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MHSalud ; 21(1): 225-237, ene.-jun. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1569332


Resumen: Introducción: las conductas agresivas como el bullying o acoso escolar (AE) en la población no son un hecho aislado y afecta gravemente la salud socioemocional de quienes lo padecen. Objetivo: el presente estudio tuvo por objetivo realizar una revisión sistemática de las publicaciones existentes sobre educación física (EF) y actividad física (AF). Materiales y métodos: se diseñó una investigación orientada con base en metodología PRISMA. La búsqueda de la información se desarrolló en cuatro bases de datos WOS, PUBMED, SCIELO y ELSEIVER entre los años 2015 al 2020. Resultados: un total de 53 artículos fueron encontrados, luego de analizados por los criterios de inclusión y exclusión, 18 estudios fueron considerados para su análisis. España, Brasil y Colombia concentran una mayor cantidad de publicaciones con gran variabilidad del tamaño de la muestra tanto para damas como varones principalmente, durante la adolescencia. Los conceptos más utilizados fueron bullying, victimización, violencia escolar, ciberacoso, autoestima dentro del contexto de EF y AF. Conclusión: se destaca la necesidad de visibiliza el problema en la EF y AF, por su impacto en materia de salud física, emocional y aprendizaje motriz.

Abstract: Introduction: aggressive behaviors such as bullying or School Bullying (SB) in the population are not an isolated event and seriously affect the socio-emotional health of those who suffer it. Objective: the aim of this study was to carry out a systematic review of existing publications on Physical Education (PE) and Physical Activity (PA). Materials and methods: a research was designed based on PRISMA methodology. The search for information was developed in four databases WOS, PUBMED, SCIELO and ELSEIVER between the years 2015 to 2020. Results: A total of 53 articles were found, after being analyzed by inclusion and exclusion criteria, 18 studies were considered for analysis. Spain, Brazil and Colombia concentrate a greater number of publications with great variability of sample size for both females and males mainly during adolescence. The most used concepts were Bullying; Victimization, School Violence, Cyberbullying, Cyberbullying, Self-esteem within the context of PE and PA. Conclusion: the need to make the problem visible in PE and PA is highlighted, due to its impact on physical and emotional health and motor learning.

Resumo: Introdução: Comportamentos agressivos, como bullying ou Bullying Escolar (BE) na população, não são eventos isolados e afetam seriamente a saúde socioemocional daqueles que o sofrem. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar uma revisão sistemática das publicações existentes sobre Educação Física (EF) e Atividade Física (AF). Materiais e métodos: Foi desenhada uma pesquisa baseada na metodologia PRISMA. A busca por informações foi desenvolvida em quatro bases de dados: WOS, PUBMED, SCIELO e ELSEVIER, entre os anos de 2015 a 2020. Resultados: Um total de 53 artigos foram encontrados; após serem analisados pelos critérios de inclusão e exclusão, 18 estudos foram considerados para análise. Espanha, Brasil e Colômbia concentram um maior número de publicações com grande variabilidade de tamanho de amostra para ambos os sexos, principalmente durante a adolescência. Os conceitos mais utilizados foram Bullying; Vitimização, Violência Escolar, Cyberbullying, Autoestima dentro do contexto de EF e AF. Conclusão: Destaca-se a necessidade de tornar visível o problema na EF e AF, devido ao seu impacto na saúde física e emocional e na aprendizagem motora.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Educação Física e Treinamento , Exercício Físico/psicologia , Bullying/psicologia
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1553623


O presente trabalho objetiva abordar, por meio de um relato de experiência, as possibilidades de atuação da Terapia Ocupacional no campo da saúde mental infantojuvenil como, por exemplo, diante de situações de bullying e sofrimento psíquico vivenciados por adolescentes. Trata-se do relato de uma experiência vinculada a um projeto de ensino e extensão universitária, realizado em uma escola pública do interior do Estado de SP. As intervenções foram realizadas em três etapas: 1) Roda de conversa e compartilhamento com a equipe escolar; 2) Intervenção em sala de aula e 3) Acolhimento e acompanhamento das demandas emergidas nas etapas 1 e 2. Os resultados apontam que a ação desenvolvida auxiliou os adolescentes a reconhecerem suas potências, assim como a identificarem e lidarem com os fenômenos que lhes geram sofrimento. As estratégias adotadas caminham na direção do que tem sido sugerido e apontado pela literatura como possibilidade de atuação frente à temática do bullying, sendo a Terapia Ocupacional uma das profissões atuantes nesse campo

The present work aims to address, through an experience report, the possibilities of Occupational Therapy in the field of child and adolescent mental health, for example, in situations of bullying and psychological suffering experienced by adolescents. This is the report of an experience linked to a teaching and university extension project, carried out in a public school in the interior of the State of SP. The interventions were carried out in three stages: 1) Conversation and sharing with the school team;2) Intervention in the classroom and 3) Reception and monitoring of the demands that emerged in stages 1 and 2. The results indicate that the developmental action helped adolescents to recognize their strengths, as well as to identify and deal with the phenomena that cause them suffering. The strategies adopted move in the direction of what has been suggested and pointed out in the literature as a possibility of action in the face of bullying, with Occupational Therapy being one of the professions active in this field (AU).

El presente trabajo pretende abordar, a través de un relato de experiencia, las posibilidades de la Terapia Ocupacional en el ámbito de la salud mental infanto-juvenil, por ejemplo, en situaciones de acoso escolar y sufrimiento psicológico que viven los adolescentes. Este es el relato de una experiencia vinculada a un proyecto de enseñanza y extensión universitaria, realizado en una escuela pública del interior del Estado de SP. Las intervenciones se realizaron en tres etapas: 1) Conversación y compartir con el equipo escolar; 2) Intervención en el aula y 3) Recepción y seguimiento de las demandas surgidas en las etapas 1 y 2. Los resultados indican que la acción evolutiva ayudó a los adolescentes a reconocer sus fortalezas, así como a identificar y afrontar los fenómenos que las provocan. sufrimiento. Las estrategias adoptadas van en la dirección de lo sugerido y señalado en la literatura como una posibilidad de actuación frente al acoso escolar, siendo la Terapia Ocupacional una de las profesiones activas en este campo (AU).

Humanos , Criança , Adolescente , Bullying/psicologia , Estudantes/psicologia , Adolescente
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031104


【Objective】 To explore the relationship of victimization, bullying tolerance and anxiety/depression in adolescents, and to examine the moderating effect of cognitive emotion regulation strategies on the relationship between bullying tolerance and anxiety/depression, in order to provide basis for intervention. 【Methods】 From January 2019 to July 2020, 1 768 adolescents were selected into this survey, and completed Bully/Victim Questionnaire, Primary and Secondary School Bullying Tolerance Questionnaire, Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire and the 28 General Health questionnaires. 【Results】 Adolescents′ victimization was relatively common and serious, the proportion of verbal bullying, relational bullying, and physical bullying was 57.64% (1 019/1 768), 36.60% (647/1 768), and 22.40% (396/1 768), respectirely. The scores of anxiety and depression of adolescents with different gender (t=2.00), school stage (F=101.38) and academic performance (F=27.91) were statistically significant (P0.05), while at a low positive strategy level, bullying tolerance had significant predictive effect on anxiety/depression (β=0.28, P0.05). 【Conclusions】 Victimization and bullying tolerance positively predict adolescent anxiety/depression.High levels of positive and low levels of negative strategies effectively inhibit the risk of anxiety/depression, while low levels of positive and high levels of negative strategies amplify the risk of anxiety/depression.

Chinese Mental Health Journal ; (12): 104-108, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025498


Objective:To explore the relationship between school bullying and mental sub-health in middle school students and the potential moderating role of resilience in this relationship.Methods:Totally 792 students aged 10 to 14 years from two middle schools in Wuhan were selected.The Chinese version of Olweus Bully/Victim Questionnaire,Multidimensional Sub-health Questionnaire of Adolescents,and Adolescent Psychological Resilience Scale were used to measure school bullying,mental sub-health,and psychological resilience of students,respectively.Results:Being bullied scores were positively associated with mental sub-health scores(β=1.88).The moderating effect of psychological resilience scores between being the scores of bullied and mental sub-health was statistically significant(β=-0.07).Conclusion:The experience of bullying may be associated with mental sub-health problems of middle school students,and psychological resilience may play a moderating role in the relation-ship between being bullied and mental sub-health.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 29(2): e16092022, 2024. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528368


Resumo O objetivo foi avaliar a prevalência de vitimização por bullying e seus fatores associados entre adolescentes da cidade de Pelotas, RS. Estudo transversal de base escolar realizado com 795 alunos do 9o ano do ensino fundamental de 25 escolas municipais urbanas vinculadas ao PSE. O bullying foi avaliado por meio de perguntas que abordaram a ocorrência, a frequência, o local, o tipo de violência sofrida e o quanto isso incomoda as vítimas. Análises bruta e ajustada foram feitas por regressão de Poisson. Aproximadamente 71% dos estudantes relataram ter sofrido bullying, a escola foi o local de maior ocorrência (86,7%). Entre os tipos de agressões sofridas, "apelidos" foi a queixa mais recorrente (88,4%), seguida por exclusão ou isolamento (26,6%). A vitimização foi mais frequente entre as meninas (RP 1,13; IC95% 1,02-1,27), estudantes com cor da pele/raça não branca (RP 1,16; IC95% 1,05-1,29), que já experimentaram tabaco (RP 1,14; IC95% 1,03-1,27), insatisfeitos (RP 1,42; IC95% 1,27-1,58) ou indiferentes (RP 1,21; IC95% 1,02-1,43) em relação ao corpo e que apresentavam excesso de peso (RP 1,15; IC95% 1,04-1,27). Os resultados mostram que o bullying é uma prática frequente no ambiente escolar, apontando para a necessidade de práticas educativas voltadas para a redução e prevenção desse tipo de violência.

Abstract The objective was to assess the prevalence of bullying victimization and associated factors among adolescents in the city of Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul. A cross-sectional school-based study was conducted with 795 ninth grade students from 25 urban municipal schools linked to the School Health Program. Bullying was assessed using questions that addressed the occurrence, frequency, location, type of violence suffered and how much it bothers the victims. Gross and adjusted analyses were performed by Poisson regression. Approximately 71% of the students reported having suffered bullying, and school was the location of greatest occurrence (86.7%). Among the types of aggression suffered, "nicknames" was the most recurrent complaint (88.4%), followed by exclusion or isolation (26.6%). Victimization was more frequent among girls (PR 1.13; 95%CI 1.02-1.27), students with non-white skin color/race (PR 1.16; 95%CI 1.05-1.29), who have already tried tobacco (PR 1.14; 95%CI 1.03-1.27), dissatisfied (PR 1.42; 95%CI 1.27-1.58) or indifferent (PR 1.21; 95%CI 1.02-1.43) about their bodies, and who were overweight (PR 1.15; 95%CI 1.04-1.27). The results show that bullying is a frequent practice in the school environment, pointing to the need for educational practices aimed at reducing and preventing this type of violence.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 29(5): e00092023, 2024. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557484


Abstract This article aims to identify the association of sociodemographic factors and lifestyle behaviours with bullying perpetration and victimization among high school students. The adolescents (n=852) answered a questionnaire about bullying (victims and perpetrators), sociodemographic factors (sex, age, maternal education, and participant's work status), tobacco use, alcohol use, illicit drug experimentation, physical activity, screen time, and sleep duration. Multilevel logistic regression models were performed. Older adolescents were less likely to be victims of bullying. Females were less likely to be perpetrators or victims of bullying. Adolescents who were working were more likely to be involved in bullying in both forms. Participation in non-sport activities and alcohol consumption were associated with higher odds of bullying victimization. We have identified specific populational subgroups that are more susceptible to being victims and/or perpetrators of bullying, which could support tailor-specific interventions to prevent bullying.

Resumo O objetivo deste artigo é identificar a associação de fatores sociodemográficos e comportamentos de estilo de vida com a perpetração do bullying e da vitimização entre os alunos do ensino médio. Os adolescentes (n=852) responderam a um questionário sobre bullying (vítimas e perpetradores), fatores sociodemográficos (sexo, idade, educação materna e status profissional dos participantes), uso de tabaco, uso de álcool, experimentação de drogas ilícitas, atividade física, tempo de tela e duração do sono. Modelos de regressão logística multinível foram realizados. Os adolescentes mais velhos eram menos propensos a serem vítimas de bullying. As mulheres tinham menos probabilidade de serem perpetradoras ou vítimas de bullying. Os adolescentes que estavam trabalhando tinham maior probabilidade de estarem envolvidos em bullying em ambas as formas. A participação em atividades não esportivas e o consumo de álcool estavam associados a maiores probabilidades de vitimização por bullying. Identificamos subgrupos populacionais específicos que são mais suscetíveis a serem vítimas e/ou perpetradores de bullying, o que poderia apoiar intervenções específicas sob medida para evitar o bullying.

Texto & contexto enferm ; 33: e20230170, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1560565


ABSTRACT Objective: to describe the process of developing, validating and assessing an educational booklet to prevent transphobic bullying at school. Method: this is a methodological study, carried out from February to December 2022 at a public school in João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil. The educational booklet was developed in accordance with the methodological trajectory proposed by Echer, and submitted to content validity and semantic assessment by expert judges and Elementary School II teachers, respectively. In data analysis, content validity and Intraclass Correlation Coefficients were used, in addition to semantic agreement index. Results: the educational booklet had its content validated with a validity coefficient of 0.981 and an Intraclass Correlation Coefficient of 0.833 for the set of items in the assessment instrument. In semantic assessment, teachers considered the booklet understandable, with a minimum agreement level of 94%. Conclusion: the booklet developed was considered valid by judges, to be used with teachers, individually and in continuing education or health actions, in order to contribute to preventing transphobic bullying at school.

RESUMEN Objetivo: describir el proceso de desarrollo, validación y evaluación de una cartilla educativa para prevenir el acoso escolar transfóbico. Método: se trata de un estudio metodológico, realizado de febrero a diciembre de 2022 en una escuela pública de João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil. La cartilla educativa fue elaborada de acuerdo con la trayectoria metodológica propuesta por Echer, y sometida a validación de contenido y evaluación semántica por jueces expertos y docentes de la Escuela Primaria II, respectivamente. En el análisis de los datos, se utilizaron los coeficientes de validez de contenido y de correlación intraclase, y el índice de concordancia semántica. Resultados: la cartilla educativa tuvo su contenido validado con un coeficiente de validez de 0,981 y un coeficiente de correlación intraclase de 0,833 para el conjunto de ítems del instrumento de evaluación. En la evaluación semántica, los docentes consideraron comprensible el cuadernillo, con un nivel mínimo de acuerdo del 94%. Conclusión: la cartilla desarrollada fue considerada válida por los jueces, para ser utilizada con docentes, de manera individual y en acciones de educación continua o de salud, con el fin de contribuir a la prevención del acoso escolar transfóbico en la escuela.

RESUMO Objetivo: Descrever o processo de desenvolvimento, validação e avaliação de cartilha educacional para prevenção do bullying transfóbico na escola. Método: Trata-se de um estudo metodológico, realizado no período de fevereiro a dezembro de 2022 em uma escola pública de João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brasil. A cartilha educacional foi desenvolvida de acordo com a trajetória metodológica proposta por Echer, e submetida à validação de conteúdo e avaliação semântica por juízes especialistas e professores do Ensino Fundamental II, respectivamente. Na análise dos dados, utilizaram-se os coeficientes de validade de conteúdo e correlação intraclasse, e o índice de concordância semântica. Resultados: A cartilha educacional teve seu conteúdo validado com coeficiente de validade de 0,981 e coeficiente de correlação intraclasse de 0,833 para o conjunto de itens do instrumento de avaliação. Na avaliação semântica, os professores consideraram a cartilha compreensível, com nível de concordância mínima de 94%. Conclusão: A cartilha desenvolvida foi considerada válida por juízes, para ser utilizada com professores, de forma individual e em ações de educação permanente ou em saúde, a fim de contribuir na prevenção do bullying transfóbico na escola.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 29(7): e04012024, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564297


Abstract This study aims to analyze the association between bullying behaviors, adverse childhood experiences and social capital in late adolescence. Secondary school students aged 15-19 of a metropolitan region of Brazil were recruited for a sectional epidemiological survey, with a sample of 2,281 students, stratified by municipality of school location. Descriptive and inferential statistics were performed from three instruments: Olweus Bully/Victim Questionnaire, Childhood Adversity History Questionnaire and Integrated Questionnaire to Measure Social Capital, in adapted versions. The results showed that the factors associated with bullying victims were gender and adversity in childhood. The factors associated to bullying aggressors were gender, childhood adversities, and cognitive social capital. And the factors associated with bullying aggressor-victims were gender, childhood adversities, and cognitive social capital. It is concluded that bullying is associated with adversity in childhood and also with cognitive social capital and they point out the need to address the causes of violence in order to provide a healthy and safe development for children and adolescents, preventing negative outcomes for physical and mental health.

Resumo O estudo tem como objetivo analisar a associação entre o comportamento de bullying, experiências adversas na infância e capital social no final da adolescência. Foram recrutados estudantes do ensino médio, com idades entre 15 e 19 anos, de uma região metropolitana do Brasil, para uma pesquisa epidemiológica seccional, com uma amostra de 2.281 alunos, estratificada por município de localização da escola. Foram produzidas estatísticas descritivas e inferenciais, com base em três instrumentos: Olweus Bully/Victim Questionnaire, Childhood Adversity History Questionnaire e Integrated Questionnaire to Measure Social Capital, em versões adaptadas. Os resultados mostraram que os fatores associados às vítimas de bullying foram gênero e adversidade na infância. Os fatores associados aos agressores de bullying foram gênero, adversidades na infância e capital social cognitivo. E os fatores associados aos agressores-vítimas de bullying foram gênero, adversidades na infância e capital social cognitivo. Conclui-se que o bullying está associado a adversidades na infância e também ao capital social cognitivo, e apontam para a necessidade de abordar as causas da violência, a fim de proporcionar um desenvolvimento saudável e seguro para crianças e adolescentes, prevenindo resultados negativos para a saúde física e mental.

Psicol. (Univ. Brasília, Online) ; 40: e40302, 2024. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1564940


Abstract This study aimed to analyze the association between early alcohol use in adolescence and associated factors: sociodemographic, involvement in bullying, risk behaviors at school, and social-emotional skills. It was carried out with 528 adolescents from full-time public high schools. Instruments: sociodemographic questionnaire, AUDIT, Victimization Scale among Students, Scale of Authorship of Student Violence, Risk Behavior Scale, and SENNA. In the final model, the variables with a significant association with early alcohol use by adolescents were: not having a religion (PR = 1.28, 95% CI [1.02, 1.60]), parental alcohol consumption (PR = 1.55, 95% CI [1.22, 1.97]), bullying (PR = 1.51, 95% CI [1.14, 1.98]), smoking at school (PR = 1.74, 95% CI [1.36, 2.24]), high engagement with others (PR = 2.59, 95% CI [1.40, 4.79]), and low emotional resilience (PR = 2.16, 95% CI [1.16, 4.03]), all indicating risk.

Resumo Este estudo objetivou analisar a associação entre o uso precoce de álcool na adolescência e fatores associados: sociodemográficos, envolvimento em bullying, comportamentos de risco na escola e competências socioemocionais. Foi realizado com 528 adolescentes de escolas públicas de Ensino Médio de tempo integral. Instrumentos: questionário sociodemográfico, AUDIT, Escala de Vitimização entre Alunos, Escala de Autoria de Violência a Alunos, Escala de Comportamentos de Risco e o SENNA. No modelo final, as variáveis com associação significativa foram: não ter uma religião (RP = 1,28; IC 95% [1,02; 1,60]), consumo de álcool dos pais (RP = 1,55; IC 95% [1,22; 1,97]), autoria de bullying (RP = 1,51; IC 95% [1,14; 1,98]), fumar na escola (RP = 1,74; IC 95% [1,36; 2,24]), alto engajamento com outros (RP = 2,59; IC 95% [1,40; 4,79]) e baixa resiliência emocional (RP = 2,16; IC 95% [1,16; 4,03]), todas indicando risco.

Saúde Soc ; 33(1): e220692pt, 2024. graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536867


Resumo Este artigo tem como objetivo compreender, pelo uso do Photovoice, as representações de bullying presentes entre adolescentes escolares do ensino médio. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo, realizado com 54 adolescentes da rede pública de ensino do estado do Paraná, organizados em seis grupos focais. Os dados foram coletados mediante a técnica participativa Photovoice e submetidos à análise de conteúdo proposta por Bardin. Da análise dos dados emergiram três categorias: "Bullying estético, homofóbico e de gênero: estratégias subversivas", "Os efeitos danosos do bullying" e "O diálogo interdisciplinar como estratégia de prevenção e combate ao bullying". Com os resultados, foi possível evidenciar que a prática do bullying acontece a partir das dissonâncias entre agressores e vítimas, com insultos à condição de conformação corporal, orientação sexual, identidade de gênero, entre outros. Por essa razão, é preciso viabilizar ações articuladas entre educação e saúde para o diálogo e escuta a respeito do bullying na comunidade escolar, com vistas a seu enfrentamento, prevenção e proteção, almejando, sobretudo, o respeito e valorização das diferenças.

Abstract This article aims to understand, by using Photovoice, the representations of bulling among high school adolescents. This is a qualitative study, conducted with 54 adolescents from the public school system of the state of Paraná, organized into six focus groups. The data were collected using the Photovoice participatory technique and submitted to content analysis proposed by Bardin. Three categories emerged from the data analysis: "Esthetic, homophobic, and gender bullying: subversive strategies", "The harmful effects of bullying", and "Interdisciplinary dialogue as a strategy to prevent and combat bullying." With the results, it was possible to evidence that the practice of bullying happens from dissonances between aggressors and victims, with insults to the condition of body conformation, sexual orientation, gender identity, among others. For this reason, it is necessary to enable articulated actions between education and health for dialogue and listening about bullying in the school community, with a view to coping with it, prevent it, and protect against it, seeking above all the respect and appreciation of differences.

Adolescente , Serviços de Saúde Escolar , Violência , Adolescente , Enfermagem , Bullying
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536547


(analítico) Se presentan los resultados sobre cómo se comprende y se asume el bullying, en tanto problema escolar y social, desde la perspectiva infantil. Para ello, se realizó una investigación cualitativa, hermenéutico-comprensiva, con grupos focales mediados por títeres o videos, producción gráfica y narración de historias. Los participantes fueron 626 estudiantes de 5 a 7 años. La comprensión transitó por elementos congruentes con la teoría, como exclusión, acoso verbal, afectación de pertenencias y una nueva tipología: falta de solidaridad. En cuanto a las experiencias, precisan las burlas, el acoso físico y el hurto, asociadas al contexto familiar o a ninguna, estas últimas por la confluencia del espacio escolar y la familia en un mismo lugar en tiempos de educación remota. En cuanto a la solución, está apela a figuras de autoridad, familiares, asumir actitudes reconciliadoras o al juego.

(analytical) The paper presents the results on how bullying, as scholar and social problem, is understood and assumed from the child's perspective. Therefore, a qualitative, hermeneutic-comprehensive research was carried out and focus groups were done by means of moppets and videos, graphic production, and storytelling. The participants were 626 students from 5 to 7 years old. The understanding went through elements consistent with the theory, such as exclusion, verbal harassment, affectation of be-longings and a new typology, lack of solidarity. Regarding the experiences, they specify teasing, physical harassment, theft, associated with the family context or none, the latter due to the confluence of the school space and the family in the same place in times of remote education. As for the solution, it is appealing to authority figures, relatives, assuming reconciliatory attitudes and playing.

(analítico) O artigo apresenta os resultados sobre como o bullying, como um problema social e escolar, é compreendido e assumido na perspectiva da criança. Para isso, realizou-se uma investigação qualitativa, hermenêutica-compreensiva e grupos focais mediados por fantoches ou vídeos, produção gráfica e contação de histórias; os participantes foram 626 alunos de 5 a 7 anos. O entendimento passou por elementos condizentes com a teoria, como exclusão, assédio verbal, afetação de pertences e uma nova tipologia, falta de solidariedade. Quanto às vivências, especificam provocações, assédios físicos, furtos, associados ao contexto familiar ou nenhum, este último devido à confluência do espaço escolar e da família no mesmo local em tempos de educação a distância. Quanto à solução, é apelar a figuras de autoridade, familiares, assumindo atitudes de conciliação e brincadeiras.

rev. psicogente ; 26(50)dic. 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536982


Objective: Bullying and uncivil behaviors frequently happen in higher education lecture halls. This study aimed at exploring college students bullying incidents and mistreatments by faculty members, witnesses, and the type of bullying, where bullying and exploitations mostly happen. Method: A total 2646 (1493 female & 1185 male) students from a mid-size state university studying at every accessible department voluntarily participated to fill out a survey. A survey instrument and a social demographic information form is used to collect data. A chi-square test and several descriptive statistics were run to analyze the data. Results: Results revealed that 10 % of student were threatened being graded lower or being failed, 21 % stated that they did not believe in fair investigation even when they could complain to the relevant authorities in the university. Among them, 31 % of the students witnessed a faculty member threatening students' in an uncivil manner. Male faculty members were 4 times more likely to bully student or act uncivil behaviors than female faculty members. Assistant professor or younger faculty members tend to behave more negatively than higher ranking or older professors. Conclusions: Most of the incidents happen during the class. Results show that bullying is a universal phenomenon and it appears in every level and field of education. Even though there are cultural and departmental differences, and department-specific misbehaviors, it is still common in every level of education in every culture.

Objetivo: Este estudio tuvo como objetivo explorar los incidentes de intimidación y maltrato de estudiantes universitarios por parte de miembros de la facultad, testigos, el tipo de hostigamiento, dónde se producen principalmente los acosos y los maltratos, cómo se han enfrentado a estos hechos, cómo han resuelto el incidente, las razones del hostigamiento y los malos tratos, frecuencia de los mismos, el tipo observado de bullying y similitudes culturales. Diferencias en los comportamientos de bullying y características de los miembros de la facultad que realizan el bullying. Metodología: Un total de 2646 estudiantes de una universidad estatal de un tamaño mediano que estudiaban en las distintas facultades de la universidad seleccionada. Participaron voluntariamente para realizar una encuesta impulsada por el concepto de intimidación de Olweus. Resultados: Los resultados revelaron que el 10 % de los estudiantes fueron amenazados con una calificación inferior o reprobada, el 21 % dijo que no creía en una investigación justa, incluso si podían presentar una queja ante las autoridades pertinentes de la universidad. Solo el 5 % de los estudiantes mencionó haber presentado una queja verbal informal. El 18 % informó que el acoso era muy importante y muy estresante para ellos. Entre estos, el 31 % de los estudiantes fue testigo de la amenaza de un miembro de la facultad a los estudiantes de una manera poco correcta. Los varones de la facultad eran 4 veces más propensos que los miembros femeninos de la misma a intimidar a los estudiantes, o comportarse de manera no cívica. El profesor asistente o los miembros más jóvenes de la facultad tienden a comportarse de manera más negativa que los profesores de mayor rango o más antiguos. Parece que la mayoría de los incidentes ocurren durante la clase (11 %) o antes de que comience la misma (1,6 %). Conclusiones: Los resultados muestran que el acoso académico es un fenómeno universal y aparece en todos los niveles de la educación. A pesar de que existen diferencias culturales y departamentales, el acoso todavía es común en todos los niveles de educación de todas las culturas. El bullying tiene consecuencias negativas en los estudiantes; afecta perniciosamente su salud mental, integración escolar y logros académicos. Por lo tanto, los responsables de la administración escolar deben establecer pautas claras para las relaciones entre el profesorado y los estudiantes; y proporcionar ayuda de asesoramiento y acompañamiento para quienes lo necesiten.

Medisur ; 21(5)oct. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521233


El acoso escolar o ¨bullying¨ es un problema social que se ha incrementado de tal manera que representa una preocupación a nivel mundial, de lo cual Cuba no está exenta. En este trabajo se reflexiona acerca de las condiciones y riesgos que pueden generar consecuencias negativas en personas vulnerables a sufrir este tipo de agresión. Se precisa que la depresión, la ansiedad y determinadas condiciones físicas y sociales, destacan en los afectados y, entre estas, el padecimiento de obesidad que pudiera incrementar, como riesgo acumulativo, trastornos del sueño en niños y adolescentes. Se realizó una revisión acerca de los posibles impactos de la vinculación de la obesidad y el acoso escolar en cuanto a los trastornos del sueño en niños y adolescentes. Se concluye que existe una asociación entre la obesidad, el acoso escolar y el riesgo de padecer trastornos del sueño, lo que, fundamentalmente desde la Atención Primaria de Salud, debe considerarse de manera que se puedan detectar y aplicar los protocolos correspondientes sobre esta población de riesgo y de su entorno por lo que se recomiendan acciones psicopedagógicas y de coordinación intersectorial.

School bullying or bullying is a social problem that has increased in such a way that it represents a worldwide concern, from which Cuba is not exempt. This paper reflects on the conditions and risks that can generate negative consequences in vulnerable people to suffer this type of aggression. Depression, anxiety and certain physical and social conditions stand out in those affected and, among these, the suffering from obesity that could increase, as a cumulative risk, sleep disorders in children and adolescents. A review was carried out about the possible impacts of linking obesity and bullying in terms of sleep disorders in children and adolescents. It is concluded that there is an association between obesity, bullying and the risk of suffering from sleep disorders, which, fundamentally from Primary Health Care, should be considered so that the corresponding protocols can be detected and applied to this population at risk and its environment, for which psycho-pedagogical actions and intersectoral coordination are recommended.

Rev. Fac. Med. Hum ; 23(4): 100-107, oct.-dic. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559079


RESUMEN Introducción: El bullying, es un comportamiento perjudicial en contextos escolares, afectando la vida de los estudiantes. Objetivo: Identificar y comparar indicadores de comportamiento desajustado en estudiantes con diferente propensión al bullying. Metodología: Este estudio descriptivo y cuantitativo utilizó encuestas y un diseño comparativo seguido de correlacional para evaluar comportamientos desajustados (estrés, baja autoestima, incivismo, desajuste familiar, propensión a la violencia) en estudiantes secundarios de Lima y Callao. La muestra no probabilística incluyó 1345 estudiantes de primer y segundo año, divididos en dos grupos según su propensión al bullying (alto -Grupo E- y bajo -Grupo C-). Se aplicaron escalas de los inventarios INDACPS y la Escala de Propensión al Bullying (EPB), analizando los datos con SPSS v.25 y Jamovi. Las diferencias entre grupos se evaluaron mediante la prueba U de Mann-Whitney, y la correlación de variables se determinó con la correlación de Spearman. Resultados: El Grupo E tuvo niveles más altos de estrés, baja autoestima, incivismo, desajuste familiar y propensión a la violencia, con significancia estadística (p<0,001) en comparación al Grupo C. Se encontraron correlaciones estadísticamente significativas entre la propensión al bullying y estos indicadores, siendo más fuertes en la muestra total (p<0,001). Además, se observaron diferencias significativas por sexo en estrés, baja autoestima, desajuste familiar y propensión a la violencia, pero no en incivismo y propensión al bullying. Conclusión: Los estudiantes con mayor propensión al bullying exhiben mayores niveles de estrés, baja autoestima, incivismo, desajuste familiar y propensión a la violencia. Lo que resalta la relevancia de intervenciones integrales.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Bullying is harmful behavior in school contexts, affecting students' lives. Objective: To identify and compare indicators of maladjusted behavior in students with different propensities to bullying. Methodology: This descriptive and quantitative study used surveys and a comparative followed by correlational design to assess maladjusted behaviors (stress, low self-esteem, incivility, family maladjustment, propensity to violence) in secondary students from Lima and Callao. The non-probabilistic sample included 1345 first and second-year students, divided into two groups based on their bullying propensity (high -Group E- and low -Group C-). Scales from the INDACPS inventories and the Bullying Propensity Scale (BPS) were applied, analyzing data with SPSS v.25 and Jamovi. Differences between groups were assessed using the Mann-Whitney U test, and variable correlation was determined using Spearman's correlation. Results: Group E had higher levels of stress, low self-esteem, incivility, family maladjustment, and propensity to violence, with statistical significance (p<0.001) compared to Group C. Statistically significant correlations were found between the propensity to bullying and these indicators, being stronger in the total sample (p<0.001). Additionally, significant gender differences were observed in stress, low self-esteem, family maladjustment, and propensity to violence, but not in incivility and bullying propensity. Conclusion: Students with a higher propensity to bullying exhibit higher levels of stress, low self-esteem, incivility, family maladjustment, and propensity to violence, underscoring the importance of comprehensive interventions.

Interdisciplinaria ; 40(2): 197-214, ago. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448490


Resumen La agresión entre pares, sea un caso aislado o recurrente, se ha convertido en un problema cada vez más frecuente que socava el desarrollo psicoafectivo saludable en adolescentes y universitarios. Como en el caso de otras conductas de riesgo, la investigación sugiere que los aspectos emocionales son relevantes para su prevención. El objetivo de este trabajo fue explorar la posible relación entre la agresión entre pares, la agresión frecuente como potencial conducta de bullying, y la diferenciación del self, un constructo procedente de la perspectiva sistémica, vinculado con la autorregulación emocional y la madurez afectiva. Universitarios de entre 17 y 20 años (. = 365), completaron sendos cuestionarios autoadministrados sobre estilos de vida (Carlos et al., 2016) y diferenciación del self (Duch-Ceballos et al., 2022). En esta muestra, los análisis realizados indican que menores niveles de diferenciación del self en los varones se asocian con mayor probabilidad de agresión entre pares, tanto sufrida como ejercida. Además, uno de los componentes de la diferenciación del self, la reactividad emocional, predijo también las probabilidades de agresión (sufrida y ejercida) entre las mujeres. La diferenciación del self está recibiendo una creciente atención como variable relevante para explicar la conducta de los adolescentes y jóvenes emergentes, especialmente en lo que refiere a conductas de riesgo. Este sería el primer estudio sobre la relación entre diferenciación del self, agresión entre pares y agresión frecuente como potencial conducta de buylling. Finalmente, a partir de los resultados encontrados, se plantean futuras líneas de investigación y aplicaciones prácticas.

Abstract The socio-emotional well-being of children and adolescents is a subject of interest, both for academics and researchers, as well as for parents, teachers, and educators. Initiatives on this subject promoted from the scientific and social fields are constantly increasing, and tend to have multiple objectives, among which one is to understand the dynamics of violence and aggression (which can lead to harassment situations), in order to design more effective prevention and intervention programs. Research suggests that emotional aspects are relevant to the prevention of aggression. Within this realm, we have focused on Differentiation of self (DoS). The Differentiation of Self is the central construct of Bowen's (1978) systemic family theory, considered from the systemic perspective as one of the most comprehensive theories of human behavior. With multiple applications in various fields, DoS is a multidimensional construct, defined as the ability to balance emotional and intellectual functioning -intrapsychic dimension-, and intimacy and autonomy in personal relationships -interpersonal dimension-. Based on previous studies in which associations between bullying and socio-emotional competencies were found, the objective of this study was to find relationships between differentiation of self and peer aggression. The sample of this study was comprised of university students between 17 and 20 years old (. = 365; . = 18.3, SD = .7), who were studying the first or second year of different careers at a private university in Argentina. Participants completed self-administered questionnaires on lifestyles (Carlos et al., 2016) and the Spanish version of the Differentiation of Self Inventory-Revised (S-DSI; Rodríguez-González et al., 2015). Considering that peer aggression does not represent bullying in all cases, the association between self-differentiation and peer aggression was first analyzed and, second, this same association was analyzed, but considering frequent aggression. Peer aggression was perpetrated by 54 % of women and 63 % of men (. = .043) and suffered by 72 % of women and 61 % of men (. = .124). Frequent peer aggression was perpetrated by 15 % of women and 21 % of men (. = .001) and suffered by 41 % of women and 24 % of men (. = .146). Both measures of DoS (Emotional reactivity and Emotional cutoff) were associated with a lower prevalence of both aggression and frequent aggression. This work offers two main findings. First, given the high incidence of peer aggression, the results of this study confirm the relevance of the research on peer aggression and, specifically, on frequent aggression associated with bullying. Second, present data suggests the existence of a relationship between differentiation of self and aggression. Since the idea and perceptions about aggression could be changing, new research is suggested, based around the cultural context and social changes that identify how the concept of bullying evolves should be promoted. Moreover, it would be positive to develop new research that can delve into the role played by the differentiation of self, since it is a factor that impacts the development and health of adolescents. The significant relationship between peer aggression and DoS found in this study contributes to the empirical corpus that affirms the relevance of the emotional factor in aggressive and bullying behaviors. In this sense, this study joins others that support the idea of intervening in aggression and buylling through the development of school intervention programs aimed at developing emotional competencies, involving students and also parents and educators.

Psicol. teor. prát ; 25(3): 15019, 10 jul. 2023.
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1451191


Bullying at school affects the health and development of children and adolescents. This study aimed to describe evidence about the characteristics of boys and girls identified as bullies in bullying situations. This is a review with publications from 2015 to 2020, operationalized in SciELO, Scopus, Web of Science, and PsycINFO. Data were independently extracted by two reviewers and submitted to methodological quality assessment. The corpus was composed of 27 primary studies. It was found that boys do more bullying and are more engaged in physical aggression. Girls engage more in verbal or psychological type violence. Social/cultural issues are factors consistently associated with such differences. Regarding the consequences of the aggression perpetrated, bullies, regardless of gender, may also have mental health problems. This study gathers quantitative evidence on characteristics of boys and girls who engage in bullying at school. Differences/similarities should be considered in anti-bullying intervention programs.

El acoso afecta a la salud y el desarrollo de niños y adolescentes. Este estudio tenía como objetivo describir las características de los chicos y chicas identificados como agresores. Se trata de una revisión desarrollada entre 2015-2020 en las bases SciELO, Scopus, Web of Science y PsycINFO. Dos revisores extrajeron los datos y los sometieron a una evaluación de la calidad metodológica. La revisión incluyó 27 estudios primarios. Se descubrió que los chicos practican más el acoso y se dedican más a la agresión física. Las chicas ejercen más violencia de tipo verbal o psicológico. Las cuestiones sociales/culturales son factores que se asocian sistemáticamente a estas diferencias. En cuanto a las consecuencias de la agresión perpetrada, los agresores, independientemente del sexo, también pueden presentar problemas de salud mental. Este estudio reúne pruebas cuantitativas sobre las características de los chicos y chicas agresores. Los datos deben tenerse en cuenta en los programas de intervención.

O bullying escolar afeta a saúde e desenvolvimento de crianças e adolescentes. Este estudo objetivou descrever evidências sobre as características de meninos e meninas identificados como agressores(as) em situações de bullying. Trata-se de uma revisão da literatura que abarcou publicações entre 2015 e 2020, operacionalizada nas bases SciELO, Scopus, Web of Science e PsycINFO. Os dados foram extraídos de forma independente por dois revisores e submetidos à avaliação de qualidade metodológica. O corpus foi composto por 27 estudos primários. Verificou-se que meninos praticam mais bullying e estão mais engajados em agressões físicas. Meninas envolvem-se mais em violência do tipo verbal ou psicológica. Questões sociais/culturais são fatores consistentemente associados a tais diferenças. Sobre as consequências das agressões praticadas, agressores, independentemente do sexo, também podem apresentar problemas de saúde mental. Este estudo reúne evidências quantitativas sobre características de meninos e meninas que praticam bullying na escola. Diferenças/semelhanças devem ser consideradas em programas de intervenção antibullying.

Humanos , Violência , Criança , Escolaridade , Bullying , Saúde , Saúde do Adolescente
Horiz. med. (Impresa) ; 23(3)jul. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514222


Objetivo: Evaluar la asociación entre la exposición a hostigamiento laboral y la presencia de síndrome de burnout en el personal sanitario de un hospital de referencia peruano. Materiales y métodos: Estudio transversal, analítico. Se incluyó a médicos internistas, cirujanos, enfermeras, residentes, internos de medicina y técnicos de enfermería de los departamentos de Medicina y Cirugía del Hospital Nacional Hipólito Unanue en Lima, Perú. Se usaron los cuestionarios Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human Services Survey (MBI-HSS) y Negative Acts Questionnaire-Revised (NAQ-R) para la detección de burnout y hostigamiento, respectivamente. Adicionalmente, se evaluó la asociación con la edad, género, ocupación, estado civil, lugar de trabajo, conformidad con salario, carga familiar, actividad física, hábitos nocivos, vacaciones, afiliación religiosa, número de trabajos, remuneración mensual, tiempo de trabajo, horas laborales por semana, número de pacientes atendidos por día, guardias semanales y horas de descanso. El análisis multivariado se realizó mediante el uso de un modelo de regresión logística múltiple, para lo cual se utilizó como variable respuesta la presencia o no de burnout. Resultados: Se incluyeron a 206 participantes. De ellos, 22 (10,7 %) presentaron burnout y 27 (14 %), hostigamiento moderado a elevado. En el análisis bivariado, la edad (OR 0,94; IC 95 % 0,89-0,99; p = 0,02), el estado civil casados y convivientes (OR 2,85; IC 95 % 1,01-8,06; p = 0,04) y el hostigamiento (OR 5,20; IC 95 % 1,92-14,09; p = 0,009) se asociaron a la presencia de burnout. En el análisis multivariado, el único predictor significativo de burnout fue el hostigamiento laboral. La presencia de un hostigamiento moderado a elevado se asoció a un OR de 4,00 (IC 95 % 1,4-11,3; p = 0,009) comparado con bajos niveles de hostigamiento. Conclusiones: Es importante identificar a trabajadores de la salud con hostigamiento laboral por su fuerte asociación con el síndrome de burnout. Se considera indispensable la realización de una investigación complementaria que permita entender y abordar la problemática del hostigamiento laboral y su influencia en el desarrollo de burnout, así como estudios que permitan evaluar intervenciones destinadas a prevenir tanto el hostigamiento laboral como el burnout.

Objective: To determine the association between workplace harassment and burnout syndrome among healthcare personnel of a Peruvian referral hospital. Materials and methods: An analytical cross-sectional study which included internists, surgeons, nurses, residents, interns and nursing technicians from the Medicine and Surgery departments of Hospital Nacional Hipólito Unanue in Lima, Peru. The Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human Services Survey (MBI-HSS) and the Negative Acts Questionnaire-Revised (NAQ-R) were used for the assessment of burnout and harassment, respectively. Additionally, the association with age, gender, occupation, marital status, workplace, salary satisfaction, family burden, physical activity, harmful habits, vacations, religious affiliation, number of jobs, monthly remuneration, job tenure, working hours per week, number of patients seen per day, weekly shifts and rest hours was evaluated. A multivariate analysis was conducted using a multiple logistic regression model and the presence or absence of burnout as an outcome variable. Results: The study consisted of 206 participants, out of whom 22 (10.7 %) suffered burnout and 27 (14 %) moderate to severe harassment. In the bivariate analysis, age (OR 0.94; 95 % CI 0.89-0.99; p = 0.02), marital status such as married and cohabiting (OR 2.85; 95 % CI 1.01-8.06; p = 0.04) and harassment (OR 5.20; 95 % CI 1.92-14.09; p = 0.009) were associated with burnout. In the multivariate analysis, the only significant predictor of burnout was workplace harassment. Moderate to severe harassment was associated with OR 4.00 (95 % CI 1.4-11.3; p = 0.009) compared to mild harassment. Conclusions: It is important to identify health workers suffering workplace harassment due to its strong association with burnout syndrome. It is essential to carry out further research to understand and address the problem of workplace harassment and its influence on the development of burnout, as well as studies to evaluate interventions aimed at preventing both workplace harassment and burnout.

Rev. estomatol. Hered ; 33(3): 253-260, jul.-set. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560022


RESUMEN La finalidad del presente estudio fue llevar a cabo un análisis de la literatura sobre la autopercepción de la necesidad de tratamiento ortodóntico relacionado al rendimiento académico, la autoestima y el bullying. Se realizó una búsqueda electrónica de artículos originales (estudios transversales) que cumplan con los criterios de inclusión y exclusión, elaborados desde el 2018 hasta el 2022, de las siguientes bases de datos: PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, SciELO y ScienceDirect, en idiomas inglés, español y portugués. Finalmente, se seleccionaron 17 artículos que cumplían los criterios de exclusión y el diseño del estudio.

ABSTRACT The purpose of the present study was to conduct a literature review on the self-perception of the need for orthodontic treatment related to academic performance, self-esteem, and bullying. An electronic search was conducted for original articles (cross-sectional studies), meeting the inclusion and exclusion criteria, produced from 2018 to 2022, from the following databases: PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, SciELO, and ScienceDirect, in English, Spanish, and Portuguese languages. Finally, 17 articles were selected that met the exclusion criteria and the study design.

RESUMO O objetivo deste estudo foi conduzir uma revisão da literatura sobre a autopercepção da necessidade de tratamento ortodôntico, considerando sua relação com o desempenho acadêmico, a autoestima e o bullying. Para atingir esse objetivo, uma busca eletrônica de artigos originais (estudos transversais) foi conduzida, com inclusão de trabalhos produzidos entre 2018 e 2022. Essa busca foi realizada em diversas bases de dados, incluindo PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, SciELO e ScienceDirect. Foram considerados artigos em inglês, espanhol e português, seguindo critérios de inclusão e exclusão. No decorrer desse processo, foram selecionados 17 artigos que atendiam aos critérios pré-estabelecidos de exclusão e ao desenho do estudo.

Medisur ; 21(3)jun. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448661


Fundamento las autolesiones no suicidas se consideran un problema de salud pública y social durante la última década, el cual afecta en mayor medida a los adolescentes. La ansiedad generalizada y el bullying pueden ser factores desencadenantes para su desarrollo. Objetivo analizar un modelo explicativo de la ansiedad generalizada y el bullying como predictores de autolesiones no suicidas en adolescentes peruanos. Métodos estudio de diseño explicativo, transversal, con participación de 1 249 adolescentes peruanos, de edad promedio de 15 años (desviación estándar = 1,49) quienes respondieron escalas sobre ansiedad generalizada, bullying y autolesiones no suicidas. Para el análisis de datos, se aplicó la potencia estadística, la correlación y un modelo de regresión estructural basado en covarianzas para confirmar el modelo explicativo. Resultados las variables psicológicas se correlacionaron de manera positiva y estadísticamente significativa. El modelo propuesto presentó índices de ajuste adecuados (CFI = 0,94; RMSEA = 0,03 [IC del 90 %: 0,02-0,03] y SRMR = 0,04) y se evidenció que la ansiedad generalizada (β = 0,26, p = 0,001) y las dimensiones del bullying, como la agresión (β = 0,25, p = 0,001) y la victimización (β = 0,21, p = 0,003) predijeron de manera estadísticamente significativa las autolesiones no suicidas. Conclusiones los hallazgos sugieren que tanto la ansiedad generalizada como el bullying predicen las autolesiones no suicidas en adolescentes. La evidencia proporciona información útil para desarrollar y evaluar programas de prevención basados en estas variables psicológicas, con vistas a disminuir el riesgo de las autolesiones no suicidas.

Background non-suicidal self-harm has been considered a public and social health problem during the last decade, which affects adolescents to a greater extent. Generalized anxiety and bullying can be trigger factors for its development. Objective to analyze a generalized anxiety and bullying explanatory model as non-suicidal self-harm predictors in Peruvian adolescents. Methods cross-sectional, explanatory design study, with 1,249 Peruvian adolescents, average age 15 years old (standard deviation = 1.49), who answered scales on generalized anxiety, bullying, and non-suicidal self-harm. For data analysis, statistical power, correlation, and a structural regression model based on covariances were applied to confirm the explanatory model. Results the psychological variables were positively and statistically significantly correlated. The proposed model had adequate fit indices (CFI = 0.94; RMSEA = 0.03 [90% CI: 0.02-0.03] and SRMR = 0.04) and it was evidenced that generalized anxiety (β = 0.26, p = 0.001) and bullying dimensions such as aggression (β = 0.25, p = 0.001) and victimization (β = 0.21, p = 0.003) statistically significantly predicted self-harm not suicidal. Conclusions The findings suggest that both generalized anxiety and bullying predict non suicidal self-harm in adolescents. The evidence provides useful information for developing and evaluating prevention programs based on these psychological variables, to reduce the non-suicidal self-harm risks.

Colomb. med ; 54(2)jun. 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534283


Introduction: The school population represents a fundamental group for health promotion actions, given that the foundations of healthy behaviors in adult life are established in children and adolescents, who can be greatly influenced by the school. Objective: To describe the health-related behavioral factors of schoolchildren between 13 and 17 years of age in secondary and middle school in Colombia. Methods: A national cross-sectional study was conducted (i.e., School Health Survey -ENSE-) that recorded information on dietary practices, physical activity, alcohol and drug consumption, injuries and bullying, and oral, visual and hearing health. Sampling was probabilistic, cluster and multistage. Results: Schoolchildren have low consumption of fruits, vegetables (13.1%) and dairy (76.5 %), high consumption of ultra-processed foods (82.4 %), sugary drinks (74.0 %) and fast foods (14.8 %), frequent addition of salt at the table (43.3 %), low compliance with physical activity recommendations (15.0 %) and high sedentary lifestyle (46.3 %), frequent consumption of alcohol (44.7 %) and psychoactive substances (14.7 %), in addition to prevalent situations of bullying (15.4 %), rejection (8.2 %) and verbal aggression (42.7 %). Conclusions: The ENSE shows critical inequalities by gender, ethnicity and social class, throughout the country. The indicators observed in schoolchildren are precursors of various chronic and degenerative diseases and mental illness, which requires the urgent attention of the different social actors in the country.

Introducción: La población escolar es un grupo fundamental para las intervenciones de promoción de la salud, ya que en los niños y adolescentes se sientan las bases de un comportamiento saludable en la vida adulta, que puede ser muy influenciado por la escuela. Objetivo: Describir los factores comportamentales relacionados con la salud de los escolares de 13 a 17 años de edad que cursan educación básica secundaria y media en Colombia. Métodos: Se realizó una encuesta nacional transversal (Encuesta de Salud en Escolares -ENSE-) con los lineamientos de Global School-based Student Health Survey para recolectar información sobre prácticas alimentarias, actividad física, consumo de alcohol y drogas, lesiones e intimidación, y salud bucal, visual y auditiva. El muestreo fue probabilístico, por conglomerados y polietápico. Resultados: Se incluyeron 79.640 escolares de 298 municipios. Los escolares presentaron bajo consumo de frutas, verduras (13.1%) y productos lácteos (76.5 %), alto consumo de alimentos ultraprocesados (82.4 %), bebidas azucaradas (74.0 %) y comidas rápidas (14.8 %); alto uso de sal añadida en la mesa (43.3 %), actividad física inferior a la recomendada (15.0 %) y sedentarismo (46.3 %). Fue frecuente el consumo de alcohol (44.7 %) y sustancias psicoactivas (14.7 %) y reportaron situaciones de intimidación (15.4 %), rechazo (8.2 %) y agresiones verbales (42.7 %). Conclusiones: La ENSE muestra desigualdades por género, etnia y clase social en todo el país. Los hallazgos observados en los escolares son factores de riesgo de enfermedades crónico-degenerativas y mentales, y requieren la atención urgente de los actores sociales del país.