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Junguiana ; 40(2)jul.-dez.2022.
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1434715


Neste artigo são discutidos alguns aspectos da relação pais-filhos, focados na importância do filho no desenvolvimento dos pais. A relação filho-adulto e pais é abordada tanto em seu sentido criativo como complicado, gerador de patologia. A relação filhos-pais é associada a outra mão da mesma rua onde a psicologia bastante tem discutido a relação pais-filhos. Daí o título: "Pais e filhos: uma rua de mão dupla". A compreensão simbólica do ditado popular "filho criado, trabalho dobrado" é buscada. Esse "maior trabalho" dado pelo "filho criado" é associado ao trabalhoso processo de recolhimento necessário que os pais precisam fazer da depositação-projeção dos papéis parentais arquetípicos de filho, Fm e Fp, sobre os filhos. Também são discutidos a função da idealização cruzada e o consequente jogo de poder cruzado entre filhos e pais. Algumas complicações desse processo de retirada das depositações-projeções pelos pais sobre os filhos são enfocadas pela sua importância clínica, a saber: os riscos dos avós, o risco da inversão de papéis entre pais e filhos e a adolescência tardia. É chamada a atenção para a importância do tema, uma vez que, com o aumento da vida média, a população com mais idade cresceu e sua problemática precisa ser mais bem compreendida.

The author discusses some aspects of parents-children relationship, the so called "double way street". She emphasizes the importance of this theme because psychology has discussed enough parents-children relationship but children-parents relationship has been put aside. Archetypal parental-roles and crossed projections between children and parents are discussed as being an important aspect of the complexity of this issue, due to their clinical importance. Some process disorders are focused like: grand-parents' risks, archetypal parental roles inversion between parents and children and tardy adolescence. The symbolic understanding of the popular saying "Raised children, hell breaks lose" is sought in this article. The troubles with the "raised child" is linked to the painful process parents have to go through with projection archetypal parental roles of the child, Cm Cf over the children.

En este artículo se discuten algunos aspectos de la relación padre-hijo, enfocándose en la importancia del niño en el desarrollo de los padres. Se aborda la relación hijo-adulto y padres tanto en su sentido creativo como en su sentido complicado, generador de patologías. La relación padre-hijo está asociada con otra mano en la misma calle donde la psicología ha discutido durante mucho tiempo la relación padre-hijo. De ahí el título: "Padres e hijos: una calle de dos sentidos". Se busca la comprensión simbólica del dicho popular "hijo criado, trabajo duplicado". Este "trabajo mayor" dado por el "hijo criado" está asociado al laborioso proceso de recolección necesaria que los padres deben hacer a partir del depositación-proyección de los roles parentales arquetípicos del hijo, Hm e Hp (hijo de la madre e hijo del padre), en sus hijos. También se discute el papel de la idealización cruzada y el juego de poder cruzado resultante entre hijos y padres. Se destacan, por su importancia clínica, algunas complicaciones de este proceso de eliminación de depositaciones-proyecciones de los padres sobre sus hijos, a saber: los riesgos de los abuelos, el riesgo de inversión de roles entre padres e hijos y la adolescencia tardía. Se llama la atención sobre la importancia del tema, ya que, con el aumento del promedio de vida, la población de mayor edad ha crecido y es necesario comprender mejor sus problemas.

Relações Pais-Filho , Adolescente , Avós
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-222747


Background: In the child's perceptual environment, parents hold the most significant position. Despite rapid changes in modern family parental discipline, the construction of the child's balanced emotionality and personality is still considered very important. Adolescence the critical time in human development since the person starts to establish a position towards the world during this period. Therefore, family being the first school where all emotional lessons are learned. In the present study the research attempt to examine Emotional intelligence and Perceived Parenting Styles among Late adolescents. Methodology: For the present study, the sample comprised of 129 participants between the age range of 18- 24 years (92 females and 37 males). Two scales the Perception of Parent-Scale (POPS) The College-Student Scale to assess children’s perceptions of their parents and Emotional Intelligence Self-Assessment Tool, an adapted version from Sterrett was used. The data was collected online using Google Form. Results: The collected data was subjected to Spearman Correlation and Mann-Whitney U test was incorporated to reach the findings. Result found no significant gender difference among late adolescents between emotional intelligence and perceived parenting styles. It was also found that there is a significant relationship in perceived mother and father autonomy with emotional intelligence. Conclusion: The Mother and Father autonomy is found to be significantly related with development of Emotional Intelligence among Late adolescents. In this study the males were found to have higher scores in emotional intelligence compared to females.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-184849


The life of a student in college has always been challenging. Their stress is not just restricted to academics, but could come from various sources such as family conflicts, independent living, financial, health, peer pressure and romantic relationships. In this study 479 undergraduate and postgraduate students were assessed for perceived stress. On the Perceived stress scale, the mean score was 19.36. Female students, students with siblings and those belonging to single parent families or orphans had marginally higher levels of perceived stress. Those students staying with their family and attending college had significantly lower stress scores compared to the other students either staying in the college hostel or outside the college premises on their own or with friends or staying with their relatives and attending college. The ways in which the students cope with stress can have significant short and long term consequences on their physical and emotional health.

Rev. bras. psicodrama ; 25(1): 101-107, jun. 2017.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-899332


O adolescente necessita de suporte durante a etapa em que ocorre a emergência de novos papéis. Nesse contexto, o Psicodrama de grupo pode constituir uma ferramenta na mediação entre o real e o ideal. Foram realizadas oito sessões de Psicodrama com 15 adolescentes, com idades entre 18 e 21 anos. Foi possível identificar que o Psicodrama de grupo contribui para a ressignificação de sentimentos e o treino da espontaneidade, reduzindo a ansiedade do adolescente frente ao desconhecido.

The adolescent needs support during this stage when the emergence of new roles occurs. In this context, group Psychodrama can be a tool through the mediation between the real and the ideal. Eight sessions of Psychodrama were performed with 15 adolescents, aged between 18 and 21 years old. It was possible to identify that the group Psychodrama contributes to the resignification of feelings and the training of spontaneity, reducing the adolescent anxiety before the unknown.

El adolescente necesita el apoyo en esta etapa en la que hay la aparición de nuevos roles. En este contexto, el grupo de Psicodrama puede ser como una herramienta en la mediación entre lo real y lo ideal. Se realizaron ocho sesiones de Psicodrama con 15 adolescentes de 18 a 21 años. Fue posible identificar que el grupo de Psicodrama ayuda a replantear los sentimientos y la formación de la espontaneidad, reduciendo la ansiedad de los adolescentes ante lo desconocido.

Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 49(3): 204-214, jul.-set. 2012.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: lil-658883


Objetivo: identificar la frecuencia de las disfunciones temporomandibulares en estudiantes de 16 a 18 años pertenecientes al Instituto Preuniversitario Pedagógico Roberto Labrada Ávila y describir la presencia de síntomas y signos de disfunción temporomandibular y su relación con el sexo en los adolescentes. Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, de corte transversal en una muestra de 86 estudiantes con edades de 16 a 18 años que cursaban estudios en el preuniversitario en el año 2010, a los que se les aplicó el Índice Clínico de Helkimo para medir la frecuencia de disfunciones temporomandibulares. Se evaluaron además variables sociodemográficas, y presencia de signos y síntomas según lo detectado al examen físico. A los datos recogidos se les realizó análisis estadístico. Resultados: el 69,8 por ciento de los adolescentes examinados presentó algún nivel de disfunción temporomandibular, la alteración de la función de la articulación temporomandibular se observó en 66,3 por ciento, de todos los estudiantes, en 67,5 por ciento de las mujeres y 64,7 por ciento en los hombres. Conclusiones: existió una alta frecuencia de disfunciones temporomandibulares en la población estudiada(AU)

Objective: To identify temporomandibular dysfunction frequency in 16 to 18 years-old students from Roberto Labrada Ávila high school and to describe signs and symptoms of temporomandibular dysfunction and their relationship to the gender among these adolescents. Method: a cross-sectional, observational and descriptive study was carried out in 86 students ranging 16 to 18 years from Roberto Labrada Ávila high school during 2010. They were evaluated by using the Helkimo's clinical index to measure the frequency of temporomandibular dysfunctions. Demographic and social variables, signs and symptoms detected during physical examination were all evaluated. The collected data were statistically analyzed. Results: In the study group, 69.8 percent showed some temporomandibular dysfunction; the most observed sign was the functional disturbance of temporomandibular joint in 66.3 percent of the students. The percentage of affected females was 67.5 percent whereas that of males was 64.7 percent. Conclusion: The frequency of temporomandibular dysfunctions was high in the study sample(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Exame Físico , Síndrome da Disfunção da Articulação Temporomandibular/epidemiologia , Interpretação Estatística de Dados , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Estudos Transversais , Estudo Observacional
Interdisciplinaria ; 26(2): 289-316, ago.-dic. 2009. graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-633455


El propósito de este trabajo fue evaluar la posible incidencia que ejerce la percepción del clima social familiar sobre las actitudes ante situaciones de agravio en otros ámbitos. Con este fin, fueron estudiados a través de un diseño de investigación ex post facto, 140 sujetos de ambos sexos de 18 a 24 años de edad, residentes en las provincias de Entre Ríos y Mendoza (República Argentina). Los instrumentos empleados fueron la adaptación de la Escala de Clima Social Familiar (FES) de Fernández Ballesteros (1995), el Cuestionario de Actitudes ante Situaciones de Agravio (Moreno & Pereyra, 2000) y un cuestionario demográfico para recabar variables como edad, sexo y estado civil, entre otras. Los da tos fueron analizados con Análisis de Variancia Múltiple (MANOVA). Los resultados del estudio indican que se encontraron diferencias significativas con respecto a las actitudes Venganza y Perdón entre los grupos que presentaron diferente clima familiar. Los que percibieron un clima menos favorable mostraron más predisposición a la Venganza y menos tendencia al Perdón ante la ofensa, en los ámbitos de trabajo, amistad, padres y Dios. Las actitudes ante el agravio más agresivas se vieron afectadas por la percepción negativa del clima familiar. Las actitudes prosociales se relacionaron con un ambiente más favorable. Los resultados obtenidos parecen estar de acuerdo con el modelo complementario, que plantea que las relaciones familiares proporcionan un aprendizaje de valores y habilidades básicas para la interacción con los demás en otros ámbitos.

The purpose of this work was to evaluate the possible impact that the family social environment perception has on one's attitude when facing offensive situations in other environments. To this end, through an ex post facto investigation, 140 subjects of both sexes between the ages of 18 and 24, homogeneous by gender (70 men and 70 women) were studied. These subjects were residents in provinces of Entre Ríos and Mendoza (República Argentina). Throughout its existence, the individual is heavily influenced by their environment. This assertion has been supported by authors in the fields of Psychology and Educational Psychology (Bowbly, Winnicot, and others). Also, how to perceive the environment influences how the individual behavior in that environment. Then accordingly, the objective of this research was to determine whether a better social environment for families (greater cohesion and expressiveness and less conflict) is associat ed with a more prosocial attitude to the offense, from a psychological point of view, in the late adolescence. The evaluation methods applied were: The Family Social Environment Scale from Moos, R., Moos, B., and Trickett a dapted by Fernández Ballesteros (1995). To evaluate the family environment of the participants used the Dimension Relationship: describes the relationships between family members, aspects of development that are most important in it and its basic structure. The Attitudes on Offensive Circumstances Questionnaire (Moreno & Pereyra, 2000) and a demographic survey. In analyzing the data, Multiple Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) was conducted. The results of the study showed significant differences in consideration of attitudes towards Revenge and Forgiveness in the groups with different familiar environment. Those who perceived a less favorable atmosphere demonstrated a greater predisposition towards Revenge and less towards Pardon when faced with offensive situations in their work environment, friendships, with their parents and with God. The attitudes facing more aggressive offenses were seen to be affected by the negative perception of the familiar atmosphere. The prosocial attitudes were connected to a more favorable atmosphere. The subjects of the sample that perceived less cohesion and expressiveness were more predisposed to aggressive answers and less to the forgiveness before the damage that those who were perceiving more cohesion at home. As well as those who were perceived less expressiveness showed to have more predisposition to the revenge before the offense that those who perceived more expressiveness in the family. The results showed in the areas of relationships observed, that the late adolescents with better family environment stretch to attitudes on the offense in the relations with the parents, God, the friends and his mate of job. The young of the less positive family environment showed predisposition to answers, such of more aggressive type, as the revenge before the offense in the relations with the parents, God and mate of job and a trend to the rancor in the relationship with friends. Some skills can be learned in other areas of relationships and, in turn, encourage them to a better family atmosphere, that is, more cohesive, more expressiveness and less conflict within the home. However, family relationships have a longer period and learning that makes them often have more impact than that acquired from other areas of relationship (Martínez & Fuertes, 1999). Finally, the results found in the present study seem to be more in accordance with the complementary model of Gold and Yanof (1985, cited in Martínez, 1997), that poses that the familiar relations provide a learning of values and basic skills for the interaction with others and no so much with the compensate model as which the relations with the equal would see intensified when the familiar environment and relations are poor (Fuligni & Eccles, 1993, cited in Martínez, 1997; Martínez, 1997).

Rev. colomb. psicol ; 17: 83-92, 2008.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-606129


El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo explorar el significado que una muestra de adolescentes y adolescentes tardíos del sur de Italia atribuye a las funciones familiares, para analizar la relación entre la percepción de las transformaciones de las funciones paternas y maternas —en particular la carencia de roles normativos y de contención afectiva— y la agresividad como modalidad preferencial de gestión del conflicto. Se aplicó un diferencial semántico (DF, De Rosa, Parrello, & Sommantico, 2006) y un instrumento de agresividad, adaptado a población europea (AQ, Buss & Perry, 1992, 2003) a 259 sujetos, de edad comprendida entre los 17 y los 35 años, divididos en dos grupos, 139 de bachillerato y 120 de licenciatura. Los resultados del análisis del DF indicaron un perfil monofactorial, a diferencia del trifactorial obtenido por Osgood, Suci y Tannembaum (1957), mientras que en el AQ se encontraron diferencias significativas entre la media de la agresividad general (ξ=2,73) y factores del instrumento como agresividad verbal (ξ=3,29), la rabia (ξ=2,86) y hostilidad (ξ=2,86). Se concluye que las cualidades de tamaño y seguridad le son atribuidas específicamente a la madre, y que el nivel de agresividad verbal supera el índice de agresividad general.

The main objective of this study was to explore the meaning attributed to family functions by a sample of adolescents and late adolescents of the southern part of Italy. Accomplishing this objective permitted to understand the relationship between the perception of the transformations in both paternal and maternal functions –specifically the lack of normative roles and of affective containment- and aggressiveness as the most preferable manner to deal with conflict. A semantic differential (DF, De Rosa, Parrello and Sommantico, 2006) and an instrument for measuring aggressiveness, adapted for the European population (AQ Buss and Perry, 1992, 2003) was applied to 259 participants, ranging from 17 to 35 years old; participants were divided in two groups, 139 of them in high school and the other 120 in college. The results of the DF analysis indicated a monofactorial profile, different from the trifactorial profile obtained by Osgood, Suci, &Tannembaum (1957). In the AQ analysis, significant differences between the average of general aggressiveness (ξ = 2,73) and other factors evaluated by the aggressiveness instrument were found, such as verbal aggression (ξ =3,29), anger (ξ =2,86) and hostility (ξ=2,86). It is concluded that the qualities of size and security could be attributed specifically to the mother, and that the level of verbal aggression goes beyond any other index of general aggression.

Adolescente , Características da Família , Relações Familiares , Psicologia do Adolescente , Adolescente , Relações Pai-Filho , Relações Mãe-Filho , Núcleo Familiar
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-947374


Este proyecto se incluye en un programa de investigación que desarrolla la Cátedra I de Adolescencia de la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad de Buenos Aires desde 1992. Durante el período 1992/94, estudiando la adolescencia tardía y sus desenlaces psíquicos, se identificó un subgrupo de características propias: los estudiantes universitarios migrados, provenientes del interior del país. Los individuos de género femenino de este subgrupo fueron objeto de la segunda etapa de este programa de investigación, mediante un proyecto UBACyT 1995/97 (Ps042), y los masculinos lo son del proyecto en curso UBACyT 1998/2000 (TP40). El objetivo del presente proyecto es investigar cuáles son las características particulares en los adolescentes tardíos de la primera subfase (18 a 21 años) con características demográficas de no migrados en el ingreso al ámbito universitario. Además, se busca poder efectuar una comparación entre esta población y la población de estudiantes migrados ya investigada.

The current project is included as a part of a research program undertaken since 1992 by the Department number 1 of Adolescence of the School of Psychology at the University of Buenos Aires. During the period 1992/94, studying late adolescence and its psychical outcomes, a subgroup of special characteristics was identified: university students migrating to the capital city from other parts of Argentina. The female subjects of this subgroup were the object of the second part of this research program during 1995/97 under the aid of the UBACyT project Ps042, and the male subjects are the object of the third part,1998/2000, under the aid of the UBACyT project TP40. The purpose of the current project is to research the particular characteristics of late adolescents of the first period (18 to 21 years old) that enter university, who are demographically non migrants. The study intends to make a comparison between this population and that of the migrant students already studied.

Adulto Jovem , Universidades , Adolescente