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Saúde Soc ; 33(1): e230138pt, 2024. tab
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536854


Resumo O Brasil tem apresentado elevado percentual de homicídio e mortes por intervenção legal. Este artigo faz parte de um estudo qualitativo de casos múltiplos sobre vítimas indiretas que perderam parentes por homicídio devido à ação de agentes de segurança e de policiais no Rio de Janeiro. Os dados provêm de quatro entrevistas individuais com familiares de pessoas mortas por policiais e três familiares de policiais vítimas de homicídio, que foram submetidos à análise temática. Os depoimentos revelaram os impactos da perda do familiar na saúde das vítimas indiretas, como o intenso sofrimento mental e a repercussão negativa em ocupações humanas, como trabalho, lazer, sono e cuidado em saúde. Ante a experiência traumática, o apoio das instituições é limitado, ao passo que grupos ativistas e entidades ligadas aos direitos humanos são relatados, pelos entrevistados, como de grande ajuda na elaboração da dor da perda, sobretudo no grupo dos que perderam seus entes pela ação policial. O estudo indica a necessidade de pesquisas sobre as lacunas entre os equipamentos e políticas públicas e as necessidades das vítimas indiretas.

Abstract Brazil has recorded a high percentage of homicides and deaths due to legal intervention. This article is part of a qualitative multiple case study about indirect victims who lost relatives to homicide perpetraded by security agents and police officers in Rio de Janeiro. Data were collected in four individual interviews with family members of people killed by police officers and three family members of police officers who were victims of homicide, and then subjected to thematic analysis. The testimonies revealed the major impacts of the loss of a family member on the indirect victim's health, such as intense mental suffering and the negative impacts on human occupations such as work, leisure, health care, and sleep. Institutional support is limited in the face of the traumatic experience, whereas activist groups and entities tied to human rights advocacy are of great help in overcoming the pain of loss, especially for those who have lost their family members to the police. Further research is needed about the gaps between public facilities and policies and the needs of indirect victims.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Apoio Social , Vítimas de Crime , Homicídio
Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 24(2): e20231553, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568882


Abstract The spatial and temporal patterns and dynamics of biological community structure can be better understood through the lens of metacommunity theory, in which the effect of local (deterministic processes, ecological niche theory) and regional (stochastic processes, neutral theory) processes are evaluated as the main predictors of phytoplankton. The objective of this paper was to evaluate the effect of local environmental characteristics, spatial, and landscape predictors on the phytoplankton community in lakes of the Araguaia River floodplain. We evaluated the following questions: (i) What is the specific importance of physical and chemical water characteristics (local environmental predictors), dispersive processes (spatial predictors), and land use and occupancy (landscape predictors) in the phytoplankton metacommunity structure, both for taxonomic and functional groups? (ii) Does the buffer size used in land use and land cover measurement around the sampling units show differences in phytoplankton community prediction? All the predictors could explain the phytoplankton structure but the spatial were the most important. The buffers showed different predictive abilities, with taxonomic classification being related to larger sizes of buffers and functional groups the opposite. The great influence of spatial predictors can be explained by source-sink dynamics, where dispersal is so strong that it can diminish the effects of local predictors and guarantee a large flux of organisms to sink communities. In conclusion, dispersive processes have been shown to strongly influence the spatial structuring of the phytoplankton metacommunity and we highlight the need to consider buffers' size when assessing the landscape's effect on phytoplankton communities.

Resumo Os padrões espaciais e temporais e a dinâmica da estrutura da comunidade biológica podem ser compreendidos por meio das lentes da teoria de metacomunidades, no qual o efeito dos processos locais (processos determinísticos, teoria do nicho ecológico) e regionais (processos estocásticos, teoria neutra) são destacados como os principais preditores do fitoplâncton. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de preditores ambientais locais, espaciais e de paisagem sobre a comunidade fitoplanctônica em lagos da planície de inundação do Rio Araguaia. Avaliamos as seguintes questões: (i) Qual é a importância específica das características físicas e químicas da água (preditores ambientais locais), dos processos dispersivos (preditores espaciais) e do uso e ocupação do solo (preditores de paisagem) na estrutura da metacomunidade fitoplanctônica, tanto para grupos taxonômicos quanto funcionais? (ii) O tamanho do buffer usado na medição do uso e da ocupação do solo ao redor das unidades de amostragem mostra diferenças na previsão da comunidade fitoplanctônica? Todos os preditores explicaram a estrutura do fitoplâncton, mas os espaciais foram os mais importantes. Os buffers mostraram diferentes habilidades preditivas, com a classificação taxonômica sendo relacionada a tamanhos maiores de buffers e grupos funcionais, o oposto. A grande influência dos preditores espaciais pode ser explicada pela dinâmica fonte-sumidouro, em que a dispersão é tão forte que pode diminuir os efeitos dos preditores locais e garantir um grande fluxo de organismos para as comunidades de sumidouros. Em conclusão, foi demonstrado que os processos dispersivos influenciam fortemente a estruturação espacial da metacomunidade de fitoplâncton e destacamos a necessidade de considerar o tamanho dos buffers ao avaliar o efeito da paisagem sobre as comunidades de fitoplâncton.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219007


Introduction: Many studies showed that police officers complained about physical and mental health issues due to job stress. These work stresses lead to adop?ng unhealthy lifestyles and habits including the harmful use of alcohol and tobacco use which leads to high blood pressure, heart a?acks, and other NCDs. Methods: This cross-sec?onal study included all male police personnel of all cadres from nine police sta?ons of Karimnagar Mandal. WHO STEPS NCD survey ques?onnaires were used to collect basic soci-demographic informa?on, clinical history, stress, and anthropometry for measurements of CVD risk factors. Result: 253 police personnel with a mean age of 41.09 years enrolled from all cadres. 152 (60%) of police personnel had mul?ple cardiovascular risk factors. Hypercholesterolemia (37.2%) followed by a sedentary lifestyle (30.8%), and diabetes mellitus (14.6%) were important findings in this study. This study has also revealed an important link between preceding condi?ons for developing cardiovascular diseases such as pre-hypertension in 42.7% and impaired fas?ng glucose level in 25.7% of police personnel. Half of the study police personnel had a family history of NCDs and it was not sta?s?cally significant with service experience. There was a strong associa?on between years of experience and tobacco and alcohol use. Organiza?onal and opera?onal stress levels increased with the increase in years of experience in policing (p-value<0. 01). Conclusion: Smoking and alcohol consump?on were more prevalent among Police personnel which need to be controlled. Physical inac?vity was another important area. Their a?tude towards controlling the risk factors and prac?cing healthy behavior to safeguard from cardiovascular diseases has to be strengthened. It can be done by conduc?ng regular awareness camps, training sessions, and regular cardiac risk factor evalua?ons for all police personnel.

Rev. medica electron ; 45(2)abr. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1442027


Introducción: el 1 de enero de 1899 inició la ocupación militar de Cuba por Estados Unidos, cuyo objetivo fundamental fue sentar las bases de la futura República neocolonial. Objetivo: describir el comportamiento de la salud pública matancera durante el período de ocupación militar norteamericana 1899-1902. Materiales y métodos: se utilizó el método histórico descriptivo para estudiar el comportamiento de la salud pública matancera en el período de ocupación militar, y se realizó la revisión bibliográfica y documental. Resultados: no obstante los logros sociales -en especial en el ámbito de la salud pública-, las medidas y posiciones antinacionales que adoptó el gobierno interventor encontraron el rechazo de las clases y sectores interesados en lograr la absoluta soberanía de Cuba. Conclusiones: los matanceros realizaron notables esfuerzos para enfrentar la difícil situación sanitaria a través de la apertura de hospitales e instituciones, que brindaban servicios, sobre todo, a los sectores pobres de la población, y de la campaña de higienización para evitar la propagación de enfermedades y epidemias.

Introduction: the period of U.S. military occupation in Cuba officially began on January 1, 1899. Its main objective was to lay the foundation of the future neocolonial republic. Objective: to describe the behavior of Matanzas public health during the period of the US military occupation 1899-1902. Materials and methods: the historical descriptive method was used to study the behavior of Matanzas public health in the period of military occupation, and a bibliographic and documental review was conducted. Results: despite the social achievements- especially in the field of public health-, antinational measures and positions adopted by the intervening government found the rejection of the classes and sectors interested in achieving the absolute sovereignty of Cuba. Conclusions: the people of Matanzas made notable efforts to face the difficult sanitary situation opening hospitals and institutions which provided services, above all, to the poor sectors of the population, and to carry out a sanitation campaign to prevent the spread of diseases and epidemics.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1011347


Background@#Filipino occupational therapy educator emigration and limited preparedness for an academic role has resulted in high university turnovers. Remaining faculty experience decreased well-being due to increased academic role responsibilities.@*Objective@#Assess the effectiveness of an occupation-based intervention in promoting Filipino occupational therapy faculty members' well-being.@*Methodology@#This pilot study used a convergent mixed-methods design. Participants were recruited to participate through the Philippine Academy of Occupational Therapists and the University of Philippines Manila - Department of Occupational Therapy. Faculty members participated in the Well-Being through Occupational Participation (WBOP) intervention. Quantitative data was analyzed using a Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test, comparing pre and post-test scores from four standardized measures: Self Compassion Scale Short Form (SCS-SF), Scales of General Well Being (SGWB), Engagement in Meaningful Activities Survey (EMAS), and Occupational Balance Questionnaire 11 (OBQ). Qualitative data was analyzed using a multi-level coding process resulting in three themes.@*Results@#Five faculty members participated. The SCS-SF scores (T=15, p=0.042, r=0.64) and SGWB (T=15, p=0.041, r=0.65) scores showed a significant increase post-intervention, with large effect sizes. The OBQ (T=14, p=0.078) and EMAS (T=13.5 p=0.102) post-intervention scores did not reflect a significant increase. From the qualitative data, three themes emerged: time to reflect on well-being and occupational engagement, opportunity to view well-being differently, and increased mindset and intentionality.@*Conclusion@#Results suggest the WBOP intervention was effective in promoting well-being in these Filipino occupational therapy faculty members. Future intervention implementation may be helpful in positively impacting faculty member well-being. A research study with a larger number of participants is warranted.

Terapia Ocupacional
Trab. Educ. Saúde (Online) ; 21: e02044213, 2023. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1442232


Resumen El Chagas es una enfermedad causada por el parásito Trypanosoma cruzi y una problemática de salud socioambiental presente en todo el mundo. Una de las vías de transmisión de este parásito es a través del contacto con heces de vinchucas infectadas. En Argentina existen programas de control vectorial que se encargan de prevenir esta vía de transmisión. Específicamente quienes realizan este trabajo son los técnicos de campo, que son prácticamente todos varones. Mediante un abordaje cualitativo e interpretativo que incluyó entrevistas, análisis documental y observación, indagamos por qué las mujeres no se desarrollan en esta área ocupacional dentro del Programa Nacional de Chagas. La mayoría de las personas entrevistadas justificaron la falta de contratación de mujeres basándose en estereotipos de género. Otro gran grupo indicó que se debe al posible daño que los insecticidas les generarían. Sin embargo, no existen recomendaciones ni reglamentaciones oficiales que demuestren que las mujeres no deban realizar este tipo de trabajo, por lo que concluimos que se trata de un acto discriminatorio por género hacia ellas. Consideramos que es necesario que los equipos de trabajo sean diversos en cuanto a género, ya que podrían mejorar las intervenciones y estrategias de control vectorial en los diferentes territorios.

Abstract Chagas is a disease caused by the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi and a socio-environmental health problem present throughout the world. One of the routes of transmission of this parasite is through contact with feces of infected kissing bugs. In Argentina there are vector control programs that are responsible for preventing this route of transmission. Specifically, those who are in charge of this work are the field technicians, who are practically all men. Through a qualitative and interpretive approach that included interviews, documentary analysis and observation, we investigated why women do not participate in this occupational area in the National Program of Chagas. Most of the people interviewed justified the lack of women based on gender stereotypes. Another group indicated that it is due to the possible damage that insecticides would generate in women. We found that there is occupational segregation by gender towards women and other sex-gender identities, since there are no official recommendations or regulations which forbids women to perform in this type of job. We believe that it is necessary for the work teams to be diverse in terms of gender, since it would improve vector control interventions and strategies in the different territories.

Resumo A doença de Chagas é um problema de saúde socioambiental presente em todo o mundo. Uma das vias de transmissão é através do contato com fezes de barbeiros infectados com o parasita Trypanosoma cruzi. Na Argentina existem programas de controle de vetores que previnem esta forma de transmissão. Especificamente, os responsáveis por este trabalho são os técnicos de campo, que praticamente são todos homens. Neste estudo, procuramos encontrar respostas sobre porque as mulheres não participam dessa área ocupacional no Programa Nacional de Chagas por meio de uma abordagem qualitativa e interpretativa que incluiu entrevistas, análise documental e observação. A maioria das pessoas entrevistadas justificou a falta de mulheres com base em estereótipos de gênero. Outro grupo indicou que é devido ao possível dano que os inseticidas lhes causariam. No entanto, não existem recomendações ou regulamentos oficiais que demonstrem que as mulheres não devem exercer este tipo de trabalho, pelo que concluímos que se trata de um ato discriminatório com base no gênero em relação a elas. Acreditamos que é necessário que as equipes de trabalho sejam diversificadas em termos de gênero, pois isso melhoraria as intervenções e estratégias de controle de vetores nos diferentes territórios.

Sexismo , Equidade de Gênero , Argentina , Preconceito
Cad. Bras. Ter. Ocup ; 31: e3315, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1420990


Resumo Introdução Existem profundas relações entre as festas Brega e a cidade de Belém do Pará, Brasil, manifestadas em práticas cotidianas que influenciam as características culturais, performáticas e identitárias da cidade. Essas festas são realizadas semanalmente e informam três atores principais: festeiros, bregueiros e DJs. Mesmo amplamente validadas na periferia, as festas Brega enfrentam processos de marginalização social de suas práticas, sendo atribuídas noções depreciativas aos modos de viver e às ações cotidianas dos sujeitos envolvidos com esse movimento. Dentre as festas de Brega, destacamos nesse trabalho o Baile da Saudade, o qual concentra características mais ligadas ao movimento inicial do Brega em Belém. Objetivo Identificar os significados de ocupar-se das/nas festas de Baile da Saudade com base na perspectiva dos principais atores. Método A pesquisa, de natureza qualitativa e inspirada por abordagem etnográfica, ouviu cinco participantes: um DJ, dois festeiros e dois bregueiros. Os dados foram gerados através de observação participante, entrevistas semiestruturadas e por meio de Photovoice. Os recursos foram analisados por meio de Análise Temática. Resultados Foram geradas quatro unidades temáticas que informam as particularidades do Baile da Saudade, a construção da festa enquanto produto cultural, as diferenciações de consumo entre o Centro e a Periferia da cidade, bem como estigmas e aceitações associados ao Baile. Conclusão O estudo revelou os condicionantes, as tensões e os potenciais de ocupar-se das/nas festas de Baile da Saudade, bem como permitiu refletir sobre algumas ocupações humanas a partir de perspectiva contra hegemônica.

Abstract Introduction There are deep relationships between Brega parties and the city of Belém do Pará, Brazil, manifested in everyday practices that influence the city's cultural, performance and identity characteristics. These parties are held weekly and inform three main actors: partygoers, bregueiros, and DJs. Even though they are widely validated in the periphery, the Brega parties face processes of social marginalization of their practices, with derogatory notions attributed to the ways of living and everyday actions of the subjects involved with this movement. Among the Brega parties, this study highlights the Baile da Saudade, which concentrates on characteristics more linked to the initial Brega movement. Objective To identify the meanings of producing/participating in the Baile da Saudade parties based on the perspective of its main actors. Method This qualitative study, which was inspired by an ethnographic approach, heard five participants: one DJ, two party planners, and two bregueiros. The data was generated through participant observation, semi-structured interviews, and the Photovoice. The resources were analyzed by Thematic Analysis. Results Four thematic units were generated: particularities of the Baile da Saudade, construction of the party as a cultural product, differences in consumption between the Center and the Periphery of city, as well as stigmas and acceptance associated with this party. Conclusion The study revealed the constraints, tensions, and potentials of producing/participating in Baile da Saudade parties, and allowed reflection on the role of some occupations from the counter-hegemonic perspective.

Belo Horizonte; s.n; 2023. 141 p.
Tese em Português | LILACS, InstitutionalDB | ID: biblio-1567919


A Covid-19, doença infecciosa causada pelo vírus SARS-CoV-2, emergiu na China em dezembro de 2019 e rapidamente se espalhou por todo o mundo. A infecção foi declarada pandemia pela Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) em 11 de março de 2020. Desde então, o distanciamento social, entre outras medidas de proteção, foi adotado para desestruturar a cadeia de transmissão do vírus. Contudo, as desigualdades nas oportunidades para se valer dessa medida de proteção foram constatadas. O presente estudo examinou as chances de desligamento por morte de empregados celetistas em Minas Gerais, no período de 2019 a 2021, de acordo com as características sociodemográficas e ocupacionais da força de trabalho registrada no Cadastro Geral de Empregados e Desempregados (Novo - CAGED), do Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego (MTE). A hipótese central diz respeito à variação da chance de desligamento por morte em atividades consideradas essenciais no período pandêmico e pós-pandêmico. Estudo transversal utilizou dados secundários disponíveis para acesso no site do MTE. A Classificação Nacional de Atividades Econômicas (CNAE) e a Classificação Brasileira de Ocupações (CBO) foram tomadas como referência para examinar a hipótese principal. As covariáveis de interesse foram sexo, idade, escolaridade, raça/cor, renda. A distribuição do total de empregados registrados e daqueles desligados por morte, em 2019, 2020 e 2021, foi descrita de acordo com os grandes grupos e subgrupos da CBO. Modelos probabilísticos estimados por regressão logística (RL) binária foram usados para avaliar as chances de desligamento por morte. Foram desenvolvidas RL geral por natureza da ocupação e específicas por subgrupos ocupacionais de três grupos ocupacionais estruturados para fins do estudo, sendo os seguintes: setor saúde, setor essencial fora da saúde e setor não essencial. Homens, pessoas mais velhas, com menor nível de escolaridade e de raça/cor branca tiveram maior chance de desligamento por morte. Esse resultado foi mantido em todos os modelos nos três grupos ocupacionais de interesse. Em relação à natureza da ocupação, trabalhadores dos setores saúde e essencial fora da saúde tiveram maior chance de desligamento por morte. No setor saúde, médicos, trabalhadores da enfermagem e cuidadores tiveram maior chance de desligamento por morte. No setor essencial fora da saúde, a maior chance de desligamento por morte foi observada entre os operadores de utilidades (operadores de máquinas a vapor, de instalações de captação e tratamento de água, esgoto e gases) nos três períodos estudados. A taxa de variação da incidência de desligamentos por morte foi considerada marcador próximo da proporção de mortes causadas direta e indiretamente pela Covid-19. Foi observado aumento dessa taxa no período pandêmico, em relação ao período pré-pandêmico. O perfil sociodemográfico da amostra desligada por morte, em 2020 e 2021, é convergente com os estudos sobre mortalidade causada direta e indiretamente pelo SARS-CoV-2, à exceção do resultado sobre raça/cor branca. Essas evidências serão pistas tanto para fomentar o debate sobre as desigualdades nas oportunidades de proteção durante crises sanitárias, quanto impulsionar a formulação de estratégias para reverter a situação de vulnerabilidade dos trabalhadores de setores considerados essenciais.

Covid-19, an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, emerged in China in December 2019 and quickly spread worldwide. The infection was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) on March 11, 2020. Since then, several protective measures have been recommended in order to decrease the transmission of the virus. Among the measures recommended by the WHO, social distancing was adopted to disrupt the virus transmission chain. However, inequalities in opportunities to avail of the protective measure have been documented. The present study examined the odds of shutdown due to death of celetal employees in Minas Gerais, in the period from 2019 to 2021, according to the sociodemographic and occupational characteristics of the population registered in the General Cadastre for the Employed and Unemployed (Novo - CAGED), of the Ministry of Labor and Employment (MTE). The central hypothesis concerns the greater odds of shutdown due to death in activities considered essential. This cross-sectional study used secondary data available for access on the MTE website. The National Classification of Economic Activities (CNAE) and the Brazilian Classification of Occupations (CBO) were used as reference to examine the main hypothesis. The covariates of interest were gender, age, education, race/color, and income. The distribution of total registered employees and those dismissed due to death in 2019, 2020, and 2021 was described according to the major groups and subgroups of the CBO. Probabilistic models estimated by binary logistic regression (LR) were used to assess the odds of shutdown due to death. General RL were developed by nature of occupation and specific by occupational subgroups of three occupational groups structured for the purposes of the study, as follows: health sector, essential sector outside of health and non-essential sector. Men, older people, with a lower level of and people of white race/color had a higher odd of shutdown due to death. This result was maintained in all models in the three occupational groups of interest. Regarding the nature of the occupation, workers in the health and non-health essential sectors had a higher odd of shutdown due to death. In the health sector, physicians, nursing workers, and caregivers had the highest odds of being dismissed due to death. In the non-health essential sector, the highest odds of shutdown due to death was evidenced among utility operators (steam machine operators, water, sewage and gas capture and treatment facilities) in the three periods studied. The rate of change in the incidence of shutdown due to death was considered a marker close to the proportion of deaths directly and indirectly caused by Covid-19. An increase in this rate was observed in the pandemic period, in relation to the pre-pandemic period. The sociodemographic profile of the sample shutdowned due to death, in 2020 and 2021, is consistent with studies on mortality directly and indirectly caused by SARS-CoV-2, with the exception of the result on white race/color. This evidence will be clues both to foment the debate on inequalities in protection opportunities during health crises, and to boost the formulation of strategies to reverse the vulnerable situation of workers in sectors considered essential.

Humanos , Mortalidade , Emprego , Pandemias , Distanciamento Físico , SARS-CoV-2 , COVID-19
Saúde Soc ; 32(2): e220400pt, 2023.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1450437


Resumo No Brasil, os racismos são estruturais e estruturantes, pois estão enraizados nos arcabouços das sociedades, nas relações interpessoais e nas instituições, atravessando as ocupações significativas dos sujeitos e coletivos. Isto explica as disparidades em diversos setores da sociedade brasileira, notadamente na empregabilidade das pessoas negras, bem como nos seus modos de adoecer e morrer. Entendendo o papel que os racismos desempenham nas ocupações das pessoas negras, este estudo propõe sistematizar observações que nos permitam compreender o fenômeno da produção de injustiças, com base em relações racializadas e, eventualmente, sugerir formas de enfrentamento dessa realidade. Desta forma, discutimos como os racismos foram instaurados no Brasil, reunindo elementos para a compreensão da ocupação humana e seus condicionantes. Em seguida, refletimos sobre os conceitos de justiça e injustiça ocupacional, que evidenciam os processos ocupacionais vivenciados pelas pessoas negras. Considerando que na terapia ocupacional e na ciência ocupacional brasileira ainda são incipientes os estudos que relacionam racismos e ocupação, apontamos algumas estratégias para reorientar as práticas profissionais de terapeutas ocupacionais, de modo a torná-las proativas e transformadoras.

Abstract In Brazil, the many forms of racisms are structural and structuring, since they are rooted deep within society, in interpersonal relationships, and in institutions, traversing significant occupations of subjects and collectives. This explains the disparities in various sectors of Brazilian society, notably in the employability of Black people, as well as in their forms of getting sick and dying. In understanding the role that racisms play in the occupations of Black people, this study proposes to systematize observations that allow us to understand the phenomenon of the production of injustices based on racialized relations and, eventually, suggest ways to confront this reality. Thus, we discuss how racisms were established in Brazil, gathering elements for the understanding of human occupation and its conditioning factors. We then reflect on the concepts of occupational justice and injustice, which bring light to the occupational processes experienced by Black people. Considering that, in occupational therapy and in Brazilian occupational science, studies relating racisms and occupation are still incipient, we point out some strategies to reorient occupational therapists, practices to make them proactive and transformative.

População Negra , Racismo/história , Racismo Sistêmico , Brasil
Poblac. salud mesoam ; 20(1)dic. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448844


Objetivo: analizar si el origen social y ciertas características sociodemográficas como la escolaridad, el empleo y el ser madre influyen en el aplazamiento de la primera unión en dos cohortes de mujeres mexicanas. Fuente de datos: Encuesta Demográfica Retrospectiva de 2017. Metodología: se utilizaron técnicas descriptivas y multivariadas de historia de eventos. En el análisis multivariado, se ajustaron dos modelos de historia de eventos, uno para la cohorte más antigua y otro para la más joven. Resultados: las mujeres nacidas entre 1978 y 1987 retrasaron más su calendario en comparación con las nacidas entre 1962 y 1967. La proporción de ocurrencia de la primera unión a los 30 años ha cambiado según la cohorte de nacimiento, las mujeres más jóvenes muestran menores porcentajes al respecto. Las mujeres de la cohorte más joven con alto nivel educativo, sin hijos y de mayor estrato tienen menos probabilidades de unirse. Conclusiones: el calendario de la unión en México es heterogéneo y está acentuado por las nuevas generaciones, la clase socioeconómica, el nivel educativo y la fecundidad previa.

Objective: to analyze if social origin and certain sociodemographic characteristics such as: education level, having a job and being a mother, influence in two cohorts of women in Mexico to postpone their entry into their first union. Data source: Retrospective Demographic Survey of 2017. Data source: Retrospective Demographic Survey of 2017. Methodology: descriptive and multivariate event history techniques were used. In multivariate analysis, two event history models were adjusted, one for women from the oldest cohort and one for the youngest. Results: Women born between 1978 and 1987 delayed their calendar compared to those born between 1962 and 1967. The proportion of occurrences of the first union at age 30 has changed according to the birth cohort, with younger women showing lower percentages of a first marriage at this age. Women from the younger cohort who are highly educated do not have children and are from a higher stratum, they are less likely to join. Conclusion: the calendar of the union in Mexico is heterogeneous and is accentuated by the new generations and the socioeconomic stratum to which they belong, in addition to factors such as educational level and pre-union fertility.

Horiz. sanitario (en linea) ; 21(3): 505-511, Sep.-Dec. 2022. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1506362


Resumen Objetivo: Conocer si el estilo de vida es determinado por el nivel socioeconómico, ocupación y vecindario de adultos mayores. Materiales y métodos: El estudio fue transversal, correlacional, con muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia usando medios digitales de grupos conocidos. Se contactaron 101 adultos mayores por correo electrónico, WhatsApp o a través de conocidos. Los datos fueron recolectados mediante la herramienta digital QuestionPro. Se usaron las subescalas del instrumento FANTASTIC: actividad física, nutrición, toxicidad (tabaco), alcohol, sueño, estrés y control de la salud; Neighborhood Environment Walkability Survey; el AMAI para valorar estilos de vida, caminabilidad del vecindario y nivel socioeconómico, respectivamente. así como preguntas abiertas sobre ocupación. Las medidas de tendencia central, dispersión, frecuencias y porcentajes describen las variables continuas y nominales, el Alpha de Cronbach la consistencia interna de los instrumentos y prueba de Kolmogorov Smirnov con corrección de Lilliefors para la distribución de variables. Se usaron coeficientes de correlación de Spearman y modelos de regresión lineal múltiple para responder los objetivos. Resultados: A medida que el nivel socioeconómico mejora las medias de caminabilidad del vecindario aumentan (p < 0.001). El modelo de regresión lineal múltiple fue significativo (p < 0.001), el nivel socioeconómico (p = 0.006) y vecindario (p = 0.005), explican el 28% de la variación de estilos de vida. Conclusiones. El estudio permitió confirmar las teorizaciones en el sentido de que el estatus social y las oportunidades de vida, entendidas como el entorno inmediato juegan un papel importante en la elección del estilo de vida, en este caso representado por nivel socioeconómico y la caminabilidad del vecindario de los adultos mayores. Sin embargo, ello evidencia la desigualdad de oportunidades para mantener un estilo de vida saludable por parte de los adultos mayores, y es a la vez un reto para los profesionales de la salud.

Abstract Objective: To learn if elder adults lifestyle is determined by socioeconomic status, occupation, and neighborhood. Materials and methods: The design was cross sectional, correlational and a convenience non probabilistic sampling through digital social networks of known groups was used. One hundred and one older adults were contacted through e-mail, WhatsApp or by known groups (friends, classmates, professors). Data were collected through the QuestionPro digital tool. Lifestyle was measure using the following subscales: physical activity, nutrition, toxicity (tobacco), alcohol, sleep, stress and health control of the FANTASTIC instrument. Neighborhood's walkability was measured by short version of the Neighborhood Environment Walkability Survey, the AMAI index was used to determine the socioeconomic status, and the type of past or present occupation, activities performed and number of people under their command. Descriptive statistics, Cronbach's Alpha, Kolmogorov Smirnov test with Lilliefors correction, and nonparametric statistics were used. Results: As socioeconomic status went up medians of neighborhood walkability increased (p < 0.001). The linear multiple regression model was significant (p < 0.001); socioeconomic status (p = 0.006), and neighborhood (p = 0.005), explained 28% of the lifestyle variance. Conclusions. The study allowed some theoretical confirmation, in that social status, and life opportunities like environment, play an important role on lifestyle choices, in this study represented by socioeconomic status and neighborhood's walkability of elder adults. But results evidence social inequalities of opportunities to keep a healthy lifestyle by elder adults and at the same time it is a challenge for health professionals.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221815


Introduction: Occupational exposure is an important risk factor for lung cancer in never smokers contributing to 10�% of lung cancers. We conducted this study to evaluate the clinico-radiological and pathological profile of occupational lung cancer among patients of Employees State Insurance (ESI) Hospital, a tertiary care center. Materials and methods: This was a cross-sectional observational study conducted over 6 years on patients diagnosed with lung malignancy at ESI Hospital and Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences and Research (PGIMSR), Basai Darapur, New Delhi. The details regarding their clinical history including onset and progress of the disease were interviewed. Also, the details of whole life, past, and present occupational history in a chronological order were recorded for all subjects. Results: Our study included 171 patients with mean age of 58.34 � 11.52 years and 137 (80%) men. About 80.7% of the patients had a smoking history. The most common histological type was adenocarcinoma seen in 35.09%, followed by squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) in 23.39% of patients. About 70.19% (120/171) patients had occupational exposure. The most common exposure was of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) seen in 24.8% cases. Others being silica, diesel fumes, organic dust, metal fumes, etc. Fourteen patients had occupational exposure alone in the absence of smoking. Those with pure occupational exposure in the absence of smoking had a significantly lower mean age compared to the nonexposed group (52.21 � 11.92 vs 58.65 � 13.93, p-value = 0.017). SCC was significantly more common in the exposed group compared to the nonexposed (37/120 vs 3/51, p-value = 0.0004). Conclusion: Occupational exposure was found in 70.19% of patients with lung cancer. The occupational lung cancer manifests at an early age and is more commonly associated with squamous cell lung cancer compared to nonoccupation-related cancer

Univ. salud ; 24(2): 144-153, mayo-ago. 2022. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1377463


Introducción: La depresión es una problemática de salud pública responsable de alta carga de mortalidad, afecta principalmente a jóvenes universitarios. La evidencia sugiere que la participación en actividad física genera beneficios en salud mental. Resulta importante estudiar esta asociación teniendo en cuenta otra serie de factores como variables sociodemográficas y el tipo de carrera universitaria. Objetivo: Estimar la prevalencia de sintomatología depresiva y evaluar si el nivel de actividad física podría ser un factor protector en estudiantes de una universidad con enfoque deportivo. Materiales y métodos: Estudio transversal con muestra representativa de 291 estudiantes. Se aplicó cuestionario Beck II y versión larga del International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). Se realizó análisis univariado y bivariado con razones de prevalencia para depresión, según nivel de actividad física ajustadas mediante modelos de regresión generalizados con vínculo logarítmico de distribución binomial. Resultados: Las prevalencias de síntomas de depresión e inactividad física son respectivamente 27% y 22%. La prevalencia de síntomas de depresión es 46% mayor en quienes no son suficientemente activos (RP: 1,46 IC95%:0,95-2,25). Conclusiones: La prevalencia de síntomas de depresión e inactividad física más bajas comparadas con poblaciones similares, probablemente se relacionan con el enfoque deportivo de la institución.

Introduction: Depression is a public health problem that has a burden of high mortality, mainly affecting the young university student population. The evidence suggests that participation in physical activity generates mental health benefits. It is important to study this association as well as the relationship between depression and sociodemographic variables and university program. Objective: To estimate the prevalence of depressive symptomatology and assess whether physical activity levels can be a Protective factor in university students enrolled in sports programs. Materials and methods: Cross-sectional study with a representative sample of 291 students. The Beck II questionnaire and long version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) were applied. Univariate and bivariate analyses were performed with prevalence ratios for depression, according to the level of physical activity adjusted by generalized regression models with logarithmic link of binomial distribution. Results: The prevalence rates of depression symptoms and physical inactivity were 27% and 22%, respectively. The prevalence of depression symptoms is 46% higher in those who are not sufficiently active (RP: 1.46 IC95%:0.95-2.25). Conclusions: Prevalence of depressive symptoms and physical inactivity were lower compared to similar populations and are probably related to the sport focus of the institution.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Exercício Físico , Saúde Pública , Saúde , Saúde Mental , Depressão , Metabolismo Energético , Movimento
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-217291


Background: Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) is a psychiatric disorder characterized by preoccupa-tion with a perceived flaw(s) in one’s appearance, leads sufferers to engage in repetitive behaviours to try to hide or fix the flaw(s) causing significant distress and interference. BDD is an unrecognized and undiagnosed problem among adolescents. Therefore, conducting a study in the Imphal West will identify the adolescents at risk. The objective of the study is to determine the prevalence of BDD among higher secondary students in Imphal West, Manipur. Methodology: This study was conducted among higher secondary students during Aug 2019 -Feb 2020. Sampling was done by stratified two stage cluster design and self-administered validated Body Image Disturbance Questionnaire was used. Data were summarized using descriptive statistics. Chi-square test was used for comparing proportions. Results: Out of the total 1207 students, 52% were female. Almost 92.2% of the students were concerned about some aspect of their appearance. About 2.6% met the DSM-V criteria for BDD. Females were sig-nificantly dissatisfied with their skin (71.3%), nose (59.3%), hair (34.7%), whereas men with their mus-cle build (54.8%) and eyes (40.3%). Conclusions: The study revealed BDD was prevalent but many individuals were unaware about the condition and its treatment.

Rev. chil. ter. ocup ; 23(1): 125-139, jun. 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1398855


Introdução: Embora atividade, cotidiano e ocupação sejam objetos centrais da Terapia Ocupacional brasileira, a literatura sugere pouca consistência conceitual sobre o assunto. No entanto, as diferentes teorias psicológicas sobre conceitos podem trazer entendimentos diversos sobre esta questão. Objetivo: Investigar a compreensão de estudantes de Terapia Ocupacional sobre os conceitos de atividade, ocupação e cotidiano. Método: Neste estudo qualitativo, 45 estudantes do último ano de um Curso de Graduação em Terapia Ocupacional participaram de um teste de associação de palavras, sendo os resultados submetidos à análise de conteúdo. Resultados: Os participantes relacionaram a atividade mais diretamente com a prática da Terapia Ocupacional, utilizando termos como recurso, instrumento, objetivo, adaptação e análise. À ocupação, associaram-se termos como trabalho, papéis e participação. Para cotidiano, foram frequentes as categorias rotina, dia a dia e organização/repetição. Houve também a citação cruzada dos conceitos e a coocorrência de algumas categorias, como fazer, exemplos de atividades e atividades da vida diária. Discussão: A partir da visão teórica de conceitos, discute-se que atividade, ocupação e cotidiano se inter-relacionam nas redes conceituais dos graduandos, e suas perspectivas indicam uma pluralidade de influências da literatura da Terapia Ocupacional; os achados se aproximam de outras investigações, sugerindo a percepção de sutilezas que relacionam e ao mesmo tempo diferem tais conceitos. Conclusão: Observa-se que há coerência na diferenciação e nas relações entre os conceitos investigados; por outro lado, salienta-se a necessidade de explicitação das diversas conotações que estes conceitos podem assumir diante dos diferentes referenciais teóricos.

Introducción: Aunque actividad, cotidiano y ocupación sean objetos centrales de la Terapia Ocupacional brasileña, la literatura sugiere poca consistencia conceptual sobre el tema. Sin embargo, las diferentes teorías psicológicas sobre conceptos pueden aportar diferentes entendimientos sobre este tema. Objetivo: Investigar la comprensión de estudiantes de Terapia Ocupacional sobre los conceptos de actividad, ocupación y cotidiano. Método: En este estudio cualitativo, 45 estudiantes del último año del curso de Terapia Ocupacional participaron de una prueba de asociación de palabras y los resultados fueron sometidos a análisis de contenido. Resultados: Los participantes relacionaron actividad con la práctica de la Terapia Ocupacional, utilizando términos como recurso, instrumento, objetivo, adaptación y análisis. La ocupación se asoció con términos como trabajo, roles y participación. Para cotidiano fueron frecuentes las categorías rutina, día a día y organización/repetición. También hubo el cruce de conceptos y la coocurrencia de algunas categorías, como hacer, ejemplos de actividades y actividades de la vida diaria. Discusión: Desde la visión teórica de los conceptos, se discute que actividad, ocupación y cotidiano están interrelacionadas en las redes conceptuales de los estudiantes, y sus perspectivas indican una pluralidad de influencias de la literatura; los hallazgos son similares a otras investigaciones, sugiriendo la percepción de sutilezas que relacionan y al mismo tiempo difieren tales conceptos. Conclusión: Se observa que existe coherencia en la diferenciación y en las relaciones entre los conceptos investigados; por otro lado, se enfatiza la necesidad de explicar las distintas connotaciones que estos conceptos pueden asumir frente a diferentes referencias teóricas.

Introduction: Although activity, everyday life and occupation are central objects of the Brazilian Occupational Therapy, there is little conceptual consistency on these themes in the literature. However, different psychological theories about concepts can bring a diversity of understandings on this issue. Aim: To investigate the understanding of Occupational Therapy undergraduates, on the concepts of activity, occupation, and everyday life. Method: In this qualitative study, a word association test was applied to 45 senior undergraduates of an Occupational Therapy course and the results were subjected to content analysis. Results: Participants related activity to Occupational Therapy practice using terms such as resource, instrument, objective, adaptation, and analysis. Occupation was associated with terms such as work, roles, and participation. As for everyday life, the (daily) routine and organization/repetition categories were frequently found. Cross-citation of concepts and co-occurrence of some categories, such as examples of activities, doing, and activities of daily living were also observed. Discussion: From a theoretical view of concepts, this study discusses that activity, occupation, and everyday life are interrelated in the undergraduates' conceptual networks, and their perspectives indicate a plurality of influences from the Occupational Therapy literature. Findings corroborate those reported in other inquiries, suggesting the perception of subtleties that simultaneously associate and differentiate such concepts. Conclusion: There is consistency in the way undergraduates distinguish and relate the concepts investigated; in contrast, the need to explain the different connotations that these concepts can assume according to different theoretical frameworks is highlighted.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto Jovem , Estudantes , Universidades , Atividades Cotidianas , Terapia Ocupacional , Pesquisa Qualitativa
China Occupational Medicine ; (6): 186-190, 2022.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-942633


@#Objective To map the knowledge domain of occupational health research in China. Methods Articles were searched in the China Academic Journal Network Publishing Database using“occupational health”as the subject term. Journal sources were limited to the journals of China Social Science Citation Index and core journals of China and Chinese Science Citation Database. The search period starts in 1992 and ends on November 26,2021. The valid data was visually analyzed using CiteSpace softwere. Results A total of 2 351 papers related to occupational health from 1992 to 2021 were obtained. In the past 30 years,the number of articles with the title of“occupational health”has been on the rise and reached its peak in 2014. China Occupational Medicine,Chinese Journal of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Diseases,and Chinese Journal of Industrial Medicine were the top three journals in terms of number of articles published,which produced 438,339 and 280 articles respectively. Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention and Guangdong Province Hospital for Occupational Disease Prevention and Treatment were the top two organizations in terms of number of articles published,which produced 169 and 116 articles respectively. Occupational medical examination,occupational health surveillance,and occupational health risk assessment were the three hot issues in the field of occupational health research. Conclusions In the past 30 years, occupational health research in China has achieved remarkable progress in terms of article publications and interdisciplinary cooperation,and future work should focus on the academic impact of articles and interdisciplinary research cooperation.

China Occupational Medicine ; (6): 186-190, 2022.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-942634


@#Objective To map the knowledge domain of occupational health research in China. Methods Articles were searched in the China Academic Journal Network Publishing Database using“occupational health”as the subject term. Journal sources were limited to the journals of China Social Science Citation Index and core journals of China and Chinese Science Citation Database. The search period starts in 1992 and ends on November 26,2021. The valid data was visually analyzed using CiteSpace softwere. Results A total of 2 351 papers related to occupational health from 1992 to 2021 were obtained. In the past 30 years,the number of articles with the title of“occupational health”has been on the rise and reached its peak in 2014. China Occupational Medicine,Chinese Journal of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Diseases,and Chinese Journal of Industrial Medicine were the top three journals in terms of number of articles published,which produced 438,339 and 280 articles respectively. Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention and Guangdong Province Hospital for Occupational Disease Prevention and Treatment were the top two organizations in terms of number of articles published,which produced 169 and 116 articles respectively. Occupational medical examination,occupational health surveillance,and occupational health risk assessment were the three hot issues in the field of occupational health research. Conclusions In the past 30 years, occupational health research in China has achieved remarkable progress in terms of article publications and interdisciplinary cooperation,and future work should focus on the academic impact of articles and interdisciplinary research cooperation.

Mundo saúde (Impr.) ; 46: e12842022, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1443095


A maioria das pessoas desenvolvem sintomas leves ou moderados de COVID-19, porém algumas podem desenvolver sintomas graves, o que leva a hospitalizações. O objetivo da pesquisa foi analisar a prevalência de casos confirmados de COVID-19, de hospitalização pela doença em Unidades de Terapia Intensiva e da taxa de ocupação de leitos decorrentes da mesma nessas Unidades no município de Rondonópolis, Mato Grosso. Estudo transversal, descritivo, de abordagem quantitativa, com dados de fontes secundárias dos boletins epidemiológicos de Rondonópolis, Mato Grosso, de junho de 2020 a maio de 2021. Calculou-se, média de casos hospitalizados por mês e taxa de ocupação de leitos em terapia intensiva. Foram incluídos todos os casos notificados com COVID-19 e hospitalizados em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva de hospitais públicos do município. Análises foram realizadas com Software R e realizados teste de aderência de qui-quadrado e correlação de Kendall. Foram notificados 28.443 casos novos de COVID-19 no período estudado, sendo que a maior média dos casos hospitalizados em terapia intensiva na rede pública foi em maio de 2021 (n=51,1) e a taxa de ocupação de leitos foi em setembro de 2020 (129,17%). Em todas as regiões analisadas em comparativo com esse estudo, as UTI's operaram em estado de calamidade com altas taxas de ocupação. Identificou-se a relação do aumento do número de casos com as hospitalizações e taxas de ocupação das Unidades de Terapia Intensiva, achados que indicam a necessidade de controle da COVID-19.

Most people develop mild or moderate symptoms of COVID-19, but some people develop severe symptoms, leading to hospitalizations. The objective of the research was to analyze the prevalence of confirmed cases of COVID-19, hospitalization for this disease in Intensive Care Units, and the occupancy rate of beds resulting from the same in these units in the municipality of Rondonopolis, Mato Grosso. This was a cross-sectional, descriptive study with a quantitative approach, with data from secondary sources of epidemiological bulletins in Rondonopolis, Mato Grosso, from June 2020 to May 2021. The average number of hospitalized cases per month and the occupancy rate of intensive care beds were calculated. All cases reported with COVID-19 and hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit of public hospitals in the municipality were included. Analyses were performed with R Software and the chi-square goodness-of-fit test and Kendall's correlation were performed. A total of 28,443 new cases of COVID-19 were reported during the study period, with the highest average of hospitalizations in the intensive care unit in the public health network was in May 2021 (n=51.1) and the bed occupancy rate was in September 2020 (129.17%). In all regions analyzed in comparison with this study, the ICUs operated in a state of calamity with high occupancy rates. A relationship between the increase in the number of cases and hospitalizations and occupancy rates of Intensive Care Units was identified, which are findings that indicate the need to control COVID-19.

Mediterr J Pharm Pharm Sci ; 2(1): 100-108, 2022. tables
Artigo em Inglês | AIM | ID: biblio-1366192


Petroleum refineries are largest chemical industries that are responsible for emission of several pollutants into the atmosphere. Benzene and its metabolites are regarded as the most hazardous compounds that are emitted by petroleum refineries. These contribute to toxic oxidants, which cause many serious health risks to petroleum refineries workers. This study was aimed to analyze the effects of chemical exposure on hematological and biochemical parameters among workers at Zawia oil refinery and Mellituh oil and gas refinery companies. A total of 200 workers participated in this study which consisting of two equal groups (each group: n = 100). The first group consists of petroleum refineries workers and the second group consists of non-oil work civil servants serving were recruited as exposed and control subjects, respectively. The results of blood picture, liver enzymes and kidney functions were compared between the groups. Mean white blood cells counts, platelet counts, and hematocrit count were significantly higher, while the mean red blood cells count was insignificantly changed in petroleum refineries workers. While the mean hemoglobin and corpuscular hemoglobin concentration levels were significantly lower, whereas the mean corpuscular volume and mean corpuscular hemoglobin levels were insignificantly changed in petrol refineries workers. Liver enzymes and renal functions were significantly higher in petrol refineries workers. The present findings indicate that occupational exposure to benzene causes significant alterations in hematological and biochemical parameters and workers are at high risk of developing blood, hepatic or renal related disorders. Protection and frequent medical attention should be given to petroleum refineries workers.

Petróleo , Exposição Ocupacional , Agentes de Controle Biológico , Fármacos Hematológicos , Benzeno , Substâncias Perigosas
Ibom Medical Journal ; 15(2): 132-140, 2022. tables
Artigo em Inglês | AIM | ID: biblio-1379812


Background: Early initiation of breast feeding and feeding exclusively for six months have great implication for the survival, well-being and growth of new borne. Factors such as maternal age, occupation, religion, spouse age, spouse occupation, parity, antenatal care (ANC) attendance, mode of delivery (MOD) and birth order are significantly associated with exclusive breast feeding (EBF) Methodology: The study is a descriptive cross-sectional study conducted among nursing mothers attending child health clinic in General Hospital Bonny, in Bonny Island, Rivers State, Nigeria. All eligible nursing mother who presented at the clinic were enlisted for the study. Enlistment of eligible participants was done on every child welfare clinic day. Data was collected using a pretested, interviewer administered, structured questionnaire which was adapted and prepared in English Language. Categorical data was analyzed using multinomial logistic regression model with statistical significance set at 0.05. Result: Results from this study identified significant association between EBF and some maternal variables such as age, occupation and religion. Spouse age and occupation were significantly associated with EBF. ANC attendance, gestational age, MOD, parity and birth order were also significant variables associated with EBF. Conclusion: Maternal variables such as age, occupation, religion, parity, MOD, ANC attendance including spouse age and occupation significantly influence EBF of new borne.

Aleitamento Materno , Ocupações , Paridade , Recém-Nascido Pequeno para a Idade Gestacional , Saúde da Criança , Aleitamento Materno Complementado , Mães