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Rev. Costarric. psicol ; 42(1): 127-141, ene.-jun. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1559032


Resumen En el actual escenario sociosanitario enfrentado a raíz de la pandemia por SARS-CoV-2, múltiples actividades se han visto mermadas, e incluso, suspendidas por los largos periodos de aislamiento social y las medidas de cuidado para evitar contagios. En este sentido, muchas personas han dejado de recibir con la misma regularidad, o bajo las mismas circunstancias, sus tratamientos, incluyendo a niños con Trastornos del Neurodesarrollo (TND). Es así como surgen las intervenciones Parentales. Estas son programas donde los padres o cuidadores primarios son entrenados para llevar a cabo acciones terapéuticas con el niño y cuyo objetivo puede estar orientado a promover múltiples habilidades. El objetivo de la presente revisión sistemática fue determinar el efecto de estas intervenciones para promover el lenguaje y la comunicación en niños con diagnóstico de TND de entre 2 y 5 años. Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática en las bases de datos ERIC, MEDLINE y PubMed, considerando publicaciones de entre enero del 2010 y marzo de 2022. De las 9885 referencias iniciales, y posterior a las etapas de tamizaje y elegibilidad, 5 fuentes primarias cumplieron con los criterios de selección. Los resultados indican que las intervenciones parentales para habilidades de comunicación serían efectivas e incluso se mantendrían los efectos en medidas de seguimiento. En cuanto a las habilidades de lenguaje, los resultados a través de los estudios son contradictorios. Por otra parte, ninguno de los estudios reporta efectos adversos para los niños. En cuanto a efectos beneficios o adversos para padres o cuidadores primarios, ninguno de los estudios incluidos reporta medidas asociadas.

Abstract In the current socio-sanitary scenario that we are facing as a result of the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic, there have been many activities that have been reduced and even suspended due to long periods of social isolation and care measures to avoid contagion. In this sense, many people have stopped receiving their treatments with the same regularity or under the same circumstances, including children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders. This is how parental interventions correspond to programs where parents or primary caregivers are trained to carry out therapeutic actions with the child and whose objective may be aimed at promoting multiple skills. The objective of this systematic review was to determine the effect of these interventions to promote language and communication in children diagnosed with Neurodevelopmental Disorders between 2 and 5 years of age. A systematic search was carried out in the ERIC, MEDLINE and PubMed databases including publications between January 2010 and March 2022. Of the 9885 initial references, and after the screening and eligibility stages, 5 primary sources met the selection criteria. The results indicate that parental interventions for communication skills would be effective, and the effects would even be maintained in follow-up measures. Regarding language skills, the results across studies are contradictory. On the other hand, none of the studies reported adverse effects for children. Regarding beneficial or adverse effects for parents or primary caregivers, none of the included studies reported associated measures.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pré-Escolar , Pré-Escolar/educação , Comunicação , Transtornos do Neurodesenvolvimento/diagnóstico , Desenvolvimento da Linguagem , Ensino de Recuperação , Desenvolvimento Infantil , Apoio Familiar
Psicol. Educ. (Online) ; 44: 57-66, jun. 2017. ilus, tab.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-946961


O trabalho verificou a eficácia ­ na perspectiva da avaliação interativa ­ de uma intervenção com o software Alfabetização Fônica no desenvolvimento linguístico de uma aluna com deficiência intelectual. A aluna, com 20 anos e multirrepetente, frequentava o 1º ano do ensino médio de uma escola pública; foi diagnosticada formalmente com deficiência intelectual e apresentava dificuldades linguísticas na expressão oral e escrita, na compreensão e na leitura. O método baseou-se numa análise longitudinal, a partir de uma avaliação de pré-teste do perfil cognitivo da aluna (PROLEC), seguido da realização de intervenções com o software Alfabetização Fônica e de uma avaliação de pós-teste. O PROLEC visa à avaliação dos processos de leitura e envolve as seguintes provas: a) Identificação de letras; b) Processos léxicos; c) Processos sintáticos; d) Processos semânticos. Diferenças significativas nos desempenhos entre os pré-testes e os pós-testes apontaram para a eficácia de intervenções com procedimentos computadorizados nas dimensões léxicas, sintáticas e semânticas da linguagem e na consciência fonológica.

The study aimed to verify the effectiveness - from interactive assessment approach - an intervention with the software Alfabetização Fônica in the language skills of a student with intellectual disability. The 20-year-old student after repeted the school year many times attended the first year of high school in a public school; she was diagnosed with intellectual disability and had linguistic difficulties in oral and written expression, comprehension and reading. The method was based on a longitudinal analysis based on a review of pre-test of the cognitive profile of the student through the WAIS-III, Raven, PROLEC and conducting interventions with the software and post-test evaluation. The PROLEC aims at the evaluation of reading processes and has the following proofs: a) Identification of letters; b) Lexical processes; c) Syntactic processes; d) Semantic processes. Significant differences the performances of the student between the pre and post-tests pointing to the effectiveness of interventions, especially in lexical, syntactic and semantic dimensions of language and phonological awareness indicators.

El trabajo verificó la eficacia - en la perspectiva de la evaluación interactiva - de una intervención con el software Alfabetização Fônica en el desarrollo lingüístico de una alumna con discapacidad intelectual. La alumna, con 20 años que había repetido el año muchas veces, frecuentaba el primer año de la enseñanza media de una escuela pública; fue diagnosticada formalmente con deficiencia intelectual y presentaba dificultades lingüísticas en la expresión oral y escrita, en la comprensión y en la lectura. El método se basó en un análisis longitudinal, a partir de una evaluación de pre test del perfil cognitivo de la alumna (PROLEC), seguida de la realización de intervenciones con el software Alfabetización Fónica y de una evaluación de post test. El PROLEC tiene como objetivo la evaluación de los procesos de lectura y aplica las siguientes pruebas: a) Identificación de letras; b) Procesos léxicos; c) Procesos sintácticos; d) Procesos semánticos. Diferencias significativas en los desempeños entre los pre test y las post-pruebas apuntaron a la eficacia de intervenciones con procedimientos computarizados en las dimensiones léxicas, sintácticas y semánticas del lenguaje y en la conciencia fonológica.

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Software , Educação de Pessoa com Deficiência Intelectual , Avaliação Educacional , Alfabetização , Desenvolvimento da Linguagem
Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medicine and Brain Science ; (12): 1045-1048, 2015.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-488397


Objective To study on the neural mechanism of deficits in Chinese developmental dyslexia from the aspects of the phonological processing,orthographic skills,visual magnocellular function and cerebellum function.Methods Critical words in Chinese and English (e.g.dyslexia,reading development,Chinese,neural) and formula (e.g.Chinese and (reading development) and (neural or neuroimage or fMRI or ERP or brain area) related with the present topic were searched among the article abstracts in Chinese and foreign databases (e.g.CNKI,Pubmed,Sciencedirect) from July to December,2014.Results Fifty-two relevant articles were gained access to the database.Referring to the present topic,research on the neural mechanism of dyslexia with neuroimaging technique was reserved,while the studies in which the reading impairment of the participants was caused by acquired factors were eliminated.Finally,thirty-three valid articles were retained.Conclusion According to previous studies,although there might be similarities in cognitive deficits of dyslexia between alphabetic languages and Chinese,it was still found that the Chinese children with developmental dyslexia exhibited abnormal neural activities and impaired brain structures in areas associated with Chinese phonology (i.e.left middle frontal gyrus,which was different from the left inferior fiontal gyrus always related with phonological processing in alphabetic languages) and orthographic skills (right occipitotemporal areas which was responsible for the visuospatial processing),revealing language specificity of Chinese to some extent.However,some other studies reported the similarities in neural mechanisms of dyslexia across languages.Therefore,more studies were required to further examine the crosscultural mechanism of the neural activity regarding the developmental dyslexia.Meanwhile,researches on the aspects of general perception showed Chinese dyslexic individuals had deficits in visual magnocellular function,and cerebellum.Future studies were required to explore the relationship between the linguistic and non-linguistic deficits.

Med. infant ; 18(2,n.esp): 198-206, jun. 2011. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-774356


Objetivos: Conocer el impacto que produce el abuso sexual en el niño / niña de acuerdo a la edad madurativa, en las habilidades lingüísticas y las funciones perceptivas. Describir los distintos indicadores clínicos de abuso. Materiales y métodos: la muestra estuvo constituida por 186 niños/niñas que sufrieron abuso sexual, cuyos casos fueron denunciados. El grupo etario se conformó por 31 niños/niñas de 3 a 5 años, 108 entre 6 y 12 años y 47 adolescentes entre 13 y 16 años. Las habilidades lingüísticas y funciones perceptivas se evaluaron con Test de Inteligencia: Wppsi y Wisc III, y los indicadores se establecieron a través de entrevista con respuestas dicotómicas. Resultados: orden etario: rango de 3 a 5; 6 a 12 y 13 a 16. El género: niñas que han sufrido abuso 61%, 91% y 91%; niños 39%, 9% y 9%. Abusador: papá: 57%, 32% y 30%. Pareja de la mamá: 10%, 18% y 36%. Tiempo en develar el abuso: 0 a 2 años: 75%, 39%, 22%; 3 a 5 años: 9%, 28%, 24%, más de 5 años: 0%, 19%, 43%. Las habilidades lingüísticas y las funciones perceptivas se considera la X= 10 y Dt +/ 3. Información: 10,3 - 5,8- 5,1; Analogías: 10,7-6,7- 5,1, Vocabulario: 12,3- 6,9- 5,2 y Comprensión: 8,4-7,1- 5,9. Los procesos perceptivos: Identificación de detalles: 9-4,9- 4,1. Procesos temporo- causales, grupo etario dos y tres: 6,8- 6,4. Conclusión: En los niños víctimas de maltrato por abuso sexual se produce un deterioro muy significativo en las estructuras y esquemas cognitivos a medida que aumentan en edad, y aumentan los años de secreto, que determinaran una manera particular de conocer y conceptualizar el mundo, que se manifestará en modelos conductuales, en el lenguaje expresivo y comprensivo, en la capacidad de percibir la realidad y establecer relaciones temporo causales.

Objectives: To assess the impact of sexual abuse in childrenon language skills and perceptual functions according toage and to describe different clinical markers of abuse.Materials and methods: The sample consisted of 186boys/girls that were sexually abused and whose cases werereported. The children were divided into three age groupsof 31 boys/girls between 3 and 5 years, 108 between 6 and12 years, and 47 adolescents between 13 and 16 years.Language skills and perceptive functions were assessedusing intelligence tests, the Wppsi and the Wisc III, andmarkers were established through an interview with dicho-tomous answers. Study design: descriptive – comparative– cross-sectional. Results, given according to age groupsin ranges 3 to 5; 6 to 12, and 13 to 16: Gender: girls whosuffered sexual abuse 61%, 91%, and 91%; boys 39%, 9%,and 9%. Abuser: father: 57%, 32%, and 30%. Partner ofmother: 10%, 18%, and 36%. Time until sexual abuse wasdiscovered: 0 to 2 years: 75%, 39%, 22%; 3 to 5 years: 9%,28%, 24%, more than 5 years: 0%, 19%, 43%. Markers:enuresis: 87%, 46%, and 23%, encopresis: 45%, 21%, and4%; sleep disorders: 45%, 61%, 70%; fears: 84%, 77%,79%; low self-esteem: 39%, 64%, 68%; stigmatization: 48%,63%, 64%; pains: 55%, 62%, 68%; eating disorders: 32%,36%, 55%; escape: 2%,27%,43%; stealing: 19%, 23%,23%;sel-mutilation: 39%, 36%, 49%. Language skills and per-ceptual functions are considered X= 10 and Dt +/ 3. Meansare given for each age group. Information: 10,3 - 5,8- 5,1;Analogies: 10.7-6.7-5.1, Vocabulary: 12.3- 6.9- 5.2, andComprehension: 8.4-7.1- 5.9. Perceptual processes: Detailidentification: 9- 4.9- 4.1. Temporal and causal processes,age groups two and three: 6.8- 6.4. Conclusion: Cognitivestructures deteriorate significantly in children who are vic-tims of sexual abuse when they grow older and the longerthe secret persists, resulting in a specific way of knowingand coneptualizing the world that affects models...

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Adolescente , Abuso Sexual na Infância/psicologia , Testes de Inteligência , Distorção da Percepção , Transtornos Cognitivos/etiologia , Transtornos Cognitivos/psicologia , Transtornos da Linguagem/etiologia , Transtornos da Linguagem/psicologia , Argentina , Estatística como Assunto