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Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 88(3): 194-202, ene. 2020. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1346175


Resumen ANTECEDENTES: El síndrome Klippel-Trenaunay es neurocutáneo, con repercusión vascular. La triada característica la integran: nevo vascular cutáneo, venas varicosas e hipertrofia asimétrica de los tejidos blandos y huesos que afectan una o más extremidades. Durante el embarazo estas malformaciones se incrementan, con afectación pélvica e intraabdominal. En la bibliografía internacional están reportados menos de 100 casos de embarazos complicados con este síndrome. CASO CLÍNICO: Paciente de 16 años, primigesta, con síndrome Klippel-Trenaunay diagnosticado a los 15 años, enviada a nuestra unidad, en el tercer trimestre del embarazo, para finalización de éste. Se le practicaron estudios preoperatorios: biometría hemática, pruebas de coagulación, reportados sin alteraciones. El ultrasonograma Doppler del segmento uterino sin incremento en la vasculatura. Se programó para cesárea, que se llevó a cabo sin complicaciones intraoperatorias, con sangrado de 600 cc, incremento de la vascularidad en el colon. Permaneció en vigilancia durante 48 horas, luego de la operación, en cuidados intensivos, sin complicaciones hemorrágicas o isquémicas. Se dio de alta del hospital a las 72 horas, con tromboprofilaxis, analgésico y antibiótico. CONCLUSIÓN: El embarazo en pacientes con síndrome de Klippel-Trenaunay implica una elevada morbilidad y mortalidad, que pueden prevenirse con atención multidisciplinaria que disminuya las potenciales complicaciones.

Abstract BACKGROUND: Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome is a neurocutaneous syndrome with vascular repercussion whose characteristic triad is a cutaneous vascular nevus, varicose veins and asymmetric soft tissue and bone hypertrophy, which affect one or more limbs, during pregnancy these malformations increase, with pelvic and intra-abdominal repercussion. In the world literature, fewer than 100 cases of complicated pregnancies with this syndrome have been reported. OBJECTIVE: The second case of complicated pregnancy with Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome treated in our institution is reported, given its high morbidity, due to the high risk of severe complications such as venous thromboembolism or excessive bleeding in the intrapartum period. CLINICAL CASE: A 16-year-old, with a Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome diagnosed at fifteen, sent to our unit, with a third-trimester pregnancy, for resolution of pregnancy. Preoperative studies were performed blood count, coagulation tests, reported without alterations; as well as Doppler ultrasound of the uterine segment, without an increase in vasculature. It is scheduled for caesarean section, which is performed without intraoperative complications, with total bleeding of 600 cc, with an increase in vascularity at the colon level. She remains in immediate postoperative surveillance for 48 hours in an intensive care unit, without presenting haemorrhagic or ischemic complications. She is discharged at 72 hours, with thromboprophylaxis, analgesic and antibiotic. CONCLUSION: Pregnancy in patients with this syndrome implies high morbidity and mortality, which can be prevented with multidisciplinary management, anticipating potential complications.

Artigo em Japonês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-371495


The effects of exercise training on bone development in growing rats were studied using the photon-absorption method and histomorophological analyses. Thirty-seven male Wistar strain rats at 4 wks of age were divided into five groups : sedentary control (C; N=7), 15 min/day training (T 15 ; N=6), 30 min/day training (T 30 ; N=8), 60 min/day training (T 60 ; N=8) and 120 min/day training (T 120 ; N=8) . All rats in these training groups were subjected to a treadmill running at a speed of 30 m/min, 5 days/wk for 11 wks. The results of our study were summarized as follows :<BR>1) Fat-free dry weight of the tibia was significantly heavier in T 30, T 60 and T 120 than C and T 15, respectively.<BR>2) Bone mineral content (mg/cm) of tibial midshaft in all T groups was significantly higher than that in C group, respectively, while no differences were found between any of the training groups.<BR>3) On histological parameters of cross-sectional samples from tibia, such as cortical area, total area and appositional growth rate on periosteum, higher values were observed in T groups compared with C group.<BR>These results suggest that physical training induce markedly facilitative girth growth associated with elevated bone formation of periosteum in the tibia, and moreover, the daily exercise duration does not change the degree of bone hypertrophy.