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Rev. homeopatia (São Paulo) ; 85(1): 44-49, 2024.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, HomeoIndex, MTYCI | ID: biblio-1562973


Os principais pontos que desejo levantar aqui são inteiramente novos e um tanto revolucionários quando comparados com noções aceitas, divulgadas e aplicadas nas cinco edições anteriores do Organon, ou pontos já declarados, mas reelaborados e reexaminados. Eles são, via de regra, pouco conhecidos ou nem um pouco conhecidos pelos homeopatas. Procurarei, portanto, extraí-los como ouro e diamantes são extraídos de uma mina e deixados brilharem sob o sol da verdade. Isto é o que me proponho fazer em benefício dos meus ilustres colegas aqui reunidos. Não procederei parágrafo por parágrafo, mas por ordem de importância. Os parágrafos que considerarei primeiro são os de interesse prático e, depois, tomarei os parágrafos que forem interessantes do ponto de vista teórico.

The main points I wish to raise here are entirely new and somewhat revolutionary when compared with the accepted notions, disseminated and applied in the five previous editions of the Organon, or points already stated but reworked and reexamined. They are, as a rule, little known or not at all known to homeopaths. I shall therefore seek to extract them as gold and diamonds are extracted from a mine and allowed to shine in the sun of truth. This is what I propose to do for the benefit of my distinguished colleagues assembled here. I shall not proceed paragraph by paragraph, but in order of importance. The paragraphs I shall consider first are those of practical interest, and then I shall take up those paragraphs which are interesting from a theoretical point of view.

Tradução , Matéria Médica Pura , Organon , Terapêutica Homeopática
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218682


Skin problems in dogs represent a daily important casuistic in veterinary practices. They affect both young and adult animals and may have varied causes, challenging the correct diagnosis.Within this context, it should be emphasized the close coexistence and attachment to their owners who play a crucial role in the development and treatment of part of the so-called psychogenic dermatitis. This type of illness must be understood as a multifactorial problem that requires a lot from all parties involved to be an effective therapy for the patient. Several medicines are indicated for the treatment, but most of them cause long-term side effects. For these reasons, different therapies, such as homeopathy, should be considered as alternative treatments. This article aimed to report a psychogenic dermatitis case in a 10-year-old male dog suffering from separation anxiety, which led to the development of a compulsive licking behavior. The patient was treated with injectable homeopathic medicines, and excellent results were recorded in a short period.