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Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218413


Purpose: To derive and provide, for the first time, comprehensive analytic formulas for scleral softening volume efficacy (SVE) for accommodative gain (AG) via the increased space between ciliary body and lens (SCL) and mobility of the posterior vitreous zonules (PVZ).Study Design: To increase the AG of presbyopic eye by a new procedure, laser scleral softening (LSS).Place and Duration of Study: New Taipei City, Taiwan, between June 2022 and July 2022.Methodology: The SVE is calculated based on the time and spatial integral of the scleral temperature profiles, T(z,t), solutions of a heat diffusion equation. Analytic formulas for SVE is derived based on the covered area given by a triangle area. The SVE of a 3-D model is governed by the "volume" covered by the laser beam, or its spot size area, the effective penetration depth (z"), which is an increasing function of laser dose, but a decreasing function of the absorption coefficient (A), due to the Beer's law of laser intensity, I(z)=I0exp(-Az). The efficacy depth-range (dZ) and time-ranges (dT) are defined for efficient softening with T(z,t)>T*, where T* is the scleral softening threshold temperature.Results: The accommodative gain is proportional to the 3-D SVE given by: SEV(3D) = SEV(1D) x laser beam spot (2-D area) x total number of spots (N) acting on the sclera, which is proportional to the efficacy ranges dZ and dT, in which dZ is an increasing of laser irradiation time, whereas dT is a decreasing function of depth. Softening of the scleral tissue after a thermal laser leading to the increase of PVZ mobility and SCL. However, the actual relation of SVE and the PVZ and SCL changes require measured data.Conclusion: Safety and efficacy of scleral softening for presbyopia treatment depend upon the laser parameters (intensity, dose, spot size, wavelength) and the effective depths. The SVE is proportional to the efficacy depth-range (dZ) and time-range (dT), in which dZ is an increasing of laser irradiation time and dT is a decreasing function of depth. The AG is proportional to the SVE(in 3-D).

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218411


Purpose: To derive and provide analytic formulas and proposed protocol for accommodative gain of presbyopia eyes via laser scleral softening, which causes increased space between ciliary body and lens (SCL) and mobility of the posterior vitreal zonules (PVZ).Study Design: To increase the accommodation of presbyopia by laser scleral heating/softening.Place and Duration of Study: New Taipei City, Taiwan, between April 2022 and June 2022.Purpose: To analyze the safety and efficacy of presbyopia treatment via scleral softening.Methodology: The scleral softening efficacy is calculated based on the rate equation of scleral tissue with a rate coefficient given by an Arrhenius formula, Temperature spatial and temporal profiles are given by the numerical solutions of a heat diffusion equation with a volume heating source. Various effective depths including tissue damage depth, temperature penetration depth and conversion depth, governed by tissue absorption coefficient, light intensity and dose (or irradiation time), and the related threshold values, are introduced in replacing the conventional penetration depth based on a Beer's law.Results: Given the the temperature spatial and temporal profiles, scleral softening efficacy can be calculated. Scleral surface damage can be prevented by cooling window. The suggested protocol for scleral softening treatments include: a diode laser at about 1.45 to 1.5 祄 or about 1.86 to1.9 祄, or about 2.0 to 2.15 祄, wavelength (with absorption coefficient about 20 to 100 cm-1); laser power about 0.2 to 0.8 W per spot, having a total of 4 to 16 spots; and irradiation time of 100 to 600 ms. Results of corneal thermal shrinkage are demonstrated by the topography changes of pig eyes, in which the scleral softening does not affect the corneal shapes. The accommodative gain is proportional to the softening efficacy (Seff) of the scleral tissue after a thermal laser leading to the increase of PVZ mobility and SCL. However, the actual relation of Seff and the PVZ and SCL changes require measured data.Conclusion: Safety and efficacy of scleral softening for presbyopia treatment depend upon the laser parameters (intensity, dose, spot size, wavelength) and the effective depths. By choosing the laser treated areas, a dual function treatment using scleral softening for presbyopia, and cornea stromal shrinkage for hyperopia is proposed and demonstrated by topography of pig eyes.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218407


Purpose: To analyze the safety and efficacy of corneal photovitrification (CPV) for improved visions of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) eyes.Study Design: Using CPV for improved visions of AMD eyes.Place and Duration of Study: New Taipei City, Taiwan, and Austin, TX, USA; between April, 2022 and June, 2022.Methodology: The CPV efficacy is calculated based on the rate equation given by dM/dt=-k(t) M(t), where M(t) is the PCV-treated corneal stroma; and k(t) is the rate coefficient given by an Arrhenius formula, k(t) = A0 exp[?Ea/(RT(t,z)], where t and z are the laser irradiation time and depth of the cornea stroma; Ea is the activation energy and R is the gas constant. The temperature spatial and temporal profiles are given by the numerical solutions of a heat diffusion equation with a volume heating source. Various effective depths including the tissue damage depth, temperature penetration depth and conversion depth, governed by the tissue absorption coefficient, light intensity and dose (or irradiation time), and the related threshold values, are introduced in replacing the conventional penetration depth based on a Beer's law.Results: The suggested protocol for CPV treatments include: a diode laser at about 2 祄 wavelength (with absorption coefficient about 100 cm-1). The laser dose is about 25 J/cm2/spot and irradiation time of 150 ms.Conclusion: The efficacy of CPV may be predicted/calculated by our modeling based on rate equation and the corneal stroma temperature rise due to laser heating. The preferred retinal locus (PRL) movement observed post-CPV is caused mainly by neuroadaptation.