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Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 17-20, 2017.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-515232


Objective T o analyze the relationship am ong electrical conductivity (E C ), total volatile basic nitrogen (T V B-N ), w hich is an index of decom position rate for m eat production, and postm ortem inter-val (PM I). T o explore the feasibility of E C as an index of cadaveric skeletal m uscle decom position rate and lay the foundation for PM I estim ation. Methods H ealthy Sprague-D aw ley rats w ere sacrificed by cervical vertebrae dislocation and kept at 28℃. M uscle of rear lim bs w as rem oved at different PM I, ho-m ogenized in deionized w ater and then skeletal extraction liquid of m ass concentration 0.1 g/m L w as prepared. E C and T V B-N of extraction liquid w ere separately determ ined. T he correlation betw een E C (x1) and T V B-N (x2) w as analyzed, and their regression function w as established. T he relationship be-tw een PM I (y) and these tw o param eters w ere studied, and their regression functions w ere separately established. Results T he change trends of E C and T V B-N of skeletal extraction liquid at different PM I w ere alm ost the sam e, and there w as a linear positive correlation betw een them . T he regression equation w as x2=0.14 x1-164.91 (R2=0.982). E C and T V B-N of skeletal m uscle changed significantly w ith PM I, and the regression functions w ere y=19.38 x13-370.68 x12+2526.03 x1-717.06 (R2=0.994), and y=2.56 x23-48.39 x22+330.60 x2-255.04 (R2=0.997), respectively. Conclusion E C and T V B-N of rat postm ortem skeletal m uscle show sim ilar change trends, w hich can be used as an index for decom position rate of cadaveric skeletal m uscle and provide a m ethod for further study of late PM I estim ation.