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Educ. med. super ; 33(2): e1527, abr.-jun. 2019. fig
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1089897


Introducción: La vigilancia permanente de la calidad constituye un requerimiento ético y un compromiso de las universidades actuales, como garantía de la formación de profesionales con elevada sensibilidad social. Objetivo: Desarrollar un modelo de gestión de calidad en la educación a distancia, idóneo para la maestría de Gerencia en Salud para el Desarrollo Local, basado en las necesidades detectadas por los estudiantes y en las experiencias de buenas prácticas en esta modalidad. Métodos: Se realizó una investigación acción, con adaptación parcial de la metodología del marco lógico, en un posgrado administrado en la modalidad a distancia en la Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Ecuador. La experiencia se desarrolló mediante un diagnóstico de las debilidades académicas y administrativas de la maestría, a partir del cual se diseñó, implementó y evaluó un modelo de gestión de calidad, basado en las necesidades detectadas por los estudiantes, y en la revisión de estándares y experiencias de calidad. Asimismo, con un nivel de confianza de 95 por ciento, una precisión de 3 por ciento y una proporción de 5 por ciento, se calculó el tamaño muestral de 108 informantes, seleccionados al azar de una población de 230 estudiantes. Resultados: Los resultados indicaron que todos los elementos incluidos en el modelo fueron útiles para mejorar la calidad del programa. Sin embargo, se necesita continuar fortaleciendo la calidad de atención tutorial, especialmente en cuanto a los tiempos de respuesta, la afectividad de los mensajes y la empatía demostrada en los procesos de realimentación. Conclusiones: Es prioritario mejorar los aspectos administrativos implicados en las actividades presenciales, así como dar seguimiento continuo a los elementos del modelo mediante la ampliación de otros aspectos considerados en las teorías educativas y en los estándares de calidad nacional e internacional(AU)

Introduction: Permanent quality monitoring constitutes an ethical requirement and a commitment of universities nowadays, as a guarantee for the training of professionals with high social sensitivity. Objective: To develop a quality management model in distance education, suitable for the master's degree course in Health Management for Local Development, based on the needs detected by the students and experiences of good practices in this modality. Methods: An action research was carried out, with partial adaptation of the logical framework methodology, in a postgraduate course administered in the distance modality at Particular Technical University of Loja, Ecuador. The experience was developed through diagnosis of the academic and administrative weaknesses of the master's degree course, from which a quality management model was designed, implemented and evaluated, based on the needs detected by the students as well as the revision of quality standards and experiences. Likewise, with a confidence level of 95 percent, an accuracy of 3 percent, and a proportion of 5 percent, we calculated the sample size of 108 informants, randomly selected from a population of 230 students. Results: The results indicated that all the elements included in the model were useful to improve the quality of the program. However, it is necessary to continue strengthening the quality of tutorial attention, especially in terms of response times, the affectivity of messages, and the empathy demonstrated in the feedback processes. Conclusions: It is a priority to improve the administrative aspects involved in face-to-face activities, as well as to monitor continuously the elements of the model by expanding other aspects considered in educational theories and in national and international quality standards(AU)

Humanos , Educação a Distância , Gestão da Qualidade Total , Gestão em Saúde , Metodologia como Assunto
Medical Education ; : 55-62, 2016.
Artigo em Japonês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-379283


<p>Recently, performance appraisal became necessary for faculty members. According to the questionnaire survey by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the number of questionnaire items on education is on the increase, and performance appraisal is widely used for decisions on allowance and employment. In our college, performance appraisal on education, research, and medical care is used to decide on the size of bonuses. Performance appraisal for faculty members has already come into force in many universities. However, services in medical schools include many different aspects, and precise quantification of performance appraisal is very difficult. Now, exact evaluation methods and appropriate utilization are necessary for performance appraisal for faculty members.</p>

Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-17555


The purpose of this study was to suggest the directions of improvement in medical education through analyzing the published reports about medical education system. In order to reach the purpose of this study, we gathered research reports since the PCER(Presidential Commission on Education Reform) had suggested the establishment of professional graduate school in 1996. The result of this study was as follows; First, all of the previous reseach reports pointed to necessary that medical education should be improved undergraduate medical education into professional graduate school. Second, enterance eligibility and flexibility of educational system were investigated for a long time by highly competent researchers, but they were exceedingly difficult to find any clue to their answer. Third, all of the previous reseach reports suggested to improvement of medical education curriculum. Fourth, autonamy and funds of medical school were emphasized to improve the medical education. On the basis of the above findings, the following conclusions were drawn. First, to improve medical education, especially to launch professional graduate medical school, is important the corporation and effort among the medical school and other organizations. Second, autonomy and funds of medical school should be guaranteed by a policy. Finally, the medical shcools should be aware of accountability and prepare for environment change of medical education.

Humanos , Currículo , Educação , Educação Médica , Educação de Graduação em Medicina , Administração Financeira , Maleabilidade , Relatório de Pesquisa , Faculdades de Medicina , Responsabilidade Social
Medical Education ; : 235-239, 1998.
Artigo em Japonês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-369618


We have developed a portable response analysis system to collect student opinions in real time during lectures. This system consists of a main control box, 128 telemetric answering devices, a notebook computer, and a portable video projector. This system is completely portable and can be set up in any lecture room. Students answer questions by pushing one of 10 keys on the telemetric answering device. The control program collects student responses to questions, and statistical values are presented with the video projector through a computer in real time. This system is useful for improving lectures since student responses can be displayed quickly. Examples from a medical school lecture on behavioral sciences are shown.