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Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-206211


Aim: To compare footprints of basketball players with those of non-playing individuals. Background: The human foot and ankle are the last segments and their joint, the last within the complex kinetic chain of the lower limb as a whole. The foot is one of the most important interaction parts of the body with the ground, especially in the upright posture. During growth, the foot changes not only its dimensions but also its shape. The lower leg, ankle and foot are the most commonly affected region causing pain and disability in athlete, especially in track & field. A high impact sport like Basketball with the high involvement of foot in the game may cause the anatomy of the foot to change. This may also lead to change in the arch of the foot and predispose it to the injury. Methodology: 50 basketball players and 50 non playing healthy individuals were selected as per inclusion criteria. Demographic data like age, gender, height, weight, BMI and any injury in last 6 months were recorded for all study participants. For obtaining foot prints, ink was applied to the feet of the subjects. The subjects were then asked to step on graph paper in standing position, leaving a clear impression of foot’s plantar surface on the paper. The various distances in cms were taken using a transparent ruler. The flat index and arch index was also calculated. Result: Statistical analysis of the above graph showed significant difference in A, C, D,G between basketball and non-playing individuals. The other values (B, E, F,C/E) were not found to be statistically different. Conclusion: The distance A (from 1st toe to heel),distance D(metatarsal distance),distance C(length of the longitudinal arch contour) and distance G(narrowest distance of the foot) are increased in basketball players as compared to non playing individuals. Also the Arch index is more in basketball players which indicated a relatively flatter feet in basketball players as compared to non players. This indicates a flatter feet in basketball players as compared to non playing individuals.

J. Health Sci. Inst ; 38(2): 15-160, abr - jun 2020. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1414043


Objetivo ­ Analisar a relação entre baropodometria, podoscopia e plantigrafia na avaliação da impressão plantar. Métodos ­ Foram analisados 26 indivíduos voluntários com idade entre 20 e 25 anos, de ambos os sexos, sem restrição quanto à raça, que não referiram dor aguda ou crônica, que não foram submetidos a qualquer procedimento cirúrgico em membros inferiores e que não apresentassem disfunções neurológicas e vestibulares. Os indivíduos foram submetidos aos exames de baropodometria, podoscopia e plantigrafia no mesmo dia, recebendo as mesmas orientações em todas as medições, sendo realizadas três coletas em cada equipamento. Na análise da impressão plantar foi utilizado o Índice de Chippaux-Smirak (CSI), que classifica o arco longitudinal medial de acordo com cinco categorias: pé com arco elevado, pé com arco morfologicamente normal, pé intermediário, pé com arco reduzido, pé plano. Resultados ­ Foram utilizadas duas análises estatísticas: o Índice de Kappa e o Teste de ANOVA. A análise do arco plantar feita pela plantigrafia encontrou uma média de 0,346 classificando os pés como intermediários. No podoscópio a média foi de 0,237 e na baropodometria de 0,141, ambos classificando os pés como morfologicamente normais. Verifica-se que não houve concordância quanto à classificação do arco nos três equipamentos simultaneamente (p=0,372), além de existir uma grande variação das médias amostrais (p<0,001). Conclusão ­ Não houve uma relação direta entre baropodometria, podoscopia e plantigrafia na avaliação da impressão plantar

Objective ­ To analyze the relationship between baropodometry, podoscopy and plantigraphy in the evaluation of the footprint. Methods ­ 26 voluntary individuals aged between 20 and 25 years old, of both sexes, without ethinia restriction, did not report acute or chronic pain, did not undergo any surgical procedure on the lower limbs and did not present any dysfunction, were analyzed neurological and vestibular. The individuals were submitted to baropodometry, podoscopy and plantigraphy exams on the same day, receiving the same guidelines in all measurements, with three collections being performed on each equipment. In the analysis of the footprint, the Chippaux-Smirak Index (CSI) was used, which classifies the medial longitudinal arch according to five categories: foot with elevated arch, foot with morphologically normal arch, intermediate foot, foot with reduced arch, flat foot. Results ­ Two statistical analyzes were used: the Kappa Index and the ANOVA Test. The analysis of the plantar arch made by plantigraphy found an average of 0.346 classifying the feet as intermediate. In the podoscope the average was 0.237 and in baropodometry 0.141, both classifying the feet as morphologically normal. It appears that there was no agreement regarding the classification of the arc in the three devices simultaneously (p=0.372), in addition to a large variation in the sample means (p<0.001). Conclusion ­ There was no direct relationship between baropodometry, podoscopy and plantigraphy in the evaluation of the footprint.

Humanos , Deformidades Congênitas do Pé , Dermatoglifia , , Fenômenos Biomecânicos , Extremidade Inferior
Rev. biol. trop ; 66(4): 1709-1720, oct.-dic. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1003358


Resumen El estudio de las comunidades bióticas que habitan el suelo y que representan un 25 % de la diversidad existente, es importante para su conservación y aprovechamiento sostenible. Entre la biota edáfica los nematodos se consideran de importancia ecológica como indicadores ambientales. Herramientas como los índices de madurez, los índices de la red trófica y las huellas metabólicas, basadas en la comunidad de nematodos, son utilizadas para evaluar la condición del ecosistema con relación al impacto de contaminantes y otros factores estresantes en los ecosistemas. Los cambios en la estructura y funcionamiento de las redes tróficas del suelo y más recientemente el efecto de los factores climáticos, también tienen impacto en la comunidad nematológica. Costa Rica es un país tropical donde se pueden encontrar gran variedad de microclimas en un área pequeña, esta característica se ve reflejada en las diferentes zonas de vida descritas por Holdridge para el territorio nacional, las cuales difieren en sus patrones de precipitación, temperatura y evapotranspiración. En esta investigación, se aprovechó la diversidad de climas para contribuir con el conocimiento de las comunidades de nematodos de varios ecosistemas en diferentes zonas de vida. Para esto se recolectaron muestras en distintas zonas de vida en la Región Huetar Norte de Costa Rica. Los nematodos presentes en las muestras fueron extraídos e identificados a nivel de familia o género, y con los datos obtenidos se calcularon índices de diversidad, de madurez, de la red trófica y huellas metabólicas. Se obtuvo una gran variación en la abundancia de taxa entre los diferentes tipos de manejo dentro de los ecosistemas; sin embargo, la baja disponibilidad de repeticiones para analizar estadísticamente de manera precisa, hizo que las estimaciones de una media fueran indemostrables numéricamente. No fue posible establecer diferencias significativas entre los ecosistemas con diferentes tipos de manejo respecto a las variables calculadas, lo que se atribuye a la variabilidad de los datos. En cuanto a las zonas de vida, los índices de madurez y de la red trófica no mostraron diferencias entre las mismas, mientras que las huellas metabólicas, así como la biomasa de nematodos se correlacionaron positivamente con éstas. En el bosque húmedo montano bajo, la zona con menor temperatura media anual, la huella metabólica fue mayor, luego la huella metabólica disminuyó en las diferentes zonas de vida en correspondencia con el aumento de la temperatura media anual reportada para cada una. Las huellas metabólicas relacionadas con la descomposición de la materia orgánica del suelo (fungívoros, bacterívoros y enriquecimiento) manifestaron correlaciones altamente significativas. Se plantea que el aumento de las huellas metabólicas conforme disminuye la temperatura evidencia un cambio en la dinámica de la descomposición química y biológica de la materia orgánica del suelo y en el flujo de energía de la red trófica. En otros estudios también se ha concluido que la temperatura es un factor determinante en la distribución de las especies en ecosistemas edáficos, y por lo tanto debería ser objeto de mayor investigación.(AU)

Abstract Soil biotic communities represent 25 % of the existing global diversity, therefore their study is important for their conservation and sustainable use. Among edaphic biota, nematodes are considered ecologically important as environmental indicators. Tools like the maturity indexes, food web diagnostics and metabolic footprints are used in assessing the ecosystem in relation to the impact contaminants and other stressors, as well as monitoring and measuring changes in the structure and dynamics of the food webs and, more recently, to study the impact of climate factors on the nematode community. Costa Rica is a tropical country with a variety of miroclimates in a small area; this attribute is reflected in the different life zones described by Holdridge for Costa Rica, which differ in their patterns of precipitation, temperature and evapotranspiration. In this research, the diversity of climates was exploited in order to contribute with the knowledge of the nematode communities of several ecosystems within different life zones. For this purpose, samples were taken in several ecosystems located in different life zones in the Region Huetar Norte from Costa Rica. High variation in taxa abundance between different management types within ecosystems was obtained. However, the low availability of replicates for proper statistical analyzes made the mean estimations numerically unprovable. The maturity indexes and the food web diagnosis did not show statistical differences between the studied zones, while, the metabolic footprints were positively correlated to life zones. The metabolic footprint decreased in the different life zones in correspondence with the increase of the average annual temperature reported for each one. The metabolic footprints associated with the decomposition of organic matter (fungivores, bacterivores, and enrichment) had the strongest correlations. The proposition is that the increase in metabolic footprints while the temperature decreases, reflects a change in the dynamics of chemical and biological decomposition of organic matter and in the energy flow in the food networks. This research supports finding in other studies, suggesting that the temperature is a key factor in the species distribution in edaphic ecosystems, and therefore it should be subject to further investigation.(AU)

Biodiversidade , Microclima , Nematoides/metabolismo , Costa Rica
Cuestiones infanc ; 20: 17-27, 2018.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-995510


Cada generación transmite a las siguientes lo vivenciado, sentido y pensado. Pero también transmite aquello que desconoce de sí mismo, las marcas que dejaron los silencios de las generaciones anteriores. Esa transmisión deja agujeros de sentir y pensar que se repiten a través de las generaciones. Y los niños muestran en su sentir, pensar y actuar esa repetición.

Every generation broadcasts to the following everything they had experienced, felt or thought. But also, they convey everything that is unknown for their own, the stains produced by the silence of the previous generations. That transmission leaves holes of feel and think that are repeated throughout the generations. The children develop this repetition in their way of thinking, feeling or performing.

Chaque génération transmet a la suivante son vécu, son ressenti et sa pensée, mais également ce qu'elle méconnaît sur elle-même: les traces laissées par les silences des générations précédentes. Cette transmission laisse des zones aveugles du ressenti et de la pensée qui se répètent au travers des générations. Cette répetition apparait chez les enfants "jouée" a travers l'expression de leurs sentiments, comportements et pensées.

Humanos , Sintomas Afetivos , Identificação Psicológica , Memória , Patologia , Psicanálise
Rev. bras. ciênc. mov ; 25(3): 44-52, mar.-abr.2017. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-880516


O ballet clássico é uma forma de dança tradicional que utiliza a ponta como posição básica, com o pé em posições extremas, predispondo-o à diversas alterações morfológicas. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar as impressões plantares de praticantes de ballet clássico, e correlacionar o tipo de pé com o tempo de prática de ballet e o tempo de uso de sapatilha de ponta. A amostra foi composta por 34 praticantes de ballet, do gênero feminino, de escolas de dança no município de Mineiros e Goiânia em Goiás. As variáveis registradas foram sexo, idade, tempo de prática de ballet e tempo de uso de sapatilha de ponta, medida do Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC) e avaliação da impressão plantar através da plantigrafia e baropodometria. A média de idade das praticantes foi de 18,059,39 anos, média do IMC de 18,79 kg/m2, 10,457,68 anos em média de tempo de prática de ballet, e média de 5,365,69 anos do tempo de uso de sapatilha de ponta. Análise geral das 68 impressões plantares apontou predomínio de pés planos. Quando a análise foi feita individualmente por pés, direito e esquerdo, evidenciou predomínio de pés planos e cavos, respectivamente. Os achados baropodométricos demonstraram maior pressão e área plantar nos pés do lado direito (quadrante anterior) e distribuição de pressão semelhante em ambos os pés. Não foi observada correlação significativa entre os tipos de pés e o tempo de prática de ballet clássico, e o tempo de uso de sapatilha de ponta. Estudos futuros podem contribuir para um consenso sobre os tipos de alterações encontradas nessa modalidade de dança...(AU)

Classic ballet is a traditional form of dance that uses the pointe as the basic position, with the foot in extreme positions, predisposing it to morphological changes. The objective of this study were to analyze the footprints of classic ballet practicers, and correlate the foot type with the practice time of ballet and time of use of pointe shoe. The sample consisted of 34 ballet dancers coming from dance schools in the cities of Goiania and Mineiros, state of Goias, Brazil. The personal characteristics recorded were sex, age, length of time practicing ballet and the use of pointe shoe, so as the Body Mass Index (BMI) and evaluation of footprints through plantigraphy and baropodometry. The average age of the ballet practicers was 189,39 years, with normative values of body mass, 107,68 years as the time average of ballet practice, and a time average of 55,69 years regarding the use of pointe shoes. An overview of the 68 footprints pointed prevalence of flat feet. Individual analysis of the feet, right and left, revealed a predominance of flat feet and cavus, respectively. The baropodometric findings demonstrated greater pressure on the feet and plantar area of the right side (anterior quadrant) and similar distribution of pressure on both feet. No significant correlation was observed between the types of feet and practice time of classic ballet, neither with the time of use of the pointe shoe. Future studies may contribute to a consensus about the types of changes found in this type of dance...(AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Adolescente , Dança , Dermatoglifia , Pé Cavo , Eficiência , Postura
Rev. biol. trop ; 56(4): 1893-1904, Dec. 2008. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-637786


Identification of individual jaguars (Panthera onca) and pumas (Puma concolor) based on footprint morphometry (Carnivora: Felidae). Estimating feline abundance becomes particularly difficult, sometimes impossible, due to their elusive behavior and extensive space requirements. Available techniques are expensive and/or poorly efficient, therefore alternative methods are needed. The objective of this study was to assess the possibility of identifying individual jaguars and pumas based on morphometric analyses of their tracks. The footprints of five jaguars and four pumas were drawn and the foot (hind or fore foot, left or right foot) and the substrate were recorded. We took 16 measures from each footprint including lengths, widths, areas and angles. Variables were analyzed by using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and substituted by the first Principal Component (PC) (> 70 % variance). We assessed the effect of the substrate and type of foot by means of paired t-student tests, and found differences between fore and hind feet and footprints from the same individual when made on soil or sand. No differences were found between right or left feet. The footprints changed over time as revealed by Multiple ANOVA. Different individuals could be identifyied based on discriminant analyses with more than 70 % confidence. We conclude that this method is feasible and can be useful when studying endangered felines. Rev. Biol. Trop. 56 (4): 1893-1904. Epub 2008 December 12.

Estimar la abundancia de felinos resulta particular-mente difícil o, incluso imposible, debido a su comportamiento críptico y sus amplios requerimiento espaciales. Las técnicas disponibles para estimar abundancia son costosas y poco eficientes, por lo que es necesario proponer métodos alternativos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la capacidad de identificación de individuos utilizando el análisis morfométrico de huellas en yaguares y pumas. Para ello, se dibujaron huellas de cinco yaguares y cuatro pumas, registrándose el tipo de pata que dio origen a la huella y el sustrato. Para cada huella se tomaron 16 mediciones morfológicas de ángulos, largos, anchos y áreas. Las variables de largos, anchos y áreas fueron analizadas con un Análisis de Componentes Principales (ACP) y sustituidas por el primer componente principal (más del 70 % de la varianza en todos los casos). Se evaluó el efecto del sustrato y del tipo de pata a partir de pruebas t-pareadas, encontrándose diferencias entre huellas del mismo individuo dibujadas a partir de arena o tierra (t-pareadas p < 0.05), así como diferencias en todas las variables para patas delanteras y traseras (t-pareadas p < 0.05 en todos los casos). No se encontraron diferencias entre patas izquierdas o derechas. El efecto de la edad de la huella se estudió con Análisis Múltiples de Varianza, en los que se revelaron diferencias en las variables con respecto a la edad de la huella. Se realizaron análisis discriminantes por especies, sustrato de la huella y tipo de pata, para determinar la capacidad del método de discriminar entre individuos. Se obtuvo una adecuada separación de los individuos con más del 70 % de confianza. Se concluye que este método es factible y puede ser de gran utilidad especialmente en el caso de felinos amenazados.

Animais , Feminino , Masculino , Membro Anterior/anatomia & histologia , Membro Posterior/anatomia & histologia , Panthera/classificação , Puma/classificação , Densidade Demográfica , Panthera/anatomia & histologia , Puma/anatomia & histologia , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Venezuela
Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-138281


A total of 4,371 children, 2,220 boys and 2,151 girls, age ranging from one month to 18 years, in Bangkok were studied during 1985-1986. The studies of footprints included age, sex, height and weight. The footprint was measured the length of a tip of big toe to sole. It was found that the footprint was correlated with age (r = 0.91), height (r = 0.97) weight (r = 0.86). During the infancy period the growth of footprint was fast corresponded to height, weight, then gradually increase, and showed a spurt during puberty period prior to height and weight spurt. The footprint could predict the age, height and weight. The average male and female adult footprint was 26 and 23 cm respectively, which was double the average footprint at the age of 1 year 6 months in boys and 1 year 2 months in girls. The measurements of footprints may be valuable in predicting other parameters in anthropometry.