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Medisan ; 28(2)abr. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558514


Introducción: El mito de rejuvenecer o ser bello eternamente es un sueño que la humanidad siempre ha compartido en muchas leyendas. Objetivo: Evaluar los resultados de la lipotransferencia por decantación asistida con células madre del tejido adiposo para el rejuvenecimiento facial. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, prospectivo y longitudinal de 35 pacientes seleccionados por muestreo aleatorio simple, en el Servicio de Cirugía Plástica del Hospital Hermanos Ameijeiras de La Habana, desde septiembre de 2019 hasta igual periodo de 2022. Resultados: En la casuística, la edad media fue de 46,5 ± 11,5 años con valores mínimo de 34 y máximo de 57 años; 48,6 % se encontraban en el grupo etario de 50-59 años. Se constató un predominio del fototipo cutáneo II (60,0 %); en pacientes sanos, el mayor porcentaje con grado de envejecimiento fue el de tipo III (57,1 %). Prevalecieron las arrugas finas en reposo y líneas más profundas con expresión facial (40,0 %) en quienes recibirían lipotransferencia asistida. Posterior al tratamiento se constató mejoría en todos los pacientes; ninguno presentó complicación. La evaluación de este procedimiento resultó ser buena (94,3 %). Conclusiones: La lipotransferencia es un procedimiento mínimamente invasivo con ventajas en cuanto a histocompatibilidad, durabilidad y menor número de complicaciones; tiene una elevada tasa de aceptación. El resultado final favorable, la seguridad y la efectividad se observan en la satisfacción del paciente.

Introduction: The myth to rejuvenate or to be eternally beautiful is a dream that the humanity has always shared in many legends. Objective: To evaluate the results of lipotransference by assisted decantation with stem cells of adipose tissue for the facial rejuvenation. Methods: A descriptive, prospective and longitudinal study was carried out with 35 patients selected by simple random sampling in the Plastic Surgery Service of Hermanos Ameijeiras Hospital in Havana city, from September, 2019 to the same month in 2022. Results: In the case material, the mean age was of 46,5 ± 11,5 years with minimum values of 34 and maximum 57 years; 48.6% was in the 50-59 age group. A prevalence of the II cutaneous phototype was verified (60.0%); in healthy patients, the highest percentage with aging degree was that of type III (57.1%). There was a prevalence of fine wrinkles in rest and deeper lines with facial expression (40.0%) in those who would receive assisted lipotransference. After the treatment improvement was verified in all the patients; none presented complication. The evaluation of this procedure was good (94.3%). Conclusions: Lipotransference is a minimumly invasive procedure with advantages as for histocompatibility, durability and smaller number of complications; it has a high rate of acceptance. The favorable final result, security and effectiveness are observed in the patient's satisfaction.

Rev. cuba. cir ; 61(4)dic. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, MedCarib, CUMED | ID: biblio-1441528


Introducción: El cáncer de páncreas mantiene un pronóstico ominoso a pesar de los avances en técnicas quirúrgicas y cuidados perioperatorios. Objetivo: Caracterizar los resultados del tratamiento aplicado a los pacientes con cáncer de páncreas. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal de una serie de 70 pacientes con diagnóstico de cáncer de páncreas. Se estudiaron las variables: localización, tamaño del tumor, procedimiento quirúrgico, estadificación preoperatoria, diagnóstico histológico, estancia hospitalaria, complicaciones posoperatorias y estado al egreso, mediante el análisis de frecuencias absolutas, relativas y la media así como la prueba de ji al cuadrado y el IC 95 por ciento. Resultados: El procedimiento quirúrgico más frecuente fue derivativo en 47 enfermos (67,1 por ciento). La operación de Whipple se realizó en 10 pacientes (14,3 por ciento) con tumores localizados en la cabeza del páncreas y la pancreatectomía corporocaudal en 11 (15,7 por ciento) con tumores de cuerpo y cola del páncreas. La mayoría correspondió a los estadios III y IV. El 47,1 por ciento de los pacientes presentó un adenocarcinoma poco diferenciado. La estadía fluctuó entre 15 y 30 días en el 54,3 por ciento de la serie. Las complicaciones se presentaron en 19 enfermos (27,1 por ciento). Fallecieron 15 pacientes (21,4 por ciento) del total. Conclusiones: El tratamiento debe ser individualizado mediante equipos multidisciplinarios, con protocolos de actuación uniformes en cada institución que permita realizar estudios multicéntricos, con el objetivo de obtener estadísticas propias en aras de disminuir la morbilidad y la mortalidad, así como aumentar la calidad de vida de estos pacientes(AU)

Introduction: Facial rhytidectomy is the technique for correcting facial aging features, but they are becoming increasingly complex due to the incorporation of deeper planes in the process. The superficial musculoaponeurotic system techniques have the advantage of providing a greater degree of naturalness and permanence in time. Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of the high-superficial musculoaponeurotic system technique for facial rejuvenation. Methods: A prospective and longitudinal case series study was carried out in the plastic surgery service of Hospital General Universitario "Vladimir Ilich Lenin" with patients who requested facial rejuvenation and were treated with the high-superficial musculoaponeurotic system technique, from January 1, 2018 to June 30, 2020. The variables age, sex, skin type, degree of aging, operative complications, patient satisfaction and aesthetic outcomes were studied. Results: The female sex predominated, together with the age group 50-59 years, the degrees of aging II and III, as well as white and light brown skin colors, while the most frequent operative complication was wound dehiscence of the suture line at the auricle root. The patients' satisfaction with the aesthetic outcomes of the surgical intervention was verified and the aesthetic outcomes was assessed as favorable in 100 percent of the cases for the used surgical technique. Conclusions: The high-superficial musculoaponeurotic system surgical technique for rhytidectomy offers harmonic, long-lasting outcomes with a low percentage of complications, making it a valuable alternative for patients(AU)

Humanos , Neoplasias Pancreáticas/tratamento farmacológico , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Estudos Transversais , Estudo Observacional
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1441611


Introducción: La creciente necesidad de una piel de aspecto juvenil impulsa innovaciones continuas con procedimientos mínimamente invasivos. El plasma rico en plaquetas autólogo representa una terapéutica regenerativa incluida en el novedoso arsenal de intervenciones que buscan este efecto. Objetivo: Evaluar los resultados de la terapéutica con plasma rico en plaquetas autólogo en pacientes con envejecimiento facial. Métodos: La muestra estuvo constituida por 68 pacientes valorados con la escala para valoración clínica de fotoenvejecimiento cutáneo al inicio del tratamiento. Se sometieron a cuatro sesiones de plasma rico en plaquetas cada 15 días y una sesión adicional a los 3 meses de concluir el tratamiento inicial. Los pacientes fueron seguidos durante 6 meses al cabo de los cuales se volvieron a evaluar con el mismo instrumento. Resultados: Las edades estuvieron comprendidas entre 21 y 73 años con una media de 46,80 años, predominó el sexo femenino (89,9 %). Los resultados significativos en el tratamiento de las arrugas, los surcos, la textura de la piel y las lesiones cutáneas estuvieron relacionados con la mesoterapia con plasma rico en plaquetas. El procedimiento produjo una mejoría valorada a través de la escala para valoración clínica de fotoenvejecimiento cutáneo. Conclusiones: La terapia con plasma rico en plaquetas tiene buenos resultados en el tratamiento de pacientes con envejecimiento facial.

Introduction: The growing need for youthful looking skin drives continued innovations with minimally invasive procedures. Autologous platelet-rich plasma represents a regenerative therapeutic included in the new arsenal of interventions that seek this effect. Objective: Assess the results of platelet-rich plasma therapy in patients with facial aging. Methods: The sample consisted of 68 patients assessed with the scale for the clinical assessment of cutaneous photoaging (SCACPH). They underwent four PRP sessions every 15 days and an additional session 3 months after completing the initial treatment. The patients were followed up for 6 months, after which they were reevaluated which the same instrument. Results: The ages of the patients were between 21 and 73 years with a mean of 46.80 years, the female sex predominated (89.9%). Significant results in the treatment of wrinkles, furrows, and skin texture and skin lesions were related to PRP mesotherapy. The procedure produced an improvement assessed with the SCACPH. Conclusions: Autologous PRP therapy has good results in the treatment of patients with facial aging.

Humanos , Rejuvenescimento/fisiologia , Mesoterapia/métodos
Rev. cuba. cir ; 61(2)jun. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1408239


Introducción: En el concepto moderno de rejuvenecimiento facial, lo principal es conseguir un resultado natural sin marcas quirúrgicas. El lifting endoscópico fronto-témporo-orbitario es en la actualidad, el mejor método para conseguirlo. Objetivo: Determinar la efectividad de la técnica de frontoplastia endoscópica para el tratamiento del envejecimiento facial. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo de una serie de 28 casos con diagnóstico de envejecimiento facial atendidos en el Centro Nacional de Cirugía de Mínimo Acceso en el período comprendido entre enero de 2014 hasta enero de 2017. Se estudiaron las variables de: sexo, edad, estado civil, escolaridad, raza, tiempo quirúrgico y complicaciones transoperatorias. Resultados: La edad media fue de 54,4 (40-73) años. Predominó el sexo femenino (89,3 por ciento). El nivel medio de escolaridad 61,5 por ciento, estado civil casado 52,0 por ciento. La ptosis de las cejas con presencia de arrugas frontales y glabelares fue el diagnóstico más frecuente 13; 46,4 por ciento. El tiempo quirúrgico medio fue 80,9 (40-120) minutos. No existieron complicaciones intraoperatorias, conversiones, ni reintervenciones. En 27 pacientes (96,4 por ciento) hubo permanencia de los resultados en el tiempo. Se presentaron complicaciones en 4 pacientes (14,3 por ciento). Hubo 19 pacientes atendidos de manera ambulatoria (67,9 por ciento), con estancia hospitalaria de un día (32,1 por ciento). La totalidad mostró satisfacción con los resultados obtenidos. Conclusiones: La frontoplastia endoscópica es un método poco invasivo y muy efectivo para reposicionar las cejas descendidas además tratar las arrugas frontales y glabelares(AU)

Introduction: In the modern concept of facial rejuvenation, the main thing is to achieve a natural result without surgical marks. The endoscopic fronto-temporo-orbital lifting is currently the best method to achieve this. Objective: To determine the effectiveness of the endoscopic frontoplasty technique for the treatment of facial aging. Methods: A descriptive observational study of a series of 28 cases with a diagnosis of facial aging treated at the National Center for Minimal Access Surgery in the period from January 2014 to January 2017 was carried out. The variables of: sex, age, marital status, schooling, race, surgical time and intraoperative complications. Results: The mean age was 54.4 (40-73) years. The female sex prevailed (89.3 percent). The average level of schooling 61.5 percent, married marital status 52.0 percent. Ptosis of the eyebrows with the presence of frontal and glabellar wrinkles was the most frequent diagnosis 13; 46.4 percent. The mean surgical time was 80.9 (40-120) minutes. There were no intraoperative complications, conversions, or reinterventions. In 27 patients (96.4 percent) there was permanence of the results over time. Complications occurred in 4 patients (14.3 percent). There were 19 patients treated as outpatients (67.9 percent), with a hospital stay of one day (32.1 percent). All showed satisfaction with the results obtained. Conclusions: Endoscopic foreheadoplasty is a minimally invasive and very effective method for repositioning lowered eyebrows, as well as treating frontal and glabellar wrinkles(AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Rejuvenescimento , Envelhecimento da Pele , Sobrancelhas , Complicações Intraoperatórias , Pacientes Ambulatoriais , Satisfação Pessoal , Estudos Observacionais como Assunto
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-934489


Objective:To make the facial rejuvenation of autologous fat transplantation more consistent with facial aesthetic morphology toimprove the therapeutic effect.Methods:From December 2017 to May 2020, Zhengzhou Mylike Medical Cosmetic Hospital received autologous high density fat filling treatment for 425 female patients aged 18-55 years, with an average age of 32.7 years. Autologous high density fat face transplantation was performed according to the aesthetic zoning of the forehead and topic.Results:Three months after the operation, 376 patients were satisfied with the effect of one filling, 49 patients were not satisfied, 45 of them received two supplementary injections. 376 cases were satisfied with the appearance after the first operation, with a satisfactory rate of 88.5%. After two fillings, a total of 420 cases were satisfied, with a total satisfactory rate of 98.8%. The total effective rate was 100%. There were no serious postoperative complications.Conclusions:The facial rejuvenation treatment according to the aesthetic division of frontal and topographical area combined with autologous high density fat transplantation has a natural postoperative appearance and high satisfactory rate.

J. appl. oral sci ; 30: e20220020, 2022. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1405372


Abstract Autologous platelet concentrates (APCs) are promising therapeutic agents in facial rejuvenation since they are a great source of cytokines, growth factors and other biologically active substances. Obtained from the patient's blood, they have the advantages of reducing immunological reactions, making the procedure safer, well tolerated, with minimal adverse effects and lower cost. Currently, they are used for facial rejuvenation both in combination with microneedling and in mesotherapy techniques, as well as to treat facial acne scars, melasma and wounds after laser ablative treatments. This review summarizes current knowledge on the use of APCs, ranging from basic concepts related to their composition and mechanisms of action to up-to-date information on their clinical efficacy. Methodology MEDLINE (PubMed) was searched from inception through 2021 for English language publications on APCs for facial rejuvenation. Results A total of 100 files were found. Based on the available literature, APCs for skin rejuvenation are safe and well tolerated. The most studied product is the first-generation material, platelet-rich plasma (PRP). Conclusions The results are in general favorable, but the quality of the studies is low. The second and third generation products, platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) and injectable platelet-rich fibrin (i-PRF), respectively, are easier to be obtained and, at least in vitro , seem to induce greater collagen production than PRP, especially under lower relative centrifugation forces, but to date only a few clinical trials evaluating these products exist. More high-quality trials with appropriate follow-up are necessary to provide adequate evidence that may help to improve the treatment regimens with APCs. Many aspects should be considered when designing clinical trials to evaluate APCs, such as the patients' characteristics that best predict a favorable response, the optimal number of sessions and the interval between them, the characteristics of the studies and the development of better instruments to evaluate skin aging.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-912695


Objective:To evaluate the efficacy and safety of the micro-crosslinked hyaluronic acid injected by Shuiguang Needle Injection in facial rejuvenation.Methods:Thirty-two patients were enrolled. In this split face study, micro-crosslinked hyaluronic acid and non-crosslinked hyaluronic acid were randomly applied in the treated side of the face. Procedure efficacy (judged by VISIA), complication and subjects' satisfaction were assessed before treatment, one month, two months and three months after treatment.Results:According to the VISIA, 32 cases were effective one month after treatment on the treatment side, accounting for 100%; 28 cases were effective three months after the end of treatment, accounting for 87.51%. On the control side, 28 cases were effective one month after treatment, accounting for 87.50%, and 7 cases were effective after three months, accounting for 21.88%. There was no statistically significant difference in complications between the left and right sides; 31 patients were satisfied on the treatment side, accounting for 96.88%, and 28 patients on the control side were satisfied, accounting for 87.50%.Conclusions:The micro-crosslinked hyaluronic acid injected by Shuiguang Needle Injection appears to be effective and durable for facial rejuvenation. And it has a low complication rate and high subject satisfaction.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-872116


Objective To analyze the clinical efficacy of PRF-mixed autogenous fat granules transplantation for facial contour modification,and to discuss the methodology for improving fat preservation rate after facial fat transplantation.Methods 60 cases were divided randomly into two groups with 30 cases each:mixed treatment group of PRF and autologous fat granules (mixed group),and simple autologous fat granules transplantation group (control group).According to the different defect parts of facial contour,the mixture of proper amount of autologous fat granules and PRF harvested from venous blood via once centrifugation separation autologous transplanted to the cases in mixed group,PRF not added to the cases in control group,then the recent and long-term effect,complications,safety,and patient satisfaction were observed.Results The facial shape was stable 6 months after operation,the face of all cases was more full,and facial proportion was more harmonious than before operation.12 months of follow-up study was performed in all 60 cases,there was no fat embolism,infection,necrosis and other complications.The satisfaction rate was 96.7% in mixed group and 80% in control group after primary operation respectively.There were significant differences between the two groups.Conclusions Autologous transplantation of fat granule mixed with PRF has important application value in facial contour modification and facial rejuvenation.It is easy to be operated,and can achieve high fat preservation rate,stable long term effect and no obvious complication;the cases performed sufficient amount mixture of transplantation can get ideal cosmetic effect.

Chinese Journal of Dermatology ; (12): 200-203, 2019.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-745765


Chemical peeling is one of the three most common skin resurfacing techniques.Alphahydroxy acid,salicylic acid,trichloroacetic acid and Jessner's solution are common chemical peeling agents,and their action depths range from the stratum corneum to the reticular layer of the dermis.Chemical peeling has been widely applied to aesthetic dermatology,and this review mainly summarizes common chemical peeling agents and application of chemical peeling in discosmetic dermatoses,such as acne and melasma,and facial rejuvenation.

Chinese Journal of Plastic Surgery ; (6): 1167-1171, 2019.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-800201


Photoelectric and ultrasonic technology rapid development has brought more choices for facial rejuvenation, but its prosperous clinical application forms a sharp contrast with its weak theoretical based research. Moreover, there is still no consensus on how to standardize the short-term and long-term effects of skin rejuvenation for different energy sources. This paper summarizes the application and progress of photoelectric and ultrasonic technology in facial rejuvenation in recent years, with emphasis on its characteristics and combination with other non-surgical treatments. Combining a variety of non-surgical treatments to maximize efficacy and balance the related risks is the direction of future development.

Chinese Journal of Plastic Surgery ; (6): 1156-1160, 2019.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-801093


Platelet-rich plasma (PRP), the concentration of platelet and plasma, is rich of a variety of growth factors.It plays an important role in anti-inflammatory and tissue regeneration, and has gradually been used in cosmetology in the recent years.This paper introduces the application of PRP in facial rejuvenation, acne and alopecia treatment, as well as improving the survival rate of autologous fat transplantation. The side effects and prospectives of PRP application in cosmetology were also summarized.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-805361


Objective@#To observe the clinical effect of the modified bandaging method for facial rejuvenation with small incision and to explore its applicable scope.@*Methods@#From March to October 2019, 12 people in the outpatient department underwent small incision facial rejuvenation surgery and the improved bandaging method was used.@*Results@#After the small incision facial rejuvenation operation, the relaxation and drooping of the facial tissue in 12 patients were significantly improved without complications, and no cotton pad, bandage and elastic mesh cover were used for fixation.@*Conclusions@#This improved bandaging method does not affect daily work and life, and meets the needs of patients with this requirement, and plays a very good role in promoting the small incision facial rejuvenation surgery.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-805717


Objective@#To discuss and analyze the respective clinical effects of autologous fat filling for facial rejuvenation in the same period of three months after incisions.@*Methods@#From June 2015 to January 2018, 117 patients with facial rejuvenation admitted to the Plastic Surgery Hospital of Weifang Medical College were randomly divided into A, B and C groups. Group A (39 cases, male 3 cases, female 36 cases, age 44-67 years old) received simple rhytidectomy. Group B (39 cases, male 4 cases, female 35 cases, age 45-67 years old) underwent rhytidectomy and autologous fat filling at the same time. Group C (39 cases, male 3 cases, female 36 cases, age 45-65 years old) received autologous fat filling 3 months after rhytidectomy. We compared the improvement of facial depression (nasolabial groove and mouth angle), the effect of facial rejuvenation after fat filling in three groups and the incidence of complications in group B and C.@*Results@#15 cases in group A, 12 cases in group B and 2 cases in group C had no obvious improvement in facial atrophy, the remaining 88 cases had obvious improvement compared with before operation, and achieved the effect of facial rejuvenation. The incidence of complications in group C (7.69%) was significantly lower than that in group B (35.90%), the excellent or good rate of facial improvement and the nasolabial groove and peri-oral depression improvement in group C (87.18%, 92.31%) was significantly higher than that in group B (64.10%, 64.10%) and group A (33.33%, 17.95%) (P<0.05).@*Conclusions@#Comparative analysis of fat filling after 3 months of wrinkle removal to improve facial soft tissue atrophy and collapse is more obvious and more permanent in effect than fat filling, which is worthy of clinical promotion.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-756550


Objective To explore the application of radiofrequency lipolysis combined with line-ar lifting in fine lipolysis ,facial rejuvenation and treatment of common complications .Methods From February 2016 to October 2018 ,237 patients were treated by radiofrequency lipolysis combined with linear lifting .According to the patient's face shape ,skin laxity and fat accumulation ,the thickness of fat was measured by B-mode ultrasonography before operation ,and the operative plan was formulated after sufficient communication with the patients .Then ,we marked the range of lipolysis ,the orienta-tion of serrated line and the position of puncture point ,followed by the adjustment of the treatment parameters .Subsequently ,we placed FaceTite handle after swelling anesthesia ,moving slowly and fixing the treatment point ,as well as monitoring the temperature and swelling status of the skin .Im-mediately after the completion of lipolysis ,the treatment area of skin was ice compressed ,with the trocar needles inserted and serrated lines introduced for linear lifting operation .Neck-jaw sleeves were put on after operation .Results 237 patients had different degrees of post-operative edema ,of which the period ranged from 2 to 7 days .168 patients were followed up for 6 to 24 months ,and 8 patients had subcutaneous sclerosis that then gradually disappeared within 2 months after operation .Folliculitis occurred in 5 cases of scalp puncture ,and recovered after topical antibiotics .Facial skin relaxation and sagging ,fat accumulation ,facial shape ,pouch and wrinkles of 160 patients were improved in varying degrees ,and the outcomes of facial rejuvenation were obvious .However ,the self-reported treatment outcomes of 7 patients were not obvious .One patient was reported that the sagging of the skin after sacrificial lipolysis was worse than before ;48 patients underwent autologous fat transplantation ,botu-linum toxin injection ,hot pull ,E-light ,and water-light injection during the follow-up period ,and were not included in the evaluation of efficacy ;21 patients were lost to follow-up .Conclusions Radio-frequency lipolysis combined with linear lifting is an effective method for facial rejuvenation ,and it has obvious effect in fining lipolysis and facial rejuvenation by avoiding the disadvantage of single approach . Post-operative edema should be controlled and avoided to improve patients'satisfaction .

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-756551


Objective To investigate the efficacy of micro botulinum toxin A (BTX) combined with intense pulsed light (IPL ) treatment in facial rejuvenation patients .Methods A total of thirty patients (1 male ,29 females ,aged 35 to 55 years with average age of 45 .56 years) with facial pho-toaging in the Department of Medical Cosmetology ,Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University from Jan . to Sept .2018 were enrolled as out-patients .Thirty patients were recruited in the study and randomly assigned averagely to the combination group and control group .All received standard IPL treatment every month for a total of 3 sessions .Patients in combined group received microinjections of diluted BTX on cheeks after the first IPL .VISIA CR images were analyzed before ,1 month and 3 months af-ter treatment .Dermatologists assessed the improvement of color spots ,wrinkles ,texture ,pore ,and erythema improvement .The patient satisfaction survey was analyzed .Results The effective rate of the combined group was better than that of the intense pulsed light group one month after treatment (χ2 = 6 .208 ,P = 0 .045) ,but there was no significant difference between the two groups three months after treatmen (χ2 = 1 .077 ,P = 0 .584t) .The patient satisfaction survey showed that there was no sta-tistical difference between the two groups .Slight erythema and bruising were observed but disappeared at the end of the treatment (P > 0 .05) .Conclusions The adjunctive use of MicroBTX can enhance treatment efficacy of IPL alone .It is a highly effective and safe treatment method for facial antiaging .

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-756560


Objective To explore the application of Lux1540 nm non-stripping array laser in fa-cial rejuvenation .Methods A total of 100 patients were collected for Lux1540 nm non stripped lattice laser treatment in patients with facial skin aging ,once a month ,totally four times treatment ;1 month after the treatment ,the skin of patients was analyzed by skin image analyzer VISIA for quantitative e-valuation .Results After 4 treatments ,the skin wrinkles ,texture ,pores ,skin roughness ,brown spots ,erythrocyte and purple spots were all improved ,with statistically significant differences (P <0 .05) ,while the changes of ultraviolet spots were not obvious ,and the differences were not statistical-ly significant (P > 0 .05) .After treatment ,80 patients were satisfied ,17 were comparatively satisfied , and 3 were dissatisfied ,with a satisfactory rate of 97% .All patients had needle-like pain during the treatment ,which could be tolerated without local anesthesia ointment .Ice compress was given after treatment ,which significantly alleviated the discomfort after treatment .Only 3 cases had mild pig-mentation .During the treatment and follow-up ,no adverse events such as skin redness and swelling , pigmentation and pruritus were found .Conclusions Lux1540 nm non-ablative dot array laser has posi-tive efficacy ,high safety and few side effects in facial rejuvenation ,and it is an effective method to treat facial skin aging .

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-807485


Facial rejuvenation surgeries are important part of plastic surgeries that specializing in improve the aging manifestation of facial skin, fascia, fat and so on. It rejuvenate the aging tissue by changing the soft tissue volume, reset the drooped tissue or rebuild the muscular aponeurotic system. Rhytidectomy is one of the most representative and complicated in the facial rejuvenation surgeries. Since the early 20th century, rhytidectomy has experienced four vital technological updating, including skin resection, SMAS rhytidectomy, composite tissue flap rhytidectomy and multi-vector face lift. The development of rhytidectomy is contributed to the development of facial anatomy application, which is great treasure of all the plastic surgeons.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-856751


Facial aging is caused by several aspects involving skin, its deep soft tissue (fat, muscles, fascia ligaments, etc), and bones. The skin presents deepen wrinkles, darker, drying, and roughness. Volume loss and sag caused by gravity can be seen in deep soft tissue. And selective absorption can be seen in bones. At present, to combat facial aging caused by different causes, we have adopted comprehensive treatment methods such as facial rhytidectomy, embedded wire ascension, autogenous fat graft, hyaluronic acid or botulinum toxin injection, and optoelectronic techniques, etc.

Int. j. med. surg. sci. (Print) ; 4(1): 1147-1150, mar. 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1284374


The aim of this article is to present a case series of subcutaneous lateral brow lifts withlocal anesthesia. The case series includes 9 subjects operated on between 2014 and 2016, with an averageage of 57 years and with no limitations on ethnic group or gender. The surgery was done bilaterally entirelyunder local anesthesia. After a minimum follow-up of 3 months, no major complications were observed, onlypartial suture dehiscence at two surgical sites that did not require surgical management of the zone. Goodresults were established, being fast, economical and with low morbidity. It is concluded that the subcutaneousbrow lift with local anesthesia can be applied with a low rate of complications and good results.

El objetivo de este articulo es presentar una serie de casos operados para levantamiento lateral de cejas, con disección subcutánea y con uso de anestesia local. Se diseño un estudio de serie de casos, incluyendo 9 sujetos operados entre el año 2014 y 2016, con una edad promedio de 57 años y sin restricción de etnia o sexo. Se realizó la cirugía totalmente bajo anestesia local de forma bilateral. Después de un seguimiento mínimo de 3 meses, no se observaron complicaciones mayores, presentado solo dehiscencia parcial de sutura en dos sitios quirúrgico que no requirieron manejo quirúrgico de la zona; se establecieron buenos resultados, siendo ellos rápidos, de baja morbilidad y de bajo costo. Se concluye que la técnica de levantamiento de cejas con disección subcutánea y anestesia local puede ser aplicado con bajo índice de complicaciones y buenos resultados.

Humanos , Músculos Faciais/cirurgia , Testa/cirurgia , Rejuvenescimento , Cirurgia Plástica , Anestesia Local/métodos
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-512936


Objective To evaluate the clinical effects and safety of Er:YAG fractional laser for facial rejuvenation.Methods Altogether 559 patients aged from 32 to 58 years old with obvious pigmentary lesions and wrinkles in the face were given 2 courses of restoration treatment with the Pixel Er:YAG fractional laser.The patients paid a return visit a month later after the last treatment.With the results of clinical observation and photograph-based comparison,the therapeutic effects were graded by disappearance of pigmentary lesions and elimination of facial wrinkles.Complications such as hyperpigmentation,depigmentation and hyperplastic scar were observed.Results Among the 559 patients, there were 103 cases (18.4%) of slight effect, 378 cases (67.6%) of moderate effect, and 78 cases (14%) of excellent effect,with the total effective rate of 100% and a satisfactory rate of 81.6%.The was no complication such as hyperpigmentation,depigmentation and hyperplastic scar occurred.Effective maintaining rate within 6 months was 67%.Conclusion Er:YAG fractional laser is safe and effective for facial rejuvenation and worthy of promotion.