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Chinese Journal of Endemiology ; (12): 924-928, 2022.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-991548


Objective:To analyze the epidemiological characteristics, diagnosis and treatment of malaria in the peacekeeping mission area of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), and to evaluate the efficacy of artemisinin based combination therapy (ACT), to provide clinical basis for the diagnosis and treatment of malaria.Methods:The clinical data of malaria-infected peacekeepers admitted to the Chinese Secondary Hospital of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in DRC (MONUSCO) from January 2014 to September 2020 were collected, and the general information, incidence characteristics, treatment and clinical outcomes of the patients were retrospectively analyzed.Results:From January 2014 to September 2020, 362 peacekeepers were hospitalized with malaria, the average annual incidence case was 54 cases per year, and the annual incidence was 9.5/1 000, with a median of 2.5 days (1 - 9 days) from onset to diagnosis. Severe malaria accounted for 7.73% (28/362) and uncomplicated malaria accounted for 92.27% (334/362). The incidence rate was 37.57% (136/362) in the dry season (April to September) and 62.43% (226/362) in the rainy season (October to March of the following year). After ACT antimalarial treatment, all patients were cured clinically. Eight cases recurred and were cured clinically after drug conversion ACT retreatment.Conclusions:In the peacekeeping mission area of DRC, peacekeepers are generally susceptible to malaria. ACT has a high cure rate, safety and efficiency in clinical treatment.

Rev. crim ; 64(2): 143-159, 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1418252


El 24 de noviembre del 2016 se firmó en Bogotá el Acuerdo final para la terminación del conflicto y la construcción de una paz estable y duradera, por el gobierno colombiano y la guerrilla de las Farc-EP. Este acuerdo creó la Jurisdicción Especial para la Paz (JEP) como parte central de un sistema de justicia transicional que privilegia la restauración frente a la retribución tradicional. Asimismo, estableció las sanciones que pueden ser impuestas a los responsables de delitos cometidos en el marco del conflicto armado colombiano y que no implican necesariamente la cárcel, lo que ha dado lugar a un abierto debate social y político. Aquí se analiza la concepción tradicional y los fines de la pena en el Derecho Penal para establecer sus diferencias con las sanciones y fines de la justicia transicional colombiana. Se concluye que este modelo trasciende los límites del Derecho Penal retributivo y ha sido desarrollado por una legislación que respeta la Constitución y los estándares del Derecho Internacional y de los derechos humanos, al tiempo que contribuye al logro de una paz con justicia en Colombia.

On November 24, 2016, the Final Agreement for the Termination of the Conflict and the Construction of a Stable and Lasting Peace, was signed in Bogota by the Colombian government and the Farc-EP (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia-Ejército del Pueblo) guerrillas. This Final Agreement created a SPJ or Special Peace Jurisdiction (J.E.P.), and a transitional justice system that privileges restoration over traditional retribution. It also established the sanctions that can be imposed on those responsible for crimes committed in the context of the Colombian armed conflict, and which do not necessarily involve prison, which has given rise to an open social and political debate. This paper analyses the traditional conception and the purposes of punishment in criminal law to establish its differences with the sanctions and purposes of Colombian transitional justice. It is concluded that this model transcends the limits of retributive criminal law and has been developed by legislation that respects the Constitution and the standards of international law and human rights, while contributing to the achievement of peace with justice in Colombia.

Em 24 de novembro de 2016, o Acordo Final para o Término do Conflito e a Construção de uma Paz Estável e Duradoura foi assinado em Bogotá pelo governo colombiano e pelos guerrilheiros das FARC-EP. Este acordo criou a Jurisdição Especial para a Paz (JEP) como parte central de um sistema de justiça de transição que privilegia a restauração em detrimento da retribuição tradicional. Também estabeleceu as sanções que podem ser impostas aos responsáveis por crimes cometidos no contexto do conflito armado colombiano e que não necessariamente envolvem a prisão, o que deu origem a um debate social e político aberto. Aqui analisamos a concepção tradicional e os objetivos da punição no direito penal a fim de estabelecer como ela difere das sanções e dos objetivos da justiça transicional colombiana. Conclui-se que este modelo transcende os limites do direito penal retributivo e foi desenvolvido por uma legislação que respeita a Constituição e as normas do direito internacional e dos direitos humanos, ao mesmo tempo em que contribui para a conquista da paz com justiça na Colômbia.

Humanos , Direitos Humanos , Colômbia , Direito Penal , Conflitos Armados , Direito Internacional , Jurisprudência
Rev. crim ; 64(3): 39-60, 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1416800


Después de varias décadas de conflicto armado en Colombia, el Gobierno colombiano y las Farc-EP firmaron, en 2016, el Acuerdo Final para la terminación del conflicto y la construcción de una paz estable y duradera. No obstante, este acuerdo no fue refrendado por la ciudadanía, en un plebiscito celebrado ese mismo año. En 2018, ganó las elecciones presidenciales un candidato que prometió cambiar las condiciones del Acuerdos Final y modificar uno de sus principales instrumentos: la Jurisdicción Especial para la Paz (JEP). En ese contexto esta investigación se pregunta: ¿cuál es la opinión de los colombianos sobre el Acuerdo Final y la JEP? La investigación indaga en las opiniones de los colombianos a través de un análisis estadístico comparativo de tres encuestas de opinión de 2016, 2018 y 2020. Los resultados detallan los cambios actitudinales ocurridos en esos años, como la disminución del rechazo frontal a los Acuerdos de Paz y el leve incremento de las posibilidades de reintegración de los excombatientes a la vida civil. También, expone algunas reticencias al cambio, como la desconfianza persistente, la reafirmación del rechazo al indulto de los excombatientes (punitivismo) y a su participación política (ostracismo).

After several decades of armed conflict in Colombia, the Colombian Government and the Farc-EP signed, in 2016, the Final Agreement for the termination of the conflict and the construction of a stable and lasting peace. However, this agreement was not endorsed by the citizenry, in a plebiscite held that same year. In 2018, the presidential elections were won by a candidate who promised to change the conditions of the Final Agreement and to modify one of its main instruments: the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP). In this context, this research asks: what is the opinion of Colombians on the Final Agreement and the SJP? The research inquiries into the opinions of Colombians through a comparative statistical analysis of three opinion polls from 2016, 2018 and 2020. The results detail the attitudinal changes that occurred in those years, such as the decrease in the frontal rejection of the Peace Accords and the slight increase in the possibilities of reintegration of ex-combatants to civilian life. It also exposes some reluctance to change, such as persistent distrust, the reaffirmation of the rejection of pardoning ex-combatants (punitivism) and their political participation (ostracism).

Após várias décadas de conflito armado na Colômbia, o governo colombiano e as FARC-EP assinaram, em 2016, o Acordo Final para o fim do conflito e a construção de uma paz estável e duradoura. Entretanto, este acordo não foi endossado pelos cidadãos em um plebiscito realizado no mesmo ano. Em 2018, as eleições presidenciais foram ganhas por um candidato que prometeu mudar as condições do Acordo Final e modificar um de seus principais instrumentos: a Jurisdição Especial para a Paz (JEP). Neste contexto, esta pesquisa pergunta: qual é a opinião dos colombianos sobre o Acordo Final e o SJP? A pesquisa investiga as opiniões dos colombianos através de uma análise estatística comparativa de três pesquisas de opinião de 2016, 2018 e 2020. Os resultados detalham as mudanças de atitude que ocorreram nesses anos, tais como a diminuição da rejeição direta dos Acordos de Paz e o leve aumento das possibilidades de reintegração de ex-combatentes na vida civil. Também expõe alguma relutância em mudar, como a desconfiança persistente, a reafirmação da rejeição do perdão de ex-combatentes (punitivismo) e de sua participação política (ostracismo).

Humanos , Opinião Pública , Conflitos Armados , Colômbia , Perdão , Direitos Humanos
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-882216


This article summarizes the strategy and effects of preventing and controlling the epidemic in the evacuation support of the aero medical evacuation team of the 7th peacekeeping medical contingent of China to Mali, to actively respond to the coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19 )epidemic based on existing medical conditions and further provide scientific evidence for guaranteeing military medical service in public health emergencies.

Entramado ; 15(2): 66-77, July-Dec. 2019. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1090226


Resumen Este artículo analiza la incorporación de la Resolución 1325 del Consejo de Seguridad de Naciones Unidas y sus Resoluciones Complementarias -las que conforman la Agenda Mujeres, Paz y Seguridad- en las Resoluciones que crearon las Operaciones de Mantenimiento de la Paz desde el año 2000 en adelante, que justamente son creadas por el mismo Organismo. Teóricamente, se proponen tres estadios de análisis: la mujer como sujeto de protección, la mujer como sujeto de pacificación y la promoción de la perspectiva de género, basándose en el contenido de la Agenda Mujeres, Paz y Seguridad. Tales estadios se aplican en las Resoluciones seleccionadas por medio de un análisis de texto. Las conclusiones evidencian falencias en la incorporación de la Resolución 1325 y sus Resoluciones Complementarias, instrumentos promovidos desde el propio Consejo de Seguridad de Naciones Unidas, junto con mostrar la existencia de una variabilidad en la forma como se incorporaron estos estadios de análisis en la selección de casos.

Abstract This article analyzes the incorporation of Resolution 1325 of the United Nations Security Council and it's Complementary Resolutions -that compose the Women, Peace, and Security Agenda- in the Resolutions that have created the Peacekeeping Operations from the year 2000 onwards, which are just created by the same Organization. Theoretically three concepts of analysis are proposed: the woman as subject of protection, the woman as subject of pacification, and the promotion of the gender perspective, based on the content of the Women, Peace, and Security Agenda. Such concepts are applied in the Resolutions selected by means of a text analysis. The conclusions show weaknesses in the incorporation of Resolution 1325 and it's Complementary Resolutions, instruments promoted by the United Nations Security Council itself, together with the existence of variability in the way in which these stages of analysis were incorporated into the selection of cases.

Resumo Este artigo analisa a incorporação da Resolução 1325 do Conselho de Segurança das Nações Unidas e suas Resoluções Complementares - as que compõem a Agenda de Mulheres, Paz e Segurança- nas Resoluções que criaram as Operações da Manutenção da Paz a partir do ano 2000, que são criados apenas pela mesma agência. Teoricamente, três etapas de análise são propostas: a mulher como sujeito de proteção, a mulher como sujeito de pacificação e a promoção da perspectiva de gênero, com base no conteúdo da Agenda da Mulher de Paz e Segurança. Tais estágios são aplicados nas Resoluções selecionadas por meio de uma análise de texto. As conclusões mostram fragilidade na incorporação da Resolução 1325 e suas Resoluções Complementares, nos instrumentos promovidos pelo próprio Conselho de Segurança das Nações Unidas, além de mostrar a existência de uma variabilidade na forma como essas etapas de analise foram Incorporadas Na Seleção De Casos.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-777977


Objective To analyze the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of acute upper respiratory infection of patients in peace-keeping operations area in Mali, so as to provide experiences for prevention and control of acute upper respiratory infection. Methods A retrospective analysis was made on the case history of upper respiratory tract infection from January 2014 to December 2017. The clinical data of the patients were recorded and the collected data were analyzed by descriptive epidemiological method. Results A total of 484 patients met the inclusion criteria. According to the time distribution, most patients with upper respiratory tract infections were concentrated in May, August, September and December. WBC in fever group were higher than those in normal temperature group (t=3.41, P=0.008), Gran in fever group were higher than those in normal temperature group (t=3.92, P0.05). The electrolyte K, Ca, Na and Cl values in fever group were lower than those in normal temperature group (all P<0.05). Conclusions In terms of time distribution, under the circumstances of rotation and handover of peacekeeping forces, seasonal change, large temperature difference between day and night, etc, the peacekeeping forces should take precautions to reduce the incidence of upper respiratory tract infections and avoid non-combat attrition of peacekeepers. From the analysis of clinical characteristics of upper respiratory tract infection, fever alone is not an indication of antibiotic use, but must be combined with symptoms, signs and laboratory examinations of patients. At the same time, patients with fever are prone to electrolyte disorders, which should be paid great attention by medical staff.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-699948


Objective To analyze the importance of medical equipment management of China's level Ⅱhospital in peacekeeping mission area,and to put forward management measures.Methods A series of medical equipment management institutions was developed with considerations on peacekeeping mission and the characteristics of peacekeeping mission area, so that medical equipment inspection, repair and maintenance could be executed continuously. Results The medical equipment was improved in the intact rate and service life, so that the level Ⅱ hospital passed equipment inspection. Conclusion Medical equipment management contributes to fulfilling peacekeeping mission greatly.

China Pharmacy ; (12): 1375-1378, 2017.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-515367


OBJECTIVE:To improve the drug comprehensive management level of peacekeeping medical team,achieve dynam-ic management of drug information and network. METHODS:The design and development of drug management system of peace-keeping medical team were introduced in terms of overall system architecture,technical routes,system function design,etc.,and the application effect was evaluated. RESULTS:The system was designed by referencing military hospital No.1 drug management system,adopting C/S two-tier architecture,which included system settings,drug dictionary management,inventory management and other 8 modules and numbers of sub-modules. It achieved drug getting out and entering warehouse,supplying maintenance man-agement,prescription dispensing,drug withdrawal and inquiries,expendable drug monitoring,rotation transfer export data,the whole English electronic medical instruments generation,data query statistics,timely query of drugs and disease diagnosis knowl-edge base and other functions. The application of system standardized drug management and significantly improved working efficien-cy of physicians and pharmacists. CONCLUSIONS:The application of the system promotes the transform of drug management from extensive management model to elaborating management model,and the data is safe and easy to operate.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-606038


A medical information service platform for international peacekeeping was designed according to the in-formation needs of medical team, laws, publications and websites in relation with international peacekeeping, which can meet the information needs of peacekeeping officers and soldiers. Literature and information resources will be richened and perfected on the platform in the coming days in order to meet the different and personal infor-mation needs of peacekeeping officers and soldiers.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-606071


Objective To investigate the relationship between the Plasmodium malaria titre with the body temperature and prog-nosis to provide a theoretical basis for malaria diagnosis and missed diagnosis.Methods Ninety-three malaria test positive speci-mens were collected and simultaneously performed the plasmodium test by using the colloidal gold immune chromatography assay and thick film blood slide.The body temperature of malaria patients was recorded ,and the malaria test was conducted once when the body temperature was increased by 1 ℃ until positive for malaria detection.Results In 93 tested specimens ,the infection rate of Chinese was 56.98% (53/93) ,and which of foreigners was 43.01% (40/93) ,the difference between Chinese and foreigners malaria infection groups had no statistical significance ,showing that malaria infection had no relationship with race.Among 93 specimens , the initial malaria infection was in 48 cases ,including 47 Chinese and 1 foreigner ,and 45 cases had twice or more malaria infection , in which 33 cases had the titers of 1:10 ,with the recurrence rate of 0.09% (3/33) and the re-burning rate was 0.27% (9/33). The titer of 1:20 had 28 cases ,with the recurrence rate 0.04% (1/28) ,and the burning rate 0.21% (6/28).Titer of 1:30 was 19 people ,with the recurrence rate 0.16% (3/19) and the burning rate 0.37% (7/19).The titer of 1:40 was 13 people ,with the re-currence rate 0.15% (2/13) ,and the re-burning rate of 0.38% (5/13) ,there was no statistically significant difference between the number of recurrent and re-burning patients with the titre(χ2 =2.5 ,P>0.05 ;χ2 =1.96 ,P>0.05).Conclusion There is a positive correlation between malaria with the titer and temperature.The titer is elevated ,and the probability of recurrence and re-buring is increased.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 810-813, 2017.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-611366


The particularity and complexity of medical support in the United Nations peacekeeping operations bring various ethical problems to medical staff of the second-grade peacekeeping hospitals during their work.This paper analyzed the ethical dilemma in terms of the relevant provisions of the United Nations,the medical humanitarianism principle,lack of medical resources and the principle of fairness,emergency treatment and informed consent,cultural differences and the principle of optimal health,occupational protection requirements and respect to the human rights.In addition,it discussed the countermeasures from personnel selection,the laws and regulations,the training of medical norms and foreign customs,the concept of “patient-centered”,and the humanitarian treatment,providing a theoretical basis for solving the problems of medical support in peacekeeping operations.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 802-804,809, 2017.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-611432


In the peacekeeping operations of the United Nations,medical personnel need to have clear legal compliance to solve the ethical problems encountered.The existing laws and regulations are impractical with a nar row cover,which can't meet the actual requirements.Based on the literatures and practical examples,this paper discussed the medical ethical problems involved in peacekeeping operations using the three-step method (empirical investigation,comparative analysis and summarization),and provided suggestions and countermeasures to the construction of medical ethics in peacekeeping medical support.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-470617


Objective To explore the effects of military stress on memory function in battlefield environment confined intensive training of peace-keeping soldiers.Methods 41 peace-keeping soldiers were chosen as the research objects.They were tested the memory function,respectively after they trained intensely in the domestic and in Sudan for five months.The memory function included verbal memory:WHO-UCLA auditory verbal learning test (immediate recall,the insert test,the short time delay memories,long delayed recall,long delayed recognition,visual memory) using the Rey Ostereitb Complex Figure (graphics copy and graphic delayed recall).Results The peace-keeping soldiers got lower scores in the insert tested(4.59±2.03) and graphics copy(35.85± 0.36) than in the domestic (4.85 ± 2.21,35.71 ± 0.46,P> 0.05),but there was no significant difference.They got lower scores in the immediate recall (41.68±9.87),the short time delay memories (9.27±2.77),long delayed recall (9.12±2.99),long delayed recognition (27.56± 1.70),and graphic delayed recall (16.90± 6.16) than those in the domestic(51.68±8.63,11.73±2.15,12.24± 1.96,29.00± 1.43,23.15±7.16,P<0.01),and the difference was statistically significant.Conclusion The peace-keeping soldiers battlefield environment stress has a certain effect on the soldiers' memory function.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-839192


Objective To understand the status quo of pre-deployment training for PLA peacekeeping medical unit and to propose suggestion for improvement. Methods Questionnaire survey, spot investigation and seminars were used in this study. The participants included those who had attended the pre-deployment training for PLA peacekeeping medical unit from five military area commands, namely, Shenyang, Beijing, Lanzhou, Chengdu, and Jinan, and the international military medical students in Second Military Medical Universitiy. Microsoft Excel and SPSS 21.0 were used for data processing and analysis. Results PLA commands of different levels all attached great importance to peacekeeping health service, and the candidates for peacekeeping were of high quality, but their English communication ability needed improvement. Pre-deployment training was carried out by different units themselves, with poor training facilities, lack of experienced teachers, text books, and scientific test evaluation system. Conclusion More attention is needed on English communication training for PLA peacekeeping medical unit. A training base for PLA peacekeeping mission should be established, and the training should be carried out by a third party in a standard and intensive manner.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-839193


Objective To analyze the organization and management of pre-deployment training of peacekeeping medical units of PLA, so as to put forward suggestions for improvement. Methods Literature review, seminar(four sessions), and questionnaire survey were used in this study. A total of 260 questionnaires were sent out and 231 effective ones were collected, with an effective rate of 88.85%. The management mode, management regulation, training period, training site and standardization of training were investigated and analyzed. Results The PLA peacekeeping medical units needed a more standard organization and management system, a unified training period (now it ranging from 30 to 90 days), a better training condition, and standardized operation for pre-deployment training. Conclusion A more specific organization and management system is needed for pre-deployment training of PLA peacekeeping medical units. We should establish a training base for PLA peacekeeping troop and unified health service training should be practiced.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-839194


Objective To know about the pre-deployment training curriculum of PLA peacekeeping medical units. Methods Methods including questionnaire survey, spot investigation and seminars were used to collect the information of pre-deployment training curriculum from 260 peacekeepers (from 5 military area commands) and 14 international students from Second Military Medical University; their attitudes toward the curriculums were also collected. Microsoft Excel software, SPSS18.0 and Likert statistical method were used to process the collected data. Results The 9 most popular courses included related knowledge, laws and regulations, and principles of battlefield wound first-aid, etc; the most recognized courses included oral English, related knowledge, and laws and regulations; and courses like water and electricity support had a comparatively lower recognition level. Conclusion More efforts should be made on constructing modularized courses, practicing individualying training, intensifying language training and developing novel teaching mode pre-deployment training curriculums for PLA peacekeeping medical unit.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-839195


Objective To investigate the current situation of evaluation of the training test for pre-deployment training of PLA peacekeeping medical team, and to propose improving suggestions. Methods The related data were collected by literature review, seminar (four sessions), spot investigation, and questionnaire survey in this study. Kirkpatrick Mode was used as a guide to analyze the satisfaction degree of response, learning, and behavior-and-result layers and the implementation institutions. Based on the actual evaluation work, the current situation of the training test was analyzed. Results The overall response to the satisfaction degree was good. Problems mainly included poor English communication, ignorance of the profession basics, improvement of real combat thinking and imperfect quantification of the evaluation. The evaluation of training test for pre-deployment training of PLA peacekeeping medical team has not been standardized, which led to unclear evaluation outcome. Conclusion We suggest establishment of a standard index system for test evaluation of pre-deployment training of PLA peacekeeping medical unit.

Military Medical Sciences ; (12): 14-16, 2014.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-443661


Systematic analysis was used to analyze the medical evacuation systems for UN peacekeeping operations , in-volving the core of the system-people oriented , the element-medical personnel , aero evacuation equipment and communica-tion network, the structure-commanding level and operational level , the cure of injury,quick mobility and commanding in-teraction, and administrovtive inefficiency indistinct terms of responsibility .Furthermore, several proposals on the transfor-mation of native medical evacuation system are presented .

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-431317


Objective To explore the correlation between mental health and social support of the seven countries peacekeeping soldiers,and provide theoretical guidance for the peacekeeping soldiers to improve the mental health status.Methods Through random cluster sampling,1143 peacekeeping soldiers were investigated with Chinese Military Mental Health Scale (CMMHS) and Social Support Scale (SSS).Results The total score of CMMHS and depression factor((61.06 ± 3.99),(10.11 ± 1.67)) of the suicidal ideation peacekeeping soldiers were significantly higher than the no-suicidal ideation peacekeeping soldiers ((59.97 ± 3.73),(8.97 ± 1.81))(P < 0.05),CMMHS total score and each factors of the seven countries peacekeeping soldiers were significantly higher than the Chinese soldiers norms (P < 0.05),and the total scores ((28.50 ± 1.69)) of the social support of the suicide idea peacekeeping soldiers was lower than the no-suicidal ideation peacekeeping soldiers ((28.92 ±1.78)) (P<0.05).The obsessive-compulsive factor,anxiety factor,depression factor,phobic anxiety factor,somatization factor,neurastheria factor and interpersonal sensitivity factor of CMMHS were the risk factors arise the mental diseases of the peacekeeping soldiers,especially the depression factor(OR =27.00,x2 =439.46,P < 0.05).The CMMHS total score and each factors had obvious negative correlation with social support scores(r =-0.199 ~0.434,P < 0.05).Analysis of multiple stepwise back displayed that the age,gender,education and social support were main factors of influencing mental health of the seven-country peacekeeping soldiers (age:t =2.428,educational level:t =-3.310,social support:t =1.990,P =0.047 ~ 0.01).Conclusion The suicidal ideation has close relationship with peacekeeping soldiers' psychological disease,and the mental health of the peacekeeping soldiers is influenced by the age,gender,education level,and especially by social support.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-596168


OBJECTIVE To improve efficiency of hospital infection administration and take strict precautions against medical malpractice in Chinese level Ⅱ hospital of UN Peacekeeping Army in Lebanon.METHODS The current situations of its hospital infection administration were enumerated,compared and analyzed,and corresponding measures of administration were suggested.RESULTS Under the influence of characters of medical missions during peacekeeping,the hospital infection administration presented the problems that patients and disease spectra were diversified,the rate of hospital infection was influenced by peacekeeping mission,the positive rate of HIV was high,medical workers protection awareness was lagged behind,and the disposition of hospital was illegitimate;many measures should be taken to enhance the administration level.CONCLUSIONS In order to well develop the hospital infection administration in Chinese level Ⅱ hospital of UN Peacekeeping Army in Lebanon,we should reform and improve the system of hospital infection administration,and establish an effective and systematic prevention system of hospital infection.