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Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019018


Objective To investigate the distributions of vitamin K1 and K2 in infants of different age groups by comparing the serum levels of vitamin K1 and K2 in them.Methods 1177 infants from 0 to 3 months were divided into 6 age groups.Those born/treated in the subject units(pediatrics,neonatology,child health care,obstetrics)were selected as the study subjects and grouped by age:0~3 days(591 cases),4~7 days(255 cases),8~5 days(104 cases),1 month(118 cases),2 months(40 cases),and 3 months(69 cases).General data of the infants were collected,and the serum vitamin K1 and K2 levels were determined by HPLC-mass spectrometry(LC-MS)on a unified platform,and analyzed from the distribution of vitamin K1 and K2 at different ages.Results The distributions of vitamin K1 and K2 levels were statistically significant(P<0.001);newborns were highly vulnerable to vitamin K1 deficiency,and vitamin K2 deficiency was higher than vitamin K1 with age.Conclusion Maintaining the normal growth of vitamin K1 and K2 is crucial for the normal growth and development of infants of all ages,so we should pay close attention to the monitoring and supplement of vitamin K1 and K2.

Acta biol. colomb ; 21(2): 365-377, mai.-ago. 2016. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-781904


Con el fin de caracterizar la distribución horizontal (repartición de los hábitats) y la utilización del recurso alimentario (tipo y tamaño de las presas) del ensamblaje de reptiles del bosque seco estacional al norte de la región Caribe de Colombia, en el departamento del Cesar, se realizaron cinco salidas de campo con una duración de doce días cada una. Los muestreos se realizaron en jornadas diurnas y nocturnas, en un diseño de transectos replicados a lo largo de diferentes hábitats que incluyeron: pastizales, bordes e interiores de bosque. Se realizaron análisis descriptivos de uso de hábitat en un perfil de vegetación por cada época climática y análisis de amplitud y sobreposición de nicho. Se registraron 38 especies de 14 familias del orden Squamata. Las especies se distribuyeron de manera homogénea entre zonas abiertas y boscosas. Se encontraron registros de 31 categorías de presa en 109 estómagos de seis especies de serpientes (61 estómagos) y siete de lagartos (48 estómagos) con un porcentaje de estómagos vacíos de 38 %. Las presas de mayor importancia para los lagartos fueron Coleoptera y Araneae, y para las serpientes fueron los anfibios. La mayoría de las especies presentaron un amplio espectro de dieta y entre especies similares, como entre Anolis auratus y A. gaigei, se presentó uso de recursos similares. En síntesis, el ensamblaje de reptiles presentó una distribución homogénea en los hábitats evaluados (áreas abiertas y boscosas) y el recurso alimentario fue variado entre las diferentes especies; la estacionalidad de la zona presenta un papel fundamental en la estructura del ensamblaje de reptiles, presentándose menos abundancia durante la época seca, tanto en las áreas abiertas como en las boscosas.

We assessed the horizontal distribution and use of the food resource of the reptile's assemblage of the seasonal tropical dry forest in the North of the Caribbean region of Colombia, department of Cesar. Five fieldtrips of 12 days each were performed, sampling was diurnal and nocturnal, following a transect design replicated along different habitats including grasslands, edge and interior of forest. We performed descriptive analyzes of habitat use, using a profile of vegetation by each climatic period; we also did an analysis of amplitude and niche overlap. We recorded 38 species of 14 families of the Squamata order. Species distributed evenly between open and forested areas. Record of 31 categories of prey in 109 stomachs of six species snakes (61 stomachs) and seven of lizards (48 stomachs) with a percentage of empty stomachs of 38 % was found. The preys of greater importance for the lizards were Coleoptera and Araneae and for snakes, amphibians. Most of the species presented a wide range of diet and between similar species, such as Anolis auratus and A.gaigei, found a similar use of resources. In summary, the assembly of reptiles presented a homogeneous distribution in the habitats evaluated (forested and open areas) and the food resource varied among the different species; the seasonality of the area plays a fundamental role on the structure of this reptile assembly with less abundance during the dry season in both, open and forested habitats.

Arq. Inst. Biol ; 81(4): 335-341, Oct.-Dec. 2014. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1015891


Objetivou-se estudar a dispersão espacial da cigarrinha Empoasca kraemeri Ross & Moore (Hemiptera: Cicadelidae) na cultura de feijão-de-corda Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. e estabelecer o número de amostras necessárias para a estimativa da população da praga para o uso em programas de manejo integrado de pragas. Foram cultivados dois campos experimentais na Universidade Federal do Ceará, em Fortaleza. O primeiro campo com área de 216 m2 composta de 15 parcelas. O segundo campo com área de 576 m2 dividida em 25 parcelas. O cultivar utilizado foi Vita 7 com plantas espaçadas em 0,25 x 0,8 m. Foram realizadas três coletas de dados no Campo I e quatro no Campo II, sendo avaliadas dez plantas por parcela. Foi contado o número de adultos e ninfas de cigarrinha presentes em toda a planta. Os resultados obtidos nos índices de agregação utilizados indicam que a dispersão da E. kraemeri no campo é do tipo agregada, o que foi confirmado pelo ajuste dos dados à distribuição de frequência binomial negativa. Para aplicação em programas de manejo integrado de pragas, 30 é o número de amostras estatisticamente adequado para a estimativa da população de E. kraemeri em campos de V. unguiculata.(AU)

The objective was to study the spatial dispersion of the leafhopper Empoasca kraemeri Ross & Moore (Hemiptera: Cicadelidae) on culture of cowpea Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. and to establish the number of sample necessary to estimate the population of the pest for use in integrated pest management programs. Two experimental fields were cultivated at the Federal University of Ceará, in Fortaleza, Brazil. The area of the Field I was 216 m2, composed of 15 plots. The area of the Field II was 576 m2, divided into 25 plots. The cultivar used was Vita 7 with plants spaced 0.25 x 0.8 m. We performed three separate collections of data in Field I and four in Field II; in each plot ten plants were assessed. Th number of leafhopper nymphs and adults present in the plant was counted. The aggregate indexes used indicate that the dispersion of E. kraemeri in the fi is of the aggregate type, which was confirmed by fi the data to the negative binomial frequency distribution. To be used in integrated pest management programs, 30 is the sample number statistically suitable for the estimation of E. kraemeri population in V. unguiculata fields.(AU)

Características de Residência , Vigna , Hemípteros , Controle de Pragas
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 35(3): 359-366, jul.-set. 2013. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-859219


Along the horizontal axis of reservoirs are generally recognized three zones (fluvial, transition and lacustrine) with distinct hydrodynamic and physical, chemical and biological properties. Quarterly samplings were conducted in 2002, in the limnetic region from each zone, at different depths of a tropical reservoir. To test the hypothesis that highest biomass (biovolume) of phytoplankton are found in the transition zone, the PERMANOVA analysis was realized. 106 taxa were recorded. Significant differences between biovolume values of the three zones were not verified (pseudo F = 0,89; p = 0,55). Higher values of biomass were obtained in lacustrine and transition zones of the reservoir. The functional group (FG) N (Cosmarium spp.) was dominant in these zones, in rain period, and related to low phosphorus concentration, high transparency and water column stability. Low biovolume values in reservoir characterized oligotrophic conditions in all zones of the reservoir, most of the period. The dominance of FGs Y, Lo, E, P and A, as evidenced by the CCA, was associated with low light availability and higher nutrients concentrations.

Ao longo do eixo horizontal de reservatórios são, em geral, reconhecidas três zonas (fluvial, transição e lacustre) com distinta hidrodinâmica e propriedades físicas, químicas e biológicas. Foram realizadas amostragens trimestrais no ano de 2002, na região limnética de cada zona, em diferentes profundidades, em um reservatório tropical. Para testar a hipótese de que os maiores valores de biovolume fitoplanctônico ocorrem na zona de transição do reservatório, foi realizada a Análise PERMANOVA. Foram registrados 106 táxons. Não foram registradas diferenças significativas entre os valores de biovolume fitoplanctônico das zonas do reservatório (pseudo F = 0,89; p= 0,55). Maiores valores de biovolume foram obtidos na zona lacustre e na zona de transição do reservatório. O grupo funcional N (Cosmarium spp.), dominante nestas zonas, no período chuvoso, esteve relacionado às baixas concentrações de fósforo, alta transparência e estabilidade da coluna de água. Os baixos valores de biovolume caracterizaram condições oligotróficas em todo o reservatório, na maior parte do período de estudo. A dominância dos FGs Y, Lo, E, P e A, como evidenciado por meio da CCA, esteve associada à baixa disponibilidade de luz e concentrações mais altas de nutrientes.

Fitoplâncton , Reservatórios de Água
Biota neotrop. (Online, Ed. port.) ; 10(3): 133-141, jul.-set. 2010. ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-567862


Although episodic wetlands are very frequent environments in Argentina, the knowledge about their ecology is scarce. Thus, the aim of this study was to describe the diversity and changes in the horizontal distribution of crustaceans and rotifers in the episodic wetland El Guanaco, Province of La Pampa, Argentina, during the hydroperiod that took place between December 2003 and March 2004. After three years during which it was dry, torrential rains made it reach a depth of 0.42 m. After 48 hours, ovigerous females and males of Metacyclops mendocinus (Wierzejeski 1892), juveniles of Moina wierzejskii (Richard 1895), and larvae of Triops longicaudatus (LeConte 1846) were recorded. The conductivity was reduced, the ionic content was dominated by bicarbonates and sodium and the concentrations of nutrients were high. The samplings were carried out in three stations, which at first were in open waters. The stations presented a homogeneous horizontal distribution of microcrustaceans and rotifers, with a predominance of limnetic species. Later, two of the stations were surrounded by Eleocharis macrostachya Britton plants, which allowed us to determine changes in the taxonomic composition and the appearance of species associated with the presence of vegetation. We recorded 35 taxa, being Moina micrura Kurz 1874 constantly present and highest in numbers. Among rotifers, the genus Brachionus was the predominant one. The species richness was higher in the station which was covered by E. macrostachya plants. After a period of high temperatures, we observed that the richness and abundance of microcrustaceans decreased, whereas those of rotifers increased.

El conocimiento sobre la ecología de los humedales episódicos de Argentina es escaso, a pesar de que son ambientes muy frecuentes. El objetivo de este estudio es describir la diversidad y los cambios en la distribución horizontal de los crustáceos y rotíferos que ocurrieron durante el hidroperíodo que tuvo lugar entre diciembre de 2003 y marzo de 2004 en El Guanaco, un humedal episódico, alimentado por precipitaciones, de la provincia de La Pampa. Luego de tres años en los que permaneció seco, lluvias torrenciales hicieron que alcanzara una profundidad de 0,42 m. A las 48 horas del llenado se registraron hembras ovígeras y machos de Metacyclops mendocinus (Wierzejeski 1892), juveniles de Moina wierzejskii Richard 1895 y larvas de Triops longicaudatus (LeConte 1846). La conductividad fue reducida, el contenido iónico estuvo dominado por bicarbonatos y sodio y las concentraciones de nutrientes fueron elevadas. Los muestreos se hicieron en tres estaciones, que al inicio estaban en agua abierta, y presentaron una distribución horizontal de microcrustáceos y rotíferos homogénea, con predominio de especies limnéticas. Posteriormente, dos estaciones quedaron ubicadas en un juncal de Eleocharis macrostachya Britton, a partir de lo cual se verificaron cambios en la composición taxonómica, con la aparición de especies asociadas a la vegetación. Se registraron 35 taxa, siendo Moina micrura Kurz 1874 de presencia constante y la más numerosa. Entre los rotíferos predominó el género Brachionus. La riqueza específica fue mayor en la estación que quedó cubierta por las plantas. Luego de un período de altas temperaturas se verificó que la riqueza y abundancia de microcrustáceos disminuyeron mientras que las de los rotíferos aumentaron.