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Med. leg. Costa Rica ; 41(1): 20-36, ene.-mar. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558408


Resumen Introducción: La mortalidad por intoxicaciones agudas de sustancias psicoactivas representa un problema de salud pública, especialmente en personas jóvenes. El objetivo del estudio fue crear un perfil de las víctimas mortales por intoxicación aguda en Costa Rica entre los años 2012 y 2021 asociado al consumo de sustancias psicoactivas y drogas de abuso. Materiales y métodos: Se recopilaron datos de Sección de Patología Forense del Departamento de Medicina Legal en Costa Rica, con los cuales se realizó una revisión de las víctimas mortales por intoxicaciones agudas a partir del 1 de enero de 2012 hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2021. La revisión incluyó las siguientes variables: variables epidemiológicas: sexo, edad, nacionalidad, ocupación, estado civil, provincia, consumo frecuente asociado, manera de muerte, tipo de sustancia y lugar de intoxicación. Resultados: De los 456 casos de muertes asociados a intoxicaciones agudas por etanol, metanol, benzodiacepinas, anfetaminas, heroína, cocaína y mixtas; reportados entre el 1 de enero de 2012 y el 31 de diciembre de 2021: el año que más casos reportó fue 2020; 82% de las víctimas fueron hombres y 18% mujeres; las principales edades de las personas reportadas abarcan entre 41 y 60 años. 80% de las personas eran costarricenses; San José fue la provincia con mayor número de casos de intoxicación letal, siendo el domicilio el sitio más frecuente. 14% de las víctimas eran desempleadas; 77% de las personas presentaban algún trastorno de la adicción o consumo frecuente de alguna de las sustancias estudiadas. La mayoría de muertes fueron de manera accidental. Conclusiones: El perfil predominante de las víctimas fue: masculino, entre 41 y 60 años, costarricense, de estado civil indeterminado o soltero, desempleado, que muere de manera accidental, en su domicilio, por intoxicación aguda con alcohol o mixta (alcohol y cocaína).

Abstract Introduction. Mortality from acute poisoning of psychoactive substances represents a public health problem, especially in young adults. The purpose of the study was to create a profile of fatalities due to acute poisoning in Costa Rica between 2012 and 2021 associated with the consumption of psychoactive substances and drugs of abuse. Materials and methods. Data were collected from the Forensic Pathology Section of the Legal Medicine Department in Costa Rica, then a review of fatalities due to acute poisoning was carried out from January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2021. The review included the following epidemiological variables: sex, age, nationality, occupation, marital status, province, consumption associated, manner of death, type of substance, and place of intoxication. Results. Out of the 456 reported cases of deaths associated with acute intoxication with ethanol, methanol, benzodiazepines, amphetamines, heroin, cocaine, and mixed substances between January 1, 2012, and December 31, 2021: the year with the highest number of cases reported was 2020; 82% of the victims were male, and 18% were female; the main age group of reported victims ranged from 41 to 60 years old. 80% of the victims were Costa Rican, and San Jose was the province with the highest number of lethal intoxication cases, with the home being the most frequent site. 14% of the victims were unemployed, and 77% of the individuals had some addiction disorder or frequent consumption of one of the studied substances. The majority of deaths were accidental. Conclusion. The main profile of the victims was male, between 41 and 60 years old, Costa Rican, of indeterminate or single marital status, unemployed, who died accidentally, at home, due to acute intoxication with alcohol or a mixture of substances (alcohol and cocaine).

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018538


Bipolar affective disorder refers to a category of mood disorders characterized clinically by the presence of both manic or hypomanic episodes and depressive episodes.Lithium stands out as the primary pharmacological intervention for managing bipolar affective disorder.However,its therapeutic dosage closely approaches toxic levels.Toxic symptoms appear when the blood lithium concentration surpasses 1.4 mmol/L,typically giving rise to gastrointestinal and central nervous system reactions.Cardiac toxicity is rare but serious in cases of lithium poisoning.The study reports a case of a patient with bipolar affective disorder who reached a blood lithium concentration of 6.08 mmol/L after the patient took lithium carbonate sustained-release tablets beyond the prescribed dosage daily and concurrently using other mood stabilizers.This resulted in symptoms such as arrhythmia,shock,impaired consciousness,and coarse tremors.Following symptomatic supportive treatment,including blood dialysis,the patient's physical symptoms gradually improved.It is necessary for clinicians to strengthen the prevention and recognition of lithium poisoning.

Artigo em Japonês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1039914


We report a case with disturbed consciousness and myoclonus, diagnosed as amantadine intoxication. Amantadine is widely used in the treatment of Parkinson's syndrome. However, in elderly patients and those with renal dysfunction, amantadine overdose is a rare complication, resulting in symptoms of intoxication such as impaired consciousness and myoclonus. In the present case, multiple amantadines prescribed by several medical institutions may have resulted in the observed intoxication. Our pharmacists and nurses checked the medications and found duplicate amantadine prescriptions.

Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; 88(6): 389-393, dic. 2023. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530038


El síndrome de absorción intravascular en histeroscopia se origina por la rápida absorción vascular de soluciones isotónicas e hipotónicas utilizadas en irrigación intrauterina, ocasionando hipervolemia y dilución de electrolitos, especialmente hiponatremia. Cuando este síndrome es debido a intoxicación por glicina al 1,5% causa acidosis severa y neurotoxicidad. La incidencia de este síndrome es baja pero puede aumentar por factores como: falta de control de altura de bolsas de irrigación, ausencia de equilibrio de fluidos de soluciones de irrigación, tejidos altamente vascularizados como miomas uterinos y uso de sistema de electrocirugía monopolar. Se reporta el caso de una paciente con miomas uterinos, programada para resección mediante histeroscopia que cursa con síndrome de absorción intravascular por glicina, el temprano diagnóstico y rápido tratamiento intraoperatorio y postoperatorio permitió una evolución favorable. El manejo se basó en el uso de diuréticos, restricción de fluidos y soluciones hipertónicas de sodio.

Intravascular absorption syndrome in hysteroscopy is caused by rapid vascular absorption of isotonic and hypotonic solutions used in intrauterine irrigation, causing hypervolemia and electrolyte dilution, especially hyponatremia. When this syndrome is due to 1.5% glycine toxicity, it causes severe acidosis and neurotoxicity. The incidence of this syndrome is low but may increase due to factors such as: lack of control of the height of irrigation bags, lack of fluid balance in irrigation solutions, highly vascularized tissues such as uterine myomas and use of a monopolar electrosurgery system. The case of a patient with uterine myomas, scheduled for resection by hysteroscopy, who presents with intravascular glycine absorption syndrome, is reported. Early diagnosis and rapid intraoperative and postoperative treatment allowed a favorable evolution. Management was based on the use of diuretics, fluid restriction, and hypertonic sodium solutions.

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Histeroscopia/efeitos adversos , Glicina/efeitos adversos , Hiponatremia/etiologia , Hiponatremia/terapia , Síndrome , Desequilíbrio Hidroeletrolítico/etiologia , Desequilíbrio Hidroeletrolítico/terapia , Diuréticos/uso terapêutico , Miomectomia Uterina , Soluções Hipertônicas/uso terapêutico , Irrigação Terapêutica/efeitos adversos
Acta toxicol. argent ; 31(2): 2-2, set. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568766


Resumen Las malformaciones arteriovenosas son conexiones aberrantes entre los sistemas arterial y venoso que con frecuencia se manifiestan a través de sangrados, los cuales pueden ser espontáneos o tener un factor detonante. Por su parte, el monóxido de carbono es un gas sin olor ni color que debe sus efectos a su afinidad por proteínas indispensables para el metabolismo humano (hemoglobina, mioglobina, citocromos), así como a la formación de óxido nítrico, de especies reactivas de oxígeno, inducción de apop-tosis, peroxidación lipídica, por mecanismos proinflamatorios y al actuar como molécula de señalización, además de otros posibles mecanismos que aun se desconocen. Presentamos el caso de un paciente con una malformación arteriovenosa quien sufrió un infarto cerebral hemorrágico luego de intoxicarse con monóxido de carbono y posteriormente exponemos los posibles mecanismos por los cuales el monóxido de carbono pudo participar como un factor detonante.

Abstract Arteriovenous malformations are aberrant connections between the arterial and venous systems that often manifest them-selves through bleeding, which can be spontaneous or have a trigger. On the other hand, carbon monoxide is an odorless, colorless gas that owes its effects to its affinity for proteins essential for human metabolism (hemoglobin, myoglobin, cytochromes), as well as the formation of nitric oxide, reactive oxygen species, induction of apoptosis, lipid peroxidation, pro-inflammatory mechanisms and by acting as a signaling molecule, in addition to other possible mechanisms that are still unknown. We present the case of a patient with an arteriovenous malformation who suffered a hemorrhagic cerebral infarction after being intoxicated with carbon monoxide and later we expose the possible mechanisms by which carbon monoxide could trigger the hemorrhage.

Acta toxicol. argent ; 31(2): 4-4, set. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568768


Resumen En todas las culturas y en todos los tiempos, brujos y alquimistas han buscado la fórmula que mejore, restablezca o potencie el vigor sexual. Mucho antes de la aparición del Sildenafil, existían preparados con una relativa eficacia, aunque en la mayoría de los casos, con un riesgo elevado que iba desde las lesiones severas hasta la muerte. Un preparado utilizado durante centurias en Europa que fuera introducido en la farmacopea americana fue el confeccionado a través de un insecto, la Lytta vesicatoria o cantárida. Se describen algunos de los usos históricos que se le dió a la cantaridina como afrodisíaco y los efectos que estos trajeron.

Abstract In all cultures and at all times, witches and alchemists have sought the formula that improves, restores or enhances sexual vigor. Long before the appearance of Sildenafil, there were preparations with relative effectiveness, although in most cases, with a high risk ranging from severe injuries to death. A preparation used for centuries in Europe that was introduced into the American pharmaco-peia was the one made from an insect, the Lytta vesicatoria or cantharide. Some of the historical uses of cantharidin as an aphrodisiac and the effects they brought are described.

Med. infant ; 30(2): 217-222, Junio 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1444540


El monóxido de carbono es un gas altamente tóxico que se origina principalmente por la combustión incompleta de combustibles fósiles. La intoxicación presenta síntomas inespecíficos que solapan otras patologías y por lo tanto es indispensable la confirmación mediante la medición de la carboxihemoglobina en sangre. El laboratorio incorporó la determinación en el informe del estado ácido base a partir de octubre del 2018, debido a que previamente el médico debía solicitarla frente a la sospecha de una intoxicación. El objetivo del trabajo fue evaluar si esta medida implementada por el laboratorio contribuyó a mejorar el diagnóstico de intoxicación por CO, analizar las características de los pacientes con COHb mayor o igual a 5% y definir un valor de reporte inmediato para la COHb. El 46% de los casos con COHb mayor o igual a 5% no se relacionaban con una intoxicación y/o exposición a CO. De los casos de intoxicación se encontró que el 77% fueron diagnosticados a partir de la sospecha médica y un 23% por hallazgo del laboratorio. Se concluyó que es de mucha utilidad el rol del laboratorio en detectar aquellos casos que no fueron evidentes clínicamente. Existen ciertas patologías como las oncológicas o la enfermedad de Wilson donde se vieron valores elevados de COHb sin presentar intoxicación y se definió finalmente, como valor de reporte inmediato 7% para la COHb. (AU)

Carbon monoxide is a highly toxic gas that originates mainly from incomplete combustion of fossil fuels. Intoxication causes nonspecific symptoms that overlap with other conditions and, therefore, confirmation by measuring blood carboxyhemoglobin is essential. The laboratory incorporated the measurement in the acid-base status report as of October 2018, as it was previously required to be requested by the physician in case of suspected intoxication. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether this measure implemented by the laboratory contributed to the improvement of the diagnosis of CO intoxication, to analyze the characteristics of patients with COHb greater than or equal to 5% and to define an immediate reporting value for COHb. Overall, 46% of the cases with COHb greater than or equal to 5% were not related to CO poisoning and/or exposure. Of the cases of intoxication, 77% were diagnosed based on medical suspicion and 23% on laboratory findings. It was concluded that the laboratory has a useful role in detecting cases that were not clinically evident. There are certain diseases including different types of cancer or Wilson's disease where elevated COHb values were seen without intoxication and finally, 7% for COHb was defined as the immediate reporting value (AU)

Humanos , Recém-Nascido , Lactente , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Adolescente , Carboxihemoglobina/análise , Intoxicação por Monóxido de Carbono/diagnóstico , Intoxicação por Monóxido de Carbono/sangue , Técnicas de Laboratório Clínico/instrumentação , Exposição por Inalação/análise , Estudos Retrospectivos , Diagnóstico Diferencial
Indian J Prev Soc Med ; 2023 Mar; 54(1): 20-28
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-224030


Background- Rag picking is one of the inferior economic activities in the urban informal sector, largely undertaken by children belonging to weaker sections of society for their survival and for supplementing their family income. Rag picking is one of the most dangerous activities in India. Rag pickers are working in a filthy environment surrounded by dust, dogs, and pigs. They suffer from many diseases, such as respiratory problems, anemia, fever, and other problems which include cuts, rashes, and injuries. Waste pickers are the general term adopted by the 1 st World Conference of Waste Pickers in 2008. Objective- [a] To assess the socio-economic condition of ragpickers in Varanasi, [b] To know the health condition and treatment behavior of ragpickers in Varanasi. Materials and Methods- A community-based descriptive cross-sectional study in which ragpickers reside in the slum area of Varanasi. All men and women present at the time of the interview who were involved in rag picking from the last 6 months were included. Seriously ill men and women were excluded. Since we had no prior knowledge about the proportion of cases (P) so a pilot study was conducted in which prevalence of health problem found in rag pickers in the last 6 months (P) = 0.90. Total estimated sample size is 100. In this study, Simple Random sampling was used. By using this sampling 100 individuals were selected randomly, fulfilling the inclusion criteria. Results-82 (82.0%) rag pickers were not educated in which 75 (91.5%) rag pickers suffered from health problems. Maximum 74 (74.0 %) rag pickers were migrants. Maximum 74 (74.0%) rag pickers were married in which 36 (48.0 %) rag pickers were married between 14- 18 ages. 80 (80.0%) rag pickers had not used any precautionary measure during rag picking in which 73 (91.2%) rag pickers faced health problems. Maximum 39(39.0%) were affected by dust during rag picking. Only 17(17%) ragpickers preferred government hospitals for treatment. 75 (75.0 %) rag pickers were addicted to intoxication in which 66 (88.0%) rag pickers faced health problems. 91 (91%) ragpickers affected by any health problems in the last 6 months in which a maximum of 63.7% of rag pickers suffered from fever, 60.4% of rag pickers complained about injuries, 56.2 % of rag pickers suffered from weakness problems, 52.7% of rag pickers affected by cough problems. There is a highly significance between educational status and any kind of intoxication. Discussion- The literacy level among the rag pickers was 18% which is much lower than the average literacy rate of Varanasi 75.60% (2011census). A study on slum dwellers in Dhaka showed the literacy rate higher than the finding of this study (18 vs 25 %). 28.0% of rag pickers adopted this work because they had no education. There is a high significance between educational status and any kind of intoxication. Chances of intoxication are high when no education among rag pickers. It is highly significant between educational status and health problems of rag pickers in the last 6 months. Uneducated rag pickers were not aware of the health effects.

Med. leg. Costa Rica ; 40(1)mar. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1430762


La autopsia médico legal en Costa Rica, en casos sospechosos de intoxicación por cocaetileno se debe realizar bajo las normas establecidas en la Guía de estándares de trabajo para la Sección de Patología Forense del Departamento de Medicina Legal. El análisis del mecanismo fisiopatológico de cómo estas sustancias provocan alteraciones en el organismo que pueden conllevar a un eventual fallecimiento corresponde a parte del análisis requerido en la investigación ante la sospecha de esta causa de muerte. Por lo anterior, el objetivo de este artículo es describir los mecanismos fisiopatológicos que ocurren durante el consumo combinado de cocaína y etanol, los mecanismos que conllevan a la muerte de personas consumidoras de estas sustancias y las consideraciones médico legales a tomar en cuenta para el diagnóstico de esta causa de muerte. Se realizó revisión de artículos científicos, sobre los efectos del uso combinado de la cocaína y el etanol. La literatura describe que el uso combinado de cocaína y etanol potencia los efectos farmacocinéticos y bioquímicos de cada una de estas sustancias, que su derivado, el cocaetileno, es capaz de generar por sí mismo los mecanismos causantes de la muerte. Que los principales mecanismos fisiopatológicos que conllevan la muerte ante el uso combinado de estas sustancias son de origen cardiovascular y hepático. Como consideraciones médico legales a tomar en cuenta para el diagnóstico de esta manera de muerte accidental, en la Sección de Toxicología del Departamento de Ciencias Forenses de Costa Rica, la cuantificación del cocaetileno y las sustancias relacionadas no se realiza, aunque se encuentra actualmente en el desarrollo de un proyecto para la determinación de la estabilidad de las drogas en sangre bajo las condiciones de almacenamiento, con el fin de ofrecer la posibilidad de cuantificar ciertas drogas (en donde se podría incluir el cocaetileno) en un futuro próximo.

Medical-legal autopsy in Costa Rica, in suspected cases of cocaethylene poisoning must be performed under the regulations established in the Work Standards Guide for the Forensic Pathology Section of the Department of Legal Medicine. The analysis of the pathophysiological mechanism of how these substances cause alterations in the organism that can lead to eventual death corresponds to part of the analysis required in the investigation when this cause of death is suspected. Therefore, the objective of this article is to describe the pathophysiological mechanisms that occur during the combined consumption of cocaine and ethanol, the mechanisms that lead to the death of people who consume these substances, and the medico-legal considerations to be considered for the diagnosis. of this cause of death. A review of scientific articles was carried out on the effects of the combined use of cocaine and ethanol. The literature describes that the combined use of cocaine and ethanol enhances the pharmacokinetic and biochemical effects of each one of these substances, that its derivative, cocaethylene, can generate the mechanisms that cause death by itself. That the main pathophysiological mechanisms that lead to death in the combined use of these substances are of cardiovascular and hepatic origin. As legal medical considerations to take into account for the diagnosis of this type of accidental death, in the Toxicology Section of the Department of Forensic Sciences of Costa Rica, the quantification of cocaethylene and related substances is not carried out, although it is currently in the development of a project for the determination of the stability of drugs in blood under storage conditions, in order to offer the possibility of quantifying certain drugs (which could include cocaethylene) in the near future.

Humanos , Causas de Morte , Cocaína/efeitos adversos , Etanol/análise , Intoxicação
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970717


Objective: To study the effects of Nintedanib associated with Shenfu Injection on lung injury induced by paraquat (PQ) intoxication. Methods: In September 2021, a total of 90 SD rats were divided into 5 groups in random, namely control group, PQ poisoning group, Shenfu Injection group, Nintedanib group and associated group, 18 rats in each group. Normal saline was given by gavage route to rats of control group, 20% PQ (80 mg/kg) was administered by gavage route to rats of other four groups. 6 hours after PQ gavage, Shenfu Injection group (12 ml/kg Shenfu Injection), Nintedanib group (60 mg/kg Nintedanib) and associated group (12 ml/kg Shenfu Injection and 60 mg/kg Nintedanib) were administered with medicine once a day. The levels of serum transforming growth factor beta1 (TGF-β1), interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β) were determined at 1, 3 and 7 d, respectively. The pathological changes of lung tissue, the ratio of wet weight and dry weight (W/D) of lung tissue, the levels of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and malondialdehyde (MDA) in lung tissue were observed and determined after 7 d. Western blot was used to analyse the expression levels of fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 (FGFR1), platelet derivation growth factor receptor alpha (PDGFRα), vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 (VEGFR2) in lung tissue after 7 d. Results: The levels of TGF-β1, IL-1β in all poisoning groups went up first and then went down. The levels of TGF-β1, IL-1β in associated group at 1, 3, 7 d were lower than that of PQ poisoning group, Shenfu Injection group and Nintedanib group at the same point (P<0.05). Pathological changes of lung tissue under the light microscopes showed that the degrees of hemorrhage, effusion and infiltration of inflammatory cells inside the alveolar space of Shenfu Injection group, Nintedanib group and associated group were milder than that of PQ poisoning group, and the midest in associated group. Compared with control group, the W/D of lung tissue was higher, the level of MDA in lung tissue was higher, while the level of SOD was lower, the expressions of FGFR1, PDGFRα and VEGFR2 in lung tissue were higher in PQ poisoning group (P<0.05). Compared with PQ poisoning group, Shenfu Injection group and Nintedanib group, the W/D of lung tissue was lower, the level of MDA in lung tissue was lower, while the level of SOD was higher, the expressions of FGFR1, PDGFRα and VEGFR2 in lung tissue were lower in associated group (P<0.05) . Conclusion: Nintedanib associated with Shenfu Injection can relieve lung injury of rats induced by PQ, which may be related to Nintedanib associated with Shenfu Injection can inhibit the activation of TGF-β1 and the expressions of FGFR1, PDGFRα, VEGFR2 in lung tissue of rats.

Animais , Ratos , Ratos Sprague-Dawley , Paraquat , Fator de Crescimento Transformador beta1 , Receptor alfa de Fator de Crescimento Derivado de Plaquetas , Fator A de Crescimento do Endotélio Vascular , Lesão Pulmonar Aguda/tratamento farmacológico
Journal of Rural Medicine ; : 200-204, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-986394


Objectives: Most cases of caffeine intoxication result from the excessive intake of over-the-counter drugs and energy drinks. However, few cases of caffeine intoxication due to the excessive consumption of bottled coffee products have been reported. Herein, we present a case report of caffeine intoxication.Patient: A 39-year-old man experienced numbness and weakness in the extremities for three nights over five days.Results: Blood tests revealed hypophosphatemia and low 25-OH vitamin D concentration. The symptoms disappeared the next day without any additional treatment. A lifestyle interview revealed that he regularly consumed bottled coffee like it was water and had approximately 1 L of it from evening to night. He was diagnosed with weakness in the extremities due to hypophosphatemia caused by caffeine intoxication. Upon investigating some bottled coffee products, we found that only a few of them had labels disclosing caffeine content and warnings of the risks of excessive caffeine intake.Conclusion: We encountered a case of caffeine intoxication via coffee. Although rare in the past, caffeine intoxication might increase owing to the widespread use of bottled coffee products. The caffeine content of coffee products should be indicated on labels to warn consumers.

Artigo em Japonês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006923


A woman in her 50s presented to the hospital with a chief complaint of headache and nausea. Graves' disease was diagnosed based on positive blood test results for thyrotoxicosis and TSH receptor antibody and ultrasonographic thyroid gland findings. The patient was hospitalized and started treatment with thiamazole; however, after hospitalization, psychiatric symptoms, such as visual and auditory hallucinations, appeared, and she fulfilled the diagnostic criteria for thyroid crisis. We increased the dose of thiamazole and added potassium iodide. Thyroid function improved; however, the patient experienced reemergence of psychiatric symptoms. Blood tests revealed pseudohyperchloremia, which led to the discovery of abuse of over-the-counter analgesics containing bromwarelyl urea. The psychiatric symptoms were suspected to be due to withdrawal from chronic bromine intoxication. After starting psychotropic drugs, the patient's psychiatric symptoms became mild, her thyroid function continued to improve steadily, and she was discharged from the hospital. Thyroid crisis is a condition that should be suspected and treated at an early stage; however, the diagnostic criteria for thyroid crisis can be false-positive if the thyroid disease is accompanied by other conditions that cause psychiatric symptoms.

Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(4): 1617-1632, 2023.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1427345


Os Centros de Assistência Toxicológica possuem uma importância relevante na promoção, prevenção e controle de agravos à saúde em casos de intoxicação, pois fornece um serviço de orientação e atendimento especializado para lidar com essas situações e para minimizar os prejuízos causados pelos agentes tóxicos. Diante disso, o objetivo do estudo foi analisar o perfil epidemiológico de intoxicações por medicamento, no período de 2017 a 2021, no estado do Ceará. Este estudo está caracterizado como epidemiológico exploratório- descritivo, de abordagem quantitativa, em que serão analisados os dados secundários do registro de casos de intoxicações por medicamento, registrados no Sistema Nacional de Agravos de Notificação, entre os anos de 2017 e 2021. Os dados foram coletados no período de março a abril de 2022. As variáveis levantadas são faixa etária, sexo, circunstâncias das intoxicações, óbito. Nas análises epidemiológicas foi feito o cálculo dos registros de intoxicação por medicamentos coletados no SINAN-TABNET. Resultados: Os resultados desse estudo no período de 2017 a 2021 permitiram a identificação do perfil de intoxicações medicamentosas no Estado do Ceará. Observamos que dentre as variáveis estudadas houve uma prevalência do sexo feminino, faixa etária entre 20-39 anos, e dentre as circunstâncias demostradas, a tentativa de suicídio apresentou dados mais alarmantes. Conclusão: Verificamos a necessidade de medidas efetivas no combate ao uso incorreto dos medicamentos, com ações sociais para conscientizar a população para o uso racional dos medicamentos e orientação para os riscos apresentados por medicamentos devido seu abuso intencional ou não intencional, e uma reavaliação do perfil das pessoas com alta prevalência de intoxicações.

The Toxicological Assistance Centers are relevant in promoting, preven- tion, and control of health aggravations in cases of poisoning, as it provides a specialized guidance and assistance service to deal with such situations and to minimize the damage caused by toxic agents. Therefore, the aim of the study was to analyze the epidemiolog- ical profile of medication poisonings in the period from 2017 to 2021 in the state of Ceará. This study is characterized as an exploratory-descriptive epidemiological study, with a quantitative approach, in which secondary data from the record of drug poisoning cases, registered in the National System of Notifiable Diseases, registered in the years 2017 to 2021 will be analyzed. collected from March to April 2022. The variables are age group, sex, circumstances of poisoning, death. In the epidemiological analyses, the calculation of the records of intoxication by drugs collected in SINAN-TABNET was performed. Results: The results of this study in the period from 2017 to 2021 allowed the identification of the profile of drug poisoning in the State of Ceará. We observed that among the variables studied, there was a prevalence of females, the age group is 20-39 years, and among the circumstances, suicide attempt presented the most alarming data. Conclusion: We verified the need for effective measures to combat the misuse of medi- cine, with social actions to make the population aware about the rational use of medi- cines and guidance for the risks presented by medicines due to their intentional or unin- tentional abuse, and a reassessment of the profile of the people with a high prevalence of poisoning.

Los Centros de Asistencia Toxicológica son relevantes en la promoción, prevención y control de los agravamientos de la salud en casos de intoxicación, ya que proporciona un servicio especializado de orientación y asistencia para hacer frente a es- tas situaciones y minimizar los daños causados por los agentes tóxicos. Por lo tanto, el objetivo del estudio fue analizar el perfil epidemiológico de las intoxicaciones medica- mentosas en el período de 2017 a 2021 en el estado de Ceará. Este estudio se caracteriza por ser un estudio epidemiológico exploratorio-descriptivo, con enfoque cuantitativo, en el que se analizarán datos secundarios del registro de casos de intoxicación medicamentosa, inscritos en el Sistema Nacional de Enfermedades de Declaración Obli- gatoria, registrados en los años 2017 a 2021. recogidos de marzo a abril de 2022. Las variables son grupo de edad, sexo, circunstancias de la intoxicación, muerte. En los aná- lisis epidemiológicos se ha realizado el cálculo de los registros de intoxicaciones por drogas recogidos en SINAN-TABNET. Resultados: Los resultados de este estudio en el período de 2017 a 2021 permitieron identificar el perfil de las intoxicaciones por drogas en el Estado de Ceará. Observamos que entre las variables estudiadas, hubo una preva- lencia de fe- varones, el grupo de edad es de 20-39 años, y entre las circunstancias, el intento de suicidio pre-sentó los datos más alarmantes. Conclusiones: Verificamos la necesidad de medidas eficaces para combatir el uso indebido de medicamentos, con ac- ciones sociales de concienciación de la población sobre el uso racional de medicamentos y orientación sobre los riesgos que presentan los medicamentos por su abuso intencional o no intencional, y una reevaluación del perfil de las personas con alta prevalencia de intoxicaciones.

Rev. anesth.-réanim. med. urgence ; 15(2): 111-114, 2023. figures, tables
Artigo em Francês | AIM | ID: biblio-1511740


Le chélonitoxisme est une intoxication collective par consommation de la chair, de la peau et des viscères de la tortue marine. Elle est peu fréquente. Notre objectif était de décrire l'aspect épidémio-clinique et thérapeutique de l'intoxication par tortue de mer. Méthodes : Il s'agit d'un rapport de cas effectué au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire (CHU) Antanambao Toliara, Madagascar après une intoxication collective dans la commune rurale de Soalara Sud, Toliara. Résultats : Nous avons colligé 70 patients qui ont ingéré une tortue adulte du genre Eretmochelys imbricata. Les signes cliniques étaient du type chélonitoxisme. Parmi les 70 cas, 8 patients ont été hospitalisés. L'âge des patients intoxiqués variait de 2 ans à 65 ans avec un âge moyen de 20 ± 14 ans. La tranche d'âge entre 10-20 ans était la plus touchée (44%). Les hommes représentaient 54% des patients avec un sex ratio de 1,18. Cinquante-huit pourcent ont eu leurs premiers signes 24 heures après l'intoxication et 81% des patients ont été vus au CHU entre 24 et 48 heures. Les signes cliniques du chélonitoxisme sont polymorphes : 86% ont présenté une asthénie, 91% des nausées, 25% des vomissements, 71% des céphalées et 21% des stomatites. A l'issue de l'hospitalisation, 99% des malades ont été guéris et un patient est décédé. Les traitements étaient symptomatiques. Conclusion : L'intoxication par tortue de mer est généralement bénigne. La prise en charge est symptomatique.

Humanos , Intoxicação , Astenia , Terapêutica , Fabiana imbricata , Náusea e Vômito Pós-Operatórios , Hospitais
Arq. bras. neurocir ; 42(4): 316-322, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1570997


Introduction In Brazil, there are 125,000 hospitalizations a year for traumatic brain injuries (TBI) at a high socio-economic cost, causing serious and permanent sequelae, often associated with the use of alcohol, cocaine and marijuana. Objective to discover the epidemiological characteristics of patients with moderate and severe TBI, treated at the Emergency Room of the Hospital of Clinics of the Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU), and their association with the use of alcohol, cocaine and marijuana. Material and Methods saliva and urine samples were collected from 80 patients with moderate and severe TBI, aged 18 years, between September 2020 and December 2021. Research was made into the use of alcohol, cocaine and marijuana, using chromatographic immunoassay test kits. Results A total of 28 cases (35%) were positive for alcohol, 22 cases for marijuana (27.5%) and 23 cases for cocaine (28.7%). The average age was 41 years old, with a predominance between 20 to 49 years old and of the male sex (90%). Accidents occurred mainly at night (52.5%) and on weekdays (65%). The most frequent cause of accident was transport (53.8%), followed by falls (22.5%) and aggression (16.2%). Of the transport accidents, motorcycle and automobiles accidents predominated (28.75%). Overall mortality was 16.2%, with zero positive cases for alcohol, 17.4% positive for cocaine and 27.3% positive for marijuana. Conclusion we observed an association between TBI, alcohol, marijuana and cocaine, as well as an increase in cocaine and marijuana cases when compared with a study performed at this institution in 2003.

Introdução No Brasil, ocorrem 125 mil internações por ano por traumatismo cranioencefálico (TCE) com alto custo socioeconômico, causando sequelas graves e permanentes, muitas vezes associadas ao uso de álcool, cocaína e maconha. Objetivo Conhecer as características epidemiológicas dos pacientes com TCE moderado e grave, atendidos no Pronto Socorro do Hospital de Clínicas da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU), e sua associação com o uso de álcool, cocaína e maconha. Material e Métodos Foram coletadas amostras de saliva e urina de 80 pacientes com TCE moderado e grave, com idade entre 18 anos, entre setembro de 2020 e dezembro de 2021. Foi pesquisado o uso de álcool, cocaína e maconha, por meio de kits de testes cromatográficos de imunoensaio. Resultados Um total de 28 casos (35%) foram positivos para álcool, 22 casos para maconha (27,5%) e 23 casos para cocaína (28,7%). A idade média foi de 41 anos, com predomínio entre 20 a 49 anos e do sexo masculino (90%). Acidentes ocorreram principalmente à noite (52,5%) e em dias úteis (65%). A causa mais frequente do acidente foi transporte (53,8%), seguida de quedas (22,5%) e agressões (16,2%). Dos acidentes de transporte predominaram os acidentes motociclísticos e automobilísticos (28,75%). A mortalidade geral foi de 16,2%, com zero casos positivos para álcool, 17,4% positivos para cocaína e 27,3% positivos para maconha. Conclusão Observamos associação entre TCE, álcool, maconha e cocaína, bem como o aumento de casos de cocaína e maconha quando comparado com um estudo realizado nesta instituição em 2003.

Saúde Soc ; 32(3): e210365pt, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530393


Resumo Este estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar as regiões de saúde do estado do Rio Grande do Sul (RS) quanto ao uso de agrotóxicos e à mortalidade por câncer de próstata, linfoma não Hodgkin (LNH) e leucemias. Para cada região de saúde foram estimados o volume total de agrotóxicos utilizado, o volume usado por área plantada, a proporção de lavouras com uso, a proporção de agricultura familiar e o grau de desigualdade na distribuição das terras. A mortalidade pelos três tipos de câncer foi descrita com base na mortalidade proporcional e na taxa de mortalidade ajustada por idade. A associação entre as variáveis foi estimada pelo coeficiente de correlação de Spearman. A mortalidade por câncer de próstata mostrou-se relacionada à produção agrícola intensa, utilização de elevado volume de agrotóxicos e menor proporção de agricultura familiar. Já a mortalidade por linfoma não Hodgkin e leucemias esteve associada positivamente à proporção de agricultura familiar. Mortalidade proporcional e taxa de mortalidade ajustada por idade mostraram-se positivamente correlacionadas para os três tipos de câncer. Este estudo demonstrou que, nas regiões de saúde do RS, a mortalidade pelos três tipos de câncer investigados está vinculada, em diferentes intensidades, ao uso de agrotóxicos e a características da agricultura praticada.

Abstract This study characterizes the health regions of the Rio Grande do Sul State regarding pesticide use and mortality by prostate cancer, Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma and leukemias. Total volume of pesticide used, volume used per planted area, the proportion of crops using pesticides, the proportion of family farming and the degree of inequality in land distribution were estimated for each region. Mortality from the three types of cancer was described by proportional mortality and age-adjusted mortality rate. Association between variables was estimated using Spearman's correlation coefficient. Prostate cancer mortality was associated with intense agricultural production, high volume of pesticide use and a lower proportion of family farming. Mortality from Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma and leukemias, in turn, was positively associated with the proportion of family farming. Proportional mortality and age-adjusted mortality rate were positively correlated for the three types of cancer. In conclusion, in the health regions of Rio Grande do Sul, mortality by the three types of cancer investigated is associated, albeit at different intensities, with pesticide use and the type of agriculture practiced.

Intoxicação , Agroquímicos
Pediátr. Panamá ; 51(2): 68-71, sept 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1392083


La lesión por inhalación es uno de los factores de riesgo que más contribuye a la mortalidad de pacientes quemados. La mortalidad asociada a la inhalación de humo es de 48 al 76%, se ha determinado que la mortalidad asociada con las quemaduras aumenta aproximadamente en 20% al combinarse con lesión por inhalación. En Panamá, específicamente en el Hospital del Niño Doctor José Renán Esquivel (HDNJRE), en los últimos 20 años han ocurrido 181 lesiones por inhalación, con una mortalidad asociada del 1.1%. Por esto la importancia de la detección temprana y manejo agresivo de esta patología. Presentamos el caso clínico de un paciente de 9 años quien sufre quemadura térmica por gasolina de un 25.5% y lesión por inhalación referido a nuestra unidad. (provisto por Infomedic International)

Inhalation injury is one of the risk factors that most contributes to the mortality of burned patients. Mortality associated with smoke inhalation ranges from 48 to 76%, and it has been determined that the mortality associated with burns increases by approximately 20% when combined with inhalation injury. In Panama, specifically in Hospital del Niño, in the last 20 years, 181 inhalation injuries have occurred, with an associated mortality of 1.1%. Therefore, the importance of early detection and aggressive management of this pathology. We present the clinical case of a 9-year-old patient who suffered a 25.5% gasoline thermal burn and inhalation injury referred to our unit. (provided by Infomedic International)

Rev. colomb. psiquiatr ; 51(3): 236-239, jul.-set. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1408073


RESUMEN La inducción de psicosis por ayahuasca es un evento poco frecuente. Sin embargo, debido a un aumento en el acceso y la distribución de esta sustancia, resulta menester destacar los casos en que se presenta. Se describe el caso de un paciente varón de 26 arios que ingresó al servicio de psiquiatría por un cuadro clínico de 7 meses de evolución dado por cambios en el comportamiento, ideas delirantes y posterior exacerbación de los síntomas, tras participar en una ceremonia ritual en la que consumió por vez primera un brebaje de ayahuasca. Requirió inicialmente tratamiento hospitalario para controlar el episodio psicótico agudo, con buena respuesta y tolerancia al tratamiento farmacológico, lo que permitió continuar su seguimiento clínico ambulatorio.

ABSTRACT Psychosis induced by ayahuasca is a rare occurrence. However, due to an increase in the access and distribution of this substance, it is necessary to highlight the cases in which it occurs. We describe the case of a 26-year-old man who was admitted to the psychiatric service after seven months of changes in behaviour, delusions and the subsequent exacerbation of symptoms, after participating in a ritual ceremony during which he consumed an ayahuasca concoction for the first time. Initially, he required hospital treatment to control the acute psychotic episode, but after tolerating and responding well to the antipsychotic treatment, he was discharged with an outpatient follow-up.

Rev. mex. anestesiol ; 45(3): 207-211, jul.-sep. 2022. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1409789


Resumen: Los anestésicos locales se definen como fármacos que bloquean la generación y propagación de impulsos en tejidos excitables desde médula ósea, raíces nerviosas, nervios periféricos hasta otros tejidos excitables como músculo cardíaco, músculo liso y cerebro. La intoxicación sistémica se produce debido a las concentraciones plasmáticas elevadas después de altas dosis o la administración intravenosa inadvertida. El creciente uso de técnicas de anestesia locorregional obliga a tener presente la intoxicación sistémica por anestésicos locales como una complicación anestésica de baja incidencia, pero alta morbimortalidad, además de constituir una de las causas de paro cardiorrespiratorio de origen anestésico más frecuentes. La presentación clínica de esta complicación es muy variable y abarca un gran espectro de síntomas relacionados principalmente con la toxicidad neurológica y cardiovascular. Aunque infrecuentes, las reacciones pueden ser muy graves, y resultar en daño irreversible o muerte del paciente. La prevención parece haber disminuido la intoxicación de los anestésicos locales y es más efectiva que el tratamiento. El manejo se basa en medidas de reanimación cardiopulmonar avanzada, el tratamiento farmacológico y el empleo precoz de las emulsiones lipídicas. Se presenta un caso de intoxicación sistémica utilizando lidocaína simple como único anestésico local durante la realización de bloqueo de nervio periférico en cirugía electiva.

Abstract: The local anesthesics are defined as medicaments that block the generation and spread of impulses in excitable fabrics, from bony marrow, nervous roots, peripheral nerves or other excitable fabrics as cardiac muscle, smooth muscle and brain. The systemic intoxication takes place due to the plasmatic concentrations raised after high doses or the intravenous inadvertent administration. The increasing use of technologies of anesthesia locorregional forces to bear in mind the systemic intoxication for local anesthesics as an anesthesic complication of low incident, but high morbi-mortality, beside constituting one of the more frequent reasons of cardiorespiratory unemployment of anesthesic origin. The clinical presentation of this complication is very variable and includes a great spectrum of symptoms related principally to the neurological and cardiovascular toxicity. Though infrequent, the reactions can be very serious, and to result in irreversible hurt or death of the patient. The prevention seems to have diminished the poisoning of the local anesthesics and is more effective than the treatment. The managing is based on measures of resuscitation cardiopulmonar advanced, the pharmacological treatment and the precocious employment of the lipid emulsions. I present a case of systemic intoxication using lidocaine simply as anesthesic local only one during the accomplishment of blockade of peripheral nerve in elective surgery.

Acta toxicol. argent ; 30(2): 102-106, set. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1439159


Resumen La marihuana o cannabis es la sustancia psicoactiva ilícita de mayor consumo. Una consecuencia no deseada de la regulación de su cultivo y la difusión popular de su uso medicinal y recreativo, es su asociación con el aumento de la disponibilidad de cultivos en la población general y de productos, como alimentos y fármacos elaborados con infusiones de esta planta, con concentraciones desconocidas de delta-9-tetrahidrocannabinol (A9THC), su principal componente psicoactivo. Se presenta una serie de 3 pacientes expuestos a esta sustancia de forma no intencional, por vía digestiva, asistidos de forma presencial por los servicios de Toxicología y Emergencias del Hospital Interzonal de Agudos Especializado en Pediatría "Sor María Ludovica" de La Plata. A diferencia de la absorción por vía inhalatoria, por vía digestiva se producen concentraciones mucho más variables y ciclos temporales mayores de A9THC y sus metabolitos, que ejercen sus efectos sobre los receptores CB1, dispuestos en el sistema nervioso central, incluido tronco encefálico, región con mayor presencia de éstos en niños, lo que justifica las manifestaciones neurológicas frecuentes y de mayor gravedad en este grupo etario, en relación a los adultos. La sospecha clínica, la anamnesis y la detección temprana de cannabinoides en orina son los pilares fundamentales para establecer el diagnóstico temprano. El tratamiento consiste en medidas de sostén y sintomáticas, que se implementan según la gravedad del cuadro. Debe considerarse la posibilidad de exposición a esta sustancia frente a cuadros de letargo o somnolencia de aparición brusca, con ataxia, modificaciones del humor, alteraciones sensoperceptivas, convulsiones o coma, con o sin insuficiencia respiratoria, con taquicardia o bradicardia. Es de fundamental importancia la educación y concientización de los adultos a cargo de niños sobre estos riesgos.

Abstract Marijuana or cannabis is the illicit psychoactive substance most widely used. An unwanted consequence of the regula-tion of its cultivation and the popular diffusion of its medicinal and recreational use, is the association with an increase in the avail-ability of crops in the general population, products, foods and medicines made with cannabis infusions, with unknown concentra-tions of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (A9THC), the most important psychoactive component. We present a series with 3 patients with unintentional exposure to this substance through the digestive tract, assisted by the Toxicology and Emergency services of the Interzonal Hospital for Acute Specialized in Pediatrics "Sor María Ludovica". Unlike absorption through the inhalation route, more variable concentrations and greater temporal cycles of A9THC and its metabolites are produced through the digestive route, which exert their effects on CB1 receptors, arranged in the central nervous system, including brainstem, the region with greatest presence of this receptors in children, that justifies the frequent and more serious neurological manifestations in children, compared to adults. Clinical suspicion, anamnesis and early detection of cannabinoids in urine are the fundamental pillars to establish an early diagnosis. Treatment consists in supportive and symptomatic measures, that are implemented according to the severity of the condition. The possibility of exposure to this substance must be estimated in the face of sudden onset of lethargy or drowsi-ness, with ataxia, mood modifications, sensory-perceptual disturbances, seizures or coma, with or without respiratory failure, with tachycardia or bradycardia. The education and awareness of caretakers adults, about these risks is of fundamental importance.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Lactente , Pré-Escolar , Cannabis/intoxicação , Cannabis/toxicidade , Absorção Gastrointestinal , Uso da Maconha/efeitos adversos