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Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1522896


Objetivo: analizar la correlación y variaciones en los niveles de la tasa metabólica basal (TMB) con la presión arterial sistólica y diastólica en adultos normotensos e hipertensos de la población peruana. Metodología: se realizó un estudio observacional, analítico, retrospectivo y transversal en base a datos de la encuesta nacional demográfica y de salud-2022 (ENDES) que estuvo conformada por 18032 mujeres y 13646 hombres mayores de 18 años. Las variables fueron: sexo, TMB, presión arterial sistólica y diastólica. Se realizó la prueba chi-cuadrado, t de Student, Odds ratio crudo y ajustado por regresión logística binaria y la correlación de Spearman. Resultados: las mujeres con presión sistólica alta tuvieron una tasa TMB de 1130 mientras que en normotensas fue de 1246. Las mujeres con TMB baja tuvieron hipertensión con mayor frecuencia que las mujeres con TMB normal. En hombres, la hipertensión se presentó con mayor frecuencia en el grupo de TMB normal. En adultos hipertensos, la presión sistólica y la TMB se correlacionaron baja y negativamente, siendo más negativa en mujeres, mientras que la presión diastólica se correlacionó baja y positivamente en ambos sexos, siendo mayor en mujeres. En normotensos, la correlación entre presión sistólica y TMB fue muy baja y positiva en mujeres, mientras que en hombres fue baja y positiva mientras que la correlación entre presión diastólica y TMB fue baja y positiva en ambos sexos. Conclusiones: la TMB baja se asocia a hipertensión en mujeres, mientras que en hombres la hipertensión está asociada a una TMB normal. Asimismo, la TMB se correlaciona negativamente con la presión arterial en hipertensos y positivamente en normotensos de la población peruana.

Objective: To analyze the correlation and variations in the levels of the basal metabolic rate (BMR) with systolic and diastolic blood pressure in normotensive and hypertensive adults in the Peruvian population. Methodology: An observational, analytical, retrospective, and cross-sectional study was carried out based on data from the national demographic and health survey-2022 (ENDES), which consisted of 18,032 women and 13,646 men over 18 years of age. The variables were: sex, BMR, systolic and diastolic blood pressure. The chi-square test, Student's t test, crude Odds ratio and adjusted by binary logistic regression and Spearman correlation were applied. Results: Women with high systolic pressure had a TMB rate of 1130 while in normotensive women it was 1246. Women with low TMB had hypertension more frequently than women with normal TMB. In men, hypertension occurred more frequently in the normal TMB group. In hypertensive adults, systolic pressure and BMR were low and negatively correlated, being more negative in women, while diastolic pressure was low and positively correlated in both men and women, being higher in women. In normotensive individuals, the correlation between systolic pressure and BMR was very low and positive in women, while in men it was low and positive while the correlation between diastolic pressure and BMR was low and positive in men and women. Conclusions: Low BMR is associated with hypertension in women, while in men hypertension is associated with a normal BMR. Likewise, BMR is negatively correlated with blood pressure in hypertensives and positively in normotensives in the Peruvian population.

Belo Horizonte; s.n; 2023. 149 p.
Tese em Português | LILACS, BDENF, InstitutionalDB | ID: biblio-1567758


Introdução: O processo de envelhecimento está associado a uma redução progressiva do gasto energético de repouso (GER). Embora a calorimetria indireta (CI) seja considerada padrão ouro para avaliar o GER, equações matemáticas preditivas são mais comuns na prática clínica. Objetivo: Avaliar a acurácia e a concordância entre o gasto energético de repouso (GER) medido (mGER) e o estimado (pGER), bem como suas associações com composição corporal, força e prática de atividade ou exercício físico, em pessoas idosas longevas saudáveis. Métodos: Estudo transversal com 74 pessoas idosas (45 mulheres e 29 homens), com idade ≥ 80 anos, saudáveis. O GER foi medido por CI (após jejum noturno de 12 horas) e estimado por 11 equações de predição. A composição corporal foi avaliada por impedância bioelétrica (BIA). Avaliou-se a normalidade das variáveis pelo teste Shapiro-Wilk. Os testes t Student e Mann Whitney foram utilizados para comparação das médias e medianas, respectivamente, entre os sexos. A comparação de proporções foi efetuada com auxílio do teste Qui-quadrado. A comparação entre os valores de mGER e pGER foi realizada por meio do teste Wilcoxon. O teste de correlação de Spearman e Pearson foi realizado para comparar associações. Variações de 10% do mGER foram usadas como medida de acurácia. A concordância individual dos GER's foi examinada por tercis e pelo Bland-Altman. Resultados: A mediana de idade foi de 85 anos (82,00 ­ 85,25). O mGER apresentou correlação moderada com todos os pGER (0,30 ≤ | r | < 0,60). Ao considerar os sexos, as correlações foram significativas apenas entre os homens. Todas as equações superestimaram os valores de GER. A menor diferença total entre mGER e pGER foi alcançada pela equação de Mifflin et al. (1990) (237,16 kcal/d), para as mulheres por Porter et al. (2023) (247,43 kcal/d) e para os homens por Anjos et al. (2014) (326,59 kcal/d). A maior acurácia entre as mulheres foi identificada pela equação de Porter et al. (2023) (26,7%), enquanto Anjos et al. (2014) propiciou maior acurácia total e nos homens (23,0% e 20,7%, respectivamente). Essa equação também apresentou melhor concordância individual na classificação por tercis (40,5%). Identificou-se baixa concordância em todas as fórmulas pelos gráficos de Bland-Altman. Houve correlação forte entre o mGER e a massa livre de gordura (r=0,329, p=0,008), a massa gorda em homens (r=607, p=<0,001), e o perímetro da panturrilha para o total (r=0,322, p=0,001) e para os homens (r=0,419, p=0,009). Conclusão: Identificamos a necessidade de cautela ao utilizar equações de estimativa do GER em pessoas idosas longevas, com a equação de Anjos et al. (2014) sendo a menos imprecisa, embora a acurácia geral e a concordância individual sejam limitadas. A composição corporal, em particular PP, MLG e MG, foram influenciadores do GER em pessoas idosas

Introduction: The aging process is associated with a progressive reduction in resting energy expenditure (REE). Although indirect calorimetry (IC) is considered the gold standard for assessing REE, predictive mathematical equations are more commonly used in clinical practice. Objective: To evaluate the accuracy and agreement between measured resting energy expenditure (mREE) and estimated resting energy expenditure (pREE), as well as their associations with body composition, strength, and engagement in physical activity or exercise in healthy long-lived elderly individuals. Methods: Cross-sectional study with 74 elderly individuals (45 women and 29 men) aged ≥ 80 years, who were healthy. REE was measured by IC (after a 12-hour overnight fast) and estimated by 11 prediction equations. Body composition was assessed by bioelectrical impedance analysis. The normality was assessed by the Shapiro-Wilk test. Student's t-tests and Mann-Whitney tests were used for comparing means and medians, respectively, between sexes. Proportion comparisons were made using the chi-square test. Comparison between mREE and pREE values was performed using the Wilcoxon test. Spearman and Pearson correlation was conducted to compare associations. Variations of 10% from mREE were used as an accuracy measure. Individual REE agreement was examined by tertiles and Bland-Altman analysis. Results: The median age was 85 years (82.00 ­ 85.25). The mREE showed moderate correlation with all pREE (0.30 ≤ | r | < 0.60). When considering genders, correlations were significant only among men. All equations overestimated REE values. The smallest total difference between mREE and pREE was achieved by the equation by Mifflin et al. (1990) (237.16 kcal/d), for women by Porter et al. (2023) (247.43 kcal/d), and for men by Anjos et al. (2014) (326.59 kcal/d). The highest accuracy among women was identified by the equation Porter et al. (2023) (26.7%), while Anjos et al. (2014) provided higher accuracy in the total group and men (23.0% and 20.7%, respectively). This equation also showed better individual agreement in tertile classification (40.5%). Low agreement was identified in all formulas by Bland-Altman plots. There was a strong correlation between mREE and lean body mass (r=0.329, p=0.008), fat mass in men (r=0.607, p=<0.001), and calf circumference for the total (r=0.322, p=0.001) and for men (r=0.419, p=0.009). Conclusion: We identified the need for caution when using REE estimation equations in long-lived elderly individuals, with the Anjos et al. (2014) equation being the least inaccurate, although overall accuracy and individual agreement are limited. Body composition, particularly fat-free mass, lean body mass, and fat mass, influenced REE in elderly individuals.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Metabolismo Basal , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Calorimetria Indireta , Metabolismo Energético , Envelhecimento Saudável
Rev. méd. Chile ; 150(5): 575-583, mayo 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1409848


ABSTRACT Background: Diet and exercise are the mainstay of weight reduction programs. Aim: To evaluate the effect of diet and exercise on body weight and composition and resting metabolic rate (RMR) in obese adults. Material and Methods: Twenty-eight obese adults aged 22 to 61 years (18 women) completed four months of diet and exercise. They attended monthly nutritional consultations, and two-three weekly exercise sessions. At baseline and the end of the intervention, anthropometry, body composition by bioimpedance and RMR by indirect calorimetry (IC) were measured. Metabolic adaptation, defined as a decrease in thermogenesis to an extent greater than predicted based on the change in body weight and composition, was calculated. RESULTS: Significant reductions in body weight and fat mass were observed in both genders. Fat-free mass decreased in women and remained unchanged in men. RMR remained stable. Metabolic adaptation was observed in 11/27 participants. Fat mass change in participants with and without metabolic adaptation was 8 Kg and 4,4 kg, respectively (p = 0,018). In the linear regression analysis, male sex accounted for a higher RMR (247.80 Kcal, p = 0,006) than females. For each kg of fat and fat free mass, the RMR varies 7.25 Kcal, (p = 0.02) and 9.79 Kcal (p = 0,006), respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The intervention reduced body weight and fat mass and maintained RMR. Fat free mass decreased in women. Participants with metabolic adaptation showed greater changes in fat mass.

ANTECEDENTES: Para el tratamiento de la obesidad, la dieta y ejercicio físico (EF) contribuyen a reducir el peso corporal (PC), masa grasa (MG) y a mantener la masa libre de grasa (MLG) y tasa metabólica en reposo (TMR). Objetivo: Evaluar el efecto de la dieta y EF sobre el PC, composición corporal (CC), TMR y la presencia de adaptación metabólica. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Veintiocho adultos obesos completaron cuatro meses de dieta y EF. Los adultos asistieron a consulta nutricional mensual y a 2-3 sesiones de EF semanal. En el período basal y después de la intervención se midió antropometría, CC por bioimpedanciometria y TMR por calorimetría indirecta. Se calculo la presencia de adaptación metabólica, definida como una disminución de la termogénesis mayor que la predicha por el cambio en peso y composición corporal. Resultados: Se observó una disminución significativa de PC y MG en hombres y mujeres. La MLG disminuyó en las mujeres y se mantuvo en los hombres. La TMR se mantuvo estable. Se observó adaptación metabólica en 11/27 participantes y una relación significativa con el cambio en MG (p = 0,018). En la regresión lineal, el sexo masculino da cuenta de una mayor TMR (247,80 Kcal, p = 0,006) que el sexo femenino. Por cada kg de MG y MLG la TMR varía 7,25 Kcal, (p = 0,02) y 9,79 Kcal, (p = 0,006) respectivamente. CONCLUSIONES: La intervención redujo el PC y la MG, y mantuvo TMR. La MLG disminuyó en las mujeres. Los sujetos con adaptación metabólica mostraron mayores cambios de MG.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Metabolismo Basal , Redução de Peso , Composição Corporal , Peso Corporal , Exercício Físico , Índice de Massa Corporal , Chile , Dieta , Obesidade/metabolismo , Obesidade/terapia
Rev. bras. med. esporte ; 27(8): 818-821, Aug. 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1351836


ABSTRACT Introduction: Exercise can invigorate the body's metabolism. There are very few people who know how sports promote people's physical and mental health. How to lead people to participate in physical exercise through sports is a question worth considering. Objective: We explore the effects of sports on human metabolism. Methods: The article analyzes athletes' physical and chemical indicators before and after exercise and during the recovery period. The indicators cover blood routine, urine routine, and blood testosterone content. Results: The blood and urine routines of athletes before and after training are different (P<0.05). After an expressive number of exercises, the urine testosterone content will be different due to the difference in genders (P<0.05). Conclusions: Physical exercise has a very significant impact on human metabolism. The body's hormone levels and metabolism are related to the amount of exercise. Level of evidence II; Therapeutic studies - investigation of treatment results.

RESUMO Introdução: o exercício pode fortalecer o metabolismo corporal. Poucas pessoas sabem o quanto o esporte promove a saúde física e mental de indivíduos. Como levar as pessoas a participar em exercícios físicos através dos esportes é uma questão que vale a pena considerar. Objetivo: Explorar os efeitos do esporte no metabolismo humano. Métodos: O artigo analisa indicadores físicos e químicos de atletas antes e depois do exercício e durante o período de recuperação. Os indicadores cobrem testes de sangue, de urina e conteúdo de testosterona no sangue. Resultados: Os resultados dos testes de sangue e urina dos atletas antes e depois de treinar são diferentes (P<0.05). Após muito exercício, o conteúdo de testosterona na urina será diferente devido a diferença entre os sexos (P<0.05). Conclusões: O exercício físico tem um impacto significativo no metabolismo humano. O nível hormonal e o metabolismo do corpo estão relacionados a quantidade de exercício. Nível de evidência II; Estudos terapêuticos - investigação de resultados de tratamento.

RESUMEN Introducción: El ejercicio puede fortalecer el metabolismo corporal. Pocas personas saben cuánto el deporte promueve la salud física y mental de individuos. Cómo llevar a las personas a participar en ejercicios físicos a través de los deportes es una cuestión que vale la pena considerar. Objetivo: Explorar los efectos del deporte en el metabolismo humano. Métodos: El artículo analiza indicadores físicos y químicos de atletas antes y después del ejercicio y durante el periodo de recuperación. Los indicadores abarcan análisis de sangre, urina y contenido de testosterona en la sangre. Resultados: Los resultados de los análisis de sangre antes y después de entrenar son distintos (P<0.05). Tras mucho ejercicio, el contenido de testosterona en la urina será diferente debido a la diferencia entre los sexos (P<0,05). Conclusiones: El ejercicio físico tiene un impacto significativo en el metabolismo humano. El nivel hormonal y el metabolismo del cuerpo están relacionados a la cantidad de ejercicio. Nivel de evidencia II; Estudios terapéuticos - investigación de resultados de tratamiento.

Rev. bras. med. esporte ; 27(1): 65-69, Jan.-Mar. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1156114


ABSTRACT Introduction Blood biomarkers are measurable metabolic products that allow objective monitoring of the training process, and their analysis provides an opportunity to improve athletic performance. Objective To evaluate blood lactate concentrations in a group of the Valle League weightlifting athletes as a tool to determine the effects of training and its direct relationship to performance during competition. Methods This is an observational cross-sectional study. Lactate levels of 32 weightlifting athletes belonging to the Valle Weightlifting League were evaluated. Blood samples were taken from the ear lobe to quantify the lactate concentration, using a Scout Lactate analyzer. Samples were taken before and after a high intensity training section consisting of four maximum repetition (MR) sports gestures, in which 5 series and 15 repetitions were performed for each sports gesture, with a rest period of 40 seconds between each exercise. The software program SPSS, version 25, was used to determine the lactate concentrations. Results An average lactate concentration 22.46 mg/dL was obtained for the athletes at rest, and an average of 98.30 mg/dL in the final lactate concentration, after high intensity exercise. Significant differences were found between the initial and final lactate concentrations. Conclusion Lactate concentration increases with physical activity; it varies from one individual to another; and it can be used as a biomarker of intensity of physical activity in the field of sports. Level of evidence; II type of study: Prognostic Studies Investigating the Effect of a Patient Characteristic on a disease outcome.

RESUMO Introdução Os biomarcadores sanguíneos são produtos metabólicos mensuráveis que permitem a monitorização objetiva do processo de treino, e sua análise é uma oportunidade para melhorar o desempenho atlético. Objetivos Avaliar as concentrações de lactato no sangue de um grupo de atletas de halterofilismo da Liga Valle como ferramenta para determinar os efeitos do treino e sua relação direta com o desempenho durante a competição. Métodos Este é um estudo transversal e observacional. Foram avaliados os níveis de lactato em 32 atletas da Liga de Halterofilismo Valle. A amostra de sangue foi retirada do lóbulo da orelha com o intuito de quantificar a concentração de lactato com o analisador Scout Lactate. As amostras foram colhidas antes e depois de uma seção de treino de alta intensidade, que consistiu em quatro gestos esportivos de repetição máxima (RM), nos quais foram realizadas 5 séries e 15 repetições para cada gesto esportivo, com um período de repouso de 40 segundos entre cada exercício. O software SPSS, versão 25 foi usado para determinar as concentrações de lactato. Resultados A concentração média de lactato nos atletas em repouso foi 22,46 mg/dl e a concentração média final foi de 98,30 mg/dl depois de exercício de alta intensidade. Foram encontradas diferenças significativas ao comparar a concentração inicial com a concentração final de lactato. Conclusões A concentração de lactato aumenta com a realização da atividade física, é variável de um indivíduo para outro e pode ser usada como biomarcador de intensidade da atividade física na área dos esportes. Nível de Evidência II; Estudos prognósticos - Investigação do efeito de característica de um paciente sobre o desfecho da doença.

RESUMEN Introducción Los biomarcadores sanguíneos son productos metabólicos mensurables que permiten la monitorización objetiva del proceso de entrenamiento, y su análisis es una oportunidad para mejorar el desempeño atlético. Objetivos Evaluar las concentraciones de lactato en la sangre de un grupo de atletas de halterofilia de la Liga Valle como herramienta para determinar los efectos del entrenamiento y su relación directa con el desempeño durante la competición. Métodos Este es un estudio transversal y observacional. Fueron evaluados los niveles de lactato en 32 atletas de la Liga de Halterofilia Valle. La muestra de sangre fue retirada del lóbulo de la oreja con el objetivo de cuantificar la concentración de lactato con el analizador Scout Lactate. Las muestras fueron tomadas antes y después de una sección de entrenamiento de alta intensidad, que consistió en cuatro gestos deportivos de repetición máxima (RM), en los que se realizaron 5 series y 15 repeticiones para cada gesto deportivo, con un período de descanso de 40 segundos entre cada ejercicio. El software SPSS versión 25 fue usado para determinar las concentraciones de lactato. Resultados La concentración promedio de lactato en los atletas en reposo fue 22,46 mg/dl y la concentración promedio final fue de 98,30 mg/dl después del ejercicio de alta intensidad. Fueron encontradas diferencias significativas al comparar la concentración inicial con la concentración final de lactato. Conclusiones La concentración de lactato aumenta con la realización de actividad física, es variable de un individuo para otro, y puede ser usada como biomarcador de intensidad de la actividad física en el área de los deportes. Nivel de evidencia II; Estudios pronósticos - Investigación del efecto de característica de un paciente sobre el resultado de la enfermedad

Humanos , Masculino , Adolescente , Adulto , Adulto Jovem , Metabolismo Basal , Exercício Físico/fisiologia , Ácido Láctico/sangue , Força Muscular , Atletas , Biomarcadores/sangue , Estudos Transversais , Colômbia , Desempenho Atlético
Arch. endocrinol. metab. (Online) ; 64(4): 402-411, July-Aug. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1131112


ABSTRACT Objectives Indirect calorimetry is established as a gold standard to determine the resting metabolic rate (RMR), however, its clinical use is limited, especially in low-income settings. Thus, the use of predictive equations appear as an alternative to estimate the RMR, but its precision is debatable, especially in obese individuals and in populations without specifically developed equations. To evaluate the agreement between the RMR estimated by equations and by indirect calorimetry in low-income obese women. Subjects and methods A cross-sectional study with adult and obese women, which estimated the RMR by indirect calorimetry and compared with 13 predictive equations using the concordance correlation coefficient, root mean square error (RMSE) and Bland-Altman methods. The maximum allowed differences were predefined as 10%. Results No equation presented its confidence intervals for the Bland-Altman limits of agreement inside the predefined acceptable range. The Harris-Benedict equation achieved better agreement (bias of 2.9% and RMSE of 274.3kcal) whereas the Henry-Rees equation achieved better precision (42.3% of the sample within the 10% maximum allowed difference). Conclusion None of the studied equations satisfactorily estimated the RMR estimated by indirect calorimetry. In the absence of specific equations for this population, the use of the Harris-Benedict and Henry-Rees equations could be considered.

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Metabolismo Basal , Obesidade , Calorimetria Indireta , Estudos Transversais , Metabolismo Energético
Arch. latinoam. nutr ; 69(3): 142-148, sept. 2019. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LIVECS, LILACS | ID: biblio-1053212


La obesidad es un problema de la salud pública que disminuye la esperanza de vida y genera altos costos sociales y económicos. La tendencia ha sido creciente a nivel mundial con un aumento superior al 75% en los últimos años. El objetivo fue relacionar el metabolismo basal con niveles séricos de proteína C reactiva ultrasensible y variables antropométricas en adolescentes. Se trata de un estudio correlacional, con un diseño no experimental. La muestra fue no probabilística, participaron 33 adolescentes, 13 mujeres y 20 hombres entre 12 a 16 años, entre mayo y diciembre de 2018. Se midió el metabolismo basal, actividad física, variables antropométricas y niveles de proteína C reactiva ultrasensible. Los datos fueron analizados con estadística descriptiva e inferencial y se utilizó el coeficiente de correlación lineal de Pearson, con un nivel de significancia <0,05. Se encontró 66,7% de sobrepeso y obesidad, calculado con el índice de masa corporal, (según puntaje Z ≥ 1). El 78,8% de la muestra presentó un porcentaje de grasa corporal elevado, la proteína C reactiva se encontró elevada en el 18,2% de la muestra, con un promedio de 2,0 mg/dl y, la correlación entre el metabolismo basal y la proteína C reactiva ultrasensible obtuvo un valor r=0,18 y un valor p=0,63. Se concluye que en este grupo de adolescentes la correlación entre el metabolismo basal y la proteína C reactiva ultrasensible fue débil, sin embargo, existe una moderada asociación entre el metabolismo basal y el porcentaje de masa magra, reafirmando la importancia de este tejido como un órgano metabólico activo(AU)

Obesity is a public health problem that decreases life expectancy and generates high social and economic costs. The trend has been increasing worldwide with an increase of over 75% in recent years. The objective was to relate the basal metabolism with serum levels of ultrasensitive C-reactive protein and anthropometric variables in adolescent subjects. It is a correlational study, with a non-experimental design. A non-probabilistic sample of 33 adolescents, 13 women and 20 men, between 12 and 16 years old, were evaluated between the months of May to December 2018. Basal metabolism, physical activity, anthropometric variables and levels of ultrasensitive C-reactive protein were measured. The data were analyzed with descriptive and inferential statistics; Pearson's linear correlation coefficient was used, with a level of significance <0.05. A 66.7% of overweight and obesity was found, calculated with the body mass index, (according to Z score ≥ 1). 78.8% of the sample presented a high percentage of body fat, C-reactive protein was found high in 18.2% of the sample, with an average of 2.0 mg/dl and, the correlation between metabolism baseline and the ultrasensitive C-reactive protein obtained a value r = 0.18 and a value p = 0.63. It is concluded that in this group of adolescents the correlation between basal metabolism and ultrasensitive C-reactive protein was weak; however, there is a moderate association between basal metabolism and lean mass percentage, reaffirming the importance of this tissue as an organ active metabolic(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Proteína C-Reativa/análise , Doenças Cardiovasculares , Metabolismo Energético , Obesidade Infantil , Atividade Motora , Antropometria , Ingestão de Alimentos , Sobrepeso , Alimentos, Dieta e Nutrição
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-760639


BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: There are various factors that affect metabolic abnormalities related to obesity. The purpose of this study is to analyze the differences in dietary intakes and body compositions of obese women according to metabolic risks and to classify them as metabolically healthy obese (MHO) or metabolically abnormal obese (MAO). SUBJECTS/METHODS: This study was conducted on 59 obese Korean women aged 19 to 60 years. NCEP-ATPIII criteria were applied and the women classified as MHO (n = 45) or MAO (n = 14). Body composition of each subject was measured by using dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). Three-day food records were used to analyze dietary intake. Eating habits and health-related behaviors were determined through questionnaires. Indirect calorimetry was used to measure resting metabolic rate and respiratory rate. RESULTS: The average age of the subjects was 43.7 years. The analysis of body composition according to phenotype revealed significantly higher body fat mass (P < 0.05), arm fat mass (P < 0.05), and android fat mass (P < 0.05), as measured by DEXA, in the MAO group than in the MHO group. There was no significant difference in the dietary intake of the two groups. However, eating behaviors differed. Compared to the MHO group, the MAO women had a shorter meal time (less than 10 minutes), a preference of oily foods, and a tendency to eat until full. Therefore, the eating habits of MHO women were more positive than those of MAO women. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that fat distribution in each body region affects various metabolic abnormalities. A high level of arm fat mass in obese Korean women may increase metabolic risk. In addition, eating habits of obese Korean women are considered to be environmental factors affecting the metabolic phenotype of obese Korean women.

Feminino , Humanos , Absorciometria de Fóton , Tecido Adiposo , Braço , Metabolismo Basal , Composição Corporal , Regiões do Corpo , Calorimetria Indireta , Dieta , Ingestão de Alimentos , Comportamento Alimentar , Refeições , Metiltestosterona , Monoaminoxidase , Obesidade , Fenótipo , Taxa Respiratória
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-753746


Objective To study the effect of endurance training on energy metabolism in young men in rest state.Methods Fifty males from Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine from September 2017 to December 2017 were randomly assigned to endurance training group(n =25) and sedentary group(n =25) by random number table method.Endurance training group tided power bike with intensity of 75% maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max),50 minutes each time,once a day for 12 weeks.The sedentary group maintained the daily life of the state can be guaranteed to exercise less than 60 minutes per week for 12 weeks.The basal metabolic rate(BMR),respiration quotient(RQ),body mass index(BMI),lean body mass(LBM) and body fat percentage(BF%) were measured before and after training in both two groups.Results Before training,there was no statistically significant difference between the two groups(all P > 0.05).After training,the BMR,RQ,BMI and LBM in the endurance training group were (5 720.0 ± 711.3) k J/d,(0.780 ± 0.043),(23.33 ± 3.30) kg/m2,(55.58 ± 4.21) kg,respectively,which were significantly improved compared with before training [(4 828.0 ± 712.6) kJ/d,(0.820 ± 0.033),(27.69 ± 3.28)kg/m2,(51.37 ±3.76)kg,t =7.434,-2.182,-2.578,2.035,all P <0.05],BF% [(14.76 ±5.90)% vs.(23.60 ± 5.37) %] decreased more significantly (t =-10.492,P < 0.01).After training,the BMR [(5 720.0 ± 711.3) kJ/d vs.(4 896.0 ± 715.6) kJ/d] and LBM [(55.58 ± 4.21) kg vs.(51.25 ± 3.45) kg] of the endurance training group were significantly higher than those of the sedentary exercise group(t =6.789,2.103,all P < 0.05).RQ [(0.780 ± 0.043) vs.(0.820 ± 0.030)] and BMI [(23.33 ± 3.30) kg/m2 vs.(27.73 ± 3.58) kg/m2] of the endurance training group were significantly decreased (t =-2.179,-2.232,all P < 0.05),BF% [(14.76 ± 5.90) % vs.(23.62 ± 5.42) %] decreased more significantly in the endurance training group (t =-10.462,P < 0.01).Conclusion Endurance training can significantly improve the energy metabolism of young men and consume more fat in rest state.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-802898


Objective@#To study the effect of endurance training on energy metabolism in young men in rest state.@*Methods@#Fifty males from Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine from September 2017 to December 2017 were randomly assigned to endurance training group(n=25) and sedentary group(n=25) by random number table method.Endurance training group rided power bike with intensity of 75% maximal oxygen uptake(VO2max), 50 minutes each time, once a day for 12 weeks.The sedentary group maintained the daily life of the state can be guaranteed to exercise less than 60 minutes per week for 12 weeks.The basal metabolic rate(BMR), respiration quotient(RQ), body mass index(BMI), lean body mass(LBM) and body fat percentage(BF%) were measured before and after training in both two groups.@*Results@#Before training, there was no statistically significant difference between the two groups(all P>0.05). After training, the BMR, RQ, BMI and LBM in the endurance training group were (5 720.0±711.3)kJ/d, (0.780±0.043), (23.33±3.30)kg/m2, (55.58±4.21)kg, respectively, which were significantly improved compared with before training [(4 828.0±712.6)kJ/d, (0.820±0.033), (27.69±3.28)kg/m2, (51.37±3.76)kg, t=7.434, -2.182, -2.578, 2.035, all P<0.05], BF%[(14.76±5.90)% vs. (23.60±5.37)%] decreased more significantly(t=-10.492, P<0.01). After training, the BMR[(5 720.0±711.3)kJ/d vs. (4 896.0±715.6)kJ/d] and LBM[(55.58±4.21)kg vs. (51.25±3.45)kg] of the endurance training group were significantly higher than those of the sedentary exercise group(t=6.789, 2.103, all P<0.05). RQ[(0.780±0.043) vs. (0.820±0.030)] and BMI[(23.33±3.30)kg/m2 vs. (27.73±3.58)kg/m2] of the endurance training group were significantly decreased(t=-2.179, -2.232, all P<0.05), BF%[(14.76±5.90)% vs. (23.62±5.42)%] decreased more significantly in the endurance training group (t=-10.462, P<0.01).@*Conclusion@#Endurance training can significantly improve the energy metabolism of young men and consume more fat in rest state.

Rev. bras. geriatr. gerontol. (Online) ; 22(5): e190133, 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1101609


Abstract Objective: To identify the evidence available in literature which relates the practice of physical exercise to improvements in the cardiovascular and metabolic parameters of postmenopausal women. Method: A search was performed of works published between 2008 and 2018 included in the MEDLINE, BDENF, IBCS and LILACS databases. Of the 792 studies identified, 23 met the inclusion criteria. Results: Following analysis, the studies were separated into three categories. In the first category it was observed that physical exercise improved lipid metabolism, reduced abdominal circumference and promoted weight loss. The second category revealed that physical exercise reduced systolic blood pressure, prevented the development of arterial hypertension and reduced the release of sympathomimetic hormones. In the third category the studies indicated that physical exercise elevated the antioxidant mediators and reversed the oxidative stress involved in the inflammatory reactions present in cardiovascular diseases. Conclusion: The studies confirm the beneficial effects of physical exercise on the metabolic and cardiovascular parameters of postmenopausal women.

Resumo Objetivo: Identificar as evidências disponíveis na literatura que relacionam a prática do exercício físico com a melhora dos parâmetros cardiovasculares e metabólicos em mulheres na pós-menopausa. Método: Foi realizada busca nas bases de dados MEDLINE, BDENF, IBCS e LILACS de trabalhos publicados entre 2008 a 2018. Dos 792 estudos identificados, 23 preencheram os critérios de inclusão. Resultados: A análise dos estudos permitiu a separação em três categorias. Na primeira categoria foi observado que o exercício físico melhorou o metabolismo lipídico, reduziu a circunferência abdominal e promoveu perda de peso. A segunda categoria evidenciou que o exercício físico reduziu a pressão arterial sistólica, preveniu o desenvolvimento de hipertensão arterial e reduziu liberação de hormônios simpatomiméticos. Na terceira categoria os estudos indicaram que o exercício físico eleva os mediadores antioxidantes e reverte o stress oxidativo envolvido nas reações inflamatórias presentes em doenças cardiovasculares. Conclusão: Os estudos afirmam efeitos benéficos do exercício físico sobre os parâmetros metabólicos e cardiovasculares de mulheres na pós-menopausa.

Humanos , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Metabolismo Basal , Menopausa , Exercício Físico , Hipertensão
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 116(4): 515-521, ago. 2018. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-950044


Introducción: "Gran quemado" es quien sufre lesiones por daño térmico que afectan más del 30% de su superficie corporal (SC). El hipercatabolismo secundario causa pérdida de masa magra y retraso de la cicatrización de heridas. Objetivo: Describir y analizar los resultados de la implementación de un protocolo de soporte nutricional en niños quemados graves internados en una Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos durante las primeras 6 semanas evolutivas. Población y métodos: Diseño analítico, prospectivo, observacional y longitudinal. Se midieron peso, talla, porcentaje de SC quemada, días de internación en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos y mortalidad. Se analizaron tasa metabólica basal por calorimetría indirecta y fórmula de Schofield, cobertura de aporte energético y proteico, prealbúmina, proteína C reactiva, vitaminas A, D, E, cobre y zinc semanales. Resultados: Se incluyeron 18 pacientes (media: 3,9 años, 49% de SC quemada). Se alcanzó la media de objetivo energético en la segunda semana y el requerimiento proteico en la semana 6. Doce pacientes requirieron nutrición parenteral complementaria sin complicaciones. Se hallaron parámetros de hipermetabolismo, que se normalizaron a las 4-6 semanas del ingreso, excepto la proteína C reactiva. Las vitaminas A y E y elementos traza (zinc y cobre) estaban descendidos al ingreso con mejoría posterior. La vitamina D persistió en valores bajos. Un paciente falleció. Conclusiones: La implementación del protocolo permitió lograr el aporte de la totalidad del requerimiento energético; la cobertura del requerimiento proteico se postergó hasta la semana 6. Es necesario hacer hincapié en resolver las limitaciones para alcanzar este último.

Introduction. "Major burn" is used to describe a person who suffers thermal damage affecting more than 30% of his/her total body surface area (TBSA). The secondary hypercatabolism causes lean body mass loss and delayed wound healing. Objective. To describe and analyze the results of implementing a nutritional support protocol for pediatric burn patients hospitalized in the intensive care unit in the first 6 weeks. Population an d methods. Analytical, prospective, observational, and longitudinal design. Weight, height, %TBSA, length of stay in the intensive care unit, and mortality were measured. The basal metabolic rate was measured by indirect calorimetry and the Schofield equation, and protein and energy intake, prealbumin, C-reactive protein, vitamins A, D, E, copper, and zinc levels were analyzed every week. Results. Eighteen patients were included (mean: 3.9 years old, 49%TBSA). The mean energy target was achieved by week 2 and protein requirements were met by week 6. Twelve patients required complementary parenteral nutrition and there were no complications. Hypermetabolism parameters were observed, which returned to normal 4-6 weeks after hospitalization, except for C-reactive protein. Vitamins A and E and trace elements (zinc and copper) were reduced at the time of admission and showed a subsequent improvement. Vitamin D remained low. One patient died. Conclusions. Implementing the protocol was useful to cover the total energy requirement; the coverage of protein requirements was delayed until week 6. It is necessary to focus on solving limitations to achieve the latter.

Humanos , Recém-Nascido , Lactente , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Adolescente , Queimaduras/complicações , Nutrição Parenteral/métodos , Apoio Nutricional/métodos , Necessidades Nutricionais , Queimaduras/mortalidade , Ingestão de Energia , Proteínas Alimentares/administração & dosagem , Unidades de Terapia Intensiva Pediátrica , Proteínas/metabolismo , Estudos Prospectivos , Estudos Longitudinais , Hospitalização , Tempo de Internação
Cienc. Serv. Salud Nutr ; 9(2): 14-21, abr. 2018.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-980564


Introducción: El sobrepeso y la obesidad están estrechamente ligados al consumo de calorías y constituyen un factor de riesgo importante en el desarrollo de enfermedades crónicas. Es importante controlar el consumo de calorías para que no sea excesivo y armonice con las necesidades del organismo. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad a través del cálculo del índice de masa corporal (IMC) y tasa metabólica basal (TMB) en estudiantes de medicina de tercer semestre de la ESPOCH. Determinar si el aporte energético de los estudiantes se ajusta a lo recomendado según su género, edad y actividad física. Metodología: Se tomó medidas antropométricas y recolectó datos demográficos en una muestra de estudiantes de tercer semestre de medicina de la ESPOCH (n = 69). Se calculó el IMC y TMB. Se recolectó datos de aporte energético de dos estudiantes, un hombre y una mujer. Resultados: Según el IMC, en el 10.1 % (n = 7) se observó sobrepeso tipo I y en el 7.3 % (n = 5) sobrepeso tipo II. El promedio del IMC y tasa metabólica basal fue mayor en los hombres en comparación con las mujeres (IMC: 23.1 Kg/m² vs. 22.0 Kg/m²; TMB: 1689.7 vs. 1431.2). El aporte de calorías en los dos estudiantes estuvo a corde a lo recomendado para su edad, peso y talla. Conclusiones: La prevalencia de sobrepeso en la muestra de estudiantes fue del 17.4 %. No se observaron personas con obesidad. El aporte calórico en los dos individuos analizados estuvo acorde a su TMB.

Introduction: Overweight and obesity are closely related to the consumption of calories and constitute an important risk factor for the development of chronic diseases. It is important to control the consumption of calories for it does not become excessive and is consistent with the needs of the organism. Objective: Determine the prevalence of overweight and obesity by determining body mass index (BMI) alongside basal metabolic rate (BMR) in medical students of third semester of the ESPOCH. Determine wether their energy intake is consistent with that recomended according their age, gender and physical activity. Methodology: We measured anthropometric dimentions and collected demographic data from a sample of medical students of third semester of the ESPOCH (n = 69 ). We calculated BMI and BMR. We collected data about calory intake of two students, one male and one female. Results: According to the BMI, in 10.1 % (n = 7) we observed overweight type I and in 7.3 % (n = 5) overweight type II. BMI and BMR average was higher among males in comparison to females (BMI: 23.1 Kg/m² vs. 22.0 Kg/m²; BMR: 1689.7 vs. 1431.2). Calory intake in both estudents was consistent with that recomended for their age, weight and height. Conclusions: The prevalence of overweight in the sample was 17.4 %. We did not identify students with obesity. Calory intake in both subjects was in accordance with their BMR.

Humanos , Adulto , Adulto Jovem , Metabolismo Basal , Índice de Massa Corporal , Sobrepeso , Obesidade , Equador
Rev. colomb. anestesiol ; 45(supl.2): 51-57, Oct.-Dec. 2017. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-900409


ABSTRACT Introduction: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is one of the most common neurological disorders at the present time. The consequences are so devastating that up to 39% of the patients die from trauma and 60% of the survivors will have cognitive and/or motor deficits. Objective: To analyse the current evidence on the management of severe traumatic brain injury and the clinical outcome achieved with the use of hypertonic sodium lactate. Methodology: A search of the scientific literature was conducted in the EMBASE, PubMed/Medline, OVID and Science Direct databases with the aim of preparing a reflection article, using the words "traumatic brain injury", "hypertonic sodium lactate", "metabolism in brain injury", "management of traumatic brain injury", focusing on the potential benefits of hypertonic sodium lactate, regardless of the date of publication. Results: The use of hypertonic sodium lactate has been shown to have a successful impact on the dismal prognosis of TBI, modulating intracranial hypertension and cerebral oxidative metabolic dysfunction. This has been proven in vitro, in animal models, and in humans. Conclusion: Efforts to find better clinical outcomes in patients with TBI have confirmed the need for new management alternatives supported by the understanding of the pathophysiology. Given its multiple modulating endocrine-metabolic effects on secondary injury, lactate has been found to be a promising therapy in the management of TBI.

RESUMEN Introducción: El trauma cráneo-encefálico (TEC) es uno de los desórdenes neurológicos más comunes actualmente. Presenta consecuencias tan devastadoras que el39% de los pacientes mueren a causa del trauma. De los sobrevivientes, el60% tendrán déficit en las competencias cognitivas o motoras. Objetivo: Analizar a través de la evidencia actual el manejo del TEC severo y el desenlace clínico logrado con el uso del lactato sódico hipertónico. Metodología: Se realizó una búsqueda en bases de datos de literatura científica como EMBASE, PubMed/Medline, OVID y Science Direct para elaborar un artículo de reflexión, usando las palabras « traumatic brain injury¼, ^hypertonic sodium lactate¼, «metabolism in brain injury ¼, «management of traumatic brain injury ¼, haciendo hincapié en los beneficios potenciales del lactato sódico hipertónico, sin tener en cuenta la fecha de publicación. Resultados: El lactato sódico hipertónico ha demostrado impactar de forma exitosa el pronóstico sombrío del TEC, modulando la hipertensión endocraneana y disfunción metabólica oxidativa cerebral, lo cual se ha demostrado en modelos in vitro, en animales y en humanos. Conclusión: Los esfuerzos por mejorar los desenlaces clínicos han llevado a buscar nuevas alternativas del manejo del TEC, derivadas del entendimiento de la fisiopatología. De allí surge el lactato como terapia prometedora en el manejo del TEC, dados sus múltiples efectos endocrino-metabólicos moduladores de la lesión secundaria.

Rev. Nutr. (Online) ; 30(5): 583-591, Sept.-Oct. 2017. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1041218


ABSTRACT Objective To compare resting metabolic rate values determined by indirect calorimetry with values estimated using different predictive equations in lean and overweight postmenopausal women. Methods Twenty-four women, who had stopped menstruating for at least two years, were subjected to anthropometric measurements and indirect calorimetry after 12-hour overnight fasting to determine, mathematically and experimentally, resting metabolic rate values. Results There was no difference in the indirect calorimetry values between the groups evaluated. Difference values of resting metabolic rate were obtained with all equations used. For the lean women, there was no difference between the values obtained by indirect calorimetry and those estimated using the equations proposed by Food and Agricultural Organization, Fredix, Lazzer, and Schofield. However, in the overweight group, the resting metabolic rate values estimated using the Institute of Medicine, Berstein and Owen equations were different from those obtained by indirect calorimetry. Conclusion This study suggests that differences in body composition in postmenopausal women influence the accuracy of predictive equations, demonstrating the need for more accurate estimation methods for resting metabolic rate in postmenopausal women with different body compositions.

RESUMO Objetivo Comparar os valores de taxa metabólica de repouso determinados por calorimetria indireta com os valores obtidos utilizando diferentes equações preditivas em mulheres pós-menopausicas eutróficas e com sobrepeso. Métodos Vinte e quatro mulheres com pelo menos dois anos de menopausa foram submetidas à avaliações antropométricas e à calorimetria indireta após 12 horas de jejum para determinar, matematicamente e experimentalmente, a taxa metabólica de repouso. Resultados Os valores para calorimetria indireta não diferiram entre os grupos e a taxa metabólica de repouso predita por equações foi diferente para todas as equações usadas. Para o grupo de eutróficas, as equações que não foram estatisticamente diferentes da calorimetria indireta foram Food and Agricultural Organization, Fredix, Lazzer e Schofield. No entanto, apenas as equações Berstein e Owen foram significativamente diferentes comparadas com calorimetria indireta para o grupo sobrepeso. Conclusão O presente estudo sugere que diferenças na composição corporal em mulheres na pós-menopausa modificam a precisão de equações que predizem a taxa metabólica de repouso, demonstrando a necessidade de aprimorar métodos de estimação de taxa metabólica de repouso em mulheres pós-menopáusicas com diferentes composições corporais.

Humanos , Feminino , Metabolismo Basal , Composição Corporal , Calorimetria Indireta , Menopausa , Pós-Menopausa
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-809066


Objective@#To determine the basal metabolic rate (BMR) of young adults aged between 20-29 years old in Changsha.@*Methods@#We recruited volunteers to join in our research project from April to May, 2015. All recruited volunteers must meet the inclusion criteria: aged 20-29 years old, height between 164-180 centimeters in males and 154-167 centimeters in females, in good health condition, and with no habit of regular physical exercise in last year. Finally, 81 qualified volunteers were selected as research objects, including 43 males and 38 females. The BMR, resting lying metabolism rate and resting sitting metabolism rate of the subjects were detected, and the determined BMR was compared with the calculated@*results@#from the adjusted Schofield equation. Results The BMR, resting lying metabolism rate and resting sitting metabolism rate among males were (166.10±22.09), (174.22±24.56), and (179.54±23.35) kJ·m-2·h-1, respectively, which were all higher than those among females were (137.70±20.04), (149.79±19.25), and (167.78±26.02) kJ·m-2·h-1, respectively, (P<0.001). The BMR of males and females calculated from the adjusted Schofield equation were (160.83±3.93), and (140.29±4.18) kJ·m-2·h-1, respectively, and there was no significantly statistical difference found between the determined BMR and the calculated results from Schofield equation (adjusted) classified by sex, all P values >0.05.@*Conclusion@#The BMR of young adults aged 20-29 years old in Changsha was in the national average level, and the adjusted Schofield equation displayed fine accuracy in predicting BMR of young adults aged 20-29 years old in Changsha.

Artigo em Japonês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-378853


<p>Most people who go to fitness clubs or sports gyms for weight control, and many co-medicals and physicians believe that an increase in muscle mass and/or basal metabolic rate (BMR) is possible through a combination of regular exercise and optimal protein intake during weight loss. This seems a myth, and the reasons are discussed in this article. First, muscle mass is quite difficult to quantify. The limitations of body composition measurement should be well understood. Second, increasing muscle mass during weight loss is difficult. This might be attained through strict implementation of a protein-rich, low-carbohydrate diet; high-intensity resistance training; and aerobic exercise for a long duration. However, such a strict regimen is not feasible for most people. Finally, a 1-kg increase in muscle mass corresponds to an increase of only 13 kcal of BMR per day. Thus, an increase in muscle mass of 1 kg is difficult to achieve, while the gained BMR is approximately equivalent to a decrease of 13.5 kcal of BMR according to a 3-kg decrease of adipose tissue. Weight loss, unless through an extremely sophisticated weight control program, contributes to a decrease in BMR. However, it is an accomplished fact that women with significantly less muscle mass and lower BMR live longer than men with more muscle mass and higher BMR, regardless of ethnicity. Maintaining activities of daily living and daily activity function might be more essential.</p>

Int. j. cardiovasc. sci. (Impr.) ; 28(5): 424-432, set.-out. 2015. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-786809


Nas últimas duas décadas, o entendimento da biologia do tecido adiposo sofreu mudanças revolucionárias, passando de principal sítio de armazenamento energético a importante órgão endócrino responsável pela produçãoe secreção de proteínas, peptídeos e não peptídeos bioativos. Dentre as proteínas secretadas pelos adipócitos, aadiponectina (APN) é a mais abundante, apresentando ações fisiológicas importantes no sistema cardiovasculare endócrino, envolvendo a sensibilização da ação insulínica e regulação do metabolismo energético corporal, incluindo o coração. Esta revisão tem por objetivo descrever a ação da APN sobre o sistema cardiovascular. Foramincluídos artigos originais realizados com animais ou humanos. Consultadas as bases de dados Pubmed e Medlineentre os anos de 1994 e 2013. Não foram incluídos relatos de caso, estudos-piloto ou estudos de revisão. Utilizou-se como palavras-chave os descritores em ciências da saúde e MeSH específico para o Medline. Oscruzamentos realizados foram: Adiponectin AND Obesity, Adiponectin AND Metabolism e Adiponectin AND Cardiovascular Disease. Encontrados 303 artigos, excluídos 204 e selecionados 31 artigos que compuseram esteestudo. No contexto geral desta revisão a APN apresenta efeitos anti-inflamatórios e ateroprotetores no tecidovascular e ainda ação sensibilizadora para a insulina nos tecidos envolvidos nos metabolismos glicídico e lipídico. Assim, é considerado biomarcador importante para o desenvolvimento de doenças cardiovasculares.

In the last two decades, the understanding of adipose tissue biology underwent revolutionary changes, from a major energy storage site to an important endocrine organ responsible for the production and secretion of proteins, peptides and non-bioactive peptides. Among the proteins secreted by adipocytes, adiponectin (APN) is the most abundant, with important physiological actions in the cardiovascular and endocrine system, involving the sensitization of insulin action and regulation of body energy metabolism, including the heart. This review aims to describe the action of APN on the cardiovascular system. It includes original manuscripts with humans or animals. The databases PubMed and Medline, from years 1994 to 2013, were searched. Case reports, pilot studies or review studies have not been included. The health science descriptors and MeSH specific for Medline were used as keywords. The following cross searches were carried out: Adiponectin AND Obesity, Adiponectin AND Metabolism and Adiponectin AND Cardiovascular Disease. We found 303 manuscripts, excluded 204 and selected 31 manuscripts that were included this study. Inthe general context of this review, APN presents anti-inflammatory and ateroprotector effects in the vascular tissue and an insulin sensitizing action in tissues involved in glucose and lipid metabolism. It is thus considered an important biomarker for the developmentof cardiovascular diseases.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adiponectina/fisiologia , Adiponectina/metabolismo , Metabolismo Basal , Doenças Cardiovasculares/fisiopatologia , Metabolismo , Obesidade/complicações , Obesidade/diagnóstico , Literatura de Revisão como Assunto
Cad. saúde pública ; 31(4): 777-786, 04/2015. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-744847


The purpose of the present study was to identify energy intake (EI) underreporting and to estimate the impact of using a population specific equation for the basal metabolic rate (BMR) in a probability sample of adults from Niterói, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. A sample of 1,726 subjects participated in the study. EI was assessed by a 24-hour dietary recall and EI/BMR was computed with BMR estimated using internationally recommended equations as well as specific equations developed for the adult population of Niterói. Mean EI was 1,570.9 and 2, for women and men, respectively. EI decreased with increasing age in both men and women. BMR estimated by the Brazilian equation was significantly lower than the values estimated by the international equation for all age, sex and nutritional status groups. In general, EI underreporting was found in at least 50% of the population, higher in women, and increased with increasing age and body mass index (BMI). The results of the present study confirm that EI is underreported, even when BMR is estimated using population-specific equations.

O objetivo do presente estudo foi identificar a subestimativa da ingestão energética (IE) e estimar o impacto do uso de uma equação específica da população para a taxa metabólica basal (TMB), em amostra probabilística de adultos do Município de Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Uma amostra de 1.726 indivíduos da população adulta participou do estudo. Ingestão energética foi avaliada por um recordatório de 24 horas e IE/TMB foi calculada com TMB estimada pelas equações recomendadas e pelas equações específicas para a população. A média da IE foi 1.570,9 e 2.188,8kcal.dia-1 em mulheres e homens, respectivamente. A ingestão energética diminuiu com o aumento da idade em homens e mulheres. A taxa metabólica basal estimada pela equação brasileira foi significativamente menor do que os valores estimados pela equação recomendada para todas as idades, sexo e estado nutricional. Em geral, a subestimativa da IE foi encontrada em pelo menos 50% da população, maior em mulheres, e aumentou com o avanço da idade e índice de massa corporal (IMC). Os resultados confirmam que IE é subestimada, mesmo quando a TMB é estimada pelas equações da população específica.

El objetivo del presente estudio fue identificar la subestimación de la ingesta energética (IE) y estimar el impacto del uso de una ecuación específica de la población para la tasa metabólica basal (TMB), en una muestra probabilística de adultos del municipio de Niterói, Río de Janeiro, Brasil. Una muestra de 1.726 individuos de la población adulta participó en el estudio. La ingesta energética fue evaluada mediante un recordatorio de 24 horas y las IE/TMB fueron calculadas con una TMB estimada por las ecuaciones recomendadas y por las ecuaciones específicas para la población. La media de la IE fue 1.570,9 y 2.188,8kcal.día-1 en mujeres y hombres, respectivamente. La ingesta energética disminuyó con el aumento de la edad en hombres y mujeres. La tasa metabólica basal estimada por la ecuación brasileña fue significativamente menor que los valores estimados por la ecuación recomendada para todas las edades, sexo y estado nutricional. En general, la subestimación de la IE se encontró en por lo menos un 50% de la población, fue mayor en mujeres y aumentó con el aumento de la edad e índice de masa corporal (IMC). Los resultados confirman que la IE está subestimada, incluso cuando la TMB está estimada por las ecuaciones de población específica.

Criança , Pré-Escolar , Feminino , Humanos , Lactente , Masculino , Anti-Hipertensivos/uso terapêutico , Hiperinsulinismo Congênito/diagnóstico , Diazóxido/uso terapêutico , /sangue , Hipoglicemia/diagnóstico , Idade de Início , Peso ao Nascer , Glicemia/metabolismo , Hiperinsulinismo Congênito/tratamento farmacológico , Hiperinsulinismo Congênito/genética , Diagnóstico Diferencial , Macrossomia Fetal/metabolismo , /genética , Hipoglicemia/tratamento farmacológico , Hipoglicemia/genética , Linhagem , Fenótipo
Rev. bras. cineantropom. desempenho hum ; 17(1): 73-81, Jan-Feb/2015. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-748927


Prediction equations for basal metabolic rate (BMR) continue to be the most common clinical tool for diet prescription; however, the values estimated may differ from those measured by indirect calorimetry (IC), especially in obese subjects. The objective of this study was to determine the BMR of obese and eutrophic subjects by IC, and to compare the results obtained with those estimated by prediction equations in order to identify whether differences exist between predicted values and those measured by IC. Forty men aged 18 to 30 years were evaluated; of these, 20 were grade 1 obese and 20 were eutrophic. The agreement between the prediction equations and IC was evaluated using Bland-Altman (1986) plots. The results showed a variation between the prediction equations and IC of -19.6% to -91% in obese subjects and of 4.2% to 4.4% in eutrophic subjects. In both groups, the Mifflin-St. Jeor equation (1990) was the most accurate, with a difference of -9.1% compared to IC in obese subjects and of 0.9% in eutrophic subjects. This study indicates the Mifflin-St. Jeor equation to be the most adequate to estimate BMR. However, it is important to measure the BMR of obese subjects more accurately and safely in order to establish the best intervention based on physical exercise and healthy eating.

Equações de predição para taxa metabólica basal (TMB) são amplamente utilizadas para prescrição dietética, porém podem apresentar valores diferentes daqueles medidos por calorimetria indireta (CI), principalmente, em indivíduos obesos. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar os valores de TMB por meio da CI em indivíduos obesos de grau I e eutróficos e comparar com os resultados obtidos pelas equações de predição, a fim de identificar se existe discrepância nos valores obtidos entre o medido pela CI e o estimado pelas equações. O estudo avaliou 40 homens entre 18 e 30 anos, sendo 20 eutróficos e 20 obesos grau I. Foi verificado o grau de concordância entre as equações e CI por meio da metodologia sugerida por Bland e Altman (1986). Os resultados mostram a variação entre os métodos de predição de -19,6% a -9,1%, quando comparadas a CI nos sujeitos obesos, e de -4,2% a 4,4% nos eutróficos. Em ambos os grupos, a equação que mais se aproxima da estimativa real é a de Miflin St. Jeor (1990), com -9,1% de diferença da CI nos sujeitos obesos e 0,9% nos eutróficos. Desta forma, o presente estudo indica a utilização da equação de Mifflin St. Jeor (1990) para estimar a TMB. Entretanto, é fundamental que se consiga medir a TMB de sujeitos obesos de maneira mais precisa e segura, para melhor conduzir a intervenção baseada em exercícios físicos e boa alimentação.