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Journal of Rural Medicine ; : 119-125, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1040151


Objective: Colonoscopy is useful in diagnosing intestinal tuberculosis. However, the terminal ileum is generally not examined during routine colonoscopy. Therefore, even with colonoscopy, the diagnosis can be missed in patients with lesions confined to the terminal ileum. Herein, we report the case of an asymptomatic patient with intestinal tuberculosis, in whom a colonoscope insertion into the terminal ileum led to the diagnosis.Patient: An asymptomatic 71-year-old man visited our hospital for a colonoscopy after a positive fecal occult blood test.Results: Colonoscopy revealed diffuse edematous and erosive mucosa in the terminal ileum. Mycobacterium tuberculosis was detected by polymerase chain reaction and culture of biopsy specimens from the erosions, leading to the diagnosis of intestinal tuberculosis. The patient was treated with antitubercular agents for 6 months, and a follow-up colonoscopy revealed healing of the lesions.Conclusion: Asymptomatic intestinal tuberculosis may occasionally be detected on colonoscopy following a positive fecal occult blood test and is sometimes confined to the terminal ileum. Therefore, clinicians should consider intestinal tuberculosis in the differential diagnosis of the causes of positive fecal occult blood test results and perform colonoscopies, including observation of the terminal ileum.

Rev. am. med. respir ; 21(2): 227-232, jun. 2021. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514910


Resumen La tuberculosis (TB) intestinal y peritoneal es una enfermedad regional, crónica, específica, generalmente secundaria a TB pulmonar avanzada. Mayormente adopta la forma localizada en el tejido linfoide ileal. El diagnóstico puede sospecharse por los síntomas, los antecedentes del paciente y las pruebas de imagen, entre ellas radiografía de tórax, tomografía axial computarizada y ecografía. La confirmación precisa realizar una colonoscopia y toma de biopsia para demostración de granulomas caseificantes y del bacilo ácido-alcohol resistente. Presentamos un caso de un niño que consulto por absceso perianal y fístula, tratado como enfermedad intestinal inflamatoria y cuya radiografía de tórax motivó la sospecha y estudio de TB.

Abstract Intestinal and peritoneal tuberculosis (TB) is a regional, chronic, specific disease, generally secondary to advanced pulmonary TB. It is mostly localized at the ileal lymphoid tissue. The diagnosis may be suspected due to the symptoms, the patient's history, and imaging tests, such as chest x-ray, computerized axial tomography and echography. For confirmation, it is necessary to perform a colonoscopy and a biopsy sample to show caseating granulomas and the acid-alcohol resistant bacillus. We present the case of a child who consulted for a perianal abscess and fistula that were treated as inflammatory bowel disease, whose chest x-ray encouraged the suspicion and study of TB.

Rev. colomb. gastroenterol ; 36(supl.1): 30-36, abr. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1251543


Resumen La tuberculosis es una enfermedad de importancia en la salud pública a nivel mundial, con una alta incidencia a nivel del territorio colombiano. Principalmente, afecta el parénquima pulmonar; sin embargo, en un porcentaje elevado de casos se diagnostica en su forma extrapulmonar y el tracto gastrointestinal es uno de los sitios más frecuentes. Así mismo, la región ileocecal y el íleon terminal son las regiones con más predilección por la bacteria Mycobaterium tuberculosis. Las manifestaciones en esta rara presentación de la enfermedad están dadas por dolor abdominal y sensación de masa principalmente, lesiones ulcerosas en la mucosa intestinal y hallazgos histológicos correspondientes a granulomas caseificantes de gran tamaño y de morfología confluente, que se diferencian de otras entidades como la enfermedad de Crohn. La búsqueda de la enfermedad dentro del tracto gastrointestinal se realiza con ayuda de métodos invasivos como la colonoscopia y de ayudas diagnósticas de laboratorio como cultivos, tinciones o reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR). Dada la complejidad en el diagnóstico de esta forma de tuberculosis, el conocimiento y la manera en que se aborda un paciente con un cuadro sugestivo de esta enfermedad son factores importantes para establecer el manejo terapéutico oportuno. Se comparte un caso inusual de tuberculosis ileocecal como manifestación de síndrome febril prolongado con desenlace fatal.

Abstract Tuberculosis is a disease of public health importance worldwide with a high incidence in Colombia. It mainly affects the lung parenchyma. However, in a large number of cases, it is diagnosed in its extrapulmonary form, with the gastrointestinal tract being one of the most frequent sites. Mycobacterium tuberculosis has a strong predilection for the ileocecal region and the terminal ileum. Manifestations of this rare form of the disease are abdominal pain and mass sensation mainly, as well as ulcerative lesions in the intestinal mucosa and histological findings corresponding to large caseating granulomas of confluent morphology, which distinguish it from other entities such as Crohn's disease. Invasive procedures, such as colonoscopy, and diagnostic laboratory aids, such as cultures, stains, and PCR, are used to find the disease in the gastrointestinal tract. Given the difficulty of diagnosing this type of tuberculosis, knowledge and how a patient with symptoms suggestive of the disease is approached are critical factors for establishing timely treatment. The following is an unusual case of ileocecal TB as a manifestation of prolonged febrile illness with a fatal outcome.

Humanos , Masculino , Idoso , Tuberculose Gastrointestinal , Mycobacterium tuberculosis , Bactérias , Colonoscopia , Evolução Fatal , Laboratórios
Acta méd. colomb ; 46(1): 42-44, ene.-mar. 2021. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1278155


Resumen Introducción: la apendicitis es la emergencia quirúrgica abdominal más frecuente, pero la tuberculosis como agente etiológico hace especial este caso, debido a su muy baja frecuencia entre 0.1 y 0.6%, su hallazgo incidental nos orienta a buscar otros órganos comprometidos y a iniciar tratamiento específico, este es el primer reporte de caso en nuestra región. Reporte de caso: mujer de 33 años, con antecedentes de insuficiencia suprarrenal primaria, en tratamiento con fludrocortisona, quien consultó por presentar dolor en cuadrante inferior derecho abdominal, picos febriles y episodios eméticos, lo anterior asociado a biometría hemática con leucocitosis más desviación a la izquierda, uroanálisis patológico, se sospecha infección del tracto urinario, iniciando antibioticoterapia sin obtener mejoría, por lo que se evalúa por cirugía general que considera abdomen agudo de origen en apendicitis, realizando abordaje quirúrgico con posterior estudio histopatológico que sugiere inflamación granulomatosa caseificante compatible con tuberculosis, con la consecuente demostración de BAAR mediante tinción de Ziehl Neelsen. Conclusión: la tuberculosis extrapulmonar tiene presentaciones clínicas diversas, por lo tanto, debemos mantener sospecha ante manifestaciones atípicas de la patología, la apendicitis aguda tuberculosa, generalmente se da en el contexto de un paciente inmunosuprimido y su diagnóstico etiológico es realizado en el posoperatorio, por lo tanto, es indispensable vigilar y revisar el resultado de la biopsia y las tinciones que nos permitan realizar tratamientos específicos.

Abstract Introduction: appendicitis is the most frequent abdominal surgical emergency, but tuberculosis as the etiological agent makes this case special, due to its very low frequency of 0.1 to 0.6%. Its incidental finding guided us to seek other involved organs and begin specific treatment. This is the first case report in our region. Case report: a 33-year-old woman with a history of primary adrenal insufficiency being treated with fludrocortisone consulted due to right lower quadrant abdominal pain, fever and emesis, associated with leukocytosis with a left shift and a pathological urinalysis. A urinary tract infection was suspected, and antibiotic therapy was begun with no improvement. She was therefore seen by general surgery, who suspected acute abdomen arising from appendicitis. She underwent surgery with a subsequent histopathological study which suggested caseifying granulomatous inflammation compatible with tuberculosis, with ensuing proof of acid-fast bacilli using Ziehl Neelsen staining. Conclusion: Extrapulmonary tuberculosis has diverse clinical presentations. Therefore, when faced with atypical manifestations of this disease we should maintain a level of suspicion. Acute tuberculous appendicitis generally presents in the context of an immunosuppressed patient, and its etiological diagnosis is carried out after surgery. Therefore, it is essential to be vigilant and review the biopsy result and stains, which will allow specific treatments to be carried out.

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Apendicite , Tuberculose , Abdome Agudo
Acta méd. colomb ; 46(1): 38-41, ene.-mar. 2021. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1278154


Resumen Introducción: la apendicitis es la emergencia quirúrgica abdominal más frecuente, pero la tuberculosis como agente etiológico hace especial este caso, debido a su muy baja frecuencia entre 0.1 y 0.6%, su hallazgo incidental nos orienta a buscar otros órganos comprometidos y a iniciar tratamiento específico, este es el primer reporte de caso en nuestra región. Reporte de caso: mujer de 33 años, con antecedentes de insuficiencia suprarrenal primaria, en tratamiento con fludrocortisona, quien consultó por presentar dolor en cuadrante inferior derecho abdominal, picos febriles y episodios eméticos, lo anterior asociado a biometría hemática con leucocitosis más desviación a la izquierda, uroanálisis patológico, se sospecha infección del tracto urinario, iniciando antibioticoterapia sin obtener mejoría, por lo que se evalúa por cirugía general que considera abdomen agudo de origen en apendicitis, realizando abordaje quirúrgico con posterior estudio histopatológico que sugiere inflamación granulomatosa caseificante compatible con tuberculosis, con la consecuente demostración de BAAR mediante tinción de Ziehl Neelsen. Conclusión: la tuberculosis extrapulmonar tiene presentaciones clínicas diversas, por lo tanto, debemos mantener sospecha ante manifestaciones atípicas de la patología, la apendicitis aguda tuberculosa, generalmente se da en el contexto de un paciente inmunosuprimido y su diagnóstico etiológico es realizado en el posoperatorio, por lo tanto, es indispensable vigilar y revisar el resultado de la biopsia y las tinciones que nos permitan realizar tratamientos específicos.

Abstract Introduction: appendicitis is the most frequent abdominal surgical emergency, but tuberculosis as the etiological agent makes this case special, due to its very low frequency of 0.1 to 0.6%. Its incidental finding guided us to seek other involved organs and begin specific treatment. This is the first case report in our region. Case report: a 33-year-old woman with a history of primary adrenal insufficiency being treated with fludrocortisone consulted due to right lower quadrant abdominal pain, fever and emesis, associated with leukocytosis with a left shift and a pathological urinalysis. A urinary tract infection was suspected, and antibiotic therapy was begun with no improvement. She was therefore seen by general surgery, who suspected acute abdomen arising from appendicitis. She underwent surgery with a subsequent histopathological study which suggested caseifying granulomatous inflammation compatible with tuberculosis, with ensuing proof of acid-fast bacilli using Ziehl Neelsen staining. Conclusion: Extrapulmonary tuberculosis has diverse clinical presentations. Therefore, when faced with atypical manifestations of this disease we should maintain a level of suspicion. Acute tuberculous appendicitis generally presents in the context of an immunosuppressed patient, and its etiological diagnosis is carried out after surgery. Therefore, it is essential to be vigilant and review the biopsy result and stains, which will allow specific treatments to be carried out.

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Apendicite , Tuberculose , Patologia , Mulheres , Abdome Agudo
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-212821


Background: Abdominal tuberculosis includes tuberculous infection of gastrointestinal tract, mesentery, lymph nodes and omentum, peritoneum and solid organs like liver and spleen. The initial clinical presentations are nonspecific and no single laboratory investigation is pathognomonic. Bacterial culture and tissue histopathology though confirmatory are time consuming, and immunological tests though rewarding is expensive. Moreover, abdominal tuberculosis with an acute abdomen presents as an enormous challenge to the surgeon.Methods: This one-year prospective observational study of 25 patients who presented with intestinal tuberculosis at the Department of General Surgery, NIMRA Medical College from February 2019 to January 2020. The causes of intestinal tuberculosis were determined along with clinical profile and were monitored for outcome based on the morbidity and mortality.Results: Among the 25 patients, all had intestinal tuberculosis on the basis of operative findings and histopatholoigcal reports. Age of the patients ranged between 9 to 70 years; majority (75%) were in the age group of 20 to 40 years. Female to male ratio was 1.7:1. The commonest operative findings were hyperplastic ileocaecal tuberculosis (16%), followed by strictures (20%), and perforations (24%). The overall mortality was 8% due to sepsis and septic shock.Conclusions: Intestinal tuberculosis is a common problem presenting to general surgical units in the developing countries, often in an acute form. A high index of suspicion, proper evaluation and therapeutic trial in suspected patients is essential for an early diagnosis, in order to minimize complications.

Acta Medica Philippina ; : 128-133, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-979676


Objective@#To describe the clinical, biochemical, microbiologic, radiologic and histological features and outcome of intestinal TB.@*Methods@#Medical records of patients diagnosed with intestinal TB were reviewed. Cases were considered bacteriologically-confirmed if intestinal tissue was positive on smear culture or polymerase chain reaction (PCR); and clinically-diagnosed if with clinical, histologic, and radiologic evidence of extra-pulmonary TB.@*Results@#Fifteen patients [Mean (SD) age: 13 (4) years; 53% females] were included. One was bacteriologically-confirmed; and fourteen were clinically-diagnosed. Fever (87%) and abdominal pain (73%) were commonly seen. Seven (47%) had anemia, 5 (33%) leukocytosis and 10 (71%) hypoalbuminemia. Eleven (73%) were positive on smear or TB PCR of various specimens. Nine of 10 (90%) patients with an abdominal CT scan had thickening of bowel loops. Three with intestinal biopsy demonstrated caseation granuloma. Fourteen patients were given quadruple anti-TB medications. Six had surgery, 8 had no disease-related complications, 4 died of sepsis and 3 were lost to follow up.@*Conclusion@#Intestinal TB presents with non-specific clinical and laboratory features. Radiologic findings may provide a clue to the diagnosis. Histologic confirmation in intestinal tissue was only seen in a few cases. The prognosis was favorable for patients who completed the anti-TB treatment.

Tuberculose Extrapulmonar , Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-861869


Background: Crohn's disease (CD) and intestinal tuberculosis (ITB) share similarities in disease manifestations, but their treatment methods are totally different. Thus, the differential diagnosis between CD and ITB is of great clinical importance. Aims: To investigate the significance of positive tuberculosis interferon-gamma release assay (TB-IGRA) in differential diagnosis and treatment of CD and ITB. Methods: Fifty-six consecutive patients with positive TB-IGRA and definite diagnosis of CD (n=23) or ITB (n=33) in the Tenth People's Hospital of Tongji University from Jan. 2015 to May 2018 were enrolled. All these patients have been proposed as CD at their first visit. The effects of TB-IGRA on diagnosis and treatment were analyzed. Results: ROC curve analysis demonstrated that the cut-off value, sensitivity and specificity of TB-IGRA for diagnosis of tuberculosis infection were 100 pg/mL, 88% and 74%, respectively. In patients with TB-IGRA≥100 pg/mL, 4 were CD and 29 were ITB, while in patients with TB-IGRA<100 pg/mL, 19 were CD and 4 were ITB (P<0.05); 75.0% (3/4) of the CD patients with TB-IGRA≥100 pg/mL and 5.3% (1/19) of the CD patients with TB-IGRA<100 pg/mL had a history of tuberculosis infection (P<0.05). Thirty-five patients received diagnostic anti-tuberculosis therapy, the efficacy of those with TB-IGRA≥100 pg/mL was significantly higher than those with TB-IGRA<100 pg/mL (96.2% vs. 22.2%, P<0.05). Conclusions: 100 pg/mL might be set as the cut-off value of TB-IGRA for differential diagnosis between CD and ITB. Diagnostic anti-tuberculosis therapy is preferred for patients with TB-IGRA≥100 pg/mL, while patients with TB-IGRA<100 pg/mL need comprehensive analysis. For patients with history of tuberculosis infection, false positive TB-IGRA is prone to occur.

Gac. méd. Caracas ; 126(2): 179-184, junio2018. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LIVECS, LILACS | ID: biblio-1021843


En este reporte se describe un caso de tuberculosis intestinal (TBCI) de difícil decisión diagnóstica y terapéutica, en el cual se indicó un protocolo de tratamiento anti TBC durante 6 meses con resolución clínica, paraclínica y endoscópica(AU)

In this report we describe a case of intestinal Tuberculosis of difficult diagnostic and therapeutic decision which received anti-TBC treatment for 6 months with clinical, paraclinical and endoscopic resolution(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Tuberculose/fisiopatologia , Diagnóstico por Imagem , Protocolos Clínicos , Úlcera , Ciprofloxacina/uso terapêutico , Colite , Rifaximina/uso terapêutico
Organ Transplantation ; (6): 215-221, 2018.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-731732


Objective To investigate the etiology, clinical characteristics, diagnosis and treatment of intestinal complications after renal transplantation. Methods Clinical data of 47 patients presenting with intestinal complications following renal transplantation were retrospectively analyzed. The etiology, clinical characteristics and treatment experience of intestinal complications were summarized. Results Forty-seven patients with intestinal complications after renal transplantation were followed up for 3-36 months with the median time of 18 months. Intestinal complications included the upper gastrointestinal bleeding in 4 cases, the lower gastrointestinal bleeding in 1 case, acute enteritis in 25 cases, chronic enteritis in 12 cases, intestinal tuberculosis in 1 case, colon cancer in 1 case, and intestinal obstruction in 3 cases, respectively. Among patients with gastrointestinal bleeding, the symptoms occurred after the use of high-dose adrenal cortex hormone in 4 cases and 2 patients developed hemorrhagic shock. In patients with acute enteritis, 7 cases received immunosuppressants for the first time during the perioperative period of renal transplantation, the remaining18 patients had dirty diet or catched cold and 4 were positive for pathogens. Among patients with chronic enteritis,plasma concentrations of mycophenolic acid or tacrolimus were elevated in 12 patients, water, electrolyte, and acidbase imbalance was detected, 2 were positive for pathogens, and 8 were accompanied with severe anemia. One case of intestinal obstruction occurred during the perioperative period of renal transplantation, and 2 cases experienced toxic shock. According to the type and severity of disease, symptomatic and etiological treatments were actively implemented.In the 47 patients, 45 were cured and 2 died from the lower gastrointestinal bleeding and respiratory failure caused by lung metastasis of colon cancer. Three patients suffered from transplanted renal insufficiency. Conclusions The intestinal complications after renal transplantation are diverse, which are correlated with the imbalance of intestinal homeostasis.Both the acute and chronic diseases can cause various degrees of damage to the function of transplanted kidneys. Clinical prognosis is poor at the presence of severe complications. Active prevention and management should be implemented to reduce the risk of postoperative complications and enhance the cure rate.

Intestinal Research ; : 149-159, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-117648


Abdominal computed tomography (CT) can noninvasively image the entire gastrointestinal tract and assess extraintestinal features that are important in differentiating Crohn's disease (CD) and intestinal tuberculosis (ITB). The present meta-analysis pooled the results of all studies on the role of CT abdomen in differentiating between CD and ITB. We searched PubMed and Embase for all publications in English that analyzed the features differentiating between CD and ITB on abdominal CT. The features included comb sign, necrotic lymph nodes, asymmetric bowel wall thickening, skip lesions, fibrofatty proliferation, mural stratification, ileocaecal area, long segment, and left colonic involvements. Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative likelihood ratios, and diagnostic odds ratio (DOR) were calculated for all the features. Symmetric receiver operating characteristic curve was plotted for features present in >3 studies. Heterogeneity and publication bias was assessed and sensitivity analysis was performed by excluding studies that compared features on conventional abdominal CT instead of CT enterography (CTE). We included 6 studies (4 CTE, 1 conventional abdominal CT, and 1 CTE+conventional abdominal CT) involving 417 and 195 patients with CD and ITB, respectively. Necrotic lymph nodes had the highest diagnostic accuracy (sensitivity, 23%; specificity, 100%; DOR, 30.2) for ITB diagnosis, and comb sign (sensitivity, 82%; specificity, 81%; DOR, 21.5) followed by skip lesions (sensitivity, 86%; specificity, 74%; DOR, 16.5) had the highest diagnostic accuracy for CD diagnosis. On sensitivity analysis, the diagnostic accuracy of other features excluding asymmetric bowel wall thickening remained similar. Necrotic lymph nodes and comb sign on abdominal CT had the best diagnostic accuracy in differentiating CD and ITB.

Animais , Humanos , Abdome , Colo , Crista e Barbelas , Doença de Crohn , Diagnóstico , Trato Gastrointestinal , Linfonodos , Razão de Chances , Características da População , Viés de Publicação , Curva ROC , Sensibilidade e Especificidade , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X , Tuberculose
Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 85(8): 555-560, mar. 2017. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-953745


Resumen ANTECEDENTES: el abdomen representa el sexto lugar más frecuente de manifestación extrapulmonar de la tuberculosis; esta enfermedad puede afectar cualquier parte del tubo gastrointestinal, peritoneo y sistema hepatobiliar. OBJETIVO: reportar una variante adicional de tuberculosis intestinal, enfermedad reconocida como "la gran simuladora", relacionada con el embarazo. CASO CLÍNICO: paciente primigesta de 17 años de edad, sin antecedentes de importancia para el padecimiento actual, asintomática, sin afectación inmunológica, con tuberculosis intestinal y múltiples perforaciones y hallazgos transcesárea. El diagnóstico se estableció luego de efectuar estudios microbiológicos e histopatológicos. La evolución de la madre y el recién nacido fue satisfactoria y ambos continuaron con tratamiento antifímico. CONCLUSIÓN: pese a los grandes avances en medicina, la tuberculosis sigue siendo un grave problema de salud pública con una alta tasa de morbilidad y mortalidad. El hallazgo transcesárea, la fuerte sospecha de tuberculosis y el tratamiento oportuno limitaron la morbilidad y mortalidad de nuestra paciente.

Abstract BACKGROUND: The abdominal cavity its considerate the 6th most frequent extrapulmonary presentation of tuberculosis. This disease can affect other anatomy sites of gastrointestinal tract, peritoneum and hepatobiliary system. OBJECTIVE: To report an infrequent variant of intestinal tuberculosis, an illness known as the "great simulator", related to pregnancy. CLINICAL CASE: a 17-year-old primigravidum patient without previous history, asymptomatic, non-immunological involvement, with intestinal tuberculosis and multiple perforations, whose were identified during cesarean section. The diagnosis was established after of microbiological and histopathological studies. The evolution of the mother and the newborn were satisfactory and continued with antiphimic treatment. CONCLUSION: Despite great advances in medicine, tuberculosis remains a serious public health problem with a high rate of morbimorbidity. The transcesarean finding, the strong suspicion of tuberculosis and early treatment limited the morbimorbidity of our patient.

Rev. cuba. cir ; 55(4): 348-354, oct.-dic. 2016. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-844834


La incidencia de TB intestinal es desconocida, ya que puede ser asintomática y por su naturaleza a menudo resulta en diagnósticos erróneos, por lo que se debe tener un alto índice de sospecha en poblaciones de alto riesgo. Los abscesos intrabdominales en el curso de esta es una complicación poco frecuente, con una incidencia entre 2 y 30 por ciento. Presentamos un paciente masculino de 52 años de edad, con masa abdominal en mesogástrio, asociada a dolor abdominal y pérdida de peso. Se comienza su estudio con Rx. de tórax y ecografía abdominal, el cual reporta masa de 90 x 47 mm en el peritoneo, es intervenido quirúrgicamente y drenado por absceso intrabdominal. Se diagnostica TB intestinal, su evolución fue satisfactoria después de iniciado el tratamiento antituberculoso. Ante un paciente con síntomas de abdomen agudo, es importante realizar un diagnóstico temprano de TB intestinal. Esto evitaría una intervención innecesaria, porque el diagnóstico de la TB intestinal es médico. Si se realiza la intervención, puede confirmarse el diagnóstico mediante las lesiones encontradas; acción que impediría una resección intestinal innecesaria pues el tratamiento antituberculoso resolvería la TB. Generalmente, el diagnóstico se realiza durante una cirugía o por procedimientos invasivos con otros propósitos, por ser esta de difícil diagnóstico clínico y que la irregularidad del tratamiento antituberculoso es un importante factor de riesgo para el desarrollo de complicaciones en la TB intestinal diagnosticada. Esta es altamente efectivo en la resolución de complicaciones de moderada gravedad como la obstrucción intestinal y los abscesos intrabdominales(AU)

The incidence of intestinal tuberculosis is unknown since it may be symptom-free and lead to frequent misdiagnoses, so one should highly suspect of intestinal tuberculosis in high risk populations. The intra-abdominal abscesses are rare complications, with an incidence rate of 2 to 30 percent. Here is the case of a 52 years-old male patient who had an abdominal in her mesogastrium associated to abdominal pain and weight loss. The first testing was thorax X-ray and abdominal ultrasound, which revealed the presence of a 90x74mm mass in the peritoneum. As a result, he was operated on including intrabdominal abscess drainage. The final diagnosis was intestinal tuberculosis, being the recovery satisfactory after the anti-tuberculosis treatment. It is fundamental to make emphasis on the importance of early diagnosis of intestinal tuberculosis in patients with acute abdomen symptoms in risk groups since this may avoid surgical treatment. The diagnosis based on macroscopic findings in case of surgical treatment may also avoid unnecessary intestinal resections. Generally speaking, the diagnosis is made during a surgery or by invasive procedures with other purposes since the clinical diagnosis is difficult; irregular anti-tuberculosis treatment is a significant risk factor for the development of complications in diagnosed intestinal tuberculosis. It is highly effective in the resolution of moderate-severity complications such as intestinal obstruction and intra-abdominal abscesse(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Abscesso Abdominal/diagnóstico , Radiografia Abdominal/efeitos adversos , Tuberculose Gastrointestinal/complicações , Tuberculose Gastrointestinal/terapia , Diagnóstico Clínico
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-184341


Though intestinal tuberculosis is relatively a common ailment in India and other developing countries; enterolithiasis is a rarely encountered clinical and radiological entity found in this disease. Enteroliths are formed due to stasis caused by stricture formation in intestinal tuberculosis. We report a case of enterolithiasis secondary to intestinal tuberculosis.

Gut and Liver ; : 649-652, 2016.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-164306


Intestinal tuberculosis (ITB) remains prevalent in Asia. An interferon-γ assay (QuantiFERON-TB gold test [QFT]) is considered to be an effective supplementary tool for diagnosing ITB. We retrospectively analyzed the clinical features of ITB patients based on the initial results of QFT. A total of 109 patients with ITB were enrolled, and 82 patients (75.2%) showed positive QFT results. In the QFT-positive group, the mean age (44.1±12.0 years) was significantly higher than that in the QFT-negative group (37.0±14.8, p=0.0096). Abdominal pain (p=0.006) and diarrhea (p=0.030) were more frequent in the QFT-negative group. Further, C-reactive protein (CRP) levels were significantly higher in the QFT-negative group (6.4±9.9 mg/dL) than in the QFT-positive group (1.3±2.3, p<0.001). Multivariate analysis confirmed that younger age (p=0.016), diarrhea (p=0.042), and high levels of CRP (p=0.029) were independent predictors of QFT-negative results in patients with ITB. These results suggest that prior exposure to TB, reflected by QFT positivity, may cause mild inflammation in patients with ITB.

Humanos , Dor Abdominal , Ásia , Proteína C-Reativa , Diarreia , Inflamação , Análise Multivariada , Estudos Retrospectivos , Tuberculose
Gastroenterol. latinoam ; 27(1): 31-36, 2016. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-868979


Tuberculosis (TB) remains a major public health challenge. The true incidence of intestinal TB is unknown, as it can be asymptomatic, and by its nature, often diverts its diagnosis to neoplastic diseases or inflammatory bowel disease. Therefore, we must have a high index of suspicion, not only in high risk populations and immunocompromised patients. Diagnostic tests that certify the pathology, don’t always achieve excellent performance. Endoscopic findings are not always clear in differentiating malignancy, and in some cases, a therapeutic trial may be needed to confirm the disease. We present the case of a patient with chronic diarrhea, consumptive syndrome and without respiratory symptoms at its onset.

La tuberculosis (TBC) sigue siendo un reto importante de salud pública. La verdadera incidencia de TBC intestinal es desconocida, ya que puede ser asintomática, y por su naturaleza a menudo desvía su diagnóstico a patologías neoplásicas o de enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal. Por lo tanto, se debe tener un alto índice de sospecha, no sólo en poblaciones de alto riesgo y en pacientes inmunocomprometidos. Las pruebas diagnósticas que certifiquen la patología no siempre se logran ni tienen un excelente rendimiento. Los hallazgos endoscópicos no siempre son claros para diferenciarla de una neoplasia, y en algunos casos una prueba terapéutica puede ser la confirmación de la enfermedad. Presentamos el caso de un paciente con diarrea crónica, cuadro consuntivo y sin síntomas respiratorios al inicio de su cuadro.

Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Doenças do Ceco/diagnóstico , Doenças do Ceco/terapia , Doenças do Íleo/diagnóstico , Doenças do Íleo/terapia , Tuberculose Gastrointestinal/diagnóstico , Tuberculose Gastrointestinal/terapia , Diarreia/etiologia
Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-173396


Intestinal perforation induced by chemotherapy in a patient of Burkitt lymphoma is a known potential complication which carries high mortality. Perforation may also occur as a result of the transmural nature of the tumour. Patients on chemotherapy are prone to contract infectious diseases due to a compromised immune system. Pulmonary tuberculosis has been reported in these patients, but abdominal tuberculosis has not. We report the case of a five year old boy on chemotherapy for Burkitt lymphoma, and who developed a tuberculous jejunal perforation. The patient underwent drain insertion and stabilization followed by exploratory laparotomy with resection of the pathological segment and closure of the duodenal stump at the fourth part. Bowel continuity was re-established by gastrojejunostomy. Histopathologic examination of the resected segment revealed intestinal tuberculosis. Anti -tubercular therapy was started and continued for nine months. The last cycle of chemotherapy was administered 1 month after surgery. At 1 year of follow up the patient is asymptomatic and thriving well.

Journal of Practical Radiology ; (12): 1273-1277, 2015.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-477089


Objective To investigate the application value of multi-slice CT enterography (MSCTE)in diagnosing intestinal tuberculosis (ITB)and Crohn’s disease (CD).Methods MSCTE findings were retrospectively analyzed in 25 patients with ITB and in other 25 patients with CD diagnosed through endoscopy,pathologic examination and clinical follow-up.Statistical analysis was performed to find out the difference in CT findings between the ITB and CD.Results 25 patients with CD included the involved ileum in 23,involved duode-num and jejunum in 8,multiple segmental lesions in 20,asymmetrically thickened intestinal wall in 20,hierarchical reinforcement in 1 9,mesenteric vascular hyperplasia in 20,fibrofatty hyperplasia in 18,peritoneal abscess or fistula in 8,anal fistula in 1,and pseu-do-diverticulum formation in the intestinal wall on the opposite side of the mesentery in 2.Meanwhile,the other 25 patients with ITB included the involved terminal ileum in 25,symmetrically thickened intestinal wall in 23,annular enhancement of lymph nodes in 11,thickened peritoneum and omentum together with distinct enhancement,or intestinal adhesion,or ascites appeared in 15.The CD was more likely to represent multiple segmental lesions,asymmetrically thickened intestinal wall,hierarchical reinforcement,mesenteric vascular hyperplasia,fibrofatty hyperplasia,and peritoneal abscess or fistula formation (P <0.05).Meanwhile,the ITB was more likely to represent the lesion only in ileum,symmetrically thickened intestinal wall,and annular enhancement of lymph nodes (P <0.05).Conclusion MSCTE shows promising clinical application in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of CD and ITB.

Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 47(2): 166-170, 2/2014. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-699779


Intestinal tuberculosis (ITB) and Crohn's disease (CD) are granulomatous disorders with similar clinical manifestations and pathological features that are often difficult to differentiate. This study evaluated the value of fluorescent quantitative polymerase chain reaction (FQ-PCR) for Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) in fecal samples and biopsy specimens to differentiate ITB from CD. From June 2010 to March 2013, 86 consecutive patients (38 females and 48 males, median age 31.3 years) with provisional diagnoses of ITB and CD were recruited for the study. The patients' clinical, endoscopic, and histological features were monitored until the final definite diagnoses were made. DNA was extracted from 250 mg fecal samples and biopsy tissues from each patient. The extracted DNA was amplified using FQ-PCR for the specific MTB sequence. A total of 29 ITB cases and 36 CD cases were included in the analysis. Perianal disease and longitudinal ulcers were significantly more common in the CD patients (P<0.05), whereas night sweats, ascites, and circumferential ulcers were significantly more common in the ITB patients (P<0.05). Fecal FQ-PCR for MTB was positive in 24 (82.8%) ITB patients and 3 (8.3%) CD patients. Tissue PCR was positive for MTB in 16 (55.2%) ITB patients and 2 (5.6%) CD patients. Compared with tissue FQ-PCR, fecal FQ-PCR was more sensitive (X2=5.16, P=0.02). We conclude that FQ-PCR for MTB on fecal and tissue samples is a valuable assay for differentiating ITB from CD, and fecal FQ-PCR has greater sensitivity for ITB than tissue FQ-PCR.

Adulto , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Doença de Crohn/diagnóstico , Mycobacterium tuberculosis/genética , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase em Tempo Real/métodos , Tuberculose Gastrointestinal/diagnóstico , Biópsia , Colonoscopia , Diagnóstico Diferencial , Fluorescência , Fezes/microbiologia , Sensibilidade e Especificidade
Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-157549


Intestinal tuberculosis is a rare disease in western countries and may mimic a variety of gastrointestinal disorders. Here, we report the case of a 29-yr-old male patient who presented with loose motions, loss of appetite and loss of body weight since two years. On colonoscopy transverse colon, ascending colon, caecum and ileocaecal mucosa was inflamed, swollen and showed multiple superficial longitudinal ulcerations. Crohn’s disease was suspected based on colonoscopic finding. However histopathological examination of biopsies from colonic mucosa then revealed caseating granulomas in the colonic mucosa typical for mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. Our diagnosis is supported by raised serum IgM levels.The patient responded nicely to antitubercular therapy. This case emphasizes the need to include intestinal tuberculosis in the initial differential diagnosis of ulcerative colorectal lesions.

Adulto , Doença de Crohn , Humanos , Masculino , Tuberculose Gastrointestinal/complicações , Tuberculose Gastrointestinal/diagnóstico , Tuberculose Gastrointestinal/tratamento farmacológico , Tuberculose Gastrointestinal/patologia