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Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 120-124, 2017.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-608161


Objective T o explore the relationship betw een the change rules of volatile organic com pounds (V O C s) in rat m uscle and postm ortem interval (PM I). Methods A total of 120 healthy rats w ere divided random ly into 12 groups (10 for each group). A fter the rats w ere sacrificed by cervical dislocation, the bodies w ere kept at (25±1)℃. R at m uscle sam ples w ere separately obtained at 12 PM I points, including 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 d. T he V O C s in rat m uscles w ere collected, detected and ana-lyzed by headspace solid-phase m icroextraction (H S-SPM E ) coupled to gas chrom atography-m ass spec-trom eter (G C-M S ). Results In total, 15 species of V O C s w ere identified, including 9 arom atic com-pounds, 3 sulfur com pounds, 2 aliphatic acids and 1 heterocyclic com pound. T he species of V O C s in-creased w ith PM I: no species w ere detected w ithin 1 day, 3 species w ere detected on day 2, 9 on day 3, 11 on day 4, 14 from day 5 to 7, and 15 from day 8 to 10. T otal peak area of 15 species of V O C s w as significantly correlated to PM I (adjusted R2=0.15-0.96): the regression function w as y=-17.05 x2+164.36 x-246.36 (adjusted R2=0.96) from day 2 to 5, and y=2.24 x+101.13 (adjusted R2=0.97) from day 6 to 10. Conclusion T he change rules of V O C s in rat m uscle are helpful for PM I estim ation.

Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 6-10, 2017.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-515331


Objective T o investigate the tim e-dependent expression of m etallothionein (M T ) 1A m R N A and M T 2A m R N A in contused skeletal m uscle of rats. Methods A total of 54 Sprague-D aw ley rats w ere used in this study. T he rats w ere divided into tw o parts:control group (n=6) and contusion groups (0.5, 1, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, and 36 h after contusion, n=6). T otal R N A w as extracted from skeletal m uscle. T he expression levels of M T 1A m R N A and M T 2A m R N A w ere detected by SY B R G reen I real-tim e PC R . Results T he expression trends of the tw o potential m arker genes w ere related to w ound age. In ad-dition to 0.5 h, there w ere significant contrasts betw een the control group and contused group (P<0.05), about the expression levels of M T 1A m R N A and M T 2A m R N A in different phases. A s the extension of w ound age, the relative expression of M T 1A m R N A and M T 2A m R N A at 1 h, 6 h, 12 h and 18 h after contusion dem onstrated upgrade tendency until its expression levels in 18 h peak w ith 239.41±15.20 and 717.42 ±50.76, respectively. W hen tim e extends to 24 h after injury, the expression of above tw o m arks decreased, respectively. T he M T 1A m R N A and M T 2A m R N A expression levels increased at 30 h and then decreased. Conclusion D eterm ination of M T 1A m R N A and M T 2A m R N A levels by real-tim e PC R m ay be useful for the estim ation of w ound age.