Maize Research Centre, Hyderabad with promising germplasm during Kharif-2021, Rabi-2021-22 and Kharif-2022. Methodology: Field-collected FAW egg masses were reared using maize leaf- and stalk-based diet at 27 ± 1 °C, 60 ± 5% relative humidity and 12 h day length. The resulting neonates were used to infest the seedlings of 34 diverse tropical maize inbred genotypes. Results: A total of 15 genotypes were found to have recorded a leaf damage score of less than 5 with the least score recorded in BML 2 (3.24), followed by BML 11 (3.34), BML 7(3.37), BML 5 (3.37), BML 8 (3.49), CM 201 (3.60), BML 32-2 (3.91), CM 132 (3.97), BML 10 (4.01), BML 6 (4.02), BML 13 (4.34), CM202 (4.34), CM 131 (4.68), BML 90 (4.82), BML 45 (4.95) and displayed moderate resistance. Conclusion: Out of 34 inbred lines studied 15 were found to be moderately resistant to fall armyworm based on LIR and cob damage score under artificial infestation.
O ritmo de queda de Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Latreille) foi avaliado para duas populações do Brasil; uma de Monte Negro, Estado de Rondônia, e outra de Belo Horizonte, Estado de Minas Gerais. Infestações artificiais com carrapatos das duas populações foram realizadas em cães domésticos mantidos em laboratório, sob o regime de luz: escotofase de 12:12 h. O padrão de queda de larvas ingurgitadas do hospedeiro se caracterizou pelo desprendimento de quantidades semelhantes de carrapatos em períodos de luz e de escotofase ou com um predomínio de queda durante o período de luz. No caso de ninfas e fêmeas ingurgitadas, a maioria dos carrapatos se desprendeu dos cães durante o período de escotofase, em todos os casos observados. Desta forma, é possível que em condições naturais, a maioria das ninfas e fêmeas adultas de R. sanguineus tendem a se desprender dos cães durante o período noturno, ao passo que larvas ingurgitadas se desprendem em proporções maiores durante o período diurno. Com base nestes dados, sugere-se que os locais onde os cães freqüentam durante a noite (onde possivelmente estará a maior parte da população de vida livre de R. sanguineus) sejam priorizados com os tratamentos ambientais utilizando-se produtos carrapaticidas.
The present study evaluated the drop-off rhythm of Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Latreille) ticks from two populations from Brazil, one from Monte Negro, state of Rondônia, and another from Belo Horizonte, state of Minas Gerais. Artificial infestations with ticks were performed on dogs in the laboratory, held in a light: scotophase regimen of 12:12 h. Larval drop-off rhythm was characterized by similar number of engorged larvae detaching during both periods of light and scotophase, or by a larger number of larvae detaching during the light period. In contrast, most of the engorged nymphs and females detached from dogs during the scotophase period. These results indicate that under natural conditions, most of R. sanguineus engorged nymphs and females detach from dogs during the night period, whereas engorged larvae detach in higher proportions during daytime. Based on these data, tick control measures, encompassing environmental treatments with acaricide, should be indicated. The control measures are especially indicated in places where dogs spend or visit during the night period, since these places possibly harbor most of the free-living stages of R. sanguineus.